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Title:Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses, Cases, People, Causes, Solutions
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Body:The case of "Moonchild" (violent, catatonic, schizophrenic mute caused by incest)

Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry © Version 7 (CBP-7)

Based upon Real Mental Illnesses Real Cases Real People Real Causes Real Solutions

Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry© brings the principles of Biblical Psychiatry to life based upon real-world cases and familiarizes Christians with different types of situations. This practical companion volume to Biblical Psychiatry© includes not only diagnosis, but also in-depth discussions by experienced Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work.

The case of "Moonchild"

(violent, catatonic, schizophrenic mute)


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The case of "Moonchild"

Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5

catatonic, schizophrenic mute Schizophrenia, delusion, paranoia

Checklist Behaviours DSM-7

Deception, lying, violence, uncontrolled anger, rage, laziness, duty shirking

Insights MMPI-7

Quick Pick EDS-7.1

Sources of personal trauma: incest by brother. Insanity

Self-disablement EDS-7.2

100% self-disabled by living catatonically in asylum

Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3

Yes. Although before the era of prescribed psychiatric drugs (1950's) which create chemical imbalances in the brain, at this point in history Opium was the only drug widely used to create chemical imbalances in the brains of the insane. She ingested Opium for years. This indicates she likely has brain damage and Tardive Dyskinesia.

Benefits EDS-7.4

Escape duty or life situation: EDS-7.4.4

Sympathy: EDS-7.4.5

Control over others: EDS-7.4.6

Revenge: EDS-7.4.8

Monetary EDS-7.5


Annoyance Scale EDS-7.6


Diagnostic Laws EDS-7.7

Law of Narcissistic Behaviour Choice (NBC) EDS-7.7.1.NBC

Law of Derivative Personal Benefit (DPB) EDS-7.7.2.DPB

Law of Narcissistic Selective Dysfunction (NSD) EDS-7.7.3.NSD

Law of Domino Problem Transference (DPT) EDS-7.7.4.DPT

Law of Annoyance Toleration Threshold (ATT) EDS-7.7.5.ATT

Law of Manipulative Rhetorical Malingering (MRM) EDS-7.7.9.MRM

Law of Diagnostic Anosognosia Relativism (DAR) EDS-7.7.7.DAR

Law of Locus Pentaphasic Transmutation (LPT) EDS-7.7.11.LPT

Law of Anticipatory Warthog Psychosis (AWP) EDS-7.7.13.AWP

Determine the Problem

She was raped by her brother and his friend

Ask a Child

Something is really bothering her EDS-7.7.12.PMO

5 years later EDS-7.7.LPT

She repented, was restored, was employed, married and led a normal life.

The case of "Moonchild"

Carl Jung, psychiatrist and founder of analytical psychology, a teen is raped by her brother and his friend, then chooses to escape reality by become schizophrenic by creating her own fantasy world as an escape rather than face reality and move on.

"Outward appearances are frequently deceptive, as I discovered to my astonishment in the case of a young catatonic patient. She was eighteen years old, and came from a cultivated family. At the age of fifteen she had been seduced by her brother and abused by a schoolmate. From her sixteenth year on, she retreated into isolation. She concealed herself from people, and ultimately the only emotional relationship left to her was one with a vicious watchdog which belonged to another family, and which she tried to win over. She grew steadily odder, and at seventeen was taken to the mental hospital, where she spent a year and a half. She heard voices, refused food, and was completely mutistic ( i.e., no longer spoke ). When I first saw her she was in a typical catatonic state. In the course of many weeks I succeeded, very gradually, in persuading her to speak. After overcoming many resistances, she told me that she had lived on the moon. The moon, it seemed, was inhabited, but at first she had seen only men. They had at once taken her with them and deposited her in a sublunar dwelling where their children and wives were kept. For on the high mountains of the moon there lived a vampire [Carl Jung's attempt to bring her from the moon back to reality] who kidnaped and killed the women and children, so that the moon people were threatened with extinction. That was the reason for the subluriar existence of the feminine half of the population. My patient made up her mind to do something for the moon people, and planned to destroy the vampire [Jung]. After long preparations, she waited for the vampire [to arrive in the asylum] on the platform of a tower which had been erected for this purpose. After a number of nights she at last saw the monster [Jung] approaching from afar, winging his way toward her like a great black bird. She took her long sacrificial knife [a gun], concealed it in her gown, and waited for the vampire's arrival. Suddenly he stood before her. He had several pairs of wings. His face and entire figure were covered by them, so that she could see nothing but his feathers [would he hurt her like other men or was he trustworthy]. Wonder-struck, she was seized by curiosity to find out what he really looked like [she opened up to him]. She approached, hand on the knife [finger on the trigger]. Suddenly the wings opened and a man of unearthly beauty stood before her [Jung was a good man]. He enclosed her in his winged arms with an iron grip, so that she could no longer wield the knife. In any case she was so spellbound by the vampire's look that she would not have been capable of striking. He raised her from the platform and flew off with her [back to earth]. After this revelation she was once again able to speak with-out inhibition, and now her resistances emerged. It seemed that I had stopped her return to the moon; she could no longer escape from the earth. This world was not beautiful, she said, but the moon was beautiful, and life there was rich in meaning. Sometime later she suffered a relapse into her catatonia, and had to have her taken to a sanatorium. For a while she was violently insane. When she was discharged after some two months, it was once again possible to talk with her. Gradually she came to see that life on earth was unavoidable. Desperately, she fought against this conclusion and its consequences, and had to be sent back to the sanatorium. Once I visited her in her cell and said to her, "All this won't do you any good; you cannot return to the moon!" She took this in silence and with an appearance of utter apathy. This time she was released after a short stay and resigned her-self to her fate. For a while she took a job as nurse in a sanatorium. There was an assistant doctor there who made a somewhat rash approach to her [he hit on her]. She responded with a revolver shot. Luckily, the man was only slightly wounded. But the incident revealed that she went about with a revolver all the time. Once before, she had turned up with a loaded gun. During the last interview, at the end of the treatment, she gave it to me. When I asked in amazement what she was doing with it, she replied, "I would have shot you down if you had failed me!" When the excitement over the shooting had subsided, she returned to her native town. She married, had several children, and survived two world wars in the East, without ever again suffering a relapse. What can be said by way of interpretation of these fantasies? As a result of the incest to which she had been subjected as a girl, she felt humiliated in the eyes of the world, but elevated in the realm of fantasy. She had been transported into a mythic realm; for incest is traditionally a prerogative of royalty and divinities. The consequence was complete alienation from the world, a state of psychosis. She became "extramundane," as it were, and lost contact with humanity. She plunged into cosmic distances, into outer space, where she met with the winged demon. As is the rule with such things, she projected his figure onto me during the treatment. Thus I was automatically threatened with death, as was everyone who might have persuaded her to return to normal human life. By telling me her story she had in a sense betrayed the demon and attached herself to an earthly human being. Hence she was able to return to life and even to marry. Thereafter I regarded the sufferings of the mentally ill in a different light. For I had gained insight into the richness and importance of their inner experience." (Memories Dreams Reflections, Carl Gastav Jung, 1961 AD, p 128)


This very sad, but common story of incest and rape shows just how much harm is done to the victim. Her fantasy world may have been motivated by pure escape or possibly attention seeking (to the crime) or revenge (guilt to the brother for what his crime did to his sister). The second theorem of psychiatry says: Psychotic behaviour is a solution. Identify the problem, which in this case, was she refused to face the reality that she had been injured, violated and hurt, so she destroyed herself completely by living in the fantasy world of her own creation. This young woman had suffered a deep personal injury and chose to withdraw from the real world as an escape into her own fantasy world. Her fantasy world was perfectly rational and kept her from internalizing what had happened to her.

As a "sometimes violent, catatonic, schizophrenic mute", she would be diagnosed by biopsychiatrists today as having a chemical imbalance in her brain or defective DNA. However, all of her actions were rational and explainable in light of her rape. Only when she "willed" did she face reality and return to lead a normal life.

Ultimately she really did not want to be in the asylum. And the proof of this was her statement: "I would have shot you down if you had failed me". She did not want Jung to fail her. She wanted him to help her. She wanted to trust him. But if he had made any sexual advances she would have shot him dead. Her statement is a hauntingly beautiful and sad cry for help.

Benefits from behaviour: This illustrates the Law of Narcissistic Behaviour Choice (NBC) EDS-7.7.1.NBC

Escape duty or life situation: EDS-7.4.4. The sum of her psychotic behaviour was to escape the trauma of being raped by her brother and his friend.

Sympathy: EDS-7.4.5. Her behaviours were calculated to gain sympathy, which of course she deserved but asked for in the wrong way.

Control over others: EDS-7.4.6. In the asylum, she was in a "safe house" and in full control of who had access to her. At home, she was vulnerable.

Revenge: EDS-7.4.8. As a trauma victim she manufactured behaviours which were calculated to say to her incestuous brother: "This is what you did to me. Hope it makes you feel bad."

Diagnostic laws that are seen illustrated in the case of "Moonchild":

She had calculated that the cost of being a catatonic schizophrenic in an asylum was worth the benefit of avoiding the acceptance and full comprehending the meaning of being raped by her brother. This illustrates the Law of Derivative Personal Benefit (DPB) EDS-7.7.2.DPB

Her choice to 100% disable herself served her plan well to escape her horrible home environment. This illustrates the Law of Narcissistic Selective Dysfunction (NSD) EDS-7.7.3.NSD

She had a huge problem to deal with and instead of confronting her brother, telling her parents or phoning the police, she created huge problems for those in the asylum who had to care for her day and night. This illustrates the Law of Domino Problem Transference (DPT) EDS-7.7.4.DPT

The girl's parents had no idea why she was acting psychotic but they surely found her to be annoying. Once she bothered them more than they were willing to endure, they sought a psychiatrist for their own personal relief of her annoying behaviour. They sent her to an asylum whenever she was more annoying than they were willing to put up with. It would have been so much better for her to be honest with her parents than put on this charade. This illustrates the Law of Annoyance Toleration Threshold (ATT) EDS-7.7.5.ATT

The young girls knew the psychiatrists had no idea what they were talking about with their fancy diagnosis of her condition. They had labeled her as an incurable catatonic schizophrenic due to a chemical imbalance in the brain or defective DNA etc (ie. whatever no defunct Biopsychiatric theories they used in 1905 AD), but she knew all along her behaviours were an escape from being raped at home. The doctors were so sure they had diagnosed her correctly, when the 18 year old girl knew she was smarter than them all because she knew the real reason. This illustrates the Law of Diagnostic Anosognosia Relativism (DAR) EDS-7.7.7.DAR

It is clear that the girl's big mistake was her inability to just tell someone in plain words she was raped by her brother and his friend. She knew how this would destroy the family or perhaps herself if they didn't believe her. So instead of the words, "Mom, Dad, I was raped by my brother", she used her psychotic behaviours do the communicating in place of words. Had her parents gone to their church minister (if they even attended) instead of atheistic Darwinian psychiatrists, her communication would have been decoded. A church minister realizes that her behaviour is her way of communicating to you that something real bad has happened to her and with a little wisdom, kindness and trust, you will draw it out. Unlike the rest of the useless Biopsychiatric doctors in the asylum, Jung did exactly the correct thing and decoded her behaviour as language (even though Jung never viewed insanity as language). Law of Manipulative Rhetorical Malingering (MRM) EDS-7.7.9.MRM

At the beginning of 5 years she was a catatonic schizophrenic living in an asylum. At the end of 5 years she was employed, married with children. She was a true victim and didn't want to be in the asylum. However she would stay there until she grew tired of the act, or someone correctly decoded her psychotic language. This illustrates the Law of Locus Pentaphasic Transmutation (LPT) EDS-7.7.11.LPT

Above all, she wanted to avoid the rape by her brother coming out into the open. This may have been because of the destruction and turmoil it would cause to her family or the personal distress of internalizing the fact she lost her virginity to her brother. These two factors were powerful reasons why she was taking extreme steps to avoid "crossing that electric fence". She knew that the moment her rape became public that a huge electric storm was going to happen. "Schizophrenia is how the mind rationalizes the irrational." Forced to walk down a road that led to the electric fence, she stopped her life, and started to stamp and squeal on one spot like the warthog, knowing that one day the truth would come out. Faced with what appeared to her to be an irrational choice of simply telling her parents, her only rational option was to go insane. This illustrates the Law of Anticipatory Warthog Psychosis (AWP) EDS-7.7.13.AWP

By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections.

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