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351: The Exodus Route: Red Sea Camp at the Straits of Tiran
... The sound of Your thunder was in the whirlwind; The lightnings lit up the world; The earth trembled and shook. Your way was in the sea And Your paths in the mighty waters, And Your footprints may not be known. You led Your people like a flock By the hand of Moses and Aaron." (Psalm 77:16-20) b. "He divided the sea and ... He turned the sea into dry land; They passed through the river on foot; There let us rejoice in Him!" (Psalm 66:5-6) k. "When Israel went forth from Egypt, The house of Jacob from a people of strange language, Judah became His sanctuary, Israel, His dominion. The sea looked and fled; The Jordan turned back. The mountains skipped like rams, The hills, ... Even the axle pins were wooden as witnessed in the chariot of King Tut. 3. Tamarisk is a dense wood that takes months to become waterlogged and sing to the bottom. This means that chariot wheels would immediately float to the surface and drift hundreds of kilometers before washing to shore or sinking to the bottom far away ... ...
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352: Trinity proof texts: John 5:18
... This is a significant observation that cannot be overlooked and drives us to the unavoidable conclusion that Jesus knew he was breaking the sabbath, yet without sin. After all it was the Father who was the co-worker in the miracle. Look at the ... However, all the examples of Jesus breaking the sabbath were found in the law of Moses: Jer 17:21-22 ; Neh 13:15-22. In these cases of Sabbath breaking, Jesus broke both the Law of Moses and the "Mishnah, Shabboth". In fact, most of the 39 articles ... Neh 13:15-22 "In those days I saw in Judah some who were treading wine presses on the sabbath, and bringing in sacks of grain and loading them on donkeys, as well as wine, grapes, figs, and all kinds of loads, and they brought them into Jerusalem on ... viewed in the same light.-Ge 12:10-19; chap 20 [Abraham lying to Pharoah and Abimelech]; 26:1-10 [Issac lying to Abimelech]; Jos 2:1-6; Jas 2:25 [Rahab lying to king of Jericho]". (Insight on the Scriptures, it-2 245, Note: bracketed text [ ] added. ... ...
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353: Samaritan Chronicle: The Book of Joshua: 1362 AD. Creation 4263 ...
The 215 variance for the length of time Israel spent in Egypt is a theological interpretation difference not a textual. e. While the correct calculation of the age of the earth for the Samaritan Pentateuch is 4475, when you reduce the number by 215 ... The Samaritan book of Joshua (SJ) is a wonderful, if uneven and eclectic, collection of stories in the form of a chronicle that reaches back to the time of Moses and continues through to the Roman occupation of Palestine and the career of Baba Rabba. Its fifty chapters present the story of the Samaritans, beginning with God's blessing upon the Israelite nation at the time of the conquest of Canaan, continuing through the early kings (biblical judges) and the period of divine favor, moving to the ... II. Text of the Samaritan Chronicle, book of Joshua, Chapter 46 "The whole number of the years from Adam up to the time of King Alexander was 3930 years. [MT = 3841 years: 4174 BC - 333 BC] And when Alexander undertook the war against Darius the ... ...
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354: Trinity proof texts: Philippians 2:5-8
... Introduction to Philippians 2:6-8: 1. TRUTH: When God the son, creator, emptied himself of equality with God the Father, and became a man through the incarnation, and submissive to the Father forever, THAT is an example of humility that is both ... Any creature, angel or man who contemplates equality with God contemplates treason. A servant is not praised when he tells the king he has no interest in usurping his position. When Jesus rejects being equal with God, it is not humility, it is reality and self-acceptance. Jesus was in the "form of God" at the transfiguration, but didn't consider "grasping at" equality with God, but was content to continue to live as a creature-man, then Moses, & Elijah are equal to Jesus as our example of ... As a servant Jesus did every thing in this role. As a servant, Jesus would not, he did not use his innate power to give himself glory, which he surrendered. He lived in the flesh. He experienced in every way what the human spirit experiences in the ... ...
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355: Messianic Re-enactment Rituals of Communion, Lord's Supper
Manna: Jn 6:31-35 "Our fathers ate the manna in the wilderness; as it is written, 'He gave them bread out of heaven to eat.' " Jesus then said to them, "Truly, truly, I say to you, it is not Moses who has given you the bread out of heaven, but it is My Father who gives you the true bread out of heaven. "For the bread of God is that which comes down out of heaven, and ... Is not the bread which we break a sharing in the body of Christ? Since there is one bread, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread. Look at the nation Israel; are not those who eat the sacrifices sharers in the altar? What do I mean then? That a thing sacrificed to idols is anything, ... Ancient Jewish Literary sources: i. Elephantine Papyri "Berlin 13464", COS 3.46, 419 BC specifically referenced fermented drinks as prohibited: "Year 5 of Darius II the king. [on Nisan 14th at twilight the Passover, from day 15-21 ... observe seven days unleavened bread. ... Be pure: Do not drink [anything ... ...
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356: What Early Christians believed about the 70 Weeks of Daniel 9
the birth of Moses, one thousand one hundred and fifty-five years, six months, and ten days; and from the reign of David, according to some, four hundred and fifty-two; more correctly, five hundred and seventy-two years, six months, and ten days. ... That the temple accordingly was built in seven weeks, is evident; for it is written in Esdras. And thus Christ became King of the Jews, reigning in Jerusalem in the fulfilment of the seven weeks. And in the sixty and two weeks the whole of Judaea was quiet, and without wars. And Christ our Lord, "the Holy of Holies," having come and fulfilled the vision and the prophecy, was anointed in His flesh by the Holy Spirit of His Father. In those "sixty and two weeks," as the prophet said, and "in the ... For, since the first covenant was given to the children of Israel after a period of 434 years, it follows that the second covenant also should be defined by the same space of time, in order that it might be expected by the people and easily ... ...
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357: Ancient Synagogues of 1, 2, 3, 4, Maccabees: 125 BC
... In chapter 2 of 1st Maccabees, an elderly priest named Mattathias is the father of five sons: John, Simon, Judas, Eleazar, and Jonathan. b. Mattathias moves from Jerusalem to the village of Modein: 1 Macc 2:1-14. c. Thus at the very beginning of the Hasmonean dynasty, Modein was the hometown of the ... And many from Israel came to them, and Mattathias and his sons were assembled together. And those from the king responded and said to Mattathias, saying, "You are a leader and honored and great in this city and supported with sons and brothers." (1 Maccabees 2:15-17, 125 BC) d. "And he blessed them and joined with his ancestors. And he died in the one hundred and forty-sixth year, and his ... G. Literacy of Jews: 1. From as far back as Joseph in Egypt (1950 BC) and then through Moses, all the Jews were literate being able to read and write. Fathers were to teach their children how to read and write: 2. In Egypt: "He [father to his children] used to teach you, still being with us, the law ... ...
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358: Great Edict of Horemheb Harmhab, Horemheld THARU 1348-1320 BC
The Great Edict of Horemheb (Harmhab, Horemheld) 1348-1320 BC Time of Conquest: Joshua died in 1356 BC Note: Ancient "Tharu" [Ṯʾ-rw]: is modern Wadi el-Arish, the southern border of Israel: Gen 15:18 The River of Egypt (Wadi el-Arish) was the Biblical border between Judah and Egypt Introduction by James Breasted: "A large stela discovered by Maspero in February or March, 1882. It is, ... Behold, his majesty spent the whole time seeking the welfare of Egypt and searching out instances [of oppression in the land]. .... [came the scribe] of his majesty. Then he seized palette and roll; he put it into writing according to all that his majesty, the king himself said. He spoke as follows: "[My ... Narratives of the King's Reforms, Containing also an Enactment against Corrupt Judges Appointment of Two Judges I have improved this entire land ...... I have sailed it, as far as south of the wall, I have given ..., I have learned its whole interior, I have traveled it entirely in its midst, I have ... ...
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359: Rapture Refuted! Israel's 1948 nationhood does not fulfill Bible ...
he made to Abraham in fleshly Israel and the church (spiritual Israel). 3. All Premillennialists reject the plain Bible teaching that Israel possessed all the land God promises to Israel through Abraham. 4. Any church or preacher that claims that 1948 AD fulfilled Bible prophecy when modern Israel gained statehood, is a false teacher and ignorant of the bible. These false teachers are called "premillennialists, dispensationalists" and believe in the Rapture. A. Plain Bible passages say that Israel got all the land promised Abraham: 1. "So the Lord gave Israel all the land which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they possessed it and lived in it. ... This is entirely false! 2. Here are some typical statements by famous premillennialists: a. "God unconditionally promised Abraham's descendants a literal world-wide kingdom over which they would rule through their Messiah who would reign upon King David's throne...Even the animals and reptiles will lose their ferocity and no longer ... ...
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360: The transition from Temple to Synagogue to church: God's eternal ...
... In the meanwhile, until further facts are clarified, it is better to date Coins 29-30 to the transitional period of Macedonian rule in the country." (Meshorer, p 19) b. The coin features a young male head on one side (Obverse) and a spread winded eagle on the other (Reverse) c. Most important, it is the first coins with the name JEW or JUDAH on it (YHD) D. 282 BC: Ptolemy II commissions the Septuagint Greek translation of ... As for those who will follow this rule-peace be upon them, and mercy, and upon the Israel of God." (Galatians 6:15-16) d. "For it is we who are the circumcision, who worship in the Spirit of God and boast in Christ Jesus and have no confidence in the flesh-" (Philippians 3:3) e. "Christ is King of Israel, and Christians are the Israelite Race. (Justin Martyr, Dialogues, Chapter CXXXV, 130 AD) 4. The eternal purpose of God to replace Moses and Judaism with Jesus Christ and Christianity: a. The Temple: 967 BC - 33 AD. (Extinct in 33 AD at the death of Christ) b. The ... ...
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361: First Century Synagogue Top Plans: Modein (Hurvat Umm el-Umdan ...
... Mattathias is the father of five sons: John, Simon, Judas, Eleazar, and Jonathan. c. Mattathias moves from Jerusalem to the village of Modein: 1 Macc 2:1-14. d. Thus at the very beginning of the Hasmonean dynasty, Modein was the hometown of the entire Maccabean clan. e. Details on 1-4 Maccabees 2. References in 1st Maccabees that Modein was the home town of the Hasmoneans: a. "In those days rose up Mattathias [also spelled Mattithiah] son of John, the son of Simeon, a priest of the sons of Joiarib, from Jerusalem, and he settled in Modein." (1 Maccabees 2:1, 125 BC) b. "And he said, "Woe is me! Why was I born to see this affliction of my people and the affliction of the city of the holy and to stay here during its being given into the hand of enemies, and the sanctuary into the hand of foreigners?" (1 Maccabees 2:7, 125 BC) c. "And from the king came those who were enforcing the defection in the city of Modein, that they might sacrifice. And many from Israel came to them, and ... ...
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362: Messianic Sermon Topics In Synagogues: How Christians used the ...
... not David who ascended into heaven, but he himself says: 'THE LORD SAID TO MY LORD, "SIT AT MY RIGHT HAND, UNTIL I MAKE YOUR ENEMIES A FOOTSTOOL FOR YOUR FEET." ' "Therefore let all the house of Israel know for certain that God has made Him both Lord and Christ-this Jesus whom you crucified."" (Acts 2:14-36) b. ... And fixing their gaze on him, all who were sitting in the Council saw his face like the face of an angel. The high priest said, "Are these things so?" And he said, "Hear me, brethren and fathers! The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran, and said to him, 'Leave your country and your relatives, and come into ... a. "whom heaven must receive until the period of restoration of all things about which God spoke by the mouth of His holy prophets from ancient time. "Moses said, 'The Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brethren; to Him you shall give heed to everything He says to you. 'And it will be ... ...
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363: Official creed of Associated Gospel Churches (AGC)
It has been preserved by God to be the authoritative standard for every age and every life. II. The Trinity of the Godhead We believe that the Godhead eternally exists in three persons, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit; and that these three ... He lived a sinless life, in which He taught and did mighty works and signs exactly as revealed in the four gospels. We believe that He was crucified, dying as a penalty for our sins and was bodily raised from the dead on the third day as the scriptures declare. Later, He ascended to heaven where He is Head of the Church and intercedes for believers. From there He will come again personally and bodily and visibly to this earth to set up an earthly kingdom, afterward to reign forever as King in ... We further believe that every saved person is justified from all things from which he could not be justified by the law of Moses. Acts 13:39 Rom.5:1; Eph.2:8+9; Titus 2:11-14 We believe that salvation with its forgiveness of sins, includes the ... ...
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364: bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-kuntillet-ajrud-anchor
... Thus it is possible that qop-rd indicates qorbän ("offering"), that yod indicates mace-s& ("tithe"), and that 'alef indicates "first harvest," either in a temporal or superlative sense. In any case, the letters were incised prior to firing. Neutron activation examination of the clay of the pithoi proved that they were made in the vicinity of Jerusalem. This perhaps reinforces the suggestion that priests lived at the site and received supplies in the forms of these ... The date of the site, determined by typological and paleographic analysis, and by the need to identify an historical period in which N Israelite influence over Judah was especially strong, points to the period after the death of Jehoshaphat of Judah (ca. 850 B.C.E.). The reigns of Jehoram, Ahaziah, and Athaliah (between 850 and 837 B.C.E.) seem distinct possibilities. However, the period of Joash king of Israel (ca. 801-786 B.C.E.), who captured Amaziah king of Judah, broke down the wall of Jerusalem, and seized the ... ...
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365: The Epic of Gilgamesh 1150 BC: 500 Flood stories prove Noah's ...
He never finds the secret. 3. The discovery of the Temple library of Nabu and the royal library of Assyrian king Ashurbaminal (669-633 BC) in Nineveh is one of the greatest archeological finds in history since they contained tens of thousands of clay ... Nobody today questions the twin towers fell, but almost immediately, different interpretations about why and how they fell began to emerge. Muslims immediately started teaching in their Mosques that Jews were driving the planes as a plot by Israel, ... A universally believed fact like Noah's Ark would clearly ignite a lot of stories given that Noah and Shem both lived after Abraham was born. Having said this, it is possible that the Epic of Gilgamesh might have incorporated specific idea from the ... B. List of Characters: 1. Adad, Shullat and Hanish: storm god who brought the rain that flooded the earth. 2. Anrum: lower ranking god and mother of Ishtar 3. An/Anu: Supreme god who proclaimed the flood. God of the sky and father of Enlil, Enki and ... ...
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366: The Deity of Jesus Christ
Mormons believe that Jesus was created by God and is a "brother" to Satan. Like H.W. Armstrong, they teach divine progression. Jesus was once just a man who lived on another planet. He eventually progressed to be equal to God and came to colonize ... 9:6 "A Child Will Be Born And His Name Is Called": "Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace" B. Passages that speak of Christ's deity but because of the wording in the Greek, it can be argued that the Father is being addressed as God, not Jesus. ... Now to the King eternal, immortal, invisible, the only God, be honor and glory forever and ever. Amen." 1 Timothy 6:14-16 "that you keep the commandment without stain or reproach until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ, which He will bring about ... B. Basic outline of John: More than a just a prophet: Jn 6 V 29 A prophet Believe in Him whom God has sent V 30-34 A prophet equal to Moses: What sign? Manna from heaven V 41,42 greater than Moses: "I have come down out of heaven' Jn 5:17,18 I and ... ...
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367: Official Creed of the United Church of God, an international ...
... All unhappiness, misery, anguish and woe have come from transgressing God's law. We believe God so loved this world of helpless sinners that He gave His only begotten Son, who, though in all points tempted as we are, lived without sin in the human flesh. That Son, Jesus Christ, ... That righteousness is demonstrated by God's faithfulness in fulfilling all of the promises He made to the father of the faithful, Abraham. As promised, God multiplied Abraham's lineal descendants so that Abraham literally became the "father" of many nations. We believe that God, as promised, materially prospered Abraham's lineal descendants Isaac and Jacob (whose name He later changed to Israel). We believe that God, through Abraham's ... We also believe that those who reject God's offer of salvation will reap eternal death. We believe in the personal, visible, premillennial return of the Lord Jesus Christ to rule the nations on earth as King of kings and to continue His priestly office as Lord of lords. At that ... ...
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368: Rylands, John: Bulletin of The John Rylands Library
... to speak of outstanding Old Testament characters as divine (" theioi "); a righteous man could be a " son of God " -and a passage can be cited in which Philo alludes to Moses as 46 theos " (god). (Cf. F. Hahn, Christologische Hoheitstitel (1963) pp. 294 f.) But, to be sure, already in the Old Testament, Israel's king as God's anointed finds mention as son of God ", and one or two passages occur in which the noun god " is actually used of men. Psalm xlv. 6 f. provides a significant example, because here the greater and lesser senses of the substantive " God " appear side by side, namely, " God " in the usual sense of the supreme God Of Israel and " god " denoting the person of Israel's king. ... We learn that he confesses or denies men before God (Matt. x. 23 f. ; Luke xii. 8) he intercedes with God on our behalf and as heavenly paraclete pleads our cause with the Father (Rom. viii. 34 ; Heb. vii. 25 ix. 24 ; I John ii. 1) ; he is the mediator between men and God 0 Tim. ii. 5) ; and ... ...
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369: Trinity proof texts: Micah 5:2-3
... Even if we granted that the word [4163 mowtsa'ah] meant "origin" in the sense of "beginning point", we could easily say of Jehovah, "Jehovah's origin (beginning point) is from long ago, from the days of eternity." We would not think it meant the Father was a creature! We would clearly understand that God's ... The first use of "going forth" refers to the incarnation, yet Jesus existed before this! The second use of "goings forth" is plural and means, "activity" not origin. "But as for you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Too little to be among the clans of Judah, From you One will go forth [3318 yatsa'] for Me to be ruler in Israel. His goings forth [4163 mowtsa'ah] are from long ago, From the ... When Joab came out [3318 yatsa'] from David, he sent messengers after Abner, and they brought him back from the well of Sirah; but David did not know it. 2 Samuel 5:2 "Previously, when Saul was king over us, you were the one who led Israel out [3318 yatsa'] and in. And the Lord said to you, 'You will shepherd ... ...
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370: Official creed of Anglican/Episcopal Church
And in unity of this Godhead there are three persons, of one substance, power and eterntity; the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. II. Of the Word or Son of God, which was made very Man. The Son, which is the Word of the Father, begotten from ... Of the Names and Number of the Canonical Books Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth The First Book of Samuel The Second Book of Samuel The First Book of Kings The Second Book of Kings The First Book of Chronicles The Second ... Wherefor ther are not to be heard, which feign that the old Fathers did look only for transitory promises. Although the Law given from God by Moses, as touching Ceremonies and Rites, do not bind Christian men, nor the Civil precepts thereof ought of ... And therefore whosoever are consecrated or ordered according to the Rites of that Book, since the second year of the forenamed King Edward unto this time, or hereafter shall be consecrated or ordered according to the same Rites; we decree all to be ... ...
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371: Maps: Agatharchides 169 BC: Petra and the Wilderness of Shur
Dictionary of Ancient Place names: 1. Arabia Nabataea = Arabia Petra located inside Arabia Felix 2. Elanite/Ælanitic/Aelanites/Laeanite gulf = Gulf of Aqaba 3. Erythræan Sea = Red Sea 4. Eudaimon Arabia = Arabia Felix 5. Happy Arabia = Arabia Felix 6. Heroopolite gulf = Gulf of Suez 7. Idumeans = Idoumaia = Edomite Jewish proselytes living in the Judean Negev. 8. Nabatea = Nabatæa = Nabatean Kingdom = one of many Arab tribes in Arabia Felix 9. Petra = capital city of the Nabatean Kingdom in the district of Arabia Felix. Introduction: 1. Agatharchides, was a Greek historian and geographer who lived in Cnidus ... He says that the Nabataean Arabs inhabit the east coast of the gulf of Aqaba and that they control Petra. 10. Al Bad: Midian, Nabateans and Troglodytes: Josephus Antiquities 2.259 a. Josephus says that when Moses met his wife in Midian it was in the land of the Troglodytes: "These virgins, who took care of their (Jethro) father's flocks, which sort of work it was customary ... ...
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372: Exodus Route Maps: Old, Ancient, Antique, Vintage and Modern ...
... This was the beginning of the "dark ages" in the search for Kadesh. Kades should have been automatically rejected since it is 27 Km inside the promised land of Judah. 13. From 1881 -1916 AD Ein-Qedeis was the location of Kadesh Barnea in the eyes of the world, although there were some who rejected this in ... C. Gallery: Historic Exodus Route maps 700 BC: Hesiod (Greek Poet) This is a modern interpretation map based directly upon the geographic understanding of the middle east by a Greek Poet named Hesiod who lived in 700 BC. Notice he has no understanding of the Red sea, Persian Gulf or Israel for that matter. More: Hesiod: 700 BC Click to View 520 BC: Hecataeus (Greek Philosopher) This ... Here is a map with all the various locations for Kadesh Barnea including ein Hasb, ein Weibeh, ein Qedeis and ein Qudeirat. Click to View Today! The ancient Exodus Route has been restored to what Moses understood and scripture reveals. We invite you to consider the crossing of the Red Sea at the Straits ... ...
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373: Bulla of Gedaliah son of Pashhur: Bible Clay Bulla and seals ...
Bulla of Gedaliah son of Pashhur Bible Bullae from Israel and Judah Bulla of Gedaliah son of Pashhur "Archaeologists are digging up bible stories!!!" Encyclopedia of Bullae and Seals: The Exhibit: On-line Museum of Bulla and seals Security: How ... 38:1) These clay seals are both featured in the Israeli Museum in Israel. "The object that was perhaps our most startling find dates to the last period of use of the Large-Stone Structure-from the period just before the Babylonian destruction. ... But just to make sure I pulled from the shelf a Biblical encyclopedia. There he was, as large as life-in the book of the prophet Jeremiah: King Zedekiah sent Yehuchal (Jehucal in English Bibles) son of Shelemiah to the prophet Jeremiah to pray for ... It read: "Belonging to Yehuchal ben (the son of) Shelemiyahu ben Shovi." Thus we now know the name of Yehuchal's grandfather, as well as his father. Why did Yehuchal mention his grandfather on his seal? This was hardly the standard practice. Perhaps ... ...
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374: Methuselah's begetting Age of Lamech was 187 not 167 years
A basic text-critical reconstruction affirms this claim. Our earliest witness to LXX Genesis 5:25 is the chronology of Demetrius (who lived in Egypt less than 70 years after the original Greek translation), which confirms 187 as the LXX's original ... While examining the date of Methuselah's death in the LXX, we have necessarily introduced several issues closely connected to ascertaining the original figures given to Moses in Genesis 5 and 11. Since everyone agrees that the chronology in Genesis 5 ... However, evidence abounds that the rabbis in Israel (living in an age filled with chrono-messianic speculation) deflated the proto-MT's primeval chronology in the second century AD to discredit Jesus' messianic claims. In the aftermath of the ... Discussion: 1. Variant Bible verses: Gen 5:25 a. "Methuselah lived 187 years, and became the father of Lamech." (Genesis 5:25, MT) b. "And Mathusala lived 167 years, and begot Lamech." (Genesis 5:25, Codex Alexandrinus) 2. Other literary sources that ... ...
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375: Seventh Day Adventist Church controversy: The Arrest and Trial ...
... None of the five were witnesses at Dammon's trial. James Ayer, Jr., owned the home in which Dammon's arrest took place and he did testify at the trial. But it is his father who was seventy-two at the time of the incident, and eighty-seven when Spiritual Gifts 2 was published, whose signature apparently was obtained. ... Thanking the Court for the favor of a seat, by them, and the Court and Counsel for the use of their minutes, I sign myself this once THE REPORTER. N.B. I have preserved the language of the witnesses as much as possible. Monday, Feb. 17, 1845 STATE OF MAINE, vs. ISRAEL DAMMON. Prisoner arraigned before Moses Swett, Esq. of Foxcroft, associated by Seth Lee, ... "After the time passed [1844] there were several large families that father had to supply with everything. He would purchase eight barrels of flour at a time." 136 Ellen Harmon appears to have lived (but perhaps not taught) the no-work fanaticism of Millerite leaders such as Jesse Stevens, Joseph Turner, and Dammon. ... ...
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376: Sola Scriptura: All-sufficient: The Bible alone is a blueprint ...
things; and having learnt what are the true riches, let us pursue after them that we may obtain also the eternal good things; which may we all obtain, through the grace and love towards men of our Lord Jesus Christ, with Whom, to the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory, might, and honor, now and ever, and world without end. ... by Judas Machabeus in 164 B.C. mentioned in 1 Maccabees 4:56, and referenced in the New Testament: "At that time the Feast of the Dedication took place at Jerusalem" John 10:22. Another human origin celebration was that of Jephthah's daughter: "Thus it became a custom in Israel, that the daughters of Israel went yearly to commemorate the daughter of Jephthah the Gileadite four days in the year." (Judges 11:39-40) The key is that if the Jews stopped celebrating Hanukkah or the 4 days of commemoration for the daughter of Jephthah, God would not get angry. But God did get angry when they had stopped keeping his Sabbaths and other Jewish holy days revealed by Moses. ... ...
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377: What Early Christians believed about Hades: where conscious dead ...
... It sets forth in bold outline the end of both of them, the "torments" of Herod and the "comfort" of John, that even now Herod might hear that warning: "They have there Moses and the prophets, let them hear them." Marcion, however, violently turns the passage to another end, and decides that both the torment and ... For all men, the just as well as the unjust, shall be brought before God the word: for to him hath the Father committed all judgment : and he, in order to fulfill the will of his Father, shall come as Judge, whom we call Christ. For Minos and Rhadamanthus are not the judges, as you Greeks do suppose, but he whom God and the Father hath glorified: Concerning Whom We Have ... In whatsoever ways I shall find you, in them shall I judge you entirely: so cries the End of all things. And he who hath at first lived a virtuous lift, but towards the latter end falls into vice, these labors by him before endured shall be altogether vain and unprofitable, even as in a play, brought to an ill ... ...
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378: Part1: Pagan Section: Trinity Watchtower BOOKLET: Should You ...
... And in the Holy Spirit." This clearly depicts the Holy Spirit as a person, just as Mt 28:19 does. The Nicene creed also says that the Son was made of the same stuff as the father and condemned anyone who would teach otherwise: "Church anathematizes those who say: there was when he was not; and before being born he was not; or ... In fact, a true review of Constantine's life, will convince the honest seeker that he was as righteous and anti-pagan as any "good" Old Testament King of Judah in the Bible. Constantine delaying his baptism till his dead, is no different from JW's delaying their baptisms for a year, in light of the fact the New Testament Christians were ... In a prime example of selective quoting where they fail to tell you that there is a clear parallel between the Egyptian trinity and the Watchtower view of God in that both have a divine family of Father and Son. Platonism Click here to view how the Watchtower was influenced by Platonism. PLATO, it is thought, lived from 428 to ... ...
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379: Jezirat Faraun: Is This Solomon's Seaport? Alexander Flinder ...
But now the Lord my God has given me respite all around; there is no adversary and no mischance. And so I propose to build a house for the name of the Lord my God, as the Lord promised my father David, saying, "Your son, whom I will set on your ... While the Phoenicians and Israelites shared the Mediterranean coastline of Palestine, in the south was a sliver of the Red Sea to which Solomon, but not Hiram, had access. Now known as the Gulf of Eilat (ay-LAHT) (in Israel) and the Gulf of Aqabah ... Solomon's desire to emulate his Egyptian neighbors was no doubt frustrated by a lack of maritime expertise. So he turned to his trusted associate King Hiram—and a formula for a maritime partnership was agreed upon: Solomon would provide access to ... We soon abandoned this idea when it became apparent how common this pottery was at contemporary sites in the Negev."7 Glueck also revised his view of the natural advantages of the location of Tell el-Kheleifeh: "The location of the tell in the middle ... ...
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380: Flavius Josephus Genesis Chronology: 70 AD Creation 5467 BC
... [age], in the second month, called by the Macedonians Dius, but by the Hebrews, Marchesuan; for so did they order their year in Egypt; (81) but Moses appointed that Nisan, which is the same with Xanthicus, should be the first month for their festivals, because he brought them out of Egypt in that ... (85) He lived nine hundred and sixty-two years [905: LXX & Proto-Masoretic agree]; and then his son Enoch succeeded him, who was born when his father was one hundred and sixty-two years old [162: LXX & Proto-Masoretic agree]. Now he, when he had lived three hundred and sixty-five years [365: LXX & Proto-Masoretic agree], departed, and went to God; whence it is that they have not written down his ... Essene expectation must have reached fever-pitch towards the end of the first century B.C., with the eschatological war already overdue, and the Messiahs of Levi and Israel expected in the last of Daniel's 70 weeks, between 10 B.C. and 2 A.D. (6) The revolts which followed Herod's death, and the ... ...
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381: Shalmaneser III: Annals on Kurkh Monolith, Ahab the Israelite ...
... The monument was apparently carved in great haste resulting in numerous scribal errors (Tadmor 1961a:143-144). This is quite unfortunate since the stela contains the most detailed extant account of the battle of Qarqar in which Ahab, king of Israel, participated in an alliance with other kings of ... Assyrian periods Vol. 3, A. Kirk Grayson, p11, 1996 AD) B. Translation of the Kurkh Monolith Date Regnal Year Nisan Translated Text Jan 858 BC Year 0 intro Assur, the great lord, king of all of the great gods; Anu, king of the Igigi and Anunnaki, the lord of the lands; Enlil, father of the gods, who decrees destiny, who establishes the bounds of heaven and earth; Ea, the wise, king of the Apsu, ... I imposed one talent of silver, two talents of purple wool, and 200 cedar logs, upon him as his tribute. I received annually it in my city Assur. I received from Haiânu son of Gabbari, who lived at the foot of Mount Amanus.-10 talents of silver, 90 talents of copper, 30 talents of iron, 300 ... ...
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382: Trinity Attackers refuted! (Watchtower's: Should You Believe ...
... And in the Holy Spirit." This clearly depicts the Holy Spirit as a person, just as Mt 28:19 does. The Nicene creed also says that the Son was made of the same stuff as the father and condemned anyone who would teach otherwise: "Church anathematizes those who say: there was when he was not; and before being born he was not; or ... In fact, a true review of Constantine's life, will convince the honest seeker that he was as righteous and anti-pagan as any "good" Old Testament King of Judah in the Bible. Constantine delaying his baptism till his dead, is no different from JW's delaying their baptisms for a year, in light of the fact the New Testament Christians were ... In a prime example of selective quoting where they fail to tell you that there is a clear parallel between the Egyptian trinity and the Watchtower view of God in that both have a divine family of Father and Son. Platonism Click here to view how the Watchtower was influenced by Platonism. PLATO, it is thought, lived from 428 to ... ...
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383: Bulla of Jucal son of Shelemyahu son of Shovi: Bible Clay Bulla ...
Bulla of Jucal son of Shelemiah (Shelemyahu) son of Shovi Bible Bullae from Israel and Judah Bulla of Jucal son of Shelemyahu son of Shovi "Archaeologists are digging up bible stories!!!" Encyclopedia of Bullae and Seals: The Exhibit: On-line Museum ... 38:1) These clay seals are both featured in the Israeli Museum in Israel. "The object that was perhaps our most startling find dates to the last period of use of the Large-Stone Structure-from the period just before the Babylonian destruction. ... But just to make sure I pulled from the shelf a Biblical encyclopedia. There he was, as large as life-in the book of the prophet Jeremiah: King Zedekiah sent Yehuchal (Jehucal in English Bibles) son of Shelemiah to the prophet Jeremiah to pray for ... It read: "Belonging to Yehuchal ben (the son of) Shelemiyahu ben Shovi." Thus we now know the name of Yehuchal's grandfather, as well as his father. Why did Yehuchal mention his grandfather on his seal? This was hardly the standard practice. Perhaps ... ...
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384: Ezion-Geber, Nelson Glueck, Excavations at Tell el-Kheleifeh ...
... The surface sherds at these Wadi Arabah sites belonged to Iron I and early Iron II in general and especially to the 10th century period of king Solomon. We had as a result called them "king Solomon's mines," and had attributed, as we still do, a ... Tell el-Kheleifeh was obviously a central point of that area." Miss Caton Thompson found very similar pottery in Arabia, which, however, she dated to about 400 B.C.14 The Kenites, who introduced the Fig. 4. Research map of region around Tell el-Kheleifeh, prepared by Eleanor K. Vogel. Scale: 47.35 miles to the inch. 13. BA, XXII (1959), 93-4; BASOR, 155 (Oct., 1959), 10-12; Smithsonian Report for 1941, p. 478; Aharoni, Israel Exploration Journal, VIII (1958), 241 and p1. 49-52; Rothenberg, God's ... We believe that Period 1I may represent a reconstruction by Jeho-shaphat of Judah, who reigned from about 871-849 B.C. He was the one who made the abortive attempt to revive the sea-trade between Ezion-geber and Arabia and Africa which had flourished ... ...
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385: Catholic Encyclopedia's and Dictionaries
... The nature of the personality is left obscure but we are told that the whole earth is Wisdom's kingdom, that she finds her delight in all the works of God, but that Israel is in a special manner her portion and her inheritance (Ecclus., xxiv, 8-13). In the Book of the Wisdom of Solomon we find a still further advance. ... The term is always employed to signify God considered in His working, whether in the universe or in the soul of man. The matter seems to be correctly summed up by Epiphanius, when he says: "The One Godhead is above all declared by Moses, and the twofold personality (of Father and Son) is strenuously asserted by the Prophets. The Trinity is made known by the ... In other cases God's spirit appeared as a permanent force bestowed on individuals because of their office. This was true of the great founders of the nation: Moses (Nm 11.17, 25), Josue (Dt 34.9), David (1 Sm 16.13; 2 Sm 23.2). It was particularly the messianic king upon whom the spirit would rest (Is 11.2; 42.1). ... ...
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386: Morenz, Siegfried: Egyptian Religion
... It runs, in prose translation: 'One is Bait, one is Hathor, one is Akori - to these belongs one power. Be greeted, father of the world, be greeted, God in three forms. This distich contains the acclamation just mentioned, which goes back at least to ... On the contrary, the Syrian goddesses Kadesh, Astarte and Anath apparently only coalesce into a triune deity on Egyptian soil (see p. 143) One would not expect such a development to occur in Israel, with its consistent henotheism. Characteristically, ... It is a thinkerftom Alexandria, Philo, who interprets the text in terms of the Trinity and thereby opens up a fruitful line of argument for Christian exegetes. His comment runs: 'To those who are able to distinguish [Moses] represents it as something ... Further encouragement may be drawn from the succession of great Christian thinkers (and their Gnostic forerunners) who originated from Egypt or lived there, starting with Valentine and Basilides(C. A.D. 135), followed by Clement and Origen, and ... ...
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387: Egyptian Conquest name list Maps: 1450 - 1279 BC. They're Digging ...
Arab and Dumah and Eshan, and Janum and Beth-tappuah and Aphekah, and Humtah and Kiriath-arba (that is, Hebron), and Zior" (Joshua 15:53-54) b. "Then Joshua and all Israel with him went up from Eglon to Hebron, and they fought against it." (Joshua ... They journeyed from the mountains of Abarim and camped in the plains of Moab by the Jordan opposite Jericho. They camped by the Jordan, from Beth-jeshimoth as far as Abel-shittim in the plains of Moab. Then the Lord spoke to Moses in the plains of ... Hebron: Joshua 15:54 - - Hebron Hebron Janim: Josh 15:53 - - Janim - - - - Drbn - Aphekah: Josh 13:53 - - Apheqah Kh. Marajim King Jabin Judg 4-5 - - King Jabin - II. Photo gallery of geographic name lists: 1. Thutmoses III topographical List (1450 ... But in the East list, for variety (so to speak), the Levantine component is taken from the 'new' part of the lists of his father Sethos I. Down at Luxor, the twin triumph-scenes (so far as preserved) again copy Sethos I, but add in one or two names ... ...
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388: Birth order of Shem and Japheth: Shem second born: Chronology ...
... Joseph became king of Egypt and the first year of the seven years of plenty. Jacob moves to Egypt in year 3 of the famine in 1876 BC, (10th year of Joseph's reign as king) e. "The birth order is not given in Genesis 5:32 (Shem, Ham, Japheth). Shem is listed first because he is in the Messianic line. The same goes for Abraham in Gen 11:26, who was not born when Terah was 70, but 130. This repetition creates a literary inclusio between 5:32 and 11:26 in the primeval history. Moses is making a ... See full outline: Shem WAS NOT Melchizedek II. Key Bible texts: 1. "Also to Shem, the father of all the children of Eber, and the older brother of Japheth, children were born." (Genesis 10:21, MT) 2. "And to Shem were born children, even to him, the ... IV. Literary sources that got it correct with Shem as second born: 1. In 30 AD Philo followed the LXX: "Why was it that Noah lived after the deluge three hundred and fifty years? (Genesis 9:28). It is now declared that in two periods of seven years ... ...
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389: Reasons why the Apocrypha does NOT belong in the Bible!
... And there was a great tribulation in Israel, such as was not since the day, that there was no prophet seen in Israel. (1 Maccabees 9:27) And that the Jews, and their priests, had consented that he should be their prince, and high priest for ever, ... total of 24 books: The Books of Moses (51, The Early prophets 14; Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings ~, The Late Prophets (4; Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, the 12 Minor Prophets), and the Hagiagrapha (11; Psalms, Proverbs, Job, Song of Solomon. Ruth, Lamentations, Ecclesiastes, Esther, Daniel, Ezra-Nehemiah, and Chronicles i. These 24 books contain all the material in our numbering of 39. Josephus spoke concerning the canon, but his book division combined Ruth-Judges and Lamentation-Jeremiah for a ... "Take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. For it is not ye that speak. but the spirit of your Father which speaketh in you" (Matthew 10: 19-20). "Now we have received. not the spirit ... ...
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390: Pre-tribulation Rapture: The Kingdom is the church
... Click to View 2. Isaiah 2:1-4 "The word which Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. Now it will come about that In the last days The mountain of the house of the Lord Will be established as the chief of the mountains, And will be ... Jerusalem [fulfilled on Pentecost Acts 2:1]. "You are witnesses of these things. "And behold, I am sending forth the promise of My Father upon you; but you are to stay in the city until you are clothed with power from on high." (Luke 24:45-49) b. ... which is performed in the flesh by human hands- remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. ... It is in the last days that you have stored up your treasure! " (James 5:1-3) rapture-prediction-end-of-the-world-last-days-end-times.jpg 3. The prophecy is in Daniel 2 where a great image of a statue was seen by the King of Babylon. Daniel ... ...
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391: Sola Scriptura proven from the Bible! Irrefutable proof texts ...
... He was also saying to them, "You are experts at setting aside the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition. "For Moses said, 'Honor your father and your mother'; and, 'He who speaks evil of father or mother, is to be put to death'; but you say, 'If a man says to his father or his mother, whatever I have that would help you is Corban (that is to say, given to God),' you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or his mother; thus invalidating the word of God by your tradition ... All were wrong! Some thought he was merely a king, some merely a prophet, some merely a priest! (Matthew 26:24) "What then is this that is written: 'The stone which the builders rejected, This became the chief corner stone'? (Luke 20:17) "You search ... The Law of Liberty in Jas 2:12 is a direct reference to scripture. "He who rejects Me and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day. John 12:48 And I saw the dead, the great and the ... ...
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392: First Century Synagogue Top Plans: Herodium 66 AD
... Now, as he was marching, many came in to him; some induced by their friendships to this father, some by the reputation he had already gained himself, and some, in order to repay the benefits they had received from them both; but still what engaged the greatest number on his side, was the hopes from him, when he should be ... So the king left a garrison at Jericho, and came back, and sent the Roman army into those cities which were come over to him, to take their winter quarters there, viz., into Judea [or Idumea], and Galilee, and Samaria. Antigonus also, by bribes, obtained of Silo to let a part of his army be received at Lydda, as a compliment to Antonius. CHAPTER 16 HEROD TAKES SEPPHORIS, AND SUBDUES THE ROBBERS THAT WERE IN THE CAVES; HE AFTER THAT AVENGES HIMSELF UPON MACHERAS, AS UPON AS ENEMY OF HIS, AND GOES TO ANTONY, AS HE WAS BESIEGING SAMOSATA 1. (303) So the Romans lived in plenty of all things, and rested from war. However, Herod did not lie at rest, but seized ... ...
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393: Coins of Greek Empire, Alexander the Great: Macedonian Era: 333 ...
Area of modern Egypt Ptolemy Empire Ends when Rome conquers Egypt in 31 BC Antony/Cleopatra commit suicide 30 extincting the Ptolemy empire. Seleucid Empire (321-64 BC) Area of Modern Israel, Syria, Turkey Cassander (319-168 BC) Area of Modern Greece. Cassander founds Thessalonica 315 BC Rome conquered Greece in battle of Pydna in 168 AD) Lysimachus (323-133 BC) Area of modern Asia Minor. King Attalus III bequeathed Asia Minor to Rome in 133 BC I. Greek kingdom ... 17. Aristobulus III briefly appointed High Priest: 37 BC 18. Herod executes Hycranus II after inviting him to Jerusalem: 30 BC Judah under Roman control when Herod kills last Hasmonean (Hycranus II) in 30 BC Roman Empire rules entire world in 31 BC II. ... Transitional Judean coins minted under the authority of Ptolemy I (Soter) 323-282 BC Conclusion: 1. The Greek kingdom existed from 333 - 31 BC 2. Alexander the Great lived only ten years and ruled the world as a sole monarch from 333-323 BC 3. The early Greek/... ...
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394: Trinity: The role of Constantine in the Nicene creed
... Constantine's Anti-Pagan stance as good as any "good" Old Testament King of Judah It is significant, for instance, not that the pagan gods and their legends survived for a few years on Constantine's coinage but that they disappeared so quickly: the last of them, the relatively inoffensive "Unconquered Sun" had been eliminated within ... Constantine, like his father, worshipped the Unconquered Sun; But there was Christian influence in his houselhold since he had a half-sister named Anastasia (anastasis = resurrection). At the crisis of his career in the war of 312 to gain sole power in the West, Constantine invoked the might aid of the Christian God and was not ... In 313 a group of African bishops led by Majorinus, who claimed to be bishop of Carthage, submitted to him charges against Caecilian, the rival bishop of Carthage, and asked him to appoint judges to decide the dispute. Constantine was already aware of the schism and on the suggestion of his ecclesiastical adviser, Ossius, bishop ... ...
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395: Trinity proof texts: John 8:58
... Isaiah 43:25 "I, even I, am [Heb: 'anoki anoki hu' - 'ego eimi ego eimi' in LXX] the one who wipes out your transgressions for My own sake; And I will not remember your sins. Isaiah 44:6 "Thus says the Lord, the King of Israel And his Redeemer, the Lord of hosts: 'I am the first and I am the last, ... The Jehovah's Witnesses are not quite telling the whole truth. What the text actually says in the LXX is as follows (translating literally): And God said to Moses, "I am [ego eimi] the One who is [ho on]"; and He said, "Thus you shall say to the sons of Israel, 'The One who is [ho on] has sent me to you."' The statement ego eimi ho on here renders the Hebrew EHYEH ASHER EHYEH, which is usually ... Jesus uses the present tense in John 8:58. Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #3 The same word "ho On" used in Ex 3:14 (Septuagint) is also used in Rev 4:8 where John applies "ho On" to the Father, not the Lamb. "ho On" is never used of Jesus. Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #3 refuted In Heb 1:3, "ho On" is used ... ...
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396: Suicide, psychiatry and the bible: The freedom to sin by killing ...
... She was sad, but she was angry that the world was such an ugly unloving place (so she wrongly thought) that she had no option but to take her own life. b. Had she just ignored them all and lived another few months into adulthood, perhaps she would have seen that 99% of people she knew in school, she would never see again after ... Abimelech, the son of Gideon, ordered his armor-bearer to kill him after he was fatally injured by a woman: "Then he called quickly to the young man, his armor bearer, and said to him, "Draw your sword and kill me, so that it will not be said of me, 'A woman slew him.' " So the young man pierced him through, and he died." (Judges ... Ahithophel committed suicide and was buried in the family tomb. "Now when Ahithophel saw that his counsel was not followed, he saddled his donkey and arose and went to his home, to his city, and set his house in order, and strangled himself; thus he died and was buried in the grave of his father." (2 Samuel 17:23) e. Zimri, killed ... ...
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397: Official creed of the Orthodox church
... The Scriptures are at the very heart of Orthodox worship and devotion. WORSHIP WORSHIP is to render praise, glory, and thanksgiving to God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. All humanity is called to worship God. Worship is more than being in ... We find it described in detail in the books of Exodus and Leviticus. In the New Testament we find the Church carrying over the worship of the Old Testament Israel as expressed in both the synagogue and the temple, adjusting them in keeping with their ... Mary said of herself, "All generations shall call me blessed" (Luke 1:48). So we, Orthodox, in our generation, call her blessed. Mary lived a chaste and holy life, and we honor her highly as the model of holiness, the first of the redeemed, the ... Paul condemns male prostitutes and deviant sex practitioners (I Corinthians 6:9-11). In the first chapter of his epistle to the Romans (Romans 1:24-32), he also judges it as unnatural . deviant sex practitioners are included elsewhere among the ... ...
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398: 300 BC: The Death of Hebrew Language, rise of The Septuagint ...
... If one believes the letter of Aristeas, the Greek Pentateuch was made by Palestinian Jews for a scholarly purpose: for the library of the Ptolemaic king. As a matter of fact, however, it was probably made for the Jews living in Egypt in the 3rd c. ... This gave birth to the Septuagint which translated the Hebrew Torah into Greek. (first five books of Moses). By 200 BC Hebrew as a working language was dead among all Jews living in Judea. Only the high priests in Jerusalem continued to use Hebrew ... Several isolated Hebrew populations in diaspora applied the Aramaic alphabet to the language of the nation they lived in: Yiddish (German with Aramaic alphabet), Karaim (a Turkish like language with Aramaic alphabet), Ladino (Spanish language with ... By the time of Israel national statehood in 1947 AD a sizeable population spoke Hebrew as their native tongue and today Hebrew is again the mother tongue. c. Paradoxically, 85% of the European Jews killed by the German Nazi's in 1945 AD spoke German ... ...
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399: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: The Tabernacle/Temple Messianic ...
Way to heaven known when Tabernacle abolished: Heb 8:9 Tabernacle Church and Christian's body: Jn 2:19; 1 Cor 6:19; Ephesians 2:19-22 Ten Commandments, Law of Moses Law of Christ: Gal 6:2; 1 Corinthians 9:21 Outer wall: Law of Moses created barrier ... house for a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 2:5) d. "and He has made us to be a kingdom, priests to His God and Father-to Him be the glory and the dominion forever and ever. ... righteous acts of the saints." (Revelation 19:8) b. ""But when the king came in to look over the dinner guests, he saw a man there who was not dressed in wedding clothes, and he said to him, 'Friend, how did you come in here without wedding clothes?' ... Is not the bread which we break a sharing in the body of Christ? Since there is one bread, we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread. Look at the nation Israel; are not those who eat the sacrifices sharers in the altar? What ... ...
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400: Sabbath Vs. 1st Day Debate: Samuele Bacchiocchi
... Allow me now to make very clear what the issue is NOT in this debate. 1. The issue is not whether Jesus observed the Sabbath. I agree that He did. However, He lived under the old law. 2. The issue is not whether Paul preached on the Sabbath. Showing ... Recently I have been involved in a dialogue with thousands of former members and ministers of the Worldwide Church of God who have challenged me to reconsider my views on the ancient Feasts of Israel. I accepted their challenge and after a year of ... After these introductory remarks, I will briefly respond to the two major propositions of your essay. Your first proposition is that "Christians are under Christ's law, not the law of Moses in ANY sense whatsoever." In your view the Sabbath ... Jeremiah 31:31-32 says, "Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah: Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the ... ...
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