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Dr. David Kaiser, Against Biologic Psychiatry, Psychiatric Times, December, Dec. 1996, ... ...
1: Psychiatry is founded upon the "medical/chemical model" which ...
Psychiatry is a vicious enemy of Christianity and the Bible. Click to View Psychiatry is Anti-Christian Psychiatry is Atheistic Psychiatry is Humanistic Man is not just a pile of chemicals or a binary computer! Click to View Click to View Introduction: Psychiatry is founded upon the "biological/chemical model" which is opposed to the "Moral/spiritual model" revealed in scripture. Psychiatry views man as wholly physical, just a bunch of chemicals and denies the both the existence of God and the spirit of man. Psychiatry openly mocks and ridicules God and Christians, calling Christian theology "foolish, misleading and obsolete". The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is called the "Bible of Psychiatry". The DSM-IV is the central and most important book for classifying and diagnosing mental illnesses in North America. The most recent edition (2004 AD) has this to say about the Christian view that man has a spirit that is distinct from his body: ""organic" versus ... ...

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2: The Brain and Mental illness
Mental illness is a spiritual problem, not a biological problem. Giving drugs to fix the brain of mentally ill people is like overhauling the engine of a car because the driver keeps hitting telephone poles. Introduction: Most Psychiatrists are evolutionists. This means they reject both God and the fact man has a spirit, distinct from the body. This humanistic bias has misled them to develop the theory that mental illness is the result of a "broken brain". Society has suffered the consequences. "I am constantly amazed by how many patients who come to see me believe or want to believe that their difficulties are biologic and can be relieved by a pill. This is despite the fact that modern psychiatry has yet to convincingly prove the genetic/biologic cause of any single mental illness. However, this does not stop psychiatry from making essentially unproven claims that depression, bipolar illness, anxiety disorders, alcoholism and a host of other disorders are in fact primarily biologic ... ...

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3: Psychiatry: Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), and other 12 step programs ...
Alcoholism is a sinful choice not a disease. (You have been lied to by evolutionists) "If these shocking presumptions were not an actual description of the current state of the Psychology industry, they might be laughable. But regrettably, these simplistic theories are widely applied and widely accepted in a society that naively trusts psychologists to be scientific and objective, optimistic and positive, and caring and other-oriented." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 266) Introduction: 1. See the case of "Dominatrix" 2. Alcoholics always know what problem they are trying to solve through drunkenness but lie that they do not know because the truth would be too embarrassing to admit. a. Carl Jung noted that this is precisely what happened to a man who used alcohol around 1900 AD, as "a desperate attempt to narcotize himself, to forget his oppressive situation." b. Carl Jung treated Rowland Hazard in 1931 AD for alcoholism in Switzerland but upon return to the USA he ... ...

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4: Anxiety and Depression are not caused from chemical imbalances ...
Anxiety and Depression are sinful behaviour choices not diseases. Anxiety and depression are sinful behavior choices not diseases caused by chemical imbalances that are fixed through drugs and shocks. Introduction: 1. Anxiety and depression are sinful behaviours which the Bible specifically warns against. Jesus commanded us not to be anxious and to rejoice. Anxiety and depression are disobedient emotional choices in direct rebellion to Jesus Christ. We are to rely upon God for everything in all of life's situations, even if we are tortured for our faith and crucified upside down on a burning cross. The Christian is never to be anxious or depressed. 2. Depression is distinguished from natural mourning by four factors: a. Depression is characterized by an unnatural length of time for sadness. While a person may mourn for months, depression may last years. b. Depression is almost always characterized by some kind of self-disablement. A person may weep for 3 months over the death of a ... ...

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5: Schizophrenia and Schizoaffective Disorder is not caused from ...
Schizophrenia (Schizoaffective Disorder) is good old fashioned insanity or madness with many sub-categories in DSM-IV. Schizophrenia is a behaviour choice not a disease. Click to View A. Snapshot summary: 1. See the DSM-5 Biopsychiatric labels for the various Schizophrenia and delusion disorders. 2. Schizophrenia (Schizoaffective Disorder) is a behaviour choice not a disease. 3. Schizophrenic have normal brains, except when taking psychiatric drugs: "In 1978, Philip Seeman at the University of Toronto announced in Nature that this was indeed the case. At autopsy, the brains of twenty schizophrenics had 70 percent more D2 receptors than normal. At first glance, it seemed that the cause of schizophrenia had been found, but Seeman cautioned that all of the patients had been on neuroleptics prior to their deaths. "Although these results are apparently compatible with the dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia in general," he wrote, the increase in D2 receptors might "have resulted from the ... ...

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6: Anti-psychotic drugs cause permanent brain damage
Whether Shackled into submission, jailed into submission or drugged into submission, society always finds a way of controlling those who chose not to control themselves. Biopsychiatry is the atheist's system to control the uncontrollable with shocks, drugs and involuntary committal. Master index of quick links within this document: Introduction A. Encyclopedia of psychiatric drugs effect on the mind and body B. Psychiatric drugs don't correct biochemical imbalances in the brain C. How psychiatric drugs create biochemical imbalances and the brain fixes them. D. Drugs: chemical lobotomy, emotional anesthesia, pharmacological straitjacket: E. Psychiatric drugs cause brain damage 1. Psychiatric drugs cause diabetes 2. Drug companies make billion from chemical imbalance myth. F. Psychiatric drugs work no better than placebo G. The nocebo effect of Psychiatric drug withdrawal: H. Painful withdrawal effects of psychiatric drugs: I. Pregnancy and Newborn Psychiatric Drug Withdrawal J. Drugs do ... ...

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7: Psychiatry Myth: Chemical imbalances in the brain!
Mental Illness and the Myth of "Chemical imbalances" of the brain. Click to View Psychiatry: Chemical imbalances are mythical "Chemical imbalances" are to psychiatry what "the missing link" is to evolution. There is no scientific proof that chemical imbalances even exist, must less that they cause mental illness. Drugs don't fix chemical imbalances in the brain, they create them. Introduction: Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Most people are in for some "shock therapy" when they learn that the popular idea that mental illnesses are caused by a Chemical imbalance in the brain is a myth! It is so widely accepted, it appears "nuts" to question it as fact. Get ready for your shock! You have been lied too by mental health officials and physiatrists! Common Lies promoted by psychiatrists, drug companies and the media: "Depression is a serious medical condition", "Drugs are the most effective treatment for your serious illness", "This drug corrects biochemical imbalances ... ...

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8: Myth: "Sorry! You have a broken brain!" Psychiatry damages society ...
You have a broken brain!" Thousands are labeled "biologically-impaired" for the rest of their life because psychiatrists claim they have a genetic error in their DNA and a biological/chemical imbalance in their brain that cannot be fixed! Click to View Psychiatry damages society and individuals The mental health system causes harm to both individuals and society as a whole. Introduction: The vast majority of psychiatrists today hold to the biologic/chemical view of man. They reject the Christian view that man has a spirit. The do not believe that man's thoughts and memories consciously survive the physical destruction of the brain. (physical death). Their anti-Biblical view leads them to the faith that all mental illnesses are caused by chemical imbalances, genetics and therefore a broken, malfunctioning brain. These chemical imbalances are a myth, with no science to prove they exist, only theory! Neuroleptic and anti-psychotic drugs do not fix this imagined "chemical imbalance" but ... ...

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9: Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive) are not caused from chemical ...
Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive) is pure "classic" Junk science. Psychiatry is Junk science No scientific data that Psychiatry works! Click to View Snapshot: Bipolar Disorder (Manic-Depressive) is one of many specific categories of anxiety in DSM-IV. Anxiety is a behaviour choice not a disease. Click to View A. Snapshot summary: 1. Bipolar Disorder, also known as Manic-Depressive, is a behaviour choice not a disease. They have perfectly healthy bodies. 2. People become overly excited or depressed because they lack self-control. 3. Treating Bi-polar with drugs is like smashing a computer because of a software virus. 4. While people may condition and train themselves to experience sudden panic fits for an infinite number of specific things, it is not a disease. 5. Jesus commands us to be anxious for nothing and never be depressed. Anxiety and depression are sinful behaviour choices which are "cured" through self-control not drugs. B. What biopsychiatrists, drug companies and ... ...

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10: Neurypnology; the Rationale of Nervous Sleep, Hypnotism, Hypnosis ...
...The most striking cases . . . for illustrating the value of the hypnotic mode of treatment, are cases of hysteric paralysis . . . In such cases, by . . . substituting a salutary idea of vigour . . . the patients are found to have acquired . . . voluntary power over their hitherto paralysed limbs, as if by a magical spell or witchcraft." Obviously hysterics are the only one's who the power of the will can change through hypnotism. Braid was attracted to Franz Anton Mesmer, with his claims of being able to transmit animal magnetism to sick people as a cure. Braid was able to prove that Mesmer's claims at "mesmerizing" people was "a system of collusion or delusion, or of excited imagination, sympathy, or imitation". He correctly understood that Mesmer was merely hypnotizing people, "I still consider the condition of the nervous system induced by both modes to be at least analogous". A lot of people today think that the hypnotist possesses the power to control another's actions at will, ... ...

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11: FRAUD: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM-IV) is a fraud ...
Without the DSM-5, they would have no billing standards. One might say that "we are all in it for the money", when it comes to business. Capitalism is the best system. Psychiatrists getting rich is no problem for me. However it matters how they get rich and why. Do remember that when you go to your local church minister for advice over lunch, it is free, altruistic and often more helpful than anything a psychiatrist might say or do. There are two opposite views within the psychiatric industry today: 1. Those who believe man has a spirit, distinct from the body and that mental illness is a spirit problem, not a body problem. Drugs may help a bit, but are not solutions. Talking about what is in the spirit provides the only real possible solutions. 2. Psychiatrists who believe in evolution and that man has not spirit, but is a mere collection of chemicals. Mental illness is caused by chemical imbalances and drugs fix these imbalances. Chemical psychiatry is not only where all the big ... ...

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12: Psychiatry wants to replace Christianity and the church for guidance ...
Christian is a waste of time. If you want results see a psychologist or psychiatrist! Psychology is the "new religion" where social workers are the priests imposing their own personal atheistic and humanistic value system upon unsuspecting individuals. Psychiatry has positioned itself to replace the church and religion for guidance and life's answers! A practicing psychologist comments: "Naturally, I continue to wonder what would happen if religion was to take back its role in matters of the "soul," science was to take back the study of the body and behavior, and people could accept life as something more profound than a quest for psychological solutions." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 283 A. Psychiatry opposes pastoral counseling as part of a turf war: As incredible as it may sound, Psychiatry frowns upon seeking advice from a minister or pastor/elder or Christian. Of course, if the pastor has been certified by the psychiatry industry they are happy. It is all about ... ...

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13: Propositions Concerning Animal Magnetism, Franz Anton Mesmer ...
Luke with electricity coming from his hands. Even today's hypnotists mislead audiences that they possess some inherent power they are able to transmit from their hands to the person being hypnotized. Since hysteria is all in the mind, Mesmer found a deceptive, but effective cure in Mesmerism. The placebo and nocebo effects are well documented forms of simple hypnotism, which is nothing more than the power of suggestion. In Acts 8, Simon the sorcerer was called "the great power of god". However when he saw the apostle Peter lay his hands on a man and impart one of the 9 supernatural powers listed in 1 Cor 12, Simon converted to Christianity and gave up his "Mesmerism". (Propositions Concerning Animal Magnetism, Franz Anton Mesmer, Mesmerism, 1779 AD) Click to View Psychiatrists and Psychologists are like hypnotists: 1. Modern psychiatrists seem unaware of what psychoanalysts know well, namely how powerful are the words that a patient hears from an authority figure like a psychiatrist. ... ...

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14: The myth that Mental illness is caused by Genetics and bad DNA
There is no scientific proof that Mental illness is caused by genetic deficiencies in DNA. Introduction: Chemical psychiatry has only two causes (etiologies) of mental illness: chemical imbalances and bad DNA. Their cure is always drugs. The chemical psychiatry industry and all mental health officials will tell you that mental illnesses can be traced down to the DNA level. They make it sound like they have seen the mental illness gene under a microscope! What they don't tell you, is that this is a theory and a guess! The reason they believe mental illness is caused by genetics is because they reject the spiritual side of man. They view man as a pile of chemicals and nothing more. This is called chemical psychiatry and it represents the 99.9% of all mental health theory. They theorize mental illness is caused by bad DNA because they have done social studies and noticed that mental illness runs in families. The problem with this is that many things unrelated to DNA run in families, like ... ...

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15: What causes of Mental Illness (etiology)
Mental illness is a behaviour, not a disease. The etiology of habitually running red lights, lying, shoplifting, mental illness and insanity are identical. Moral conscious choices have their origin in the human spirit not body chemicals or hormones. The etiology of joy and depression is the human spirit not the body. Body chemicals and drugs do not cause choice. What causes mental illness? The same choice that causes any human behaviour, both good and bad. Introduction: Contrary to the almost universally believed myth, there is absolutely no scientific evidence that the behaviours of mental illness are caused by chemical imbalances in the brain or bad DNA. In fact this myth is the result of one of the most successful advertising conns at the hands of drug companies and their paid spokeman: biopsychiatrists. Even the post graduate textbooks that train psychiatrists admit they have no idea what really causes insanity or any mental illness. Having rejected the dichotomous nature of man ... ...

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