Diocletian's destruction &
Constantine's production of scripture
A conservative, bible believing
God's providence
gave us the 27 book New Testament Canon, not the church. God, not men decided
the canon. This providence does not mean that church leaders were inspired in
their selecting the canon, only that God had his eye on the scriptures the
whole time and brought about His will to form the Bible we see today!
Diocletian's destruction
and Constantine's production of scripture
- 303 AD the Roman Emperor, Diocletian calls for the
destruction of all the scriptures of the Christians. Obviously there must
have been a set of books (a canon) so well defined and universally
accepted, that even outsiders knew which books the Christians considered
as scripture.
- The edict of Diocletian, therefore shows that long
before the first extant "canon lists" came along, a canon
already existed. It also forced the Christians to meditate on the subject
of which books were most sacred and inspired.
- So with the solders knocking at the door and the
Christian inside, as Everet puts it: "for the most part they knew
what books the soldiers were looking for". (Lee Martin McDonald,
James A. Sanders, Editors: The Canon Debate; Everett Ferguson, Factors Leading
to the Selection and Closure of the New Testament Canon, p 317, 2002)
- There must have been a well defined canon at this
- In a most providential twist of events, Roman
Emperor Constantine a few years later, enlisted the help of Eusebius, to
create 50 copies in codex form, of the entire Bible. Although know one
knows for sure what was in this Bible and no definite copies have been
located, it proves a definite canon existed in the time period of 275 -
315 AD.
1. “In
this year imperial orders were given that the Christian churches were to be
destroyed, the sacred books be burnt, and the clergy and all Christians be
handed over for torture and be compelled to sacrifice to idols. This was the
most terrifying persecution of all, producing countless martyrs.” (Aramaic Chronicle of Theophanes the Confessor, Diocletian 19th
year, AM 5795, AD 302/31)
2. “This
was the nineteenth year of the reign of Diocletian, the month Dystrus, which
would be called March among the Romans, in which, as the festival of the
Saviour’s Passion was approaching, an imperial letter was promulgated
everywhere, ordering the churches to be razed to their foundations, and the
Scriptures to be put out of existence by fire, and proclaiming that those who held
positions of honor be disenfranchized, and that household servants, if they
clung to the profession of Christianity, be deprived of their freedom. The
first written pronouncement against us was of such a nature. But not long
afterwards, as other letters continued to circulate, he ordered that all the
bishops of the churches in every place be first committed to prison, then,
later, be forced by every device to offer sacrifice. Then, truly, then very
many of those in control of the churches eagerly contended with terrible
torments, and exhibited examples of mighty conflicts; but countless others,
growing numb of soul beforehand because of cowardice, thus readily proved weak
at the first attack, and of the rest each endured various forms of torture, one
having his body scourged with rods, another being punished by the rack and by
unbearable scrapings, because of which some presently obtained an inauspicious
end to life. But others again passed through the struggle in other ways: one,
as others pushed against him with force and brought him to the abominable and
impure sacrifices, was dismissed as if he had sacrificed, even though he had
not; another, although he had by no means approached or touched any accursed
thing, when others stated that he had sacrificed, departed enduring the calumny
in silence; another, being taken up half-dead, was cast aside as if already a
corpse; and again, a certain person who was lying on the ground was dragged a
long way by the feet, reckoned among those who had sacrificed of their own
accord. And one cried out and testified with a loud voice to his refusal to
sacrifice, and another that he was a Christian, glorying in the confession of
the saving name; another maintained firmly that he had never sacrificed and never
would sacrifice. However, they were struck on the mouth and silenced by the
many hands of a detachment of soldiers drawn up for this purpose, and being
beaten on the face and cheeks they were driven away by force. So important did
the enemies of religion regard it to seem by all means to have accomplished
their purpose.” (Eusebius, History ecclesiastical 8.2–3)
- Two major attempts to establish conformity in the
empire in the early fourth century C.E. probably also affected the scope
of the New Testament canon by causing the church to make conscious
decisions about what literature it considered sacred. The first of these
was an edict of Diocletian on February 23, 303, to promote religious
uniformity. This edict, which remained in effect until 313, led to the
persecution of the church and called for the burning of its sacred
writings. Diocletian also compelled Christians to turn over their sacred
books to the authorities to be burned. The Christians tried to salvage as
much of their sacred literature as possible by turning over to them less
important texts that were not considered sacred. Those who gave in to
pressure and handed sacred scripture over to the authorities were called
"traitors" (traditores). On the other hand, those who refused
and consequently were imprisoned or killed were called confessors and
martyrs (homologetai and martyres). Such distinctions presume, of course,
that by this time individual congregations had determined which literature
was sacred and which was not, what was worth dying for and what was not.
Second, and just as compelling, was Constantine's push for religious unity
and conformity within the Christian communities, threatening banishment
for those who did not conform. This call to unity is the context in which
discussions of biblical canons begin to appear, first in the writings of
Eusebius and subsequently in other lists, discussions, an church councils.
What may well have triggered Eusebius's interest in defining or
delimiting'' the scope of the Christian scriptures was Constantine's
request that he produce fifty copies of the Christian scriptures for use
in the churches in the new capital of the Roman empire Constantinople.
These two historical factors provide the social context that led to the
closing of the biblical canon. (Lee Martin McDonald, James A. Sanders,
Editors: The Canon Debate; Lee Martin McDonald, Identifying Scripture and Canon
in the Early Church: The Criteria Question, p 417, 2002)
- By the time of the Diocletianic persecution in 303
Roman authorities, in their campaign to confiscate Christian property,
included the requirement that Christian books be handed in and burned. In
the words of Eusebius, "We saw with our very eyes ... the inspired
and sacred scriptures committed to the flames in the marketplaces" in
response to the imperial letter "ordering the destruction by fire of
the scriptures" (Hist. eccl. 8.2.l and 4). The requirement showed
that the authorities knew Christians had an identifiable set of holy
writings and knew their importance to the Christian communities.
Hierocles, governor of Bithynia and the chief promoter of the persecution,
knew the Christian Bible, and had already attempted in two books against
the Christians "to prove the falsehood of sacred scripture," by
which was meant Christian sacred writings, as the reference to Paul and
Peter makes clear. Christians themselves thought they had an identifiable
set of scriptures, for they immediately experienced a moral dilemma over
giving up documents to the authorities, an issue that became the occasion
for the Donatist schism. Christians might hide writings, try to pass off
apocryphal and heretical texts, or in some cases debate what to hand over
and what not to, but for the most part they knew what books the soldiers
were looking for. (Lee Martin McDonald, James A. Sanders, Editors: The
Canon Debate; Everett Ferguson, Factors Leading to the Selection and
Closure of the New Testament Canon, p 317, 2002)
- When the situation reversed under Constantine, the
Roman government financed the multiplication of copies of scriptures
instead of destroying them. Constantine directed Eusebius to have prepared
for the churches in Constantinople fifty copies "of the sacred
scriptures which you know to be especially necessary for the restoration
and use in the instruction of the church." Eusebius says his prompt
fulfillment of the request was acknowledged by letter from Constantine (Vit.
Const. 4.37). Constantine knew there was such an entity as the Christian
scriptures, required for public reading in the new churches being built in
Constantinople, and certain books were copied and others left out.
Constantine's commission did not require that Christians decide what the
contents of scripture were; it was intended to replace those copies of the
scriptures destroyed in the persecution. (Lee Martin McDonald, James A.
Sanders, Editors: The Canon Debate; Everett Ferguson, Factors Leading to
the Selection and Closure of the New Testament Canon, p 318, 2002)
By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for
comments, input or corrections.