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The Exodus Route: From the Red Sea to Mt. Sinai ...
1: The Exodus Route: Wilderness of Sin: Manna, Quails, Sabbath
Jethro and Moses viewed Mt. Sinai as the "Mountain of God", the one true almighty God. d. At the time of Moses, Mt. Sinai's reputation among the local Ishmaelites, Midianites and Amalekites as the "mountain of God" was the moon god. e. At the burning bush, Moses asked what the name of God was, perhaps because there was a difference of opinion between himself and the indigenous population. Moses knew the difference between pagan gods of Egypt and Arabia and the one true God. Jethro was a priest of the one true God. f. At the time of Moses, the Mt. Sinai was associated with the pagan moon god which is why the two adjoining wildernesses were called Sinai and Sin. 4. Moses continued to use pagan name places in the Exodus: a. Wilderness of Sin and Sinai = wilderness of the moon god b. Baal-Zephon = Baal, god of the storm c. Moses retained his Egyptian name from the 18th Dynasty pharaohs, including the pharaoh of the exodus: "ThutMOSES III". d. Daniel was renamed e. Nebucahnezzar renamed ... ...

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2: The Exodus Route: A scriptural proof, with the witness of history ...
Sinai in Arabia: The Exodus Route Restored! Proving the exodus route from the Bible: An Analysis of scriptural evidences. VIDEO: Archeology of Mt. Sinai in Arabia (Unicorn Internet Archaeology) Watch Video Steven Rudd, 2022 Near Eastern Archaeological Society annual lectureship, Denver A unicorn and a drawing of a goat Description automatically generated Exodus Route Restored: Click to View The Scriptures as a whole teach, along with geographic analysis, that the Hebrews crossed the Red Sea on the Gulf of Aqaba, specifically at the Straits of Tiran. Click to View The Scriptures teach that Mount Sinai is somewhere in north Saudi Arabia. (History leads us to suggest Mt. Lawz as the most likely place.) Click to View The Scriptures teach that Kadesh Barnea is Transjordan, somewhere south of the Dead Sea in modern Jordan. (History and Archaeology leads us to suggest that Petra, or just north of Petra at Beidha is Kadesh Barnea.) "Don't Make the Monkey Mad!" Buy "Exodus Route Restored" from ... ...

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3: The Exodus Route: Marah (bitter waters)
Beersheba in Israel is brackish. Today, Israel has adapted by farming catfish (a non-kosher fish) that they sell to the "gentiles". 3. A tree of unknown species was thrown into the water. 4. Early Christians created metaphoric meanings for Marah: from ACC, Vol 3, p 83 a. "The wood that restores the sweetness to water is Christ" (Tertullian). b. "The waters of baptism are of no avail unless the cross of Christ is preached" (Ambrose). c. "The seventy palm trees remind us of Christ's seventy disciples" (Jerome). d. "The bitter water was the law of the Old Testament, which needed to be tempered by the cross of Christ" (Maximus of Turin). e. "Marah and Elim stand in sharp contrast. Marah had one bitter spring; Elim had twelve sweet ones. This is a contrast between the law and the gospel (Maximus of Turin)." 5. Marah is the closest Israel will come to Midian as they wind their way around the west side of Mt. Sinai. a. Jethro joins Moses at Rephidim, which was one stop before arriving at Mt. ... ...

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4: Master Index of Places
Excluding various exodus routes: Bitter lakes, Gulf of Suez, Mt. Musa, Ein el-Qudeirat, Mt. Karkom, Lake Sirbonis, Lake Ballah, Nuweiba Beach. The Exodus route stops in order: Discussion about each of the four legs of the exodus journey: Click to View Goshen to Red Sea crossing Click to View Red Sea crossing to Mt. Sinai Click to View Mt. Sinai to Kadesh Barnea Click to View Kadesh Barnea to Jordan Goshen to Red Sea: Goshen (Ramses) Succoth Migdol Etham Pi Hahiroth Baal Zephon Crossed Red Sea at: Straits of Tiran Red Sea to Sinai: Wilderness of Shur Marah Elim Red Sea Camp Wilderness of Sin Dophkah Alush Rephidim (Meribah) Wilderness of Sinai Mt. Sinai: at Mt. Lawz Sinai to Kadesh: Mt. Seir Ezion Geber Kadesh Barnea at Petra History of the search for Kadesh Kadesh to Jordan: Mt. Hor Solomon's network of military border fortresses: For overview: read the introduction Ein Qudeirat Ein Qedeis Ein Quseima Loz Ponds Kuntillet Ajrud Elat Tell el-kheleifeh Jezirat Faraun Khirbat en-Nahas ... ...

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5: The Exodus Route: 2nd Red Sea Camp
Israel arrived at the second Red Sea camp on the Arabian Gulf. a. The 1st Red Sea camp was at the Straits of Tiran b. The 2nd Red Sea camp was located on the Arabian Gulf. 2. Any proposed exodus route that ignores the second Red Sea camp is poorly researched, superficial, and unbiblical. a. After they crossed the Red Sea Israel went three days into the wilderness away from the Red Sea to Marah. Upon reaching Marah they headed south-east, towards the Red Sea and after camping at Elim, they reached the Red Sea. b. We call this the second Red Sea camp, because is it the second one mentioned in scripture after the Straits of Tiran. 3. Three common errors in Exodus route maps regarding the second Red Sea Camp: a. Most completely ignore the second Red Sea camp as though it did not exist in the Bible. These, in blissful ignorance, just draw a route on a map that never features a second Red Sea Camp then put it on the internet to mislead others. b. Some comically engage etymological gymnastics ... ...

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6: The Exodus Route: Wilderness of Sinai
The final camp of the Israelites at Mt. Sinai for 11 months 5 days. See also: Mt. Sinai Click to View Exodus Route home page Click to View Note: for more specific details on the final camp at Sinai, see: Mt. Sinai Click to View Overview map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Satellite map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Exodus locations: Click to View Wilderness of Shur Click to View Marah Click to View Elim Click to View Red Sea Camp Click to View Wilderness of Sin Click to View Dophkah Click to View Alush Click to View Rephidim (Meribah) Click to View Wilderness of Sinai Click to View Mt. Sinai Note: for more specific details on the final camp at Sinai, see: Mt. Sinai Discussion: 1. The Wilderness of Sinai was the last stop of the Exodus where Israel camped for 11 months and 5 days: a. Israel arrived at the final camp in front of Mt. Sinai in the Wilderness of Sinai on day 47 from Goshen: Ex 19:1 b. Scripture never says Israel camped in the ... ...

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7: The Exodus Route: Wilderness of Shur
Egyptian slavery in 1899 BC. b. The Kenites are a sect of Midianites who descended from Jethro the Midianite (Moses father in law) and their traditional territory was near Midian: Judges 1:16. 2. The Wilderness of Shur proves Mt. Sinai is in Modern Saudi Arabia. a. Gal 4:25 says that Mt. Sinai is in Arabia, where Ishmael lived and Ishmael lived in Shur. b. The Wilderness of Shur, is the most important location for determining the exodus route. c. It is one of only four known places in the list of 50 exodus stops: Goshen/Ramses, Wilderness of Shur, Ezion Geber, Mt. Nebo. d. The Wilderness of Shur is where Ishmael settled and that is Transjordan and modern Saudi Arabia. The Bible tells us that Shur is the home turf of Ishmael and we know Ishmael settled near Midian which is in modern Saudi Arabia. e. We are shocked that more people have not connected this fact. The implications are huge for the exodus route, since it places Mt. Sinai in modern Saudi Arabia. There seems to be a disconnect ... ...

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8: The Exodus Route: Elim (Nabatean Leuke Kome, Onne, Aynuna)
Sin which is between Elim and Sinai" Ex 16:1. b. Elim is the first of three line-of-site locations: Elim, Wilderness of Sin, Wilderness of Sinai. 3. During Nabatean times (1st century) Elim was called Leuke Kome which is Greek for "White Harbor" also known as "White Village". a. It was a major seaport and the beginning of a caravan route through El Bad to Petra to Rhinocolura (Arish). b. Two large rectangular storage buildings have been excavated validating the function of a sea to land shipping hub at the time of Apostle Paul. c. Nabatean officials were stationed there in order to collect a 25% duty on all goods being imported. d. We can now be certain that Leuke Kome was the western border town of the Nabatean kingdom in the first century and that Wilderness of Shur, Midian and Al Bad are in first century Arabia. 4. Bible texts: a. "Then they came to Elim where there were twelve springs of water and seventy date palms, and they camped there beside the waters." Exodus 15:27 b. "Then ... ...

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9: The Exodus Route: Alush
Rephidim with Dophkah and Alush in-between. a. Little is known about Dophkah and Alush except that they are located in difficult terrain between the wilderness of Sin and Rephidim. b. From Goshen to Mt. Sinai the topography was flat, wide and easy except between Dophkah and Alush, which infers it was canyon travel through the mountains. 2. Bible texts: a. "They journeyed from the wilderness of Sin and camped at Dophkah. They journeyed from Dophkah and camped at Alush." Numbers 33:12-13 b. " Then all the congregation of the sons of Israel journeyed by stages from the wilderness of Sin, according to the command of the Lord, and camped at Rephidim, and there was no water for the people to drink." Exodus 17:1 3. Early Christians created metaphoric messianic meanings for Alush: a. "Well then, "they set out from Raphaca [Rephidim] and come to Halus [Alush]." Halus translates as "toils." Do not be surprised that toils follow health. For the soul acquires health from God in order to accept ... ...

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10: The Exodus Route: Debunked: Split Rock of Rephidim (Meribah)
Israel complained at Rephidim, but Moses split the rock at Mt. Horeb 5 days later. Hebrews complained about water at Rephidim on day 42 from Goshen but Moses struck the rock for water 5 days later at Mt Horeb on day 47. The split rock at the foot of Mt. Sinai was 25 km Rephidim and served as the main water supply for the 3 million Hebrew during their 11-month, 5 day stay. "He split the rocks in the wilderness and gave them abundant drink like the ocean depths. He brought forth streams also from the rock and caused waters to run down like rivers." (Psalm 78:15-16) Click to View Exodus Route home page Click to View Overview map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Satellite map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Exodus locations: Click to View Wilderness of Shur Click to View Marah Click to View Elim Click to View Red Sea Camp Click to View Wilderness of Sin Click to View Dophkah Click to View Alush Click to View Rephidim (Meribah) Click to View Wilderness ... ...

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11: The Exodus Route: Dophkah
They journeyed from Dophkah and camped at Alush." Numbers 33:12-13 b. "Then all the congregation of the sons of Israel journeyed by stages from the wilderness of Sin, according to the command of the Lord, and camped at Rephidim, and there was no water for the people to drink." Exodus 17:1 3. Early Christians created metaphoric messianic meanings for Dophkah: a. "And they set out from the desert of Sin and came to Raphaca [Dophkah]." Raphaca translates as "health." You see the order of the progressions, how when the soul is once made spiritual and begins to see heavenly visions, it arrives at health, so that it deservedly says: "Bless the Lord, my soul, and all that is within me, [bless] his holy name!" Which Lord? The one, it says, "who heals all your infirmities, who redeems your life from destruction." For there are many infirmities of the soul: avarice is an infirmity of it, indeed the worst one; pride, anger, boasting, fear, inconstancy, timidity and the like. When, Lord Jesus, ... ...

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12: The Exodus Route: Wilderness of Etham
Perhaps the Masoretes erred when they added the vowelling. Many commentators completely ignore it in Num 33:8. b. It may be derived from Egyptian word for wall/fortification. Hb. šûr = "wall" and Egyptian htm = "wall, fortress". "wilderness of Etham Although identified as Shur in Exodus 15:22, this need not imply two versions. Etham is simply Egyptian for Hebrew Shur, both meaning "wall, fortification."" (The JPS Torah Commentary: Numbers 33:8, 1999 AD) c. It may simply mean there is a place called Etham on both sides of the Gulf of Aqaba at the straits of Tiran. A. The one text that says, wilderness of Etham: Numbers 33:6-8 1. "They journeyed from Succoth and camped in Etham, which is on the edge of the wilderness. They journeyed from Etham and turned back to Pi-hahiroth, which faces Baal-zephon, and they camped before Migdol. They journeyed from before Hahiroth and passed through the midst of the sea into the wilderness; and they went three days' journey in the wilderness of Etham ... ...

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13: The Exodus Route: Wilderness of Shur
Egyptian slavery in 1899 BC. b. The Kenites are a sect of Midianites who descended from Jethro the Midianite (Moses father in law) and their traditional territory was near Midian: Judges 1:16. 2. The Wilderness of Shur proves Mt. Sinai is in Modern Saudi Arabia. a. Gal 4:25 says that Mt. Sinai is in Arabia, where Ishmael lived and Ishmael lived in Shur. b. The Wilderness of Shur, is the most important location for determining the exodus route. c. It is one of only four known places in the list of 50 exodus stops: Goshen/Ramses, Wilderness of Shur, Ezion Geber, Mt. Nebo. d. The Wilderness of Shur is where Ishmael settled and that is Transjordan and modern Saudi Arabia. The Bible tells us that Shur is the home turf of Ishmael and we know Ishmael settled near Midian which is in modern Saudi Arabia. e. We are shocked that more people have not connected this fact. The implications are huge for the exodus route, since it places Mt. Sinai in modern Saudi Arabia. There seems to be a disconnect ... ...

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14: The Exodus Route: The Archaeology of Mt. Lawz as Mt. Sinai
Exodus Route: The Archaeology of Mt. Lawz, Maqla as Mt. Sinai, Horeb Click to View The Archaeology of Jebel Lawz as Mt. Sinai and Jebel Maqla as Horeb Click to View Exodus Route home page Click to View Unicorn archaeology of Mt. Sinai/Lawz Click to View Exodus Route home page Click to View Overview map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Satellite map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Exodus locations: Click to View Wilderness of Shur Click to View Marah Click to View Elim Click to View Red Sea Camp Click to View Wilderness of Sin Click to View Dophkah Click to View Alush Click to View Rephidim (Meribah) Click to View Wilderness of Sinai Click to View Mt. Sinai Introduction: 1. We can prove from the Bible alone that Mt. Sinai is in Arabia, not the Sinai Peninsula or the Negev. a. The timing of the journey shows Israel crossed the Red Sea on about day 25 from Goshen. b. The association of Mt. Sinai with Ishmael whose homeland was Midian. 2. We propose ... ...

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15: The Exodus Route: Wilderness of Sinai
The final camp of the Israelites at Mt. Sinai for 11 months 5 days. See also: Mt. Sinai Click to View Exodus Route home page Click to View Note: for more specific details on the final camp at Sinai, see: Mt. Sinai Click to View Overview map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Satellite map (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to View Exodus locations: Click to View Wilderness of Shur Click to View Marah Click to View Elim Click to View Red Sea Camp Click to View Wilderness of Sin Click to View Dophkah Click to View Alush Click to View Rephidim (Meribah) Click to View Wilderness of Sinai Click to View Mt. Sinai Note: for more specific details on the final camp at Sinai, see: Mt. Sinai Discussion: 1. The Wilderness of Sinai was the last stop of the Exodus where Israel camped for 11 months and 5 days: a. Israel arrived at the final camp in front of Mt. Sinai in the Wilderness of Sinai on day 47 from Goshen: Ex 19:1 b. Scripture never says Israel camped in the ... ...

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