Early Church Fathers ![]() ![]() |
2 See 1 Tim. iii. 15, where these terms are used in reference to the Church.
3 On this and similar statements in the Fathers, the reader may consult Dr. Roberts's Discussions on the Gospels, in which they are fully criticised, and the Greek original of St. Matthew's Gospel maintained.
5 This is Harvey's rendering of the old Latin, in illo qui contra disputat.
6 The Latin text of this difficult but important clause is, "Ad hanc enim ecclesiam propter potiorem principalitatem necesse est omnem convenire ecclesiam." Both the text and meaning have here given rise to much discussion. It is impossible to say with certainty of what words in the Greek original "potiorem principalitatem" may be the translation. We are far from sure that the rendering given above is correct, but we have been unable to think of anything better. [A most extraordinary confession. It would be hard to find a worse; but take the following from a candid Roman Catholic, which is better and more literal: "For to this Church, on account of more potent principality, it is necessary that every Church (that is, those who are on every side faithful) resort; in which Church ever, by those who are on every side, has been preserved that tradition which is from the apostles." (Berington and Kirk, vol. i. p. 252.) Here it is obvious that the faith was kept at Rome, by those who resort there from all quarters. She was a mirror of the Catholic World, owing here orthodoxy to them; not the Sun, dispensing her own light to others, but the glass bringing their rays into a focus. See note at end of book iii.] A discussion of the subject may be seen in chap. xii. of Dr. Wordsworth's St. Hippolytus and the Church of Rome.
7 Polycarp suffered about the year 167, in the reign of Marcus Aurelius. His great age of eighty-six years implies that he was contemporary with St. John for nearly twenty years.
8 So the Greek. The Latin reads: "which he also handed down to the Church."
10 ianwtath. Harvey translates this all-sufficient, and thus paraphrases: But his Epistle is all-sufficient, to teach those that are desirous to learn.
12 Latin, "modica quaestione."
13 [The uneducated barbarians must receive the Gospel on testimony. Irenaeus puts apostolic traditions, genuine and uncorrupt, in this relation to the primary authority of the written word. 2 Thess. ii. 15, iii. 6.]
14 Literally, "without letters;" equivalent to, "without paper and ink," a few lines previously.
15 The old Latin translation says the eighth bishop; but there is no discrepancy. Eusebius, who has preserved the Greek of this passage, probably counted the apostles as the first step in the episcopal succession. As Irenaeus tells us in the preceding chapter, Linus is to be counted as the first bishop.
16 It is thought that this does not mean excommunication properly so called, but a species of self-excommunication, i.e., anticipating the sentence of the Church, by quitting it altogether. See Valesius's note in his edition of Eusebius.
36 These words are an interpolation: it is supposed they have been carelessly repeated from the preceding quotation of Isaiah.
39 Literally, "In both houghs," in ambabus suffraginibus.
40 The old Latin translation has, "Si unus est Dominus Deus"-If the Lord God is one; which is supposed by the critics to have occurred through carelessness of the translator.
42 The Latin version has, "that answereth to-day" (hodie),-an evident error for igne.
52 This is according to the reading of the old Italic version, for it is not so read in any of our existing manuscripts of the Greek New Testament.
54 This world is not found in the second quotation of this passage immediatley following.
55 This world is not found in the second quotation of this passage immediatley following.