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1: Exodus Route Maps: Old, Ancient, Antique, Vintage and Modern ...
See also: The Exodus route proven from the Bible. See also: The Chronological History of "The search for Kadesh" Panorama photo gallery of Israel Alphabetic list of all panorama photographs Introduction: The exodus Route has about 50 stops and traverses 7 wildernesses. If we used the Bible exclusively, we can know only 3 of the of the 50 exodus stops for certain: Goshen, Ezion Geber, Mt. Nebo. Of the 7 wilderness areas Israel passed through, we only know one for certain: Wilderness of Shur. The search for the exodus route has produced many different options: Mt. Sinai (18 different locations) The Red Sea crossing point (7 locations) and Kadesh Barnea (16 locations). Most of these options can be ruled out because they conflict with scripture. Paul said in Gal 4:25, that Mt. Sinai is in Arabia. This is a huge problem for those who believe Mt. Sinai is located at Mt. Musa in the middle of the Sinai Peninsula. First they argue that the Sinai Peninsula is not controlled by Egypt or part of ... ...

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2: Master Index of Places
Excluding various exodus routes: Bitter lakes, Gulf of Suez, Mt. Musa, Ein el-Qudeirat, Mt. Karkom, Lake Sirbonis, Lake Ballah, Nuweiba Beach. The Exodus route stops in order: Discussion about each of the four legs of the exodus journey: Click to View Goshen to Red Sea crossing Click to View Red Sea crossing to Mt. Sinai Click to View Mt. Sinai to Kadesh Barnea Click to View Kadesh Barnea to Jordan Goshen to Red Sea: Goshen (Ramses) Succoth Migdol Etham Pi Hahiroth Baal Zephon Crossed Red Sea at: Straits of Tiran Red Sea to Sinai: Wilderness of Shur Marah Elim Red Sea Camp Wilderness of Sin Dophkah Alush Rephidim (Meribah) Wilderness of Sinai Mt. Sinai: at Mt. Lawz Sinai to Kadesh: Mt. Seir Ezion Geber Kadesh Barnea at Petra History of the search for Kadesh Kadesh to Jordan: Mt. Hor Solomon's network of military border fortresses: For overview: read the introduction Ein Qudeirat Ein Qedeis Ein Quseima Loz Ponds Kuntillet Ajrud Elat Tell el-kheleifeh Jezirat Faraun Khirbat en-Nahas ... ...

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3: Kadesh Barnea is located at Petra, Beidha and Basta
Basta (12 km SE of Petra). See also: Chronological History of the search for Kadesh 2000 BC - 2013 AD The search for Kadesh Click to View Introduction: 1. It is our conclusion that Kadesh Barnea is located Transjordan at Petra between El Beidha and Basta. a. El Beidha (5 km north of Petra) was a commercial tool manufacturing and mass food production center. There were no residential dwellings in the final occupation Phase C which was built by Moses in 1444 BC then abandoned 38 years later in 1406 BC. b. Basta (12 km SE of Petra) was a mass production meat packing plant and crop storage center. An massive assemblage of 100,000 kosher bones were excavated on the production floors. Like Beidha, Basta was built by Moses then abandoned. 2. Israel departs from Sinai for promised land after spending 11 months, 5 days at Sinai. Since they left on the 14th day of the first month, this means they had been traveling one year, one month and one week, since leaving Egypt. (57 weeks) a. Before the ... ...

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4: Solomon's network of military border fortresses in the Negev
Biblical and archeological point of view. It is clear that Pharaoh Shishak destroyed the fortresses in 924 BC. We even have his account etched into the stone at Temple of Amon in Karnak. (see below) Since we know that the fortresses had a short occupation life, this fits perfectly with Solomon as the builder just 26 years earlier. The opinion on the builder and dates of these fortresses varies depending on the bias of the archeologist and fall into two categories: Those who believe the Bible and those who do not. Basically, those archeologists who believe the Bible attribute these 50 fortresses to Solomon in 950 BC. Those archeologists who say Solomon and David are mostly a myth, will attribute dates before or after David/Solomon, but fight hard to avoid any suggestion that confirms the historicity of David/Solomon as revealed in the Bible. Sure these Bible trashing archeologists believe David and Solomon were real people, just that most of what the Bible says is untrue. They have a ... ...

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5: Ein El Weibeh: K. Von Raumer's choice for Kadesh Barnea in 1831 ...
Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba." (Excavations At Kadesh-Barnea: 1976-1978, Ein el-Qudeirat, Rudolph Cohen, 1981 AD) In 1806-7 Ulrich Jasper Seetzen, (AKA Musa el Hakim) a Russian Doctor, was first to explore the Negev in recent times but was more of a Muslim pilgrim than an explorer and contributed little to Biblical archeology. Archeologists started looking for Kadesh on the western side of the Arabah valley where ever they found a natural spring. Two such choices were Ein El Weibeh and Ein Hasb. Click to View In 1831, Karl Von Raumer's chose Ein Hasb for Kadesh Barnea: "Another location of the "city," or of the "fountain," of Kadesh, in Burckhardt s Arabah-Kadesh, was made by Karl von Raumer, a German scientist and theologian, who studied and wrote upon the wanderings of the Israelites before he had visited the East, and who again discussed the subject in connection with a record of his travels there. It was in 1836 that he proposed an identification of Kadesh in the upper Arabah. His ... ...

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6: Historical search for Kadesh Barnea from 1000 BC - Present
The search for Kadesh Barnea has been misguided. This reminds us of that classic moment in the Indiana Jones movie, "Raiders of the Lost Ark" where the Germans were "digging in the wrong place" for the Ark because the did not have all the information. For the last 100 years, archeologists were "digging in the wrong place" to find Kadesh. Kadesh, in fact, is not located anywhere near the place almost all Bible maps say it is (ei. Qudeirat) but 100 km east at or near Petra. a. The Hebrews left Egypt in 1446 BC and spent 38 years at Kadesh and then entered the promised land in 1406 BC. b. Many people are unaware that historically, Kadesh was thought to be at Petra from 1446 BC - 1831AD. 2. Our proposed Exodus Route: a. The Scriptures as a whole teach, along with geographic analysis, that the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea on the Gulf of Aqaba, specifically at the Straits of Tiran. b. The scriptures teach that Mount Sinai is somewhere in north Saudi Arabia. (History leads us to suggest Mt. ... ...

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7: The southern border of Judah and Kadesh Barnea at Petra
Most maps wrongly place Kadesh at ein el-Qudeirat and draw border line south of Qudeirat. The problem with this should be obvious to anyone who believes the Bible is both inspired and error free. If you draw the border south of Qudeirat, then Kadesh Barnea is inside the promised land! When you correctly place Kadesh where Eusebius said it was located, at Petra, then it all becomes simple and clear. The Brook of Egypt (Wadi el-Arish) is the border between Israel and Egypt. Numbers 34:3-5 Joshua 15:1-4 Imagine you are in a car driving on the Bible border of Judah. You start driving at Engedi and follow the western shoreline of the Dead Sea. When you reach the end of the Dead Sea, turn left (East) and start driving towards modern Jordan. Those who wrongly place Kadesh at ein el-Qudeirat must head WESTWARD, not Eastward. They go 180 degrees the wrong direction and head in a straight line through the assent of Akrabbim (wrongly located at Ma'ale Aqrabim on the west side of the Arabah ... ...

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8: The Exodus Route: 15 Stops between Kadesh Barnea to Jordan
The sequence of movement after Mt. Sinai (modern Saudi Arabia): A. They left Mt. Sinai and passed by Ezion Geber, then Mt. Seir, then came to Kadesh Barnea. This is almost a straight line of travel north. From this we know that Mt. Seir is south of Kadesh: "It is eleven days' journey from Horeb (Sinai) by the way of Mount Seir to Kadesh-barnea." Deuteronomy 1:2 "They journeyed from Ezion-geber and camped in the wilderness of Zin, that is, Kadesh." Numbers 33:36 ""Then we set out from Horeb, and went through all that great and terrible wilderness (of Paran) which you saw on the way to the hill country of the Amorites (which they never entered), just as the Lord our God had commanded us; and we came to Kadesh-barnea." Deuteronomy 1:19 B. From Kadesh Barnea, Moses sent the 12 spies to the northern edge of the wilderness of Zin across the Arabah valley into the Negev. It is important to note that Israel never actually sets foot in the negev during the 40 years in the wilderness. This ... ...

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9: Tamar, Hazazon-tamar, Tamara/Thamara and Tamdar Syria
Egypt and to the Great Sea. This is the south side toward the south." Ezekiel 47:19 "And adjoining the territory of Gad to the south, the boundary shall run from Tamar to the waters of Meribah-kadesh, from there along the Brook of Egypt to the Great Sea." Ezekiel 48:28 Click to View Introduction: The southern border of Israel is stated in: Ezekiel 47:19; 48:28. There quite a bit of confusion trying to separate out the names of these cities. We have determined that there are three distinct places: 1. Tamar/Tamdar Syria. 2. Hazazon-tamar (engedi). 3. Tamara/Thamara A. Tamar: (Arabah Valley) This Tamar must be located in the Arabah Valley. The exact location is unknown. It is this reference that caught our eye, since it is mentioned in connection with the southern border of Judah and is one of the rare mentions of Kadesh. Referenced only twice in Ezekiel during the Babylonian Captivity (586 - 516 BC) -"The south side toward the south shall extend from Tamar as far as the waters of ... ...

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10: Saul Hunts David. Timeline, maps, chronology, sermons of Judges ...
David is 22-30 years old during this 8 year period. 1 Samuel 21-31 + 2 Samuel 1 Saul's last 8 years: 1018-1010 BC "After whom has the king of Israel come out? Whom are you pursuing? A dead dog, a single flea? ... Just as one hunts a partridge in the mountains." (1 Samuel 26:20; 24:14, David said to Saul) "They hated me without a cause" (David said this of Saul.) "My God, my God, why have You forsaken me?" (David said when Saul surrounded him 1 Sam 23:26) "Trust in shadow of God's wings" (spoken by both David's grandparents, Boaz and Ruth: Ruth 2:12; 3:9) "Commit yourself to the LORD; let Him deliver him; Let Him rescue him, because He delights in him" (Saul said this mockingly to David when he had David surrounded 1 Sam 23:26) click to view click to view click to View David on the Run from Saul 1 Samuel 21-31 1018-1014 BC "After whom has the king of Israel come out? Whom are you pursuing? A dead dog, a single flea? ... Just as one hunts a partridge in the mountains." (1 Samuel 26:20; ... ...

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11: The Exodus Route: A scriptural proof, with the witness of history ...
Sinai in Arabia: The Exodus Route Restored! Proving the exodus route from the Bible: An Analysis of scriptural evidences. VIDEO: Archeology of Mt. Sinai in Arabia (Unicorn Internet Archaeology) Watch Video Steven Rudd, 2022 Near Eastern Archaeological Society annual lectureship, Denver A unicorn and a drawing of a goat Description automatically generated Exodus Route Restored: Click to View The Scriptures as a whole teach, along with geographic analysis, that the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea on the Gulf of Aqaba, specifically at the Straits of Tiran. Click to View The Scriptures teach that Mount Sinai is somewhere in north Saudi Arabia. (History leads us to suggest Mt. Lawz as the most likely place.) Click to View The Scriptures teach that Kadesh Barnea is Transjordan, somewhere south of the Dead Sea in modern Jordan. (History and Archaeology leads us to suggest that Petra, or just north of Petra at Beidha is Kadesh Barnea.) "Don't Make the Monkey Mad!" Buy "Exodus Route Restored" from ... ...

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