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Modified:2024-07-01 03:01:34
Title:Layers In The Grand Canyon that are supposed to be millions of years apart, are inter-bedded!
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Body:Inter-Bedded Eons:

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Layers In The Grand Canyon that are supposed to be millions of years apart, are Inter-Bedded.

This means the time frames indicated by the geologic column are impossible.

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The Muav Limestone lies toward the bottom of the awesome sedimentary layers of Grand Canyon. These grayish layers are identified as Cambrian because they have Cambrian fossils in them. Cambrian creatures lived at the bottom of the ocean and these rocks indicate an ocean bottom environment. Evolutionists believe Cambrian rocks record a distinct period of time 500 to 600 million years ago.

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The Redwall Limestone (actually grey but stained red from overlying clays) is found lying on top of the Muav. It is considered Mississippian because it has Mississippian fossils, remains of creatures that typically lived, not in the depths of the ocean, but on higher shelves of shallow seas. Evolutionists believe the Mississippian system represents a distinct period of time which occurred many millions years after the Cambrian.

But notice that one is directly on top of the other. According to the story, over 150 million years of rock record that should be between these two systems is missing. The explanation is "erosion." But, look at the contact line, a virtual knife edge that runs straight and level the length of the canyon. Erosion doesn't look like that, certainly not 200 million years of it.

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And that's not the worst of it (for the evolutionists). When we examine the interface between these two systems, we see Muav, then Redwall, then Muav, then Redwall, then Muav, then Redwall, etc. The two are interbedded! Geologists have been appropriately taught for over 300 years that interbedded layers are contemporaneous. It is obvious that these two systems cannot be millions of years apart.

The mental abstraction called the Geologic Column, beautifully illustrated in countless textbooks, depicts rock systems with different life forms which supposedly evolved over millions of years. It says the Cambrian ended 500 million years ago and the Mississippian began 345 million years ago. But here you can see them together, interbedded, rendering the story impossible. You can believe your eyes or believe the lies about what is supposed to have happened many millions of years ago, but you cannot believe both.

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