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201: Official creed of Latter-day Saiimts (LDS) Mormons
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Articles of Faith We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression. We believe that through the atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinancesof the Gospel. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in ... Commitment to Christ, sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, and participation in the faith community help us to make responsible choices that enhance human life and respect creation. STEWARDSHIP: All things were created by God and should be used for the purposes of ... ...
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202: 10 Bible passages for Teenagers!
I have selected ten key statements from the Bible which tell one how best to live. Man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. Matthew 4:4. Living for this world and its pleasures is a serious mistake. To gain the whole world and lose one's soul is foolish - Luke 9:25. If we sow to the flesh, or to earthly pleasure, we shall reap corruption, or misery - Galatians 6:7-8. Living for God is the better way. We are made in the image of God. Genesis 1:26, so we are spiritual beings, who, like God, will live eternally. If we seek first the kingdom of heaven and His righteousness our earthly needs will be supplied . Matthew 6:33. Read Romans 8:28 and Psalms 37:25. Obey your parents in the Lord; ... God intended that a man leave his father and mother and cling to his wife Genesis 2:24. He that will not work, neither let him eat - II Thessalonians 3:10. Since the days of Adam, God has decreed that man must work if he is to eat Genesis 3:19. One ... ...
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203: Douglas, J. D. & Bruce F. F.: New Bible Dictionary
for its rule of faith." (New Bible Dictionary, J. D. Douglas & F. F. Bruce, Trinity, p 1298) In His disputation with the Jews He claimed that His own Sonship was not simply from David, but from a source that made Him David's Lord, and that it had been so at the very time when David uttered the words (Mt. xxii. 43). ... Trinity, p 1298) It is thought that Gn. i. 26 ('And God said, Let us make man in our image and after our likeness') implies that a revelation of the Triune God had been given to man when first created, inasmuch as he was to be given the divine fellowship, but that the consciousness was afterwards lost with the loss of his original righteousness. (New ... Both the creative activity of God and His government are at a later stage associated with the Word personified as Wisdom (Pr. viii. 22 ff.; Jb. xxviii. 2327), and with the Spirit as the Dispenser of all blessings and the source of physical strength, courage, culture, and government (Ex. xxxi. 3; Nu. xi. 25; Jdg. iii. ... ...
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204: Unavoidable Consequences Of Inherited Sin
God is therefore responsible for all the unsaved going to hell. God created certain men who never had any chance or opportunity to be saved! This makes God a respecter of persons. C. Man is not responsible for his sin, since he has no freewill There is little difference between "the devil made me do it" and "Adam made me do it" Ultimately, God is responsible for man's sin because that is the way God created us at conception. Like migrating birds that have no choice, we are ... This pamphlet was written by John Harman who theologically disagreed with Whitefield. John Harman gathered the quotes and doctrinal statements and ideas from first hand witness to George Whitefield's preaching. It is interesting that the idea of children in ... thy necessity and delight: Out of the earth, on which thou treadest, "he bringeth forth thy food, and [wine] to make glad thy heart," Psal. 104:14, 15. And dost thou thus requite the Lord? Hath mercy armed an enemy to fight against it with its own weapons? ... ...
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205: Official creed of First Evangelical Free Church
First Evangelical Free Church We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God, which reveals to us God's plan of salvation for mankind and is the basis of our faith and the only infallible guide for Christian living (2 Timothy 3:16,17). We believe the entire Bible to be God's written Word, and while we by no ... (Matthew 3:16,17; Matthew 28:19) Statement 3: Jesus Christ We believe that Jesus Christ was begotten by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary and is true God and true man. (Matthew 1:18-25; John 1:1,14) Statement 4: Mankind We believe that man was created in the image of God but fell into sin and is therefore lost and only through regeneration by the Holy Spirit can salvation and spiritual life be obtained. (Genesis 1:26,27; Genesis 3:1-24) Statement 5: Jesus Christ's Death We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that all who believe in Him are justified on the grounds of His shed blood. (Isaiah 53; Romans ... ...
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206: Official creed of Anglican/Episcopal Church
... Of the Names and Number of the Canonical Books Genesis Exodus Leviticus Numbers Deuteronomy Joshua Judges Ruth The First Book of Samuel The Second Book of Samuel The First Book of Kings The Second ... Manasses The First Book of Maccabees The Second Book of Maccabees All of the Books of the New Testament, as they are commonly received, we do receive, and accont them Canonical. VII. Of the Old Testament. The Old Testament is not contrary to the New: for in both the Old and New Testament everlasting life is offered to Mankind by Christ, who is the only Mediator between God and Man, being both God ... IX. Of Original or Birth-sin. Original Sin standeth not in the following of Adam, (as the Pelagians do vainly talk;) but it is the fault and corruption of the Nature of every man, that naturally is ... XI. Of the Justification of Man. We are accounted righteous before God, only for the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ by Faith, and not for our own works or deservings: Wherefore, that we ... ...
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207: Trinity Proof Texts: Genesis 1:26; 3:22; 11:7; Isa 6:8
in Our [plural pronoun] image, according to Our [plural pronoun] likeness" Genesis 1:26 2. "Then Yahweh God [plural elohim] said, "Behold, the man has become like one of Us [plural pronoun], knowing good and evil" Genesis 3:22 3. "Come, let Us [plural pronoun] go down and there confuse [plural form of balal] their language, so that they will not understand one another's speech." Genesis 11:7 4. "Then I heard the voice of the Lord [plural elohim], saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us [plural pronoun]?"" ... A. Anti-Trinitarians claim that when God said, "Let US make man in OUR image". (Gen 1:26) he was speaking to angels. 1. Angels are not created in the image of God, only man. 2. If angels are included in "Let US make", then angels AND ... For if I am the image of the Creator there is no room in me for another head" (Tertullian, Book V, Elucidations, Chapter VIII.-Man the Image of the Creator, and Christ the Head of the Man.) 200 AD Tertullian: "In the first place, ... ...
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208: Does God Approve Instrumental Music in church?
Although the way in which God deals with man changed at the time of Christ's death, God never changes. Thus, God (who expected obedience in Old Testament times) expects obedience in New Testament times. This includes our era, today. In speaking of historical occasions in the Old Testament, Paul, in Romans 15:4 said, "For whatsoever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through patience and comfort of the scriptures might have hope." One of these historical occasions is when God dealt with the first of mankind, Cain and Abel, the children of Adam and Eve. The jealousy which ended in Abel's murder began when Cain made sacrifices to God that was not of ... Col. 3:16 reads, "Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with gladness in your hearts to the Lord." Similarly, Ephesians 5:19 instructs, "speaking to yourselves -in psalms and hymns and spiritual ... ...
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209: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: The Tabernacle/Temple Messianic ...
Removed by Blood, entrance to heaven now available to the church: Heb 10:19-20 Aaronic priests Christian both man and woman: Rom 15:16; Heb 7:12; 1 Pet 2:5; Rev 1:6; ... Before the coming of Jesus, we had no idea the Tabernacle was messianic. d. Jesus is the first person to indicate that the Tabernacle was messianic typology when He ... growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit." (Ephesians 2:19-22) 2. Ten Commandments, Law of Moses is replaced by Law of Christ: a. "to those who are without law, as without law, though not being without the law of God but under the law of Christ, so ... and thereby fulfill the law of Christ." (Galatians 6:2) 3. Outer wall of the court represented the Law of Moses which created a barrier between Jew and Gentile. ... might make the two into one new man, thus establishing peace," (Ephesians 2:14-15) 4. Holy Place occupied by Aaronic Priests only is replaced by Christians only: a. ... ...
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210: The Bible and the Wife's responsibility to the Husband
Your interest in this subject is appreciated and I am glad that we have the Bible as our source book to tell us what God expected of the wife in the marriage relationship. There are several verses in Ephesians, the fifth chapter that you should read, beginning with verse 22. Let me read only three of these for you. Verse 22, "Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord". Then verse 24, "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so ... Even though a wife does not work outside of the home in what we call public work, she is still vital to the income of the family. Hers is a non-income producing activity, but it is still vitally important to the overall success of the family. When God created woman, she was taken from the rib of man as is described in Genesis. She was not taken from his foot that she might be crushed underneath his heel in bitterness. Neither was she taken from his head so that she might rule over him. She was not taken from the hand so that she ... ...
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211: Who is The Devil, Satan?
Satan rules the world through deception and sin, not legitimately by God: Rev 12:9 C. Satan's war against God is for domain or property rights of your soul! Satan gets your soul the first time you sin! God purchased us from Satan with blood: 1 Co 6:20;7:23; Ax 20:28; 1 Pe 1:18; 2 Pe 2:1; Rev 5:9 Once ... Satan is not self-existent Satan must have therefore had a point of origin: Col 1:16; Jn 1:3; Heb 1:2 God is the Father of all spirits including Satan's: Eph 2:2 B. Was Satan created good or evil? All God created was good: Gen 1:31. God must have created Satan good. Kind begets kind: God is good therefore He must have created Satan good. Satan, like every man can choose to ... Isa 14:12-15 Refers to king of Babylon not the Devil V12: "Lucifer" (KJV) "star" (NASB) literally means, "shining one" Ezek 28:13-19 Refers to king of Tyre not the Devil This is a very common false teaching. B. Satan has already lost his war against God A. Historical victories of Satan: Adam and Eve eating ... ...
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212: Divorce, Remarriage and the Bible
The teachings of Jesus on this subject may be found in Matthew 5:31,32, and Matthew 19:3-9. These passages should be carefully read in connection with this discussion. Jesus went back to the beginning and based marriage on God's original intention in creation. God created man, male and female, and stated that man should leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife, and the two should become one flesh. Marriage is the permanent union of man and woman as husband and wife, as long as they both shall live upon the earth. It is not merely a physical connection, but a spiritual ... The teachings of Jesus on this point is clear. "Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery. And whosoever marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery." (Matthew 19:9). A careful examination of this passage indicates a number of things. First, adultery must be the actual cause for the putting away, or separation. Sometimes ... ...
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213: Official creed of Awana Clubs International (A.W.A.N.A.)
We believe in God as absolute and sole Creator and Sustainer of the universe, and that creation was by divine command, from nothing and not through an evolutionary process. (John 1:3, 10; Acts 17:24-25; Genesis 1:1) We believe that God, by His sovereign choice and out of love for men, sent Christ into the world to save sinners. (John 3:16; 1 Timothy 1:15; 1 John 4:14) GOD THE SON We believe that Jesus Christ was fully God in the flesh and fully man, that He was born of a virgin and ... MAN We believe that man was created in the image and likeness of God, but that in Adam's sin the race fell, inherited a sinful nature and became alienated from God. We believe that all men are morally corrupt, and of themselves utterly unable to remedy ... We believe that the true Church is composed of all persons who are regenerated by the Holy Spirit through saving faith in Jesus Christ; that they are united together in the body of Christ of which He is Lord and Head; and are commissioned for the ... ...
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214: The Bible and the Wife's responsibility to the Husband
Your interest in this subject is appreciated and I am glad that we have the Bible as our source book to tell us what God expected of the wife in the marriage relationship. There are several verses in Ephesians, the fifth chapter that you should read, beginning with verse 22. Let me read only three of these for you. Verse 22, "Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord". Then verse 24, "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so ... Even though a wife does not work outside of the home in what we call public work, she is still vital to the income of the family. Hers is a non-income producing activity, but it is still vitally important to the overall success of the family. When God created woman, she was taken from the rib of man as is described in Genesis. She was not taken from his foot that she might be crushed underneath his heel in bitterness. Neither was she taken from his head so that she might rule over him. She was not taken from the hand so that she ... ...
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215: Divorce, Remarriage and the Bible
The teachings of Jesus on this subject may be found in Matthew 5:31,32, and Matthew 19:3-9. These passages should be carefully read in connection with this discussion. Jesus went back to the beginning and based marriage on God's original intention in creation. God created man, male and female, and stated that man should leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife, and the two should become one flesh. Marriage is the permanent union of man and woman as husband and wife, as long as they both shall live upon the earth. It is not merely a physical connection, but a spiritual ... The teachings of Jesus on this point is clear. "Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery. And whosoever marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery." (Matthew 19:9). A careful examination of this passage indicates a number of things. First, adultery must be the actual cause for the putting away, or separation. Sometimes ... ...
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216: Official creed of the Methodist church
The names of the canonical books are: Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, The First Book of Samuel, The Second Book of Samuel, The First Book of Kings, The Second Book of Kings, The First Book of Chronicles, The Second Book of Chronicles, The Book of Ezra, The Book of Nehemiah, The Book of Esther, The Book of Job, The Psalms, The ... The Old Testament is not contrary to the New; for both in the Old and New Testament everlasting life is offered to mankind by Christ, who is the only Mediator between God and man, being both God and Man. Wherefore ... Article VII.-Of Original or Birth Sin Original sin standeth not in the following of Adam (as the Pelagians do vainly talk), but it is the corruption of the nature of every man, that naturally is engendered ... Article IX.-Of the Justification of Man We are accounted righteous before God only for the merit of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, by faith, and not for our own works or deservings. Wherefore, that we ... ...
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217: The theme of the rejected blessing of the firstborn given to ...
Firstborn in scripture is a special status and has nothing to do with birth order. David and Jesus were begotten by God on their coronation not when they were born: "You are my son, today I have begotten you" ... ""Reuben, you are my firstborn; My might and the beginning of my strength, Preeminent in dignity and preeminent in power." (Genesis 49:3) ""But he shall acknowledge the firstborn, the son of the unloved, by ... offspring of every womb, and the first offspring of every beast that you own; the males belong to the Lord. "But every first offspring of a donkey you shall redeem with a lamb, but if you do not redeem it, then you shall break its neck; and every firstborn of man among your sons you shall redeem. "And it shall be when your son asks you in time to come, saying, ... IV. The pattern of the second born being blessed as the firstborn: Abel over Cain: "Now the man had relations with his wife Eve, and she conceived and gave birth to Cain, and she said, "I have gotten a ... ...
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218: How to commit your unwanted, naggy or rich wife to a mental hospital
If you had the money, you could get almost anyone committed to a mad house for almost any reason! The rise of wicked husbands throwing their virtuous, rich wives in jail began around 1720 AD. First you have Haywood's novel "Love in a mad-house" ... Parry-Jones, 1972 AD, p 290) Men like Alexander Cruden, the man of God who created "Cruden's concordance", was cast into a mental house three times because he would go around like John the Baptist and condemn the ruling class of sin, corruption and adultery! In ... bed that night was therefore a sure sign of her cure." (Patterns of Madness in the Eighteenth Century, A Reader, Allan Ingram, 1998 AD, p 120) See the case of "Waterfall" where a woman who hates her husband goes insane but is cured by torture. ... Defoe is an important marker in history for he shows the genesis of mad houses run by non-church ministers for rich people. (Augusta Triumphans, Daniel Defoe, 1728 AD) C. Unwanted Wives cast into Bedlam mental hospital: Bedlam was the most ... ...
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219: Scriptural refutation of Inherited Sin
C. God requires man to act and do something to be saved...infants can't act or do "Unless you repent you will perish": Lk 13:3 "Save yourselves": Acts 2:40 KJV "Repent and be baptized every one of you for forgiveness of ... states that he was once spiritually alive but then he sinned & died/was killed: Rom 7:9-11 God said that the king of Tyrus was "blameless in your ways from the day you were created, until unrighteousness was found in you." ... Bible says , "Your sins have separated you from your God" (Isa 59:1-2) then newborns must be born united with God. As in Adam, all die... 1 Cor 15:22 Text Newborn, innocent & alive Sinner, guilty & dead Adam & Eve: Gen 1-3 Didn't know good from evil Ate forbidden fruit Jacob & Esau: Rom 9:11 Don't know good from evil When ... Like Adam, each man is born in the "Garden" and is cast out when he sins F. The second Spiritual death implies a first spiritual death & initial spiritual life: Second death is hell: It is a spiritual separation from God: ... ...
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220: Official creed of Church of God, International (Tyler, TX)
Acts 1:8; 2:38; Romans 8:9, 14; I Corinthians 2:16; Ephesians 1:13-14 5. MANKIND Humans are physical beings with no inherent immortality, but they can receive eternal life as a free gift from God. Man was created by God to be wholly flesh and blood, yet in God's image, and with a spiritual component added to his brain to compose the human mind. Genesis 1:26-27; Job 32:8; I Corinthians 2:11; I John 5:11-13 6. ANGELIC REALM God has created powerful spirit beings as His agents, and ... Repentance is the act of acknowledging one's sins, and resolving to fully obey God. It begins when God opens one's mind to see himself in comparison with God and His law. True repentance is the first step toward reconciliation with God, and thereby ... The church does not "enforce" or "police" tithing, but simply teaches the responsibility to tithe. Each individual has the responsibility to "honor the Lord with his substance and with the firstfruits of all his increase.'' Tithing is a method by which ... ...
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221: Mormonism: "As man is, God once was; as God is, man may be."
The Mormon Church The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints Click to View Adam - God Doctrine "As man is, God once was; as God is, man may be." God was once just a man! Man can become God! The most ... In spite of the opposition of the sects, in the face of direct charges of blasphemy, the Church proclaims the eternal truth: 'As man is, God once was; as God is, man may be.'" (LDS Apostle James E. Talmage, Articles of Faith, Ch.24, p.430 - p.431, LDS Collectors Library '97 CD-ROM) " 'It is the first principle of the gospel to know for a certainty the character of God,' ... in glory, as do those who sit enthroned in everlasting power." (Teachings, pp. 346-47.) Christ our Lord has so obtained, thus enabling him to say to the faithful: "Ye shall be even as I am, and I am even ... like a man in form--like yourselves in all the person, image, and very form as a man; for Adam was created in the very fashion, image and likeness of God, and received instruction from, and walked, talked ... ...
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222: Inherited Sin: definitions and official creeds
... of all the offspring of Adam by reason of which everyone is very far gone from the original righteousness or the pure state of our first parents at the time of their creation, is averse to God, is without spiritual life, and inclined to evil, and that continually. We further believe that original sin continues to exist with the new life of the regenerate, until eradicated by the baptism with the Holy Spirit. We believe that original sin differs from actual sin in that it constitutes an inherited propensity to actual sin for which no one is accountable until its divinely provided remedy is neglected or rejected." Christian and Missionary Alliance: Manual, Statement of faith Article III # 5: "Man was Originally created in the image and likeness of God; he fell through disobedience, incurring thereby both physical and spiritual death. All men are born with a sinful nature, are separated from the life of God, and can be saved only through the atoning work of the Lord Jesus Christ. ... ...
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223: TRINITY the unity of God: "One in unity"
For example, when God said in Genesis 2:24 "the two shall become one [echad] flesh" it is the same word for "one" that was used in Deut 6:4. Click to View Click to View In the New Testament, the word "hen" also means a unified one. To the horror of Unitarians, "hen" is used in both Mk 12:29 (which quotes Deut 6:4) and Mt 19:5 (which quotes Gen 2:24). echad Gen 2:24 Click to View two become one Click to View Man + Woman Matt 19:5 hen Deut 6:4 Click to View God is one Click to View Father + Son + Spirit ... Click to View Grammatical Plurality & Yahweh .Click here for a detailed discussion of plurals applied to God in the Old Testament Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Nouns: God - elohim, Lord - adonai Pronouns: We, Us, Our ... And My glory I will not give to another. "Listen to Me, O Jacob, even Israel whom I called; I am He, I am the first, I am also the last. "Surely My hand founded the earth, And My right hand spread out the heavens; When I call to them, they ... ...
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224: Sabbath Abolished: God does not change, but His law has many ...
Yet the Ten commandments and the Sabbath did not exist until Moses. Sabbatarians haven't comprehended the fact that the word "Sabbath" is never found in the book of Genesis. The first case of Sabbath keeping was in Exodus 16 at Mt. Sinai. Here Jehovah gave Moses the "Ten Commandments", for the first time in world history. If the Ten commandments did not exist before Moses, then neither did the 4th commandment unless we find some command or example before Moses. The truth is that Adam never kept the Sabbath, nor did Noah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph or anyone in while in Egyptian bondage! C. There have been three distinct periods of law in the Bible: Since God gave the law of animal sacrifices then abolished it, this also proves that God changes! Right? Wrong: The laws God gives and what God requires of man has changes a lot. There are three basic periods of earth history: Heb 1:1-2 Adam to Moses: No Leviticus priesthood, Sabbath, baptism or Lord's Supper Moses to Christ: No baptism, ... ...
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225: Mormonism: God had sex with Mary to conceive Jesus
Mormons feel that they can still use the phrase "virgin birth" because God was an IMMORTAL being who had sex with Mary, not a mere mortal man. And this is exactly what Bruce McConkie, (top LSD ... If none but gods will be permitted to multiply immortal children, it follows that each God must have one or more wives. God, the Father of our spirits, became the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ ... D. Joseph was Her Second Husband Inasmuch as God was the first husband to her, it may be that He only gave her to be the wife of Joseph while in the mortal state, and that He intended after the resurrection to ... means what it says.-page 742 SON OF MAN: Christ is the Son of Man, meaning that his Father (the eternal God!) is a Holy Man. "In the language of Adam, Man of Holiness" is the name of God. ... He was the literal, biological son of an immortal, tangible Father and Mary, a mortal woman (see Virgin Birth). Jesus is the only person born who deserves the title "the Only Begotten Son of God" ... ...
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226: Trinity: "Plural of Majesty", "pluralis majestaticus", "singular ...
It is clear that these plural references to God in the Old Testament we hidden until fully revealed by Christ and his apostles with the proclamation of the deity of Jesus. Jews could look back and see Jesus there in Genesis! B. Understanding ... Mystery, 1970, p6, ) "This first person plural can hardly be a mere editorial or royal plural that refers to the speaker alone, for no such usage is demonstrable anywhere else in biblical Hebrew. Therefore, we must face the question of who are included in this "us" and "our." It could hardly include the angels in consultation with God, for nowhere is it ever stated that man was created in the image of angels, only of God. Verse 27 then affirms: "and God [Elohim] created man in His own image, in the ... AD.) 180 AD Irenaeus "It was not angels, therefore, who made us, nor who formed us, neither had angels power to make an image of God, nor any one else, except the Word of the Lord, nor any Power remotely distant from the Father of all things. ... ...
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227: Official creed of the Lutheran church; 95 Theses or 95 Articles ...
Click here to view: 95 Theses or 95 Articles of Martin Luther, 1517 AD The Augsburg Confession (1530): The Augsburg Confession is the first of the great Protestant Confessions. All orthodox Lutheran church bodies base their teachings upon this treatise because they believe that it is a faithful to Word of God. ARTICLE I: OF GOD. Our Churches, with ... distinct Persons, but that "Word" signifies a spoken word, and "Spirit" signifies motion created in things. ARTICLE II: OF ORIGINAL SIN. Also they teach that since the fall of Adam all men begotten in the natural way are born with sin, that is, without the fear of God, ... They Condemn the Pelagians and others who deny that original depravity is sin, and who, to obscure the glory of Christ's merit and benefits, argue that man can be justified before God by ... They condemn the Anabaptists, who reject the baptism of children, and say that children are saved without Baptism. ARTICLE X: OF THE LORD'S SUPPER. Of the Supper of the Lord they teach ... ...
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228: A Short History of the Watchtower Organization
Perhaps as many as 50,000 followers put their trust in Miller's chronological calculations and prepared to welcome the Lord, while, as the appointed time approached, others watched nervously from a distance. Recalculations moved the promised ... Witnesses in the Divine Purpose asserts that "Jehovah's witnesses have a history almost 6,000 years long, beginning while the first man, Adam, was still alive," that Adam's son Abel was "the first of an unbroken line of Witnesses," and that "Jesus' disciples were all Jehovah's witnesses [sic] too." (pp. 8-9) An outsider listening to such claims quickly realizes, of course, that the sect has simply appropriated unto itself all the characters named in the Bible as faithful witnesses of God. ... The 7-member board of directors of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania had previously been portrayed as fulfilling this role, but in 1971 an expanded Governing Body was created with a total of eleven members, including the ... ...
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229: Death of the Anti-Black Doctrine, Salt Lake City Messenger, December ...
President Brigham Young, for instance, emphatically affirmed that blacks could not hold the Priesthood until AFTER the resurrection: "Cain slew his brother... and the Lord put a mark upon ... "When all the other children of Adam have had the privilege of receiving the Priesthood, and of coming into the kingdom of God, and of being redeemed from the four quarters of the earth, and have received their resurrection from the dead, then it will be time enough to remove the curse from Cain and his posterity... he is the last to share the joys of the kingdom of God." (Ibid., Vol. 2, page 143) The First ... what happened; I can only say that it happened and that it can be known and understood only by the feeling that can come into the heart of man. You cannot describe a testimony to someone." ... In Mormonism--Shadow or Reality? p. 281, we included an account of an interview Michael Marquardt had with a member at the Genesis Group. According to Mr. Marquardt's notes, "June 24, 1971 ... ...
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230: Tongues Ceased in AD 100: Introduction: Cessation of Spiritual ...
Gifts cease at the second coming. Click to View Sometimes Truth makes Love hurt "You are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Click to View I. Introduction 1. ... Stands as a monument of God's work by natural means without additional help since God rested on the 7th day! Life on Earth Created by a special act of God Perpetuated by natural ... Word copied, transmitted and distributed by natural means, unaided by God. The Church began by miracle on Pentecost Men have started new local churches since the first century without the need or aid of Supernatural gifts. They ceased in the first century! 3. There are only 9 gifts: "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. 6 And there are varieties of effects, but ... mother; and Elijah said, "See, your son is alive." 24 Then the woman said to Elijah, "Now I know that you are a man of God, and that the word of the Lord in your mouth is truth."" h. ... ...
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231: Sunday: The weekly memorial of the new creation and our deliverance ...
Those under the Law had been redeemed from Egypt, but they needed a greater redemption. Significance of Sabbath to Jews Significance of First Day to Christians Memorial of Genesis creation: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall do no work: you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your male servant, nor your female servant, nor your ... Deliverance from bondage of sin: "But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons." (Galatians 4:4-5) "in Him we have ... Instead of remembering this day given under the Old Law, let us remember and rejoice on the first day of the week, the day our Lord rose from the dead and made true salvation possible. Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE "you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has ... ...
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232: Catalogue and List of Divine Titles of God
"I am the Lord; and I appeared to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, as God Almighty, but by My name, Lord, I did not make Myself known to them." (Exodus 6:2-3) From Adam to Moses, God's name was "El-Shaddai" (God Almighty). ... Hebrew, definition, times used Text God Elohim (Mighty Ones) 2606x Genesis 1:1 God El (Might, Power) 245x Genesis 14:18 God Eloah (Mighty One) 57x Nehemiah 9:17 God Elah (Aramaic form) 95x Daniel 2:18 Yahweh (Jehovah), God, LORD YHWH (Yahweh) 6519x Gen 2:4; 15:2; Ex 6:3 Lord YH (Yah) (abbreviated form of Yahweh) 49x Psalm 68:4 Lord ... The Root And Offspring Of David: (Revelation 22:16) Son Of Abraham: (Matthew 1:1) Abraham's Seed: (Galatians 3:16) Son Of Joseph: (John 1:45) Son Of Man: (Matthew 26:64, see Daniel 7:13) Son Of God: (Matthew 26:63) Son ... The Way, The Truth, And The Life: (John 14:6) The Door: (John 10:7) The Alpha And The Omega: (Revelation 22:13) The First And The Last: (Revelation 22:13) The Beginning And The End: (Revelation 22:13) The Head Of The ... ...
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233: Hindu Gurus and Pentecostal preachers are identical!!!
... Shiva was the Hindu god represented in the movie "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom." Click to View Hindu depiction Of A Chakra: Click to View Wheel of spinning Energy Kundalini Yoga "the serpent power." Sanskrit kund, "to burn"; kunda, "to coil or to spiral": a concentrated field of intelligent, cosmic invisible energy absolutely vital to life; beginning in the base of the spine as a man or woman begins to evolve in their first incarnation; fed by the chakras along the spine and by the cosmic energy entering ... Click to View It is typical teaching that Rodney Howard-Browne tells people God likes to have fun with His children and wants them to laugh; this laughter is equated with "the joy of the Lord." (seen in video of Browne) RAJNEESH: "God is ... Don't worry. This is quite normal." In order to share the benefits of his qigong practice with others, Dr. Yan Xin created the "qi-emitting lecture". At such lectures, while discussing qigong principles and practical techniques, he has ... ...
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234: Fortman, Edmund: The Triune God
will send, of a Son of Man and a Suffering Servant to come. But it tells us nothing explicitly or by necessary implication of a Triune God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If we take the New Testament writers together they tell us there is only one God, the creator and lord of the universe, who is the Father of Jesus. They call Jesus the Son of God, Messiah, Lord, Savior, Word, Wisdom. ... To study the gradual transition from an unformulated Biblical witness to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit to a dogmatic formulation of a doctrine of the Triune God, we look first to the Eastern Church where most ... trinitarian thought thus far so as to see what its status was on the eve of the Nicene conflict that was to play such a tremendous part in the further development of trinitarian thought and dogma. ... Christ is the Son of God, born of the Father, i.e., of the substance of the Father, true God from true God; begotten not created, consubstantial with the Father; through him all things were made.' ... ...
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235: Catholic doctrine contradicts the Bible!!!
Matthew 23:9 2. Praying repetitive words using Rosary beads is forbidden. FACT: Catholics pray repetitive words with Rosary Beads that were first invented in 1090 AD, by "Peter the Hermit" and made ... "And Joseph awoke from his sleep and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took Mary as his wife, but kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name Jesus." Matthew 1:24-25 Click to View Click here for proof Mary had other children. Question #3: The Bible says there is only one mediator between God and man. Is mary that one mediator? Answer: 1 Timothy 2:5 o YES NO o "For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." 1 Timothy 2:5 Question #4: Catholics engage in endless praise of Mary. When a woman praised Jesus' ... with a branding iron, men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth." 1 Timothy 4:1-3 8. Peter was ... ...
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236: What Early Christians believed about death being a separation ...
Uninspired records of how early Christians worshipped and what doctrine they believed! Click to View Death being a separation of body and soul Nature of man Conscious life after death READ: Bible ... For the body is the house of the soul; and the soul the house of the spirit. These three, in all those who cherish a sincere hope and unquestioning faith in God, will be saved." (Justin Martyr, ... to look for a continuance invariable and unchangeable; in as much as the former are from the first created immortal, and continue to exist without end by the simple will of their Maker, and men, in ... no inclination to the faults which are committed in connection with the pleasure or food and culture of the body), or that the body alone should (for this of itself is incapable of distinguishing ... Chapter XII.-Of the Soul and the Body, and of Their Union and Separation and Return. 250 AD Ignatius The Lord has taught with very great fulness, that souls not only continue to exist, not by ... ...
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237: Is the RC church infallible and unable to make errors?
... They will forbid marriage, and will enjoin abstinence from foods, which God has created to be partaken of with thanksgiving by the faithful and by those who know the ... Let them alone; they are blind guides of blind men. But if a blind man guide a blind man, both fall into a pit." (Matt. 15:13-14). The passage in Matt. 28:19-20 was ... The early church was guided by the same source as the church today--the Word of God. There was a time when all the Word of God was given orally--by word of mouth of the inspired apostles and prophets. When people heard, believed and obeyed the Word given by the inspired teachers, the Lord added them to His church (Acts 2:47). ... In all the accounts of conversion in the book of Acts, it is revealed that the Word of God was first preached (Acts 2:14-41; 8:5-13; 35-39; 9:17-18; 10:34-38; 16:13, ... The baptizing of infants originated from the false idea that babies inherit the sin of Adam--termed, "original sin." In defining different kinds of sins, the book, My ... ...
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238: Joel 2:28, Promise of the Father, Baptism of the Holy Spirit ...
And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. "For the [miraculous] promise is for you and your children and for all who are far off, as many as the Lord our God will call to Himself [when we apostles lay our hands on you ... These 9 gifts have existed in both the Old and New Testament. All the patriarchs including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Jacob directly communicated with God and functioned as prophets. Joseph saw dreams and was a prophet, Moses performed miracles, David had the gift of prophecy, Solomon ... What was unique about the New Testament era in contrast to the Old Testament, was not WHAT supernatural powers were given but WHO the supernatural powers were given to. The first recorded miracle performed by a man was Moses when his staff turned into a snake (Ex ... The nine gifts of the Holy Spirit listed in 1 Cor 12:7-14 2. Preachers and theologians have greatly complicated the simple nature of the miraculous function of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament: a. They have created entire ... ...
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239: Trinity: plural references to God in the Old Testament: Plural ...
... For if I am the image of the Creator there is no room in me for another head" (Tertullian, Book V, Elucidations, Chapter VIII.-Man the Image of the Creator, and Christ the Head of the Man.) 200 AD Tertullian: "In the first place, ... Created by God.) Origen: "it was to Him that God said regarding the creation of man, "Let Us make man in Our image, after Our likeness." (Origen Against Celsus, Book V, Chapter XXXVII) Novatian: "For who does not acknowledge that the person of the Son is second after the Father, when he reads that it was said by the Father, consequently to the Son, "Let us make man in our image and our likeness; " and that after this it was related, "And God made man, in the image of God made He him? "Or when he holds in his hands: "The Lord ... and Abraham was walking with them to send them off. Yahweh said, "Shall I [not we] hide from Abraham what I am about to do, " Genesis 18:16-17 click for more on Gen 18 & 19 "Micaiah said, "Therefore, hear the word of the Lord. ... ...
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240: Teenage Marriage: Weigh it carefully!
... This is one reason why a courtship of at least several months should precede any marriage, since even the most irresponsible and self-centered person can put on a good front for a few weeks or months. Two keys to the real personality of a young man are, first, the kind of things it takes to ... a very young man or woman, you find yourself already married, there are a few basic, simple, scriptural rules for marriage, which can help you in making your marriage happy and successful. Marriage, by scriptural definition is: "The blending together of two lives, two personalities of the opposite sex for as long as the two shall live in this world. It is the building of a home that respects the law of God and protects the morals of mankind." Marriage is sanctioned by Jehovah God and is to be had in honor among all men as you may observe by reading Genesis 2:18-24. God said: "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him." (Verse 18) Adam then said: "This is ... ...
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241: Josiah, King of Judah 640-609 BC seals, bulla. They're Digging ...
Introduction: 1. Josiah was prophesied to be born back in 931 BC when Jeroboam made Israel sin with idolatry: a. "Now behold, there came a man of God from Judah to Bethel by the word of the Lord, ... establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him." (Genesis 17:19) b. ""It is I who says of Cyrus, 'He is My shepherd! And he will perform all My desire.' ... of darkness And hidden wealth of secret places, So that you may know that it is I, The Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name. "For the sake of Jacob My servant, And Israel My chosen ... AGE 15: Josiah first sought God in 633 BC at age 15. "For in the eighth year of his reign while he was still a youth, he began to seek the God of his father David; and in the twelfth year he began ... When a young man converts to Christianity he learns to pray and turn the other cheek, try to teach outsiders and obey the God who died for them. The pregnancy of an unmarried woman is celebrated as ... ...
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242: What Is Hell Like?
How does one determine the enormity of an act? By the time it takes to perform it? or by the act itself? For example, in fifteen seconds, a man could kill a dozen people by throwing a hand grenade into a crowded store. If that were done, should the killer go to prison for only ... The most horrible thing one can do is live in rebellion to the will of Almighty God. Those who live five years, five months, or five days in defiance of the Lord, and die in that condition will be punished in hell forever. Second, there are those who believe the punishment of Matthew 25:46 means eternal annihilation. They maintain that the disobedient will be cast into the fires of hell and simply experience a cessation of all existence. When Revelations 21:8 speaks of a second death, they understand it to refer to a second physical death. In their view, when one dies the first time he goes back to where Adam was before he was created. Where was Adam before he was created? He was not. They believe that ... ...
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243: Teenage Marriage: Weigh it carefully!
... This is one reason why a courtship of at least several months should precede any marriage, since even the most irresponsible and self-centered person can put on a good front for a few weeks or months. Two keys to the real personality of a young man are, first, the kind of things it takes to ... a very young man or woman, you find yourself already married, there are a few basic, simple, scriptural rules for marriage, which can help you in making your marriage happy and successful. Marriage, by scriptural definition is: "The blending together of two lives, two personalities of the opposite sex for as long as the two shall live in this world. It is the building of a home that respects the law of God and protects the morals of mankind." Marriage is sanctioned by Jehovah God and is to be had in honor among all men as you may observe by reading Genesis 2:18-24. God said: "It is not good that man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him." (Verse 18) Adam then said: "This is ... ...
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244: 804 BC: "Trust Nebo Alone" and praise statue of Adad-Nirari III ...
There were actually a total of four statues of Nebo, but only two were inscribed with poem of praise to Nebo. Calah (Genesis 10:11-12) is one of four major cities founded by Nimrod (Nimrud). This ... Nebuchadnezzar: "O Nebo, defend the landmark" Evil-Merodach 562-560 Son Nebuchadnezzar Evil-Merodach: "Man of Marduk (Bel)" Nergal-Sharezer 560-556 Nebuchadnezzar's son-in-law; Evil-Merodach's ... king of Assyria, his lord, and Sammuramat, the queen (palace woman), his lady" and for his own life. These are Nos. 69 and 70 of the Nimrud Central Saloon in the British Museum (text published in IR, Plate 35, No. 2)." (Ancient Records of Assyria & Babylonia, Daniel David Luckenbill, Vol 1, The Inscription on the Nebo Statues, 744, 1926 AD) "This text, dedicated to the god Nabu, is inscribed on two ... According to the text, he dedicated the statues to the life of the king, Adad-narari III, and the king's mother, Semiramis." (Assyrian Rulers of the Early First Millennium BC, Adad-Nirari III, ... ...
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245: What do Jw's believe, but won't tell the general public
The Watchtower and Awake magazines originate with and are treated as equal to the Bible. They deny the that God consists of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. They deny the deity of Christ (Arian view) Jesus is a created being also called Michael the archangel, and was the first and only direct creation of God. Jesus was not the Christ (Messiah) until age 30, even though their own bible says in Luke 2:11, "because there was born to you today a savior, who is Christ the Lord." They deny the bodily resurrection. After Jesus was buried in the tomb, Jehovah dissolved his body into gases and it disappeared forever. Jesus rose invisibly in three days, so Jehovah had to "materialize" a fake body for him complete with fake nail prints so His disciples would believe it was really Jesus risen. They deny the personality of the Holy Spirit (viewed by the Watchtower organization as "God's active force", similar to radio waves) They deny man consciously survives death. They teach the eternal ... ...
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246: Scientific evidences of the Bible's inspiration
But a skeptic will say, "Everyone knows the Bible was written by men! The book of 1 Corinthians, for example, was written by a man named Paul. After all, the very first verse bears his name as the author." In reply to this we ... Lord said to me, 'behold, I have put my words in your mouth'. The Bible writers were not like news reporters giving their personal interpretation of events they eye-witnessed, but were divinely guided as 2 Peter 1:20-21 says, Above all, you must understand that no prophesy of scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation. For prophecy never had its origin in the will of man, but men spoke from God as they were carried along by the Holy Spirit. God and man ... The theory of evolution says that over millions of years simple life forms (one celled creatures) slowly evolved into complex life forms (fish), and that one kind of animal evolved into another kind (ape to man). Genesis, on the other hand, says that all life forms were created in six, 24 ... ...
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247: Other False Doctrines that originated from inherited sin
... teach that baptism is not essential to forgiveness of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16; 1 Pe 3:21; Mk 16:16). Yet it is a puzzle how they can teach that infants inherit "spiritual death" from Adam and are "separated from the life of God" but will be saved in this condition. ... A. Immaculate Conception: Jesus was God become flesh, born of a woman-a man: Jn 1:14; Gal 4:4. Inherited sin advocates had to explain why Jesus didn't inherit the sin of Adam. Britannica #11, "Mary" pg 562, "Attempting to prove the universality of sin against Pelagius,... Augustine (354-430AD)...wrote "We must except the holy Virgin Mary. Out of respect for the Lord, I do not intend to raise a single question of the subject of sin. After all, how do we know what ... Peter's Cathedral, "It is proclaimed by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ and the blessed apostles Peter and Paul and in our own authority that the doctrine which holds the blessed virgin Mary to have been, from the first instant of her conception, by a ... ...
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248: History of Temple Mount, Tabernacles of Moses, David and the ...
ages has been hidden in God who created all things; so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places. ... possess the remnant of Edom And all the nations who are called by My name," Declares the Lord who does this. " (Amos 9:11-12) Fulfilled in 33 AD in the church, in Acts 15:16. 6. While ... The final end of a long series of complex antitypes! clilck to view 2091 BC: Abraham: Told to leave Ur of Chaldeans by God: Gen 12:1 He ended up in Egypt: Gen 12:10 The first time the word "Hebrew" is used in the Bible is in Gen 14:13. Just ... God 1. Melchizedek brings refreshments for Abram's men to the Valley of Shaveh (Genesis 14:17; 2 Sam.18:18) also known as the King's Valley located just outside Jerusalem) and blesses him. ... So the Philistines fought and Israel was defeated, and every man fled to his tent; and the slaughter was very great, for there fell of Israel thirty thousand foot soldiers. And the ark of ... ...
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249: The polytheistic "henotheism" of Jehovah's Witnesses and Christadelphi ...
... for council: Father + Jesus alone: Gen 1:26; "host of heaven" includes angels: 1 Ki 22:19-23; 2 Chron 18:18-22; "Lord of hosts" includes angels includes angels: Isa 6:1-11. B. Categorical summary of abused texts used by Jehovah's ... The expression, "God of gods" Duet 10:17 means, "God of all wooden idols that men falsely think is god". It does not mean, "God of all other gods that YHWH created like, Jesus, angels, devil, man." The "Almighty God" applied to the Father, and the lower sounding "mighty god" applied to the son, ... Such reasoning is as wrong as it is illogical. There are so many reasons why it is wrong, we need not even discuss them. In Lk 3:38 Adam is called the "son of God" at the end of the genealogy of Christ. Does that mean men should go ... "I have sworn to the Lord God Most High [over other lower ranking gods of less power that I created] possessor of heaven and earth" (Genesis 14:22) "But I will surely hide My face in that day because of all the evil which they will ... ...
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250: The Edomites: From Esau to Edom to Idumea to Extinction 2006BC ...
So Seir was a man who lived in caves: "Seir the Horite" or Seir the cave dweller. a. The Edomites had their origin in 2006 BC at the birth of Esau. The Edomites were descended from ... Genesis 36:8; "These are the chiefs of Edom (that is, Esau, the father of the Edomites), according to their habitations in the land of their possession." Genesis 36:43 b. In 1926 ... settled in their place, just as Israel did to the land of their possession which the Lord gave to them.)" Deut 2:12. d. Esau had continuous occupation of "Seir" from the time he first moved there in 1926 BC, down to the Exodus in 1446 BC: "just as He did for the sons of ... handful of religious geniuses in Israel and Judah developed the idea of one great God, and that the people of the Book has maintained itself to this very day, while Edom and ... These discoveries not only authenticate Scripture, but also illuminate many aspects of biblical culture. Abraham's purchase of Ephron's field records the following: "So Ephron's ... ...
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