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The History of Psychiatry: 1500 BC - 2013 AD ...
1: Mental Illness Diagnosis and cures
Diseases of the body need a cure. Sinful behaviours of the spirit need repentance. Mental illness is a behaviour choice, not a disease. Click to View Biblical Psychiatry can accurately self-diagnose your "mental illness" for free! Test and Diagnose Yourself: "Do it yourself psychiatry" Click to View Part 1: Divine Sin Manual (DSM-7) Click to View Part 2: Meticulous Moral Principles Inquiry (MMPI-7) Click to View Part 3: Etiological Diagnostic Snapsheet (EDS-7) Self Help Counseling! "Psychiatry" is a Greek word meaning "doctor of the soul" Click to View Click to View Click to View Be your own psychiatrist, psychologist, therapist and counselor 1. "The spirit of a man can endure his [physical] sickness, But as for a broken spirit who can bear it? " (Proverbs 18:14) 2. "Anxiety in a man's heart weighs it down, But a good word makes it glad. " (Proverbs 12:25) 3. "A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, But when the heart is sad, the spirit is broken. " (Proverbs 15:13) 4. "Words from the ... ...

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2: The Egyptian Ebers Papyrus, psychiatry, depression etiology 1550 ...
Egyptians wrote a book of medicine. It is likely a copy of a much older book, but it is quite fascinating to realize just how much the ancients knew about the human body and various diseases. While the cures were no better than a witches brew with "eye of newt", they did understand the various diseases. The only reference to anything coming close to psychiatry, is in the section on the heart where anger and sadness are discussed. Biopsychiatrists love to quote the papyrus as proof that the Egyptians believed depression was caused by bodily diseases. But this is simply untrue. In fact the opposite is true. The Egyptians understood that anger and sadness caused body diseases in the heart. The papyrus reads: "When his Heart is afflicted and has tasted sadness, behold his Heart is closed in and darkness is in his body because of anger which is eating up his Heart." (The Egyptian Medical Ebers Papyrus: 1523 BC) The Egyptian Ebers Medical Papyrus: 1523 BC The beginning of the secret book of ... ...

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3: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. Note: Although these are based upon real case stories, the names and details have been changed to hide the identities of the people. This practice follows the standards of medical case history publication. Based upon True Clinical Cases: Master index Case Biopsychiatric diagnosis Bible diagnosis Etiology/Cause 1. Applesauce Schizophrenia Adultery, Deception, lying, violence, uncontrolled anger, rage Secret sin of adultery soon to be discovered with pregnant mistress 2. Candy Depression Lesbian sex, ... ...

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4: Conclusion to the 500 year historical overview:
The master conclusion of the 500 year summary of all the historical documents in this section. Click to View Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Master Conclusion to the 500 year historical overview: The origin of modern psychiatry has its origin in England during the era of King Henry VIII (1509 - 1547). Click to View Click to View Before 1600 AD, church ministers, not medical doctors, were almost universally considered the experts in correcting the behaviours associated with insanity. The insane were not distinguished from other poor, lazy beggars or violent out of control criminals. Insanity was viewed as a collection of odd or sinful behaviours not a disease. Insanity was believed to be caused by sinful living contrary to the gospel of Jesus Christ and unless the "insane" committed a crime, they were never jailed but instead roamed free throughout the cities and countryside unhindered in spite of their peculiar behaviours. The concept of a ... ...

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5: Introduction to the history of psychiatry
For a brief summary of all the historical documents in this section on psychiatric history. Click to View Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction to the History of Psychiatry: The word psychiatrist literally means, "a doctor of the soul" and church ministers were the first psychiatrists who specialized in working with the insane. This makes sense since today's chemical psychiatrists don't even believe in God and reject the very existence of the human soul or spirit. This would make today's psychiatrists doctor's of something they do not believe exists! Church ministers were the first experts in helping to change the behaviours of the insane. They correctly understood insanity as a behaviour that needed correcting like any other sins like habitual stealing, adultery or selfishness. Institutional psychiatry had its origins as a parallel prison system as a form of behaviour and social control. "The fatal weakness of most psychiatric ... ...

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6: Augusta Triumphans, Daniel Defoe, 1728 AD
The Way To Make London The Most Flourishing City In The Universe. By suppressing pretended Madhouses, where many of the Fair Sex are unjustly confined, while their Husbands keep Mistresses, &c., and many Widows are locked up for the sake of their Jointure. Daniel Defoe 1728 AD Click to View Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1728 AD, Daniel Defoe, author of Robinson Crusoe, believed that a husband could drive his sane wife mad by sending her to a mad house. He believed insanity was caused by life circumstance, not a disease saying, "it is much easier to create than to cure madness". He wrote about a new phenomonea "a practice scarce heard of till of late years" of the rise of private mad houses and the jailing of unwanted rich wives by treacherous husbands in some of these mad houses. Whereas mad houses had been run for altruistic purposes by church ministers, Defoe shows the rise of many new mad houses by non-church ministers for ... ...

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7: Mad-Doctors & Mad-House Keepers of the 1750's
Also known as "alienists", Mad Doctors were the forerunners of psychiatrists. They were quacks in the 18th century and they are still quacks today! Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Click to View Click to View "The keepers at Bedlam are idle, skulking, pilfering scoundrels, eccentric, murders, have something peculiar about them, strange in appearance, bribery is common to all, cruelty is common to all, villainy is common to all, in short every thing is common but virtue." (Urbane Metcalf 1818, John Conolly 1859) Introduction: Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage "Mad doctors" also known as "alienists", Doctors were the forerunners of psychiatrists. "Alienists" was a title they derived from standing up and testifying in open court about a persons mental health. The "keepers" of the Mad houses, known today as psychiatric nurses! The "keeper managers" are known today as psychiatric nurse managers of a ward. "Many of the asylum doctors were no more ... ...

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8: Mental Illness cures: (EDS-7) Etiological Diagnostic Snapsheet
This is the third of three self-tests. If you have not completed self-test #1 (DSM-7) or self-test #2 (MMPI-7), do them first, then come back and take this final self-test. Click to View Click to View 2. First and second Laws of Psychiatry: a. Psychiatric theorem #1: Behaviour is a choice. Checklist behaviors. Determine the benefit. b. Psychiatric theorem #2: Psychotic behaviour is a solution. Determine the problem. 3. The mystery of insanity is solved when we ignore all psychiatric diagnostic labels and focus on checklisting specific behaviours associated with insanity that are identified in the Bible as sin. Once these behaviours have been identified in a single individual, the only question that needs to be asked is: "What personal benefit does this person derive from engaging in this behaviour". The answer then becomes simple: money, escape responsibility, sympathy, selfishness, attention, control, revenge, rebellion or desire for evil etc. 4. Insanity, depression and anxiety are ... ...

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9: Account of the Unparalleled Case of a Citizen of London, Bookseller ...
The case of Alexander Cruden who was repeatedly committed to a mental hospital for pointing out the adultery of people in high places like John the Baptist did and lost his head! Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1738 AD, Alexander Cruden, who published Cruden's Concordance in 1735, was committed to Bedlam asylum. Cruden's problems began with his parents putting him into an asylum when he experienced a broken heart over love at a young age. This labeled him a mad man for life and was the primary reason for his second false committal to an asylum. Later in life, when his amorous advances were rejected by another woman, he was committed to Bedlam. This "psychiatric history" over love lost, was only one problem. Other reason he got committed, was that the mad doctors of Cruden's time, like James Monro, and his son John, viewed Christians as mentally ill, even preventing them from entering asylums for fear of making the patient even more ... ...

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10: Anti-psychotic drugs cause permanent brain damage
Whether Shackled into submission, jailed into submission or drugged into submission, society always finds a way of controlling those who chose not to control themselves. Biopsychiatry is the atheist's system to control the uncontrollable with shocks, drugs and involuntary committal. Master index of quick links within this document: Introduction A. Encyclopedia of psychiatric drugs effect on the mind and body B. Psychiatric drugs don't correct biochemical imbalances in the brain C. How psychiatric drugs create biochemical imbalances and the brain fixes them. D. Drugs: chemical lobotomy, emotional anesthesia, pharmacological straitjacket: E. Psychiatric drugs cause brain damage 1. Psychiatric drugs cause diabetes 2. Drug companies make billion from chemical imbalance myth. F. Psychiatric drugs work no better than placebo G. The nocebo effect of Psychiatric drug withdrawal: H. Painful withdrawal effects of psychiatric drugs: I. Pregnancy and Newborn Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal J. Drugs do ... ...

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11: Church ministers were the first Psychiatrists!: The history of ...
Church ministers were the first Psychiatrists! Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Click to View Introduction: The word psychiatrist literally means, "a doctor of the soul" and church ministers were the first psychiatrists who specialized in working with the insane. The record of history is clear. Before 1775 AD, church ministers were seen as the best source of "professional help" with all troubles of life including insanity. A church minister would view insanity as a behaviour that needed correcting like any other sin like habitual stealing, adultery, laziness, anger or selfishness. The minister would ride his horse over to the house of the insane and provide counsel (talking cures) without ever removing the person from his home environment. There was no coerced treatment and the insane were never forcibly confined in an asylum away from his home. Today, the takeover of institutional psychiatry has gone so far, that the insurance companies now tell ... ...

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12: Mental Illness Myths and other Unicorns!
Being an expert about mental illnesses is like being an expert about ghosts or unicorns. Not surprisingly, some or many mental health experts come to feel like impostors, like frauds." (Psychiatry: The Science of Lies, Thomas Szasz, 2008 AD, p 109) The Chemical Imbalance Myth: Mental illnesses are not caused by chemical imbalances of the brain! There is no proof of this, only speculation based upon the theory of evolution and the denial that God exists and that man has no spirit apart from the body. Click to View Hysteria Myth: The myth that "hysteria" is mental illness. Click to View Click to View History of Psychiatric Myths Psychiatry has not progressed in 260 years! Bloodletting and vomiting to cure "melancholy blood". Neuroleptic drugs to cure "chemical imbalances" See the Bedlam nut house of the 1750's Click to View deviant sex Myth: The myth that "deviant sex" is mental illness. deviant sex is a lifestyle choice with no biologic cause. Psychiatrists have it all wrong! "Just like ... ...

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13: A treatise of Anger, John Downame, 1609 AD
But a harsh word stirs up anger." Proverbs 15:1 "Like charcoal to hot embers and wood to fire, So is a contentious man to kindle strife." Proverbs 26:21. The final solution is to gently warn and rebuke the person about the dangers anger will bring on his soul. Downame clearly understood that anger had its origin in the mind, but that it affected both mind and body. This was true. The Bible says that sin will make you sick. (A treatise of Anger, John Downame, 1609 AD) In Downame's time medical practice was almost confined to physical disease or to physical treatment of mental disease, while 'spiritual physicke' or psychotherapy was the province of the clergy. Taking as his example anger, 'a short madnesse', Downame described how he dealt with patients. 'The first means... is to use silence' has a very modern - Freudian- ring; and not to meet anger with anger because `crosse speeches and perverse replies, make the chollericke man proceede from anger to rage . . . and madnesse' became the ... ...

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14: The Soul's Conflict, Richard Sibbs, 1635 AD
Some object is presented. 2. Then it is apprehended by imagination as good and pleasing, or as evil and hurtful. 3. If good, the desire is carried to it with delight : if evil, it is rejected with distant, and so our affections are stirred up suitably to our apprehension of the object. 4. Affections stir up the spirits. 5. The spirits raise the humours, and so the whole man becomes moved and oftentimes distempered; this falleth out by reason of the Sympathy between the soul and body, whereby what offendeth one redoundeth to the hurt of the other." He also says that hypochondria is beyond dispute because of how clear it was that people became insane over the mere worry of contracting and dying from the plague, which was seen as a judgement of God upon people's sins. "I need bring no Examples for proof: for in every place I hear living witnesses of such as died of the Plague, stricken only with the fear of it". (The Souls Conflict, Richard Sibbs, 1635 AD) "The ancient idea of conflict in ... ...

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15: The haven of health, Thomas Cogan, 1584 AD
... Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...

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16: Religious Melancholy, John Moore, 1692 AD
God on Judgement day: "God . . . no where hath said, That Men shall be condemned for their ungovernable Thoughts, over which they have no dominion". Moore then contradicts himself and says that the cure is self control of the mind, not some drug for the body: [thoughts] "engaged in a good Matter" and he orders people to not quit their jobs: "I exhort you not to quit your employment". He goes on to advice that the cure is through keeping your mind calm with gentle thoughts: "It is not therefore a furious combat with melancholy thoughts, which will but weaken and sink the body, and to make the case worse, but a gentle application of such comfortable things as restore the strength, and recruit the languishing spirit that must quash and disperse these disorderly tumults in the head." Notice he sees the problem as "languishing spirit and tumults in the mind". This is not a bodily disease at all! This mishmash of contradictory concepts from a minister of a church may indicate he was trying ... ...

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17: Historical overview of Psychiatry: 1550 BC - 2010 AD
Egyptians wrote a book of medicine. It is likely a copy of a much older book, but it is quite fascinating to realize just how much the ancients knew about the human body and various diseases. While the cures were no better than a witches brew with "eye of newt", they did understand the various diseases. The only reference to anything coming close to psychiatry is in the section on the heart where anger and sadness are discussed. Biopsychiatrists love to quote the papyrus as proof that the Egyptians believed depression was caused by bodily diseases. But this is simply untrue. In fact the opposite is true. The Egyptians understood that anger and sadness caused body diseases in the heart. The papyrus reads: "When his Heart is afflicted and has tasted sadness, behold his Heart is closed in and darkness is in his body because of anger which is eating up his Heart." (The Egyptian Medical Ebers Papyrus: 1550 BC) Jumping forward 3000 years... In 1558 AD, William Bullein stated that rejection ... ...

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18: How to commit your unwanted, naggy or rich wife to a mental hospital
Wanna get rid of your disobedient, naggy or rich wife? Commit her to a Mad House against her will! Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Even if the myth that schizophrenia is a medical condition (instead of behaviour) were true, it is illegal to force medical treatment on someone against their will. A doctor who forces treatment or drugs a non-consenting person who knows they are sick will go to jail even if it saves their life. A psychiatrist who commits someone who is suicidal to an asylum and force drugs them is guilty of a double crime. Psychiatric committal is a violation of the criminal code and doctor-patient ethics. Click to View Introduction: If you want to learn how to commit your unwanted, disobedient, naggy or rich wife to a mental hospital, you have come to the right place. The first thing you need is a time machine set to the date 1725 AD! But it is going to cost you a lot of money! We also don't recommend it, since it is immoral and breaks several of ... ...

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19: Medical Inquiries and Observations Upon the Diseases of the Mind ...
...Insanity caused by bloated brain blood vessels!" Click to View Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1812 AD, Benjamin Rush, a doctor known as the "father of modern psychiatry", believed that madness was caused by blood vessels in the brain and cured it by threatening to kill the insane if they did not cure themselves! Rush suffers from "scholastic schizophrenia" because he devotes an entire section to, "The causes which induce intellectual derangement, by acting upon the body through the medium of the mind". From an etiological viewpoint, it is clear that Rush believed that the human spirit through emotion, feelings and guilt for sin actually "induced" insanity. So in one breath he says insanity is caused by blood vessels and in the other the human spirit. The only way to cure Rush of his "scholastic schizophrenia" is to suggest that the human spirit affected the blood vessels in the brain, which then caused madness. Of course his ... ...

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20: The distress'd orphan or, Love in a mad-house, Eliza Haywood ...
... The Wrongs of Woman (1798). ... It is easy to see why this particular novel would be attractive to a late eighteenth-century reading audience thirsty for tales of Gothic horror. Like many of the Gothic novels from this period, The Distress'd Orphan focuses on a young woman whose wicked guardian locks her up when she refuses to comply with his matrimonial plans for her. But in place of the castle or convent we see in the typical Gothic novel, Annilia's uncle incarcerates her in a private madhouse, and this prison is just as psychologically terrifying as any of the supernatural horrors in the castles created by Radcliffe and her followers. Annilia's prison is also haunted, but it is haunted with the sounds of madness: "The rattling of Chains, the Shrieks of those severely treated by their barbarous Keepers, mingled with Curses, Oaths, and the most blasphemous Imprecations, did from one quarter of the House shock her tormented Ears; while from another, Howlings like that of Dogs, ... ...

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21: Hypochondriasis: A Practical Treatise, John Hill, 1766 AD
John Monro of Bedlam. As such, he took the view that Hypochondriasis (depression) was induced by melancholy blood clogging the spleen. "To call the hypochondriasis a fanciful malady, is ignorant and cruel. It is a real, and a sad disease: an obstruction of the spleen by thickened and distempered blood; extending itself often to the liver, and other parts ... this obstruction in the spleen is the true malady" Others viewed the causes as, air, diet, lack of sufficient sleep, too little or too much exercise, constipation, emotions. Hill's primary etiology of a clogged spleen was inactivity of mind and body and a sedentary lifestyle. He targets intellectuals that sat around reading and writing as most at risk: "Fatigue of mind, and great exertion of its powers often give birth to this disease; and always tend to increase it. The finer spirits are wafted by the labour of the brain: the philosopher rises from his study more exhausted than the Peasant leaves his drudgery ... The first and ... ...

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22: The Transformation Of The Mad-Doctoring Trade, Andrew Scull, ...
Chapter Three: A Brilliant Career? John Conolly (1794-1866) 48 Chapter Four: The Alienist As Propagandist: W.A.F. Browne (1805-1885) 84 Chapter Five: Treating The Mad Outside Asylum Walls: Sir Alexander Morison (1779-1866) 123 Chapter Six: The Administration Of Lunacy In Victorian England: Samuel Gaskell (1807-1886) 161 "The birth of the asylum in its turn was intimately bound up with the emergence and consolidation of a newly self-conscious group of people laying claim to expertise in the treatment of mental disorder and asserting their right to a monopoly over its identification and treatment. It is with this increasingly organized specialism that this book is concerned. We seek to understand the growth and development of a collective consciousness and organization among a subset of medical men, the ancestors of the modern profession now called psychiatry." The Transformation Of The Mad-Doctoring Trade, Andrew Scull, 1994 AD By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or ... ...

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23: The History of Psychiatry: 1500 BC - 2013 AD
Chemical Psychiatry has not progressed in 500 years! (But church ministers had it right all along) Click to View Click to View Click to View Historical overview of Psychiatry: 1500 BC - 2013 AD Our 500 year survey of psychiatric history coupled with the most up to date, state of art scientific biological testing, leads us to identify the key that unlocks the mystery of insanity which is ... to continue reading and to learn what the key is click here. Introduction to psychiatric history For a brief summary of all the historical documents in this section on psychiatric history. Click to View The Main Exhibit: 1500 - 2011 AD Historical overview of Psychiatry: This sequential overview of Psychiatry provides a brief, one paragraph summary of the views of over 100 historic figures. Encyclopedia of psychiatric history Click to View Conclusion to psychiatric history The master conclusion of the 500 year summary of all the historical documents in this section. Click to View Church ministers ... ...

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24: Patterns of Madness in the Eighteenth Century, A Reader, Allan ...
But Bethlem was also a spectacle, a place of entertainment. Its walls relented for the modest price of admission." (Patterns of Madness in the Eighteenth Century, A Reader, Allan Ingram, 1998 AD, p 2) By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...

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25: A treatise of dreams & visions, Thomas Tryon, 1695 AD
Senses and Reason, even as men in Dreams." Tryon had observed that religious people were affected with madness and noted that the prime cause was anger, pride and narcissism: "some who have seemed very Religious, and soberly inclined, as long as they retain'd their Senses and outward Reason, as soon as they become deprived thereof, the bitter envious fierce wrathful proud Spirit appears in its own form, and has its operation without let or hindrance." He rejected drugs, bloodletting and vomits as effective cures of madness. "As to the Cure of Madness in general, the Schools commonly prescribe Blood-letting, and Sleep procuring Medicines, but with how much success daily experience witnesseth, they mistake the Cause, and therefore blindly combat with the Effect" He also criticized the practice at Bedlam of allowing the general public to pay admission to mental hospitals to mock the patients and ridicule them for their own personal entertainment. "I must acknowledge that Gallant Structure ... ...

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26: The Medicalization Of Everyday Life, Thomas Szasz, 2007 AD
Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...

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27: Sin was viewed as the cause (etiology) of mental illness
Christian Reil suggested that the Cat Piano was the cure for insanity. It worked by seating the insane in front of the Cat Piano, as someone played, sanity would be restored. Reil suggested this clever and imaginative hyperbole, in order to drive home his point, that insanity was a spiritual problem not a bodily problem. Doctors before the 19th century, knew less than a typical thirteen year old today, who dissected a few raccoons on his back yard picnic table and experimented with his chemistry set he got for Christmas! Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Historical Survey of Mental illness etiology 1500 - 1900 Introduction: The majority view of history for the cause of insanity, has always been sin and life choices, not the body. Here is the master summary of the historical Survey of Mental illness etiology 1500 - 1900 Historically, there were three groups of etiologies for insanity: 1. Those who believed sin directly caused insanity. 2. Those who ... ...

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28: The Interior Of Bethlem Hospital, Urbane Metcalf, 1818 AD
English insane asylums for over 100 years. (The Interior Of Bethlem Hospital, Urbane Metcalf, 1818 AD) "In 1815 Bethlem Hospital moved premises from Moorfields, its home since 1676, to St George's Fields, Southwark. The committee of 1815 questioned employees of the hospital over the move, clearly concerned about the possibility of improved conditions once installed in the new buildings. Reservations mere expressed by James Bevan over the gloominess of many of the rooms and over the unglazed windows in the sleeping quarters. Urbane Metcalf had been a patient in the Moorfields Bethlem between 1804 and 1806 and subsequently spent from October 1817 until November 1818 in the new hospital. The Interior Of Bethlem Hospital, which he published immediately after his release, is thus not only a unique insight into the new regime after only two years, it also affords Metcalf the opportunity to make comparisons with the old Moorfields Bethlem. While the new, according to Metcalf is infinitely ... ...

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29: Your Drug May Be Your Problem, Peter Breggin, David Cohen, 2007 ...
Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...

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30: Essay on the Demoniacs of the New Testament, Hugh Farmer, 1775 ...
See also the cases of "Demon" and also the case of "Bewitched". Insanity is not Demon possession! more In 1775 AD, Hugh Farmer, church minister, correctly taught that demon possession never caused insanity. Farmer would not "ascribe madness and epileptic fits to possession, rather than other disorders". The Bible does teach demon possession during the apostolic age, but oddly, he Farmer did not believe the devil or demons even existed. Instead he explained the Devil and demons to be caused by physical diseases like epilepsy or flu viruses. Farmer said, "the New Testament doth not countenance the doctrine of real possessions." Demon possession is real in the New Testament and is always accompanied by supernatural powers and knowledge. It was impossible for demon possessed men to be bound with even chains. They also knew things normal humans did not know. People in need of the N1H1 flue vaccine or epileptics never exhibit supernatural power and knowledge. Demon possession was a real ... ...

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31: Some Observations on the Cure of Mad Persons by the Fall of Water ...
Society in December 1725 but not published. Blair's manuscript however was preserved by his friend John Martyn, 1699-1768) Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Click to View The case of "Waterfall" Click to View The case of "Subterranean" Click to View Introduction: In 1725 AD, Patrick Blair, Doctor, perfected a system of torture that cured the insane that he learned of from Franciscus Helmont in 1694. Whereas Helmont lowered a bound mad man, head first into a large tank of water, Blair dropping large volumes of water on the head of a mad man seated and bound in a chair. Most important is that both Helmont and Blair viewed the cause of insanity to be spiritual choices of men rather than bodily diseases. For this reason, water torture was an effective way of convincing the mad man to stop his insane behaviour. Blair and Helmont boast that this method indeed cured the insane! Blair would blind fold people before the procedure as a way of further inducing ... ...

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32: SPECT: Change Your Brain Change Your Life, Daniel Amen, 1998 ...
... January 14, he'd decided to kill himself. He'd been feeling very depressed, unable to get along with anyone, and hobbled by a terrible temper. And he had no hope that things would change, despite seeing a psychiatrist and taking med-ication. He was lying in bed contemplating the best way to commit suicide when by coincidence his girlfriend turned on the Today show while I happened to be on, discussing my book. He watched me ex-plain the brain scans of a person diagnosed with depression and anger. He heard me say that there was hope for people who suffered from these problems, that many "psychological problems" are in reality brain problems, and that through new imaging techniques we can see many of them and create more targeted and effective treatments. This patient went out and bought the book, did the checklists, and discovered that he probably had a left temporal lobe problem (which is where his anger came from), a deep limbic system problem (causing his depression), and a ... ...

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33: Fat And Blood, treatment of Neurasthenia And Hysteria, S. Weir ...
Essay On The Treatment Of Certain Forms Of Neurasthenia And Hysteria. S. Weir Mitchell, M.D. 1902 AD Click to View Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1902 AD, S. Weir Mitchell, doctor, popularized rest therapy where a hysteric is forced to lay in bed for up to three months at a time. A few years earlier, in the 1894 AD address to the American Medico-Psychological Association, Mitchell decried the deplorable conditions of the asylums as being nothing better than jails. He quotes a woman who visited an asylum for the first time: "Oh, I should go mad here if I were not so when I came. Why can't some one move the furniture about and make it look less sepulchral." In this address he notes that the general public were suspicious and critical of asylums and psychiatry in general: "Of the feeling of distrust concerning the therapeutics of asylums now fast gaining ground in the mind of the general public I have said nothing. This lack of ... ...

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34: An essay on the nature and conduct of the passions and affections ...
...Newtonian like" laws of the body! (An essay on the nature and conduct of the passions and affections, Francis Hutcheson, 1728 AD) "In the eighteenth century psychology was a branch of moral philosophy, not of natural philosophy or science, and had almost no point of contact with the medical study and treatment of the mentally ill. Nevertheless the writings of philosophers prepared a body of psychological knowledge which was of great value when in the nineteenth century physicians started to take an active interest in their patients' minds. For this reason men like Hutcheson who stimulated a long line of Scottish philosophers of the 'Common Sense' school [see Reid, Gregory, Stewart, Brown] have a place in the development of psychiatric thought. Hutcheson was interested in the psychological aspects of temperament and emotion and the effect of the 'Association of Ideas' in rousing and maintaining feelings even when 'contrary to Reason', and showed that they were `not so much in our Power, ... ...

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35: Neurypnology; the Rationale of Nervous Sleep, Hypnotism, Hypnosis ...
...The most striking cases . . . for illustrating the value of the hypnotic mode of treatment, are cases of hysteric paralysis . . . In such cases, by . . . substituting a salutary idea of vigour . . . the patients are found to have acquired . . . voluntary power over their hitherto paralysed limbs, as if by a magical spell or witchcraft." Obviously hysterics are the only one's who the power of the will can change through hypnotism. Braid was attracted to Franz Anton Mesmer, with his claims of being able to transmit animal magnetism to sick people as a cure. Braid was able to prove that Mesmer's claims at "mesmerizing" people was "a system of collusion or delusion, or of excited imagination, sympathy, or imitation". He correctly understood that Mesmer was merely hypnotizing people, "I still consider the condition of the nervous system induced by both modes to be at least analogous". A lot of people today think that the hypnotist possesses the power to control another's actions at will, ... ...

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36: Spital Sermon, Andrew Snape, 1718 AD
... The brain is the physical medium the spirit uses to illuminate the body. (Spital Sermon, Andrew Snape, 1718 AD) "By ancient custom the five hospitals of the City of London of Royal foundation St. Bartholomew's, St Thomas', Christ's, Bridewell and Bethlem, were annually during Easter week recommended to public patronage in sermons preached by dignitaries of the Church before the governors and city fathers. They were known as `Spital Sermons' because as Henry King, Bishop of Chichester explained in A sermon of deliverance. Preached at the Spittle, 1626 (London, Marriot, p. 48) `Spitdes [are] for cure of the diseased . . . Hospitals for the entertainment of the Aged and Nurserie of Orphans'. They were originally preached at St Mary Spittal but after the Restoration at St Bridget's (St Bride's). Towards the end of the seventeenth century it was the practice for preachers not only to mention the hospitals by name but also to review their year's work such as admissions and discharges of ... ...

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37: Deep brain stimulation(DBS): Mental Illness Obsessive-Compulsive ...
The brain runs on a natural voltage of about 1/10th of a volt. DBS shocks the brain with up to 10.5 volts, which is 100x the normal voltage the brain uses. Experts admit that the procedure is both experimental and unproven: "The effectiveness of this device (DBS) for this use (ODC) has not been demonstrated." (Neurostimulators for Psychiatric Disorders, Get the Facts, Medtronic inc.) "The long-term safety and effectiveness of brain stimulation therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder has not been established." (DBS Therapy For OCD, Implant manual, Lead Kit For Deep Brain Stimulation, Medtronic inc., 2009 AD, p 13) Since chemical psychiatrists are atheists who belief in evolution, they view man as nothing more than a pile of chemicals and electrons. They openly mock Christians who view the nature of man is dichotomous, having a distinct body and soul. This error has "dead ended" psychiatric research into insanity. They have wrongly look to the physical brain as the etiological cause of ... ...

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38: Vagus Nerve Stimulation (VNS): Mental Illness Depression, Brain ...
... Then his mere touch turned out to be curative. Finally, he didn't even have to touch patients to cure them-they could cure themselves and each other by means of rituals that utilized the powers of an imaginary magnetic fluid, a property of "animal magnetism." Between 1774 and 1777, in a mere three years, Mesmer rose from obscure physician to world-famous healer, only to be exposed as a quack." (Coercion as Cure, Thomas Szasz, 2007 AD, p 148) The vagus nerve is nothing more than an electrical wire that sends signals from the human brain down to other physical parts of the body, which also send feedback up the vagus nerve to the brain for processing. A quadriplegic has his spinal cord cut in two and it does not affect emotion, thought, mood, motivation one bit. This fact should be all the evidence a scientist needs to reject Vagus Nerve Stimulation as a treatment that will in a few short years, be placed on the shelf beside lobotomy and bloodletting. A. The shock of Vagus Nerve ... ...

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39: The Biological Approach to Psychiatry: History and Prospects ...
...The Biological Approach to Psychiatry, Samuel H. Barondes, The Journal of Neuroscience, June 1990) The Biological Approach to Psychiatry: History and Prospects, Samuel H. Barondes, The Journal of Neuroscience, June 1990 The Journal of Neuroscience, June 1990, 10(6): 1707-1710 Feature Article The Biological Approach to Psychiatry: History and Prospects Samuel H. Barondes Department of Psychiatry, Langley Porter Psychiatric Institute, University of California, San Francisco, San Francisco, California 94143 Medicine is becoming an increasingly molecular discipline, and in none of its specialities is this change causing more of a stir than in psychiatry. This is because psychiatry has been dominated, for many years, by subjective approaches to mental illness that are as far as one can get from quantitative science. No wonder psychiatrists have been unsettled by the realization that the next major advances in their field are bound to come from genetics and molecular biology. This article is ... ...

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40: John Wesley (1703-91) Primitive Physic: or An Easy and Natural ...
Wesley stated that the mind can cause the body to get sick. "From fretting for the death of her son. And what availed medicines while that fretting continued ? Why, then, do not all physicians consider how far bodily disorders are caused or influenced by the mind". Susannah Wesley wrote her son John Wesley about a case where John Monro was treating in Bedlam. She said, "the man is not Lunatick, but rather under strong convictions of sin; and hath much more need of a spiritual, than bodily physician". Most interesting, is her comment that Monro (like most of the largest mad house keepers) believed that religious devotion was actually a sign of mental illness: "he presently condemned himself and said, Lord what sin have I been guilty of, and cry'd to God for mercy, and pardon. This probably may confirm the Dr. in the opinion of his madness but to me tis a proof of his being in a right mind". Susannah rejected this and believed just the opposite and that repentance was the way to cure his ... ...

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41: Discourse of the Nature, Causes, Kinds, and Cure, of Enthusiasm ...
... Spirit before all carnall reasonings whatsoever". More viewed these people as self deluded in their spirits not physically sick in their bodies. (Discourse of the Nature, Causes, Kinds, and Cure, of Enthusiasm (Enthusiasmus triumphatus), Henry More, 1656 AD) "Some observations obtained in the course of recent neuroimaging studies of schizophrenics support the interpretations I am suggesting. Let us recall that Julian Jaynes claimed that the experience of hearing voices (auditory hallucination) is "just like hearing actual sound." (The Origin of Consciousness, Julian Jaynes, chapter 4) If that were so, the cerebral-physiological processes accompanying the hallucinating person's experience would be similar to those accompanying normal hearing; which is exactly what researchers using neuroimaging technics to study brain activation in hallucinating patients expected to find. Instead, they found changes in the region of the brain activated during speaking. "Broca's area is a surprise," ... ...

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42: Observations on the Nature, Kinds, Causes, and Prevention of ...
Infirmary with him as its first physician. Unlike Perfect (1787) who aimed at no more than presenting a variety of cases to illustrate his cures, and Pargeter (1792) who set out to show the possibilities of management by the direct human approach, Arnold wrote a much more ambitious and systematic treatise, really a textbook. It was the first two-volume work on psychiatry in this country and modern also for the point Arnold made of giving accurate references for all his quotations having himself 'frequently experienced much inconvenience; often a great waste, and sometimes a total loss, both of time, and labour; by a loose, and negligent mode of reference from one author to another'. Volume I was devoted to classification with a chapter on postmortem appearances; volume II dealt with the causes of insanity. A third volume on treatment to which I and II were preparatory appeared independently as Observations on the management of the insane; and particularly on the agency and importance ... ...

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43: Blood Circulation in the body (Exercitatio anatomica de circulatione ...
... Hospital without being cured, Dr. Harvey, out of Curiosity, visited her sometimes; and suspecting her strange Distemper to be chiefly Uterine, and curable only by Hymeneal Exercises, he advised her Parents (who sent her not thither out of poverty) to take her home, and provide her a Husband, by whom, in effect, she was according to his Prognostic, and to many Men's wonder, cured of that strange Disease." (Blood Circulation in the body (Exercitatio anatomica de circulatione sanguinis), William Harvey, 1649 AD) "The body-mind relation especially the influence of the passions had long been discussed in medical literature within the ancient framework of humours. Harvey applying his new experimental and observational method to the same problems related them to the circulation of the blood. In De motu cordis (1628) he commented on the important influence of emotions on the heart : 'every affection of the mind that is attended with either pain or pleasure, hope or rear, is the cause of an ... ...

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44: The Physiognomical System of Franz Joseph Gall Johann Gaspar ...
Franz Joseph Gall and Dr. Johann Gaspar Spurzheim (phrenologists, phrenology) 1815 AD Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Click to View Introduction: See also: Phrenology. In 1815 AD, Franz Joseph Gall and Johann Gaspar Spurzheim came up with a new and improved version of the junk-pop psychology theories of Lavater's physiognomy, who taught the shape of a persons skull determined their mental abilities. Phrenology taught that the shape and size of the joints between the 22 bones of the human skull, determined all mental and personality traits. "he [Gall] observed any mechanician, musician, sculptor, draughtsman, mathematician, endowed with such or such faculty from birth, he examined their heads to try whether he might point out a particular development of some cerebral part. In this way, he found in a short time, in musicians and mechanics, the development of particular cerebral parts. ... individuals who from birth were stubborn, proud, courageous, ... ...

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45: A discourse concerning trouble of mind, and the disease of melancholly ...
Disease of Melancholly, In Three Parts. Written for the Use of such as are, or have been Exercised by the same. By Timothy Rogers, M.A. who was long afflicted with both (1691), A: Epistle Dedicatory, B: pp. i-iii, C: pp. xi-xii, D: pp. 1-4. Rogers' Discourse is a classic statement of melancholy in its religious framework. From his opening dedication to Lady Mary Lane, through the preface of advice `to the Relations and Friends of Melancholly People', and throughout its 31 chapters, the context and explanation for suffering is humankind's fall from paradise and consequent distance from the grace of God, an awareness that is present behind even some of the apparently less religious accounts of melancholy that follow from the eighteenth century. As a Nonconformist minister, [Timothy] Rogers (1658-1728) was clearly alert to this framework, but what makes his account and advice more than just doctrinal is the fact that they are rooted in personal experience. His ministry was in London, but ... ...

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46: A New System of the Spleen, Nicholas Robinson, 1729 AD
What Hope, what Refuge ... the Mind was in Despair through Doubt ... Where can he rest his hopeless Hope! where seek for Mercy, when Conscience, Horror, Despair, and all the dismal Scenes of Woe, that can afflict the most obdurate Heart, fly glaringly in his Face, and sting his tortur'd Soul, with Pain and Grief unsufferable to human Nature! Hence spring those frequent Suicides, to which these harden'd Miscreants have Recourse, to rid them of a Life most loathed, wretched, and miserable to endure. So that no Scene of Horror can be more dreadful, than to view an Atheist on his Bed of Sickness, just reviving to a Sense of his being forsaken of God, and all Hopes of his Mercy." Nicholas Robinson believed that mental illness was caused by feelings of sin, hopelessness and condemnation which in turn damaged the brain nerves. In a page out of modern chemcial psychiatry, Robinson believes drugs are the cure: "But of all Medicines in the Spleen, I know none equal or fit to compare with that ... ...

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47: Anti-psychotic drugs cause Cause Diabetes in 25% of users: moon ...
Causes Diabetes in 1 in 4 patients who are on Psychiatric drugs. It is ironic that psychiatrists commonly equate psychiatric drugs as a cure for chemical imbalances the way insulin cures diabetes, when in fact psychiatric drugs actually cause diabetes! Introduction: See our main Psychiatric Drug page. See our reference section of all psychiatric drugs and the disorders they are prescribed for. Psychiatric drugs not only cause permanent brain damage and body tremors, they are also diabetogenic (cause diabetes). Chemical psychiatry has a long history of hurting and harming people and iatrogenic diabetes is just another example. If you take a psychiatric drug, there is a 1 in 5 chance or greater that you will get diabetes, because you are taking the drug. Some studies show that 25% (1 in 4) get drug induced diabetes. These psychiatric drugs cause diabetes for three reasons: 1. they generally act as tranquilizers, making people sedentary and slower moving. 2. the stimulate appetite. 3. ... ...

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48: A Treatise on Insanity and Other Disorders Affecting the Mind ...
... Prichard followed the classification of J. C. A. Heinroth (1773-1843), professor of psychological medicine at the University of Leipzig, who divided mental diseases into three classes according to the three divisions of mental faculties of philosophers, 'those of the feeling or sentiment, the understanding, and the will', and each further into states of exaltation or depression. These primary disorders could occur in pure or mixed forms. Because 'propensities . . . are so nearly allied to passions and emotions' Prichard combined 'disorders of affection or feeling' with 'those of the active powers or propensities' under one head to which he gave 'the designation of Moral Insanity'. As a synonymous `single compound epithet' he suggested Tathomania, in coincidence with the Monomania of M. Esquirol'. For states of excitement of the intellectual faculties he retained the terms monomania and mania, equivalent to partial and general insanity, and for their depression or loss 'Incoherency or ... ...

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49: Psychiatry historic treatments vomits, bloodletting, cold baths ...
Why did torture cure the insanity? Click to View see also: Humoral medicine Click to View Introduction: Insanity has always been characterized by the sins of anger, selfishness, rebellion, laziness, violence, assaults, lack of obedience and all the other things young children get spanked for by their mothers. When mother fails, its on to the judge and jailer. When all else fails, its off to the asylum, where they will finish what your mother started. Basically society provides three methods of teaching you to behave through spankings and time out: 1. your mother 2. the police 3. the asylum. 4. the church. Although this is a historic review of the past, nothing has really changed much even today in psychiatry. The modern methods are simply sanitized versions of what you will see practiced historically. These treatments were all methods of controlling, confining, punishing and forcing compliance with rules and general obedience. "We come next to mention the remedies that are proper to ... ...

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50: On the Pathology and Treatment of Hysteria, Robert Brudenell ...
... Carter left psychiatry and became a world class eye surgeon. His book on hysterics should have been the writing on the tombstone that exposed insanity for what it really is and psychiatry as quackery and junk pseudo science. But the Devil was raising to power, two of his demon angels: Sigmund Freud and Charles Darwin's Origin of the Species in 1859 AD. The result is the chemical psychiatry we see today. (On the Pathology and Treatment of Hysteria, Robert Brudenell Carter, 1853 AD) "One of the striking differences between the psychiatric literature of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries is the great freedom with which sexual matters are discussed at the present time and the important role attributed to disturbances of sexual drives in causing psychological ills. Perhaps Freud's work more than anything was responsible for this transformation though few would go so far as to agree that a 'sexual neurosis' is the basis of all mental illness. Yet this doctrine was not as novel as it ... ...

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