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Title:Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Barefoot" (depression) Real Mental Illnesses, Cases, People, Causes, Solutions
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Body:The case of "Barefoot" (depression, schizophrenia)

Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry © Version 7

Based upon: Real Mental Illnesses Real Cases Real People Real Causes Real Solutions

Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry© brings the principles of Biblical Psychiatry to life based upon real-world cases and familiarizes Christians with different types of situations. This practical companion volume to Biblical Psychiatry© includes not only diagnosis, but also in-depth discussions by experienced Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work.

The case of


(depression, schizophrenia)

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The case of "Barefoot"

Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5

Schizophrenia, delusion, paranoia

Checklist Behaviours DSM-7


Insights MMPI-7

Quick Pick EDS-7.1

Sources of personal trauma: Sexual assault/rape as a minor. Insanity

Self-disablement EDS-7.2

Shirked basic duties of a wife around the house.

Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3

Yes, a few months during which time she was on psychiatrist prescribed drugs. But the chemical imbalance in the brain was restored to normal when she stopped ingesting the prescribed neuroleptic drugs for a period of six month. However she now has been on these drugs for years and likely has permanent brain damage and will possibly develop Tardive Dyskinesia

Benefits EDS-7.4

Escape duty or life situation: EDS-7.4.4

Control over others: EDS-7.4.6

Alibi for impending failure as an adult or failure at school, work or home: EDS-7.4.7

Revenge: EDS-7.4.8

Invalidate God's law: Desire for divorce without adultery: EDS-7.4.9

Smokescreen for secret sin that is soon to be discovered: EDS-7.4.10

Avoid deserved rebuke, criticism, shame: EDS-7.4.11

Self-punishment for personal failures or to ease a guilty conscience: EDS-7.4.12

Monetary EDS-7.5


Annoyance Scale EDS-7.6


Diagnostic Laws EDS-7.7

Law of Narcissistic Behaviour Choice (NBC) EDS-7.7.1.NBC

Law of Derivative Personal Benefit (DPB) EDS-7.7.2.DPB

Law of Domino Problem Transference (DPT) EDS-7.7.4.DPT

Law of Psychopathic Modal Catalyst (PMC) EDS-7.7.8.PMC

Law of Manipulative Rhetorical Malingering (MRM) EDS-7.7.9.MRM

Law of Habitual Smokescreen Decoy (HSD) EDS-7.7.10.HSD

Law of Locus Pentaphasic Transmutation (LPT) EDS-7.7.11.LPT

Law of Anticipatory Warthog Psychosis (AWP) EDS-7.7.13.AWP

Determine the Problem

Acceptance she was partly a victim of a sexual assault and repentance for her consent in the sexual assault. Secret sin of adultery and other sexual transgressions as an adult. On top of all this, she wanted to leave her husband for no cause.

Ask a Child

She is crying because something is really bothering her. EDS-7.7.12.PMO

5 years later EDS-7.7.LPT

At the end of 5 years, she was no longer married to her husband. This is the goal of where she wanted to be and used psychotic behaviours to get herself there.

The case of "Barefoot"

Karin was a 14 year old Christian girl when she was seduced by an adult male soccer coach. She was tormented with guilt because she had consented to the sex. She engaged in various forms of self-mutilation, such as clawing her face, expressing hatred toward herself. She tried to compensate her feelings of unworthiness with extraordinarily diligent effort in the Lord's service. After marrying a Christian in her own local church Karin became miserable. Her husband was asked to become the local preacher at their church, which only made her more unhappy. She said to herself: Preacher's wives were supposed to be holy and deep down she felt she wasn't. Much of her time was spent crying. She eventually sought professional counseling. She experienced "sexual transference" for the older psychologist and he easily seduced her into a sexual affair.

At this point, Karin became psychotic and exhibited bizarre behavior. She believed an imaginary psychiatrist had implanted a communication device in her vagina to counsel her about her guilt. Her deceased father in law appeared to her in the middle of the night and told her that she was not worthy to sleep in the same bed as "his holy son". She got up walked into the deep woods beside her house and was found after a two day search and rescue mission. Karin was found barefoot, mosquito bitten, still in her nightgown, sleeping in the brushes on an island in the middle of a swamp.

She was institutionalized at a mental hospital until the insurance money ran out.

The psychiatrists in that mental hospital tried to make her feel better by placing the blame on the "straight-laced Bible thumping preacher husband". She used this as an excuse to eventually leave him.

With mind numbing drugs she has been able to function, though she still has psychotic episodes from time to time.


Karen was clearly a victim of a crime when an older man seduced her at age 14. Regardless of how the law regards such cases of statutory rape, she still needed to come to terms with the fact she had willingly participated and fully consented to the fornication. If she had enough freewill and knowledge to confess her sins and accept Christ in water baptism, two years earlier, then she knew enough to refuse the sexual encounter. All the atheistically driven psychobabble from counselors, therapists and psychiatrists to the effect she had no personal responsibility in the adultery with her soccer coach, could not overcome the truth that lay deep in her heart that she was responsible to some degree. The only way she could truly be restored to a joy filled life as a Christian, was to do something that would horrify her secular counselors, the police, Social services and her psychiatrist: She needed to publically confess her sin of adultery with her married soccer coach. Meanwhile, the coach would be dealt with according to the law. Herein lays a fundamental error of modern psychology and psychiatry: Denying one's own contribution to their own problems. Christians operate differently and always take responsibility, regardless how small the percentage of the total fault.

However, she was unwilling to forgive, forget and move on in her life even when she was told it was not her fault and she was a victim. This lack of closure was brought into her marriage with a man who became a gospel preacher.

Her unhappiness with her husband was amplified when he started preaching full time. She used her previous psychotic behaviours as a smokescreen for the fact she regrets having married him in the first place. She slandered her good husband to her atheist therapist, who could easily see that he was the cause of her present unhappiness. In fact the therapists were correct in their assessment, except her unhappiness had nothing to do with any fault of her husband; it was her own restless, impulsive and disobedient spirit. Far from being an innocent victim, she consensually committed adultery with one of her therapists. Obviously this preacher's wife was giving him the right signals that she was open to sex. This is precisely what she had done with her soccer coach years earlier. While both men are guilty of professional misconduct, from a purely moral point of view, Karin knew what she was consenting to was wrong.

Much of Karin's depression and unhappiness in her marriage stemmed from the fact that she knew she really was not a good person. Had she repented of her sin and become obedient to Christ in all things, the guilt which caused her unhappiness would have vanished. Her psychotic behaviour was a smoke screen for secret sin which nobody but her ever knew about.

Benefits from behaviour: This illustrates the Law of Narcissistic Behaviour Choice (NBC) EDS-7.7.1.NBC

Escape duty or life situation: EDS-7.4.4. Like many women before her, Karen was unhappy with her home life and husband and became an "hysteric".

Control over others: EDS-7.4.6. Her "mental illness" gave her control over things she never would have without the diagnosis.

Alibi for impending failure as an adult or failure at school, work or home: EDS-7.4.7. Like many young men who falter at the threshold of independent adulthood, Debbie was simply unwilling to settle in to the hard work of being a stay at home mom.

Revenge: EDS-7.4.8. She hated the fact her husband and her father in-law were better than she was.

Invalidate God's law: Desire for divorce without adultery: EDS-7.4.9.

Smokescreen for secret sin that is soon to be discovered: EDS-7.4.10.

Avoid deserved rebuke, criticism, shame: EDS-7.4.11.

Self-punishment for personal failures or to ease a guilty conscience: EDS-7.4.12. Debbie's all night in the woods was a deliberate physical attack on herself and a form of self-hating.

Diagnostic laws that are seen illustrated in the case of "Barefoot":

Karen's depression and psychotic behaviour served her purposes well in escaping her marriage. This illustrates the Law of Narcissistic Behaviour Choice (NBC) EDS-7.7.1.NBC

Karen calculated that the cost of being labeled mentally ill was less than the benefit of leaving her husband. This illustrates the Law of Derivative Personal Benefit (DPB) EDS-7.7.2.DPB

Karen's unhappiness with herself over her own sins caused lots of additional problems for her husband and the church. This illustrates the Law of Domino Problem Transference (DPT) EDS-7.7.4.DPT

Karen was using her depression, crying and psychotic behaviour as a selfish way of gaining control over her husband. This illustrates the Law of Psychopathic Modal Catalyst (PMC) EDS-7.7.8.PMC

Karen knew that if she just walked away from her husband, that it would bring rebuke and scorn. So she manufactured psychotic behaviours that allowed her to leave her husband with the full approval of the psychiatrist while dividing the opinion of the church over what action should be taken against her for this sin. This illustrates the Law of Manipulative Rhetorical Malingering (MRM) EDS-7.7.9.MRM

Karen used her depression and delusions as a way of drawing attention away from her hidden sinful behaviour onto her mental illness. By creating the illusion she was physically sick (mental illness), the church overlooked her spiritual sickness (sin) thus gaining sympathy from the church over her "illness" rather than rebuke for her sin. This illustrates the Law of Habitual Smokescreen Decoy (HSD) EDS-7.7.10.HSD

Everyone one wondered what was the etiology of Karin's delusions. However at the beginning of the 5 year period, Karin was a preacher's wife. At the end of the 5 year period, Karin was single and free from the obligations of marriage and able to do what she wanted, when she wanted. This illustrates the Law of Locus Pentaphasic Transmutation (LPT) EDS-7.7.11.LPT

8. After having the affair with her therapist as an adult, Karin knew sooner or later she would have to endure shame, rebuke and scorn from her family and the church. This is why Karin's schizophrenic behaviour made a dramatic upward spike in activity. Just like the warthog who beings to stomp on one stop and wildly squeal before he starts to run through the electric fence to reach the green tasty grass on the other side, so too Karin became psychotic as an escape from the real world. "Schizophrenia is how the mind rationalizes the irrational." Karin also knew her Bible well enough that there was no rational way she could leave her husband and have the blessing of the church and God. However, she had determined, in spite of what the Bible said, to leave her husband anyway. The contradiction of the mind forced Karin into her own fantasy world with her own set of delusional rules about why she can or cannot leave her husband. Her rational mind knew the only escape from reality, was the fantasy world. Deep down, however, she knew leaving her husband was going to cause her a lot of trouble and grief. The shock of the electric fence represents the rebuke and scorn she would receive when she left her husband. The green grass on the other side of the fence that the warthog wanted to eat represented her new life without her husband. This illustrates the Law of Anticipatory Warthog Psychosis (AWP) EDS-7.7.13.AWP

Note: Although these are based upon real case stories, the names and details have been changed to hide the identities of the people. This practice follows the standards of medical case history publication.

By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections.

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