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Title:Catholic Doctrinal flip flops: Eucharist: Withholding the communion cup from the laity began in 1416 AD.
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Body:Roman Catholic Doctrinal evolution: Doctrinal flip flops Eucharist: Withholding the communion cup from the laity began in 1416 AD (or earlier back to 1200 BC).

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Eucharist: Withholding the communion cup from the laity began in 1416 AD.

Withholding the communion cup from the laity began in 1416 AD.

A. Christ instructed all to drink the cup:

"And when He had taken a cup and given thanks, He gave it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you;" Matthew 26:27

"For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes. ... But a man must examine himself, and in so doing he is to eat of the bread and drink of the cup." 1 Corinthians1 Corinthians 11:26, 28

B. The Roman Catholic church offered the cup to the laity from the first to the 12th centuries:

"From the First to the Twelfth Century: It may be stated as a general fact, that down to the twelfth century, in the West as well as in the East, public Communion in the churches was ordinarily administered and received under both kinds. That such was the practice in Apostolic times is implied in I Cor., xi, 28 (see above), nor does the abbreviated reference to the "breaking of bread" in the Acts of the Apostles (ii, 46) prove anything to the contrary. The witness to the same effect for the sub-Apostolic and subsequent ages are too numerous, and the fact itself too clearly beyond dispute, to require that the evidence should be cited here." (New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia, Communion under Both Kinds)

C. After the 12th century, the Roman Catholic church withheld the cup from the laity

"Since the Twelfth Century: The final suppression of intinctio was followed in the thirteenth century by the gradual abolition for the laity of Communion under the species of wine. The desuetude of the chalice was not yet universal in St. Thomas' time (d. 1274): "provide in quibusdam ecclesiis observatur", he says "ut populo sanguis sumendus non detur, sed solum a sacerdote sumatur" (Summa, III, Q. lxxx, a. 12). The Council of Lambeth (1281) directs that wine is to be received by the priest alone, and non-consecrated wine is to be received by the faithful (Mansi, XXIV, 405). It is impossible to say exactly when the new custom became universal or when, by the Church's approval, it acquired the force of law." (New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia, Communion under Both Kinds)

"Communion under both kinds was the prevailing usage in Apostolic Times." (Catholic Encyclopedia, IV, 176)

"Popes Leo & Gelasius emphatically condemned persons who abstained from the chalice." (Catholic Dictionary, 202)

Communion "under both kinds ... abolished in 1416, by the Council of Constance" (Lives and Times of the Roman Pontiffs, I, 111)

D. FLIP FLOP AGAIN IN 1970 ad Under Vatican II:

1. Amazingly, the Roman catholic church restored the cup to the Laity in 1970 under Vatican II.

2. For Catholics, there was about 900 year period (Council of Lambeth, Council of Trent, communion under one kind/species) that ended in the 19th century under Vatican II (1970 AD), where only the priests were allowed to have the blood.

3. This policy was changed and now Catholics are allowed to have the blood.

The Bible never changes, but Catholicism does.

By Steve Rudd

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