Trinity is not Pagan Origin

Trinity is not borrowed from the pagans!
(You have been lied to!)
Six reasons why trinity is not pagan
scholars, secular encyclopedias and Trinitarians never say trinity is of
pagan origin and openly deny such.
Witnesses are Polytheists
Atheists, Christianity Trashers, Jews, Muslims and anti-Trinitarians, say
trinity is of pagan origin.
parallels are far broader than Trinity or angel-Christology doctrine.
Christians recognized parallels.
Martyr wrote in 150 AD on similarities between paganism and Christianity.
& Greek influence on Christianity as a whole, including both
Trinitarians and Anti-Trinitarians!
9. Pagan, Platonic
& Greek influence on JW's and Christadelphians Theology.

Reputable scholars,
secular encyclopedias and Trinitarians never say trinity is of pagan origin
and openly deny such.
- First, it is important to note that the doctrine of the Trinity
does not go back to non-Christian sources [pagan], as has sometimes been
supposed in the past.
[ie. by Jehovah's Witnesses etc.] There has been no lack of
attempts to find the initial form of the doctrine of the Trinity in Plato,
or in Hinduism, or in Parsiism. All such attempts may be regarded today as
having floundered.
[but Jehovah's Witnesses continue to do so in utter deception] It is another
question, of course, whether or not the church, in developing the doctrine
of the Trinity, had recourse to certain thought forms already present in the
philosophical and religious environment, in order that, with the help of
these, it might give its own faith clear intellectual expression. This
question must definitely be answered in the affirmative. In particular
cases the appropriation of this concept or that can often be proved.
Unfortunately, however, it is true that particularly in reference to the
beginnings of the doctrine of the Trinity there is still much uncertainty.
In this area final clarity has not yet been achieved. As far as the New
Testament is concerned, one does not find in it an actual doctrine of the
Trinity. This does not mean very much, however, for generally speaking the
New Testament is less intent upon setting forth certain doctrines than it
is upon proclaiming the kingdom of God, a kingdom that dawns in and with
the person of Jesus Christ. At the same time, however, there are in the
New Testament the rudiments of a concept of God that was susceptible of
further development and clarification, along doctrinal lines. ... Speaking
first of the person of Jesus Christ ... In other passages of the New
Testament the predicate "God" is without a doubt applied to
Christ (A Short History of Christian Doctrine, Bernard Lohse, 1966, p37-39) [NOTE: Lohse
says, and correctly so, is that early Christians would frame Christian
doctrine in terms understand within the current culture for illustrative
purposes. Of course JW's do the same thing today, when they explain man's
soul when he dies being stored on a floppy disk in God's computer room! In
3000 AD, it would be just as ridiculous to dig up Watchtower Magazines
from this century and conclude JW's (should they survive past 2014 AD)
borrowed their extinction doctrine from Bill Gates, as it is for JW's to
say that early Christians borrowed trinity doctrine from the pagans!]
- "Yet
the number three assumes peculiar importance indirectly in connection with
the concept of the Trinity. There are threefold formulae listing the
Persons in such passages as Matt. 28:19; Jn. 14:26; 15:26; 2 Cor. 13:13; 1
Pet. 1:2 (---> God, art. theos NT 8). There seems to be no precursor of
this idea in any significant usage of the numerical concept in the OT, nor
may it reasonably be connected with the occurrence of triads of deities in
ancient Near Eastern paganism." (New International Dictionary of
New Testament Theology, Colin Brown, 1932, God, vol
2, Three, p687, C. J. Hemer)
- "The
Socinian and rationalistic opinion [Jehovah's Witnesses etc.], that the
church doctrine of the Trinity sprang from Platonism and
Neo-Platonism is therefore radically false. The Indian Trimurti, altogether
pantheistic in spirit, is still further from the Christian Trinity"
(Philip Schaff, History of the
Christian Church New York: Scribner's, 1924, vol. 2, p. 566)
- "Only
thus much is true, that the Hellenistic philosophy operated from without,
as a stimulating force, upon the form of the whole patristic theology, the
doctrines of the Logos and the Trinity among the rest; and that the deeper
minds of heathen antiquity showed a presentiment of a threefold
distinction in the divine essence; but only a remote and vague
which, like all the deeper instincts of the heathen mind, serves to
strengthen Christian truth. Far clearer and more fruitful suggestions presented
themselves in the Old Testament" (Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church
New York: Scribner's, 1924, vol. 2, p. 566)
- "The
Ontological Doctrine: There is no reason to seek for sources or
types of the doctrine of the Trinity outside of Christianity or of the
Bible, though in the eighteenth century efforts were made to derive the
Christian dogma from Plato, and later from Brahmanism and Parseeism, or,
later still, from a Babylonian triad. Even were the resemblance between the
Christian Trinity and the pagan triads far greater than it is, there could
be no serious question of borrowing. The development, of the
Christian doctrine of the Trinity is historically clear, and its motives
are equally well known, being almost exclusively due to Christological
(New Schaff-Herzog
Encyclopedia, Trinity, Doctrine of the; p18)
- "The
doctrine of the divine Trinity is the summarized statement of the
historical revelation of redemption for the Christian consciousness of
God. It affirms that God is not only the ruler of the universe, but the
Father of Christ, in whom he is perfectly revealed, and the source of a
holy and blessed life which transforms nature and is realized in the Church.
It constitutes the distinctive characteristic of Christianity
as contrasted with Judaism and paganism and is a modification of Christian
(New Schaff-Herzog
Encyclopedia, Trinity, Doctrine of the; p18)
- Attempts have been made recently to apply the more extreme
theories of comparative religion [pagan similarities] to the doctrine of
the Trinity,
and to account for it by an imaginary law of nature compelling men to
group the objects of their worship in threes. ... It seems needless to
give more than a reference to these extravagant views [Jehovah's Witnesses
etc.] , which serious thinkers of every school reject
as destitute of foundation. (The Catholic
1912, Vol. 15, p 47-49)
- The
question as to how to reconcile the encounter with God in this threefold
figure with faith in the oneness of God, which was the Jews' and
Christians' characteristic mark of distinction over against paganism, agitated the
piety of ancient Christendom in the deepest way. It also provided the
strongest impetus for a speculative theology-an impetus that inspired
Western metaphysics throughout the centuries. In the first two centuries a
series of different answers to this question stood in juxtaposition; at
first none of them was thought through speculatively. The diversity in
interpretation of the Trinity was conditioned especially through the
understanding of the figure of Jesus Christ. According to the theology of
the Gospel According to John, the divinity of Jesus Christ constituted the
departure point for understanding his person and efficacy. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1979,
Christianity, Vol. 4, p.485)
- At
the same time, the Christian church insists that God is One in
"substance" (Latin substantia, existence or inner essence), and
thus combines in it "mystery" (a formula or conception which
really transcends human understanding) the truths set forth in the Holy
Scriptures. It is probably a mistake to assume that the doctrine resulted
from the intrusion of Greek metaphysics or philosophy into Christian
thought; for the data upon which the doctrine rests, and also its earliest
attempts at formulation, are much older than the church's encounter with
Greek philosophy.
The earliest development of the doctrine may in fact be viewed its an
attempt to preserve the balance between the various statements of
Scripture, or their implications, without yielding to views which, though
logical enough, would have destroyed or abandoned important areas of
Christian belief. The simplest affirmation is that God is "Three in
One, and One in Three," without making use of such technical terms,
derived from law or philosophy, as "substance" or
"person." God is Father, and the Father is God; God is Son, and
the Son is God; God is Spirit, and the Spirit is God. (Encyclopedia Americana, Trinity, p116)
- The Christian religion in the 3rd century made no compromise
with any of the pagan religions and kept far away from the numerous
intersections out of which, under the influence of the monotheistic
philosophy of religion, a now religiousness developed itself. (Outlines of
the History of Dogma, Adolf Harnack, p193-195)
- Behind
the individual relationships is the total context of salvation history as
this may be seen most clearly and succinctly in Gal 4:4 ff.: God first
sends the Son, and then, to continue the work. The divine work of
salvation is thus prosecuted in the historical threefold relation of
Father, Son and Spirit. This threefold relation soon found fixed
expression in the triadic formulae in 2 C. 13:13, and in I Cor.
12:4-6.2" The form is first found in the baptismal formula in Mt.
28:19; Did., 7. 1 and 3. Perhaps recollection of the many triads
of the surrounding polytheistic world contributed to the formation of
these threefold formulae. More likely, however, is the influence of
Jewish models. For in Judaism, as in the early Church, we find triadic
and even formulae with four or more members. Justin combines the triad
God, Christ and angel, with that of Father, Son and Spirit, to produce the
fourfold (Apol., 1, 6). Eph. 4:4 ff. has spirit and lord, and then God.
This is even more complicated than the formula in S. Bar. 85:14: One law
through one, one world, one end. In I Cl., 46,6, the narrower triad Is
more clearly distinguished from the fourth and additional member. In these
later examples, as in the twofold formulae in 1 C. 8:6 etc., the
singularity and individuality of the two factors is emphasized by means of
the preceding 'eis'. Yet it is self-evident that Father, Son and Spirit
are here linked in an indissoluble threefold relationship. On the other hand,
the NT does not actually speak of triunity. We seek this in vain
in the triadic formulae of the NT. ... Early Christianity
itself, however, does not yet have the problem of the Trinity in view"(Gerhard Kittel, Theological Dictionary of the
New Testament, Vol. 3, p. 108)
Jehovah's Witnesses
are Polytheists: (henotheist)
Almighty God

Mighty God

god of world



- Dr.
Bruce M. Metzger, professor of
New Testament at Princeton University, calls the NWT "a frightful
and "pernicious" "reprehensible" "If the
Jehovah's Witnesses take this translation seriously, they are polytheists."
(Professor of New Testament Language and Literature)
- The
Christology of Jehovah's Witnesses, also, is a form of Arianism; they regard
Arius as a forerunner of Charles Taze Russell, the founder of their
movement. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1979,
Arianism, Vol. I, p.509)
- The
basic concern of Arius was and remained disputing the oneness of essence
of the Son and the Holy Spirit with God the Father, in order to preserve
the oneness of God. The Son, thus, became a "second God, under God
the Father"-i.e., he is God only in a figurative sense, for he
belongs on the side of the creatures, even if at their highest summit.
Here Arius joined an older tradition of Christology, which had already
played a role in Rome in the early 2nd century-namely, the so-called angel-Christology. The descent of
the Son to Earth was understood as the descent to Earth of the highest
prince of the angels, who became man in Jesus Christ; he is to some extent
identified with the angel prince Michael. In the old angel-Christology the concern is
already expressed to preserve the oneness of God, the inviolable
distinguishing mark of the Jewish and Christian faiths over against all
paganism. The Son is not himself God, but as the highest of the created
spiritual beings he is moved as close as possible to God. Arius
joined this tradition with the same aim-i.e., defending the idea of the
oneness of the Christian concept of God against all reproaches that
Christianity introduces a new, more sublime form of polytheism. This attempt
to save the oneness of God led, however, to an awkward consequence. For
Jesus Christ, as the divine Logos become man, moves thereby to the side of
the creatures-i.e., to the side of the created world that needs
redemption. How, then, should such a Christ, himself a part of the
creation, be able to achieve the redemption of the world? On the whole,
the Christian Church rejected, as an unhappy attack upon the reality of
redemption, such a formal attempt at saving the oneness of God as was
undertaken by Arius. ... The redemption of man from sin and death is only
then guaranteed if Christ is total God and total man (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1979,
Christianity, Vol. 4, p.485)
- According
to its opponents, especially Athanasius, Arius' teaching reduced the son
to a demigod, reintroduced polytheism (since worship of the Son was
not abandoned),
and undermined the Christian concept of redemption since only he who was
truly God could be deemed to have reconciled man to the God-head.
(Encyclopedia Britannica, 1979,
Arianism, Vol. I, p.509)
- "only
as cosmologians are the Arians monotheists; as theologians and in
religion they are polytheists; finally in the background lie deep
contradictions: A Son who is no Son, a Logos which is no Logos, a
monotheism which does not exclude polytheism, two or three who are to be
adored, while really only one differs from the creatures, an indefinable
being who only becomes God in becoming man, and who is neither God nor
man." (Outlines of the History of Dogma, Adolf Harnack, p251)
- "now
they (Arians) were convicted inexorably of polytheism and of deifying the
(The Formation of Christian Dogma, An Historical Study of its Problems;
Martin Werner, p160, Werner
is a modernist who also advocates Angel Christology commenting on
A technically more accurate term to describe Jehovah's Witnesses
and Unitarians in general is henotheist rather than polytheist. But what
Jehovah's Witness has ever heard of the term "henotheist". We frankly
don't care to educate the Jehovah's Witnesses world wide! In a broader sense,
in the way they define polytheism, by their own understanding, they are
polytheists. We simply used their own measuring stick on themselves!
would see little difference between themselves and Jehovah's Witnesses.
- JW's
have not comprehended that if they had the Governing Body themselves sit
down and explain their view of God to the Hindu's (Father-true God, Son-a
god and Holy Spirit-the force or energy of God), that the Hindus would
immediately label JW's as polytheists!
- Stated
differently, from the perspective of Hindus, there is NO REAL DIFFERENCE
between the Arian (JW's) view of God and Hinduism.
- The
"Father and the Son", as taught by JW's, are exactly the type of
polytheistic "divine family" Hindus are familiar with!
would see little difference between themselves and Jehovah's Witnesses.
- "He
[Anu] was god in the highest sense, the supreme god. All the other deities
honoured him as their 'father', that is to say, their chief." (Larousse Encyclopedia of
Mythology, p 54-55)
- JW's
deliberately misrepresent the fact that the Watchtower view of God is
CLOSER to Babylonian polytheism than Trinitarians!
- Just
as the lesser Babylonian gods called Anu as their "Father", so
too JW's believe that Jehovah is called "Father" by Jesus. But
it gets worse for JW's! Just as the Babylonians view Anu the supreme God
over lesser gods. JW's view Jehovah as the supreme God who over all other
lesser Gods. JW's call angels, Jesus, Devil, men all "lesser
- Just
as the Babylonians view Anu the supreme God over lesser gods. JW's view
Jehovah as the supreme God who over all other lesser Gods. Trinitarians
totally reject the Watchtower teaching that Jesus is a demi-god.
- Perhaps
the biggest deception of all, is that JW's mislead the public into
thinking that the Babylonians were Trinitarians of any sort! In fact they
worshipped many God's that were grouped in many logical manners like sky,
earth and water. Incredibly, the Watchtower view of God is CLOSER to
Babylonian polytheism than Trinitarians!
- Babylonian's
would see little difference between their view of God and JW's!
and Muslims would label Jehovah's Witnesses as polytheists!
- Jewish
Rabbis and Muslims would reach for the "wooden stake" and
immediately label JW's as Polytheists.
- We
dare JW's to explain their view of God to any Jewish Rabbi or Muslim and
ask if he would call it polytheism!


Click here: Cataloguing and evaluating all the
Quotes index using the "Decepto-meter".
Only Atheists, Christianity Trashers, Jews,
Muslims and Fellow anti-Trinitarians, say trinity is of pagan origin:
dishonesty of quoting non-Christian's, skeptics
and atheists world religions to trash the trinity.
- The
vast majority of quotes used by anti-Trinitarians come from those who trash
the whole of Christianity is of pagan origin, not just trinity doctrine!
- In
utter deception and scholarly dishonesty, anti-Trinitarians constantly
quote a source/author as proof that trinity is borrowed from the pagans,
yet in the same paragraph, often the same sentence, the same source/author
claims that all of the core doctrine of Christianity is also borrowed from
the pagans. We correctly label these kinds of sources/authors as "Christianity
or "CT"
for short!
- For
Arians (Jehovah's Witnesses, Christadelphians & United Pentecostal Church
International: UPCI) to quote a another Unitarian theologian, as an
authority to prove the pagan origin of Trinity, is about as trustworthy
and believable as quoting the a Catholic Bishop to prove that Peter was
the first Pope or like asking a Jw if the Watchtower magazine is God's
channel of communication to man today.
- Since
they can't find any Trinitarians to say that Trinity was "ingrafted
on Christianity, through the hands of the Platonizing Fathers" they must
turn to Anti-Trinitarians. Most often, they turn to atheists who trash not
only Trinity, but the whole of Christianity as of pagan origin!
- Unitarians
quote the Watchtower and the Watchtower quotes the Unitarians. Within the
Watchtower article, Jehovah's Witnesses deliberately fail to
tell you that Norton or Lamson is an anti-trinitarian. They always
tell you when the misrepresent a trinitarian!
- Jews,
Muslims and Hindus would immediately label Jehovah's Witnesses as Polytheists!
- This
is the basic pattern of logic that all anti-Trinitarians use to prove
trinity is of pagan origin and it is utterly deceptive and unscholarly!
Christianity Trasher
Arthur Weigall
"The origin of the [Trinity] is
entirely pagan."
(The Paganism in Our Christianity, Arthur Weigall, as quoted in, Should you
believe the Trinity?, Watchtower publication)
Christianity Trasher
Will Durant
"Christianity did not destroy
paganism; it adopted it.
. . . From Egypt came the ideas of a divine trinity." ("Will
Durant", quoted in, Should you believe the Trinity?, Watchtower booklet)
Christianity Trasher
Winwood Reade
"Christianity had conquered
paganism, and paganism had corrupted Christianity. (Winwood Reade,
Philosopher and historian, The Martyrdom of Man, p 183-84, quoted by
Christianity Trasher
Lyman Abbott
Trinity "is a corruption
borrowed from the heathen religions, and ingrafted on the Christian faith." (A
Dictionary of Religious Knowledge, Lyman Abbott, p944, as quoted in, Should
you believe the Trinity?, Watchtower publication)
Edward Gibbon
"If Paganism was conquered by
Christianity, it is equally true that Christianity was corrupted by Paganism.
The pure Deism of the first Christians . . . was changed, by the Church of
Rome, into the incomprehensible dogma of the trinity. Many of the pagan
tenets, invented by the Egyptians and idealized by Plato, were retained as
being worthy of belief."
(Edward Gibbon's History of Christianity, quoted in, Should you believe the
Trinity?, Watchtower publication) ("History of Christianity", by
Edward Gibbon, 1891, p. xvi)
Jewish Rabbi
J. H. Hertz
- "This
sublime pronouncement of absolute monotheism was a declaration of war against
all polytheism . . . In the same way, the Shema excludes the trinity of
the Christian creed as a violation of the Unity of God." (The
Pentateuch and Haftorahs", J. H. Hertz, 1941, Vol. 1, p. 215, a
- Comment:
The fact remains that the title theos, is clearly applied to Christ
proving that Jehovah's Witnesses make a deceptive argument as Lohse
states: "Speaking first of the person of Jesus Christ ... In
other passages of the New Testament the predicate "God" is
without a doubt applied to Christ.' With these affirmations, which for
Jewish monotheism were utterly offensive." (A Short History of
Christian Doctrine, Bernard Lohse, 1966, p37-39)
Andrews Norton
"In the book A Statement of Reasons,
Andrews Norton says of the Trinity: 'We can trace the history of this
doctrine, and discover its source, not in the Christian revelation, but in
the Platonic philosophy . . . The Trinity is not a doctrine of Christ and his
Apostles, but a fiction of the school of the later Platonists.'" (A
Statement of Reasons, Andrews Norton, 1872, Fifth edition, American Unitarian
Association, Boston, MA, p 94, 104., as quoted in, Should you believe the
Trinity?, Watchtower publication)
"The name of Andrews Norton has long
been widely known as that of one of the ablest theologians and most
accomplished critics of our time; standing, in his department of service, at the
head of the Unitarian movement in this country. His memory will be ever admiringly
cherished by those who sympathized with him in his religious views" (A Statement
of Reasons, Andrews Norton, 1872, Fifth edition, American Unitarian
Association, Boston, MA) p ix, biographical notice)
Asking Norton what he thinks about the
trinity is like asking a Jw if the Watchtower magazine is God's channel of
communication to man today or asking the Pope if Peter is the first Pope!
Quoting Norton is worthless because it is quoting your own personal opinion!
Alvan Lamson
"The doctrine of the Trinity was
of gradual and comparatively late formation; . . . it had its origin in a
source entirely foreign from that of the Jewish and Christian Scriptures; . .
. it grew up, and was ingrafted on Christianity, through the hands of the
Platonizing Fathers."
(The Church of the First Three Centuries, Alvan Lamson, 1860 edition, p. 34., British and Foreign
Unitarian Association, As quoted in, Should you believe the Trinity?,
Watchtower publication)
Alvan Lamson was a top leader and
theologian in the a Unitarian type church! We ask how objective is it to use
a Unitarian as proof that trinity is pagan origin? This is an example of self
The Watchtower is guilty of a kind of self-quoting,
while leading you to believe that he is a trinitarian! JW's don't want you to
know that the greatest historical authority they use to summarize all the
historical data in their book "Should you believe the Trinity", is
an anti-trinitarian! Their book says, "Summing up the historical
evidence, Alvan Lamson says in The Church of the First Three Centuries
...". Since they can't find any Trinitarians to say that Trinity was
"ingrafted on Christianity, through the hands of the Platonizing
they must turn to Anti-Trinitarians. Most often, they turn to atheists who
trash not only Trinity, but the whole of Christianity as of pagan origin!
Victor Wierwille
So how then did a Trinitarian doctrine come
about? It gradually evolved and gained momentum in the late first,
second and third centuries as pagans, who had converted to Christianity,
brought to Christianity some of their pagan beliefs and practices. Trinitarianism
then was confirmed at Nicaea in 325 by Church bishops out of political
expediency" (Dr. Victor Paul Wierwille, Arian, Leader of The Way
International, Jesus Christ is Not God, p. 25-26)

parallels are far broader than Trinity or angel-Christology
Watchtower is creating a false dilemma in the mind of the reader by implying
that the existence of similarities in pagan religions automatically means
that Christians borrowed that doctrine from the pagans. In utter deception,
Jehovah's Witnesses know there are many similarities in Pagan religions that,
using the same bad logic, would prove that the Watchtower borrowed their own
doctrines of the virgin birth, incarnation, blood atonement, the ascension,
the Lord's Supper, even the name Mary for the mother of Jesus, from the
Pagans! Similarities don't mean that Christians borrowed from the pagans.
Further they create a false dilemma by thinking that if there are
similarities between Christianity and paganism, that the Christian belief
must not be the result of divine revelation, but borrowed from the pagans.
Such is utterly false. Similarities do not indicate source, as best
illustrated in the fact that the Biblical flood story is found in every earth
Christianity was not derived from pagan
Christian/pagan parallels are far broader
than Trinity or angel-Christology doctrine:
Logos, trinity, all-mighty God,
spiritual/non-physical outlook
God as a Father, King of the Land, Lord of
all, Divine family with God's Son, God's begotten Son, incarnation,
atonement, sacrifice, new birth, sin, divine word, angels, demons, washings
Flood story
In the past century, scholars have found
four major early records which preserve accounts similar to the record of
Genesis 1-11. The Epic of Gilgamesh, the Summerian King-List, the Semitic
Old-Babylonian Epic of Atrakhasis, and the Summerian Flood Story, all were
written between the twentieth and seventeenth centuries B.C. Yet they all
match the outline of Genesis 1-11.
One hundred years ago it was fashionable
for theologians in higher-critical circles to insist that Genesis plagiarized
these other Mesopotamian sources. Since then, it has become evident that they
all independently record what they believed was a genuine event in ancient
(to them as well as to us today) history (K. A. Kitchen, The Bible in Its World,
pp. 26-32)
Weigall a Bible Trasher, draws the following
"The Paganism in Our
Christianity" by Arthur Weigall
- The
Twelve Disciples Derived From Zodiac: p25
- The
27 books of the New Testament Canon is invalid: p37
- The
name Mary is of pagan origin: p41
- The
virgin birth is of pagan origin: p44,47,60
- The
early life of Jesus is totally unknown: p49
- Jesus
born in a stable and wrapped in swaddling clothing is of pagan origin:
- Miracles
of Jesus are of pagan origin: p58
- Jesus'
40 day temptation in wilderness is of pagan origin: p61
- Earthquake
at cross is false: p62
- Jesus
Crucifixion was a Jewish human sacrifice of pagan origin: p69,76
- Jesus
Side Pierced is of pagan origin: p83,84
- Jesus
never actually died, two angels were only men: p93,94
- Ascension
is of pagan origin: p100
- Jesus
suffering to save us is of pagan origin: p106
- Jesus
decent into Hades is of pagan origin: p113
- Jesus
"hung on a tree" is of pagan origin: p118
- Jesus
the "Rock of salvation" is of pagan origin: p129
- Jesus
the "slain Lamb of God" is of pagan origin: p131,132
- "Washed
in the Blood of the lamb" is of pagan origin: p132
- Baptism
and the Lord's Supper are both of pagan origin: p134, p146,147
- Phrase
"Soldiers of Christ" is of pagan origin: p135
- Jesus
as "the Shepherd" is of pagan origin: p136
- The
idea of "blood atonement for sins" is of pagan origin:
- Jesus
"Begotten of God" is of pagan origin: p169
- Incarnate
Logos of Jn 1:1 is of pagan origin, The "pre-existent angel" is
a 4th century concept: p172,173-175
- The
"Lord's Day" (Sunday) is of Pagan Origin:
- Jewish
Sabbath and the Sunday Lord's Day both of pagan origin: p136,
SEE: Christianity was not derived from pagan
Supporting Texts:
- "The
phenomenon, admitted on all hands, is this: That great portion of what is
generally received as Christian truth is, in its rudiments or in its
separate parts, to be found in heathen philosophies and religions. For instance,
the doctrine of a Trinity is found both in the East and in the West; so is
the ceremony of washing;
so is the rite of sacrifice.
The doctrine of the Divine Word is Platonic; the doctrine of the Incarnation is Indian; of a
divine kingdom is Judaic; of Angels and demons is Magian; the
connexion of sin with the body is Gnostic; celibacy is known to Bonze and
Talapoin; a sacerdotal order is Egyptian; the idea of a new birth is Chinese and
Eleusinian; belief in sacramental virtue is Pythagorean; and honours to the dead are
a polytheism. Such is the general nature of the fact before us; Mr. Milman
argues from it 'These things are in heathenism, therefore they are not
Christian'. We, on the contrary, prefer to say, 'these things are in
Christianity, therefore they are not heathen! ... so the philosophies and
religions of men have their life in certain true ideas, though they are
not directly divine."
(Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, John Henry Newman, a cardinal by Pope Leo III in
1879, 1878, p358)
- Platonism,
as well as Christianity, says, Look not at the things which
are seen, but at the things which are not seen; for the things
which are seen are temporal, only for a season; but the things which are
not seen are eternal (cf. II Cor. iv. 18). The philosophy of Plato is
eminently theistic.
God," he says, in his " Republic " (716 A), " is
(literally, holds) the beginning, middle, and end of all things. He is the
supreme mind or reason, the efficient cause of all things, eternal,
un-changeable, all-knowing, all-powerful, all-pervading, and
all-controlling, just, holy, wise, and good, the absolutely perfect, the
beginning of all truth, the fountain of all law and justice, the source of
all order and beauty, and especially the cause of all good (New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia, Platonism
And Christianity, p 88)
- "While
overlaid with idolatry, the recognition of a Trinity was universal in all
the ancient nations of the world, proving how deep mated in the human race
was the primeval doctrine on this subject, which comes out so
distinctly in Genesis." (Alexander Hislop, The
Two Babylons, p. 18)
- "The
ancient Babylonians held, the modern Hindoos still
hold, clear and distinct traditions of the Trinity the Incarnation, the
Yet, who will venture to say that such nominal recognition of the cardinal
articles of Divine revelation could relieve the character of either the
one system or the other from the brand of the most deadly and
God-dishonoring heathenism?'' (Alexander Hislop, The
Two Babylons, p. 282)
- "Now,
viewed in this light, the triune emblem of the supreme Assyrian divinity
shows clearly what had been the original patriarchal faith. First, there
is the head of the old man; next, there is the zero, or circle, for
"the seed"; and lastly, the wings and tail of the bird or dove;
showing, though blasphemously, the unity of Father, Seed, or Son, and Holy
Ghost. From the statement in Genesis 1:2, that "the Spirit of God
fluttered on the face of the deep" (for that is the expression in the
original), it is evident that the dove had very early been a Divine emblem
for the Holy Spirit. While this had been the original way in which Pagan
idolatry had represented the Triune God, and though this kind of
representation had survived to Sennacherib's time, yet there is evidence
that, at a very early period, an important change had taken place in the
Babylonian notions in regard to the divinity; and that the three persons
had come to be, the Eternal Father, the Spirit of God incarnate in a human
mother, and a Divine Son, the fruit of that incarnation. (Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons, p. 18)

Early Christians
recognized parallels
- The
Platonic dogmas," says Justin Martyr, " are not foreign to
Christianity. If we Christians say that all things were created and
ordered by God, we seem to enounce a doctrine of Plato; and, between our
view of the being of God and his, the article appears to make the only
difference " (New Schaff-Herzog
Encyclopedia, Platonism And Christianity, p 88)
- "That
Christianity was so regarded [as just another mystery cult] is perfectly
clear from the pains Justin Martyr takes to prove that these resemblances
between Christianity and the other religions were all due to the malignity
of the demons.
These wretched demons had read the Scriptures and had realized, although
imperfectly, what was destined to be. They trembled as they saw their
coming overthrow and realized their helplessness to prevent it. To salvage
as much as possible and to delude men they hastily concocted rites and
ceremonies as near as possible to those they foresaw were to be
instituted. Thus they hoped that when Christ appeared and instituted his
worship men might be deluded into believing that the Christians were
borrowing from older pagan ceremonies and beliefs. To the modern student
this explanation of Justin may seem most naive; none the less, it is
highly important as incontrovertible evidence of the growing likeness of
Christianity to the other cults which made such an explanation essential."
(Morton Scott Enslin, Christian
Beginnings, Part 12, p 191)
- "As
Augustine said, "if in the books of the Platonists it was
to be found that 'in the beginning was the Word,' it was not
found there that 'the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.'"
(Encyclopędia of Religion and Ethics, James Hastings, Trinity, p 458)
- "And
many of the early Christians, in turn, found peculiar attractions in
the doctrines of Plato, and employed them as weapons for the defense and
extension of Christianity, or cast the truths of Christianity in a
Platonic mold. The doctrines of the Logos and the Trinity received their
shape from Greek Fathers, who, if not trained in the schools, were much
influenced, directly or indirectly, by the Platonic philosophy,
particularly in its Jewish-Alexandrian form." (New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia, Platonism
and Christianity, p91)
- The
Fathers of the early Church sought to explain the striking
resemblance between the doctrines of Plato and those of Christianity, principally by
the acquaintance, which, as they supposed, that philosopher had with
learned Jews and with the Jewish Scriptures during his sojourn in Egypt,
but partly, also, by the universal light of a divine revelation through
the " Logos," which, in and through human reason, "
lighteth every man that cometh into the world," and which illumined
especially such sincere and humble seekers after truth as Socrates and
Plato before the incarnation of the Eternal Word in the person of Jesus
Christ. Passages which bear a striking resemblance to the Christian
Scriptures in their picturesque, parabolic, and axiomatic style, and still
more in the lofty moral, religious, and almost Christian sentiments which
they express, are scattered thickly all through the dialogues (New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia, Platonism
And Christianity, p 88)
- "Only
thus much is true, that the Hellenistic philosophy operated from without,
as a stimulating force, upon the form of the whole patristic theology, the
doctrines of the Logos and the Trinity among the rest; and that the deeper
minds of heathen antiquity showed a presentiment of a threefold
distinction in the divine essence; but only a remote and vague
which, like all the deeper instincts of the heathen mind, serves to
strengthen Christian truth. Far clearer and more fruitful suggestions
presented themselves in the Old Testament" (Philip Schaff, History of the Christian Church
New York: Scribner's, 1924, vol. 2, p. 566)
- "Confiding
then in the power of Christianity to resist the infection of evil ...
feeling also that these usages had originally come from primitive
revelations and from the instinct of nature, though they had been
corrupted ... and that they were moreover possessed of the very
archetypes, of which paganism attempted the shadows" (Essay on the
Development of Christian Doctrine, John Henry Newman, a cardinal by Pope Leo III in
1879, 1878, p351-353)
- "The
universe was divided into three regions each of which became the domain of
a god. Anu's share was the sky. The earth was given to Enlil. Ea became
the ruler of the waters. Together they constituted the triad of the Great
Gods." ... The essential privilege of the gods was immortality. But
they had the same needs and passions as mortals. They were subject to
fear. ... Like men the gods had wives and families. ... Although each had
his own sphere of influence they would sometimes gather together to debate
common problems. ... The divine hierarchy was not immediately established
and was often modified. The great primordial principle of fertility and
fecundity, at first worshipped by the Sumerians, was quickly dispersed
into a crowd of divinities who had no precise connection with each other.
Later, under the influence of national pride, the gods acquired rank, the
dignity of which corresponded to the importance in the country as a whole
of the city in which they were particularly venerated. Finally the
official theologians of Babylon fixed the hierarchy of the gods more or
less definitely, dividing them into triads. ... He [Anu] was god in the
highest sense, the supreme god. All the other deities honoured
him as their 'father', that is to say, their chief. ... Thus the goddess
Ishtar, harshly repelled by the hero Gilgamesh, goes to find Anu, her
father. 'Oh my father,' she said to him ... He [Bel] was called
'King of the Land' or 'Lord of all Regions'. ... the word of Bel was
all-powerful. (Larousse
of Mythology, p 54-55)
- "(b)
Although the notion of a divine Triad or Trinity is characteristic of the
Christian religion, it is by no means peculiar to it. In Indian religion
e.g., we meet with the trinitarian group of Brahma, siva, and Visnu; and
in Egyptian religion with the trinitarian group of Osiris, Isis, and
Horus, constituting a divine family, like the Father, Mother, and Son
in medieval Christian pictures. Nor is it only in historical religions
that we find God viewed as a Trinity. One recalls in particular the
Neo-Platonic view of the Supreme or Ultimate Reality, which was suggested
by Plato in the Timmoeus; e.g., in the philosophy of Plotinus the primary
or original Realities are triadically represented as the Good or (in
numerical symbol) the One, the Intelligence or the One-Many, and the
World-Soul or the One and Many. The religious Trinity associated, if
somewhat loosely, with Comte's philosophy might also be cited here: the
cultus of humanity as the Great Being, of space as the Great Medium, and
of the earth as the Great Fetish. (c) What lends a special character to
the Christian doctrine of the Trinity is its close association with the
distinctive Christian view of divine incarnation." ... " As
Augustine said,
"if in the books of the Platonists it was to be found that 'in the
beginning was the Word,' it was not found there that 'the Word became
flesh and dwelt among us.'" ... "None the less Christ is
acknowledged as the eternal Son of God and the supreme revelation of the
Father, and the quickening Spirit of life is acknowledged to be derived '
from on high." And so, when the early Christians would describe their
conception of God, all the three elements-God, Christ, and the
Spirit-enter into the description, and the one God is found to be revealed
in a threefold way." (Encyclopędia of Religion and Ethics, James Hastings, Trinity, p 458)

Justin Martyr wrote
in 150 AD on similarities between paganism and Christianity.
Justin Martyr: 150 AD: "Chapter
LXIX.-The Devil, Since He Emulates the Truth, Has Invented Fables About
Bacchus, Hercules, and Aesculapius. "Be well assured, then,
Trypho," I continued, "that I am established in the knowledge of and
faith in the Scriptures by those counterfeits which he who is called
the devil is said to have performed among the Greeks; just as some were
wrought by the Magi in Egypt, and others by the false prophets in Elijah's
days. For when they tell that Bacchus, son of Jupiter, was begotten by
[Jupiter's] intercourse with Semele, and that he was the discoverer of the
vine; and when they relate, that being torn in pieces, and having died, he rose
again, and ascended to heaven; and when they introduce wine into his mysteries,
do I not perceive that [the devil] has imitated the prophecy announced by the
patriarch Jacob, and recorded by Moses? And when they tell that Hercules was
strong, and travelled over all the world, and was begotten by Jove of Alcmene,
and ascended to heaven when he died, do I not perceive that the Scripture which
speaks of Christ, 'strong as a giant to run his race, ' has been in like manner
imitated? And when he [the devil] brings forward Aesculapius as the raiser of
the dead and healer of all diseases, may I not say that in this matter likewise
he has imitated the prophecies about Christ? But since I have not quoted to you such
Scripture as tells that Christ will do these things, I must necessarily remind
you of one such: from which you can understand, how that to those destitute of
a knowledge of God, I mean the Gentiles, who, 'having eyes, saw not, and having
a heart, understood not, 'worshipping the images of wood, [how even to them]
Scripture prophesied that they would renounce these [vanities], and hope in
this Christ. It is thus written: 'Rejoice, thirsty wilderness: let the
wilderness be glad, and blossom as the lily: the deserts of the Jordan shall
both blossom and be glad: and the glory of Lebanon was given to it, and the
honour of Carmel. And my people shall see the exaltation of the Lord, and the
glory of God. Be strong, ye careless hands and enfeebled knees. Be comforted,
ye faint in soul: be strong, fear not. Behold, our God gives, and will give,
retributive judgment. He shall come and save us. Then the eyes of the blind
shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf shall hear. Then the lame shall leap
as an hart, and the tongue of the stammerers shall be distinct: for water has
broken forth in the wilderness, and a valley in the thirsty land; and the
parched ground shall become pools, and a spring of water shall [rise up] in the
thirsty land.' The spring of living water which gushed forth from God in the
land destitute of the knowledge of God, namely the land of the Gentiles, was
this Christ, who also appeared in your nation, and healed those who were maimed,
and deaf, and lame in body from their birth, causing them to leap, to hear, and
to see, by His word. And having raised the dead, and causing them to live, by
His deeds He compelled the men who lived at that time to recognise Him. But
though they saw such works, they asserted it was magical art. For they dared to
call Him a magician, and a deceiver of the people. Yet He wrought such works,
and persuaded those who were [destined to] believe on Him; for even if any one
be labouring under a defect of body, yet be an observer of the doctrines
delivered by Him, He shall raise him up at His second advent perfectly sound,
after He has made him immortal, and incorruptible, and free from grief. Chapter
LXX.-So Also The Mysteries Of Mithras Are Distorted From The Prophecies Of
Daniel And Isaiah. "And when those who record the mysteries of Mithras say that he
was begotten of a rock, and call the place where those who believe in him are
initiated a cave, do I not perceive here that the utterance of Daniel, that a
stone without hands was cut out of a great mountain, has been imitated by them,
and that they have attempted likewise to imitate the whole of Isaiah's words? For they contrived
that the words of righteousness be quoted also by them. But I must repeat to
you the words of Isaiah referred to, in order that from them you may know that
these things are so. They are these: 'Hear, ye that are far off, what I have
done; those that are near shall know my might. The sinners in Zion are removed;
trembling shall seize the impious. Who shall announce to you the everlasting
place? The man who walks in righteousness, speaks in the right way, hates sin
and unrighteousness, and keeps his hands pure from bribes, stops the ears from
hearing the unjust judgment of blood closes the eyes from seeing
unrighteousness: he shall dwell in the lofty cave of the strong rock. Bread shall be
given to him, and his water [shall be] sure. Ye shall see the King with glory, and your
eyes shall look far off. Your soul shall pursue diligently the fear of the
Lord. Where is the scribe? where are the counsellors? where is he that numbers
those who are nourished,-the small and great people? with whom they did not
take counsel, nor knew the depth of the voices, so that they heard not. The
people who are become depreciated, and there is no understanding in him who
hears.' Now it is evident, that in this prophecy [allusion is made] to the
bread which our Christ gave us to eat, in remembrance of His being made flesh
for the sake of His believers, for whom also He suffered; and to the cup which
He gave us to drink, in remembrance of His own blood, with giving of thanks. And this prophecy
proves that we shall behold this very King with glory; and the very terms of
the prophecy declare loudly, that the people foreknown to believe in Him were
foreknown to pursue diligently the fear of the Lord. Moreover, these Scriptures
are equally explicit in saying, that those who are reputed to know the writings
of the Scriptures, and who hear the prophecies, have no understanding. And when I
hear, Trypho," said I, "that Perseus was begotten of a virgin, I
understand that the deceiving serpent counterfeited also this." (Dialogue of Justin,
Philosopher and Martyr, with Trypho, a Jew, Chapters LXIX - LXX)

Platonic &
Greek influence on Christianity as a whole, including both Trinitarians and
- Early
Christians would frame Christian doctrine in terms understand within the current
culture for illustrative purposes. Of course JW's do the same thing today,
when they explain man's soul when he dies being stored on a floppy disk in
God's computer room! In 3000 AD, it would be just as ridiculous to dig up
Watchtower Magazines from this century and conclude JW's (should they
survive past 2014 AD) borrowed their extinction doctrine from Bill Gates,
as it is for JW's to say that early Christians borrowed trinity doctrine
from the pagans!
- Jehovah's
Witnesses call the early Christians the "Platonizing fathers"
(see Alvan Lamson) who borrowed
from "Plato" and the pagans. A close examination of the facts of
history (see below) will reveal that the early Christians did not borrow
new doctrines from Plato, but employed cultural figures of speech of the
day where Plato and Christianity had similarities. Today, the Jehovah's
Witnesses borrow in identical ways from 19th century culture and nobody
accuses them of 19th century culture as the source of their false
doctrine, just because they sometimes use modern illustrations to
illuminate their views.
- "Scholars
have always recognized Greek influence not on Christian teaching, but on
its "mental cast," its "phraseology and ideas" (New Catholic Encyclopedia. vol 14, p58)
- Even
religious syncretism is already found in Philo; but it is something
essentially different from the later Neo-platonic, since Philo regarded
the Jewish cult as the only valuable one, and traced back all elements of
truth in the Greeks and Romans to borrowings from the books of Moses.
(Adolf Harnack, Outlines of
the History Of Dogma, vol 1, p 345)
- But
Hellenism, also had a share in the making of Paul, a fact which does not
conflict with his Pharisaic origin, but is partly given with it. (Adolf Harnack, Outlines of the History Of
Dogma, vol 1, ch 2, p 94-95)
- This
Gospel-who can say whether Hellenism had, already a share in its
conception- required that the missionary to the Greeks should become a
Greek and that believers should come to know, all things are yours, and ye
are Christ's." Paul, as no doubt other missionaries besides him,
connected the preaching of Christ with the Greek mode of thought; he even
employed philosophic doctrines of the Greeks as presuppositions in his
apologetic, ' and therewith prepared the way for the introduction of the
Gospel to the Greco-Roman world of thought. But, in my opinion, he has
nowhere allowed that world of thought to influence his doctrine of
salvation. ... The Pauline doctrine of the incarnate heavenly Man was
indeed apprehended; it fell in with Greek notions, although it meant
something very different from the notions which Greeks had been able to
form of it. (Adolf Harnack, Outlines of
the History Of Dogma, vol 1, ch 2, p 94-95)
- It
should be observed that there is no real cleavage or antithesis between
the doctrines of the economic and the essential Trinity, and naturally so.
The Triunity represents the effort to think out the Trinity, and so to
afford it a reasonable basis. The first Christians had with St. Paul a
saving experience of the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and of the love of
God, and of the communion of the Holy Ghost; and the theologians of the
ancient Church sought to set forth the Christian experience in logical
terms of reason. In the effort they were led, inevitably, to effect an
alliance between the gospel of their salvation and the speculative
philosophy, and more especially the Platonism, in which they had been
trained, while, in making room for the Christian gospel within the world-not
altogether hospitable of the Greek philosophy, they found themselves
translating their empirical knowledge of God-the God and Father of the
Lord Jesus Christ-into a doctrine of diversity or multiplicity, as
distinguished from merely abstract unity, within the divine Nature itself.
In other words, in thinking out the Trinity they arrived at the Triunity.
None the less the greatest and most influential of the Christian Fathers,
Origen, Athanasius, Basil and the Gregories, Augustine, all acknowledged
that, for all the light thrown upon it in the Biblical revelation, the
divine Nature remained for them a mystery transcending reason.
(Encyclopędia of Religion and Ethics, James Hastings, Trinity, p 461)

Platonic &
Greek influence on Anti-Trinitarian Theology as taught by JW's and
- "The
charge is (in Hurtado's terms) that I arbitrarily and incorrectly ignored
the pagan religious traditions of the Greco-Roman period, a charge
to which I am vulnerable particularly because I dated the emergence of the
Christian doctrine of the incarnation late in the first century CE, when
there would have been several decades during which Christian thinking in
this area could have been directly influenced by pagan cults and myths." ...
"Were the point simply that I had not provided anything like a
thorough investigation of what we may call here simply 'pagan parallels',
it is, of' course, wholly accurate." (Christology in the Making, James
D. G. Dunn, 2nd edition,
1989, foreword, xxii, xxiii, Dunn commenting on his own Christadelphian-like
logos theology that rejects incarnation, we commend Dunn in his honesty!)
- "Arianism:
... Arius was willing to call the Logos God. But this was only a manner of
speaking. The Logos was a creature. And God himself could not
create the material world; indeed, Arius considered God so far removed from
men that it was impossible to know him or to have fellowship with him. Arius
was thoroughly Greek in his conception of God. Arius' view of
Christ was much inferior to that of either Theodotus in the West or of
Paul of Samosata in the East. ... They satisfied the deep-rooted
Greek idea that God cannot be the creator of the material universe. (A Short
History of the Early Church, Harry R. Boer, p113)
- "Arianism
is a union of adoptionism with the Origenistic-Neo-Platonic doctrine of
the subordinate Logos which is the spiritual principle of the world,
carried out by means of the resources of the Aristotelian dialectics"
(Outlines of the History of Dogma, Adolf Harnack, p251)
- From
the outset, the controversy between both parties [Arius & Nicenes]
took place upon the common basis of the Neoplatonic concept of substance,
which was foreign to the New Testament itself. It is no wonder that the continuation
of the dispute on the basis of the metaphysics of substance likewise led
to concepts that have no foundation in the New Testament such as the
question of the sameness of essence (homoousia) or similarity of essence
(homoiousia) of the divine persons. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1979,
Christianity, Vol. 4, p.485)
- Through the acceptance of the Logos- Christology as the central
dogma of the Church, the Church doctrine was, even for the laity, firmly
rooted in the soil of Hellenism. Thereby it became a mystery to the great
majority of Christians. But mysteries were even sought after. Not the freshness
and clearness of a religion attracted men-there must needs be something
refined and complicated, a structure in Barroque style, to content those
who at that time wished to have all the idealistic instincts of their
nature satisfied in religion. United with this desire was the greatest
reverence for all traditions, a sentiment peculiar to epochs of
restoration. But, as always, the old became new by conservation and the
new was placed under the protection of the old. What
the Church utilized in doctrine, cultus and organization was "
apostolic ", or claimed to be deduced from the Holy Scriptures. But in
reality it legitimized in its midst the Hellenic speculation, the
superstitious views and customs of pagan mystery-worship and the
institutions of the decaying state organization to which it attached
itself and which received new strength thereby. In theory monotheistic, it
threatened to become polytheistic in practice and to give way to the whole
apparatus of low or malformed religions. Instead of a religion of pure
reason and severest morality, such as the apologists had once represented
Christianity to be, the latter became the religion of the most powerful
consecrations, of the most mysterious media and of a sensuous sanctity. The
tendency toward the invention of mechanically-atoning consecrations
(sacraments) grew constantly more pronounced and offended vigorously
thinking heathen even. (Outlines of the History of Dogma, Adolf Harnack, p193-195)

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