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351: Jesus commandments are NOT the 10 commandments!
Rev 12:17 who keep the commandments of God and hold to the testimony of Jesus. Rev 14:12 Here is the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus. Click to View Answer: A. The expression "keep the commandments" includes MORE than the 10 commandments: Mt 19:16-19 "And behold, one came to Him and said, "Teacher, what good thing shall I do that I may obtain eternal life?" And He said to him, "Why are you asking Me about what is good? There is only One who ... B. Now we must say up front that there are times when Jesus did command men to keep the 10 commandments. But notice the following about Mt 19:16-19: The rich man did not immediately think of the ten commandments. Surely no one would think the rich man ... Matthew 22:36-40 "Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?" And He said to him, "'You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.' "This is the great and foremost commandment. "The ... ...
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352: Professor Antony Flew confesses his belief in a creator!
This is comparable to Hugh Hefner announcing that he is becoming a celibate. At a symposium sponsored by the Institute for Metascientific Research, Flew said he has come to believe in God based on developments in DNA research. Flew, author of the book, Darwinian Evolution, declared, "What I think the DNA material has done is show that intelligence ... Flew told AP that his current ideas had some similarity with those of U.S. "intelligent design" theorists, who believe the complexity of life points to an intelligent source of life, rather than the random and natural ... Witt noted that Darwin and his contemporaries thought a single cell was a simple blob of protoplasm and that it wouldn't have been difficult for nature to randomly produce something so simple. "In those days the cell was a black box, a mystery. But in the 20th century, scientists were able to open that black box and peek inside," he notes. "There they found not a simple blob, but a world of complex circuits, miniaturized ... ...
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353: Other False Doctrines that originated from inherited sin
Other False Doctrines that originated from inherited sin We Speak truth in LOVE I. All babies are born into the world destined for hell A. Inherited sin demands that babies are born lost and destined for Hell Luther said, "hereditary sin is truly sin and condemns to the eternal wrath of God all those who are not born again through baptism (infant baptism) and the Holy Spirit." B. Some churches (Baptist, Nazarine, Pentecostal, AGC, Alliance) do not believe inherited sin has any effect upon the newborns soul Most have never really studied "inherited sin" and don't understand the ... Yet it is a puzzle how they can teach that infants inherit "spiritual death" from Adam and are "separated from the life of God" but will be saved in this condition. They teach inherited sin, but believe all ... Noll and Fallon, Father Smith instructs Jackson, 1960, "When, in eternity, the Son of God willed to become man, He evidently thought of the one from whom He would take His flesh and blood. She must be as ... ...
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354: Romans 8 Study The Gift of the Holy Spirit
1. Rom 12:6 gift of prophecy 2. Rom 1:11 Paul wanted to impart spiritual gifts in order to establish them firmly 3. Notice the parallel thought that the miraculous Holy Spirit teaches and admonishes. ... if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you. But if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Him. If Christ is in you, though the body is dead because of sin, yet the spirit is alive because of righteousness. But if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead dwells in you, He who raised Christ Jesus from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through ... Assurance of their miraculous resurrection was 2. The phrase that you need the miraculous to "belong" to Christ is part of a pattern of similar verses that say the same thing a. The ungifted would ... with the definition of first fruits. 3. So the first fruits of the spirit are the miraculous powers given by the Holy Spirit as a taste and down payment of greater powers we will possess in heaven! ... ...
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355: Official creed of the Evangelical church
... I believe in one God, the Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible; and in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only begotten Son of God, begotten of His Father before all worlds, God of God, Light of Light, very God of very God, ... And I believe one holy catholic and apostolic Church; acknowledge one baptism for the remission of sins; and I look for the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come. Amen. C. Definition of Chalcedon (451 AD) Following, then, the holy fathers, we unite in teaching all men to confess the one and same Son, our Lord Jesus Christ. This selfsame one is perfect both in deity and in humanity; truly God and truly man, with a rational soul and a body; ... We believe prosperity is a gift from God (2 Corinthians 9:10-11). We deny that godly living is an automatic means to wealth and prosperity (Hebrews 11:35-38). We believe that God blesses in a material way when men honor Him through hard work over a long time, ... ...
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356: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Jerusalem (Palestinian) Talmud ...
For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread." And He answered and said to them, "Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?" (Matthew 15:2-3) ... And if a blind man guides a blind man, both will fall into a pit."" (Matthew 15:12-14) The first and greatest synagogue in the world at Alexandria Egypt destroyed by Trajan: "It has been taught [in Tosefta Sukkah 4:6A-G, 250 AD]: Said R. Judah, "Whoever has never seen the double colonnade [the basilica-synagogue] of Alexandria in Egypt has never seen Israel's glory in his entire life. [B] "It was ... The mishnaic material derives from the tannaitic rabbis and sages (c. 50 b.c. to a.d. 200), while the gemara derives mostly from the amoraic rabbis of a later period (c. a.d. 200-500). Included in the ... might lay an information against them before our emperor, who took such especial care that every thing which at all affected or related to himself should be done in the most dignified manner possible? ... ...
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357: Pentecostalism: Worshipping God with your mind in neutral!
Pentecostalism: The religion where you worship God with your mind in neutral! Click to View Pentecostalism looks and feels good, but is rotten to the core! Click to View Pentecostalism: The religion ... the Holy Spirit in their life. Sometimes this is done in private by speaking in gibberish for long periods of time (they call it tongues). Sometimes it is done within the design of the worship service where emotionally seductive music is combined with gibberish. What is incredible is that this very type of worship is totally foreign to the Bible yet seen in occult world religions EXACTLY the ... He experienced an exhilarating condition in which he believed his body ceased being a hindrance to his soul. According to Angus, ecstasy could "range anywhere from nonmoral delirium to that ... Click to View we surrender ourselves completely; we do not make use of our mind, heart or desires -- but we only accept and receive whatever God sends Click to View The only thing we do is surrender ... ...
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358: Johannes Greber: "The New Testament", and "Communication with ...
... "What captivated me most of all, and I might say, irresistibly, was the clear-cut reasoning and convincing logic of that to which I had listened for the first time in my life. Only the truth could exert so great an influence upon me, an influence from which I had not the power to ... Remember, the Watchtower believes that the Holy Spirit communicates with the "governing body" in the production of the Watchtower magazine and the translation process of the NWT. Greber was making the identical claim that JW's make! The most difficult thing for JW's to accept is ... Doctrine Johannes Greber, "Communication with the Spirit World of God--Its Laws and Purpose. Revealed to him by demon spirits: Watchtower doctrines revealed by the "faithful and Wise servant" God Has a Body Material forms are images of spiritual forms, and since all material things have form and shape, so, too, have all spiritual things, and so, also, has God. ... Inasmuch, then, as God has a shape, He can be seen by the other ... ...
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359: Archeology of Jewish Head Phylactery, Arm Tefillin, Door Mesusah ...
into which you are about to cross to possess it, a land of hills and valleys, drinks water from the rain of heaven, a land for which the Lord your God cares; the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning even to the end of the year. "It shall come about, if you listen obediently to my commandments which I am commanding you today, to love the Lord your God and to serve Him with all your heart and all your soul, that He will give the rain for your land in its season, the early and late rain, that you may gather in your ... He also discovered a leather scroll exhibiting Hebrew letters and fragments of Greek papyri. Cave 34 preserved the only written material which certainly came from Nahal Se'elim. Although much of the Seiyal Collection was ... Reuben, when the earth opened its mouth and swallowed them, their households, their tents, and every living thing that followed them, among all Israel- but your own eyes have seen all the great work of the Lord which He did. ... ...
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360: Lohse, Bernard: A Short History of Christian Doctrine
... It is another question, of course, whether or not the church, in developing the doctrine of the Trinity, had recourse to certain thought forms already present in the philosophical and religious environment, in order that, with the help of ... same thing today, when they explain man's soul when he dies being stored on a floppy disk in God's computer room! In 3000 AD, it would be just as ridiculous to dig up Watchtower Magazines from this century and conclude JW's (should they survive that long) borrowed their extinction doctrine from Bill Gates, as it is for JW's to say that early Christians borrowed trinity doctrine from the pagans! Speaking first of the person of Jesus Christ ... In other passages of the New Testament the predicate "God" is ... himself, and that because of this, his coming, especially his cross and his resurrection, had meaning for the entire world. The New Testament affirmations about the Holy Spirit are not so clear and univocal as those about Jesus Christ. ... ... ...
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361: What Early Christians believed about ABORTION
into life, to kill it; and not to expose an infant, because those who expose them are chargeable with child-murder, and on the other hand, when it has been reared to destroy it" (A Plea for the Christians 35, Embassy chap. 5). 177 AD Athenagoras, "What reason would we have to commit murder when we say that women who induce abortions are murderers, and will have to give account of it to God? For the same person would not regard the fetus in the womb as a living thing and therefore an object of God's care, and at the same time slay it, once it had come to life." ... most luckless infant state, which had first to be put to death, to escape being tortured alive" (The Soul 25). 210 AD Tertullian "In our case, a murder being once for all forbidden, we may not destroy even ... Some, when they find themselves with child through their sin, use drugs to procure abortion, and when, as often happens, they die with their offspring, they enter the lower world laden with the guilt not only ... ...
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362: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Kitten ...
... What are you reporting to me? What things are you told to do? What things are I supposed to do?" He assumed the whole thing was a joke and began to play along. As a man, he took the letter, as her ... Of course he never did say "scuba" that night, but a few days later she found an old school essay in a box of memorabilia that he wrote on scuba diving, and proclaimed that indeed God answered her ... He wrongly assumed this was just a dream or a game or fun she was having. She was happy and the structural function of her life was intact, so he just went along with it. She loved cats and began to ... the responsibility of being the first woman to walk on Mars. The responsibility is enormous. She has been chosen by NASA to represent women all over the world as the first woman to set foot on mars. ... Just like the movie, "A beautiful mind," her office had about 10 "AT&T" junk mail flyers taped to the walls. Spam emails that a rich widow of a former finance Minster in Ghana needing Debbie's ... ...
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363: Official creed of The United Church of Canada
... We receive the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, given by inspiration of God, as containing the only infallible rule of faith and life, a faithful record of God's gracious revelations, and as the sure witness of Christ. ... God's law and that no man can be saved but by His grace. 2.6 Article VI. Of the Grace of God. We believe that God, out of His great love for the world, has given His only begotten Son to be the Saviour of sinners, and in the Gospel freely offers His all-sufficient salvation to all men. ... He believes what appealed most to the 400 delegates was his platform: putting the Unite Church's views front and centre in public policy debates. His views on poverty are strong an definite. "Your soul is lost unless you care about ... No one really cares or no one is really aware of what the church says. Q: How do we recover the moral centre? Political activism, that sort of thing? Phipps: My evidence for where I think it's gone are things like language. I have now ... ...
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364: 3 secret reasons why Seventh-day Adventists keep the sabbath
Vow #11: I know and understand the fundamental Bible principles as taught by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is my purpose, by the grace of God, to order my life in harmony with these principles Vow #13: people of every nation, race, and language are invited and accepted into its fellowship. I desire to be a member in this local congregation of the world church. Don't believe it? Check it out: Official SDA Creed Official 7th day Adventist Creed: 27 Fundamental ... Discussion: So you can see that SDA's must vow to follow the official "27 Fundamental beliefs" of their church. One of these beliefs is that Ellen G. White was an inspired prophet! (there is no such thing as a prophet who was not inspired!) If you don't like ... White's "vision" of the Sabbath day. "Elder Bates was resting upon Saturday, the seventh day of the week, and he urged it upon our attention as the true Sabbath. I did not feel its importance, and thought that he erred in dwelling upon the fourth commandment ... ...
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365: FALSE: End of the world prophecy charts
The true Second Coming and End of the World Chronology (view and print free high resolution chart) Click to View Below are False end times Prophecy charts! All these charts below are false! There will ... 2. His numerology appeared so convincing that thousands of followers sold their houses, exhausted life savings and borrowed large sums of money to give to Camping so he could advertise the end of the ... because he believes in the false doctrine called, "Latter Rain" which means he is inspired by God to learn new truths never previously known to man. 5. May 22, 2011 proved Camping and all date ... to Himself the church in all her glory, having no spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that she would be holy and blameless. " (Ephesians 5:27) Rapturists teach that the church ends at the second coming, when in fact the church continues forever as the bride of Christ. Those who believe the church was thought up at the last minute when the Jews rejected Jesus as their king fail to realize ... ...
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366: Teens! Use Your Freedom Wisely!
... To express freedom's first limitation more generally, we ask, "Is this good for my soul?" Humans are not bodies that have souls, rather they are spirits that will live somewhere as long as God exists. Where our spirits spend eternity will be influenced by how our activities meet this first limitation. Will this activity create a harmonious situation, is it good for my soul? Abiding within limitation number I is an ... It is better to be slave to the master of the universe than to our own selfishness, indulgences, and bad habits. How free is the alcoholic? How free is the slave of the desire for material gain, surrounded by wealth, yet desperately unhappy having no real purpose in life? Mankind can stand great pain, suffering and privation. ... That is, they must edify, or build-up, both those around us, and ourselves. This is so because freedom is also a social dimension. You cannot take another's goods because this conflicts with his right to keep them. You cannot speed on the ... ...
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367: The Interactive Bible:
What effect can the desire to get rich have on our faith? It can lead to destruction, cause us to pierce ourselves and wander away from God How we live has no effect on our eternal salvation, we are saved by grace! . . Consider Jesus words: "The one who says, 'I have come to know Him,' and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him" 1 John 2:4 Click here to continue . . Correct! Next verse please . . Look closely at these 2 verses: 2 Peter 2:20-22 "For if after they have escaped the defilements of the world by the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in ... James 5:19-20 "My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth, and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death, and will cover a multitude of sins." What happens to a Christian who starts to live an immoral life? They are entagled in sin and their soul will die in hell They were never true ... ...
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368: The Error of the Catholic Nicene Trinity
In the Bible, we see an affirmation of the deity of Christ and the personality of the Holy Spirit combined with a mono-theistic view of God, but without any explanation as to how the whole thing fits together and works. The simple affirmation of ... Vs. 4th century Creedal Trinity Elemental Trinity Doctrine Vs. Developed Trinity doctrine Economic Trinity: The observed activity of God in the World (that is, early Christians perceived and believed God to have directly intervened in history in the persons ... None the less Christ is acknowledged as the eternal Son of God and the supreme revelation of the Father, and the quickening Spirit of life is acknowledged to be derived ' from on high." And so, when the early Christians would describe their ... And, just because these two meanings of the Trinity-the theoretical and the practical, as they might also be described-are being sharply distinguished in modern Christian thought, it might be well if the term 'Trinity' were employed to designate ... ...
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369: "The Sensational speech of Bishop Joseph Georg Strossmayer in ...
There was no such thing as a pope in the early church! This letter is a "theatrical play" purporting to be, "The Sensational speech of Bishop Joseph Georg Strossmayer in the Vatican Council I (1870 AD)" Although it was ... Council in 1870, he walks up to the podium and begins speaking to the 500 most important and powerful Catholic leaders in the world.] "Venerable Fathers and Brethren: - It is not without trembling, yet with a conscience free and tranquil before God who lives and sees me, that I open my mouth in the midst of you in this august assembly. ... Now I ask whoever has a head to think and a mind to reflect, are these two suppositions possible? "To return, I say, while the apostle lived, the church never thought that there could be a pope; to maintain the contrary, ... I am silent on Alexander VI, father and lover of Lucretia; I turn away from John XXII (1319), who denied the immortality of the soul, and was deposed by the holy Ecumenical Council of Constance. Some will maintain that ... ...
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370: Seventh-day Adventist view Ellen G. White as an inspired prophet
Vow #11: I know and understand the fundamental Bible principles as taught by the Seventh-day Adventist Church. It is my purpose, by the grace of God, to order my life in harmony with these principles Vow #13: people of every nation, race, and language are invited and accepted into its fellowship. I desire to be a member in this local congregation of the world church. 27 Fundamental beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists: Don't believe it? Check it out: Official SDA Creed #17 ... So you can see that SDA's must vow to follow the official "27 Fundamental beliefs" of their church. One of these beliefs is that Ellen G. White was an inspired prophet! (there is no such thing as a prophet who was not inspired!) If you don't like this fact, look ... White's "vision" of the Sabbath day. "Elder Bates was resting upon Saturday, the seventh day of the week, and he urged it upon our attention as the true Sabbath. I did not feel its importance, and thought that he erred in dwelling upon the fourth commandment ... ...
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371: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 180 AD: Irenaeus
"We have learned from none others the plan of our salvation, than from those through whom the Gospel has come down to us, which they did at one time proclaim in public, and, at a later period, by the will of God, handed down ... is not necessary to seek the truth among others which it is easy to obtain from the Church; since the apostles, like a rich man [depositing his money] in a bank, lodged in her hands most copiously all things pertaining to the truth: so that every man, whosoever will, can draw from her the water of life. For she is the entrance to life; all others are thieves and robbers. On this account are we bound to avoid them, but to make choice of the thing pertaining to the Church with the utmost diligence, and to lay hold of the tradition of the truth. ... For [they allege] that the truth was not delivered by means of written documents, but vivâ voce: wherefore also Paul declared, "But we speak wisdom among those that are perfect, but not the wisdom of this world." And this ... ...
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372: Teens! Use Your Freedom Wisely!
... To express freedom's first limitation more generally, we ask, "Is this good for my soul?" Humans are not bodies that have souls, rather they are spirits that will live somewhere as long as God exists. Where our spirits spend eternity will be influenced by how our activities meet this first limitation. Will this activity create a harmonious situation, is it good for my soul? Abiding within limitation number I is an ... It is better to be slave to the master of the universe than to our own selfishness, indulgences, and bad habits. How free is the alcoholic? How free is the slave of the desire for material gain, surrounded by wealth, yet desperately unhappy having no real purpose in life? Mankind can stand great pain, suffering and privation. ... That is, they must edify, or build-up, both those around us, and ourselves. This is so because freedom is also a social dimension. You cannot take another's goods because this conflicts with his right to keep them. You cannot speed on the ... ...
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373: Repressed memory syndrome (Dissociative amnesia) is junk science ...
... Psychologists get nefarious (false) memories which lead to the destruction of innocent men. Pastors get true confessions which bring salvation with the release of guilt to the forgiving God who loves them. There are countless examples today where a person enters the world of "junk science therapy" for one thing and before you know it, they are revealing under hypnosis that their father sexually abused them. The Father is jailed, fired, divorced and labeled an incestual pedophile for life. But all was false and the father was totally innocent. The false memories were implanted into the woman via hypnosis by money hungry "junk science ... One of the reasons is the widely held but false belief that psychiatrists, and only psychiatrists, possess reliable methods for ascertaining whether an event- alleged to have occurred decades ago, in the privacy of a home-has or has not actually occurred. Despite its patent absurdity, this belief remains indestructible. The result is that in the ... ...
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374: Christianity Wasn't Influenced by Pagan Religions!
The reason these cults were called "mystery religions" is that they involved secret ceremonies known only to those initiated into the cult. The major benefit of these practices was thought to be some kind of salvation. The mystery religions were ... Each mystery religion also passed on a "secret" to the initiate that included information about the life of the cult's god or goddess and how humans might achieve unity with that deity. This "knowledge" was always a secret or esoteric knowledge, unattainable by ... RECONSTRUCTING THE MYSTERIES It is not until we come to the third century A.D. that we find sufficient source material (i.e., information about the mystery religions from the writings of the time) to permit a relatively complete reconstruction ... In its older Egyptian version, which was not a mystery religion, Isis was regarded as the goddess of heaven, earth, the sea, and the unseen world below. In this earlier stage, Isis had a husband named Osiris. The cult of Isis became a mystery ... ...
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375: Lesson 9: Doing God's Will
And then will I declare to them, I never knew you, depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness". If you believe and call Jesus, "Lord, Lord", you are still lost if you do not do what God says. If we ever hope to go to heaven, we must do the will of the Father. This is the only way. Not the ... Why? Why? Because they had not done the will of the Father in heaven. Oh, they thought they had, but they hadn't. They had done their own will or the will of some other man. This will be the worst thing that will ever be said to an individual, when the Lord on judgment day says to the majority of people, "Depart, I never knew you". There will be no appeal to this decision. There will be no second chance. We ... This is a very important question. Many people would answer this question in many different ways. The Bible is the only reliable place we can go for our answer, since it is our soul that will be lost if we follow man's advise. Our obedience to Christ is a very serious decision and must not be ... ...
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376: Inherited Sin: definitions and official creeds
... himself only but also all descending from him by ordinary generation, is part of the faith of the whole Christian world."..."As to the ground of these evils, we are taught that 'the covenant being made with Adam not only for himself, ... I: 8: "But lest the thing itself of which we speak be unknown or doubtful, it will be proper to define original sin (Calvin, in Conc. Trident. I., Dec. Sess. v.). I have no intention, however, to discuss all the definitions which different writers have adopted, but only to adduce the one which seems to me most accordant with truth. Original sin, then, may be defined a hereditary corruption and depravity of our nature, extending to all parts of the soul, which first makes us obnoxious to the wrath of God, and then ... by reason of which everyone is very far gone from the original righteousness or the pure state of our first parents at the time of their creation, is averse to God, is without spiritual life, and inclined to evil, and that continually. ... ...
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377: the invisible things of the supernatural realm
created things to be removed Jn 18:36 My kingdom is not of this world/ realm 1 Pe 1:17; Heb 13:14 We are earthbound guests with a heavenly destination Phil 3:17-21 2 Ti 4:18 The Christian's citizenship is in heaven Soul/Spirit is Invisible Gen 1:26 Let us make man in our own image Lk 24:36-39 Spirit has not flesh and bones 2 Cor 5:1-8 absent from body...home with the Lord 2 Cor 12:3 Caught up to 3rd heaven, either in body or out of body Phil 1:22-24 depart (Die) and be with Christ Eccl 12:7 body to ground, spirit returns to God Mt 10:28 man can kill the body but not the spirit Lk 16:19-31 Lazarus and rich man died and were in Hades Christ's Resurrected Body is Invisible 2 Cor 5:16 We no longer know him by the flesh Rev 1:12-18 ... 1 Jn 3:2 we don't know what we will be like except look like Jesus Phil 3:20-21 we will be transformed with great power to be like Jesus Mt 13:44 hidden treasure + Col 3:1-4 your life is hidden in Christ 1 Cor 6:13 Stomach and food done away with ...
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378: How to be attain Sanctification!
God of peace sanctify you wholly: and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ" I Thess. 5: 23. One of the greatest announcements is the "good news that every person who responds to Jesus Christ can personally become a part of God's very nature. The Apostle Peter explains this opportunity as follows: "According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us 'Lo glory and virtue: Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these you might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust" II Peter 1: 3-4. The New ... That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish" Eph. 5: 25-27. We can know a totally new inner strength! We can have the presence of Jesus ... ...
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379: Lesson 21: Man Is Not To Change What God Says
to him the plagues that are written in this book; And if anyone takes away from the words of this book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, and from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." ... They were then baptized for the right purpose. Please refer back to how you answered the questions in Lesson 8 concerning your prior conversion. If you thought you were saved and your sins forgiven when you accepted Christ as your personal savior and ... Your soul's salvation depends on your being right with God. Is there something wrong with your baptism? You may say no, but if there is, we cannot fool God. He knows for sure and you will suffer the eternal consequences. It will be a sad day if you stand before the Lord on the day of judgment and find out that there is something wrong with your baptism. Baptism, that is done according to scripture, for the right reason and purpose, is such an easy thing to do. It is not difficult, at all, to ... ...
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380: Stumper questions Jehovah's Witnesses do not like to be asked ...
Well, then, if you learn from an examination of your Bible that you are traveling a wrong religious road, be willing to change. Avoid the broad road to destruction; get on the narrow road to life." ... If the Watchtower organization rejects others calling them "inspired" yet the Watchtower organization does call themselves "God's Spirit-directed Prophet" what is the difference? Is there such a thing ... then what was the "new name" prophesied in Isa 62:2? Can't be "Jehovah's Witnesses", for God already used it 20 chapters earlier. Could the new name be "Christian" after our savior "Christ"? ... If chapter 7 of Revelation is to be taken literally, where then does the Bible say that the 144,000 will come from? (See Rev 7:5- 8). If the soul is the body, why does Jesus make a distinction between ... So the dear elder opened his mouth and inserted his foot. So the non-JW told him that he had spoken to a former Bethelite who worked at the World Headquarters of JW's aka "1" who indicated to him ... ...
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381: Jehovah's Witnesses, Anti-semitism and the Third Reich
Click to View "Sometimes Truth makes Love hurt" "You are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Tell us if you feel this material misrepresents facts Click to View Jehovah's Witnesses, Anti-semitism and the Third ... In 1930 Rutherford produced a larger volume on the same theme called Life.But suddenly he repudiated his beliefs respecting the Jews. Life was withdrawn from circulation,[2] and in 1932 Rutherford proclaimed that "fleshly Israel" had no ... During all this period of time, and particularly during the World War, the true followers of Christ Jesus devoted to God, and to his kingdom, have been bearing the shame of the heathen and have been hated by all the nations for Christ's sake and the sake of Jehovah's name. (Matt. 24: 9: Mark ... politicians, which misrule has been and is supported by political religionists, and hence the writers of our books or literature have endeavored to employ plain language to convey to the people the proper thought or understanding. ... ...
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382: Everything You Ever Needed To Know About Raising God-Fearing ...
We'll write His words upon their hearts and never from them will they depart. and when they go through this life, wondering what path to take, if they will do all in the name of the Lord, he will never forsake. The parents of this generation and generations to come will sing praises to the Lord for the great works He has done. And remember each day as we teach His way, God seeks a godly offspring.(By Mary Morr) Introduction A. Parents are entrusted with a soul of great value: Mt 16:26. B. Paradox of parenthood: 1. Dentists, doctors and layers go to ... C. Bad friends and playmates will create problems in your child: 1 Cor 15:33 D. Fully sheltering them from the world and all evil influence: 1 Cor 5:9-10 E. Failing to take into consideration that children are not adults: 1. Disciplining for things that are typical of their age but very frustrating to parents: a) 1 Cor 13:11 "spoke, thought and reasoned as a child" Children are children! b) Children often do things that are foolish ... ...
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383: Abbott, Lyman: Dictionary of Religious Knowledge
about himself, 1922, p20,21) "Christianity converted paganism, but paganism changed Christianity." ... "Christian thought could not affect pagan thought without being in turn affected" ("What Christianity Means to me, A spiritual autobiography by Lyman Abbott, about himself, 1922, p26,27) My ... So I might say to the seeds in my garden bed, You can never come into the kingdom of light and life and beauty until you are born from above, and all the while God's sun, which shines alike on the evil and the good, is waiting to give them life. Incarnation means to me more than that the Spirit of God dwelt unrecognized by the world centuries ago for a few years in Jesus of Nazareth; it ... "selective quoting" by failing to note that Abbott says that early Christians worshipped Jesus (Abbott had to get one thing right!) Even a Liberal like Abbott admits that Jesus was considered God and worshipped as God by the earliest Christians, even though he likely doesn't believe it himself. ... ...
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384: Suicide, psychiatry and the bible: The freedom to sin by killing ...
an asylum and they really want to kill themselves, they simply "play nice" to get released, then commit suicide. 3. Suicide is always a bad solution to the unhappiness, anxiety or guilt an individual experiences. 4. Suicide appears to be a good solution to their problems if they do not believe in God, judgement, heaven, hell and the afterlife. ... Amanda had cried out for help countless times and everyone had failed her. She was sad, but she was angry that the world was such an ugly unloving place (so she wrongly thought) that she had no option but to take her own life. b. Had she just ignored them all and lived another few months into adulthood, perhaps she would have seen that 99% of people she knew in school, she would never see again after graduation. c. The story of Amanda Todd's heart breaking video she published just before her suicide is an example of revenge (in addition to her other reasons) against the bullies who mercilessly tortured her soul. The video had the desired ... ...
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385: The Bible, the Conscience and mental illness
"For our proud confidence is this: the testimony of our conscience, that in holiness and godly sincerity, not in fleshly wisdom but in the grace of God, we have conducted ourselves in the world, and especially toward you." 2 Corinthians 1:12 Introduction: The conscience must be taught right from wrong. ... Acts 22:16 He was forgiven! ""They will make you outcasts from the synagogue, but an hour is coming for everyone who kills you to think that he is offering service to God." John 16:2 "Paul, looking intently at the Council, said, "Brethren, I have lived my life with a perfectly good conscience before God up to this day." Acts 23:1 "So then, I thought to myself that I had to do many things ... Every time we do something that our conscience tells us is wrong with a bad feeling, the next time we do the same thing, it won't feel as bad. Over time, as we continue to do the same wrong thing, we have seared our conscience so that when we do that bad thing, we get no bad feeling. It is a grave ... ...
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386: Scriptural refutation of "eternal Security"
Lk 8:13 receive word with joy, believe temptation, persecution fall away Lk 9:62 put hands to plow of kingdom looked back to former life not fit for kingdom Lk 12:42-48 steward in charge of Christ's servants beat slaves, drunkenness ... Heb 10:26-31 received knowledge of truth. no longer remains indicates they once had forgiveness sinning willfully no forgiveness of sin, fearful judgment Heb 10:38-39 God's righteous, Christians shrinks back God has no pleasure in him, destruction Jas 5:19-20 brethren, Christians strays from truth, sin soul will die in sins, sinner 1 Pe 5:8 Christians sin devoured by devil 2 Pe 2:1 Christians, "among you" had been bought by Christ false prophets swift destruction 2 Pe 2:20-22 escaped defilements of world by Christ, entangled ... he has both the Father and the Son." 6 Moral Apostasy passages: 1 Timothy 6:9-10 "But those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a snare and many foolish and harmful desires which plunge men into ruin and destruction. ... ...
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387: History of the Chinese Language
written languages in the world. It is a written language of pictures. Author and physician, Adeline Yen Nah, in her book Chinese Cinderella said of the written syntax of her native tongue: Chinese is a pictoral language, not a phonetic one. Our words come from images. The meaning of many characters is subtle and profound. Other words are poetic and even philosophical.1 Chinese is thought to be the world's oldest ... upon the face of the whole earth." (Genesis 11:1, 4) The next several verses in the Genesis account reveal that God confused the language of the people and scattered them abroad over the face of the whole earth. ... Moses did not learn the Chinese language and turn it into a story about creation. Neither did Shun possess a copy of the Genesis record, for it hadn't been written yet. One might think it to be a coincidence, but as we will see through the volume of material available, there is a certain link between the pre-Babel record of Genesis and the same information as seen ... ...
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388: 796 BC: "Saba'a Conquest Stele" Adad-Nirari III: King of Assyria ...
... Adad and Hadad are two different spellings of the same "storm god" Adad-nirari III is literally "Adad is my helper" Ben-Hadad is literally "son of Hadad" We find the same thing true with all the Babylonian kings being named after idol gods Bel or Nebo. (Nebuchadnezzar) "Adad (Addu, Akkadian), Hadda/i/u (West Semetic), storm-god. may also stand for Baal" (The Amarna Letters, W. L. Moran, p 386, 1992 AD) "Hadad is the name under which the ancient Near Eastern storm god was known among various groups in the Mesopotamian and Syrian world. The god is also mentioned in a number of biblical texts and names. In this article, the biblical material will be dealt with in conjunction with the ... of his offering), whose rule the gnat gods made beneficial as the food (lit., plant) of life for the people of Assyria, and whose land they enlarged; son of Shamshi-Adad, the mighty king, [king of the universe, king] of Assyria, grandson of Shalmaneser, ruler of all princes, destroyer of hostile kings. ... ...
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389: creed and beliefs of Baha'i Faith: A brief history & notes on ...
... Local Spiritual Assembly- Nine member body elected annually on April 21st Universal House of Justice Nine member body elected every five years, serving the Faith globally from the Baha'i World Centre in Haifa, Israel There is no clergy in the Baha'i Faith. Individual members are encouraged to explore the revelation of God and to decide on the issues of life through prayer, study of sacred writings, reflection and consultation with others. ... Jesus replied "To be sure Elijah comes and will restore all things. But I tell you Elijah has already come and they did not recognize him, but have done to him every thing they wished. In the same way the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands". Then the disciples ... She went on her way and wandered in the desert of Beersheba. When the water was gone she put the boy under one of the bushes. Then she went off and sat down nearby about a bowshot away, for she thought, I cannot watch the boy die. Genesis 21:14-16 God heard the boy crying and ... ...
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390: Indwelling of the Holy Spirit
... David understood that saying God "indwelt" the temple was really an all-inclusive metaphor that described a place where men could connect with the divine providence (eyes), prayer (ears), love (heart) and family (name) of God. g. The same thing is true in the church today. Christians themselves ... The representative indwelling of the Holy Spirit is conditional on how you live your life as a Christian. The less you sin, the more the Spirit of God indwells you. Christians represent God to the world in their daily conduct and morality. The spirit indwells every Christian in proportion to their ability to live a sinless life. The Holy Spirit indwells to a lesser extent, a new Christian who is stumbling ... Phil 3:21 transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, 1Thes 5:23 sanctify you entirely; and may your spirit and soul and body be preserved complete Heb 13:3 Remember the prisoners, ... since you yourselves also are in the body James 3:6 the tongue is set ... ...
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391: Sin was viewed as the cause (etiology) of mental illness
... THEN their Sins fly glaringly in their Faces, and are so infinitely great, that no Satisfaction can compensate; then they think of nothing but the fearful Wrath of God just ready to be pour'd out upon them; that the Sentence of Condemnation is already pass'd, and ... following convalescence; medicaments; so-called love potions; associating with the insane." (Textbook of Disturbances of Mental Life and Soul, Johann Heinroth, 1818 AD) Historical Survey of Mental illness etiology 1500 - 1900 C. The Humoral etiology: Melancholy blood, bad nerve fibers & spleens The Humoral era (450 BC - 1858 AD). The idea that insanity was caused by "bad blood" dates back to Hippocrates, the quack we can thank for misleading the world for 2500 years. ... William Drage concluded that he had witnessed several cases of demon possession in a couple of women. In fact, Mary Hall was faking the whole thing (hysteria) for attention because she did not like the way she was being treated by her father. However, Drage ... ...
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392: What Early Christians believed about Reincarnation, New Age
... and some of those of the people held the false dogma of the transmigration of souls into bodies, in consequence of which they thought that the form John had appeared again by a fresh birth, and had come from the dead into life as Jesus. ... And one might use the following line of argument: Just as because the Spirit and the power of Elijah, and not because of his soul, it is said about John, "This is Elijah who is to come' [Matt. 11:14] . . . so Herod thought that the powers in John worked in his case works of baptism and teaching--for John did not do one miracle [John 10:41]--but in Jesus [they worked] miraculous portents" (Commentary on Matthew 10:20). 229 AD Origen "Now the Canaanitish woman, having come, worshipped Jesus as God, saying, 'Lord, help me,' ... who introduce the doctrine of transmigration, laying down things in harmony with it, do not acknowledge that the world is coming to corruption, it is fitting that when they have looked the Scriptures straight in the face which plainly ... ...
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393: Official creed of Mennonite Brethren
... The Christian lives in fellowship with God and other believers, and joins the local church at baptism. He/she contributes to the building of the body of Christ with spiritual and material gifts. Nurtured through the Word, fellowship and prayer, the believer grows more Christlike, glorifies ... Through public teaching, sympathetic encouragement, private counselling and earnest rebuke, the church promotes constructive discipline. Believers are encouraged to live a life of Christian discipleship, and to progress toward spiritual maturity so that the church will glorify God in the world. God's Word is the standard for church discipline. Christians living in sin must be admonished in brotherly love and ... On the Lord's Day believers occupy themselves especially with worship and instruction in the Word, Christian fellowship and service and refreshing themselves in body and soul, and limiting their labour to work of necessity and deeds of mercy. Gen. 2:1-3; Ex. 20:8-10; Mt. 6:33; Lk. 24:1-36; ... ...
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394: Pre-tribulation Rapture Refuted: 1948 Israeli nationhood did ...
age" came to an end and ordered everyone to leave their churches in 1988. He then went on to predict the end of the world not once, but twice in 1994 and again on May 21, 2011. 6. Most "Rapture time charts" use the establishment of Israel ... And for this hope, O King, I am being accused by Jews. "Why is it considered incredible among you people if God does raise the dead? "So then, I thought to myself that I had to do many things hostile to the name of Jesus of Nazareth. " (Acts 26:6-9) b. "For this reason, ... The LORD says, 'I will also bring them back to the land that I gave to their forefathers and they shall possess it." (Jeremiah 30:3-9) ii. "One basket had very good figs, like first-ripe figs, and the other basket had very bad figs which ... there you will seek the LORD your God, and you will find Him if you search for Him with all your heart and all your soul. "When you are in distress and all these things have come upon you, in the latter days you will return to the LORD ... ...
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395: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Real Mental Illnesses Real Cases Real People Real Causes Real Solutions Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry© brings the principles of Biblical Psychiatry to life based upon real-world cases and familiarizes Christians with different types of situations. This practical ... A week after I gave her another Tryal by adding a smaller pipe so that when the one let the water fall on top of her head the other squirted it in her face or any other part of her head neck or breast I thought proper. Being still very strong I ... I granted her request provided she would go to bed with her husband that night, which she did with great chearfullness . . . About 1 month afterwards I went to pay her a visit, saw every thing in good order . . . Being thus successful I was ... It mattered now if she believed in Bible which forbad her leaving in such cases. Mt 19:9. She didn't even have to believe in God. It was the purely social barriers (based on the bible) that were the source of her resistance. Although not ... ...
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396: Psychiatry: Postpartum Depression Psychiatric disorders, PPD ...
If you think you need psychotherapy, talk to your grandmother who will give you the best advice (and its free): "Its harder raising kids than you thought. I raised 12. Welcome to adult life." Introduction: See also the case of "Pregnant". (Prenatal depression caused by the ... Nothing further was said and discussion moved on to a new topic. Having a newborn child is one of the most difficult, demanding and physically stressful thing a human can endure on planet earth! Mothers of newborns need our encouragement ... There is a reason for this. Postpartum Depression (PPD) has become both a lightening rod of debate in the world of psychiatry and mental heath. The PPD of Brooke Shields and Tom Cruise who denied it has made PPD the "flagship" mental ... This is what caused her depression. She understood that with children, she was going to have to deny herself and serve the children. Being a rich, spoiled, self centered brat her whole life, this was a hard thing to do! Brooke Shields ... ...
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397: Everything You Ever Needed To Know About Raising God-Fearing ...
We'll write His words upon their hearts and never from them will they depart. and when they go through this life, wondering what path to take, if they will do all in the name of the Lord, he will never forsake. The parents of this generation and generations to come will sing praises to the Lord for the great works He has done. And remember each day as we teach His way, God seeks a godly offspring.(By Mary Morr) Introduction A. Parents are entrusted with a soul of great value: Mt 16:26. B. Paradox of parenthood: 1. Dentists, doctors and layers go to ... C. Bad friends and playmates will create problems in your child: 1 Cor 15:33 D. Fully sheltering them from the world and all evil influence: 1 Cor 5:9-10 E. Failing to take into consideration that children are not adults: 1. Disciplining for things that are typical of their age but very frustrating to parents: a) 1 Cor 13:11 "spoke, thought and reasoned as a child" Children are children! b) Children often do things that are foolish ... ...
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398: Tobiah the Ammonite: Temple and Palace in Jordan: 5445 BC
Nehemiah 2:10 3. There are three remarkable phases of Tobiah's life: a. Opposition to the rebuilding of the temple. b. Joining in worshipping and running the temple. c. When he was thrown out of the ... Nehemiah 2:10 "But when Sanballat the Horonite and Tobiah the Ammonite official, and Geshem the Arab heard it, they mocked us and despised us and said, "What is this thing you are doing? Are you ... that time I had not set up the doors in the gates," Nehemiah 6:1 "Then I perceived that surely God had not sent him, but he uttered his prophecy against me because Tobiah and Sanballat had hired him." ... Nehemiah 13:7 "It was very displeasing to me, so I threw all of Tobiah's household goods out of the room." Nehemiah 13:8 B. The Samaritans chose Mt. Gerizim after the Babylonian captivity in 516 BC ... The lily represented the world of flowers. It symbolized human virtues such as righteousness, purity and chastity. One of these virtues has been befittingly illustrated by the character of the ... ...
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399: Seven Parenting Sayings Of Worldly Wisdom
... When he looked behind him and saw them, he cursed them in the name of the LORD. Then two female bears came out of the woods and tore up forty-two lads of their number. When children get off the train track of life, its time to use the ... Prov 19:13 A foolish son is destruction to his father, and the contentions of a wife are a constant dripping. Prov 29:17 Correct your son, and he will give you comfort and delight your soul. There was only one child in all world history who actually knew more than his ... Luke 23:14 Jesus was falsely accused of causing rebellion Children are like canoes, they behave better if paddled from the rear. Children are like ketchup bottles. A few slaps on their bottom, get them moving. B. God commanded parents to ... So then, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your salvation with fear and trembling; Heb 10:31 It is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God. ... ...
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400: A marriage is sent to an early grave by a series of little digs ...
Your marriage is sent to an early grave by a series of little digs! Someone has observed that a successful marriage is one where the wife gives the best years of her life to the man who makes them the best years. Someone else has said that a good ... Or the wife begins: "What kept you so late?"; "What is your excuse this time?"; "You never do anything with the family"; "Why can't you be thoughtful like Millie's husband?'. You see, the thing wrong with this approach is that it is totally negative and nobody wins. What is needed, is to convert this into positive action. This is what Christianity is all about. Romans 12:2, says, "And be not conformed to this world, but be you transformed by the ... Marriages have often been dissolved because of unjustified fears or distrust. The Bible reads: "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but fornicators and adulterers God will judge". (Hebrews 13:4) This final thought: Capitalize on the Law of Human Returns. Jesus said: "Give and it ... ...
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