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Josephus 110 AD. Kadesh Barnea at Petra ...
1: Exodus Route Maps: Old, Ancient, Antique, Vintage and Modern ...
See also: The Exodus route proven from the Bible. See also: The Chronological History of "The search for Kadesh" Panorama photo gallery of Israel Alphabetic list of all panorama photographs Introduction: The exodus Route has about 50 stops and traverses 7 wildernesses. If we used the Bible exclusively, we can know only 3 of the of the 50 exodus stops for certain: Goshen, Ezion Geber, Mt. Nebo. Of the 7 wilderness areas Israel passed through, we only know one for certain: Wilderness of Shur. The search for the exodus route has produced many different options: Mt. Sinai (18 different locations) The Red Sea crossing point (7 locations) and Kadesh Barnea (16 locations). Most of these options can be ruled out because they conflict with scripture. Paul said in Gal 4:25, that Mt. Sinai is in Arabia. This is a huge problem for those who believe Mt. Sinai is located at Mt. Musa in the middle of the Sinai Peninsula. First they argue that the Sinai Peninsula is not controlled by Egypt or part of ... ...

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2: Historical search for Kadesh Barnea from 1000 BC - Present
The search for Kadesh Barnea has been misguided. This reminds us of that classic moment in the Indiana Jones movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" where the Germans were "digging in the wrong place" for the Ark because the did not have all the information. For the last 100 years, archeologists were "digging in the wrong place" to find Kadesh. Kadesh, in fact, is not located anywhere near the place almost all Bible maps say it is (ei. Qudeirat) but 100 km east at or near Petra. a. The Hebrews left Egypt in 1446 BC and spent 38 years at Kadesh and then entered the promised land in 1406 BC. b. Many people are unaware that historically, Kadesh was thought to be at Petra from 1446 BC - 1831AD. 2. Our proposed Exodus Route: a. The Scriptures as a whole teach, along with geographic analysis, that the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea on the Gulf of Aqaba, specifically at the Straits of Tiran. b. The scriptures teach that Mount Sinai is somewhere in north Saudi Arabia. (History leads us to suggest Mt. ... ...

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3: Master Index of Places
Excluding various exodus routes: Bitter lakes, Gulf of Suez, Mt. Musa, Ein el-Qudeirat, Mt. Karkom, Lake Sirbonis, Lake Ballah, Nuweiba Beach. The Exodus route stops in order: Discussion about each of the four legs of the exodus journey: Click to View Goshen to Red Sea crossing Click to View Red Sea crossing to Mt. Sinai Click to View Mt. Sinai to Kadesh Barnea Click to View Kadesh Barnea to Jordan Goshen to Red Sea: Goshen (Ramses) Succoth Migdol Etham Pi Hahiroth Baal Zephon Crossed Red Sea at: Straits of Tiran Red Sea to Sinai: Wilderness of Shur Marah Elim Red Sea Camp Wilderness of Sin Dophkah Alush Rephidim (Meribah) Wilderness of Sinai Mt. Sinai: at Mt. Lawz Sinai to Kadesh: Mt. Seir Ezion Geber Kadesh Barnea at Petra History of the search for Kadesh Kadesh to Jordan: Mt. Hor Solomon's network of military border fortresses: For overview: read the introduction Ein Qudeirat Ein Qedeis Ein Quseima Loz Ponds Kuntillet Ajrud Elat Tell el-kheleifeh Jezirat Faraun Khirbat en-Nahas ... ...

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4: The Exodus Route: Wilderness of Egypt: the Sinai Peninsula
Red Sea at the Bitter Lakes or the Port of Suez. a. There is no wilderness area between Goshen and the Bitter Lakes or the Port of Suez because these were heavily travelled areas. b. The major caravan route started at Goshen (Tel e;-Dab'a) and passed directly by the Bitter Lakes up the coastline. c. Several Egyptian Migdol fortresses have been excavated near the Suez Canal east of Goshen. d. The Port of Suez was a major commerce and military hub. 4. Moses considered it necessary to travel at least three days from Goshen to outside of Egyptian populated areas. a. "Pharaoh called for Moses and Aaron and said, "Go, sacrifice to your God within the land." But Moses said, "It is not right to do so, for we will sacrifice to the Lord our God what is an abomination to the Egyptians. If we sacrifice what is an abomination to the Egyptians before their eyes, will they not then stone us? "We must go a three days' journey into the wilderness and sacrifice to the Lord our God as He commands us." ... ...

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5: The Exodus Route: A scriptural proof, with the witness of history ...
Sinai in Arabia: The Exodus Route Restored! Proving the exodus route from the Bible: An Analysis of scriptural evidences. VIDEO: Archeology of Mt. Sinai in Arabia (Unicorn Internet Archaeology) Watch Video Steven Rudd, 2022 Near Eastern Archaeological Society annual lectureship, Denver A unicorn and a drawing of a goat Description automatically generated Exodus Route Restored: Click to View The Scriptures as a whole teach, along with geographic analysis, that the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea on the Gulf of Aqaba, specifically at the Straits of Tiran. Click to View The Scriptures teach that Mount Sinai is somewhere in north Saudi Arabia. (History leads us to suggest Mt. Lawz as the most likely place.) Click to View The Scriptures teach that Kadesh Barnea is Transjordan, somewhere south of the Dead Sea in modern Jordan. (History and Archaeology leads us to suggest that Petra, or just north of Petra at Beidha is Kadesh Barnea.) "Don't Make the Monkey Mad!" Buy "Exodus Route Restored" from ... ...

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6: Petra, Jordan: Biblical Kadesh Barnea, Sela, Joktheel, En-mishpat ...
Eusebius and Jerome all said that Kadesh Barnea was located at Petra. The Treasury at Petra was carved by the Nabataeans in 100 BC and represents a reuse of the Hebrew city. 2. This unusual "city of the tombs" carved into solid sandstone by the Nabataeans was the place Israel buried their dead for 38 years. 3. Since the time of Joshua, is has been called "The Rock" (Sela/Petra) because this is where Moses brought water out of the Rock. Introduction: Reasons why Petra is Kadesh: See also the main page on Kadesh Barnea 1. It is our conclusion that Kadesh Barnea is located Transjordan at Petra between El Beidha and Basta. a. El Beidha (5 km north of Petra) was a commercial tool manufacturing and mass food production center. There were no residential dwellings in the final occupation Phase C which was built by Moses in 1444 BC then abandoned 38 years later in 1406 BC. b. Basta (12 km SE of Petra) was a mass production meat packing plant and crop storage center. An massive assemblage of ... ...

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7: Kadesh Barnea is located at Petra, Beidha and Basta
Basta (12 km SE of Petra). See also: Chronological History of the search for Kadesh 2000 BC - 2013 AD The search for Kadesh Click to View Introduction: 1. It is our conclusion that Kadesh Barnea is located Transjordan at Petra between El Beidha and Basta. a. El Beidha (5 km north of Petra) was a commercial tool manufacturing and mass food production center. There were no residential dwellings in the final occupation Phase C which was built by Moses in 1444 BC then abandoned 38 years later in 1406 BC. b. Basta (12 km SE of Petra) was a mass production meat packing plant and crop storage center. An massive assemblage of 100,000 kosher bones were excavated on the production floors. Like Beidha, Basta was built by Moses then abandoned. 2. Israel departs from Sinai for promised land after spending 11 months, 5 days at Sinai. Since they left on the 14th day of the first month, this means they had been traveling one year, one month and one week, since leaving Egypt. (57 weeks) a. Before the ... ...

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8: Ein El-Qudeirat is not Kadesh Barnea: : Wrongly identified as ...
...Has the site been correctly identified? If so, why have we found no remains from the Exodus period? ... Thus far our excavations have yielded nothing earlier than the tenth century B.C. - the time of King Solomon." (Rudolph Cohen) See also: Chronological History of "The search for Kadesh" Click to View Click to View Ein El-Qudeirat: the largest oasis in the Sinai but certainly cannot be Kadesh Barnea Introduction document: Solomon's network of military border fortresses Click to View Qudeirat Click to View Qedeis Click to View Quseima Click to View Nahas Click to View K. Ajrud Click to View Elat/Kheleifeh Click to View Haseva Click to View Loz Introduction: Ein El-Qudeirat means "Fountain of Omnipotence" or "Fountain of God s Power" If you want to take the easy short cut and skip all the reasons from the Bible, history and archeology why Qudeirat cannot be Kadesh, Click here to learn the true location of Kadesh Barnea now. For an detailed summary of the search for Kadesh Barnea see ... ...

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9: Mt. Hor, Moserah: Aaron's Mountain (Jebel Haroun) at Petra
Josephus and Eusebius that "Jebel Haroun" at Petra was Mt. Hor. Jebel Haroun: Literally, "the Mountain of Aaron" When John Lewis Burckhardt discovered Petra in 1812 AD, he began to hear local Bedouin tales of a magnificent city carved ages ago out of solid rock by magicians working for the Egyptian pharaoh. The city was located in the vicinity of the Tomb of Aaron and a valley called the River of Moses A. History of the search for Mt. Hor: The little white dome on the top of the summit is the Tomb of Aaran of Mt. Hor at Petra. Click to View The oldest historical record we have regarding the location of Mt. Hor is by Josephus, who located it at Petra. Maps up until 1831 AD located Both Kadesh Barnea and Mt. Hor at or near Petra. However, between 1831 and 1916 AD, the location for Kadesh and Mt. Hor were moved from Petra to four places: In 1831, Karl Von Raumer chose Ein Hasb for Kadesh Barnea. In 1838 Edward Robinson chose Ein El Weibeh. just a few km south of Ein Hasb. Between ... ...

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10: The Onomasticon by Eusebius (325AD) and the Exodus route
...The Onomasticon and the Exodus route. by Eusebius, 325AD) Introduction and summary: Eusebius said that Kadesh Barnea & Mt Hor were at Petra. He also said that the Mt. Sinai, the wilderness of Paran and Wilderness of Shur were all Transjordan. This means that the Sinai peninsula was part of Egypt, according to Eusebius. In Eusebius 325 AD, wrote a dictionary of geographic places called, "the Onomasticon". Onomasticon is derived from the Greek: "book or list of names" Onomasticon is like a modern dictionary where you look up a name of a place and he defines it. This is a remarkable work and no doubt was used by Queen Helena in her tour of the Holy Land where she saw in a vision, the location of the birth place of Jesus etc and chose the site of Mt. Musa as Mt. Sinai. In 400 AD, Jerome had a copy of the Onomasticon and updated it with his own comments. In about 550 AD, the Madaba map was clearly dependant upon the Onomasticon. (Although it differs significantly from the Onomasticon ... ...

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11: The Sinai Peninsula has always been Egyptian territory.
The Sinai Peninsula has always been Egyptian territory. "For Pharaoh will say of the sons of Israel, 'They are wandering aimlessly in the land; the wilderness has shut them in.'" Exodus 14:3 Click to View When was Israel "out of Egypt"? Only when they crossed the Red Sea at the Straits of Tiran! The modern Sinai Peninsula has always been controlled by Egypt as far east as the Wadi el-Arish. Introduction: 1. Josephus said the Sinai Peninsula was Egyptian territory: a. "The lot of Simeon (inside Judah), which was the second, included that part of Idumea [Edom] which bordered upon Egypt and Arabia." (Josephus, Antiquities 5.82) 2. The modern Sinai Peninsula has always been Egyptian territory and under Egypt's control: a. The Sinai Peninsula is called "The Wilderness of Egypt". b. The Sinai Peninsula was not some "unclaimed" land like the center of the Atlantic Ocean. c. The Sinai Peninsula was not "international land" like "intentional waters". d. The Sinai Peninsula was not some "desert ... ...

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12: The border Between Judah and Egypt: River of Egypt, Wadi el-Arish ...
Wadi el-Arish, also known as the River of Egypt. Gen 15:18 Its called the "River/brook of Egypt" because it was the river that indicated the eastern border of Egyptian Territory. It is not called the "River of Syria" or the "River of Babylon" or the "River of Africa"! River of Egypt means the border river of Egypt. It doesn't get much plainer or simpler than that! 3. The Septuagint substitutes "Rhinocolura" for Brook of Egypt in Isaiah 27:12 a. MT: "In that day the Lord will start His threshing from the flowing stream of the Euphrates to the brook of Egypt, and you will be gathered up one by one, O sons of Israel." (Isaiah 27:12) b. LXX: "And this will happen on that day: God will fence in the people from the channel of the river as far as the Rhinocolura. But as for you, gather the children of Israel one by one." (Isaiah 27:12) 4. The River of Egypt IS NOT the Nile River or the Pelusiac arm of the Nile. a. If the Gen 15:18 says the Nile was boundary of land God promised Abraham Isaac ... ...

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13: Peutinger Map: A Translation of Bible Cities and the Exodus Route
Not surprisingly, Mt. Sinai is marked and located in the place Queen Helena wrongly guessed at St. Catherine's monastery at Mt. Musa in the Sinai Peninsula. b. Petra (Kadesh Barnea) is marked on the map. 2. The map we have in our hands was drawn around 1200 AD and it seems clear that it represents a work at the end of a long line of editorial updates and changes as opposed to a "photocopy" precision duplicate of a 4th century map. What did the original look like is impossible to know. a. The Peutinger Map may have originally been a secular or religious map. b. Most agree that there was some updating of the original ancient Roman map around 1200 AD but to what extent and exactly what was updated is unknown. 3. "Seldom are visitor to the Manuscript Collection of Austria's National Library in Vienna permitted to inspect its set of eleven parchment segments that together form an elongated, squat, and not quite complete map of the Roman world, the so-called Peutinger map. The bold ... ...

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14: The Exodus Route: The Archaeology of Mt. Lawz as Mt. Sinai
Exodus Route: The Archaeology of Mt. Lawz, Maqla as Mt. Sinai, Horeb Click to View The Archaeology of Jebel Lawz as Mt. Sinai and Jebel Maqla as Horeb Click to View Exodus Route home page Click to View Unicorn archaeology of Mt. Sinai/Lawz Click to View Exodus Route home page Click to View Overview map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Satellite map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Exodus locations: Click to View Wilderness of Shur Click to View Marah Click to View Elim Click to View Red Sea Camp Click to View Wilderness of Sin Click to View Dophkah Click to View Alush Click to View Rephidim (Meribah) Click to View Wilderness of Sinai Click to View Mt. Sinai Introduction: 1. We can prove from the Bible alone that Mt. Sinai is in Arabia, not the Sinai Peninsula or the Negev. a. The timing of the journey shows Israel crossed the Red Sea on about day 25 from Goshen. b. The association of Mt. Sinai with Ishmael whose homeland was Midian. 2. We propose ... ...

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