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Title:A list of Old Testament books quoted by Jesus and other New Testament writers.
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A list of Old Testament quotes in the New Testament

Books quoted by Jesus and other New Testament writers.

A conservative, bible believing perspective!

God's providence gave us the 27 book New Testament Canon, not the church. God, not men decided the canon. This providence does not mean that church leaders were inspired in their selecting the canon, only that God had his eye on the scriptures the whole time and brought about His will to form the Bible we see today!

A list of Old Testament quotes in the New Testament

Books quoted by Jesus and other New Testament writers.

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A list of Old Testament quotes in the New Testament.

Books quoted by Jesus and other New Testament writers.


The New Testament quotes from all Old Testament Books except Ezra, Nehemiah, Esther, Ecclesiastes, and the Song of Solomon. This does not mean they are not inspired.

And Jesus quoted from 24 different Old Testament books.

List of Old Testament texts quoted in the New Testament:

Gen 1:27

Matt 19:4

Gen 5:2

Mark 10:6

Gen 2:2

Heb 4:4

Gen 2:7

1 Cor 15:45

Gen 2:24

Matt 19:5, Mark 10:7-8,1 Cor 6:17, Eph 5:31

Gen 5:24

Heb 11:5

Gen 12:1

Acts 7:3

Gen 12:3

Gal 3:8

Gen 12:7

Acts 7:5

Gen 13:15

Gal 3:16

Gen 14:17-20

Heb 7:1-2

Gen 15:5

Rom 4:18

Gen 15:6

Rom 4:3,9,22, Gal 3:6, Jas 2:23

Gen 15:13-14

Acts 7:6-7

Gen 17:5

Rom 4:17

Gen 17:7

Gal 3:16

Gen 17:8

Acts 7:5

Gen 18:10

Rom 9:9

Gen 18:14

Rom 9:9

Gen 21:10

Gal 4:30

Gen 21:22

Rom 9:7, Heb 11:18

Gen 22:16-17

Heb 6:13-14

Gen 22:18

Acts 3:15

Gen 25:23

Rom 9:12

Gen 25:23

Rom 9:12

Gen 38:8

Luke 20:28

Gen 47:31

Heb 11:21

Ex 1:8

Acts 7:18

Ex 2:14

Acts 7:27-28,38

Ex 5:2

Acts 7:30

Ex 3:5-10

Acts 7:33-34

Ex 3:6

Matt 22:32

Ex 3:15

Mark 12:26, Acts 3:13

Ex 4:16

Rom 9:17

Ex 5:18

Jam 2:11

Ex 12:46

John 19:36

Ex 13:2

Luke 2:23

Ex 16:18

2 Cor 8:15

Ex 19:6

1 Pet 2:9

Ex 19:12-13

Heb 12:20

Ex 20:12-16

Matt 19:18-19

Ex 20:13

Matt 5:21

Ex 20:13-17

Rom 13:2 9

Ex 20:12

Matt 15:4

Ex 20:14

Matt 5:27

Ex 20:17

Rom 7:7

Ex 21:17

Matt 15:4, Mark 7:10

Ex 21:24

Matt 5:38

Ex 22:27

Acts 23:5

Ex 24:8

Heb 9:20

Ex 25:40

Heb 8:5

Ex 32:1

Acts 7:40

Ex 32:6

1 Co 10:17

Ex 33:19

Rom 9:15

Lev 10:9

Luke 1:15

Lev 12:8

Luke 2:24

Lev 18:5

Rom 10:5, Gal 3:12

Lev 19:2

1 Pet 1:16

Lev 19:12, Num 30:2

Matt 5:33

Lev 19:18

Mark 12:33

Lev 19:18

Matt 5:43,19:19,22:39

Lev 19:18

Mark 12:31, Gal 5:14,Jam 2:

Lev 23:29

Acts 3:23

Lev 24:20

Matt 5:38

Lev 26:12

2 Co 6:16

Num 16:

2 Tim 2:19

Num 27:17

Matt 9:36

Deut 5:16-20

Mark 10:1, Luke 18:20

Deut 24:14

Mark 10:19

Deut 5:16

Mark 7:10, Eph 6:2-3

Deut 5:17

Jas 2:11

Deut 4:24

Heb 12:29

Deut 4:3

Mark 12:32

Deut 6:5

Luke 10:27

Deut 6:4-5

Mark 12:29-30

Deut 6:5

Matt 22:37

Deut 6:13

Matt 4:10, Luke 4:8

Deut 6:16

Matt 4:7, Luke 4:12

Deut 8:3

Matt 4:4, Luke 4:4

Deut 9:4

Rom 10:6

Deut 30:12-14

Rom 10:6-8

Deut 9:19

Heb 12:21

Deut 17:7

1 Co 5:13

Deut 18:15-16

Acts 7:37, 3:12

Deut 19:15

Matt 18:16,2 Co 13:1

Deut 21:23

Gal 3:13

Deut 24:1,3

Matt 5:31, Matt 19:7, Mark 10:4

Deut 25:4

1 Co 9:9,1 Tim 5:18

Deut 25:5,7

Matt 22:24, Mark 12:19

Deut 27:26,

Gal 3:10

Deut 29:3

Rom 11:8

Deut 30:12-14

Heb 13:5

Deut 32:21

Rom 10:19

Deut 32:35-36

Rom 12:19

Deut 32:43

Rom 15:10

1 Sam 12:22

Rom 11:2

1 Sam 13:14

Acts 13:22

2 Sam 7:8

2 Co 6:18

2 Sam 7:14

Heb 1:5

2 Sam 22:50

Rom 15:9

1 Ki 19:10,12

Rom 11:3

1 Ki 19:`8

Rom 11:4

2 Ki 1:10,11

Luke 9:54, Rev 20:9

1 Chr 17:13

Rev 21:7

2 Ch 18:16, 30:2

Mark 6:34

Job 5:13

1 Co 3:19

Job 16:19

Mark 11:10

Job 41:3

Rom 11:35

Ps 2:7

Acts 13:33, Heb 1:5,5:5

Ps 2:9

Rev 2:26-27

Ps 4:5

Eph 4:26

Ps 5:10

Rom 3:13

Ps 6:9

Matt 7:23

Ps 8:2

Matt 21:16

Ps 8:5-7

Heb 2:6-8, 1 Co 15:27

Ps 10:7

Rom 3:14

Ps 14:1-3

Rom 3:10-12

Ps 16:8-11

Acts 2:25-28, 2:31,13:35

Ps 19:5

Rom 10:18

Ps 22:1

Matt 27:46, Mark 15:34

Ps 22:18

John 19:24, Matt 27:35, Mark 15:24, Luke 23:24

Ps 22:23

Heb 2:12

Ps 24:1

1 Co 10:26

Ps 31:6

Luke 23:46

Ps 32:1-2

Rom 4:7-8

Ps 34:9

1 Pet 2:3

Ps 34:13-17

1 Pet 3:10-12

Ps 34:21

Joh 15:25

Ps 36:2

Rom 3:18

Ps 40:10

Heb 10:5-7

Ps 41:10

Joh 13:18

Psa 42:5,11

Matt 26:38

Ps 43:5

Mark 14:34

Ps 44:23

Rom 8:36

Ps 45:7-8

Heb 1:8-9

Ps 51:6

Rom 3:4

Ps 62:12

Matt 16:27

Pro, 24:12

Rom 2:6

Ps 68:19

Eph 4:8

Ps 69:10

Joh 2:17

Ps 69:23-24

Rom 11:9-10

Ps 69:26

Acts 1:20

Ps 78:2

Matt 13:35

Ps 78:24

Joh 6:31

Ps 82:6

Joh 10:34

Ps 86:9

Rev 15:4

Ps 91:11-12

Matt 4:6, Luke 4:10-11

Ps 94:11

1 Co 3:20

Ps 95:7-11

Heb 3:7-11, 3:15,4:3,5,7

Ps 102:26-28

Heb 1:10-12

Ps 104:4

Heb 1:7

Ps 104:12

Matt 13:32, Mark 4:32, Luke 13:19

Ps 110:1

Matt 22:44, Mark 12:36, Luke 20:42-43, Acts 2:34-35, Heb 1:13

Ps 110:4

Heb 5:6,-10, Heb 7:17,21

Ps 111:2

Rev 15:3-4

Ps 112:9

2 Co 9:9

Ps 116:10

2 Co 4:13

Ps 117:2

Rom 15:11

Ps 118:6

Heb 13:6

Ps 118:22-23

Matt 21:42, Mark 12:10-11, Luke 20:17

Ps 118:22

Acts 4:11, 1 Pet 2:7

Ps 118:25-26

Matt 21:9,Mark 11:9-10, Joh 12:13, Matt 23:39

Ps 118:26

Luke 13:35, Luke 19:38

Ps 132:11

Acts 2:30

Pro 3:11-12

Heb 12:5-6

Pro 3:34

Jam 4:6, 1 Pet 5:5

Pro 11:31

1 Pet 4:18

Pro 25:21-22

Rom 12:20

Pro 26:11

2 Pet 2:22

Isa 1:9

Rom 9:29

Isa 6:9-10

Matt 13:14-15, Mark 4:12, Acts 28:26-27

Isa 6:9

Luke 8:10

Isa 6:10

Joh 12:40

Isa 7:14

Matt, 1:23

Isa 8:12-13

1 Pet 3:14-15

Isa 8:17-18

Heb 2:13

Isa 9:1-2

Matt 4:15-16

Isa 11:10

Rom 15:12

Isa 13:10

Matt 24:29, Mark 13:24-25

Isa 34:4

Luke 21:26

Isa 22:13

1 Co 15:32

Isa 25:8

1 Co 15:54, Rev 7:17

Isa 26:19

Matt 11:5

Isa 35:5-6

Luke 7:22

Isa 26:20

Heb 10:37-38

Isa 28:11-12

1 Co 14:21

Isa 29:13

Matt 15:8-9, Mark 1:3, Joh 1:23

Isa 40:6-8

1 Pet 1:24-25

Isa 40:13

Rom 11:34, 1 Co 2:16

Isa 42:1-4

Matt 12:18-21

Isa 45:23

Rom 14:11

Isa 49:6

Acts 13:47

Isa 49:8

2 Co 6:2

Isa 52:5

Rom 2:24

Isa 52:7

Rom 10:15

Isa 52:11

2 Co 6:17

Isa 52:15

Rom 15:21

Isa 53:1

Joh 12:38, Rom 8:17

Isa 53:7-8

Acts 8:32-33

Isa 53:9

1 Pet 2:23

Isa 53:12

Luke 22:37

Isa 54:1

Gal 4:27

Isa 54:13

Joh 6:45

Isa 55:3

Acts 13:34

Isa 55:10

2 Co 9:10

Isa 56:7

Matt 21:13

Jer 7:11

Mark 11:17, Luke 19:46

Isa 59:7-8

Rom 3:15-17

Isa 59:20-21

Rom 11:26-27

Isa 61:1-2

Luke 4:18-19

Isa 62:11

Matt 21:5

Isa 64:3

1 Co 2:9

Isa 65:1-2


Isa 65:17

2 Pet 3:13

Isa 66:1-2

Acts 7:49-50

Jer 5:21

Mark 8:18

Jer 9:23

1 Co 1:31, 2 Co 10:17


Matt 2:18

Jer 31:31-34

Heb 8:8-12

Ezk 11:20

Rev 21:7

Ezk 37:5, 10

Rev 11:11

Dan 3:6

Matt13:42, 50

Dan 7:13

Matt 24:30, 26:64, Mark 13:26,14:62, Luke 21:27,22:69

Dan 9:27

Matt 24:15

Dan 11:31

Mark 13:14

Hos 2:1, 3

Rom 9:25-28

Hos 6:6

Matt 9:13, Matt 12:7

Hos 10:8

Luke 23:30, Rev 6:16

Hos 11:1

Matt 2:15

Hos 13:14

1 Co 15:55

Joel 3:1-5

Acts 2:17-21, Rom 10:13

Amos 5:25-27

Acts 7:42-43

Amos 9:11-12

Acts 15:16-17

Jonah 2:17

Matt 12:40

Mic 5:2

Matt 2:6

Mic 7:6

Matt 10:35-36

Hab 2:3-4

Rom 1:17, Gal 3:11

Hab 1:5

Acts 13:41

Hag 2:6, 21

Heb 12:26

Zac 8:16

Eph 4:25

Zech 9:9

Joh 12:15

Zac 11:12-13

Matt 27:9-10

Zac 12:10

Joh 19:37

Zac 13:7

Matt 26:31, Mark 14:27

Mal 1:2-3

Rom 9:13

Mal 3:1

Matt 11:10, Mark 1:2,Luke 7:27

Mal 4:5-6

Matt 17:10-11

By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections.

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