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Title:False views of the Holy Spirit: (not an "it")
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Body:False views of the Holy Spirit: (not an "it")

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The Holy Spirit is a person, not a thing and certainly much more than God's "active energy force"!

Click to View Link: The Holy Spirit is not the personification of God's Power

A. The Holy Spirit is the least understood member of the Godhead.

We understand the relationship of the Father and the Son, but the Holy Spirit?

We know he has worked in the past for man's benefit, but how?

There are more misunderstandings a about the HOLY SPIRIT than Father & Son combined.

One of these misunderstandings deals with the very nature of the HOLY SPIRIT . and calls into question His very existence.

B. Catalogue of false/apostate views:

Christadelphians: "The Holy Spirit is not a personal God distinct from the Father, but the radiant. invisible. power or energy of the Father."

Herbert W. Armstrong (Worldwide churches of God before 1996 AD, and many splinter groups): These groups believe in what we call, "The Twinity" (two, as opposed to Trinity, three) They take the unusual view that the Father and the Son are both uncreated God, but that the Holy Spirit is not a person like Christadelphians and Jw's.

Jehovah's Witness:

"the holy spirit is not a person and it is not a part of a Trinity. The holy spirit is God's active force that he uses to accomplish his will. It is not equal to God but is always at his disposition and subordinate to him ... to a certain extent, it can be likened to electricity, a force that can be adapted to perform a great variety of operations" (Should, Watchtower publication, p. 20, 23).

"The Holy Spirit is the active force of almighty God which moves His servants to do His will."

"It [the Holy Spirit] is the impersonal, invisible, active force that finds its resource and reservoir in Jehovah God and that he uses to accomplish His will even at great distances."

Click to View See this outline that proves the Holy Spirit is not the personification of God's Power.

Steve Rudd

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