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Modified:2024-07-03 03:00:04
Title:Can a Christian so sin, that they forfeit their salvation?
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Body:Can A Christian Be Lost after being saved?

All churches teach one of two positions

Identify which position you believe then click your choice.

Position #1 It is impossible for a Christian (a true believer who has his sins forgiven by Christ's blood) to do anything that would send him to hell. "eternal security" or "once saved always saved" or "perseverance of the saints" Click here if you believe position #1

Position #2 A Christian (a true believer who has his sins forgiven by Christ's blood), can sin so as to be lost and cast into hell. Thus losing his previously attained salvation. Click here if you believe position #2



You have selected Position #1

You believe it is impossible for a Christian (a true believer who has his sins forgiven by Christ's blood) to do anything that would sent him to hell.

Once saved, a Christian is eternally secure and cannot be lost.

"once saved always saved"

"eternal security"

"perseverance of the saints"

Select one of the follow two choices:

Yes. This is what I believe, I want to begin the study now!

No. This is not what I believe, or I am unsure please go back!

You have selected Position #2

You believe a Christian (a true believer who has his sins forgiven by Christ's blood), can sin so as to be lost and cast into hell, thus loosing his previously attained salvation..

A Christian can sin, so as to be eternally lost and be cast into hell

Now select one of the follow two choices:

Yes this is what I believe I want to begin the study now!

No this is not what I believe, or I am unsure please go back!

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