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Title:Mental Ilness Cures: (MMPI-2) Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2
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Body:The MMPI-2-RF is "Pure Junk-pop-psychology"

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-RF (MMPI-2-RF) 2003 AD

Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) 1989 AD

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1. How the 567 questions of the MMPI-2 diagnoses you with a mental illness. Take the on line MMPI-2 test to see what mental illnesses you have. (search the net, there are lots of websites that not only discuss this junk psychology personality test in detail, but also list all 567 questions in detail. We don't list any of the questions. Anyone can buy it on line by searching for PSEUDOSCIENCE AND PSEUDOLOGIC IN PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING by James Roger Brown)

2. The scientistic sounding vocabulary of pop psychology exposed.

3. Take the on line MMPI-7 self-test based upon the Bible. (Pictured to the left)

Introduction to the MMPI-2-RF: "Pure Junk-pop-psychology"

1. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) is a 567 "yes/no" test used by psychologists and Children's Aid Societies (CAS) to test for mental illness. It is assumed that everyone has a mental illness. The MMPI-2 does not test if you have a mental illness, it determines which one you have!

2. MMPI-2-RF (Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-RF) is an updated version (2003 AD) of the MMPI-2 (1989 AD)

3. MMPI-2-RF has only 338 true/false items, whereas the older MMPI-2 has 567 true/false questions.

4. To read the actual 567 questions for the MMPI-2 and the mental illness diagnosis associated with each question simply search the internet because there are hundreds of sites that list all 567 questions. . Anyone can buy it on line by searching for PSEUDOSCIENCE AND PSEUDOLOGIC IN PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING by James Roger Brown) We don't list any of the questions because we are not interested in promoting junk science. Everyone who takes the test is diagnosed with a mental illness including the psychiatrists or psychologists who give the test. Remember, the MMPI does not test if you have a mental illness, it determines which one. These results are then used against you by the CAS in court to keep your children away from you.

5. All human behaviour including, insanity and mental illness are caused by choices of the spirit, not chemicals in the brain. Mental illness is a behaviour, not a disease.

6. Historically, church ministers were the "experts", that other went to for help for any behaviour problem including insanity. The theistic origin of "Psychiatry" is embedded in the fact that it is a Greek word literally meaning "doctor of the soul". Today's chemical psychiatrists are generally evolutionary atheists who don't even believe man has a soul who use drugs and shocks to modify behaviour. Why pay $125 per hour to a credentialed therapist when you can get better advice for free... take the self-test for human behaviour.

7. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 is worthless psychobabble and everyone should refuse to ever take this test even if ordered by a judge.

8. I want to comment on the great evil and deception of the mental health industry and psychiatry in general. The current view is that chemical imbalances in the brain force choice and cause behavior. Yet there is no known medical test for any mental disorder. There are no blood tests or x-rays or fMRI's brain scans that can detect even a single mental illness. A person cannot be diagnosed with schizophrenia unless he talks.

9. Herein is exposed, the schizophrenic nature of modern biochemical psychiatry: Psychiatrists claim mental illness is a bodily disease like diabetes, yet they diagnose you by their personal opinion formed by the way you answer the 567 true/false MMPI test questions. This is not medical science! It is fraud! The only treatments offered today by psychiatrists are by either drugging or shocking the brain.

A. How everyone who takes the MMPI gets diagnosed with mental illness:

1. The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2, also known as the MMPI is a test with 567 questions where you answer either true or false to questions like:

a. "I like car repair magazines"

b. "My sex life is so-so"

c. "My sleep is spotty"

d. "Much of the time I have a headache"

2. What most judges, lawyers and parents don't know, is that the MMPI does not test for mental disorders, it was designed to determine which mental disorder you have because bio-chemical psychiatrists today believe everyone has a mental disorder. The MMPI only tells you which mental illness you have. It is like being asked if you have stopped beating your wife. If you answer yes you are labeled an abuser and if you answer no you labeled an abuser.

3. About 200 of the 567 questions are rigged to label you with a mental illness no matter how you answer. Imagine answering 200 questions like: "have you stopped sexually abusing your children" or "Have your hallucinations stopped?" or "Is your personality disorder in remission". No matter how you answer true/false on the MMPI, you are guaranteeing a diagnosis of some mental illness which will be used by CAS in court to keep your children away from you until you undergo years of "treatment" by the very mental health industry who self-servingly labeled you mentally ill in the first place. So psychiatry and CAS collude together like symbiotic parasites sucking the blood money out of society. CAS wins because they get paid on a per diem basis for each child they kidnap, and psychiatry wins the money lottery, because the CAS orders psychiatric treatments that last years and make them rich! This evil must stop!

4. Now let me give you a specific example of these "have you stopped beating your wife", no win questions you for forced to answer. There are 200 questions exactly like this that you must answer!

5. You get labeled with a mental disorder no matter how you answer! Remember, the MMPI does not test for the presence of mental illness; it is a diagnostic tool to determine which mental illness you have.

6. "The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 is structured to produce false positive conclusions that anyone taking the test is afflicted with some degree of psychological problems. ... Another key science fraud element is structuring psychological testing to produce false positive conclusions that anyone responding to all items on the instrument has some psychological disorder. The central science fraud problem with psychological testing is the incorporation of numerous logical fallacies into the interpretive structure. For example, there is no set of responses a person can give to the MMPI-2 that will score zero on all the scales used to interpret responses to the instrument. The MMPI-2 is not designed to detect the presence or absence of psychological disorders, it presumes the existence of multiple psychological disorders and is only designed to identify which disorders are present. No experiment has documented that all individuals have psychological disorders that are the product of physiological disorders. The mental health professions are based on the medical model that psychological problems are the product of physiological disorders. A major reason for the ongoing science fraud in psychological testing is the failure of States to require that psychological testing and evaluators comply with Deceptive and Unconscionable Trade Practices Code. Using tests and methodology designed to falsely indicate anyone tested or evaluated has mental health problems violates such code. Medical testing labs that falsely report positive results for all persons taking a diagnostic test to sell them additional services have been prosecuted or sued by States Attorneys General." (Compendium, PSEUDOSCIENCE AND PSEUDOLOGIC IN PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING by James Roger Brown, 2004 AD)

7. You can take the MMPI-2 on line and score your mental illnesses. Click to diagnose your own mental illness by taking the MMPI-2

8. Directly below is what we have called the Meticulous Moral Principles Inquiry (MMPI-7). It is a behavioral diagnostic self-test designed by a Christian to help solve life problems. Unlike the MMPI-2, our MMPI-7 is based directly upon the Bible.

Meticulous Moral Principles Inquiry (MMPI-7)

Self Help Biblical Psychiatry

Self Test #2

"Chiropractor of the soul": Free Attitude adjustment!

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B. Example Question A: "I like auto repair magazines"

True: no score

Congratulations! If you like reading magazines you have no mental disorders... but wait there are 567 more questions to come!!!

False (3 mental disorders)

If you don't read mechanics magazines you are diagnosed with three disorders:

Repressing habit

Hyper-controlled Hostility

You are a girly girl and not a man

1. What does not liking mechanics magazines have do to with repression and over controlled hostility? If a man doesn't read mechanics magazines, psychiatrists say he is effeminate. I am surprised the gay activists haven't taken note of this and defended all us poor strait but "effeminate" guys who don't read mechanics magazines!

2. And what are psychiatrists really saying about all the female engineers in the city who read mechanics magazines? The proof that the MMPI is junk pop psychology fit only for the garbage can, is the fact that reading mechanics magazines is personal preference like what kind of music you like, and not an indication of a mental illness as psychiatrists believe.

C. Example Question B: "Sometimes I imagine bad ideas that would raise red flag if I told other."

TRUE (5 mental disorders)




You are a depressed and anxious college student

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

FALSE (1 mental disorder)

You are a liar

1. So the question is really asking you, and this is the way psychiatrists actually interpret it:

2. "Are you a schizophrenic maladjusted paranoid college student with obsessive-compulsive disorder, post-traumatic stress syndrome, prone to phobias, obsessions, compulsions and excessive anxiety

3. or are you delusional from denial, disconnected with reality and a pathological liar?"

D. Example question C: "My sleep is spotty".

Yes (9 mental disorders)

You love the benefits that come from telling people you are sick, when you are not.


Fabricate emotional problems that do not exist

General Anxiety

Acute Anxiety


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

No (1 mental disorder)

You are arrogant and annoying

1. If you answer yes: you are diagnosed 9 mental illnesses with anxiety, depression, post traumatic stress disorder, hysteria, and may be lying about the whole thing.

2. "All purported psychological evaluation instruments structured to produce false positive results that all individuals have psychological disorders rather that distinguish the presence or absence of physiological disorders that produce psychological disorder should be prohibited. All psychological tests that incorporate the logical fallacy of bifurcation in the interpretive structured should be prohibited. Legislation should be enacted criminalizing science fraud in psychology, psychiatry and social work using as distinguishing criteria the Popperian standards of testability, falsifiability, and refutability adopted by the United State Supreme Court in Daubert v. Merrell Dow Pharmeceuticals, Inc., 509 U.S. 579, 129 L.Ed.2d 469, 113 S.Ct. 2786." (Compendium, James Roger Brown, 2004 AD)

3. I disagree with these psychiatrists because I thought the reason my sleep was fitful and disturbed WAS BECAUSE CAS KIDNAPPED MY CHILDREN AND WONT GIVE THEM BACK!!! Any normal loving parent would lose sleep!

4. In fact the CAS have plunged many normal happy people into deep depression and anxiety. They caused the depression when they took your kids and then use the depression against you to keep your kids!

E. The elitist attitudes of psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists:

1. Psychiatrists, psychologists and therapists think they are special people with special training deserving of special treatment.

2. The entire mental health industry has invented a scientistic sounding vocabulary to describe every day human behaviour so that they sound like medical experts when they are really frauds and quacks!

3. "Many mental health experts are, we have found, subject to the same beliefs and behavioral traits as the naive or addicted gambler. They maintain the strong though unwarranted conviction that by virtue of their special training, experience, or gifted intuition, or through reliance on an inchoate method of weighing or interpreting clinically derived information, they can beat the odds imposed by nature. The hubris of the expert in this area is not subject to the humbling reality of the gambler losing, over the long run, at games of chance. When an expert's opinion becomes dispositive of what he or she is postdicting (the absence of objective criteria or correctness being the rich soil in which his or her claims to expertise grow), a self-aggrandizing confidence in his or her inherent abilities ensues. We note that certain experts pride themselves on their "ability" (which might be more accurately termed "readiness," "willingness" or "eagerness") to find abuse where others fail to see the signs." (Horner and Guyer, p. 228)

4. "In his capacity as an expert on detecting and documenting pseudo science, science fraud, and structural corruption, the Author [James Brown] accompanied a client to observe and record a Court ordered psychological evaluation. The Arkansas Division of Children and Family Services contracted psychiatric evaluator refused to proceed with the evaluation, stating "No one is going to scrutinize my work." This is an example of the Special Pleading logical fallacy, which is a rampant attitude among psychologists, psychiatrists and social workers, that they are a special class of people who should not be questioned because of their good intentions or special insight abilities which allow them to do what others, in their view, cannot. Some have claimed to be infallible or unaware of ever having made an error in their entire career. The latter is because the consequences of their errors do not adversely impact their own lives. Such "experts" do not have to serve the prison terms of innocent persons wrongfully convicted of child abuse or molestation on their "expert" testimony that they are guilty." (Compendium, James Roger Brown, 2004 AD)


1. The MMPI-2-RF should be outlawed in use with all legal cases including Children's Aid societies, who use it as a method of keeping children in their custody longer. Parents are unaware that everyone who takes the test will be diagnosed with a mental illness and the results of this test will be used against them in court. It is a great evil that must stop.

2. "The MMPI-2 consists of 567 items that require a true or false response. Responses to the psychological evaluation instrument items are interpreted using scales constructed by grouping items together. There is no theoretical foundation for scale construction. These scales were created based solely upon statistical associations between the specific items and persons identified as having specific "disorders." A description of the development process can be found in Development and Use of the MMPI-2 Content Scales (Butcher). ... The individual choosing TRUE or FALSE is not informed they are actually choosing to increment their scores on two different sets of scales. The false assumption is that the individual has one set or the other set of disorders and ignores other possibilities, including that they have none of the disorders. It is not possible to choose a response to all 567 items without obtaining an adverse score on one or more scales." (Compendium, James Roger Brown, 2004 AD)

a. How the 567 questions of the MMPI-2 diagnoses you with a mental illness. This is a question by question examination as to how answering yes, or no, will diagnose you will a mental illness.

b. Take the on line MMPI-2 test to see what mental illnesses you have. This is the mental illness diagnosis that the CAS will tell the judge in order to keep your children longer and away from you.

c. The scientistic sounding vocabulary of pop psychology exposed.

d. Take the on line MMPI-7 self-test based upon the Bible. (Pictured below)

e. To read the actual 567 questions of the MMPI, simply search the net, there are lots of websites that not only discuss this junk psychology personality test in detail, but also list all 567 questions in detail. We don't list any of the questions. Anyone can buy it on line by searching for PSEUDOSCIENCE AND PSEUDOLOGIC IN PSYCHOLOGICAL TESTING by James Roger Brown)

3. Both the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-RF (MMPI-2-RF) 2003 AD and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) 1989 AD are "Pure Junk-pop-psychology"

4. Below is the Christians version of the MMPI-7 that is based upon the Bible not junk psychology. Click on any of the books below for details on how you can cure yourself of your emotional problems including mental illness and insanity.

Self Help Counseling!

"Psychiatry" is a Greek word meaning "doctor of the soul"

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Be your own psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist and counselor

1. "The spirit of a man can endure his [physical] sickness, But as for a broken spirit who can bear it? " (Proverbs 18:14)

2. "Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, But a good word makes it glad. " (Proverbs 12:25)

3. "A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken. " (Proverbs 15:13)

4. "Words from the mouth of a wise man are gracious, while the lips of a fool consume him; the beginning of his talking is folly and the end of it is wicked madness. " (Ecclesiastes 10:12-13)

5. "The hearts of the sons of men are full of evil and insanity is in their hearts throughout their lives. Afterwards they go to the dead. " (Ecclesiastes 9:3)

6. "The heart is more deceitful than all else and is desperately sick; Who can understand it?" Jeremiah 17:9

7. "And hearing this, Jesus said to them, "It is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Mark 2:17

8. "God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds. " (Psalm 147:3)

By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections.

Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry

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