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151: The Bible, the Conscience and mental illness
... C. The seared conscience "But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron, " 1 Timothy 4:1-2 The seared conscience is what happens when we repeatedly do that which we know is wrong. Every time we do something that our ... They have been taught that deviant sex practitioner sex is not sin... even though the Bible clearly condemns it. When the Children's Aid Society openly teaches that any parent, who spanks his child in any way, under any circumstance is guilty of child abuse and should be sent to prison, parents who believe the CAS "doctrine" have defiled consciences. They have been taught that spanking is wrong, even though the Bible commands parents to spank their children as needed. In fact God told us that a parent who will not spank their children is guilty of child abuse! The Bible says that a ... ...
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152: Review of the Official Creed of the Official Creed of the One ...
Formerly the Dominion Christian Centre (DCC) Pastor Peter Rigo 141 Park Street N. Hamilton, Ontario Canada Note regarding: Legacy Church at 408 Cumberland Ave Hamilton Ontario There has been a steady transition in this faith group that started as Dominion Christian ... But since all Pentecostal, "tongue speaking" type churches already believe that God openly talks to them, isn't that bizarre enough? Prophesying is when someone leads another to believe that what they say is a direct message from God. A typical example of claiming prophecy within the "slain in the spirit" crowd is what DCC member Mirella Brun del Re told her parents: "God talked to me and told me, mom, that you are going to sell the farm and move into ... doesn't even have any formal education in the area of her specialty.) Yes mothers routinely kidnap their children from a custodial dad and almost always get away with it in family court, but parents kidnapping their adult child in criminal court is another matter. ... ...
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153: Inherited Sin: definitions and official creeds
Webster Dictionary: "the utter depravity of man which Calvinists regard as due to original sin and as persisting until regeneration through the Spirit of God." John Calvin, inventor of "Calvinism": Calvinism is ... This kind of theological inconsistency is common among Baptists, for example, when they maintain we are saved by faith only (see Jas 2:24), to the exclusion of water baptism (see Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38; 22:16; 1 Pe 3:21) but then say that a man must repent in addition to believe. Repentance is as much a work as water baptism, but they invoke the "irresistible grace" ... We utterly reject are babies a span long in hell because the baby has not sinned and therefore is pure. We are judged by our own actions, not our parents, as Calvin taught. But the idea that babies go to hell ... It has already been proved that this original sin cleaves to every child of man, and hereby they are children of wrath and liable to eternal damnation." Anglican: Common Book of Prayer, Articles of Religion IX ... ...
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154: Official Declaration of beliefs of the church of God, International ...
Official Declaration of faith of the Church of God, International Cleveland Tennessee Click to View "The Church of God, with international headquarters in Cleveland, Tennessee, traces its roots to 1886 in a meeting house located at Barney Creek in the mountains of eastern Tennessee. The Christian Union was organized with eight members. Since that inauspicious start, the Church of God has become an international church with a membership approaching 4 million. The Church of God is a grassroots organization with an appeal to and a concern for the common man and his needs." WE BELIEVE: In the verbal inspiration of the Bible. In one God eternally ... He gave them distinctly different characteristics (I Corinthians 11: 14, 15; 1 Peter 3:7) as well as different responsibilities (Genesis 3:16-19; 1 Peter 3:1-7). In God's order, the husband is head of the home (Ephesians 5:22-31; Colossians 3:18, 19), parents are to nurture and admonish their children (Ephesians 6:4, Colossians 3:21), and ... ...
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155: Trinity Proof Texts: 58 Triadic Bible Texts
Spirit of glory rests on you 1 John 3:23-24 He abides in us believe in the name of His Son Jesus Christ Spirit whom He has given 1 Corinthians 6:11 inherit the kingdom of God justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ justified in the name of the Spirit of our God Interchangeability of "grace": Ephesians 1:3-13 glory of His grace redemption through His blood sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise Acts 15:8-11 God, who knows the heart, testified to them grace of the Lord Jesus giving them the Holy Spirit 2 ... Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone ... in the Spirit Ephesians 3:16-17 riches of His glory Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith strengthened with power through His Spirit 2 Corinthians 1:21-22 anointed us is God ... the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins; and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. "For the promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself." ... ...
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156: Beliefs of the Quakers (Shaking Quakers, Shakers, Friends)
Robert Barclay also wrote a catechism on the Quakers Faith using as answer Book only the Holy Scriptures. Following are the doctrinal believes he and Friends until the schism believed in. Conservative or Wilburite Friends still hold this Faith today, therefore are the true Society of Friends. What some Quakers believe today: Doctrines: Of God: God is a Spirit (Jn 4:24). God is Father, Son, and Holy ... Of this little society Ann Lee and her parents were members. (Ch #1, Origin of the Society, Compendium, 1859, F. W. Evans) Ranters, 1649-1654, The Ranters appealed to an inward Christ, denying the external authority of creeds and clerics in much the same way as did the Quakers. Both Ranter and ... the attempts of Louis XIV's government to convert them to Roman Catholicism. Many were imprisoned, tortured, and martyred. Observers reported tongues, uneducated peasants and young children prophesying in pure, elegant French, enthusiastic, demonstrative worship, and people "seized by the Spirit." ... ...
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157: Official creed of the Shakers: Compendium (1859) Mother Ann Lee
Shakers Manifestations We can't tell the difference... can you? Click here Short summary of Shaker Doctrines: God is Dual. Shakers believe in One God - not three male beings in one, but Father and Mother. Equality of Sex. Woman ... Many times and in different races has the Christ Spirit rested upon, entered into and manifested itself through human beings,- special witnesses. The most complete and all- embracing endowment of the manifesting Spirit of God rested upon Jesus of Nazareth. Jesus was a Jew, born of human parents. ... Not to the wise nor prudent of this world came the word of revelation, but to the child in simple trust with heart of faith. The apocalypse of mystery that descended from cloud to sea at Patmos opened its meanings, when to the child ... in their physical systems. They had visions and trances, and were subject to violent agitations of body. Men and women, and even little children, were so exercised, as that spectators were struck with great wonder and astonishment. ... ...
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158: Official creed and Baptismal vows of Seventh-day Adventist church
... He draws and convicts human beings; and those who respond He renews and transforms into the image of God. Sent by the Father and the Son to be always with His children, He extends spiritual gifts to the church, empowers it to bear witness to ... Though created free beings, each is an indivisible unity of body, mind, and soul, dependent upon God for life and breath and all else. When our first parents disobeyed God, they denied their dependence upon Him and fell from their high position under God. The ... In Christ's life of perfect obedience to God's will, His suffering, death, and resurrection, God provided the only means of atonement for human sin, so that those who by faith accept this atonement may have eternal life, and the whole creation ... The universal church is composed of all who truly believe in Christ, but in the last days, a time of widespread apostasy, a remnant has been called out to keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. This remnant announces the arrival of ... ...
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159: Stunning quotations from: The New Catholic Catechism
... The Church formulated her doctrine of faith on Purgatory especially at the Council of Florence and Trent. The tradition of the Church, by reference to certain texts of Scripture, speaks of a cleansing fire. "As for certain lesser faults, we must believe that, before the Final Judgment, there is a purifying fire." Indulgences and good works for the dead 1032 From the beginning the Church has honoured the memory of the dead and offered prayers in suffrage for them, above all the Eucharistic sacrifice, so that, thus purified, they may attain the beatific vision of God. The Church also commends almsgiving, indulgences and works of penance undertaken on behalf of the dead. Infants born again through baptism 1250 Born with a fallen human nature and tainted by original sin, children also have need of the new birth in Baptism to be freed from the power of darkness and brought into the realm of the freedom of the children of God ... The Church and the parents would deny a child the priceless ... ...
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160: Replacement Theology, supersessionism: Christians are God's Jews ...
... but the Jews had to believe and be baptized to be saved. There is only one plan of salvation for all mankind: Believe, repent, confess Christ and be immersed in water for the remission of your sins. (Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16; 1 ... Logic has never been a strong point with Seventh-day Adventists! 3. Here is a detailed examination of this passage. E. "Abraham's offspring by faith, not blood": Gal 3:27; Rom 9:6-9 1. Passages: a. "But it is not as though the word of God has failed. For they are not all Israel who are descended from Israel; nor are they all children because they are Abraham's descendants, but: "through Isaac your descendants will be named." That is, it is not the children of the flesh who are children of God, but the children of ... Unlike the fleshly Israel who had a large population of children who grew up and never knew the Lord, but were supposed to be God's people, in the New Testament, every single Christian "knows the Lord" and makes the confession of faith. 4. ... ...
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161: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
Click to View Ellen G. White Prophet? or Plagiarist! The White Lie! By Walter T. Rea Click to View Order Walter Rea's book: "The White Lie" Chapter 12: Life Has Its Incidents The incredible story of ... In the extreme, if the theological administrators and their people have accepted the delusion that their truth, their God, their prophet, or their saint are all equal, or are one and the same, it is ... name. First: Incredible as it may seem to an impartial onlooker, the White Estate would have us believe that anything Ellen wrote to whomever on whatever, anything she supervised from whomever on ... Neither do we hear great mention made of the deaths of two of her children while still young. Despite her prayers and concern, her husband lived only to his early sixties. Nevertheless, Ellen White's ... Thus the white lie has grown until it has become a matter of faith; fact has long since been lost sight of. The advice of one onlooker ~s to the point: Let it be.... Don't appeal your dismissal as ... ...
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162: Christians Should Be Different!
Thus, Christians can have no creed but that of Christ as revealed by the Bible: Jesus prayed, soon before His execution (John 17:17-21), that all of His followers would teach the same thing so that, "They all may be one . . . that the world may believe that ... to God. Paul instructed Jesus' followers regarding family relationships as follows: "Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything." Paul also said: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Study carefully Ephesians 5:22 through 6:4. Much of the world entertainment emphasizes promiscuous sex, extols law violation and condones drug use, the Christian must look elsewhere for relaxation and entertainment. When selecting activities for recreation and entertainment, the Christian must consider: 1. Will this activity violate my conscience? Romans 14:22,23. 2. Will my doing this activity cause weaker Christians to lose their faith or will it set a ... ...
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163: The original 1830 Edition, Book of Mormon had 1000's of errors ...
... How do you account for the stunning parallels in both content and order between the B of M and the View of the Hebrews, by Ethan Smith? Published in 1823 (7 years before the B of M) less than 100 miles from the Joseph Smith's parents home. Why did the angel take Nephi Plates back to heaven? Do they not belong with man? Mormon Article of Faith #8: "We Believe the Bible to be the word of God as far as it is translated correctly; we also believe the Book of Mormon to be the word of God." Why do you only add the phrase, "as far as it is translated correctly" to describe the ... . the Son of God, which should come for to redeem his people . . ." (page 239) [Alma 6:8] "Now it was for the sole purpose for to get gain . . ." (page 252) [Alma 11:20] ". . . preparing the hearts of the children of men for to receive his word . . ." (page 261) [Alma 13:24] ". . . did pour out his spirit on all the face of the land, for to prepare . . ." (page 268) [Alma 16:16] ". . . after their many struggles for ... ...
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164: What causes of Mental Illness (etiology)
The chemical biopsychiatry industry, being atheistic and evolutionary, rejects a spiritual cause in favor of a chemical imbalance that they believe they can fix through Neuroleptic and anti-psychotic drugs. The harm people suffer at the hands of Biopsychiatry is the punishment they deserve for rejecting faith in God and the Bible as the perfect moral blueprint for human behaviour. The sober truth is that the psychiatry industry really has no ... D. Life choices to life situations is the root of insanity: 1. "Unhappiness, desperation, disappointment, and suicide are part and parcel of the human condition. They are owing neither to possession by demons nor to diseases of the mind. Everyone knows it, but not everyone ... As an illustration, Reginald Bibby, a sociologist with the university Lethbridge, Alberta, has long documented that the most significant factor in determining religious denominational affiliation, is the church the parents attended. Religion runs in families. But so does ... ...
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165: Ten commandments for WIVES
... Submission Headship Bible Texts All creation God Jas 4:7; Heb 12:9 Christ God 1 Cor 15:28 All Creation Christ 1 Cor 15:27-28;Heb 2:2;Eph 1:20-23;Phil 3:21;1 Pe 3:22 Church Christ Eph 5:24 Church Leaders 1 Cor 16:16; 1 Th 5:12;Heb 13:17 (minister=servant/under rower) Children Parents Eph 6:1-4; Col 3:20-21; Lk 2:41-52; 1 Ti 3:4 Young men Older men 1 Pe 5:5 Slaves Masters Eph 6:5-9; Col 3:22-24; Tit 2:9-10; 1 Pe 2:18-20 Citizens Government Rom 13:1-6; 1 Pe 2:13-15; Tit 3:1 Every Christian To Others Eph 5:21 Wives Husbands Eph 5:22-24; Col 3:18; Tit 2:5; 1 Pe 3:1-7; 1 Cor 11:3 DO IT YOURSELF! In Gen 18:6 Abraham said to Sarah, "Make ready quickly, three measures of fine meal, knead it and make cakes." Can you imagine Sarah answering, "Do it yourself"? This attitude would have been out of character for her because "Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord." 1 Pe 3:6 A wife's big test of faith is if she will submit to her husband when he is unreasonable and selfish, or when she knows she is ... ...
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166: How Can I Keep Myself Pure?
When you were a child, Dad, Mother, or some adult who was responsible for you made the important decisions. Now you will have the opportunity to stand on your own. Through your actions you will be saying, "This is the real me. This is what I stand for. This is what I believe." Regardless of the lives your parents have lived, now is the ... Ephesians 6:10, 11 says, "Finally, be strong in the Lord, and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor of God, that you may be able to stand firm against the schemes of the devil." This armor of God includes truth, righteousness and faith. The strength to resist temptation is available, but we must seek it. Finally there are those who reject Christ's teachings as a way of rebelling against parents. Parents fail at times. Some parents have not been able to give adequate love and a feeling of worth to their children. If this is your situation you will reject the solution to your problems if you reject Christ. Perhaps you feel that your ... ...
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167: Ten commandments for WIVES
... Bible Texts All creation God Jas 4:7; Heb 12:9 Christ God 1 Cor 15:28 All Creation Christ 1 Cor 15:27-28;Heb 2:2;Eph 1:20-23;Phil 3:21;1 Pe 3:22 Church Christ Eph 5:24 Church Leaders 1 Cor 16:16; 1 Th 5:12;Heb 13:17 (minister=servant/under rower) Children Parents Eph 6:1-4; Col 3:20-21; Lk 2:41-52; 1 Ti 3:4 Young men Older men 1 Pe 5:5 Slaves Masters Eph 6:5-9; Col 3:22-24; Tit 2:9-10; 1 Pe 2:18-20 Citizens Government Rom 13:1-6; 1 Pe 2:13-15; Tit 3:1 Every Christian To Others Eph 5:21 Wives Husbands Eph 5:22-24; Col 3:18; Tit 2:5; 1 Pe 3:1-7; 1 Cor 11:3 DO IT YOURSELF! In Gen 18:6 Abraham said to Sarah, "Make ready quickly, three measures of fine meal, knead it and make cakes." Can you imagine Sarah answering, "Do it yourself"? This attitude would have been out of character for her because "Sarah obeyed Abraham, calling him Lord." 1 Pe 3:6 A wife's big test of faith is if she will submit to her husband when he is unreasonable and selfish, or when she knows she is being wrongs by his ... ...
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168: The Pattern of Congregational Benevolence in the New Testament
5:3-11 "Honor widows who are widows indeed; 4 but if any widow has children or grandchildren, let them first learn to practice piety in regard to their own family, and to make some return to their parents; for this is acceptable in the sight of God. 5 Now she who is a widow indeed, and who has been left alone has fixed her hope on God, and continues in entreaties and prayers night and day. 6 But she who gives herself to wanton pleasure is dead even while she lives. 7 Prescribe these things as well, so that they may be above reproach. 8 But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith, and is worse than an unbeliever. 9 Let a widow be put on the list ... To rightly divide the Truth one must recognize that some Scripture is addressed. to individuals and other to churches. The context or text makes this clear. Those who believe in the support of orphan asylums disagree, claiming that it matters not, and use such passages as ... ...
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169: The myth that Mental illness is caused by Genetics and bad DNA
They make it sound like they have seen the mental illness gene under a microscope! What they don't tell you, is that this is a theory and a guess! The reason they believe mental illness is caused by ... The problem with this is that many things unrelated to DNA run in families, like tastes in food, religion, they way you celebrate Christmas! Reginald Bibby, a sociologist with the university Lethbridge, Alberta, has long documented that the most significant factor in determining religious denominational affiliation, is the church the parents attended. Religion runs in families. But so does mental ... This kind of faith in science and progress is staggering, not to mention naive and perhaps delusional. (Against Biologic Psychiatry, Dr. David Kaiser, Psychologist, Psychiatric Times, December, Dec. ... Influenced by this materialistic prejudice, popular media jump at stories about the violence gene, the fat gene, the monogamy gene, the infidelity gene, and now, even a God gene! The argument goes ... ...
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170: 500 Flood stories prove Noah's Ark is real history: Epic of Gilgamesh ...
No matter what evidence you will present to atheists and Bible scoffers, they are going to say that Noah's Ark is a myth because they refuse to believe in God. Before the discovery of these tablets, atheists and Bible scoffers claimed that Noah's Ark was a ... Therefore, the Epic of Gilgamesh reinforces the faith that a Christian has that the Bible is God's inspired word. These same Bible scoffers once decried the Hittite nation as just another Bible myth, until they were silenced by the discovery of ... same conclusion that the earth would never be destroyed again in completely opposite manners. 13. All stories have God offering a blessing after they left the ark. God blessed Noah to have many children, and to start eating meat, but not blood. ... In fact the gods were happy with Utnapishtim since he was the only one chosen to be warned and saved. (It is impossible for God to lie. Noah is called "a preacher of righteousness", no a preacher of lies.) 23. Gilgamesh is offered eternal life on ... ...
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171: Catholicism's SHOCKING attitude toward the Bible!
The modern approach of the Catholic Church is to emphasize great love and respect for the Scriptures. Present day Catholics want people to believe that the Catholic Church has faith in the Bible, is ... The Old Testament declares that God built the temple (1 Kings 8:16,20), but God did not actually come down and build it Himself. He built it through the agency of others. Likewise, the written New Testament is the will of Christ. He wrote it through those commissioned by Him. It contains His laws (1 Cor. 14:37) and produces the faith which brings life in His name (John 20:30-31). Christ commanded ... This instruction of the beloved apostle is far removed from the Catholic claim that the Scriptures alone are not a sufficient guide. Everyone knows that it is possible to misunderstand certain ... In fact, most of their doctrines originated in the Catholic Church rather than in the Bible, e.g., infant baptism, instrumental music in worship, observance of Christmas and Easter. The only authority ... ...
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172: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Demon ...
I was doing prison work and as I entered the maximum security prison, I was greeted by the chaplain, a "charismatic" by conviction, with the distressed notice, "We have an new inmate "Joe" on cell block N-2 who is demon possessed! He knows things impossible for him to know otherwise!" Of course, I was skeptical, since I believe that demon possession was a temporary state permitted by God as a foil for Jesus to demonstrate the ... As I got closer to his cell, Joe began to shout things like, I know you Ney Rieber. You drive a red Chevrolet truck. You come a long way to visit this prison. You have two children.... and so on. He shouted things that many, at first impression might think Satanically inspired. ... She failed to foresee her own bankruptcy! Click to View All modern fortune tellers and psychics are frauds! So are all TV faith healing preachers like Peter Popoff and Benny Hinn! In 1665 AD, Dr. William Drage concluded that he had witnessed several cases of demon possession in a ... ...
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173: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Book of Susanna: 100 BC Court
And he took a wife whose name was Susanna, the daughter of Chelkios, a very beautiful woman and one fearing the Lord. And her parents were righteous and taught their daughter by the Law of Moses. Now Jehoiakim was very rich, and he had a ... also, the four young children of Susanna. And the woman was exceedingly refined. Then the wicked men commanded them to unveil her in order that they might be sated with her beauty, lusting after her. And all the people with her wept, and as many as knew her. And then the elders rose and the judges placed their hands upon her head. And her heart trusted in the Lord God, and lifting up her head to heaven she cried out within her, saying, "O Lord God, the everlasting one who knows all things before their ... And when they were separated, Daniel said to the congregation, "Now, do not think because these men are elders, saying, 'they would not lie,' but I will examine them closely according to the things that fall under me." And he summoned one of ... ...
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174: Is Suicide an answer to life's problems?
My Dad was on me because of school . . . I thought I wasn't needed by anybody . . . Everything kept going wrong . . . My parents are always saying 'Do this,' 'Don't do that' and they never help me know how to do it." Problems such as these cause ... Are you thinking about committing suicide? There is a better way for you to discover the happiness that has been so hard to find. There is a God and he knows your dilemma and provides answers for you. Listen then to His Word and realize that life is really ... Thirdly, you can have total confidence in the grace and forgiveness of God to remove all the shame and guilt of sin in your life. Believe in and enjoy the great love of God as David said, "When my father and mother forsake me, then Jehovah will ... No matter how heavy the burdens, how dark the night, or how much it hurts, quickly and with courage reject the very idea of suicide. Parents, help your children by assuring them your family will stick together, regardless of how heavy the burden ... ...
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175: Biblical Evangelism: Biblical Guidelines to Effective Evangelism ...
... mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; that He may teach us concerning His ways, and that we may walk in His paths." For the law will go forth from Zion, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. (NAS) The message of the Gospel was so vital that any belief in it would demand an evangelistic proclamation! 2 Cor 4:13 13 But having the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, "I believed, therefore I spoke," we also believe, therefore also we speak; (NAS) In fact the compulsion for evangelism is also a part of God's emphasis on ... When you can't get them to come to most services of a gospel meeting to preach to them, or they are too busy for 10 cottage meetings, what can you do to teach them? Most adults (as opposed to children of members) who ... Some simply want to improve. Some seek truth and others seek the one true church. Some hunt for meaning and value. Young parents dream of what their children need. All of these fit the description of "change groups". ... ...
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176: Origin of Ancient synagogues: Architectural prototype of the ...
... See also: Synagogues originated at Alexandria Egypt in 280 BC spawned by the Septuagint It was God's providential plan at the beginning of the Babylonian captivity in 605 BC to prepare the children of Abraham for the coming of Jesus their ... Begin reading at the start of Author's Preface Archeology without a Bible foundation is just a pile of worthless sand. Without faith it is impossible to please God and without faith in the historical accuracy of the New Testament it is impossible to discover the origin and ... His rewriting the facts of history in contradiction to every Septuagint scholar on earth is causing hurt and harm to his own Jewish people who wrongly believe him to be an agent of truth. Singer is driven by logic onto the horns of dilemma: ... the temple was destroyed, but because the genealogical records houses in the temple were destroyed making it impossible today to identify the sons of Aaron. There is not a Jew alive today who knows to which of the twelve tribes he belongs. ... ...
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177: What the Bible says about Abortion!
... But does a mother have the right to not want her child? Psalm 127:3-5; 128:3-5 -- Children are a blessing, a source of happiness and joy to their parents. Yet unborn babies are children, so parents ought to appreciate them as a blessing from God. People who have Scriptural attitudes will never kill unborn babies because they will never want to. Abortion is the grossest ... At that age the mother could have chosen to have the foetus aborted. Her decision not to, however, led to an astonishing test not just of medical technology, but of faith. Samuel Armas has spina bifida, which left part of his spinal cord exposed after the backbone failed to develop. The operation was designed ... Armas were told that if they were to avoid the condition, which was not then present in Samuel, they had to act fast. ``I wasn't concerned about a child who couldn't walk,'' said Julie, ``but I want a child who knows me.'' The theory behind the surgery is that attention to he spine disorder before the baby is ... ...
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178: Can a Christian vote for the Liberals, NDP or Democrats?
The Left believes in removing Judeo-Christian identity, e.g., removing "under God" from the Pledge, "In God we trust" from the currency, the oath to God and country from the Boy Scouts Pledge, etc. The Right believes that destroying these ... The Right believes that because the vast majority of Americans celebrate Christmas, the party should be called a Christmas party. The Left believes that a woman must have an unrestricted right to choose an abortion but no right to choose ... The Left believes that in terms of parenthood, all a child needs is love, whether that love comes from a single parent, two men, two women or some other adult. The Right believes that children do best with the love of two married parents of the opposite sex. The Left believes that ... our constitution 13. Believes that judges must comply with our constitution and all laws; not create laws. 14. Believe abortion is wrong. 15. Believe that a marriage is between a man and a woman. 16. Does not believe in "same sex ... ...
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179: Inspiration claims of the Watchtower Bible Tract Society
... Thousands of the readers of Pastor Russell's writings believe that he filled the office of 'that faithful and wise servant,' and that his great work was giving to the household of faith meat in due season. His modesty and humility precluded him ... love God supremely believe that The Watchtower was started and has been maintained by his power and grace." (Light, J. F. Rutherford, 1930, p. 12) 1931 Jehovah God has made Know to his anointed ones in advance what these scriptures mean. (Watchtower, June 1, 1931 p. 160) 1931 The Watchtower is not the instrument of any man or set of any of men, nor is it published according to the whims of men. No man's opinion is expressed in the Watchtower. (Watchtower, Nov. 1 1931 p. 327) 1931 "Today the children of ... Then consult the record of the one religious organization that all Christendom's religious organizations and Jewry strenuously opposed during world War I and have opposed since Everybody knows that this opposed organization of Christians is ... ...
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180: Jesus Echoes the "I AM" statements of Jehovah in the Gospel of ...
... For Second Isaiah the belief in Yahweh as Lord of history is closely related to the assertion that he alone is God. This belief in Yahweh's sovereignty over history finds particular expression in the ... In this way he indicates that this phrase of self-predication, in addition to its other meanings, also presents Yahweh as creator of the world. 'One of Second Isaiah's main tasks was to awaken faith on the part of his fellow exiles in Babylon and reassure them that Yahweh was indeed about to restore them to their homeland. Many of the people, he realised, were inclined to believe that ... and might have it abundantly. "I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down His life for the sheep. v15 even as the Father knows Me and I know the Father; and I lay down My life for the sheep. ... I shall not sit as a widow, Nor shall I know loss of children.' 10 "And you felt secure in your wickedness and said, 'No one sees me,' Your wisdom and your knowledge, they have deluded you; For you have ... ...
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181: mormon church: Critical Essay written in 1832 AD
... Enos says 'there came a voice to me, saying, Enos thy sins are forgiven thee, and thou shalt be blessed. And, I sayeth, Lord how it is done. And he sayeth unto me, Because of thy faith in Christ, whom thou hast not heard nor seen.' p. 143. Enos died one hundred seventy-nine years from the ... After they had heard him speak, and had offered up their sacrifices, they fell down and prayed in the following words: 'O have mercy, and apply the atoning blood of Christ, that we may receive forgiveness of our sins, and our hearts may be purified; for we believe in Jesus Christ the son of God, who created heaven and earth and all things, who shall come down upon the children of men.' Then the spirit of ... in this approbated office. The God of Abraham or Joseph Smith must then be a liar!! And who will hesitate to pronounce him an imposter? This lie runs through his records for the first six hundred years of his story. 2. This ignorant and impudent liar, in the next place, makes the God of ... ...
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182: Timeline, maps, chronology, sermons of Ruth: 1300 BC
Introduction: 1. The book of Ruth is the story of a sinful lost family who is falling away from the one true God who shows mercy and grace and brings them back from oblivion and condemnation to the honour of being a direct ancestor of Christ. ... So using the average number of years between generations, amazingly brings us to the time of Ehud in 1295 BC. d. It may surprise the reader to learn that the average age when children were born to parents was 87 years. However, this may be more an insight into male ... Israel and are "killed in action" as they fought for Eglon, King of Moab. Mahlon & Chilion have not only lost their faith in YHWH, they are no fighting against the one true God and are traitors. n. 1283 BC Naomi decides to move back to ... You will thus eat your food to the full and live securely in your land. 'I shall also grant peace in the land, so that you may lie down with no one making you tremble. I shall also eliminate harmful beasts from the land, and no sword will pass ... ...
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183: Review: New International Version Bible: avoid
As Christians, we must be very cautious in determining what constitutes an accurate translation (Rev. 22:18f). Few decisions in life will have a stronger influence on our faith than will the selection of the Bible we will use for ... The literal versions render this into English as: "So they that are in the flesh cannot please God." But the NIV reads "Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God." The NIV translators have changed the original words to reflect what they believe Paul is thinking ("thought-for-thought"), which ... The NIV frequently translates erga as "works" when works are spoken of in a negative sense, but employs a different word or phrase (e.g., deeds, what is done, actions) when works are viewed positively. Mat. 8:12 "But the children ... "Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God." "Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God." "Everyone who believes that Jesus is the Christ is born of God." 1 Joh. 5:10 "He that believeth on the Son of ... ...
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184: Gifts ceased: Encyclopedia of Pentecostal objections and their ...
... Yet it was a church plagued by factions, law-suits, fornication, skepticism and abuse of the Lord's table! Paul said they were not spiritual but carnal (1 Cor 3:1) and told them to quit being "children in mind" (14:20), a ... Jesus "gave gifts unto men" so that the word might be correctly set forth through the apostles and other divinely aided teachers (v. 11) to build up the body (v. 12) until it arrived at "the unity" (wholeness) of "the faith" (the New Testament content) and the wholeness of the (full) "knowledge" (epignosis) of the Son of God ... Such is to claim equality with deity, and to know the mind of God as well as the Holy Spirit knows God. "Who has known the mind of God EXCEPT the Spirit who is from God?" Even in heaven, only the Holy Spirit will have a ... There are many passages that speak of gifts being available for all believers. Passages: Mk 16:17,18 "These signs will follow those who believe" Acts 2:17.39 "our of Spirit upon all flesh" "many as Lord calls" Jesus Himself ... ...
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185: Material Possessions and the Family
Most Americans are preoccupied with the getting of material possessions and one of the outstanding hallmarks of our times is the frenzied rush to acquire more and better things. It is now common for newlywed couples to begin their lives together with as many goods as their parents had ... Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If then God so clothe the grass which is today in the field, and tomorrow is cast into the oven; how much more will He clothe you, 0 you of little faith? And seek not you what you shall eat, or what you shall drink, neither be you of doubtful mind. For all these things do ... Only by living a life close to God can we find contentment in this life and in our life forever after. And now, upon closing, a short test; answer to yourself the following questions: If I knew that I wouldn't be found out, would, I cheat or lie to make or save a large amount of money? ... ...
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186: Romans 8 Study The Gift of the Holy Spirit
... The confirmation of miracles would bring assurance to all, both gifted and ungifted. b. Christians today who have never seen a miracle cry "Abba" as they read the Bible and believe it! IV. Rom 8:16 "The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God," (Romans 8:16) A. The Holy Spirit bears witness with our spirit: 1. The idea here is a double ... "In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words; and He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He intercedes for the saints ...ent-Pentecost-tongues-fire-dove.jpg Holy Spirit in the New Testament Gift of the Holy Spirit ...
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187: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
... Often only the "insider" gleaning so-called "top secret" information knows where to send for what-if he is privileged to know that such information exists at all. To write or say that "Ellen White's indebtedness to other authors has long been acknowledged by Seventh-day Adventists" is only an extension of the white lie. Although it is technically true that, as far back as the 1880s, the church has been righting a rear guard action concerning the use of others' material in the name of God and Ellen, the declarations have always been made with defensiveness and quick justification. William S. ... In the March 20 1980, Adventist Review in an article entitled "This I Believe About Ellen G. White " Neal Wilson informed the church about the Rea [Glendale] Committee. The initial report indicates ... account that there may be disturbing features in inspired writings, resulting in the need of faith as made clear by Ellen White as she discussed investigations of the Bible and her writings... "All ... ...
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188: Material Possessions and the Family
Most Americans are preoccupied with the getting of material possessions and one of the outstanding hallmarks of our times is the frenzied rush to acquire more and better things. It is now common for newlywed couples to begin their lives together with as many goods as their parents had ... Consider the lilies how they grow: they toil not, they spin not; and yet I say unto you, that Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. If then God so clothe the grass which is today in the field, and tomorrow is cast into the oven; how much more will He clothe you, 0 you of little faith? And seek not you what you shall eat, or what you shall drink, neither be you of doubtful mind. For all these things do ... Only by living a life close to God can we find contentment in this life and in our life forever after. And now, upon closing, a short test; answer to yourself the following questions: If I knew that I wouldn't be found out, would, I cheat or lie to make or save a large amount of money? ... ...
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189: Seventh Day Adventist Church controversy: The Arrest and Trial ...
... After that, she saw them finally lost. How could both be true? I think one was just as true as the other, and that God never told her any such thing. (An Examination of Mrs. Ellen White's Visions, ... But it is no difficult task to procure the names of partisans, associates, accomplices, their children, cousins, and aunts, to certify to one's rectitude, sanity, or orthodoxy. It is more safe and ... "We bear cheerful testimony to the truthfulness of the statements relative to Elder Dammon, on pages 40, 41 [of Spiritual Gifts 2]. As near as we can recollect we believe the circumstances of his ... Joel Doore, under cross-examination: "I engaged counsel in this case to defend the prisoner." "He was asked to give [the court] a synopsis of his faith." "Elder Dammon again rose for further defense. ... saw the door of mercy closed; but there are thousands of living witnesses who know that a blacker lie could not be invented, and I am one of the number." 67 Pastor I.C. Welcome, who was rebaptized by ... ...
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190: Using Surveys to generate leads for Bible study!
Saying stuff like, "this is not a church membership drive" is not correct. You are trying to find new members for your church. Don't lie to the public! Saying stuff like: "We're trying to better understand the religious beliefs of other people in ... What do you think of this informal discussion method of Bible Study? To The non-Religious Do you have a religious interest? Do you believe in God.? Do you feel you are really serving God? What are you doing that you feel is your sere I.ce to God? Do you ... A Bible Correspondence course (4 Lessons) Home Bible study at your convenience Home Bible study for your children Series of videos in your home on the theme of the Bible Visiting of the sick Arrangements (optional) 8. Name Address Phone Number ... Last time you studied the Bible? Do you feel the Bible has answers to your questions about life? Do you feel the need for a more personal faith? Would you be interested in going to an informal Bible? Keys To Making Survey Follow Up Calls 1. Make a ... ...
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191: Tongues Ceased in AD 100: Introduction: Cessation of Spiritual ...
... Ultimately, Satan is the God of modern Pentecostalism. Who else claims to be true Bible believers in Jesus AND have apostolic signs and wonders! b. Pentecostals base their faith on feelings, not the Bible. They bow to the idol of their feelings and spurn God's word of truth! c. God will allow them to continue to believe they are saved, when in fact they are condemned. d. If you are one of the few Pentecostals who actually ... Modern Pentecostals fit this description perfectly. c. "Spirit Filled/Full Gospel" churches appear to be genuine Christianity but are deluded. d. "Spirit Filled/Full Gospel" church leaders appear to be from God but they lie. e. "Spirit Filled/Full Gospel" churches claim inspiration ... Pentecostals and Charismatics behave in church the a way which normal church goers discipline their children for in the assembly. 3. Challenge Pentecostals and Charismatics to prove it! For those today who claim to attend a miraculously "Spirit filled church" we offer this advice: a. ... ...
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192: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: The Exodus "Out of Egypt ...
and all drank the same spiritual drink, for they were drinking from a spiritual rock which followed them; and the rock was Christ. Nevertheless, with most of them God was not well-pleased; for they were laid low in the wilderness. ... Slaughter of the children and hiding of Moses/Christ b. Calling both Moses and Jesus out of Egypt c. Both Moses and Christ Fasted 40 days d. Both Moses and Christ had a s Shining face 4. We see that the New Testament fulfillment is ... But Moses fled from the presence of Pharaoh and settled in the land of Midian, and he sat down by a well." (Exodus 2:15) c. "By faith Moses, when he was born, was hidden for three months by his parents, because they saw he was a beautiful child; and they were not afraid of the king's edict." ... And how long will they not believe in Me, despite all the signs which I have performed in their midst? "I will smite them with pestilence and dispossess them, and I will make you into a nation greater and mightier than they." But ... ...
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193: What Early Christians believed about PROPHETS OUTSIDE THE APOSTOLIC ...
... Therefore it is the Catholic Church alone which retains true worship. This is the fountain of truth, this is the abode of the faith, this is the temple of God; into which if any one shall not enter, or from ... They have Moses and the prophets, let them hear them If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they believe though one rose from the dead What have you to say for yourselves? Where is your ... Your legends, as we have already seen, are long and silly, old wives fables for the amusement of women and children. The beginning is detached from the rest, the middle is unsound, and the end is a miserable failure. If you begin with the immortal, invisible, incorruptible God, what need was there of His fighting with the race of darkness? And as for the middle of your ... He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own; for he is a liar, and the father of it. But among the lies, ... ...
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194: Trinity proof texts: John 8:58
Jesus could have merely stated He was an angel (exactly what Jehovah's Witnesses believe) and the Jews would not stone Him. The Jews accepted the pre-existence of angels that could take human form. ... Another important Document: The reader who has seen an allusion to the exclusive claims of Yahweh [Isa 43:10] in John 8:24 and John 8:28 now knows that such a formulation [I AM] on Jesus' lips was no mistake [in John 8:58], for, by means of the very same words, he claims to have existed before Abraham and thus claims for himself not only the words of God but the very nature of the God who claimed ... I shall not sit as a widow, Nor shall I know loss of children.' 10 "And you felt secure in your wickedness and said, 'No one sees me,' Your wisdom and your knowledge, they have deluded you; For you ... An outright lie! If the Watchtower wanted to clarify this, it would simply have added the words, "into English", so that the modified footnote would read, "properly rendered in the 'perfect indefinite ... ...
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195: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Abba ...
... The United church currently rejects the Bible as the inspired word of God, most key doctrines in the Bible like: Heaven, Hell, Judgement, the need for personal salvation. They also began to ordain ... The Anglican church of Canada joined with the views on ordination of Gays to ministry in about 2007. To say that the United church of Canada as a whole do not believe the Bible, is not an exaggeration. John was raised in a loving stable home with his mother and father during all these theological upheavals. John was a good boy, respectful and obedient to his parents and a good student at school. ... The officer just said, that was in the past and over. Just don't lie again. From the very first moment that John started attending the United church of Canada again, he began to become fearful of his ... Most of all, they interfere with your enjoyment of everyday life and turn you into a mindless zombie. John, of course knows this first hand, and wants the benefits of cash for life, with full ... ...
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196: Tradition wars: The Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches make ...
In Catholic communion, the cup is withheld from the members, while the Orthodox float the "crouton looking" bread cubes in the wine. Catholics believe the bread and wine (transubstantiation) become ... Orthodox must keep a ridged schedule of fasts in order to have communion every week, but the most common practice is a minimum of four times a year during the four Orthodox Lents "Christmas, Easter, ... Orthodox keeps the original Nicene Creed, accepted by the Universal Church, East and West, during the first millennium without the addition of "And the Son" or the "Filioque." It accepts, on faith, ... If they reject this, we are clearly not bound to follow them. Therefore let God-inspired Scripture decide between us; and on whichever side be found doctrines in harmony with the word of God, in ... While Carlton says, the "Immaculate Conception" of the virgin Mary, is "not part of the universal tradition of the Church", he knows that the doctrine of praying to the saints and Mariolatry are also ... ...
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197: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Egg" ...
... Ken found, however, that the neuroleptic drugs only reduced his overall cognitive and motor functions. Everyone seemed to think that Ken was doing much better. He bought everyone in his family a Christmas present out his own money and had them wrapped up under the tree. He then walked into a nearby forest and fell on a large knife, killing himself instantly. The short suicide note said he was sorry for disappointing his parents by "screwing up his ... would have come to salvation. "Humble yourself before God and he will exalt you". 3. Futility, (nothing matters) Ken viewed his life as utterly futile because of his believe in evolution. If there is not God, then life on earth is purely a random chance process without purpose or meaning. ... Had Ken become a Christian, he would have been filled with the love of God which would have given him joy, happiness, contentment and purpose. If Ken could have somehow come to faith in God through reading the Bible with an open heart, perhaps he could ... ...
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198: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 250 AD: Cyprian
Had scripture revealed it, we would know exactly how to celebrate it. Christ did not tell Christians to remember his birth at Christmas, but his death... and not once a year at Easter, but every Lord's Day, ... and more fruitfully grow up, and with serpents' locks shoot forth and cast out against the Church of God with greater force the poison of their venom; whilst, by the advocacy of some, both authority and support are afforded them; whilst their baptism is defended, whilst faith, whilst truth, is betrayed; whilst that which is done without against the Church is defended within ... Obviously Cyprian had no concept of the bishop of Rome being the infallible interpreter of Scripture being the "bishop of bishops"! Cyprian does not believe the bishop of Rome has the authority to appoint a ... In the midst of all the conflicting oral traditions, Cyprian knows that Scripture is the only solid ground. What else could it possibly be? Cyprian could not rely on "church tradition" because they were in ... ...
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199: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 200 AD: Tertullian
If, then, these things are so, it is in the same degree manifest that all doctrine which agrees with the apostolic churches-those moulds and original sources of the faith must be reckoned for truth, as undoubtedly containing that which the (said) churches received from the apostles, the apostles from Christ, Christ from God. Whereas all doctrine must be prejudged ... Anyone who has talked to a Roman Catholic or Orthodox preacher, knows this is indeed exactly how they think! If you had not purposely rejected in some instances, and corrupted in others, the Scriptures which are ... Roman Catholic and Orthodox leaders today merely say, "the current tradition of the church is the standard." Further, These leaders don't even believe the scriptures can be understood by the common people so ... Hereupon we are thrice immersed, making a somewhat ampler pledge than the Lord has appointed in the Gospel. Then when we are taken up (as new-born children), we taste first of all a mixture of milk and honey, ... ...
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200: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Kitten ...
... She often told people while she was a stay at home mom, that she could get a $100,000 per year job if she wanted one. She prided herself over those other mothers who "abandoned their children" to ... She continued to try to solve the secret code (KP342XCX) and document oddities in this class. Around Christmas exam time, she followed her professor to his office to talk to him about the various ... Of course he never did say "scuba" that night, but a few days later she found an old school essay in a box of memorabilia that he wrote on scuba diving, and proclaimed that indeed God answered her ... This is the proof she needed that she was in the secret program. She started to believe that her phone and car were bugged. A few days later, she walks to the park with the words, "Astronaut ? me" ... She views him as selfish and begins to harbour anger and hostility towards him. But NASA has found a solution to "her problem husband". She concludes that NASA already knows how selfish her husband ... ...
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