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Psychiatry: The Science of Lies by Thomas Szasz, 2008 AD ...
1: Psychiatry Myth: Chemical imbalances in the brain!
Mental Illness and the Myth of "Chemical imbalances" of the brain. Click to View Psychiatry: Chemical imbalances are mythical "Chemical imbalances" are to psychiatry what "the missing link" is to evolution. There is no scientific proof that chemical imbalances even exist, must less that they cause mental illness. Drugs don't fix chemical imbalances in the brain, they create them. Introduction: Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Most people are in for some "shock therapy" when they learn that the popular idea that mental illnesses are caused by a Chemical imbalance in the brain is a myth! It is so widely accepted, it appears "nuts" to question it as fact. Get ready for your shock! You have been lied too by mental health officials and physiatrists! Common Lies promoted by psychiatrists, drug companies and the media: "Depression is a serious medical condition", "Drugs are the most effective treatment for your serious illness", "This drug corrects biochemical imbalances ... ...

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2: Church ministers were the first Psychiatrists!: The history of ...
Church ministers were the first Psychiatrists! Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Click to View Introduction: The word psychiatrist literally means, "a doctor of the soul" and church ministers were the first psychiatrists who specialized in working with the insane. The record of history is clear. Before 1775 AD, church ministers were seen as the best source of "professional help" with all troubles of life including insanity. A church minister would view insanity as a behaviour that needed correcting like any other sin like habitual stealing, adultery, laziness, anger or selfishness. The minister would ride his horse over to the house of the insane and provide counsel (talking cures) without ever removing the person from his home environment. There was no coerced treatment and the insane were never forcibly confined in an asylum away from his home. Today, the takeover of institutional psychiatry has gone so far, that the insurance companies now tell ... ...

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3: Denying you are physically sick is proof of insanity: Anosognosia
Denying you have a chemical imbalance is Anosognosia. Really? "To sum up, we are told that the brain damage called "anosognosia" converts a legally competent person who rejects psychiatric help into a psychiatrically disabled patient who needs coerced treatment for his own benefit." (Coercion as Cure, Thomas Szasz, 2007 AD, p 22) Psychiatry damages society and individuals The mental health system causes harm to both individuals and society as a whole. Introduction: 1. Schizophrenics who deny they are physically sick and refuse to take psychiatric drugs, is considered proof to psychiatrists you are another disease called: Anosognosia 2. When the insane deny they are "sick" psychiatrists claim this, itself is another disease called, "anosognosia". 3. Yet this anosognosia can be applied to the psychiatrist himself, since he also has no idea what the problem is, scientific data to confirm it. 4. In this way, psychiatrists also suffer from a diagnostic anosognosia because they are in denial ... ...

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4: Psychiatry damages society and individuals
The mental health system causes harm to both individuals and society as a whole. Psychiatric chamber of horrors: more Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Lobotomy (leucotomy or psychosurgery) 1935 Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) 1938 Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) 1985 Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS) 2005 Deep brain stimulation (DBS) 2009 Introduction: Historically, the real medical community viewed Psychiatry as junk science, but that all changed in the 60's with the dawn of the DSM. (Diagnostic and Statistics Manual of mental disorders) This manual created the appearance of legitimacy to the mental health industry in general and formed the basis of a billing structure like medical doctors. People are unaware of just how much damage Psychiatry and mental health industry do overall. Yes there are things they do that are good, but the net effect is definitely negative. A. What honest Psychiatrists and Psychologists say about their own industry: ... ...

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5: How does Torture and Coercion cure inanity? Introduction to the ...
How does Torture and Coercion cure inanity? Click to View Insanity is a behaviour choice. Torture changes the will. Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: Psychiatrists have always used coercion or torture to cure insanity. Coercion is still widely used in both Canada and the USA. The use of torture came to an end about 1940. We are totally opposed to using any coercion or torture in the "treatment" of insanity. However, it is clear from the record of history, that torture did cure mental illness. The question is: "How does torture cure insanity?" The answer is simple: Insanity is a behaviour choice not a disease. The whole idea of "curing" insanity is ridiculous at its core. It is like saying that you are going to "cure" someone of chronic lying or adultery. Insanity is a behaviour just like lying and adultery. You don't cure people of behaviours with drugs, you persuade them by appealing to their conscience. For a chemical psychiatrist, ... ...

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6: Medical Inquiries and Observations Upon the Diseases of the Mind ...
...Insanity caused by bloated brain blood vessels!" Click to View Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1812 AD, Benjamin Rush, a doctor known as the "father of modern psychiatry", believed that madness was caused by blood vessels in the brain and cured it by threatening to kill the insane if they did not cure themselves! Rush suffers from "scholastic schizophrenia" because he devotes an entire section to, "The causes which induce intellectual derangement, by acting upon the body through the medium of the mind". From an etiological viewpoint, it is clear that Rush believed that the human spirit through emotion, feelings and guilt for sin actually "induced" insanity. So in one breath he says insanity is caused by blood vessels and in the other the human spirit. The only way to cure Rush of his "scholastic schizophrenia" is to suggest that the human spirit affected the blood vessels in the brain, which then caused madness. Of course his ... ...

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7: Psychiatry: The Science of Lies by Thomas Szasz, 2008 AD
Thomas Szasz is an atheist libertarian and not a Scientologist. He views schizophrenia as a behaviour choice, rejects all physical etiologies of "insanity" and is opposed to all involuntary commitment to mental hospitals. Thomas Szasz is an honorable warrior for truth whose importance will only be recognized in coming decades. Click to View Thomas Szasz Professor of psychiatry emeritus at State University, NY I have never harbored any patriotic sentiments toward psychiatry. My aim has been to abolish psychiatric slavery, not reform it." (Coercion as Cure, Thomas Szasz, 2007 AD, p 12) "To be sure, as long as we define psychiatry as a medical specialty, we are compelled to define coercion as care, and the deprivation of liberty under psychiatric auspices as both the prevention of suicide or homicide and the provision of therapy. Abolishing psychiatric slavery-that is, the practice of depriving of persons defined as mental patients of liberty by incarceration in hospitals-requires ... ...

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8: Humoral imbalances caused insanity: Insanity treatments: Blood ...
Rudolf Virchow discovered the cell. Humoral doctors believed health was based upon the balance of the four humors. At its core, humoral medicine is pure quackery. Nothing in this 2400 year old understanding of medicine was correct as to the cause of disease. Whereas all medical doctors swear the "Hippocratic Oath" to "do no harm", the paradox is that Hippocratic "humoral" medicine always caused much harm, suffering, pain and death. If I were a doctor today, I would refuse to swear an oath invented by a pagan Greek who in fact "did much harm". The oath starts "I swear by Apollo". Swearing allegiance to a demon who wants only to hurt and harm humanity, is an abomination. Anything connected with demons is not going to be good. "The writings of historians, physicians, journalists, and others addressing the history of psychiatry rest on three erroneous premises: that so-called mental diseases exist, that they are diseases of the brain, and that the incarceration of "dangerous" mental ... ...

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9: Anti-psychotic drugs cause permanent brain damage
Whether Shackled into submission, jailed into submission or drugged into submission, society always finds a way of controlling those who chose not to control themselves. Biopsychiatry is the atheist's system to control the uncontrollable with shocks, drugs and involuntary committal. Master index of quick links within this document: Introduction A. Encyclopedia of psychiatric drugs effect on the mind and body B. Psychiatric drugs don't correct biochemical imbalances in the brain C. How psychiatric drugs create biochemical imbalances and the brain fixes them. D. Drugs: chemical lobotomy, emotional anesthesia, pharmacological straitjacket: E. Psychiatric drugs cause brain damage 1. Psychiatric drugs cause diabetes 2. Drug companies make billion from chemical imbalance myth. F. Psychiatric drugs work no better than placebo G. The nocebo effect of Psychiatric drug withdrawal: H. Painful withdrawal effects of psychiatric drugs: I. Pregnancy and Newborn Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal J. Drugs do ... ...

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10: Anti-psychotic drugs cause Cause Diabetes in 25% of users: moon ...
Causes Diabetes in 1 in 4 patients who are on Psychiatric drugs. It is ironic that psychiatrists commonly equate psychiatric drugs as a cure for chemical imbalances the way insulin cures diabetes, when in fact psychiatric drugs actually cause diabetes! Introduction: See our main Psychiatric Drug page. See our reference section of all psychiatric drugs and the disorders they are prescribed for. Psychiatric drugs not only cause permanent brain damage and body tremors, they are also diabetogenic (cause diabetes). Chemical psychiatry has a long history of hurting and harming people and iatrogenic diabetes is just another example. If you take a psychiatric drug, there is a 1 in 5 chance or greater that you will get diabetes, because you are taking the drug. Some studies show that 25% (1 in 4) get drug induced diabetes. These psychiatric drugs cause diabetes for three reasons: 1. they generally act as tranquilizers, making people sedentary and slower moving. 2. the stimulate appetite. 3. ... ...

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11: Fat And Blood, treatment of Neurasthenia And Hysteria, S. Weir ...
Essay On The Treatment Of Certain Forms Of Neurasthenia And Hysteria. S. Weir Mitchell, M.D. 1902 AD Click to View Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1902 AD, S. Weir Mitchell, doctor, popularized rest therapy where a hysteric is forced to lay in bed for up to three months at a time. A few years earlier, in the 1894 AD address to the American Medico-Psychological Association, Mitchell decried the deplorable conditions of the asylums as being nothing better than jails. He quotes a woman who visited an asylum for the first time: "Oh, I should go mad here if I were not so when I came. Why can't some one move the furniture about and make it look less sepulchral." In this address he notes that the general public were suspicious and critical of asylums and psychiatry in general: "Of the feeling of distrust concerning the therapeutics of asylums now fast gaining ground in the mind of the general public I have said nothing. This lack of ... ...

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12: Criminals, rapists, murderers freed from jail by Psychiatrists ...
...Denying personal responsibility for sin.) Click to View Click to View Psychiatry damages society and individuals The mental health system causes harm to both individuals and society as a whole. Introduction: One of the great evils of our modern time, is that wicked sinners are escaping punishment for their crimes by being declared "not guilty by reason of insanity". This is the result of the growing influence of the psychiatry industry. It was not this way even 50 years ago since more and more sinners are getting away with murder. "When a psychologist or psychiatrist testifies during a defendant's competency hearing, the psychologist or psychiatrist shall wear a cone-shaped hat that is not less than two feet tall. The surface of the hat shall be imprinted with stars and lightning bolts. Additionally, a psychologist or psychiatrist shall be required to don a white beard that is not less than 18 inches in length, and shall punctuate crucial elements of his testimony by stabbing the air ... ...

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13: Mad-Doctors: William Battie: 1703-1776 AD
They were quacks in the 18th century and they are still quacks today! Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Click to View Introduction: In 1758 AD, William Battie, Mad Doctor at Bedlam and then St. Lukes asylum, was caustically hostile to Christianity and religion in general, like modern chemical psychiatry today. His A Treatise on Madness, never mentions the words: soul, spirit, God, Jesus. The only time Christianity is brought into the subject is his rather stupid suggestion that the laziness religious leaders causes madness because their "nerves" were out of shape due to lack of use the same way the lazy man has weak heart. It was a clear slap against religion. He was one who actually believed that Christians were generally mentally ill. This attitude prevails today in modern psychiatry. To Battie, all mental illness had a physical cause. Battie's etiology of insanity was borrowed from Nicholas Robinson, who in 1729 AD, wrote a book where he stated bad nerves was a ... ...

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14: FRAUD: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) is a fraud ...
Without the DSM-5, they would have no billing standards. One might say that "we are all in it for the money", when it comes to business. Capitalism is the best system. Psychiatrists getting rich is no problem for me. However it matters how they get rich and why. Do remember that when you go to your local church minister for advice over lunch, it is free, altruistic and often more helpful than anything a psychiatrist might say or do. There are two opposite views within the psychiatric industry today: 1. Those who believe man has a spirit, distinct from the body and that mental illness is a spirit problem, not a body problem. Drugs may help a bit, but are not solutions. Talking about what is in the spirit provides the only real possible solutions. 2. Psychiatrists who believe in evolution and that man has not spirit, but is a mere collection of chemicals. Mental illness is caused by chemical imbalances and drugs fix these imbalances. Chemical psychiatry is not only where all the big ... ...

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15: Definition of insanity and mental illness
What is mental illness? What causes insanity? What causes mental illness? Introduction: Insanity and mental illness are behaviours not biological diseases. Choice, emotion, mood and memory have their origin in the human spirit, not the physical body or the brain. Disease and body chemicals do not cause choice, emotion, mood. While disease can affect behavour, disease never forces choice, emotion or mood. All behaviours associated with mental illness are sinful. Each of the individual behaviours associated with insanity and any mental illness are sinful since they violate specific passages of scripture. A. Mental illness is a behaviour not a disease: 1. "Madness and its synonyms are fuzzy terms. It is clear, however, that mad persons are unwanted persons and that we use the term broadly to refer to abnormal, unwanted behavior." As a rule, a person behaves "madly" for reasons of his own, that is, because of the particular adaptation he has made to the events that comprise his life." ... ...

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16: Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) Mental Illness ...
The brain is an electric organ that runs on 1/10th of a single volt. TMS shocks the brain with 100 times that voltage through magnetic induction coils. "The most obvious and dangerous side effect of rTMS is the induction of epileptic seizures, and experience shows that currently available equipment is powerful enough to produce them readily." (Transcranial magnetic stimulation in clinical psychiatry, Mark S. George, Robert H. Belmaker, 2007 AD, p 31) Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (rTMS) generates electricity about 2 inches inside the brain with electromagnets and is a milder, gentler form of ECT (Electro-convulsive shock therapy). The entire theory underlying TMS in psychiatry is a form of neo-phrenology, that wrongly believed different parts of the brain can be specifically mapped to single emotions or moods. TMS applies electricity to these "emotion centers" of the brain in an effort to modify those emotions. They use the exact language of phrenology, but in modern ... ...

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17: Textbook of Disturbances of Mental Life, Johann Christian August ...
...Anyone imprisoned by passion is unfree and unhappy. The man who is fettered by passion deceives himself about external objects and about himself. This illusion, and the consequent error, is called madness. Madness is a disease of the reason and not of the soul, but it originates from the passion within the soul." Heinroth understood that the mind can make the body sick and the body can affect the way one feels, he believed that in the majority of cases, insanity was caused by the soul alone. "no longer inquire if the soul disturbances are bodily affections (we fully agree that they cannot take place without a bodily affection, but just as firmly deny that their source is in the body) ... For the same reason, the totality of mental disturbances must not be denoted as diseases of the soul organ, because even though the entire body, which is certainly a soul organ, is able to give rise to mental diseases, in the great majority of cases it is not the body but the soul itself from which ... ...

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18: Brain damage: Lobotomy: Psychosurgery, Bilateral Stereotactic ...
Rosemary Kennedy (John F Kennedy's sister) when was 23. Rosemary was asked to sing while the knife cut brain tissue. She continued to sing, so he cut more until suddenly, she stopped singing and never sang again. Rosemary suffered permanent brain damage and was left in a vegetative state until she died natural causes at the age of 86 in 2005. Rosemary Kennedy is a prime historic example of deliberately inflicting brain damage. "Lobotomy is synonymous with brain damage: it is intentional brain damage, just as cutting-off the hands of pickpockets is intentional hand damage." (Coercion as Cure, Thomas Szasz, 2007 AD, p 170) B. Lobotomy given new names: When a business gets a bad reputation, they change the name to hide the same old bad management from its bad reputation. This is exactly what psychiatrists have done with lobotomy. They have given the same old brain damaging proceedure new names like: Psychosurgery, Bilateral Stereotactic Surgery, Cingulotomy, Limbic Leucotomy. "Personally, ... ...

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19: Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) 450 volts @ .9 amps for 6 seconds ...
With ECT people undergo 5 - 20 shocks over several weeks. The shock is enormous and uses 450 volts DC in pulsed square waves at a current of .9 Amps for 6 seconds. ECT is a form of electric lobotomy. A single ECT treatment passes enough electricity through your brain to light an 84 watt light bulb for 6 seconds or a 500 watt halogen light for 1 second. ECT has been documented to cause death, strokes and tissue damage. "PA-PSRS has received five reports of patients experiencing skin burns or injuries from a fire during electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) treatments. ... in the report of a fire, a bright flash and flames were noted on the right side of the patient's head at the instant that the ECT shock was given. Though the flames were quickly extinguished, the patient experienced first and second-degree burns on one ear and first-degree burns on the forehead above one eye." (Skin Burns and Fires during Electroconvulsive Therapy Treatments, PA-PSRS Pennsylvania Patient Safety Advisory, ... ...

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20: Pathology of the Brain and Nervous Stock, Soul of Brutes, Thomas ...
...The primary object is naturally curative... discipline, threats, fetters and blows are needed as much as medical treatment...Truly nothing is more necessary and more effective for the recovery of these people than forcing them to respect and fear intimidation. By this method, the mind, held back by restraint, is induced to give up its arrogance and wild ideas and it soon becomes meek and orderly. This is why maniacs often recover much sooner if they are treated with torture and torments in a hovel instead of with medicaments." Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Click to View Introduction: In 1667 AD, Thomas Willis clearly understood that madness was a spiritual problem to be cured with torture. His statement says it all: "Wherefore, Furious Mad-men are sooner, and more certainly cured by punishments, and hard usage, in a strait room, than by Physick or Medicines." If insanity was really a chemical imbalance, these "moral treatments" would have no ... ...

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21: Suicide, psychiatry and the bible: The freedom to sin by killing ...
The freedom to sin by killing yourself. Introduction: 1. Just because suicide is a sin, this does not mean we should restrict an individual's free to kill themself. Suicide is a behaviour choice, just like any other sin. 2. No one should ever be committed to a psychiatric ward for threatened or unsuccessfully executed suicide attempts. Statistics show, that if someone has been committed involuntarily to an asylum and they really want to kill themselves, they simply "play nice" to get released, then commit suicide. 3. Suicide is always a bad solution to the unhappiness, anxiety or guilt an individual experiences. 4. Suicide appears to be a good solution to their problems if they do not believe in God, judgement, heaven, hell and the afterlife. This appearance is deceiving. 5. Suicide is often a cowardly, selfish solution that hurts and harms those who love him. 6. Suicide can be motived by hurting those in revenge who have hurt you. Hollywood has produced countless movies where suicides ... ...

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22: Deep brain stimulation(DBS): Mental Illness Obsessive-Compulsive ...
The brain runs on a natural voltage of about 1/10th of a volt. DBS shocks the brain with up to 10.5 volts, which is 100x the normal voltage the brain uses. Experts admit that the procedure is both experimental and unproven: "The effectiveness of this device (DBS) for this use (ODC) has not been demonstrated." (Neurostimulators for Psychiatric Disorders, Get the Facts, Medtronic inc.) "The long-term safety and effectiveness of brain stimulation therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder has not been established." (DBS Therapy For OCD, Implant manual, Lead Kit For Deep Brain Stimulation, Medtronic inc., 2009 AD, p 13) Since chemical psychiatrists are atheists who belief in evolution, they view man as nothing more than a pile of chemicals and electrons. They openly mock Christians who view the nature of man is dichotomous, having a distinct body and soul. This error has "dead ended" psychiatric research into insanity. They have wrongly look to the physical brain as the etiological cause of ... ...

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23: Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS): Mental Illness Depression, Brain ...
... Then his mere touch turned out to be curative. Finally, he didn't even have to touch patients to cure them-they could cure themselves and each other by means of rituals that utilized the powers of an imaginary magnetic fluid, a property of "animal magnetism." Between 1774 and 1777, in a mere three years, Mesmer rose from obscure physician to world-famous healer, only to be exposed as a quack." (Coercion as Cure, Thomas Szasz, 2007 AD, p 148) The vagus nerve is nothing more than an electrical wire that sends signals from the human brain down to other physical parts of the body, which also send feedback up the vagus nerve to the brain for processing. A quadriplegic has his spinal cord cut in two and it does not affect emotion, thought, mood, motivation one bit. This fact should be all the evidence a scientist needs to reject Vagus Nerve Stimulation as a treatment that will in a few short years, be placed on the shelf beside lobotomy and bloodletting. A. The shock of Vagus Nerve ... ...

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24: Psychologists view mental patients as victims, deny personal ...
Psychiatry is a vicious enemy of Christianity and the Bible. You are a sinner and fully responsible for your actions. (2 Corinthians 5:10) Click to View Psychiatry is Anti-Christian Psychiatry is Atheistic Psychiatry is Humanistic "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad." (2 Corinthians 5:10) Introduction: 1. See also: "Not guilty for reasons of insanity" plea. 2. The mental health industry has widely promoted the false idea that bad and undesirable behaviours associated with insanity are not due to personal fault, but brain malfunction, while praising the same individual for good and desirable behaviours that have their origin in freewill. a. The hypocrisy and scientific contradiction of no fault bad behaviours attributed to biology vs. meritorious good behaviours which are never attributed to brain function, but freewill, should sound the alarm of junk ... ...

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25: A New System of the Spleen, Nicholas Robinson, 1729 AD
What Hope, what Refuge ... the Mind was in Despair through Doubt ... Where can he rest his hopeless Hope! where seek for Mercy, when Conscience, Horror, Despair, and all the dismal Scenes of Woe, that can afflict the most obdurate Heart, fly glaringly in his Face, and sting his tortur'd Soul, with Pain and Grief unsufferable to human Nature! Hence spring those frequent Suicides, to which these harden'd Miscreants have Recourse, to rid them of a Life most loathed, wretched, and miserable to endure. So that no Scene of Horror can be more dreadful, than to view an Atheist on his Bed of Sickness, just reviving to a Sense of his being forsaken of God, and all Hopes of his Mercy." Nicholas Robinson believed that mental illness was caused by feelings of sin, hopelessness and condemnation which in turn damaged the brain nerves. In a page out of modern chemcial psychiatry, Robinson believes drugs are the cure: "But of all Medicines in the Spleen, I know none equal or fit to compare with that ... ...

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