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Ellen G. White


or Plagiarist!

The White Lie! By Walter T. Rea

White copied The Desire of Ages and The Spirit of Prophecy from these sources!

Chapter 6/Selected Exhibits

by Walter Rea

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Books Written by White:

Sources from Which She Drew:

White, Ellen G.

The Desire of Ages, Mountain View, California, Pacific Press, 1898.

The Spirit of Prophecy, vols. 2-3, Mountain View, California, Pacific Press, 1877-1878.

Edersheim, Alfred

Bible History, vol. 1, (1876) Reprint, Grand Rapids Eerdmans 1949.

The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah, (1883) Reprint, Grand Rapids Eerdmans 1967.

Farrar, Frederic W.

The Life of Christ, New York, Dutton, 1877.

Fleetwood, John

The Life of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, New Haven, Galpin, 1844.

Geike, Cunningham

The Life and Words of Christ New York, Appleton, 1883.

Hanna, William

The Life of Christ

New York, American Tract Society,

Harris, John

The Great Teacher, 2nd ed.

Amherst J. S. and C. Adams, 1836

The Great Teacher, 17th ed Boston, Gould and Lincoln, 1870.

March, Daniel

Night Scenes in the Bible

Philadelphia, Zeigler, McCurdy,

Walks and Homes of Jesus Philadelphia, Presbyterian Pub. Committee, 1856.

Sample Comparison Exhibits

Note: Numerals in [ ] indicate page numbers.

The Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 2

E. G. White 1877

[67] Christ virtually says, On the bank of Jordan the heavens were opened before me, and the Spirit descended like a dove upon me. That scene at Jordan was but a token to evidence that I was the Son of God. If you believe in me as such, your faith shall be quickened, and you shall see that the heavens will be opened, and shall never be closed. I have opened them for you, and the angels of God, that are united with me in the reconciliation between earth and Heaven, uniting the believers on earth with the Father above, will be ascending, bearing the prayers of the needy and distressed from the earth to the Father above, and descending, bringing blessings. . . for the children of men.

The angels of God are ever moving up and down from earth to Heaven, and from Heaven to earth. All the miracles of Christ performed for the afflicted and suffering were, by the power of God, through the ministrations of angels. Christ condescended to take humanity, and thus he unites his interests with the fallen sons and daughters of Adam here below, while his divinity grasps the throne of God. And thus Christ opens the communication of man with God, and God with man.

The Life of Christ

William Hanna 1863

[108] You have heard ... on the banks of the river, the heavens opened for a moment above my head, and the Spirit was seen coming down like a dove upon me. That was but a sign. Believe what that sign was meant to confirm; believe in me as the Lamb of God, the Saviour of the world, the baptizer with the Holy Ghost, and your eye of faith shall be quickened, and you shall see those heavens standing continually open above my head-opened by me for you; and the angels of God ... that carry on the blessed ministry of reconciliation between earth and heaven, between ... believers below and the heavenly Father above... going up and bringing blessings innumerable down, ascending and descending upon the Son of man.... You shall see me in that ladder of all gracious communication between earth and heaven, my humanity fixing firmly the one end of that ladder on earth, in my divinity the other end of that ladder lost amid the splendors of the throne.

The Spirit of Prophecy, Vol. 2

E. G. White 1877

[343] The Feast of Tabernacles was celebrated to commemorate the time when the Hebrews dwelt in tents during their sojourn in the wilderness. While this great festival lasted, the people were required to leave their houses and live in booths made of green branches of pine or myrtle. These leafy structures were sometimes erected on the tops of the houses, and in the streets, but oftener outside the walls of the city, in the valleys and along the hillsides. Scattered about in every direction, these green camps presented a very picturesque appearance.

[344] The feast lasted one week, and during all that time the temple was a festal scene of great rejoicing.

Night Scenes in the Bible

Daniel March 1868-1870

[363] For seven successive days Jerusalem was crowded by thousands of the faithful in Israel . .. They lived in booths or tabernacles of green boughs built upon the housetops, in the streets and public squares, m the courts of the temple and of private houses, and all up and down the valleys and hillsides beyond the walls of the city. The whole of Mount Zion... was so thickly shaded with green boughs as to seem in the distance like a forest of palm and pine, of olive and of myrtle. Seven days were consecrated....

The Desire of Ages

Ellen G. White 1898

[23] So Christ set up His tabernacle in the midst of our human encampment. He pitched His tent by the side of the tents of men, that He might dwell among us, and make us familiar with His divine character and life.

The Great Teacher

John Harris 1836, (1870 ea.)

[90] He came and set up his tabernacle in the midst of the human encampment, pitched his tent side by side with our tents, to attest the presence of God, to make us familiar with his character, and sensible of his love.

The Desire of Ages

Ellen G. White 1898

[83] It would be well for us to spend a thoughtful hour each day in contemplation of the life of Christ. We should take it point by point, and let the imagination grasp each scene, especially the closing ones. As we thus dwell upon His great sacrifice for us, our confidence m Him will be more constant, our love will be quickened, and we shall be more deeply imbued with His spirit.

Walks and Homes of Jesus

Daniel March 1856

[313] Nevertheless it will do us all good, frequently and solemnly to review the closina scenes In the Saviour's earthly life.... We shall learn many salutary lessons, by going back in memory, and spending a thoughtful hour, in the endeavor to strengthen our faith and quicken our love at the foot of the cross.

The Desire of Ages

Ellen G. White 1898

[142] "Verily, verily, I say unto you, Hereafter ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man."

Here Christ virtually says, On the bank of the Jordan the heavens were opened, and the Spirit descended like a dove upon Me. That scene was but a token that I am the Son of God. If you believe on Me as such, your faith shall be quickened. You shall see that the heavens are opened, and are never to be closed. I have opened them to you. The angels of God are ascending..

and descending, bringing blessing and hope, courage, help, and life, to the children of men....

[143] In taking upon Himself humanity, our Saviour unites His interests with those of the fallen sons and daughters of Adam, while through His divinity He grasps the throne of God. And thus Christ is the medium of communication of men with God, and of God with men.

The Life of Christ

William Hanna 1863

[108] "Verily, verily I say unto you, hereafter, or rather from this time forward, ye shall see heaven open, and the angels of God ascending and descending upon the Son of man. You have heard, that a few weeks ago on the banks of the river, the heavens opened for a moment above my head, and the Spirit was seen coming down like a dove upon me. That was but a sign. Believe what that sign was meant to confirm; believe in me as the Lamb of God, the Saviour of the world, the baptizer with the Holy Ghost, and your eye of faith shall be quickened, and you shall see those heavens standing continually open above my head-opened by me for you; and the angels of God-all beings and things that carry on the blessed ministry of reconciliation between earth and heaven . . . ascending and descending upon the Son of man .... You shall see me in that ladder of all gracious communication between earth and heaven, my humanity fixing firmly the one end of that ladder on earth, in my divinity the other end of that ladder lost amid the spendors of the throne."

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