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Contact Ark Hunter, Dr. Don Patton, Ark Search LLC Expedition ...
1: Noah's Ark, Flood and Tower of Babel
The Search for Noah's Ark with Steven Rudd and Dr. Don Patton and the "Ark Search LLC Expedition" team. (the only official, active archeological excavation on Mt. Ararat in the world) Description: Click to View Description: Click to View Noah's Ark, Flood and Tower of Babel Noah's Ark 1. The true Bible story of Noah's Ark 2. 500 Flood stories prove Noah's Ark is real history! 3. Noah's Ark embedded in the Chinese language 4. How long did it take to Build Noah's Ark? Less than 75 years! 5. Nimrod and the Tower of Babel 6. Noah was "saved by water": 1 Peter 3:20-21 Genesis 1-11 in the Chinese language 1. History of the Chinese Language 2. Chinese Character Master Index 3. God in the Chinese Language 4. The Creation Account 5. The Garden of Eden 6. Cain & Abel 7. Noah's Flood 8. Tower of Babel 9. Migration to China ...

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2: Noah was saved by water baptism: 1 Peter 3:21
Christ destroys the world with fire. 3. When you reject Jesus as your savior, you will die in your sins and join those who Noah preached to in prison. 4. When judgment comes at the second coming of Christ, those who rejected the preaching of Christians will leave the throne room of God for a judgment of eternal torment. 5. Getting saved is easy! Believe, repent of your sins, confess the name of Christ, be baptized by full immersion for the remission of your sins and you will be born again and saved! A. Today's scoffers that reject the 2nd coming and the end of the world: "Know this first of all, that in the last days mockers will come with their mocking, following after their own lusts, and saying, "Where is the promise of His coming? For ever since the fathers fell asleep, all continues just as it was from the beginning of creation." For when they maintain this, it escapes their notice that by the word of God the heavens existed long ago and the earth was formed out of water and by ... ...

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3: Contact Ark Hunter, Dr. Don Patton, Ark Search LLC Expedition
The Search for Noah's Ark with Steven Rudd and Dr. Don Patton Dr. Don R. Patton Click to View Click to View Noah's Ark, Flood and Tower of Babel ...

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4: A Critique of NAMI Don Patton Randall Price on Mount Ararat Noah ...
The Search for Noah's Ark with Dr. Don Patton Joint Paper by Randall Price and Don Patton on NAMI fraud Nov 20, 2010 Noah's Ark Ministries International Fraud exposed! (NAMI) noahs-ark-indiana-digging-in-wrong-place.jpg Indiana: "Balloq's medallion only had writing on one side? You sure about that?" Sallah: "Positive!" Indiana: "Balloq's staff is too long. Indiana." Both: "They're digging in the wrong place!" 2010 Noah's Ark Ministries International Fraud NAMI: "Made in China" Fraud Exposed Click to View Click to View Our critique of NAMI and their response 1. Don Patton's video exposing NAMI fraud wmv, flash, real Sept 14, 2010 2. Joint Paper by Randall Price and Don Patton on NAMI fraud: Nov 20, 2010 3. Don Patton's critique of 1st NAMI response: Dec 3, 2010 4. Don Patton's critique of 2nd NAMI response: Dec 10, 2010 5. Don Patton's exposes the fake wood photos: Dec 7, 2010 A Critique of the Claim by Noah's Ark Ministries International of a Discovery of Noah's Ark on Mount Ararat By ... ...

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5: 2010 NAMI fraud exposed: Noah's Ark Ministries International ...
The Search for Noah's Ark with Dr. Don Patton Noah's Ark Ministries International Fraud exposed! (NAMI) NAMI claims to have made the biggest archeological find in world history: Noah's Ark. If true, they could invite ANY top rated archeologist alive today and he would be very eager and willing to participate in documenting such a remarkable find of this great magnitude. Instead, NAMI has chosen to "bypass" the scientific community and produce a Hollywood style documentary movie that they will try to sell to the networks and privately to individuals. The choice to make a movie rather than utilize a qualified archeologist speaks volumes about who and what NAMI really is. This is especially obvious in light of the fact that they have terminated any further association with Dr. Randall Price. He earned his Ph.D. in Archeology from the University of Texas, where he then taught Archeology. He is presently serving as Distinguished Research Professor and Executive Director of the Center for ... ...

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6: 2010 NAMI fraud exposed: Examination of the fake wood from Noah ...
The Search for Noah's Ark with Dr. Don Patton Examination of NAMI's fake Noah's Ark wood Noah's Ark Ministries International Fraud exposed! (NAMI) noahs-ark-indiana-digging-in-wrong-place.jpg Indiana: "Balloq's medallion only had writing on one side? You sure about that?" Sallah: "Positive!" Indiana: "Balloq's staff is too long. Indiana." Both: "They're digging in the wrong place!" 2010 Noah's Ark Ministries International Fraud NAMI: "Made in China" Fraud Exposed Video of NAMI's Ark location exposed. Click to View Video by Don Patton exposing the NAMI fraud (30 megs) Windows format: WMV: NAMI Fraud of 2008 (60 megs) Flash format: Flash: NAMI Fraud of 2008 (70 megs) Real Player format: Real: NAMI Fraud of 2008 Click to View 12 Minutes Click to View Our critique of NAMI and their response 1. Don Patton's video exposing NAMI fraud wmv, flash, real Sept 14, 2010 2. Joint Paper by Randall Price and Don Patton on NAMI fraud: Nov 20, 2010 3. Don Patton's critique of 1st NAMI response: Dec 3, ... ...

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7: Dr. Don Patton's Rebuttal of NAMI Dec 10, 2010
The Search for Noah's Ark with Dr. Don Patton Dr. Don Patton's Rebuttal of NAMI Dec 5, 2010 Noah's Ark Ministries International Fraud exposed! (NAMI) noahs-ark-indiana-digging-in-wrong-place.jpg Indiana: "Balloq's medallion only had writing on one side? You sure about that?" Sallah: "Positive!" Indiana: "Balloq's staff is too long. Indiana." Both: "They're digging in the wrong place!" 2010 Noah's Ark Ministries International Fraud NAMI: "Made in China" Fraud Exposed NAMI-noahs-ark-fraud1.jpg Click to View Our critique of NAMI and their response 1. Don Patton's video exposing NAMI fraud wmv, flash, real Sept 14, 2010 2. Joint Paper by Randall Price and Don Patton on NAMI fraud: Nov 20, 2010 3. Don Patton's critique of 1st NAMI response: Dec 3, 2010 4. Don Patton's critique of 2nd NAMI response: Dec 10, 2010 5. Don Patton's exposes the fake wood photos: Dec 7, 2010 This is the rebuttal by Dr. Don Patton, to NAMI's response of Dec 7, 2010 (read NAMI response in full below) Introduction: ... ...

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8: Dr. Don Patton's Rebuttal of NAMI Dec 5, 2010
The Search for Noah's Ark with Dr. Don Patton Dr. Don Patton's Rebuttal of NAMI Dec 3, 2010 Noah's Ark Ministries International Fraud exposed! (NAMI) noahs-ark-indiana-digging-in-wrong-place.jpg Indiana: "Balloq's medallion only had writing on one side? You sure about that?" Sallah: "Positive!" Indiana: "Balloq's staff is too long. Indiana." Both: "They're digging in the wrong place!" 2010 Noah's Ark Ministries International Fraud NAMI: "Made in China" Fraud Exposed NAMI-noahs-ark-fraud1.jpg Click to View Our critique of NAMI and their response 1. Don Patton's video exposing NAMI fraud wmv, flash, real Sept 14, 2010 2. Joint Paper by Randall Price and Don Patton on NAMI fraud: Nov 20, 2010 3. Don Patton's critique of 1st NAMI response: Dec 3, 2010 4. Don Patton's critique of 2nd NAMI response: Dec 10, 2010 5. Don Patton's exposes the fake wood photos: Dec 7, 2010 This is the rebuttal by Dr. Don Patton, to NAMI's response of 25 Nov 2010 (read NAMI response in full below) 1. The full ... ...

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9: Free On line videos of Noah's Ark discovered found
The Search for Noah's Ark with Steven Rudd and Dr. Don Patton Introduction: 1. I am interested in saving souls to the Glory of Jesus Christ; therefore I offer all my information on-line for free. 2. However, you can buy the videos from me for cost. 3. If you have any questions, let me know. CLICK HERE FOR ON LINE VIDEOS BY DR DON PATTON. Click to View Click to View Noah's Ark, Flood and Tower of Babel ...

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10: Historical expeditions in search of Noah's Ark with Ark Hunter ...
Famous "Orange Man" claimed to find the Ark but it all turned out to be nothing more than a movie set to film a movie from which they tried and failed to make millions of dollars! It was all exposed by Dr. Don Patton. ark Ancient Historian's speak of eye witnessing Noah's Ark: 1. "But when Monobazus was grown old, and saw that he had but a little time to live, he had a mind to come to the sight of his son before he died. So he sent for him and embraced him after the most affectionate manner, and bestowed on him the country called Carrae; it was a soil that bare amomum in great plenty: there are also in it the remains of that ark, wherein it is related that Noah escaped the deluge, and where they are still shown to such as are desirous to see them." (Josephus, Antiquities XX, ii, 2) 2. In 110 AD, Josephus quotes Berosus the Babylonian [280 BC], Mnaseas the Greek [250 BC], Hieronymus the Egyptian, Nicolaus of Damascus [30 BC], and many more, that the ark still existed: "After this the ... ...

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11: Who is (NAMI) Noah's Ark Ministries International?
The Search for Noah's Ark with Dr. Don Patton Who is Noah's Ark Ministries International (NAMI)? NAMI consists of an amateur ark hunter, a movie producer and a few volunteers. Our critique of NAMI and their response 1. Don Patton's video exposing NAMI fraud wmv, flash, real Sept 14, 2010 2. Joint Paper by Randall Price and Don Patton on NAMI fraud: Nov 20, 2010 3. Don Patton's critique of 1st NAMI response: Dec 3, 2010 4. Don Patton's critique of 2nd NAMI response: Dec 10, 2010 5. Don Patton's exposes the fake wood photos: Dec 7, 2010 A very convincing photo but... the wood in the photo below was planted by Parasut after he "discovered" Noahs' Ark. Like an "Easter egg hunt" NAMI was taken to the Ark "movie set" and found the wood they brought back. No one from NAMI has any direct knowledge where the really wood came from. According to one source some of the wood came from an old barn, however, other sources said the large wood came from an old ferryboat from the city of Trabzon near ... ...

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12: 2009 Expedition Don Patton Ark Search LLC Expedition
The Search for Noah's Ark with Steven Rudd and Dr. Don Patton 2009 Ark Search LLC Expedition The 2009 Expedition to Mt. Ararat was able dig down through the ice where the object was buried some 30 feet below. Not enough scientific evidence was gathered to make a formal announcement that we had found Noah's Ark. Click to View Richard Bright, Ph.D. Project directory for Ark Search LLC Expedition Ark Search LLC Expedition 2010 Team: Richard Bright, Ph.D. Don Shockey, O.D. Don R. Patton, Ph.D. Randall Price, Ph.D. John T. Bryant, Ph.D. Tom Russell Sayam Sahin Holt Condren Don Campbell Jon Price Kevin DeVries Click to View Click to View Noah's Ark, Flood and Tower of Babel ...

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13: 2010 Expedition Don Patton Ark Search LLC Expedition
The Search for Noah's Ark with Steven Rudd and Dr. Don Patton 2010 Ark Search LLC Expedition The 2010 Ark Search LLC Expedition to Mt. Ararat provided the first scientific imaging in history of an object that may be Noah's ark. Using Ground Penetrating Radar and modern state of the art 3D imaging, we were able to map this object beneath the snow. This information is not sufficient to make any formal announcements that we have actually found Noah's Ark. Click to View Richard Bright, Ph.D. Project directory for Ark Search LLC Expedition Ark Search LLC Expedition 2010 Team: Richard Bright, Ph.D. Don Shockey, O.D. Don R. Patton, Ph.D. Randall Price, Ph.D. John T. Bryant, Ph.D. Tom Russell Sayam Sahin Holt Condren Don Campbell Jon Price Kevin DeVries Click to View Click to View Noah's Ark, Flood and Tower of Babel ...

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14: 2011 Expedition Don Patton Ark Search LLC Expedition
The Search for Noah's Ark with Steven Rudd and Dr. Don Patton 2011 Ark Search LLC Expedition The 2011 Ark Search LLC Expedition to Mt. Ararat is planned for October 24, 2011. It is hoped we can actually document the object under the snow to a high enough scientific and archeological standard, that we can announce to the world we have discovered Noah's Ark. Click to View Richard Bright, Ph.D. Project directory for Ark Search LLC Expedition Ark Search LLC Expedition 2010 Team: Richard Bright, Ph.D. Don Shockey, O.D. Don R. Patton, Ph.D. Randall Price, Ph.D. John T. Bryant, Ph.D. Tom Russell Sayam Sahin Holt Condren Don Campbell Jon Price Kevin DeVries Click to View Click to View Noah's Ark, Flood and Tower of Babel ...

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