6 Day Creation and the Bible
If a fair maiden kisses a frog which instantly changes into a handsome prince we would call it a fairy tale. But if the frog takes 40 million years to turn into a prince we call it evolution. |
Bible-Skeptic Converter Video Lectures!
Video clips |
Did you know that the Bible clearly teaches that the earth is less than 10,000 years old? |
Did you know that science clearly evidences that the earth is thousands and not millions of years old? |
Scientific evidence makes a believer out of atheist!
The Bible and Six (24-hour) day Creation
When God created the heavens and the earth in 6 literal 24 hour days...He was taking his time! |
Atheist refuted |
Various ministries who reject the Bible's age of the earth
"Does God Exist" ministry of John Clayton renounced.
Hugh Ross ministry renounced!
The Pope and Evolution! Recent pronouncements!
Ask the Creationist!
Geologist, Dr. Don Patton, Ph. D. Ask the Creation Scientist Ask Geologist, Dr. Don Patton, Ph. D. Your science question. He is a young earth creation scientist! |
For Further Research
Top Rated Books & videos you can buy to defeat your evolutionist professor!
The Religion of Evolution:
Official name of the Evolutionist's Religion... |
The Evolutionist's Prophet... |
The Evolutionist's Infallible Book (Bible)... |
The Evolutionist's Statement of faith.... |
The Evolutionist's Church, Temple... |
The Evolutionist's Priests... |
The Evolutionist's Evangelistic Medium... |
The Evolutionist's "Church Treasury"... |
The Evolutionist's Divine being... |
The Evolutionist's view of where we came from: |
The Evolutionist's purpose of life and where we are going |
Avoiding worldly & empty chatter and the opposing arguments of what is falsely called "science" 1 Timothy 6:20