
Malachite Man
Fossil remains from at least 10 perfectly modern humans (5 males, 4 females, 1 infant) have been excavated fifty feet down from the surface, within the Dakota Sandstone, the same formation found at Dinosaur National Monument, famous for its dinosaurs.
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Fossilized Hammer
This unique iron hammer with partially coalified wooden handle was found in Lower Cretaceous Limestone, supposedly 140 million years old (the time of the dinosaurs). According to evolutionary theory, this hammer must have been made by dinosaurs.
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Fossilized Human Finger
This amazing fossil was found along the banks of the Paluxy River, famous for its dinosaur and human tracks. The dramatic three-dimensional shape is unmistakable. (Many three-dimension fossils are found near by.) This fossil has been carefully analyzed, x-rayed, CT-scanned and found perfectly consistent with a human finger.
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Fossilized Hand Print
This fossil which corresponds perfectly to a human handprint shows astounding detail. Even the print of the thumb nail can be seen. It is found in the Glen Rose limestone which is designated as Middle Cretaceous, supposedly 110 million years old and contemporary with the dinosaurs!
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