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Modified:2020-01-28 11:27:57
Title:Dinosaur Art By Native Americans (Petroglyphs)
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Body:Dinosaur Art By Native Americans (Petroglyphs)

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Evidence that Dinosaurs and Humans co-existed

What evolutionists have said if man and dinosaurs co-existing.

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Natural Bridges National Park, Utah

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Dr. Dennis Swift, brought to our attention, petroglyphs under one of the spectacular bridges in White Rock Canyon within Natural Bridges National Monument near Blanding, Utah. The lower left photo shows men pointing to where the etchings are located. The park literature attributes the petroglyphs to the Anasazi who inhabited the area from approximately A.D. 400 to A.D. 1300.

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Can you see the dino?

A book on Indian rock art sold at the park visitors center says, "There is a petroglyph in Natural Bridges National Monument that bears a startling resemblance to a dinosaur, specifically a Brontosaurus, with a long tail and neck, small head and all." (Prehistoric Indians, Barnes and Pendleton, 1995, p.201) The desert varnish, which indicates age, is especially heavy over this section. (Click on photo for high resolution)

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Grand Canyon: An example of Native American rock art carved into the walls of Grand Canyon. It was discovered in 1879 by E. L. Doheny and documented in 1924 by a scientific expedition which included Dr. Charles W. Gilmore, Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology, United States National Museum. The resulting publication reported as "fact" that "some prehistoric man made a pictograph of a dinosaur on the walls of this canyon..." Doheny Scientific Expedition, p.5. Recenly someone used it as a target practice and you can see a bullet hole at the base of the tail. It shows just how old the etchings must be since the fresh bullet mark cuts through the thick "rock varnish". (Click on photo for high resolution)

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Montrose County, Colorado: These petroglyphs are attributed to the Fremont Indians who were contemporary with the Anasazi. They are found in Montrose county, Colorado and appear to depict a Triceratops, including the characteristic three horns and neck frill. Dr. Patton points to the etching. (Click on photo for high resolution)

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