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Title:Using Surveys to generate leads for Bible study!
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Body:Using Surveys to generate leads for Bible study! I have used surveys a lot. They can be effective tools of generating leads for Bible study as you go door to door. You can also use this for "aggressive blitzing" as I call it, by asking people in a mall, a busy street, part etc and asking them to do the survey. One very important note. Surveys do tend to be manipulative and can be perceived as being a dishonest trick. Saying stuff like, "this is not a church membership drive" is not correct. You are trying to find new members for your church. Don't lie to the public! Saying stuff like: "We're trying to better understand the religious beliefs of other people in our community" is also not really true. You don't really care to learn what the false religious beliefs are of the town, you want to teach them the truth from the Bible. Even merely calling it a survey, can be misleading, because you are not really conducting a true survey. You never record or care to record their answers to your questions, and nothing will ever be tabulated for publication, you are simply using the survey as an opener to ask them for Bible study. Presenting yourself as a representative from Gallop Polls, will also hurt the seekers image of you when they find out at the end, you are just a churchgoer, looking for more people to fill the pews. If you understand these things and approach the survey with care, it can be a great way to generate leads.

Of course, the greatest benefit to having the church do a survey, is that it trains them to ask strangers about religious things. Ideally you will meet someone and instead of saying, "I'm doing a survey... how often do you attend church" say instead, "thanks for helping me find the thing I was shopping for in your store, do you attend church?" The latter is far more natural, no gimmicks and very powerful. It will also generate incredible discussion.

Here are 8 different surveys by various authors.

Steve Rudd

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Door To Door Approach

by Dave Bradford

Greeting: (Smile) "Hello"

Introduction: "My name is ___

I am a member of the ___ church of Christ."

Initial Approach:

"I am (Several or us are) walking around in the community getting acquainted with people and wanted to give you a, personal invitation to visit with us at any of the regular services at the ___ church of Christ. We meet at...... (pointing to card or brochure giving schedule of services). The church building is located at..... This is some free literature we would like to give you with the invitation to come out and visit with us any-time you may be able to come.

Before A Gospel Meeting

Initial approach: "ever_ al of us are walking around in the community getting acquainted with peo-ple and also inviting people to attend this (pointing to card, handbill) special series of meetings beginning this coming (day and date) and we will be having services each evening next week at (time). The church meets at location) and we would like for you to visit with us any night you possibly can" (handing the person the card, handbill, or other Advertisement).

Pause: (Wait for their, reaction- "Thank you, I'll try to come" or whatever).

Approach: for Study (MEMORIZE)

"Let me mention one other thing. We use these Bible Study Questions (showing the front) for home Bible studies. We like to encourage people to do more reading and studying of the Bible in their homes. (Opening Questionnaire) The way it's set up is this. There is a list of scriptures with a question after each one, the idea being that we would come your home and get the Bible and read these verses together and thus would be reading exactly what God has said. Then we would ask the question, which isn't hard, but rather it's intended to prompt an informal discussion in which we would share ideas with each other on what God has said in these verses."

Commitment Questions: (MEMORIZE)

1. "Does this sound to you like an Interesting way to study God's word with someone?"

2. "I think it's a very interesting way to study the Bible and would like to come by and read and discuss it with you sometime. When would be a more convenient evening to you, some Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday?

If the response is unfavorable toward a Study: Some Questions

To The Religious

Do you have a religious interest?

How often do you read the Bible in your home?

Do you sometimes talk to others about God's word?

What do you think of this informal discussion method of Bible Study?

To The non-Religious

Do you have a religious interest?

Do you believe in God.?

Do you feel you are really serving God?

What are you doing that you feel is your sere I.ce to God?

Do you fee? the need to study the Bible more to know what God expects of you?

What do you think of this informal discussion Method of Bible study?


(1) If after Step One you get a response similar to: "I am a member of ____ "

but maybe I can visit with you sometime," or

and we stay pretty busy with our own programs."

Listen, then say, "I am happy for your interest in serving God. There is a need for God in each of our lives. You know, you may be interested in this. We use these Bible Study questions for......... (APPROACH for study).

(2) If after Step One you get a response similar to: "Well, I'm a Catholic."


"I see. You know, the Catholic Church has begun to encourage its members to feel freer to investigate the beliefs of others and even visit their services at times. They certainly are not as closed to Investigation as they were at one time. Let me mention one other thing. We use these Bible Study Questions for .....(APPROACH).

(3) If after Step One the person. states he has no religious interest

Go on to Questions (Step 3 for the non-religious) then

Return to Approach for Study (Step 2), if possible.

(4) If after Step One or Two you get a response similar to: "I'm one of Jehovah's many Witnesses.'"

Respond (after telling them the Study Questions)

That you feel sure since they go out to set up studies with others that they will gladly accept this opportunity that has come their way.

If refused, stress that you just can't understand why they would seek studies with people but refuse this opportunity to do that very thing.

State that since you came to them you would like to use your method of study for the four lessons before using their method of study.

Ask them why Jesus would use pagan false doctrine in the story of the rich man and Lazarus Lk 16. They cannot answer it.

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Hello, I'm And this is We attend We're trying to better understand the religious beliefs of other people in our community. Would you be willing to help us by sharing your thoughts on four brief questions?

__ Yes __ No __ Not Now

1. Do you believe that there is a heaven? 0 Yes O No

2. At this point in your life, do you believe that you will go to heaven when you die?

0 Yes 0 I hope so O I'm not sure 0 No

3. Why do you believe this?

I've tried to keep the ten commandments 0 I go to Church O I believe in God

0 I'm basically a good person

0 I've done the best I could 0 I've never hurt anyone O Others:

This may surprise you, but the Bible describes how someone can get to heaven in an amazingly different way than we have discussed.

4. May I share with you how the Bible showed me that I could know I was going to heaven? 0 Yes 0 No

0 Not Now

If YES, turn to pg. 2 of the "Are You Going?" booklet or pg. 4 of the "2 Question Test" booklet.

If NOT NOW, ask: "When would be a more convenient time for us to discuss this further?"

NAME (please print) PHONE



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Hello, I'm And this is We attend

We're trying to better understand the religious beliefs of other people in our community. Would you be willing to help us by sharing your thoughts on three brief questions?

0 Yes __ No __ Not Now 1. "What words would you use to describe God?" "Is He good, bad, or a mixture of both?" Answer:

2. "What words would you use to describe man?" "Is he good, bad, or a mixture of both?" Answer:


(If they have correctly given the above answers for God and Man, then ask them:)

3. "How do you think this kind of a God solved the problem of allowing this kind of Man into Heaven?" (repeat the above answers given for God and Man.)

If they are uncertain ask "May I share with you the amazing solution the Bible gives for this problem?"

If they give an answer, but it does not mention Jesus Christ's death and resurrection, say: "This may surprise you, but the Bible describes the solution to this problem in an amazingly different way. May I briefly share this solution with you?"


(If they have given incorrect answers for God and/or Man, then say:)

3. "This may surprise you, but the Bible de-scribes God and/or Man in an amazingly different manner than we have discussed. May I briefly share with you the amazing way the Bible de-scribes God and Man?"

0 Yes O No __Not Now

If YES, turn to pg. 2 of the "Are You Going?" booklet or pg. 4 of the "2 Question Test" booklet.

If NOT NOW, ask: "When would be a more convenient time for us to discuss this further?"


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Hello, I'm ___ and this is ___

We are Christians of the community here. We would like to know about you and your family and your spiritual needs. Would you mind if we asked you a few questions?

1. What do you think of the Bible?

2. Do you believe that the Bible was written for man by God?

3. Where do you attend church? How often?

Seldom Fairly often Regularly Does your entire family attend?

4. Do you find your Bible difficult to understand? ___

What subjects do you wish you could hear more teaching about? ___

5. In what ways if any, are you dissatisfied with the church you attend?

6. How often do you study the Bible in your own home? Seldom Fairly often Regularly

7. We at the ____ church of Christ are undenominational, and offer the following services which may be of interest to you (Of course, there will be no cost). A Bible Correspondence course (4 Lessons) Home Bible study at your convenience Home Bible study for your children

Series of videos in your home on the theme of the Bible

Visiting of the sick Arrangements (optional)

8. Name Address Phone Number

Number of children ___ Ages ___

Thank you for your time, sir. We appreciate you answering these questions for us.

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Religious Survey Form


1. Do you consider yourself to be a religious person? Yes No

2. What local church do you attend?

3. Are you a member of that church?

4. How often do you attend church services? Every service Once a week Occasionally Rarely

5. What church does your husband/wife attend?

6. Do you have children living at home? Yes No

7. Are you familiar with the church of Christ? Yes No

8. Do you find the Bible a difficult book to understand? Yes No

9. (If yes) Do you have a free afternoon or evening when we can sit down with you and help overcome this difficulty?

(If no) What has been your key to successful Bible study?

Do you feel further Bible study would profit you or your family? If yes, make offer on back!

10. what translation of the Bible do you study from?

In an effort to help you with further Bible study, the church of Christ would like to offer you the following -Bible studies...... FREE OF CHARGE and Without Obligation

1. Bible Correspondence Course

2. Bible videos

3. Topic of your choice

4. personal bible study.

If NO,... Do You Know Anybody else Interested In One Of These Studies Of The BIBLE?




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Religious survey:

Member of any religious group?

Which group?

How often do you attend?

Rank from most to least important, physical, emotional, spiritual health

Who is Jesus according to Your understanding?

From what source did you gain this understanding?

Last time you studied the Bible?

Do you feel the Bible has answers to your questions about life?

Do you feel the need for a more personal faith?

Would you be interested in going to an informal Bible?

Keys To Making Survey Follow Up Calls

1. Make a decision to make follow up calls.

a. Why get their phone number if you won't call - make a decision to do your follow up.

b. Schedule time to make follow up calls.

c. Let the person make the decision whether or not to attend, don't make the decision for them by not making a follow up call.

2. Call within 3 days.

a. Best time - same day (call again two days later).

b. Next best - next day (call again).

c. Least best - third day (call again).

d. If you call any later than three days the person may forget who

you are, your purpose, and may lose interest after getting involved in their day to day activities.

3. Die to the flesh (pride and emotions).

a. Be ready to face rejection.

b. All they can do is say no.

c. Remember you're the King's kid!

4. Be a "best friend".

a. Have a sense of humor.

b. Be personable with a genuine interest in the person you're calling.

c. Be frl3ndlv. Friends can be made very quickly.

5. Politely persuade them to attend one of our activities.

a. Be a responsive 1isten?r (aim to meet needs).

b. Listen for barriers and offer alternatives (ie: If they can't make it to a group bible study then offer the church)

6. Review "Keys to Effectiveness" and pray to God for guidance.

Steps To Handling Objections & Obstacles

COMMON OBSTACLES: Busy schedules, can't find baby sitter, go to another church, entertainment on the same night of the activity, lost interest (maybe later), "I'll call you"


Step 1: Ask about their schedule - get details, draw a profile. -What type of work schedule do you have?

-What activities do you have in the evenings? Clubs? School'. Hobbies? Sports'.'

-Are you married'. Have any kids? -Etc. . .

Step ?: Offer alternatives that may fit into the schedule for the week. -"Well since you can't :hake it on Sunday, I'm sure you would enjoy coming to a neighborhood Group Bible Study (explain) that will be on Tuesday evening or Church (explain)

on Wednesday. WHICH WOULD BE BETTER FOR YOU'."' (remember Day Church)

Step 3: Stress the importance.

-Have you put much thought into your purpose in life' -What is .cur purpose.'


Step 1: Ask about their personal bible study. -How often do you read the bible. -When was the last time you read. -What did you read? or What are you learning?

Step 2: Invite to Group Bible Study or Church.

-"Our community Group Bible Studies should be of special interest to you." -Explain how they could learn and contribute in a group bible study setting.

LOST INTEREST (maybe later), "I'LL CALL YOU"

Step 1: Be positive.

-"Well I enjoyed talking with you, I'll call you to see how you're doing and to let you know what's going on".

Step 2: Keep their phone number.

-Call them for neighbor days, retreats, harvest series etc.

Step 3: Remember that God can soften their hearts at a later time. You also may come in contact with an open person through them (their roommate, family or friends et-. . .)

Step +: Be sure to work with the most open people.


-pray for wisdom -do your best -seek advice

-learn from your experiences


1. Pray for wisdom, boldness and a loving character.

2. Pick up the phone.

3. Dial the number.

- You will always have 7000 reasons-not to call:

"They're probably out to dinner", "she's probably shopping" etc.

4. Identify yourself.

- When and where you met them.

5. Ask them how they're doing.

- Be friendly and personable.

6. Tell them why you're calling.

"I'm calling to remind you about the Group Bible Study we're having on Thursday evening, I'm looking forward to seeing you! Are you planning to attend?"

This is a good time to give more information about the activity.

"The bible study is an informal group discussion, we discuss practical topics relating to our lives today, people will be there from different religions and backgrounds -which takes the discussion interesting

8. Be prepared to handle objections and obstacles, get a comment.

9. Be sure they can get to the activity.

- Offer rides, give clear directions etc.

10. End the conversation on a positive note and affirm their commitment.

- "It's has been good talking with you again."

- "I'm looking forward to seeing you on

- "Have a good evening, I call again on etc. . .

11. Write in your schedule book when you will see them or the nest time you will call.

12. Pray.

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