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Kennicott, 17.
Khair Khah Hind, 35.
Kitâb-i-Istifsâr, Book of Questions, 89 et seq., 96.

LEE, Dr., 7, 11 et seq., 17, 19, 50.
Life of Mohammed, W. Irving's, 67 ; Tract Society's, 68 et seq. ; Urdoo, 7 2.
LIGHT of Mahomet, viii., 77, 79.
Liturgies, effect of, on the people, 155.
Liturgy, mystical, 162 ; Indian, ix., 156 et seq.
Locke, 17.
Lord's Prayer confined to the Faithful in early Church, 161.

Mahomet, his relations towards Christianity and Judaism, 129 et seq., 144.
Martyn, Henry, 6, 7, 9 et seq.
Mathâni (reiterated passages), 105.
Maulûd, Sharif, 76 et seq., 86, 119.
Mehdie, Caliph, 147.
Mifâh-ul-Asrâr, 20, 22 et seq., 54.
Mizân-ul-Haqq, 13, 18, 20 et seq., 30, 32, 54 90.
Mofaddhal, 147.
Mohammedanism Unveiled, 42 et seq.
Monophysites and Orthodox, use of St. James's liturgy by both, 174 et seq., 181, 184.
Mujâhid, 131.
Mujtahid of Lucknow, 31, 52.

Muslim, his collection, 118.
Mûtta, battle of, 75.

NESTORIAN liturgy, 180.
Nile, liturgy of, 157.

OMAR, 135.
Omar 77. collects written traditions, 114.
Oral tradition, 112, 114, 116.
Oriental liturgy, 179.
Orwa, 124.
Othman, 139.

PALEY, 51.
Palmer on primitive liturgies, 172 et seq.
Paniput, tribal tradition there, 137.
Paper, material of, test of antiquity, 113.
Penitents, 163 et seq.
Pfander, vii., 13, 20, 32 et seq., 36, 52 et seq., 63, 67, 92, 94, 96 et seq.
Poets, early, 145.

Psalms, American selections, 205.
  „  Jewish use of, 202.
  „  Minatory, 210.
  „  Tables of proper and selected, 214.

Rehmat Ali, 33.
Rhapsodists, 141.
Roman liturgy, 179.
Ruza, Mahommed, 9, 10 et seq.

ST. JAMES'S liturgy, 174 ; traced upwards, 177.
St. Mark's liturgy, 157.
Saulat uz Zaigham, 14, 23, 25, 37, 40, 50.
Schedule of liturgies, 180.
Shâfi, 117, 120.
Shiea collectors, 118.
Soyuty, 133.
Sprenger, viii., 66, 88, 103, 148.
Sûfies, 151.
Sumner, 51.
Sunna, viii., 104, 106 et seq., 127.
Syuds, the, 134.

TABARI, 132.
Tarîq-ul-Hyât, 20, 27 et seq.
Thalabi, 132.
Thomason, Rev. Mr., 6.
Tirmidzy, 118.
"Tree of Life," Pfander's, 31.
Tribal nobility, 136, 138.

URDOO liturgy, 192.

WÂCKIDI, 66, 70, 71, 115, 119, 125 et seq., 144, 151.
Wâckidi, pseudo, 121.
Waddington, 3.
Wahâbies, 73.
Washington Irving, vii., 67 et seq.
Weil, 66, 69.
Wilson, 39.
Wolff, Joseph, 53.
Written tradition, oral preferred to, 114.

XAVIER, 7, 8, 9.

ZEID'S Coran, 105, 129, 131.
Zohri, 125.


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