Early Church Fathers ![]() ![]() |
252 en pasi toij spoudaioij kai arxaioij antigrafoij. This passage is interesting, as showing how very soon the autographs of the New Testament must have perished, and various readings crept into the mss.MSS; . of the canonical books.
253 That is, C into EI, according to Harvey, who considers the whole of this clause as an evident interpolation. It does not occur in the Greek here preserved by Eusebius (Hist. Eccl., v. 8).
257 Rev. vii. 5-7. [The Danites (though not all) corrupted the Hebrew church and the Levitical priesthood, by image-worship, (Judg. xviii.), and forfeited the blessings of the old covenant.]
258 [A very pregnant passage, as has often been noted. But let us imitate the pious reticence with which this section concludes.]
259 Massuet here quotes Cicero and Ovid in proof of the sun being termed Titan. The Titans waged war against the gods, to avenge themselves upon Saturn.
262 See the note, book iii. xx. 4.
271 The five following chapters were omitted in the earlier editions, but added by Feuardentius. Most mss.MSS; ., too, did not contain them. It is probable that the scribes of the middle ages rejected them on account of their inculcating millenarian notions, which had been long extinct in the Church. Quotations from these five chapters have been collected by Harvey from Syriac and Armenian mss.MSS; . lately come to light.
272 Or, "gradually to comprehend God."
276 Acts. vii. 5; Heb. xi. 13.
287 Matt. xix. 29; Luke xviii. 29, 30.
293 From this to the end of the section there is an Armenian version extant, to be found in the Spicil. Solesm. i. p. 1, edited by M. Pitra, Paris 1852, and which was taken by him from an Armenian ms. . in the Mechitarist Library at Venice, described as being of the twelfth century.
294 This word "true" is not found in the Armenian.
295 Or, following Arm. vers., "But if any one shall lay hold of an holy cluster."
296 The Arm. vers. is here followed; the old Latin reads, "Et reliqua autem poma."