60 Questions Muslims Don't Like To Be Asked!
What makes Abu get mad? (keep reading to find out) |
Islam: Truth or Myth? start page |
Asking Questions of Information Control Cults.
The Islamic religion is an information control cult
, like Catholics, Jehovah's Witnesses and International Churches of Christ. Information control cults usually have cute terms to describe materials that are hostile to their religion. The buzzword for Catholics is "Protestant teaching". The buzzword for Jehovah's Witnesses is "Babylon teaching" or "apostate materials" and for ICOC, the term is "spiritual pornography". You will notice that each of the cults below make statements that are basically identical. All false religions react negatively when basic common sense questions are asked of them and Islam is no exception.
Cult |
How they view questioning of their religion: |
Jehovah's Witnesses |
International Church of Christ (ICOC) |
Islam |
Islam is an information control cult!
Although in the Westerm world, Islam cannot enable their information control as they do in Muslim controlled countries, there is still significant misinformation that Muslims believe about the Bible and Christianity. As you can see from the three quotes above, Muslims are forbidden to question Islamic faith, and are expected to accept its truthfulness blindly without investigation. Muhammad understood that information was the main enemy of his newly invented religion. In many Muslim controlled nations, for example, young men are paid to learn NOTHING but the Koran to the exclusion of science and history and current world events. They are told this is all they need, but in reality they are brainwashed and basic world information is deliberately withheld from them.
Although Muslims in the Western world will claim Islam is an open religion, the fact remains that they contradict the actions of their brethren in Muslim controlled nations. In other words, actions speak louder than words! Remember, if Islam is such an open religion, why are Christians harassed and murdered in all countries where Muslims are in control of the civil governments.
Muhammad, in our opinion, spoke truth when he described the first reaction people had to his new religion: |
"This [Islam] is nothing but a lie which he [Muhammad] has forged, and other have helped him do it... Fairy tales of the ancients, which he has caused to be written; and they are dictated before him morning and evening." (Surah 25:4-5) |
Even Yusuf Ali, a translator of the Koran into English makes this comment: |
"In their misguided arrogance they say, 'We have heard such things before: they are pretty tales which have come down from ancient times: they are good for amusement, but who takes them seriously? The answer is that the Qur'an teaches spiritual knowledge of what is ordinarily hidden from men's sight, and such knowledge can only come from God to Whom alone is known the Mystery of the whole Creation.'" [3058-9] |
The 60 most dangerous Questions for Muslims to hear:
Abu gets mad if you ask too many questions! Muhammad said: "Allah has hated you for asking too many questions.""The Prophet then got angry and his cheeks and face became red."Bukhari's Hadith |
60 Questions to ask Muslims
-Pick one or two questions.
-Be very kind in your tone.
-Be patient for their answer.
-Do not condescend.
-Pray for them to see the truth.
Written by
Brother AndrewThe 45 Bonus Questions for Muslims:
by Robert Morey
The outline below contains the very answers to the very questions Muhammad did not want his followers to know, namely that Islam is a sanitized version of ancient polytheistic moon worship which he invented to exercise military control.
Written by
Brother Andrew