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Title:Moral failures of Modern Pentecostal preachers
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Body:"And many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep." 2 Peter 2:2

Moral failures of

Pentecostal Preachers

(Those who promote 20th century tongues)

We recognize that all men are sinners, however, there is a disproportionately high rate of moral failure among the highest profile Pentecostal preachers. We recognize that there are a few of these kinds of preachers in every church, our concern is that almost ALL the most famous Pentecostal preachers have disgraced God in their moral lives.

These LEADERS claim a high degree of sanctification. Each claims to either have met with Jesus personally, seen Him in an open vision, been visited by angels, etc. . .Yet with only a cursory look into their personally lives and lifestyles one quickly sees how fraudulent their claims are. Some might want to say "these people do not represent the movement" or that I have "stacked the deck." The sad TRUTH of the matter is that these people are KEY PEOPLE in the movement. These are the acknowledged LEADERS. If what they promote does not work in their own lives why should anyone else believe them?

Moral failures of Pentecostal preachers

Individual involved

Moral fault

Allen, A. A.

Divine Healer, Evangelist

Drunkard, died of alcohol abuse

arrested for drunk driving during a Tennessee revival in 1955, the first of many alcohol-related experiences

Bakker, Jim


adultery, lover of money, convicted felon

Coe, Jack

Divine Healer, Evangelist

lover of money

Dowie, John A.

Healer, 1st Restored "Apostle"

lover of money

Gortner, Marjoe

Divine Healer, Child Evangelist

lover of money, admitted fake

Grant, W.V. (junior)

Divine Healer, Evangelist

lover of money, convicted felon for tax fraud, a divorcee

Hagin, Kenneth

Apostle, Prophet, Pastor, Teacher

Kenneth Hagin - a.k.a. "Dad" Hagin, Father of the Word of Faith Movement, Prophet Hagin, Apostle Hagin.

Intellectual property theft: Kenneth Hagin has been proven to be a plagiarist, a plagiarist is someone who steals another person's writings and fails to acknowledge the original author of the work. D. R. McConnell proved beyond any shadow of doubt that Hagin stole much of his theology from E.W. Kenyon, the true Father of the Word of Faith Movement in his most excellent book "A Different Gospel." It seems dad Hagin also stole about 75% of John A. Macmillan's book entitled "The Authority of the Believer" written in 1932. This theft was discovered by Dale Simmons while working on a paper at Oral Roberts University Hagin was confronted about this theft and made few changes in subsequent editions of that book. He has never publicly admitted to stealing anything from Kenyon. It gets stranger! Hagin has also made the claim to have had no less than eight personal face-to-face visits with the Lord Jesus Christ His book "I Believe In Visions" makes this statement on the cover "The fascinating personal story of a man whose life and ministry have been dramatically influenced by visions of Jesus."

Hickey, Marilyn

Faith healer

Word of Faith teacher - shameless use of charismatic trinkets (blessed cornmeal, oils, cloths, seeds, coins, etc.).

Jenkins, Leroy Televangelist

convicted felon for arson & assault.

Jones, Bob


Was one of the main "prophets" of the Kansas City Fellowship (The other being Mike Bickel). Despite being discredited in a sexual misconduct scandal in 1991 (Minister removed after confession of sexual misconduct, Olathe Daily News, 11/31/91), Bob Jones remains a "prophet" within the Vineyard.

Jordan, Bernard

Prophet, Bishop

lover of money

Khulman, Kathryn

Divine healer, Evangelist, Pastor

adultery, divorce

McPhearson, Aimee S.

Pastor, Evangelist

She is controversial because she faked her own kidnapping in order to carry on an adulterous affair in 1926. During the outcry against her over this affair she incorporated The International Church of the Foursquare Gospel, which later grew into a large Pentecostal denomination. The Foursquare denomination exists today. Sister Aimee died of a barbiturate overdose in 1944.

Parham, Charles Fox


In 1907, Parham was arrested and charged with sodomy in Texas and lost all credibility with the neo-Pentecostal movement he started through his disciple William Seymour! Seymour started the Azusa St Mission. Parham was also a racist.

Popoff, Peter

Divine Healer, Evangelist

lover of money, proven fake:

Must see this article:

God's Frequency is 39.17 Mhz. The Investigation Of Peter Popoff

Swaggart, Jimmy


adultery, hypocrite, opulent lifestyle while crying broke on television

Tilton, Robert

Prophet, Pastor, Teacher

Word of Faith Televangelist: lover of money; 2 divorces, multiple law suits, caught in many lies, utters many false prophecies.

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