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Report From The Committee On Madhouses In England, 1815 AD ...
1: Report From The Committee On Madhouses In England, 1815 AD
West Riding magistrate Godfrey Higgins. The committee was chaired by George Rose, who had campaigned for many years for more effective regulation of madhouses. Witnesses before the inquiry included not only Wakefield and Higgins but James Veitch, a naval staff surgeon; William Finch and Thomas Bakewell, who ran asylums in Salisbury and Staffordshire respectively; Samuel Tuke, who reported on the York Retreat; James Bevan, an architect; Richard Stavely, a relative of the recently deceased James Tilly Matthews; and many of the current office holders of Bethlem Hospital, among them John Haslam, the apothecary, and Thomas Monro, the physician, both of whom lost their posts as a result of the findings. The cases of Norris and Matthews were subjects of particular concern for the committee, and the death of a patient called Fowler, referred to as 'hushed up' by Urbane Metcalf in his The Interior of Bethlehem Hospital, was raised in the questioning of John Haslam. Both Monro and Haslam were ... ...

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2: Sin was viewed as the cause (etiology) of mental illness
Christian Reil suggested that the Cat Piano was the cure for insanity. It worked by seating the insane in front of the Cat Piano, as someone played, sanity would be restored. Reil suggested this clever and imaginative hyperbole, in order to drive home his point, that insanity was a spiritual problem not a bodily problem. Doctors before the 19th century, knew less than a typical thirteen year old today, who dissected a few raccoons on his back yard picnic table and experimented with his chemistry set he got for Christmas! Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Historical Survey of Mental illness etiology 1500 - 1900 Introduction: The majority view of history for the cause of insanity, has always been sin and life choices, not the body. Here is the master summary of the historical Survey of Mental illness etiology 1500 - 1900 Historically, there were three groups of etiologies for insanity: 1. Those who believed sin directly caused insanity. 2. Those who ... ...

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3: Mad-Doctors & Mad-House Keepers of the 1750's
Also known as "alienists", Mad Doctors were the forerunners of psychiatrists. They were quacks in the 18th century and they are still quacks today! Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Click to View Click to View "The keepers at Bedlam are idle, skulking, pilfering scoundrels, eccentric, murders, have something peculiar about them, strange in appearance, bribery is common to all, cruelty is common to all, villainy is common to all, in short every thing is common but virtue." (Urbane Metcalf 1818, John Conolly 1859) Introduction: Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage "Mad doctors" also known as "alienists", Doctors were the forerunners of psychiatrists. "Alienists" was a title they derived from standing up and testifying in open court about a persons mental health. The "keepers" of the Mad houses, known today as psychiatric nurses! The "keeper managers" are known today as psychiatric nurse managers of a ward. "Many of the asylum doctors were no more ... ...

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4: Bedlam: The most famous mental hospital in history. 1677 - 1815 ...
The most famous mental hospital in history. 1677 - 1815 AD "I think it is a very hard case for a man to be locked up in an asylum and kept there; you may call it anything you like, but it is a prison." (Sir James Coxe, testimony before the House of Commons Select Committee on the Operations of the Lunacy Laws, 1877) Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Click to View "The rattling of Chains, the Shrieks of those severely treated by their barbarous Keepers, mingled with Curses, Oaths, and the most blasphemous Imprecations, did from one quarter of the House shock her tormented Ears while from another, Howlings like that of Dogs, Shoutings, Roarings, Prayers, Preaching, Curses, Singing, Crying, promiscuously join'd to make a Chaos of the most horrible Confusion:" (The distress'd orphan or, Love in a mad-house, a fictional play based upon bedlam, Eliza Haywood, 1726 AD, p 40-43) Introduction: The word bedlam means a state of uproar, confusion, chaos and anarchy and has its ... ...

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5: How to commit your unwanted, naggy or rich wife to a mental hospital
Wanna get rid of your disobedient, naggy or rich wife? Commit her to a Mad House against her will! Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Even if the myth that schizophrenia is a medical condition (instead of behaviour) were true, it is illegal to force medical treatment on someone against their will. A doctor who forces treatment or drugs a non-consenting person who knows they are sick will go to jail even if it saves their life. A psychiatrist who commits someone who is suicidal to an asylum and force drugs them is guilty of a double crime. Psychiatric committal is a violation of the criminal code and doctor-patient ethics. Click to View Introduction: If you want to learn how to commit your unwanted, disobedient, naggy or rich wife to a mental hospital, you have come to the right place. The first thing you need is a time machine set to the date 1725 AD! But it is going to cost you a lot of money! We also don't recommend it, since it is immoral and breaks several of ... ...

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