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1: Chinese language evidences of Noah's Ark and Genesis 1-11
Ark is real Bible history, is coded into the Chinese language. 2. For example, the Chinese word for "large ship" is a compound of three other word: "Eight" "persons" "Boat". 3. large ship = Eight + persons + Boat 4. Print the Chinese symbols for these four words and ask them to tell you what each one translates into English. This is a universal truth. Take the Chinese writing down to your favorite Chinese food restaurant and ask the staff what the words mean in English. See for yourself! It is unbelievable! 5. This is so powerful that many Chinese speaking people have become Christians as a result. By William Stewart Click to View Noah's Ark, Flood, Nimrod, Tower of Babel ...

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2: Migration to China
Having separated the people by language at the tower of Babel, the LORD then scatter them from the land of Shinar to populate the earth. Moses records in the Genesis account: ...the LORD scattered them abroad from there over the face of all the earth ... Therefore its name is called Babel, because there the LORD confused the language of all the earth; and from there the LORD scattered them abroad over the face of all the earth. (Genesis 11:8-9, NKJV) The SCATTERING of the people from the land of Shinar throughout the world is pictured in s?n. It literally shows that ALL FLESH had to GO. The people would gather according to their particular language, and go forth from that place throughout the whole earth. Migrate The people would MIGRATE from Shinar to various regions across the globe. There are two words of interest in the Chinese language for MIGRATE. Both words are pronounced qiān; the first one is generic, the second is specific to the Chinese people. The generic form of qiān ... ...

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3: Cain & Abel
According to the Genesis account, it appears that Adam and Eve's first and second born children were boys - Cain and Abel. These two worked at different occupations (Cain as a farmer, Abel as a shepherd), but the true difference between them is found in their relationship to God. Abel pursued righteousness, and brought a sin offering before the Lord. Cain did not. Righteousness A Chinese word for RIGHTEOUSNESS is y?. This word appropriately pictures a SHEEP covering over ME. Further, the word ME reveals a HAND with a KNIFE in it. Our righteousness depends upon a sacrifice. This is apparent in the word chū (BEGINNING), which pictures God making atonement for Adam and Eve by clothing them with tunics of skin (see the Garden of Eden article). Abel made sacrifice for himself, seeking atonement for sin, so that he might be righteous. Happiness The word f? pictured Adam's happiness while in the garden of Eden. It revealed that his happiness was based upon his presence with God in the garden ... ...

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4: Noah's Flood
Noah in Genesis 5, found at the end of a genealogical list beginning with Adam, following the lineage of his son Seth. Noah is our English translation of the Hebrew No'akh. In the Chinese, He is called Nuòyà. The phonetic similarity between the Hebrew and Chinese is not the result of translation, as is the case with English. Noah's name was in use among the ancient Chinese people. They knew of this man before the Hebrew Scriptures were written. Noah As we look at the etymology of Noah's name, we find that he is the SECOND APPROVED. There are only two men of whom it is had been said in Scripture, he "walked with God." The first to receive such approval from the Lord was Noah's great-grandfather Enoch, of whom it is said, Enoch walked with God; and he was not, for God took him. (Genesis 5:24, NKJV) One chapter later, we find that Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. This is the genealogy of Noah. Noah was a just man, perfect in his generations. Noah walked with God. (Genesis ... ...

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5: The Creation Account
Every culture seems to have it's own peculiar origin story, and the Chinese are no different. Chinese legend speaks of Pan Gu, who separated the heaven and earth from one another, and Nü Wa, who populated the earth with humans.1 However, the etymology of several Chinese characters discount the legends of Pan Gu and Nü Wa, revealing a creation account which parallels the Bible. The significance of this is enhanced with the knowledge that the details herein were recorded in the Chinese language before Moses wrote Genesis. Two of the Chinese words for God (see God in the Chinese Language), Ling and Shén, picture God's role in creation. Ling shows the Spirit of God covering over the waters (Genesis 1:2), and the three persons of God affecting the miracle of creation. Shén identifies God's voice as the active force in creation, as do the Scriptures (Genesis 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26). This image also shows man, the crowning jewel of God's creation, and the garden in which he was ... ...

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6: History of the Chinese Language
Chinese is not an alphabetic language, like most written languages in the world. It is a written language of pictures. Author and physician, Adeline Yen Nah, in her book Chinese Cinderella said of the written syntax of her native tongue: Chinese is a pictoral language, not a phonetic one. Our words come from images. The meaning of many characters is subtle and profound. Other words are poetic and even philosophical.1 Chinese is thought to be the world's oldest written language, dating back beyond 2,000 BC. The Encyclopaedia Britannica suggests that it ...began to develop in the early 2nd millennium BC. The earliest known inscriptions ... date from the Shang (or Yin) dynasty (18th - 12th century BC), but by then it was already a highly developed system, essentially similar to its present form."2 This would place the origin of the ancient Chinese syntax very close to the time of the dispersion from the tower of Babel recorded in Genesis 11. Why is the dispersion from Babel important? ... ...

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7: The Garden of Eden
Two separate words for garden in the Chinese language represent different aspects of the GARDEN of Eden. The first is tián. In this simple image, we see the river which separated into four river heads (see the yellow arrows) spoken of by Moses (Genesis 2:10-14). A second image for GARDEN in the Chinese is yuán. This image has amazing detail in it. Recall, Genesis 2:7 revealed that God made man of the DUST of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the BREATH of life. Genesis 2:8 tells us that God put the man whom He created into the garden ENCLOSURE. We then find that He took a rib from the man's side, and with it, He made woman (Genesis 2:21-22). All of these are found in yuán! In the lower portion, notice that the second person comes from the side of the first! , we see two people, one coming out of the side of the other! Thus, all the details about where Adam and Eve lived and how each was created is recorded in this single image for GARDEN. Happiness In this garden home ... ...

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8: Tower of Babel
Genesis 10 is primarily a record of genealogies and the various divisions which would eventually take place. However, when we come to Genesis 11, we see what caused the division of nations and languages mentioned in the preceding chapter. All the people of the earth were together in the plain of Shinar and shared one language. They were determined to build a tower "whose top is in the heavens" (Genesis 11:4, NKJV). The Tower A Chinese word for TOWER (ta) is descriptive of both the materials use to build the tower and the unity of the people who were making it. The components used to make bricks for the tower were DUST and GRASS. All the PEOPLE involved in the project were of ONE MOUTH or language. There are a few other words inside ta related to the construction of the tower. If the image for dust is removed from the left side, the character then becomes UNDERTAKING (tà). Certainly, the building project they planned was a huge undertaking. But further, if we remove the image for grass ... ...

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9: Chinese language evidences: The Bible in the chinese language
Flood stories prove Noah's Ark is real history! 3. Noah's Ark embedded in the Chinese language 4. How long did it take to Build Noah's Ark? Less than 75 years! 5. Nimrod and the Tower of Babel 6. Noah was "saved by water": 1 Peter 3:20-21 ...

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10: Chinese Character Master Index
The details of pre-Babel history are recorded in Genesis 1-11. The same details are found in the etymology of certain Chinese words. The table below contains an index of the English and associated Chinese word in this project, along with the related Bible reference and a link to the web page on which you will find a more detailed description. ENGLISH CHINESE PINYIN TEXT GO TO . . . . . all / whole ? qian --- click here alone ? dan Genesis 3:24 click here ancestor ? zu Genesis 1:26-27 click here ark ?? fangzhou Genesis 6:14, 18 click here Babel ?? ba bié Genesis 11:3-4 click here beginning ? yuán Genesis 2:1 click here beginning ? shi Genesis 3:6 click here beginning ? chu Genesis 3:21 click here bind / restrain ? shù Genesis 2:16-17 click here come ? lái Genesis 3:9-13 click here complete ? wán Genesis 2:1 click here confusion ? luàn Genesis 11:6-7 click here corrupt ?? fu huà Genesis 6:11-12 click here create ? zào Genesis 2:7 click here desire / covet ? lán Genesis 3:6 click ... ...

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11: God in the Chinese Language
There are a few different words used in the Chinese language to speak about God and heaven. Each one, by it's etymology tells us something about the spiritual Sovereign that is common to the ancient Chinese and the Hebrew Scriptures. God - El Shaddai Emperor Shun worshiped ShangTi, literally, the heavenly emperor. It is interesting to note the phonetic similarity between this Chinese identification of God and the Hebrew, Shaddai (Almighty). God - Creator God is also represented in the Chinese language by the word Shén. This word may be written in two different forms (see to the right and below). The etymology of this image reveals details about God's work in creation. On the left side of the character, we see an image meaning to REVEAL or DECLARE. Over and over in the Biblical creation account, we are told that "...God said..." (Genesis 1:3, 6, 9, 11, 14, 20, 24, 26, NKJV). The Psalmist declared of God's work of creation: By the word of the LORD the heavens were made, and all the ... ...

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