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Title:Psychiatry gives people false hope and artificially positive expectations about their life.
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Body:Psychiatry offers false hope and no solutions:

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Only Jesus brings real hope and peace!

Psychiatry gives people false hope and artificially positive expectations about their life. Unrealistic future outlooks that promise rose gardens and green pastures. Unfortunately you cannot make a fur coat from a pig skin lifestyle.

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Psychiatry damages society and individuals The mental health system causes harm to both individuals and society as a whole.


The arrogance of humanistic and chemical psychiatrists is staggering. They set themselves up as the priests of a new world order offering peace, hope and solutions to every day problems. Lets get one thing strait.

Christians make better councilors than psychiatrists. Christians have been offering real hope peace and solutions to every day problems based upon the Bible for 2000 years.

The psychology industry has actually positioned itself as an exact replacement of the Bible, church, priests and God. The problem is, they do not deliver what they say they promise.

"If these shocking presumptions were not an actual description of the current state of the Psychology industry, they might be laughable. But regrettably, these simplistic theories are widely applied and widely accepted in a society that naively trusts psychologists to be scientific and objective, optimistic and positive, and caring and other-oriented." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 266)

A. What psychiatrists and psychologists say:

"The altruistic appearance of the services offered by psychologists is dangerously misleading. People need to recognize that the Psychology Industry thrives by promoting its services and expanding its market, and that psychologists are selling the public a bill of goods, making promises about happiness, health and safety which they cannot fulfil. Psychologists are in the business of posing as experts in living, claiming for themselves the ability to divine right from wrong and cause from effect. The Psychology industry has persuaded society that the "good life" is possible through the guidance and assistance of psychologists." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 269)

"They uphold what Thomas Wolfe refers to as "the new alchemical dream." Whereas "the old alchemical dream was changing base metal into gold... the new alchemical dream is changing one's personality- remaking, remodeling, elevating and polishing one's very self... observing, studying and doting on it."' As the ancient alchemists were inducted into secret societies and magical orders, those with a psychologically-prone personality are inducted into the psychological society. Probably their most salient feature is suggestibility. They are easily seduced by the rhetoric of psychology; influenced by the subtle communication of experts and easily persuaded by the directive guidance offered in psychotherapy. As Hans Strupp observed: "all forms of psychotherapy employ suggestion... the patient's suitability for psychotherapy is based on his potential openness to suggestion." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 200)

"Following the dissemination of Freudian theory, many conditions that psychiatrists had not previously taken seriously or that they had thought represented malingering [faking] were now dignified and given the status of real ill-nesses. . . So the incorporation of Freudian thought into medical practice increased the scope of psychiatry in a number of ways. . . . The psychiatrist had received from Freud a new kind of power, different from, and greater than, any he had wielded before. Psychiatrists and psychologists could now claim to understand what was going on in the unconscious." (Jonas Robitscher, 1920-1981, professor of psychiatry at Emory University in Atlanta, The Powers of Psychiatry, p 35)

"Being a real victim involves pain, injury and loss. in contrast, becoming a fabricated victim entails none of these obvious costs. Rather, it amounts to being reassured that the worst thing that can happen has already occurred and that help is on the way. The Psychology industry sells the idea that once identified as a victim, one can anticipate relief and healing and "happily-ever-after" endings. One self-described abuse victim writes: " ... Every fairy tale I ever read as a kid had a happy ending, and I'll be damned if mine doesn't too".' (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 67)

"Recognition as a victim provides the starting point. It identifies the client as the central character and the psychologist as the guide in some heroic journey, the modern-day quest for innocence and fulfillment. Becoming a fabricated victim isn't about endings and losses so much as it is about beginnings and gains. What all fabricated victims have in common is not some extraordinary experience but rather the expectation of a future made brighter by virtue of victim status. Fabricated victims are given permission to lead psychologized lives, where guilt and shame are banished and responsibilities are diminished. Meanwhile, those unidentified by the Psychology industry must go on with their lives complete with disappointments, failures, self-doubts, embarrassing moments, regrets, sicknesses, debts, and even sins to be confessed and crimes for which to be punished." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 68)

"Remember Harris and Reynold's statement: "When your teen comes home from a therapy session, you may notice attitudinal changes. Your youngster will be developing greater self-esteem, improving confidence, and becoming more assertive and expressive." Self-esteem has become embellished to the point where lack of it is generally accepted as one of the major causes of personal and social problems, which must be directly addressed before people will change or social problems can be solved. As one psychologist wrote: "every theory of mental health considers a positive self-concept to be the cornerstone of a healthy ego"." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 171)

"McCord identifies three factors that may contribute to the harmful effects: encouraged dependency, false optimism and externalized responsibility; all of which are likely effects of many services promoted now by the Psychology Industry." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 121)

B. Jesus offers what psychiatrists cannot:

You have spent all this time wondering what is wrong with you. Hours in therapy, many books read, but still no solutions.

Why not start attending a Bible believing church and discovering for yourself the true inner peace and contentment that comes from Jesus Christ.

The psychology industry tells you that you have no purpose other than this earth. Jesus says you have a spirit that can live in heavenly bliss forever.


"psychologists are selling the public a bill of goods, making promises about happiness, health and safety which they cannot fulfil. Psychologists are in the business of posing as experts in living, claiming for themselves the ability to divine right from wrong and cause from effect. The Psychology industry has persuaded society that the "good life" is possible through the guidance and assistance of psychologists." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 269)

Do you really want to exchange the beauty and wisdom of the creator for the personal opinions of some self serving, material oriented psychiatrist who thinks man evolved by random chance processes and rejects the existence of a creator? If you do, you get what you deserve in life! Better to stick with God and the Bible!

Have you read the Bible? Go buy a modern language Bible and read it!

Unlike psychiatrists and psychologists, God delivers on the promises he makes!

By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections.

Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry

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