15 lit. "tie the feet of."
16 or, "unpleasing."
17 kra/zein.
18 filosofi/an.
1 al. "touch."
2 kaqei=nai.
3 i.e. the new Birth.
4 i.e. how is this connected with what has gone before?
5 to\ pa=n.
6 i.e. of the Passion.
7 i.e. the Crucifixion.
8 nohtou=.
9 qhri/wn.
10 e0ggu\j tou= tu/pou.
11 al. "clearly and openly."
12 a0nuparcia\n.
13 pa/lin.
14 lit. "sweetly."
15 u9po/qesin.
16 al. "the hungry."
1 [ei0j to\n ko/smon, G. T.]
2 i##na swqh= o9 ko/smoj di' au0tou=, G. T.
3 0ta\ h9me/tera.
4 ai0w=aj.
5 or, "laver."
6 mustagwgi/an.
7 Morel. "he then will be more severely punished who has sinned after grace."
8 proqesmi/an a0pologi0aj.
9 th=| doch= au0tou=. G. T.
10 ei9j au0to\n, G. T.
11 or, "condemned," E. V.
12 lit. "walls off."
13 Morel. "therefore they fled to their own hurt."
14 lit "flaccid."
15 e0piskw/ptwn.
16 e0n filosofi/a|.
17 filosofou=nta.
18 al. "doctrine."
19 paresaleu/qhsan.
20 al. "shifted themselves."
21 u/pogra/yaj. al. e0pigra/yaj.
22 or, "glory."
23 or, "thou sayest."
24 or, "glory."
25 i.e. his one great object.
26 kri/nesqai.
27 parufe/sthke.
28 ko/ptesqai.
