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Biblical, Scriptural Age of the Young Earth ...
1: Latest FREE Don Patton Creation vs. Evolution Videos and Quotes
Don Patton Creation vs. Evolution Video Series! Students, remember, your professors sound like they really know evolution works, until they are in the ring with an expert who really knows evolution is false! These videos will enable you to refute your university professors with information they refuse to allow to be taught in your classroom! Latest version available: AD 2021: AD 2021 Six part evolution or creation video series by Don Patton What is Creation Science? Laws of Science Scientific Age of Earth Record of the Rocks Fossil Record Fossil Men 2021 series: View Online: Part 1 Part 2 Video Quotes 2021 series: View Online: Part 1 Part 2 Video Quotes 2021 series: View Online: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Video Quotes 2021 series: View Online: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Video Quotes 2021 series: View Online: Part 1 Part 2 Video Quotes 2021 series: View Online: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Video Quotes Older version available: AD 2015: Older version of six part evolution or creation video series by Don ... ...

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2: Biblical Age of the Earth is under 10,000 years old
...Skeptic Converter Video Lectures! Click to View 1:03 hours Biblical Age of the earth Below is the outline for the video. We recommend you print the outline below before viewing the video. Then watch the video with the hard copy (printed) of the outline in your hand. Enjoy! See also: Scientific age of the earth. Did you know that science clearly evidences that the earth is thousands and not millions of years old? Click to View Click to View SCRIPTURAL AGE OF EARTH By Don Patton Ph.D. (March 2000) Introduction: A. Atheist like Stephen Gould often play theologian, piously affirm, "No conflict between great ages of evolution and the Bible." "Honors God; shows grandeur and beauty of God's wisdom." 1. Truly honors God to believe His word, to accept His testimony. 2. Will see that unbelievers make lousy theologians. B. Age is pivotal, crucial issue. Insistence, "It makes no difference," is often a smoke screen to avert attention from compromise of faith. 1. Philosophical implications: a. When ... ...

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3: Scientific Age of the Earth
...Converter Quotes from Video Lectures! Click to View Professor Knockout Quotes! Click to View The only official collection of quotes by Dr. Don Patton on the internet. An important message from Dr. Patton regarding these quotes: I use most of these quotes as handouts to provide documentation for my lecture series. They were not intended to stand alone as arguments by themselves. However this web site ( convinced me that they could be useful as a reference tool, especially for those who attend the lectures, and I agreed. I commented at the time that some of the quotes would not make sense without the lecture. A few (two) have charged that a small number of these quotes misrepresent the intent of the context. When the charges were investigated, it was discovered, sure enough, if they had heard them used in the context of the lecture, they would have seen that the use was appropriate. It should be remembered that we are not quoting these individuals to imply that they are ... ...

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