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151: bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-petra-rami-g-khouri-petra ...
... The generally accepted view is that they first moved into the land of Edom during the 6th-4th centuries BC, elbowed out the Edomites, and established their base at ... Athenaeus had heard that the Arabs celebrated a national festival or fair every year, during which their women, children and possessions were left behind in safety on ... The Roman writer Strabo, writing in the early 1st century AD about events around the end of the 1st century BC, left a detailed account of Nabataean culture at that ... The king is so democratic that, in addition to serving himself, he sometimes even serves the rest himself in turn ... Their homes, through the use of stone, are ... into a church some time before 447. The historical references to bishops from Petra show that organised worship took place here during the 4th, 5th and 6th centuries. ... the Nabataeans, Rami G. Khouri, 1986, p11-27, p41-44) By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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152: The ark of the covenant is captured and Shiloh goes extinct. ...
Finally the Philistines send the ark on an ox cart to Beth-Shemesh inside Jewish held territory. Click to view High Resolution Panorama of Shiloh Measurements of the ... the Nazirite who vows his offering to the LORD according to his separation, in addition to what else he can afford; according to his vow which he takes, so he shall ... Hebrew/Greek 1 ephah 6 gallons 22 liters gallon(s); barrels; liquid measure/gallons; barrels; measures Metretes Greco-Roman 10 hins 10 gallons 39 liters firkins; ... G. The strange customs at Shiloh are the reason for Shiloh's extinction as the center of religious worship: 1. The law of Moses commanded this: a. ""Their meat shall ... And he struck Nob the city of the priests with the edge of the sword, both men and women, children and infants; also oxen, donkeys, and sheep he struck with the edge ... lost in history. 5. See also: History of the Temple By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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153: Lunar Eclipses at birth and death of Christ: 1 BC and 3 April ...
January 1 BC: Eclipse of moon spoken of by Josephus (Antiquities 17.167) marking the birth of Christ, Herod's Slaughter of the children, the death of Herod the Great. ... Surely they would connect the make the connection with the blood moon and the crucifixion of the one they travelled so far 33 years earlier to worship as the king of ... They think they are the only world authorities, use their power to crush anyone who does not fall in line with them and view themselves as above reproach. It is ... In addition, any reddish colouration caused by the eclipse could not have been visible. However, the rising moon (in fact, any rising moon) would have been amber ... though leaderless; for Alienus had been imprisoned at Cremona. (Dio Cassius, Roman History 65.11, 18 October 69 AD) Lunar Eclipse: 31 August 304 AD The lunar ... make this distinction is sloppy for such an otherwise top rate scientist! Here is a video of a penumbral eclipse high in the sky. Click on photo below to view video. ... ...
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154: Absalom's insurrection, Rape of Tamar, Satan child: 990-979 BC ...
When he cut the hair of his head he weighed the hair of his head at 200 shekels by the king's weight." (2 Samuel 14:25-26) . click to view Amnon Rapes Tamar; Absalom's Revenge and Munity 990-979 BC: David ... Thanks be to our perfect loving Father. I was also making the same mistake David made at the cost of his children and the people in his kingdom, but I caught it before it was too late. David lost ... But she answered him, "No, my brother, do not violate me, for such a thing is not done in Israel; do not do this disgraceful thing! "As for me, where could I get rid of my reproach (not a virgin)? ... the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God." (2 ... In addition to 2 Sam 7:12-14; David is clearly antitypical to the Father in the fact he is the only person in the Bible described as a "man after God's own heart" by Samuel: "But now your [Saul's] ... ...
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155: Seals, Bulla, Documents, Pottery & Antitypical New Testament ...
... When the Roman army came in 68 AD, the scribes placed the scrolls in clay jars & hid them in the caves of Qumran. Cave 4 is where the famous Isaiah scroll was found! ... their make it known, what the children suspected all along, namely that "John Boy" was their favorite and he "gets is all" while the rest of the children get nothing. ... a sealed book is an editorial addition referring the incomprehension of the public vis-à-vis the prophet's oral communication-represented figuratively as linguistic incompetence (28:11)-to the written prophecies in whatever form they existed at that time. The modal change is understandable in view of the greater prominence of ... Me with their lips, But their heart is far away from Me. 'But in vain do they worship Me, Teaching as doctrines the precepts of men.' "Neglecting the commandment of ... Then anew His song we'll sing: Hallelujah! What a Savior! By Steve Rudd Sept 2016 By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View ... ...
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156: First Century Synagogue Top Plans: Modein (Hurvat Umm el-Umdan ...
... And he died in the one hundred and forty-sixth year, and his children buried him in his ancestors' tombs in Modein, and all Israel mourned for him with great lamentation." (1 ... 2000-2001 by A. Onn and others, this village existed from the Persian period onwards, with the main stratum dating from the Roman era. Residential homes, alleys, a migveh, and remnants of a bath were found, in addition to a public building identified as a synagogue. ... Synagogue Worship Prototypes in the Church: 15. Worship prototypes: Introduction and Master Summary Chart 16. Collective Names of Synagogues: House of Prayer, Temple, Church 17. ... Master List: Master list of First Temple Period, Pre-70 AD Synagogues Attend a church you can read about in the Bible: Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd 2017: ... Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Ancient Synagogue Start Page Go To Start: ... ...
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157: Elijah and Elisha Chronology timeline 870-810 BC
... Elisha performed the miracle of water on the 7th day of the Battle of Moab in 849 BC: 2 Kings 3:9-20 c. Elijah was told by God that there were 7000 righteous men in addition to ... Conception after menopause: "she has no son and her husband is old": 2 Ki 4:13-17 Conception after menopause: Luke 1:7,18 Virgin birth: Mt 1:18 23. Person falls at feet crying, ... except this was in Judah. (2 Chro 23:17) She stole the sacred things from Solomon's temple and used them for Baal worship: 2 Chron 24:7. Like Jezebel, Athaliah was a ruthless murderer of all her own royal children just to secure the throne for herself for six short years. ... This mirrors the pagan view of multiple gods with their goddess wives and god children. The fortress of Kuntillet Ajrud located far south in the Judean/Simeon Negev near the border ... Why not attend a Bible believing church in your own home town Find a church near you! Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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158: Nuweiba Beach Red Sea crossing: Rejected, debunked, refuted
... Paul gave a second identifier for the location of Mt. Sinai that most have missed: "Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia". In the allegory, Hagar is Mt. Sinai and Hagar's children were the Ishmaelites. At the time of Joseph, the Ishmaelites and ... The seashore is a boundary between the salt waters of the gulf to the south and the freshwater coming down to the seashore from the north. In addition, Edward Robinson (Biblical Researches in Palestine, 1841) describes a marsh at the head of the ... It is too close to Egypt to prevent them from just walking home. It is impossible to be trapped. Click to View II. Rejected candidates for Mt. Sinai: A. REJECTED: Traditional Mt. Musa Although Mt. Musa, the traditional location for Mt. Sinai beside Saint Catherine's monastery located in the traditional Sinai Peninsula, cannot be excluded out of hand, there are other reasons for excluding it. It is well documented that most of Queen Helen's choices were wrong. Since the Roman Catholic and Orthodox ... ...
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159: Jesus Master Builder carpenter stonemason creator build temple ...
... In addition to their role in construction, masons were also employed for the systematic dismantling of structures." In fact, the various technical terms used in ... More rarely, the Greek term architekton was used." (The Palestinian Dwelling in the Roman to Byzantine Period, Yizhar Hirschfeld, p227, 1995 AD) b. "Although the ... 2. Joseph would have surely built a house for his wife Mary and their many children 3. Jesus may have lived in the house of his parents until he was 30 like many ... The prevailing [wrong] view among archeologists, is that ceramic tile roofs were not used in Judea during the first century. They say fired clay tile were not used ... Worship of YHWH and pagan shrines: i. "So the people went out and brought them and made booths [ie. Feast of Booths] for themselves, each on his roof, and in their ... Master List: Master list of First Temple Period, Pre-70 AD Synagogues Attend a church you can read about in the Bible: Click here to find a church near you. By Steve ... ...
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160: Biblical Evangelism: Biblical Guidelines to Effective Evangelism ...
Biblical Evangelism Biblical Guidelines to Effective Evangelism Harold V. Comer September 1997 Click here for PDF file of this document Introduction This is a brief ... The Bible is clear about the importance of your "spirit" or your attitude in evangelism. When Paul was being severely mistreated in his second Roman imprisonment, ... We need to work at being more interested in the people around us. Then warmth is expressed by inviting them to worship and by being friendly to every visitor. (3) ... We may teach more Biblical content than any church in town but we do it with so little effort and intensity that what our children hear is that the Bible is not as ... So they sit and hope! Tack on a less expensive addition. If no one will start a new group, then most of us will seek the cheapest response. An alcove, wing, side ... Wise planning helps you level out evangelism's peaks and valleys. In a more sobering view, planning is absolutely necessary to get the most people that we can into ... ...
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161: Josiah, King of Judah 640-609 BC seals, bulla. They're Digging ...
... will bear you a son, and you will give him the name John." (Luke 1:13) d. ""Behold, the virgin shall be with child and shall bear a Son, and they shall call His name Immanuel," which ... "May Yahweh bless you with peace [Ps 22:11]. And now, may my lord, the prince, hear your maidservant. My husband has died without children. May your hand be with me, and that you might give into the ... He then restored the altar of the LORD which was in front of the porch of the LORD." (2 Chronicles 15:1-8) ASA 911-870 BC (41 years) JOSIAH 640-609 BC (31 years) Bible was ignored, Idol worship ... Here is a statue of Neco II. V. Archeology of Josiah: Documents, Seals, Bulla: For full outline of seals and bullae click here 1. THANK YOU NEBUCHADNEZZAR FOR BURNING JERUSALEM! a. Fire turns fragile ... would surrender to Nebuchadnezzar and live for 70 years (605-536 BC) in Babylon. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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162: Textual Variants Daniel's 70 weeks, Susanna, Prayer of Hananiah ...
Susanna on the other hand, was created around 100 BC based upon internal evidence. 2. Catalogue of Variants in the book of Daniel: a. The addition of the prayer Hananiah, Azariah and Mishael in Dan ... And Daniel said, "O king, these footprints, whose are they?" And the king replied, "Of men and of women and of children!" Then he went to the house in which the priests were living and found the ... Leader conclusion 3: Acknowledge and give thanks to the Lord, For he is good, for his mercy continues into the ages! Leader conclusion 4: Bless, all those who worship the Lord, God of the gods; ... Daniel 2 has God's kingdom (the church) coming during the Roman Empire (31 BC) b. Daniel 9:24 times 490 years from 458 BC terminating in 33 AD, the death of Christ. c. The Assumption of Moses ... Steve Rudd, November 2017 AD: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections By Steve Rudd: November 2017: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Bible ... ...
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163: The unbiblical apostate organization of the Roman Catholic church
The unbiblical organization of the Roman Catholic church Click to View True Bible organization today Click to View Find a local congregation of the New Testament church in your own home town. Click to View John Paul II Catholic, Bishop of Rome, Pope Click to View Graphical Mouse Rollover of gradual change of organization over time Click to View 4 Competing views of organization Click to View Outline: 30-150 AD Click to View Outline: 150-250 AD Click to View Outline: 250-451 AD Click to View ... At first, one elder was seen as the leading elder. (150 AD) Then this leading elder began to take on exclusive title of Bishop. (200 AD) Outline: 250-451 AD Click to View 250-451 AD: The period of the 5 Patriarchs: The oligarchic diocesan episcopate. Three changes take place in this era. 1. The rise of diocesan bishops who rule a small group of churches in addition to his own local church. (250 AD) 2. The rise of metropolitans who were nothing more than the diocesan bishops from the large and ... ...
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164: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Philo of Alexandria: 38 AD
... The worship lasted all night 4. Comment on Embassy/Flaccum 121-124: "In autumn of 39 C.E., the Roman emperor Caligula sent troops to Alexandria and arrested Flaccus ... of Jerusalem all the days of thy life ; yea, thou shalt see thy children's children."" (Tosefta, Sukkah 4:6A-G, describing the second temple synagogue in ... the numbers first mentioned, produces a hundred and sixty-five; and in this addition the even numbers amount to twice as much as the odd numbers; for the woman is ... Synagogue Worship Prototypes in the Church: 15. Worship prototypes: Introduction and Master Summary Chart 16. Collective Names of Synagogues: House of Prayer, Temple, ... Master List: Master list of First Temple Period, Pre-70 AD Synagogues Attend a church you can read about in the Bible: Click here to find a church near you. By Steve ... Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Ancient Synagogue Start Page Go ... ...
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165: Life of Mrs. E.G. White - Her Claims Refuted, by D.M. Canright ...
... This is one of the sad but inevitable results of cults founded on such fanaticisms. This is why so many infidels are found in countries once so strongly Catholic. Having lost faith in the Pope, and the ... Time was so short, and the seven last plagues were so soon to fall, that children born then would be liable to perish. But children born since then are now grandparents! The horrors of the great Civil War, ... But, as we have seen, in 1911 she changed her teachings regarding this message, and applied it particularly to the Roman Church. If correct in her later exposition, she was in error, and taught error regarding the second message nearly all her life. The third message warns against false worship and receiving the mark of the beast. Nearly all her life Mrs. White taught ... Her motives we may safely leave with God. But her high claims are not defensible. They are disproved by too many patent and incontrovertible facts. Click to View Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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166: Irrefutable questions that Roman Catholics can't answer
Irrefutable questions that Roman Catholics and Orthodox can't answer Click to View Click to View "Roman Catholic Examined" Home Page Click to View "Orthodox Church Examined" Home Page Click to View Return to "Canon of the Bible" Home Page Questions for Catholics and Orthodox: If the Roman Catholic church gave the world the Bible, being infallible, then why did Rome reject or question the inspiration of James and Hebrews , then later accept it? Conversely, Rome accepted as scripture books that were ... Catholic disown the devil before baptism Click to View Click to View thrice immersed Click to View Click to View Drink milk and honey after baptism Click to View Click to View don't bath for a week after baptism Click to View Click to View kneeling in worship is forbidden Click to View Click to View Sign of cross on forehead Click to View Click to View SCORE What percentage of the oral tradition in 200 AD do Orthodox and Catholic keep today? Worse still, the traditions of Orthodox and ... ...
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167: Was Peter the first Pope?
Click to View Roman Catholic Faith Examined! Was Peter the first Pope? Catholics say Yes! Truth says No! Click to View Papal Infallibility Click to View Was The Apostle Peter A Pope? Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE tell us if we have misrepresented Catholic Faith Click to View Papal Infallibility From the past and present, here are some things that have been said about papal infallibility by Catholics themselves: "Unless I am convinced by the testimonies of Scripture or evident reason (for ... "The pope, therefore, as vicar of Christ, is the visible head of Christ's kingdom on earth, the Church, of which Christ Himself is the invisible head." (Answer Wisely, by Martin J. Scott, p. 49). "According to the will of Christ, all its members profess the same faith, have the same worship and Sacraments, and are united under the one and same visible head, the Pope." (Father Smith Instructs Jackson, by John F. Noll and Lester J. Fallon, p. 42) Catholic officials always use the word "visible" no ... ...
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168: Is Scientology A Religion? YES! Alan Black
... In literate cultures especially, doctrines in more or less systematic propositional form may result from reflection on what was initially cast in narrative form; alternatively or in addition, these ... religions such as Buddhism or Unitarianism which are wary of giving dogmatic definitions or descriptions of God. Scientology does not involve the worship of God in the traditional Western sense. ... Forbidden are promiscuity, murder, theft, illegal acts, and harming a person of good will. Enjoined are taking care of yourself, temperance, loving and helping children, respecting parents, setting ... The bureaucratic structure of the Church of Scientology International (CSI) bears some resemblances to that of the Roman Catholic Church, though the tasks of the various officials within the CSI are ... Alan W. Black 24 January 1996 Go to church of Scientology EXPOSED website (The interactive Bible is not affiliated with the church of Scientology) Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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169: Four Hebrew Scripts: Mosaic, Hieroglyphic, Paleo, Aramaic, square ...
... Their public religious services were not understood by the masses the same way Catholic Latin mass in the USA is. The people watch the ritual but have no idea what the Jewish High priests are ... But to the others He said in my hearing, "Go through the city after him and strike; do not let your eye have pity and do not spare. "Utterly slay old men, young men, maidens, little children, and ... It was during the Babylonian captivity (605-536 BC) and Persian empire, Aramaic became the working language of Jews in both worship and the marketplace until the advent of the Greek Kingdom. 4. ... BCE, used throughout the Neo-Babylonian and Persian Empires), Middle Aramaic (c. 200 BCE-250 CE, during the Hellenistic and Roman periods), Classical Aramaic (c. 200-1200 CE), Modern Aramaic. ... Steve Rudd, November 2017 AD: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections By Steve Rudd: November 2017: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Bible ... ...
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170: Kadesh-Barnea by Henry Clay Trumbull, 1884 AD
... Sharpe, 6 on the other hand, referring to Procopius, tells of the remains " of the Roman Watt" built in the days of Diocletian as 1 Egypt, p. 125. *Gesch. der Juden, ... . . . strictly distinguish the desert Jefar ( \Lfl.^.) from the desert of the Children of Israel ((J^-Ji /-* 15-*-? ^J/.The former still belongs to Egypt, and its ... rendered, " The Wilderness of Zin south ward, from the extremity of Tcmau." 1 This is the view taken by the Arabic translator, by Houbigant, Geddcs, Masius, 2 Sebastian Schmidt, and others. Indeed a restatement of the boundary line in Ezekiel makes this quite clear, in the light of the Septuagint explanatory addition just there. ... naturally thought by Roland 2 and Grove 3 to be the Khulasah, 4 or Chalutza, or Elusa, which was a centre of pagan worship, 5 and lay south westerly from Bcersheba. ... See Khctain of Zor. (Kadesh-Barnea Henry Clay Trumbull, 1884 AD) By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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171: Zedekiah, Matteniah King of Judah 597-587 BC The Chronological ...
... Babylonian Cuneiform tablet: Battle of Carchemish and capture of Jerusalem Click here for full translation Babylonian Chronicle for 605-595 BC Click here for full ... Due to the schematized nature of the drawing, regardless of whether it was a side view of the city walls or an overhead, map-type drawing, the specific identification ... Rev 16:17 7th Bowl: Rev 16:19 = 1st January AD 70 = Begging of final siege Josephus Rev 16:21 Roman engines were called Ballista Josephus Rev 17 Jerusalem the Great ... Tribes of Dan and Ephraim not included for their historic leading role in idol worship which brought about the extinction of the ten northern tribes in 723 BC. In ... The author has excavated Ephraim (John 11, Khirbet Maqatir) and documented the 8 women and children killed by the Romans in a cavernous hiding system. This was Titus' ... The phrase, Thus far are the words of Jeremiah." (Jeremiah 51:64) refer to Jeremiah's words ON THE SCROLL, not a non-inspired addition by someone long after Jeremiah ... ...
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172: (The Iron Age Fortresses in the Central Negev, Rudolph Cohen ...
On the basis of the potsherds found in the debris they dated the fortresses to sometime in the late second to early first millennium B.C. In addition, they identified ... Thus, in the view of Woolley and Lawrence, the fortresses had probably served as "military police stations" designed to guard the caravan routes (1914-15: 28). ... of its pottery it can be dated to the 10th century B.C. The excavations showed that this fortress had been erected on virgin soil. Fig. 9. The oasis at Kadesh-barnea. ... The fortress was first described in 1908 by A. Musil, and A. Alt assigned it to Roman times (Musil 1908: 19-20; Alt 1931: 81). It was surveyed in 1956 by Y. Aharoni ... to 'Ain Qudeis and Kadesh-barnea—and the southern border of the tribe of Judah as described in Josh 15: 1-4: "And the lot for the tribe of the children of Judah. . . ... Yadin, Y. 1958 Solomon's City Wall and Gate at Gezer. Israel Exploration Journal 8: 80-86. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click ... ...
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173: Cosmic Consciousness, Richard Maurice Bucke, 1901 AD
Cosmic Consciousness Richard Maurice Bucke 1901 AD Click to View Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1901 AD, ... As the children grew up they were taught to read in several languages. None of them received any formal education, except what they gleaned from their reading. Three ... Came home by 5 very tired and read "Life of Chatterton" for a rest 'tit 8, then read Comte 2 hours, and finished the evening with Carlyle's "Heroes and Hero-Worship". ... In recent times this view has found expression in a variety of remotivation programmes. Although he was an exceedingly well respected figure at international ... Radhakrishnan Souvenir Volume, The Darshana International, Sept. 5th, 1964, Moradabad, India, In addition to this valuable article I must acknowledge my great debt to ... Peter Rechnitzer unravels the complex threads of Bucke's life: his adventures, his denial of his father and his adoration of Whitman who became his Messiah. Bucke was ... ...
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174: Catholic Encyclopedia's and Dictionaries
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Deceptive quote & False Dilemma: Trinitarian Too many to number here. See below. Catholic Encyclopedia's and Dictionaries Click to View Since the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses are former Catholics, they quote profusely from Catholic sources. We take issue with several aspects of Catholicism, but Jw's deliberately ... Attempts have been made recently to apply the more extreme theories of comparative religion [pagan similarities] to the doctrine of the Trinity, and to account for it by an imaginary law of nature compelling men to group the objects of their worship in threes. ... It seems needless to give more than a reference to ... What the Watchtower quoted: What they left out to deliberately misrepresent the source and deceive you: "There are few teachers of Trinitarian theology in Roman Catholic seminaries who have not been badgered at one time or another by the question, 'But how does one preach the Trinity?' And if the question is ... ...
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175: The Bible defends itself against those who think it is an incomplete ...
Anti-Sola Scriptura Arguments Refuted! Click to View Roman Catholic and Orthodox "oral tradition" defenders attack the Bible and we defeat them with the sword of the Spirit! Click to View Pro-Tradition arguments refuted! Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Click to View A list of Sola Scriptura texts in the Bible: Sola Scriptura proof texts Anti-Sola Scriptura Arguments Refuted: Typical Arguments that Catholics & Orthodox use to trash Sola Scriptura are refuted. Click to View "Sola Scriptura ... "How could 2 Timothy 3:16 teach the all-sufficiency of scripture, when several New Testament books were not even written yet?" Click to View CLICK HERE Click to View "Luther and Calvin contradicted themselves because they claimed to use the Bible only, then went on to write creeds in addition to the Bible." Click to View CLICK HERE Click to View "Sola Scriptura advocates hypocritically deny the authority of the Catholic and Orthodox church organizations, then claim their own church's ... ...
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176: Top ten list of why the Roman Catholic and Orthodox take the ...
Top ten list of why the Roman Catholic and Orthodox take the wrong view of tradition Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Top ten list of why the Roman Catholic and Orthodox take the wrong view of tradition Scripture itself is called "apostolic tradition" both in the Bible and the Church Fathers. It is wrong to assume every time the fathers used the word "tradition", that they are referring exclusively to "oral tradition" and not scripture. The Church Fathers continued to quote scripture to ... When the Church Fathers made reference to liturgical "traditions" that were not taught in scripture, they were optional and unnecessary things like drinking milk mixed with honey after being baptized, making the sign of the cross on the forehead, and never kneeling in worship. Although sola Scriptura advocates can confidently say the fathers mistakenly viewed such "traditions" as binding, Roman Catholic and Orthodox "tradition advocates" have no choice but to also take them as binding. Yet in ... ...
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177: SDA 1919 Bible Conference that discusses E. G. Whites' inspiration
... I have a definite case in mind. A. G. Daniells: Just in addition to that other point: I had a similar experience when I was in Europe the last time, when I was ... I know plenty of people in the early days did not use salt, and it was in our church. I am sure that many children suffered from it. There is no use of our claiming ... After the book was revised, although the whole argument remained the same, it said that it could not mean the Roman Church alone, just that one word added. F.M. ... B. L. House: Did Sister White herself write that statement that the term Babylon could not apply to the Catholic Church, or was that copied from some other author? W. ... They did not buy them as critics to tear them to pieces. We must be judged by our fruits. I want to tell you that the clearer view we get on the exact facts in the ... I believe the Lord will help us to take care of this if we will be careful and use good sense. I think that is all I can say in this sort of discussion. Click to View ... ...
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178: Apostate church organization: 250-451AD: The rise of the diocesan ...
Click to View Find a local congregation of the New Testament church that is organized exactly as the Bible says 250-451AD: "The oligarchic diocesan episcopate" The organization of the Eastern Greek Orthodox patriarchal systems is fully formed. The Roman Catholic papal system is developing, but will not flower until 606 AD. Click to View John Paul II Catholic, Bishop of Rome, Pope Click to View Introduction Click to View Graphical Mouse Rollover of gradual change of organization over time Click to View 4 Competing views of organization ... Introduction: 250-451AD The period of the 5 Patriarchs: The oligarchic diocesan episcopate. Three changes take place in this era. 250 AD: "The rise of diocesan bishops." One bishop began to rule a small group of churches in addition to his own local church. This was documented in the previous study. Click here for more: Outline: 150-250 AD 300 AD: "The rise of metropolitans." These men were nothing more than the diocesan bishops from the large and ... ...
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179: The Book of Jubilees: A fictional Jewish chronology of real world ...
... might destroy them with the sword and execute judgment against them, and so that nothing like this might therefore happen in Israel to defile an Israelite virgin. ... Therefore it was revealed to him so that he might observe it and add it to the seven days of the feast. 29 And it was called "Addition" because it is written (on ... created heaven and earth and everything together-that you will fear him and worship him. 8 And (that) each one will love his brother with compassion and ... And he buried her in the cave of Machpelah near Rebecca, his mother, and north of the tomb of Sarah, his father's mother. 22 And all of her children and his children ... Joseph's skill as an administrator 8* And the land of Egypt suffered in view of the famine. And Joseph gathered all of the land of Egypt for the Pharaoh by means of ... By Steve Rudd: November 2017: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Bible Manuscripts Page Go to: Main Ancient Synagogue ... ...
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180: Start here: Introduction and Overview to Sola Scriptura
Defining Sola Scriptura correctly. It means just what it says, the bible alone! Is your church a "Pseudo-Sola Scriptura" church? Beware of both anti-sola Scriptura churches and Pseudo-Sola Scriptura churches Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Click to View Top ten list of why the Roman Catholic and Orthodox take the wrong view of tradition A. Defining Sola Scriptura: "Bible Only" Latin: "Sola" = Alone Latin: "Scriptura" = Scriptures Latin: "Sola Scriptura" = Bible/scriptures Only/alone = using the Bible only! ... We reject the "apostles creed" even though we agree with it, because it is not needed, since we have the Bible itself! Accept scripture is a complete inspired revelation from God in order to determine all essential matters of faith, liturgy and worship. Strongly believe God was smart enough that He could write the Bible in such a way, so as to be understood when read. We believe that, who God created man, wrote the Bible in such a way, so that man would be able to ... ...
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181: Catholic Doctrinal flip flops: Marriage to non-Catholics was ...
Roman Catholic Doctrinal evolution: Doctrinal flip flops Marriage to non-Catholics was invalid until 1818 AD Click to View Doctrinal flip flops Click to View More Catholic doctrinal Flip-Flops Marriage to non-Catholics was invalid until 1818 AD Marriage to non-Catholics was invalid until 1818 AD: "Under the old canon law, such a Marriage (between a baptized Protestant and an infidel or unbaptized Protestant) was invalid, because of the impediment of disparity of worship. Under the new canon law - i.e., since May 19, 1818 - this impediment has been abolished so far as non-Catholics are concerned, and such a marriage would be valid. This important change in the Church's law arose from the increasing number of unbaptized Protestants, and the consequent increase of invalid Marriages among them." (The Question Box, Conway) The Bible never changes, but Catholicism does. By Pat Donahue Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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182: Sola Scriptura: Luther and Calvin indeed contradicted themselves ...
Click to View "Luther and Calvin contradicted themselves because they claimed to use the Bible only, then went on to write creeds in addition to the Bible." "Though he may have coined the slogan, the fact is that Luther himself did not practice Sola Scriptura. If he had, he'd have tossed out the Creeds and spent less time writing commentaries." (Which Came First: The Church or the New Testament?, Fr. James Bernstein, Orthodox churchman, 1994, p 21) Click to View Refutation of the false Roman Catholic and Orthodox argument: "Luther and Calvin contradicted themselves because they claimed to use the Bible only, then went on to write creeds in addition to the Bible." Sola Scriptura: Luther and Calvin indeed contradicted themselves when they used creeds in addition to the Bible! We completely agree with this criticism. Luther merely replaced Catholic creedalism with a system of his own. Luther and Calvin practiced "pseudo-Sola Scriptura" because they did use creeds in addition to the Bible. ... ...
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183: The Error of the Catholic Nicene Trinity
Click here for Trinity Mouse Rollover Graphical Helper Click to View Biblical Trinity Vs. Catholic Trinity Do you know the difference? Click to View Neither Catholics or Jehovah Witnesses understand the difference between 1st Century Biblical Trinity vs. 4th century Creedal Trinity, do you? Click to View The Catholic Trinity denies ... It was prompted chiefly by belief in the divinity of Christ and later in the divinity of the Holy Spirit, but even earlier by the consistent worship of God in a trinitarian pattern and the practice of baptism into the threefold name of God. By the close of the fourth century the orthodox teaching was in place: God is one nature, ... The Pastoral Question. There are few teachers of Trinitarian theology in Roman Catholic seminaries who have not been badgered at one time or another by the question, "But how does one preach the Trinity?" And if the question is symptomatic of confusion on the part of the students, perhaps it is no less symptomatic of similar ... ...
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184: Sola Scriptura: All-sufficient: The Bible alone is a blueprint ...
Sola Scriptura: The Bible alone is enough! All-sufficient: The Bible alone is a blueprint for life, doctrine and worship Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Evangelicals view Christianity as "a system of truth" that is "infallibly preserved" only in Scripture. (THE WAY: What Every Protestant Should Know About the Orthodox Church, Clark Carlton, 1997, p 144) "For how is it not absurd that in respect to money, indeed, we do not trust to others, but refer this to figures and calculation; but in ... And if he thus wrote to Timothy, who was filled with the Spirit, how much more to us! "Thoroughly furnished unto all good works"; not merely taking part in them, he means, but "thoroughly furnished." (John Chrysostom, Homily 9, commentary on 2 Tim 3:16-17) Click to View John, who is commenting on 2 Tim 3:16-17, clearly believes the scriptures are all-sufficient and nothing else is needed for truth. But he says something far more profound that modern Roman Catholic and Orthodox leaders cringe ... ...
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185: Sola Scriptura: Apostolic Fathers used scripture as the primary ...
Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers! Apostolic Fathers used scripture as the primary defense against false doctrine. Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Introduction: Click to View Mandatory: Apostolic Fathers Catechism Class for Catholics and Orthodox. (You must take our catechism class before you read the truths below.) When a Roman Catholic and Orthodox reads the quotes we have compiled, he will be quite surprised. They will see that the Fathers talked about the scriptures in a way that is different from their own church leaders. It is clear that the "Apostolic Fathers" always maintained a ... For example, although the final canon was not settled until after 200 AD, by 100 AD, the four gospels, Acts and the 14 letters of Paul were in full and universal circulation. Yet it is within these very letters that prove bishops and presbyters were interchangeable, being the same office. Further, the scriptures are clear that bishops must be married with children. This clear teaching, ... ...
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186: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 350 AD: Hilary of Poitiers
"Such is their error, such their pestilent teaching; to support it they borrow the words of Scripture, perverting its meaning and using the ignorance of men as their opportunity of gaining credence for their lies. Yet it is certainly by these same words of God that we must come to understand the things of God." (Hilary of Poitiers, On the Trinity, Book IV, 14) Click to View An amazing text that refutes the Roman Catholic and Orthodox apologists claim that the church refuted heresy with "tradition" because they found that ... There is no danger in faith: the reverent confession of the hidden mystery of God is always safe. Christ was born of the Virgin, but conceived of the Holy Ghost according to the Scriptures. Christ wept, but according to the Scriptures: that which made Him weep was also a cause of joy. Christ hungered; but according to the Scriptures, He used His power as God against the tree which bore no fruit, when He had no loath Christ suffered: but according to the Scriptures, He ... ...
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187: 30-150AD: Church organization the same as in the Bible Blueprint ...
Click to View Find a local congregation of the New Testament church that is organized exactly as the Bible says! The simple bible blueprint of church organization where a group of equal elders (presbyters) govern only within their own local church meeting the full qualifications of 1 Tim 3 and Titus 1. 30-150AD: No trace of the Roman Catholic papal or the Orthodox patriarchal systems. Click to View John Paul II Catholic, Bishop of Rome, Pope Click to View Introduction Click to View Graphical Mouse Rollover of gradual change of ... The oldest tradition is that given by Irenaeus (Adv. Hoer. III. 3. 3) and followed here by Eusebius, according to which the order was Linus, Anencletus, Clement. Hippolytus gives a different order, in which he is followed by many Fathers; and in addition to these two chief arrangements all possible combinations of the three names, and all sorts of theories to account for the difficulties and to reconcile the discrepancies in the earlier lists, have been proposed. ... ...
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188: Mormonism: God had sex with Mary to conceive Jesus
The Mormon Church The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints Click to View God had sex with Mary to conceive Jesus Click to View Mormons deny the virgin birth. God is considered the literal biological Father of Jesus in the same way that Mary is the literal biological mother of Jesus! The most blasphemous, damnable Mormon doctrines!!! Click to ... By "Virgin birth", Mormons mean that no mortal human had sex with Mary, but since God had sex with Mary, and He is immortal, she remains a virgin! B. Gods Must Have Wives If none but gods will be permitted to multiply immortal children, it follows that each God must have one or more wives. God, the Father of our spirits, ... "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints proclaims that Jesus Christ is the Son of God in the most literal sense. The body in which He performed His mission in the flesh was sired by that same Holy Being we worship as God, our Eternal Father. Jesus was not the son of Joseph, nor was He begotten by the Holy Ghost" ... ...
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189: Sola Scriptura: The local church is the largest unit of organization ...
Anti-Sola Scriptura Arguments Refuted: Click to View "Sola Scriptura advocates hypocritically deny the authority of the Catholic and Orthodox church organizations, then claim their own church's organization has authority." False arguments that Catholics and Orthodox use to trash Sola Scriptura are refuted. Sola Scriptura proven from the Bible! ... At times, their statements, if taken in isolation, can sound almost Catholic." (Philip Blosser, Philosophical and Practical Problems with Sola Scriptura, 1998) Click to View Refutation of the false Roman Catholic and Orthodox argument: "Sola Scriptura advocates hypocritically deny the authority of the Catholic and Orthodox ... In the Bible, the church had no organization larger than the local church which consisted of a plurality of elders, (who were also called bishops and pastors) ruling over the local church. The congregation is to chose their own elders based upon a list of qualifications in 1 Tim 3 and Tit 1. In addition to these elders a ... ...
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190: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 250 AD: Cyprian
diversities among them, and that all things are not observed among them alike, which are observed at Jerusalem, just as in very many other provinces also many things are varied because of the difference of the places and names"(Cyprian, Epistle 74, 6) Click to View The Orthodox Church relishes this little anti-Roman Catholic text by Cyprian. But the text provides just as many problems for the Orthodox because it proves that the celebration of Easter began well after 100 AD, since at 250 AD the practice was all over the map. ... But in vain do they worship me, teaching the doctrines and commandments of men." Also the Lord in the Gospel, similarly rebuking and reproving, utters and says, "Ye reject the commandment of God, that ye may keep your own tradition." Mindful of which precept, the blessed Apostle Paul himself also warns and instructs, saying, "If any man teach otherwise, and consent not to the wholesome words of our Lord Jesus Christ, and to His doctrine, he is proud, knowing ... ...
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191: Creeds violate sola Scriptura because they compete with the authority ...
Click to View All Church Creeds are Dangerous Click to View Historical origin of creeds: The ancient "rule of faith" (regula fidei) was not a creed! Click to View Luther and Calvin merely replaced Catholic creedalism with their own creeds. Luther and Calvin practiced "pseudo-Sola Scriptura" because they used creeds in addition to the Bible. Click to View "Luther and Calvin contradicted themselves because they claimed to use the Bible only, then went on to write creeds in addition to the Bible." "Though he may have coined the slogan, the fact is that Luther himself did not practice Sola Scriptura. If he had, he'd have tossed out the Creeds and spent less time writing commentaries." (Which Came First: The Church or the New Testament?, Fr. James Bernstein, Orthodox churchman, 1994, p 21) Click to View Refutation of the false Roman Catholic and Orthodox argument: We completely agree with this criticism. Luther merely replaced Catholic creedalism with a system of his own. Luther and Calvin ... ...
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192: Hindu Gurus and Pentecostal preachers are identical!!!
Click to View Click to View Click to View There is an EXACT correlation between: All Pentecostal/Charismatic churches today AND The Serpent Power of the Awakening Kundalini Sathya Sai gurus Subud worship manifestations Qigong healing manifestations Shakers manifestations African Kung Bushmen of the Kalahair Stage Hypnotists We can't tell the difference... can you? Summary Chart Manifestation ... RAJNEESH: "the former Oregon guru tells one of his followers in his book, "Dance Your Way To God," just be joyful ..." Click to View It is typical teaching that Rodney Howard-Browne tells people God likes to have fun with His children and wants them to laugh; this laughter is equated with "the joy ... Sai Baba also materialized other objects such as valuable rings encrusted with diamonds. After this a Dane woman suffering from cancer witnessed her miraculous healing after being admitted to Sai Baba's presence in India. In addition S. Bhagavantam, a known Indian physicist, also declared these ... ...
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193: Revelation 12:17 and 14:12 do not teach we must keep the 10 commandmen ...
Click to View Revelation 12:17 and 14:12 do not teach we must keep the 10 commandments in addition to the gospel. Sabbatarians attempt to make a false distinction in Revelation 12:17 and 14:12 saying the verses prove we must keep the 10 commandments in addition to the Gospel of Christ. "So the dragon was enraged with the woman, and went off to make war with the rest of her children, who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus." (Revelation 12:17) "Here is the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus. " (Revelation 14:12) A. ... "And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of their testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and those who had not worshiped the beast or his image, and had not received the mark on their forehead and on their hand" (Revelation 20:4) In Revelation 19:10 "the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy" "Then I fell at his feet to worship him. But he said to me, "Do not ... ...
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194: List of books in the Christian Bible, Roman Catholic Bible, Greek ...
This proves the Catholic and Orthodox apologists wrong when they try to defend the apocrypha in the Bible. List of books in the Christian Bible, Roman Catholic Bible, Greek Orthodox Bible Click to View = the book is not included in that Bible Click to View = the book is included in that Bible Christian's Bible Roman Catholic Bible Greek Orthodox Bible 1 Esdras Click to View Click to View Click to View Tobit Click to View Click to View Click to View Judith Click to View Click to View Click to View Additions to Esther Click to View Click to View Click to View Wisdom of Solomon Click to View Click to View Click to View Ecclesiasticus Click to View Click to View Click to View Baruch Click to View Click to View Click to View Epistle of Jeremiah Click to View Click to View Click to View Song of the Three Children Click to View Click to View Click to View Story of Susanna Click to View Click to View Click to View Bel and the Dragon Click to View Click to View Click to View Prayer of Manasseh ... ...
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195: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 180 AD: Irenaeus
For it is unlawful to assert that they preached before they possessed "perfect knowledge," as some do even venture to say, boasting themselves as improvers of the apostles." (Irenaeus, Against Heresies, book 3, 1, 1) Click to View Irenaeus states that the gospel was first orally revealed, then the gospel was recorded in scriptures and calls the scriptures the "ground and pillar" of faith. This should send shivers up the spine of every Roman Catholic and Orthodox because it is a clear interpretation of 1 Tim 3:15 where the same expression is used of the church. Obviously then, Irenaeus viewed that the ... condescended to be born of the virgin, He Himself uniting man through Himself to God, and having suffered under Pontius Pilate, and rising again, and having been received up in splendour, shall come in glory, the Saviour of those who are saved, and the Judge of those who are judged, and sending into eternal fire those who transform the truth, and despise His Father and His advent. ... ...
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196: Apostate church organization: 451-588AD: The reign of the 5 Patriarchs ...
Click to View Introduction Click to View 4 Competing views of organization Click to View Outline: 33-150 AD Click to View Outline: 150-250 AD Click to View Outline: 250-451 AD Click to View Outline: 588-606 AD Click to View Outline: 606 AD-Today Click to View Catholic organization today Click to View Orthodox organization today Click to View ... Pope Leo, in protesting the fourth ecumenical council, held at Chalcedon in 451, started to make bold claims of Papal power that were ignored by most. In 590 AD, Gregory acted like a Pope, but denounced the title of Universal Bishop. Two popes later in 606 AD, Boniface III is the first Roman bishop to both act like a Pope and ... Writing to Titus the apostle says: "For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain presbyters in every city, as I had appointed thee: if any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly. For a bishop must be ... ...
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197: What is the CHURCH?
Click to View What is the CHURCH? Click to View I. Introduction A. What the church means to different people: 1. material structure: (Catholic) a. physical cathedral b. walk in and feel the presence of God you didn't feel outside 2. Benevolent society: feed, cloth help poor and needy (Salvation Army) 3. Social organization: greater benefits than joining ... B. The church is really only one of many ways God describes His people: 1. Each of us can be described in a variety of ways: a. man: relationship to animal kingdom (not a horse or bird but man) b. husband: relationship to wife c. father: relationship to children d. employee: to boas e. citizen: to government 2. The ... A. We must be part of a local church: 1. Commanded to assemble: Acts 2:42,46: 1 Cor 11:18; Heb 10:25 2. Assemble to give into common treasury: 1 Cor 16:1,2 3. Assemble to partake of the Lord's supper: 1 Cor 11:33; Acts 20:7 4. Assemble to worship, teach and encourage: 1 Cor 14:26 B. There is a specific pattern or ... ...
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198: Apostate church organization: 588 - 606 AD: The final dog fight ...
7 606 AD Sabinian, the bishop of Rome dies and is replaced by Boniface III. Phocas writes to the new bishop of Rome, Boniface III and through imperial decree of the Roman government, proclaims Boniface III, as the "Head of all the Churches" and "Universal Bishop". Phocas transfers the title from Constantinople to Rome. ... Click to View Outline: 150-250 AD Click to View Outline: 250-451 AD Click to View Outline: 451-588 AD Click to View Outline: 606 AD-Today Click to View Catholic organization today Click to View Orthodox organization today Click to View True Bible organization today Click to View Find a local congregation of the New Testament church in your own home town. ... He was referring to this verse: "Let no one in any way deceive you, for it [the second coming] will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction, who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, so that he takes his seat in the ... ...
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199: Sola Scriptura proof texts: Luke 1:1-4
"Luke begins by mentioning uninspired gospels by Christians, then the oral tradition of the apostles and concludes that scripture alone will allow Theophilus to know for certain what the truth is. Click to View Sola Scriptura proven from the Bible! Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Click to View More Anti-Sola Scriptura proof texts! Introduction: Luke 1:1-4 so clearly shows the superiority of scripture over oral tradition, that Roman Catholic and Orthodox tradition defenders have no idea what to do with it! Luke begins by mentioning uninspired gospels by Christians, then the oral tradition of the apostles and concludes that scripture alone will allow Theophilus to know for certain what the truth is. If oral tradition could bring about certainty, then Theophilus would not be puzzled about what the exact truth was. Obviously there were many different oral traditions in addition to the words of the apostles. Theophilus was not able to determine for himself, which of these oral ... ...
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200: The $200 Text: A Written Debate Concerning the Sabbath
"The Bible clearly teaches that the fourth commandment of the decalogue -- viz., 'Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy' -- is binding on Christians under the new covenant." Affirms: David F. Smith (Seventh-day Adventist) Denies: Gene Frost (Christian) Click to View How it all began! Mr. Smith places an ad in the newspaper to which Mr Frost replies. LAS VEGAS REVIEW-JOURNAL Wednesday, December 14, 1949 $200 FOR ONE TEXT I hereby offer $200 for one Bible text from the Bible -- either the King James (Protestant) Version or the Douay (Catholic) Version -- stating that Sunday -- the first day of the week should be observed by Christians as a day of rest and worship. ... Exodus 3l:13 (17), "Speak thou (Moses) also unto the children of Israel, saying, Verily my sabbaths shall ye keep: for it is a sign between me and your generations; that ye may know that I am the Lord that doth sanctify you." Deuteronomy 5:15, "And remember that thou wast a servant in the land of Egypt, and that ... ...
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