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1: bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-rudolph-cohen-kadesh-barnea ...
Kadesh Barnea (Ain el-Qudeirat) A fortress from the time of the Judaean Kingdom Rudolph Cohen The Israel Museum, Jerusalem 1983 AD The Site Biblical Tradition Kadesh-barnea's importance in the history of the Jewish people derives primarily from its biblical ... As a consequence, numerous scholars of past generations have attempted to equate biblical Kadesh-barnea with sites in Sinai, the Negev, or even more distant places. Early ... Dothan ascribed its construction to the 8th-7th centuries B.C.E. (during the reign of Jehoshaphat), and its destruction to about the same time as that of the First Temple (586 B.C.E.). He also distinguished a phase, preceding the erection of the fortress, which he associated with the so-called "Negebite" pottery - crude, handmade vessels characteristic of the central Negev. A settlement phase ... East of the water system, a structure consisting of a number of rooms attached to the southern casemate rooms was excavated. In one of these rooms an important ostracon ... ...
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2: Solomon's network of military border fortresses in the Negev
... Second, at Kadesh-barnea in the 8th-7th centuries B.C. a solid-walled fortress was erected over its predecessor's remains." (The Iron Age Fortresses in the Central Negev, Rudolph Cohen, 1979 AD) One of the big discussions is the what the Fortresses were used for. Some Bible trashing archeologists believe the fortresses were not used for military purposes but were mere ... Solomon greatly expanded his rule so he is the obvious candidate for these fortresses. B. Locations of the 50 fortresses: "The site, [Ahoroni Fortress] named for the late Y. Aharoni, be-longs to the category ... of Beer-sheba and the Wilderness of Zin have been surveyed, and 12 of them have been partially excavated to date. (Enclosed Settlements in the Negeb, Ze'ev Herzog, 1983 AD) In 1975, Ze'ev Meshel conducted ... The pre fortress findings consisted of crude handmade pottery-mainly bowls, deep pots, and hole-mouth jars. Although these sherds could not be connected with wheel-made vessels or building remains, he dated ... ...
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3: bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-judahs-last-outpost-carol ...
Notable among these evidences of early human habitation is a series of sites dating to the Iron Age. They invariably consist of some sort of fortress surrounding or ... is being established. Fig. 1. View of Tell e Qudeirat, identified with biblical Kadesh Barnea; the excavated area is at the eastern end of the tell. Central Negev: Abandoned After Tenth Century As a result of the work done to date by Cohen, particularly at the central Negev sites of Khirbet Rahba, Khirbet Haluqim, and ... In addition, the remains of two disparate kinds of pottery have been found at these sites within the ashen layer which marked the termination of the settlements:4 (1) ... hold on it, Cohen turned to the site of Kadesh Barnea, where he fielded an excavation in January, 1976, on behalf of the Department of Antiquities and Museums of Israel. ... pottery from a very long time-span — the 9th to the 7th centuries; and a post-fortress period of scattered Persian remains.6 Cohen was curious about a number of things. ... ...
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4: (The Iron Age Fortresses in the Central Negev, Rudolph Cohen ...
Department of Antiquities and Museums, Jerusalem, Israel (The Iron Age Fortresses in the Central Negev, Rudolph Cohen, 1979 ... first millennium B.C. In addition, they identified the pottery as "Syrian" in type, concluding from this that the ... It rapidly became evident that a veritable fortress network had once existed in the Central Negev. These fortresses consisted of a ... towers, including those of Kadesh-barnea, Uza, and Tel Arad; (2) rectangular fortresses without towers, including those of Nahal Raviv, Qasr er-Ruheibeh, Be'er Har Boger, Mishor Ha-Ruah, and the fortress north of Kadesh-barnea; (3) ... by the kings of Israel between the 10th and the 7th centuries B.C. in order to extend royal control over the Negev, the ... The author also conducted four seasons of excavations between 1976-78 at the important fortress site of Tel Kadesh-barnea ... The size of the casemate rooms, all of which were excavated, varies: width ca. 1.50-2.00 m.; length ca. 5.50-8.00 m. A ... ...
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5: enclosed-settlements-negeb-wilderness-beer-sheba-zeev-herzog ...
the limits of the accompanying map (Cohen 1980: fig. 1); and in Aharoni's summary (1976) the central Negev sites are hardly mentioned. ... The Negev "Fortresses" More than 40 sites in the Wilderness of Beer-sheba and the Wilderness of Zin have been surveyed, and 12 of them have been partially excavated to date. They have been dealt with mainly by Cohen (1980) and Meshel (1979), who employed different classification systems for these "fortresses" and arrived at different conclusions regarding their dating. Only on one group do they agree: the rectangular fortresses with towers found at Kadesh-barnea and Horvat `Uza, which are dated by their distinctive features and pottery assemblages to the 8th-7th centuries ... types of structures into a single category. For example, the fortress at Horvat Rahba, which is some 75 m. in length, is included in ... to the contours of the site or whether they gave the appearance of having been preplanned according to a standard model (Meshel 1979: 17). ... ...
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6: The Fortresses King Solomon Built to Protect His Southern Border ...
String of desert fortresses uncovered in Central Negev (The Fortresses King Solomon Built to Protect His Southern Border, Rudolph Cohen, 1985 ... In 1961, Beno Rothenberg also surveyed the area of Nahal Horsha and Nahal Kadesh Barnea.3 In 1965, I began my own work in this area. In the second ... fortresses have now been identified in the Central Negev. A new phase in our understanding of these fortresses was opened up, however, by a number of excavations, rather than by surveys. I excavated my first fortress, Atar Haro'a, between 1965 and 1967. Then, between 1969 and 1972 ... at their corners and sides date from the eighth to the sixth centuries B.C., considerably later in the Iron Age than the other three ... Amid the ashes were the smashed remains of wheel-made pottery (that, as we shall see, enabled us to date the fortress), as well as some ... The list includes, for example, the fortress of Great Arad, which clearly refers to the site still bearing that name. Identifying the other ... ...
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7: Ein El-Qudeirat is not Kadesh Barnea: : Wrongly identified as ...
... The site was surveyed in 1934 by N. Glueck, in 1937 by R. de Vaux, and in 1956 by Y. Aharoni. In 1956, M. Dothan carried out excavations in ... at Kadesh-Barnea, M Dothan, 1965) Gunneweg also says the same: "The Iron Age II fortress of Qadesh Barnea (nowadays called Tell 'Ein el-Qudeirat) is located in Wadi el 'Ein, a well ('Ein) which has fed the largest oasis of the southern Negev as well as northern Sinai from early times until the present (Dothan 1965, 134; Woolley and Lawrence 1914. 69-71; Cohen 1983, 93-4)". (Edomite, Negev, Midianite Pottery: Neutron ... too late to be connected with the exodus of 1446 BC. Ein El-Qudeirat is located at the most important and central crossroads of the Sinai. ... For example, at Tell el-Kheleifeh (ancient Elat) "Glueck threw out most of the common wheel-made pottery he excavated; he did not realize this ... In the 8th-7th centuries a solid-walled fortress was erected on the site, and in the 7th-6th centuries B.C. a towered fortress was introduced, ... ...
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8: The Rectangular Fortress at Kadesh Barnea, David Ussishkin, 1995 ...
which they are based were only partially published.3 Nevertheless, we possess sufficient data to question some of his central conclusions. ... A glacis laid against the wall surrounds the site on three sides, except for the south, where the wadi must have formed a bank sufficiently ... Fig. 1. Schematic reconstructed cross-section through the rectangular fortress (after Dothan). Cohen presents an entirely different picture. ... and destroyed in 586 B.C.E. The existence of three superimposed fortresses differentiates between Kadesh-Barnea and other Negev sites, in which a single fortress was constructed. The results of the excavations here 'attest to settlement continuity from the 10th to the 5-4th centuries B.C.E.'. ... should be interpreted along the lines of Dothan's conclusions rather than Cohen's, taking into account, of course, the newly excavated data. ... contained wheel-made pottery characteristic of the eighth-seventh centuries B.C.E.13 This stratigraphic conclusion cannot be accepted. ... ...
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9: bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-ein-el-qudeirat-did-i-excavate ...
Ein el-Qudeirat Difficulty of site identification and absence of Exodus remains poses problem By Rudolph Cohen 1981 AD The problem of ... The identification of Kadesh-Barnea with Ein el-Qudeirat is generally accepted today. Its strategic location on two important ancient routes, its abundance of water and its correspondence with Biblical geography makes this the most likely candidate; no other site offers a ... (1) the Way of Shur, leading from Edom and the Aravah down to Egypt; and (2) the way from Eilat and the Central Negev to Arad and Hebron. ... These fortresses date from the tenth to the sixth centuries B.C. and provide important data which help flesh out the tangled history of this period. Youngest of three fortresses: 700 BC (top layer, first excavated) The uppermost, and therefore latest, fortress at Kadesh-Barnea is rectangular, about 200 feet ... Except for a small area paved with stone, the floors were of beaten earth. On the floor of this fortress we found many complete pottery ... ...
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10: Negev Pottery: "Negev ware" "Negevite ware" Crude, hand made ...
One exception was the fortress at Kuntillet Ajrud, which lacked Negev pottery. "Surprisingly, the site yielded no "Negeb-type ... this quite adequate for our purpose." (The "Aharoni Fortress" Near Quseima and the "Israelite Fortresses" in the Negev, ... Negev ware pottery is also not what the Exodus Hebrews used. There is no evidence of this. Cohen attributes the pottery to nomadic peoples: "The writer agrees that Negev ware ... At Kadesh-Barnea: 1976-1978, Ein el-Qudeirat, Rudolph Cohen, 1981 AD) However it might be better associated with the Israelites who lived in remote areas of the Negev. ... B. Rothenberg's research in the Timna-Eilat area has shown that its origins may be several centuries earlier (1972: 153-54), and ... of the agricultural settlements and hill fortresses in the Central Negev predate the Israelite conquest of Palestine and ... Glueck threw out most of the common wheel-made pottery he excavated; he did not realize this common wheel-made pottery was far ... ...
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11: Excavations At Kadesh-Barnea: 1976-1978, Ein el-Qudeirat, Rudolph ...
At Kadesh-Barnea: 1976-1978, Ein el-Qudeirat, Rudolph Cohen, 1981 AD) In December of 1978 the author completed his ... Left: The fortress of 'Ain Qedeis. Right: A casemate room in the fortress. Kadesh-barnea in the Bible It was after the ... of `Ein Mishpat. The Identification of the Site Kadesh-barnea's actual site for a long time was subject to scholarly dispute. ... In 1807, however, U. J. Seetzen entered the Negev in the course of his Levantine travels (1854: 1-68), opening this area to modern exploration. At first the search for Kadesh-barnea focused on the Arabah, the deep, desolate geological fissure ... tower of the 7th-6th centuries B.C.E. In 1912 T. Kiihtreiber entered the district and came to the same conclusion (1914). ... toward the Arabah and Edom; and the road which led south of the Central Negev to Eilat (Woolley and Lawrence 1914-15: 71). ... BIBLICAL ARCHEOLOGIST/ SPRING 1981 95 Left: Pottery of the 7th-6th centuries B.C.E. found in Locus 186 of the fortress. ... ...
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12: Kuntillet Ajrud Fortress and Ostraca: One of Solomon's network ...
Yahweh bless you and keep you and be with you". b. Founded as a Negev border fortress by Solomon, it was occupied by the ... the water-source," of a site located in N Sinai. (Kuntillet Ajrud, Ze'ev Meshel, Anchor Bible Dictionary, 1991 AD). Several anomalies that make Kuntillet Ajrud unique include: no Negevite war pottery has been found to date. ... of Qadesh Barnea along important Darb Ghazza, the main route to the Gulf of Eilat, not even one fortress has been found" ("Aharoni Fortress" near Quseima, Zeev Meshel, 1994 AD) A. Date of the fortress at Kuntillet Ajrud: 950 BC or 830-775 BC 1. Archeologist Cohen, who excavated Qudeirat dated Kuntillet Ajrud to the 10th century BC. a. ... The pottery and the form of the script suggests the end of the 9th to the beginning of the 8th centuries. (Did Yahweh Have ... The route and means of these connections are of great importance. Kuntillet Ajrud is located c. 50 km. south-west of Kadesh-Barnea; hence the assumption that Kadesh-Barnea served as a central ... ...
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13: The Iron Age Fortresses at En Haseva, Rudolph Cohen, 1995 AD
The fortress's inset-offset walls peak through at the perimeter of the excavated area. The wall system connects three towers in the northwest, ... Alongside this collection was a stone bowl placed on a stone stand; in the bowl was a pottery bowl that con-tained a clay lamp. Nearby was a round ... It appears to be a fortress, similar in plan to those found at several Iron Age sites in the central Negev (Cohen 1995). Diggers retrieved a complete ... Negbite ware has been found at Tell el-Kheleifeh (Glueck 1939:13f; 1940:17f; Pratico 1985:23f) and in all three fortresses uncovered at Kadesh-Barnea (Cohen 1981;1983a), dating from the tenth to the beginning of the sixth centuries BCE. ... Tadmor 1961:24546).6 The site may be connected to pastoral nomads or caravaneers who were active on the southern fringes of Judea (Ephal 1984:60-71). ... remains; i.e., King Josiah may have built the fortress during his reign (639-609 BCE), either prior to or after destroying the shrine and its vessels. ... ...
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14: Nelson Glueck's 1938-1940 Excavations at Tell el-Kheleifeh: A ...
... As is clear from the 1939 and 1940 aerial photo-graphs (figs. 2-3), the casemate fortress was excavated on the western, southern and eastern sides of the ... In light of what is presently known, "Negevite" pottery is not chronologically (or ethnically) diagnostic and must itself be dated by associated wheelmade ... A 47-m length of this outer wall was preserved in the southeast corner of the site (fig. 6; Square 0:23). Another section was preserved on the western side of ... Phoenician and Aramaic ostraca of the 5th and early 4th centuries B.c. (Glueck 197 lb: 229-34), together with a handful of 5th century n.c. Greek body sherds, ... Tell el-Kheleifeh's earliest occupational phase, the casemate fortress, is similar in architectural plan to the central Negev fortress tradition (Cohen 1979; cf. also 1970: 6-24; 1976: 34-50; ... Tell el-Qudeirat (Kadesh-barnea) and Horvat `Uza. Two other fortified settlements offer instruc-tive parallels for the study of Tell el-Kheleifeh's offsets/ insets ... ...
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15: The Fortresses at En Haseva Rudolph Cohen 1994
... Beginning in 1993, large scale 204 Biblical Archaeologist 57:4 (1994) excavations at the site have been direct-ed by the ... Traveling south from cEn tlawva the road followed the Arabah Valley to Yot-vata where Z. Meshel excavated a for-tress similar ... Its outer walls reach approximately 1.5 m in width. Pottery retrieved from the floor be-longs to the seven-sixth centuries ... towers, like the middle and upper fortresses at Tel Kadesh-Barnea (Cohen 1981; 1983a) and the fot tiess at Horvat Uzza (Beit-Arieh ... This immense fortress is one of the largest known in the Negev and adja-cent regions. It covers four times the area taken up ... During whose reign was the Stratum 5 fortress at 'En Haseva built? Thus far, the scant ceramic material recovered makes it difficult to assign a date. It was probably built in the eighth-seventh centuries BCE, during the ... Casemate rooms in the wall of the central area of the Iron Age II fortress, Stratum 5. The walls of Iron II Haseva combined ... ...
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16: The southern border of Judah and Kadesh Barnea at Petra
... misidentified as Kadesh Barnea: a. "The earliest fortress on the site was erected seemingly on virgin soil in the 10th-9th centuries B.C.E. Its ground plan, as explained previously, has not been determined, but it evidently belonged to a wide-ranging fortress network then existing in the Central Negev. These fortresses begin near present-day Dimona, continue south past Yeroham and Sede Boger, skirt the edge of the erosion crater of Makhtesh Ramon, and then turn west; here they form a southerly line as far as Kadesh barnea. Dozens of such fortresses have been located since the survey of Woolley and Lawrence, and many have been excavated over the past 12 years-mainly by the author sometimes in conjunction with Z. Meshel (Cohen 1970: 6-24; 1976: 3450; Meshel 1977: 110-35). ... Final reports are not yet published (for preliminary reports see Cohen 1983; Naveh 1962; Reich 1989). Judaean artifacts found at both sites include, for example, inscribed weights, pottery vessels, and Hebrew ... ...
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17: Timna
... This proved true even at the site generally identified with Kadesh-Barnea ('Ein Qudeirat). It was not occupied until the tenth century B.C.E at the earliest, and its fortress was constructed only in the ninth century." (Israelite ... the period in question, the end of the Late Bronze Age and the beginning of the Iron Age, the 13th to 12th centuries. ... used for cooking and domestic purposes, akin to that previously found in the Central Negev Mountains, and named 'Negev-type ware'. ... Most of these sherds found at Site 2 belonged to large deep and shallow little bowls, with flat bottoms and straight sides, ... No pottery of this kind has ever been found in Palestine but it has been picked up on the surface of sites in Jordan, and had ... At Kadesh-Barnea: 1976-1978, Ein el-Qudeirat, Rudolph Cohen, 1981 AD) Stylistically defined `Negbite' [Negev ware] ... building and repair phases, as established in most excavated areas of Site 2, together with a minute stratigraphic ... ...
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18: Solomon's Fortress at Elat, Aqaba: Tell el-Kheleifeh and Jezirat ...
... data. (Excavations at Tell el-Kheleifeh: A Reappraisal, Gary D. Pratico, 1985 AD) Tell el-Qudeirat (Kadesh-barnea) and Horvat `Uza. ... Tell el-Kheleifeh was obviously a central point of that area." (Ezion-Geber, Nelson Glueck, Excavations at Tell el-Kheleifeh, 1965 ... These wares have been found at numerous Iron Age sites, especially the fortresses and fortified settlements of the Negev. They ... A few "Negevite" vessels have been excavated at the Jordanian site of Buseirah (Bennett 1975: fig. 6:8, 12). (Excavations at Tell el-Kheleifeh: A ... Pratico, 1985 AD) The "Negevite" forms that can be assigned to the casemate fortress, provide no refined indication of chronology. ... kings who defeated the Edomites and Amalekites" (Meshel and Cohen 1980: 80), either Saul or David. (Excavations at Tell ... on the surface of Tell el-Kheleifeh, it was seen that the pottery remains dated from the 10th to the 5th-4th centuries B.C. Frank had correctly adjudged them to be older than Roman. ... ...
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19: The Bible and Radiocarbon Dating: Archaeology, Text and Science ...
... Perhaps also other pottery types may cover longer time spans than perceived. An archaeological investigation involving radiocarbon dating ... early Iron Age (ca. 1200-1000 BCE) and also in the 10th-9th centuries BCE. It is important to compare these "C dates from ... Table 21.1. Iron Age radiocarbon dates from north-eastern Sinai and the Central Negev. Tell el-Qudeirat Fortresses Woolley and Lawrence (1914-15) suggested associating the relatively well-watered area of Tell el-Qu deirat in north-eastern Sinai with Biblical Kadesh Barnea, the main place of ... The extensive excavations by Cohen (1980, 1981a, 1981 b, 1983, 1986, 1993a) uncovered three different Iron Age fortresses at the tell, ... This geomorphic surface provided a logical choice and firm foundation for the site-location of the successive fortresses in the valley of ... Figure 21.2. View of Tell el-Qudeirat looking SSW across the width of the valley (photo by H.J. Bruins 1981). The Upper Fortress Dothan (1965) excavated a small ... ...
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20: The "Aharoni Fortress" Near Quseima and the "Israelite Fortresses ...
... Among the more prominent points visible from the summit are the tip of the Qadesh Barnea oasis and the little oasis ... Only the eastern third of the room has been excavated. A thin layer of ashes overlying the fill represents the ... the locus had been cleared, it was suggested that the area in the shadow of the wall was the kitchen of the site. ... The number of Negev ware sherds was small. A selection of the ordinary vessels is shown in Figure 17. The pottery in general resembles that found in other fortress sites, as thoroughly demonstrated by Cohen (1986: 155-63). The bowl base, slipped on the outside and with band burnishing inside (figure ... dating the site more precisely than somewhere between the end of the 11th and the 10th centuries B.C. (below). ... problem: Were the "Negev fortresses" the result of a central initiative, directed by a single authority from the ... Bruins, J. H. 1986 Desert Environment and Agriculture in the Central Negev and Kadesh Barnea During His-torical ... ...
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21: Pots and Polities: Material Remains of Late Iron Age Judah in ...
... see Beit-Arieh 1995; Cohen and Yisrael 1995), Babylonians, or other enemies; but this theory cannot be confirmed. ... from different methods of excavation and differences in wealth between sites and excavated areas within sites. ... Having said that, I admit that other explanations for the ro-sette stamps, i.e., signs of pottery guilds or ... Only 42 stamps (ca. 24 per-cent) were found in the Shephelah, about half of those at Lachish. The central Judaean mountains and the Negev (12 stamps) are almost negligible. The scarcity of these stamps at Tell en-Nasbeh isinteresting, since the site seems to have prospered in the seventh and early sixth centuries ... given in table 1; Fifty belong without question to type 1; all were found in Judah, except one from Qadesh Barnea. ... Rabat Ammon 5 1 6 Tell Deir Alla 1? 1 2 Tell el-Mazar 2 2 Other Sites Kadesh Barnea 1 1 2 TOTAL 50 66 9(+1?) ... P. D. Miller, P. D. Hanson, and S. D. McBride. Phil-adelphia: Fortress. Holland, T. A. 1975 A Typological and ... ...
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22: Archaeology and the Religions of Canaan and Israel, Beth Alpert ...
... One is geographic: Canaan will be used to refer to the Bronze Age territory extending from central Lebanon to Israel's desert ... be known from studying Late Bronze Age sites in the Sinai and Negev Deserts and in Transjordan, the conquest of Canaan as it might ... for the study of ancient Canaanite and Israelite religions were established in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. ... In the same decade, a growing number of archaeologists used SURVEY OF PREVIOUS SCHOLARSHIP SURVEY OF PREVIOUS SCHOLARSHIP Site reports continued to include traditional descriptions of pottery, ... Renfrew developed a methodology for analyzing excavated materials from sacred sites and applied it to his excavation of the Late ... The three fortress temples (Temples D, B1 and N) suggest the accumulation of great wealth and indicate that relationships were not ... Kuntillet ªAjrud was a mid-ninth to mid-eighth century B.C.E. caravanserai located about 50 km south of Kadesh Barnea. The site's location ... ...
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23: Ein Haseva Fortress: One of Solomon's network of military border ...
The popular candidate location for the Ascent of Akrabbim, is located just north of the main route that travels from the Negev through ... the fact that if the site was built by Solomon, we would expect to find Negevite war. The absence, not the presence of this pottery is what would disqualify Solomon as the builder. The key here, is that the modern choice of Kadesh Barnea located at Qudeirat, is clearly wrong. For all of Solomon's border fortresses share so much in common, that none of them were in existence during the Exodus at 1446 BC. A. Date of the fortress at En Haseva: "Iron ... The Stratum 5 fortress, the largest and best-preserved of the three, has been ascribed to the ninth-eighth centuries BCE. The latest ... (586 BCE)." (The Iron Age Fortresses at En Haseva, Rudolph Cohen, 1995 AD) "Stratum 6 (The Early Fortress): Among the earliest ... It appears to be a fortress, similar in plan to those found at several Iron Age sites in the central Negev (Cohen 1995)." (The Iron Age ... ...
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24: Khirbat en-Nahas Fortress: Part of Solomon's network of military ...
that preexisted the fortress Solomon built at the site. David and Solomon captured and controlled the transjordan territory of Edom about 1000 BC. All this fits nicely with what Thomas Levy excavated at KEN. Edom lived Transjordan from 1446 BC down to the Babylonian captivity, when they moved into the vacant territory of Judah in about 586 BC. Also familiarize yourself with the location of Kadesh Barnea at Petra which is just north of the ... the eighth and seventh BC. State formation more likely began several centuries earlier, rooted in local processes of social evolution and interaction ... The pottery they recovered is typical of all the border fortresses that Solomon built and occupied in the Negev. We kept reading and reading and the only reason why they said KEN was and Edomite fortress, is because, it was in Edomite territory. But ... (Mazar 1990), including the known desert forts in the Araba/Arava region, such as Hatzeva (Cohen & Yisrael 1995) and Tell el-Kheleifeh (Glueck 1965) . ... ...
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25: Midianite Pottery: The designer import of the ancient world.
... well as shallow bowls used for cooking and domestic purposes, akin to that previously found in the Central Negev Mountains, and named 'Negev-type ware'. ... at the unwalled sites of Timna and also in the excavation of Site 2 where it appears from the very beginning and in all levels of the smelting camp. ... It is virtually on every Bible map produced for the last 75 years. They have found Midianite pottery at Qudeirat: The upper fortress, as mentioned ... cooking-pot sherds. (Excavations At Kadesh-Barnea: 1976-1978, Ein el-Qudeirat, Rudolph Cohen, 1981 AD) D. Midianite pottery found at Tell el-Kheleifeh (Elat) Midianite pottery was found at Elat (Tell el-Kheleifeh) "Like the fortresses and fortified settlements of the Negev, the pottery of Tell el-Kheleifeh ... Given the uncertainty of field provenance and the chronology of "Midianite" pottery, which can antedate the Tell el-Kheleifeh assemblage by some four centuries (Rothenberg and Glass 1981: 85-114; 1983: 100-1), these few sherds ... ...
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26: Mt. Sinai located in Arabia: Galatian 4:25
... around 550 BC and the Ishmaelites living in traditional ancient Arabia moved north and east from Midian to the ancient site of Kadesh Barnea at Petra. ... This decimated the Nabatean economy. In AD 50 the Nabatean cities of the Negev were destroyed, and the Nabatean kingdom collapsed. The ... During his reign the kingdom reached its highest point, both economically and in its architecture, sculpture, painting and pottery. Except ... warn by Arabian Ishmaelites, now sit atop every mosque as the central symbol of Islam, which betrays the true origin of Hubal moon ... Petra was also the location of ancient Kadesh Barnea. Coins of Aretas IV issued from AD 18-39: The author excavated this coin of Aretas at ... His descendants ruled over this diverse empire for the next two and a half centuries." (New Interpreter's Dictionary of the Bible, Seleucid ... gulf, there is another harbor and fortified place [military fortress], which is called White Village [Greek = Leuke Kome], from which ... ...
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27: Petra, Jordan: Biblical Kadesh Barnea, Sela, Joktheel, En-mishpat ...
... The Roman road that was recently excavated 15 feet below the current surface level which, proves that the Siq is a dead relic canyon ... Since they spent 38 years at Kadesh, the tombs were where the dead Israelites were kept. c. The Nabateans found the site continued in ... The Edomites moved into the Petra area after centuries after the Hebrews abandoned the city. Kadesh Barnea was renamed Sela "rock": "But it is almost certain that of the two, "sela," like ... Solomon's fortress at Elat -Tell el-kheleifeh was built on a hill 500 meters from the shore of the Red Sea less than 12 feet above ... The crevice at Petra is not unique to the Arabah valley area or the Negev, but it is the only one is called "Rock". Perhaps Petra was ... G. Pottery of Nabatean Petra: "Conclusions: 5.1 Pottery manufacture in Petra: 1. The samples in G XV, the sample group local to Petra ... A fortress from the time of the Judaean Kingdom, Rudolph Cohen, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem 1983 AD) (Reconstructing Petra, ... ...
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28: The Exodus Route: A scriptural proof, with the witness of history ...
... The Philistines had restricted Israel's possession of the promised land to the central hill country until 1003 BC. After 6 years of conquest ... Khamudi, the defeated Hyksos king then fled from Avaris to the biblical city of Sharuhen (Joshua 19:6) in the Simeon Negev where the ... cities of Pithom (Tell el-Retaba) and Ramesses (Tel el-Dab'a), both of which have been extensively excavated through archeological digs. ... However, God saw fit to once again give them world-class training at another major commerce center like Tel el-Dab'a at Kadesh Barnea. Kadesh, ... Etham may be derived from Egyptian word for wall/fortification. Hb. šûr = "wall" and Egyptian htm = "wall, fortress". "Etham is simply ... Chariots were built 100% of wood and floated hundreds of kilometers from the Red Sea crossing site. KEY#4 The Ignored second Red Sea camp The ... It was a great city in the 3rd and 4th centuries. The Christians of Petra were persecuted by Diocletian. (The Onomasticon, Eusebius, 325AD) ... ...
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29: Elijah and Elisha Chronology timeline 870-810 BC
Marble Tablets 838 BC i. Alabaster Statue 838 BC 7. Kuntillet Ajrud ostraca "Fortress in the Negev": 839 BC 8. Silver Scroll from Ketef Hinnom: 725-650 ... Elijah were seen as a central messianic figure and this may be where the first century Jews traced the meaning of the numbers back to. b. ... this."" (2 Chronicles 25:5-9) 15. 793 BC: After winning Battle of Kadesh Barnea: "Now after Amaziah came from slaughtering the Edomites, he ... This simple observation solves an apparent chronological contradiction that had stumped Bible students for centuries. Details: Chronology ... Tel Dan Excavations 1 Ki 15:18-20 Tel Dan Archeological Destruction layer excavated from the Battle of Naphtali. The city gate at Dan with ... Elisha strikes Aram army with blindness: 2 Ki 6:12-14. Jesus restores the site of blind man: Jn 9. TYPE: Sinful captives released in mercy ... Jehu in 841 BC. 1. Archaeologists recognize a new assemblage of pottery and objects came into use at this time which is attributed to the ... ...
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30: 'Edomite', `Negbite' And 'Midianite' Pottery From The Negev Desert ...
the Negev desert in Israel ('Amr 1987; Gunneweg et al. forthcoming) in contrast to that on major archaeological sites in central and northern Israel. ... All sites pertinent to this study are shown on Figure 1. Two sites have provided most of the `Edomite' pottery so far found in the Negev: the shrine complex of Horvat Qitmit (north-east Negev) and Qadesh Barnea (east Sinai). The sites differ greatly in architectural layout: the Horvat Qitmit shrine consists of a few buildings, whereas Qadesh Barnea is a large fortress. Analytical work ... the southern Negev as well as northern Sinai from early times until the present (Dothan 1965, 134; Woolley and Lawrence 1914. 69-71; Cohen 1983, 93-4). ... The quantity of painted `Edomite' pottery at the remaining sites of the Negev does not exceed 0.1% of the total amount of excavated pottery fragments, ... Israel's Negev (Beer Sheba) and Petra in Jordan (Gunneweg et al. forthcoming) so that a match of pottery with these wasters would be site-specific. ... ...
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31: Historical search for Kadesh Barnea from 1000 BC - Present
... When they learned that Ein el Qudeirat is the largest natural water supply in the entire Sinai, they immediately declared they had found Kadesh Barnea. As they excavated the site, they were unaware that they were actually digging up a fortress built by Solomon in 950 BC to protect Judah's southern border, they falsely ... In 1807, however, U. J. Seetzen entered the Negev in the course of his Levantine travels (1854: 1-68), opening this area to modern exploration. At first the search for Kadesh-barnea focused on the Arabah, the deep, desolate geological fissure extending from the south end of the Dead Sea to the Gulf of Aqaba. [ie the Arabah valley" (Excavations At Kadesh-Barnea: 1976-1978, Ein el-Qudeirat, Rudolph Cohen, 1981 AD) "The pioneering explorers of the ... They made many mistakes typical of the science of archeology of the time. For example, at Tell el-Kheleifeh (ancient Elat) "Glueck threw out most of the common wheel-made pottery he excavated; he did not realize this common ... ...
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32: The Fortress at Kadesh-Barnea, Moshe Dothan, Ein el-Qudeirat ...
... chronology of the site. To this end the outline of the upper faces of the walls was excavated; near the northeastern tower, excavations were carried down to virgin soil; the interior of the central tower on the western side was examined; several walls and floors were dis-covered within the casemate wall and the fortress; and a part of the glacis on the northern side was laid bare. THE FORTRESS (Fig. 1) Click to View The fortress of Kadesh-barnea is built in the form of a rectangle, about 60 X 41 m in size. ... Above this floor, vessels were found intact among the rubble, which was often 1.5 m thick (Pl. 28, B) . Among the debris were pottery and stone vessels, pieces ... Y. Aharoni during a survey at `Ein Qudeis, and especially at Ramat Matred in the central Negev4. At all these sites, pottery of this type dates from the 10th ... It is therefore not surprising that here the finds are mostly from the last period of the fortress. The pottery dates from the 8th-7th centuries B.C.E. but some ... ...
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33: The Ahoroni Fortress at Quseima: One of Solomon's network of ...
military border fortresses built in 950 BC by Solomon at Quseima, Qudeirat and Qedeis proves our point that they cannot be used a proof that this is where Kadesh Barnea was located. ... According to the general plan of the site and the finds, it may clearly be classified as one of the "Israelite fortresses in the Negev."" ("Aharoni Fortress" near Quseima, Zeev Meshel, 1994 AD) A. Date of the fortress at Quseima: "The sites have produced no Midianite ware or other types ... and Finkelstein, true to his multistage theory, dates the whole process to the end of the 11th and beginning of the 10th centuries (Finkelstein and Perevolotsky 1990: 78). ... Click to View D. Negev pottery found at Quseima: More on Negev Pottery. The main finds, as stated, were potsherds. Not one complete or even restorable vessel was found. As ... wheel-made pottery, characteristic of the Iron Age; and rough, handmade pottery, of the type known as "Negev ware" (Cohen 1986). The number of Negev ware sherds was small. ... ...
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34: Ein El Qedeis: "Piltdown Kadesh" Kadesh Barnea: 1881 - 1916 AD
Transjordan Kadesh Barnea in the negev where Israel spent 38 years from 1445-1407 BC (barnea = wilderness). One located north of Israel in Syria: (Kadesh on ... description of the site. Unfortunately, Trumbull's description of Ein-Qedeis was highly romanticized. In fact, Ein-Qedeis is a shallow pool of water surrounded by a desert wasteland. Ein-Qedeis could not have been a major ancient center like Kadesh-Barnea." (Did I Excavate Kadesh-Barnea? absence of Exodus remains poses problem, Rudolph Cohen) Click to View A. History ... Click to View Muweileh Click to View Qudeirat Click to View Qedeis C. The Fortress at Ein Qedeis: (One of Solomon's network of military border fortresses) ... a roughly oval groundplan and comprising several casemate rooms around a central courtyard (cf. fig. 2), belong the following sites: 'Ain Qudeis, 'Atar ... This passageway was found blocked by stones. (The Iron Age Fortresses in the Central Negev, Rudolph Cohen, 1979 AD) E. Negev pottery found at Ein Qedeis: ... ...
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35: The Edomites: From Esau to Edom to Idumea to Extinction 2006BC ...
... Moab, and especially Edom, should be considered mainly as 'tented kingdoms', likewise, in at any rate the 13th to perhaps the 9th centuries BC, as a ... the derelict territory and set up a new kingdom, known as Idumaea (now the Negev in Israel)." (Rolalyn Maqsood, Petra: A traveler's Guide, 1994 AD) In 1884 ... For example, as the westernmost limit of Edom is not indicated in the Bible except by its relation to Kadesh-barnea, that limit now passes from an unknown to a known quantity, by the fixing of a site which is described as just beyond it. So, also, the traditional Mount Hor must be recognized as an impossible Mount Hor; and the central and northern Arabah must no longer ... in 605 BC "In a series of Hebrew letters recovered from the excavation of the fortress at Arad by the late Yohanan Aharoni, the Edomites are also mentioned. ... come," to use the language found on the Hebrew ostracon (an inscribed pottery sherd)." (New Light on the Edomites, Itzhaq Beit-Arieh, BAR 14:02, 1988) ... ...
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36: 597 BC: Arad Ostraca #40: Zedekiah and the Edomite invasion into ...
During the time of the Exodus 1446 BC, Edom's territory ran beside Kadesh Barnea at Nabatean Petra from the gulf of Aqaba north to the Wadi Zered at the south end of the ... King Zedekiah recorded his threatening response in a follow-up letter on another pottery sherd to Eliashib, the kings executive agent at the Arad fortress on Arad ... from Arad, and deliver them to the command of Elisha, commander of the Ramah-Negev fortress that is under Edomite attack." (Steve Rudd, 2015 AD) "5 men from Arad and 5 ... What causes "intrusive" artifacts? Why are "intrusive" artifacts from one time period, professionally excavated from a locus or stratum of a different time period? ... However, no eighth century letter written on a potsherd has been discovered in any site in Palestine, including Arad, after more than a century of archaeo-logical ... southern Negev of Judah in 605 BC. They would eventually win, even playing a central role in the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple of Solomon in 587 BC. The ... ...
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37: The Madaba map (mosaic floor) 542 AD St. George's Orthodox church ...
... this place is to be looked for at 'Ain el Webeh." (Kadesh Barnea, Nathan Schmidt, 1910 AD) Tamara: For a full discussion of Tamara/Thamara, see: Tamar. ... The Madaba Map using Jerome's spelling has located properly Mampsis. Many Nabatean, Roman-Byzantine levels excavated at Kuroub. It shows a revival ... site with the biblical Tamar and the Tamara mentioned in Roman and Byzantine sources. (En Haseva, Rudolph Cohen, The Biblical Archaeologist, Vol. 58, No. 4, Pots & People. (Dec., 1995), pp. 223-235., 1995 AD) This identification of Tamar with En Haseva is quite uncertain. For full discussion see: Tamar Moa: Rudolph Cohen says that, Moa unknown to Eusebius, is located at Nahal 'Omer in the central ... Agricultural terraces were surveyed over a wide area in its neighborhood. The finds indicate that it was founded in the third-second centuries ... In recent years the site has been surveyed by numerous scholars. In 1980, in the framework of the Negev Emergency Survey, Mo'a was examined by a ... ...
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38: Kadesh-Barnea by Henry Clay Trumbull, 1884 AD
... from the darkness of those times as especially important, and where evidently the community of Israel had their central station during a very long period." ... and by which the location of other places had their bearing ; and for centuries afterward it was referred to as one of the chief boundary marks of the Land ... the explorations into the lands of the Bible on the other, gave no sure indications of a site so important as is Kadesh-barnea, in both its biblical and its geographical aspects and relations. ... at Carchemish, and so [onward], . . . passing Aleppo, Ilarnath, and Emesa (where, perhaps, already the sons of Kheth were entrenched in their lake fortress). ... the meaning of the Hebrew (Dp~0 seems to be pierced, that is perhaps, excavated/ an appro priate name for Petra, and for the city mentioned by Abu l Feda." ... human habitations ; for, above us, we found twelve great walled ancient cisterns, round about which were lying many broken pieces of pottery, and ashes . . . ... ...
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39: 597 BC: Arad Ostraca #24: Letter from Zedekiah to send troops ...
During the time of the Exodus 1446 BC, Edom's territory ran beside Kadesh Barnea at Nabatean Petra from the gulf of Aqaba north to the Wadi Zered at the ... Arad and the nearby Kinah fortress, to the fortress at Ramah-Negev to secure its safety and defense. Malchijah relays the Zedekiah's orders to his son Gemariah who commands the fortress at nearby Kinah. Arad Ostracon #40 (Arad Ostracon #40 Letter to Zedekiah: "No troops sent" 597 BC) is a letter written on a broken pottery sherd from Gemariah to his father Malchijah at Arad that records ... The excavation reports for Arad Ostracon #24 are: Arad was excavated 1962-1967 AD. "Ostracon 40 from Arad was published by Y. Aharoni (1970: 28-32), ... borrowing of the alphabet by the Greeks, circa the tenth and ninth centuries B.C.E. Footnote 16. M. Heltzer, Some Northwest Semitic Epigraphic ... Negev of Judah in 605 BC. They would eventually win, even playing a central role in the destruction of Jerusalem and the temple of Solomon in 587 ... ...
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40: Nimrod and the Archaeology of the Tower of Babel by Steven Rudd ...
BIBLE MARKER 1: "Division" of languages at Babel is central theme of Gen 10-11. 22 BIBLE MARKER 2: Nimrod is the central figure of Gen 10-11. 22 BIBLE MARKER 3: More important relatives ... Founded c. 3250 BC and invaded by Nimrod in 3000 BC. Located near source of Euphrates River. 11. El-Beidha: En Mishpat (Gen 14:7), Kadesh Barnea, later Petra. Founded after Tower of Babel in 2850 ... Archaeological terms: 1. Assemblage: A collection of pottery and objects excavated at a single site or within one or more stratum which sometimes become diagnostic at other sites for dating. Assemblages found at Ubaid, Uruk 2. ... None of Nimrod's children are listed because we know he founded the first Assyrian empire before and after the Tower of Babel. d. If Nimrod lived centuries after the Tower of Babel, then the ... Babylonian (Iron III) Babylonian captivity first attack on Jerusalem: 605 Edomites enter Judean Negev: 605 Fall of Jerusalem in 587 Persian: 539 BC 539-333 Persian Darius & Cyrus capture ... ...
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41: The Wilderness of Zin, C. Leonard Woolley and T. E. Lawrence ...
... to the rethem trees. (It is perhaps worth noting that Trumbull (Kadesh-Barnea p. 280) suggests that Moses may have mistaken this Christian ... The latest are the Arab graves of the Guderat tribe on the top of the little tell, and the excavated Arab corn-pits at the foot of the Ras Seram ... One can well imagine that in years of drought Ain el Guderat fed all the saints of Central Sinai. The Byzantine village on the north side of the ... to the old village site, and pile up its stones in a fresh arrangement every time along the back and side curtains of their tents. None the less, the foundations are certainly Byzantine, for the ground all about is red with the hard ribbed pottery of Gaza make, ... with classical ornament moulded in relief on the outside, which occur plentifully in North Syria in deposits of the 2nd and 1st centuries B.c. ... In our view the plan of the building is superior to its execution. Fig. 8: Fortress at Ain el Guderat We dug into one of the rooms on the top of ... ...
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42: Transjordan Early Edom And Moab 1900 BC
... In other Egyptian documents, the Shasu are attested securely all the way from north Sinai and the Negev up into Syria as far as Qadesh ... Orientalia n.s. 26:339-345. 1987 Les Lettres d'El Amarna. Paris. Murnane, W.J. 1985 The Road to Kadesh SAOC 42: Chicago. Newberry, P.E. ... el-Biyara does not provide the answers, since it is essentially a one-period site and no stratified sequence of pottery was recovered. ... Tawilan: Glueck's original survey of Tawilan had concluded that it was a very important Edomite site, dating from the 13th to 6th centuries BC (Glueck 1934:13-14; ... It was excavated from 1971-1974 and in 1980. One of the main aims of the excavation was to provide a good chronological sequence for the ... The area excavated probably embraced only the central part of the ancient city, the rest being hidden under the present-day village to ... Lindner and Farajat 1987)? Umm el-Ala: an Edomite fortress south of Petra It was by pure chance that after Baja III another Iron II ... ...
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43: Joshua's Altar on Mt. Ebal and the Lead Curse Tablet
... who say that scribes wrote different portions of Pentateuch centuries apart and that the Pentateuch as we have it today, did not ... Around the early, circular structure were signs of further cultic activity: an earthen floor paved with pottery, a large collar-rimmed ... From a small place, sacred to one family or perhaps to the region, it suddenly became a central cultic site of supra-tribal or perhaps ... the continuity of the tradition of sanctity attached to the site." (Adam Zertal, 2004) Click to View "When we excavated under the fill, we found some curious stone-built installations. ... installation was the foundation of a farmhouse or fortress and not an altar (Kempinski 1986; Dever 1992b: 32-34; Fritz 1993: 185). ... from the Israel Government Ministry of Science, the University of Haifa, the Shomron Regional Council, Frank Green and David Cohen. ... This type accompanies the Israelite settlement and other cultures in Canaan from the upper Galilee to Tel Masos in the Negev. Parallels ... ...
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44: bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-petra-rami-g-khouri-petra ...
... This rock has always been equated with Umm al-Biyara, the mountain that dominates the central Petra basin from the west. Excavations have shown the presence of an ... determine the fate of the area for many centuries: the Roman General Pompey captured Damascus in 64 BC, and reorganised the area into the new Roman Province of Syria. ... An inscription from Oboda in the Negev refers to Rabel II as 'King of the Nabataeans, who brought life and deliverance to his people'. THE ROMAN ERA Rabbel II's death ... A smaller detachment of troops may also have been stationed at the Roman legionary fortress at Udruh, 15 kilometres east of Petra. Despite the increased use of the ... After the abdication of Diocletian, the Emperor Constantine assumed power in 312, and soon established the new capital of the Eastern Roman Empire at the site of the ... Margaret Murray and J.C. Ellis of the British School of Archaeology in Egypt excavated some caves above the Wadi Abu'Ollega in 1937, and in 1954 the Department of ... ...
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45: Zedekiah, Matteniah King of Judah 597-587 BC The Chronological ...
Since the Bible refers to hundreds of cities, kings, and places, we would expect to find evidence from on-site excavations. And this is exactly ... Revelation written in AD 66: Flee Jerusalem or be destroyed in AD 70 . The central synchronism in the book of Revelation is with the destruction ... The author has excavated Ephraim (John 11, Khirbet Maqatir) and documented the 8 women and children killed by the Romans in a cavernous hiding ... ran beside Kadesh Barnea at Nabatean Petra from the gulf of Aqaba north to the Wadi Zered at the south end of the Salt Sea. After continuously occupying their historic Transjordan lands for 1321 years, they began to move west into the Judean Negev, for the first time, ... Zedekiah issues orders to Malchijah, the troop commander at the Arad fortress, to send troops from Arad and the nearby Kinah fortress, to the ... Arad Ostracon #40 (Arad Ostracon #40 Letter to Zedekiah: "We won't send troops" 597 BC) is a letter written on a broken pottery sherd from ... ...
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46: bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-petra-rolalyn-maqsood-petra ...
cattle and sheep; they did not know the arts of making pottery or weaving; their tools and weapons were of unworked flint which they later learned to work and polish. ... of the Nabataean state, it gradually extended its territory west into the Negev, east to the Euphrates and south along the Red Sea, a domain that stretched from ... Outsiders were refused entry to the Petra basin and it became the storing 'place for plunder. As the trade route by-passed the actual city site this was quite easy to ... There is no information on the history of Petra in the first centuries of the Arab period. In later Arab sources the town appears under the name of Al-Asuit. When ... A fortress on the summit of Al-Habis was a solitary look-out. Both were abandoned at the end of the twelfth century. When the Crusaders were finally defeated Petra ... Many ancient peoples practised a cult of the dead. This can most readily be seen whenever graves are excavated, and evidence is found of deposits of food and other ... ...
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47: Seder Olam Rabbah modern Jewish calendar English pdf free online
... Many Dead Sea scroll fragments/scrolls/copies of Jubilees have been excavated showing it was widely read and known throughout the first ... Chronology is critical in correctly "reading" pottery, destruction layers and site occupational history. If you get the date wrong the entire ... R. Yosé was an ancient and central Tannaite authority long before 200 AD. c. In rabbinical literature there are many men called Rabbi Yose ... The use of the Greek proschema (ornament), a term applied in classical literature to other impregnable fortress cities, suggests that Antipas ... After-Rabbi's death, the importance of Sepphoris as a rabbinic site did not recede. Not only did the patriarchal house and court remain in ... the Second Jewish Revolt in a.d. 135, but in the second and third centuries the city became an important center of Jewish rabbinical study. ... On the 14th they slaughtered the Passover sacrifice; that was a Sabbath. Chapter 8: Kadesh Barnea 38. (Num. 1:1): "The Eternal spoke to Moses in the ... ...
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48: Nuweiba Beach Red Sea crossing: Rejected, debunked, refuted
Khashm et-Tarif (Bryant Wood, William Schlegel alternate) REJECTED: Mt. Sin Bishar (Gordon Franz) Debunked Kadesh Barnea candidates: REJECTED: Ein el-Qudeirat (Woolley and Lawrence since 1916 AD) REJECTED: Central Judean Negev (Glen Fritz) II. 41 Keys that decode the Exodus Route: A. List of 41 Keys that decode the Exodus Route 1. ... The route from Goshen to the Red Sea did not head north or west towards the coastal route to Philistia, but south to the Red Sea: Ex 13:17-18. b. Any Red Sea crossing site that heads north from Goshen directly ... Tharu was a Late Bronze age Egyptian fortress located on the border of Egypt as a last stop before entering Canaan at Raphia and Gaza. (The Battle of Megiddo by Pharaoh Menkheperre, Thutmoses III, 1462 BC). iii. The ... The fortress commander replied on Arad Ostracon #40 (Arad Ostracon #40 Letter to Zedekiah: "We won't send troops" 597 BC) It is a letter written on a broken pottery sherd from Gemariah to his father Malchijah at Arad ... ...
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49: Basta, Jordan: Biblical Kadesh Barnea. slaughterhouse, crop storage ...
Possibly biblical Kadesh Barnea 1. See also Kadesh Barnea. 2. See also Petra. 3. See also Beida: Tool factory city of Moses at Kadesh Barnea. Introduction: The author is proposing that Basta was built, occupied and abandoned by the Hebrews in the Late Bronze age 1444-1406 BC. Although Basta has been dated to the PPN (Pre-pottery ... Basta is a mass storage city and slaughterhouse where a huge assemblage of kosher bones were excavated. The percentages of pig (sus) bones found at Basta match ... Third, both Basta and Beidha feature rectangular-shaped buildings with red painted plaster floors Fourth, both Beidha and Basta feature a large central room ... Steven Rudd, 2006, October 2019 A. Dating the time of occupation: 1. Associating any PPN site with the Hebrews at Kadesh Barnea in the Late Bronze Age (1444-1440 ... These were followed by a settlement gap that lasted several centuries. Later, two successive pottery phases developed: the Pottery Neolithic A (PNA) and the Pottery ... ...
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50: bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-kuntillet-ajrud-anchor
A. Location B. Initial Exploration of the Site C. Recent Excavations 1. Structural and Pottery Remains a. The Western Structure b. The Eastern Structure 2. Textile Remains 3. Epigraphic Remains 4. Artistic Remains D. Conclusion A. Location Kuntillet cAtrild is located approximately 50 km south of Kadesh-barnea and about 15 km W of Darb el-Ghazza, a road which since antiquity has run N-S, connecting Quseima and ... entry from a small eastern vestibule. The plan initially seems to resemble a small fortress, similar in appearance to the Israelite citadel-with-towers found at Kadesh-barnea, Arad, and `Uza. ... Analysis of similar pottery forms suggest that four different areas could have been a source for most of the pottery types: the S coast, central Judah, the N kingdom of Israel (i.e., ... Most of the artistic parallels are dated to the 9th-7th centuries, generally corroborating the conclusion that the site was occupied around the year 800 B.C.E. D. Conclusion The unusual finds ... ...
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