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401: Lamson, Alvan: The Church of the First Three Centuries
To quote a Unitarian theologian, as an authority to prove the pagan origin of Trinity, is about as trustworthy and believable as quoting the a Catholic Bishop to prove that Peter was the first Pope! Lamson, Alvan: The Church of the First Three Centuries Click to View How the quote appears in "Should you believe in the Trinity", Watchtower, JW's booklet. "Summing up the historical evidence, Alvan Lamson says in The Church of the First Three Centuries: "The modern popular doctrine of the Trinity . . . derives no support from the language of Justin [Martyr]: and this observation may be extended to all the ante-Nicene Fathers; that is, to all Christian writers for three centuries after the birth of Christ. It is true, they speak of the Father, Son, and . . . holy Spirit, but not as co-equal, not as one numerical essence, not as Three in One, in any sense now admitted by Trinitarians. The very reverse is the fact." Thus, the testimony of the Bible and of history makes clear that the Trinity ... ...
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402: Metzger, Bruce M. and Coogan, Michael D., Editors; Daniel N. ...
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Satanic Quote: Trinitarian Anti-trinitarians selective quote in such a way to mislead to reader into a conclusion that is opposite to what the text is saying! Metzger, Bruce M. and Coogan, Michael D., Editors; Daniel N. Scholwalter, author: Oxford Companion to the Bible Dr. Bruce M. Metzger, professor of New Testament at Princeton University, calls the NWT "a frightful mistranslation," "Erroneous" and "pernicious" ... "Because the Trinity is such an important part of later Christian doctrine, it is striking that the term does not appear in the NT. Likewise, the developed concept of three coequal partners in the Godhead found in later creedal formulations cannot be clearly detected with the confines of the canon. ... (Mt 28.19) ... Matthew records a special connection between God the Father and Jesus the Son but he falls short of claiming that Jesus is equal with God. ... it is important to avoid reading the Trinity into places here it does not ... ...
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403: Practical Observations on the Causes and Cure of Insanity, William ...
Several proofs of its superior efficacy have come within my observation, where, immediately on the approach of the paroxysm, the symptoms had nearly subsided on the first effort." The key was to bring those who are out of control, into submission: "I have generally found patients to become at once so subservient to my wishes, as ... Practical Observations on the Causes and Cure of Insanity, William Saunders Hallaran, 1818 AD Causes and Cure of Insanity, William Hallaran, 1818 AD Click to View Circulating Swing. Fortunately for practitioners, a safe and very effectual remedy for the description of maniacs last adverted to, has been communicated to the public by ... The idiots of the establishment have been permitted to use it for amusement, without any inconvenience; and the strictly insane, also, during their intervals, with equal satisfaction: the latter, however, on the return of the paroxysms, were found incapable of resisting its most gentle rotations for five minutes in continuance. ... ...
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404: Legalities of teaching Creation in the Science Classroom
... Religious groups and clubs must also have equal access to publicizing meetings as other non-religious groups, such as use of the bulletin board, photocopier, the student newspaper or the public address system. In general, the school, its administrators and teachers may neither encourage nor discourage religious activities. Activities that are otherwise permitted cannot be restricted nor regulated differently because of their religious content. If you have any questions, contact: Foundation for Traditional Values, P. O. Box 26095, Lansing, MI 48909-6095 Phone: (517) 321-6233. Fax: (517) 321-6077. Click to View What Is Creation Science? Geologist, Don R. Patton, ... the bill, or he may have been mad at his wife who opposed the bill, or he may have been intoxicated and utterly unmotivated when the vote was called, or he have accidentally voted 'yes' instead of 'no', or, of course, he may have had (and very likely did have) a combination of some of the above and many other motivations. ... ...
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405: Rapture Refuted! Pre-tribulation Rapture and Premillennialism ...
... Christians are God's true "Jews" today. 1. Christians are the true Jews and true Israel today 2. The church is God's Israel today. 3. Physical Israel is equal to the gentiles today and like the Gentiles, must believe Jesus rose from the dead in order to be saved from punishment. The kingdom is the church 1. The Old Testament ... Since the 4th kingdom of Daniel 2 went extinct in 397 AD (Rome), the Kingdom had to be set up before this. If not, then God was unable to set up His kingdom when He said he would! More truth Click to View When did the last days begin? Take the interactive Bible study and learn for yourself! The End Times began when Jesus walked the ... began on September 20, 2009. Today, Weinland calls himself an apostle a prophet, the "Elijah who is to come" and one of the two witnesses of Revelation... his wife being the other witness. "If it doesn't come to pass...starting in April, 2008, then I'm nothing but a false prophet ... (Ronald Weinland, 2008 - God's Final ... ...
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406: Using Surveys to generate leads for Bible study!
... Visiting of the sick Arrangements (optional) 8. Name Address Phone Number Number of children ___ Ages ___ Thank you for your time, sir. We appreciate you answering these questions for us. Click to View Religious Survey Form NAME ADDRESS 1. Do you consider yourself to be a religious person? Yes No 2. What local church do you attend? 3. Are you a member of that church? 4. How often do you attend church services? Every service Once a week Occasionally Rarely 5. What church does your husband/wife attend? 6. Do you have children living at home? Yes No 7. Are you familiar with the church of Christ? Yes No 8. Do you find the Bible a ... FREE OF CHARGE and Without Obligation 1. Bible Correspondence Course 2. Bible videos 3. Topic of your choice 4. personal bible study. If NO,... Do You Know Anybody else Interested In One Of These Studies Of The BIBLE? Interviewer: Date: Comments: Click to View Religious survey: Member of any religious group? Which group? How often do you attend? Rank from most ... ...
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407: trinity-theophanies
day, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the Lord God among the trees of the garden. Then the Lord God called to the man, and said to him, "Where are you?" He said, "I heard the sound of You in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; so I hid myself." " Genesis 3:8-10 B. Abraham: Abraham: "The Lord appeared to Abram and said, "To your descendants I will give this land." So he built an altar there to the Lord who had appeared to him. " Genesis 12:7 Abraham: "And he said, "Hear me, brethren and fathers! The God of glory appeared to our father Abraham when he was in Mesopotamia, before he lived in Haran, " Acts 7:2 Abraham: Click for outline A simple ... By Steve Rudd contact the author Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA Theophanies United Pentecostals use this to prove that Jesus is the Father. They say: "One way that God revealed Himself in the Old Testament and dealt with man on man's level was through the use of theophanies. A theophany is a ... ...
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408: Could my children's faith in Santa destroy their faith in God ...
Otherwise, imagine this: Your 13 year old hears the preacher talk about God the Father, as an all knowing, all powerful giver of the gift of eternal salvation in his Sunday sermon. The preacher then encourages all to have faith in God. But "once bitten, twice shy". Your young teen thinks to himself, "Dejavu! I know when I am an adult, that I will learn that Jesus was just a myth and that church is just a game, just like Santa-Claus". Playing the "Santa-Claus game" doesn't take any of the fun or joy out of Christmas for children. In fact they may enjoy it more! By Steve Rudd Click to View Even Santa Knows that: "A lie is a lie is a lie"! My mother's parents taught her to believe in Santa Claus. My mom said it hurt her deeply when she discovered that they had lied to her, so she didn't want to lie to us. My dad was just very, very spiritual and refused to lie to us. So I never believed in Santa Claus. My husband was taught to believe in Santa Claus but did not want to lie to our ... ...
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409: Planning For Marriage
Of all forms of marriage, Christian marriage is best suited to social stability and individual enrichment and is what God expects of the Christian who relies on his promises of salvation. Christian marriage is a life-time commitment. The Bible says, "Let not the wife depart from her husband and let not the husband put away his wife". Christian ... While not neglecting the communication of love, be sure each has the same goals in life and in marriage. Equally essential to compatibility is equal means of reaching the goals. Having the same goals alone can blind two to conflicts which can arise in day to day details of life, as each strives independently for these same ... There will be conflicts, tensions and differences. Working these out and growing together can be satisfying and even fun. Then when you grow old together and the children are gone, you can take great comfort in one another's company and you will be able to say, "Marrying him (or her) was the best thing I ever did! Click ... ...
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410: Eternal torment proved ... annihilation refuted
... Father who does not want to consign anyone to that fate. (What Happens After Death?, United Church of God, an International Association) "The verse ... Rev 20:10 ... indicates that the devil is to be cast into the lake of fire that had already consumed and destroyed the beast and false prophet. Satan, being spirit, is the one who will be tormented forever. The evil angels-the demons-will be included with Satan in his torment" (What Happens After Death?, United Church of God, an International Association) Herbert W. Armstrong and many of his splinter groups have taken the unusual position that the Devil and his angels will be tormented forever. Click to View ... Lk. 6:9 "is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good, or to do harm, to save a life, or to destroy it?" (Strongs #622; TVM #5658) But the difference between moods is irrelevant: Being in a state of destruction is equal to taking actions to bring someone into that state of destruction. So to say, "has lost" or "lose" or "had lost" are ... ...
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411: Ontological trichotomy of man: Spirit, Soul and Body
... they will not also come to this place of torment.' "But Abraham said, 'They have Moses and the Prophets; let them hear them.' "But he said, 'No, father Abraham, but if someone goes to them from the dead, they will repent!' "But he said to him, 'If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be persuaded even if someone rises from the dead.' " (Luke 16:19-31) B. The spirit is the seat of mood, emotion, conscience, choice and personality: Click to View The soul engine, as we call it, is an ontological structure that ties memory, conscience and freewill choice together. It is also the control center for mood and emotion. ... of the flesh), and that it was a delight to the eyes (Lust of eye), and that the tree was desirable to make one wise (Pride of life), she took from its fruit and ate; and she gave also to her husband with her, and he ate." (Genesis 3:6) There are two distinct "lusts of flesh": Desires for food or sex are sent to the spirit to make choices of action. ... ...
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412: The Signs and Causes of Melancholy, Richard Baxter, 1670 AD
The Signs and Causes of Melancholy Richard Baxter (Church Minister) 1670 AD Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1670 AD, Richard Baxter, Church Minister, took the view that insanity and depression were caused by life circumstances, moral choices and sins of an individual, that ... the Stomach, Spleen, Liver" First on his list of causes of melancholy was: "SINFUL Impatience, Discontents and Cares, proceeding from a Sinful Love of some bodily Interest, and from want of sufficient Submission to the will of God, and Trust in him, and taking Heaven for a satisfying Portion. This is one of the most common Causes". ... that which we deserved. 7. AND there is apparently much Distrust of God, and Unbelief in these troubling Discontents and Cares; could we trust God as well as our selves; or as we could trust a faithful Friend, or as a Child can trust his Father, how quiet would our Minds be in the Sense of his Wisdom, All-sufficiency and Love .... ... ...
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413: F50-F59 Behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disturbance ...
F50-F59 Behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors Click to View DSM-IV, DSM-5, ICD-10 International Classifications of Diseases Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Click to View Introduction: 1. Typical of the topic mush of the DSM, we have a "catch all" category that ... The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, and likewise also the wife to her husband. The wife does not have authority over her own body, but the husband does; and likewise also the husband does not have authority over his own body, but the wife does." (1 Corinthians 7:2-4) Conclusion: 1. Depression is a sinful behaviour choice and not a disease or medical ... F55 Abuse of non-dependence-producing substances F59 Unspecified behavioral syndromes associated with physiological disturbances and physical factors By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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414: Psychiatrists falsely imprison innocent people with "repressed ...
Psychiatry falsely imprisons innocent people Saskatchewan Satanic Ritual sex abuse scandals Click to View Psychiatry damages society and individuals The mental health system causes harm to both individuals and society as a whole. Click to View Psychiatry falsely imprisons innocent people Psychiatrists cause ... There are countless examples today where a person enters the world of "junk science psychotherapy" for anxiety and before you know it, Bingo! They are revealing under hypnosis that their father sexually abused them. The Father is jailed, fired from his job, divorced by his wife, shunned as a pedophile for life. But all false and the father was totally innocent. The false ... Tana Dineen, 2001, p 272) We have chosen two key cases that everyone has heard of: The two cases of Saskatchewan Satanic Ritual sex abuse scandals. Saskatchewan Satanic Ritual sex abuse scandals Click to View The Saskatchewan satanic ritual sexual abuse sex scandals: 1. The Saskatoon case of Michael Ross and ... ...
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415: Trinity: plural references to God in the Old Testament: Plural ...
... And again, "I will be a Father to Him And He shall be a Son to Me"? " (Hebrews 1:5) Of course the answer is rhetorical: God never said to any angels "Today I have begotten You". But he did say this to Jesus. Therefore Jesus cannot be an angel, but we begotten at his resurrection as Acts 13:33 says, thereby fulfilling Ps 2:7. The ... This passage teaches that if Jesus is the creator, as the Bible says he is, then he cannot be a creature. Jesus cannot be creator and creature at the same time! B. Biblical examples of conversations between God and Angels never use the words We/US. Click to View The very best example is in Gen 18 where Yahweh and two angels visit ... IV. Plural and singular verbs applied to God: "create, make, wander, revealed, judges" Singular Plural Creator: Bara Isaiah 40:28 Ecclesiastes 12:1 Maker: Asah Genesis 1:7 Gen 1:26; Ps 149:2; Job 35:10; Isa 54:5 Husband: Baal ? Isa 54:5 wander ? Genesis 20:13 revealed ? Genesis 35:7 judges ? Psalm 58:11 Creator: Bara a. God is ... ...
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416: White Estate's suppressions of Ellen G. White's book "Spirit ...
Click to View White Estate's suppressions of Ellen G. White's book "Spirit of Prophecy"! This will tell you what they know and why they are afraid to let the truth be known! Click to View We speak the truth in Love! Click to View Suppression And The "Spirit Of Prophecy" Ellen G. White Estate vault at Seventh-day Adventist ... Ellen G. White, with all other early Seventh-day Adventists, strongly taught that, from October 22, 1844, until the same time in 1851, that there was no salvation for sinners. A few months before this seven years ended, Elder White and his wife became convinced that this theory had to be given up. Therefore, at Saratoga Springs, ... Now, reading on seventy-two lines farther in this vision, we dis60ver twenty-two more lines to have been omitted. Here are a few of them: "In a moment we were winging our way upwards; and entering in, here we saw good old father Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Noah, Daniel and many like them." At that early date Mrs. White still believed in ... ...
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417: The Bible, the Conscience and mental illness
... It is possible to feel guilty over things that you have been taught is wrong, but are actually ok in the sight of God. Some Christians believe it is a sin to dance under all circumstances. A husband and a wife dance together in the bedroom and feel guilty about it afterwards. Here is a case where the action was not sinful, but ... Psychopaths are famous in Hollywood movies for cutting body parts off a random victim, eating them while still alive, then dumping them in the snow to slowly freeze to death. This is the image that comes to mind when we think of a psychopath. Detailed study of Psychopaths and sociopaths. Click to View Hannibal Lecter in "Silence of the ... For example, a woman will normally feel intense cognitive dissonance if she secretly carries on an affair with another man while pretending to be happily married to her husband. Even if her husband suspects nothing, her own mind will constantly remind her that she is living with contradictions. Because the mind cannot sustain ... ...
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418: Sin can trigger schizophrenia. Psychiatry: Mental Illness in ...
This outline focuses on Bible passages that say sin will make you physically sick and drive you to choose to mental illness as a solution to problems suffered. It is important to remember that when a preacher's wife, for example, has a secret affair, this creates a serious emotional conflict and a very bad conscience. In the ... The only "cure" of insanity, is repentance of the sinful lifestyle and the sinful behaviour choices to solve the problems such a sinful lifestyle creates. Click here for the main outline on the etiology (cause) of mental illness. A. Bible passages that prove sin can make you sick, depressed and anxious: Click to View I accept that if my ... Stories were told how the grandfather fainted in the bathtub when he cut his own finger in the kitchen with a knife and drew a bit of blood. His son would faint at getting needles and the sight or discussion of blood. The grandson, aware of the history of the grandfather and father, would lapse into rather extreme "panic like" ... ...
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419: Mental Illness Myths and other Unicorns!
Click to View Psychologists seek credibility by deceptively fashioning themselves to appear to be another branch of medicine Click to View Catalogue of psychiatric junk science Click to View A. List of Psychiatry junk science Myths: Psychiatry claims a chemical cause, without scientific proof, for emotional/... experts with a scientific foundation equal to medical doctors, on making sick people better. In fact, psychiatrists only perform two functions: Drug the mentally ill so they do not annoy other members of society and physically confine the ones that drugs don't work on. Psychiatric drugs control not cure. Psychiatry hides the fact that the drugs they prescribe do not replace the chemicals they allege are missing in the brain, but merely provide temporary relief of symptoms without affecting the cause of the problem. For the most part psychiatric drugs control, by drugging into submission, not cure. B. The myth that medical doctors view psychiatry with respect: "I view with ... ...
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420: Trinity Proof Texts: 58 Triadic Bible Texts
These triadic (patterns of threes) texts are arranged in the order they appear in the Bible. Click to View Analysis of Triadic passages showing interchangeability Click to View A refutation of Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals to this material. Click to View Use this material as an interactive Bible class in church! Analysis of Triadic Texts ... Romans 15:30 prayers to God urge you, brethren, by our Lord Jesus Christ love of the Spirit Interchangeability of "testifies": Hebrews 2:3-4 God also testifying salvation first spoken through the Lord gifts of the Holy Spirit Romans 8:14-17 Abba! Father!" fellow heirs with Christ Spirit Himself testifies Interchangeability of ... Now the divine trinity (FSHS) proves there is a special and unique relationship between the three persons mentioned. Even a simple overview shows that they are seen as equal partners in the purpose, plan, providence, love care and salvation of man. If the Holy Spirit is "mere electricity", the triadic passages establish a ... ...
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421: Generalized Anxiety Disorder, GAD, is pure "classic" Junk science ...
Click to View A. Snapshot summary: GAD is a general "catch-all" category of anxiety disorder. After naming every specific type of anxiety they wanted to have one that could be labeled on a person that they missed. Of course the next version of the DSM-5, etc will include the one they missed. What is anxiety? An uneasy feeling. A feeling of stress. What causes anxiety? To the Psychology industry you have a broken brain, genetic disorder or a chemical imbalance. You need them to fix you and patch you up so you can function. In fact, anxiety can be caused by lots of reasons you have direct control over: An upcoming exam you have not studied for. Worry your wife ... Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? "Look at the birds of the air, that they do not sow, nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not worth much more than they? "And who of you by being worried can add a single hour to his life? "And why are you worried about ... ...
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422: Pre-Marital Sex and the Bible
Pre-Marital Sex and the Bible Click to View Sex before marriage, pre-marital experience, assuming one is talking of sexual intercourse or perversion of the same, the word of God implies it all by calling it fornication. It knows no exception. It allows none. Renaming fornication does not change the act or remove the ... The sin, the shame, the wrong is shared by both. For this reason Paul writes in I Corinthians 7:2, "Nevertheless, to avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife and every woman have her own husband". Temptation is not a sin fornication is. Fornication is a sin against oneself. Paul said, "Flee fornication. Every sin that a man doeth is without the ... This is just not so. Pre-marital sex? An effort to reach compatibility? An innocent game to play? Not according to the word. God says it is fornication, sin, and those who commit such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. It is not sex which God condemns, but it's misuse outside the marriage bond. Click Your ... ...
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423: What does the Bible say about heaven?
Heaven: A place you want to spend eternity! Click to View A boy stood on a windy hillside, flying a kite. He continued to release the string of the kite and it went higher and higher until it was completely out of sight. One of his friends walked up and asked how he knew there was still a ... God will restore the garden on a global basis and there "the faithful" will live a physical existence forever upon the earth. Advocates of this view deny that man has a soul. Their physical view of heaven is therefore a logical outgrowth of their doctrine on the soul. (Jw's, Armstrong, Adventists, Christadelphians etc.) B. CONTINUOUS DIVINE PROGRESSION: The Mormons believe in polytheism and assert that God has flesh and bones like a man. As man is, God once wee as God is, man may become. They teach that at one time God the Father was Just a man like Adam. They also teach that any man can "evolve" or progress to become equal with God. The hope of a Mormon is to be raised from the dead, fly off into ... ...
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424: Photogallery of fake occult miracles
... There were hundreds in a long queue waiting to offer milk. Inside the eight-by-ten-foot sanctum a dozen people at a time were offering milk in spoons to the small Ganesha [see photo below left]. My wife offered milk twice. I could clearly see the milk disappearing in a few seconds. Many temple priests said they had dreams of ... These portents produce their effects in eight months--Brihat Samhita 46.10-14 (Hinduism Today: Issue 95-11, "It's a Miracle!" Rejoice Millions As Lord Ganesha Receives Milk) Bleeding Madonna Statue Click to View Bleeding Madonna Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View "A six-inch-high porcelain statue began weeping tears ... James Bruse, an unassuming associate pastor at St Elizabeth Ann Seton Church in Lake Ridge, Virginia, began experiencing these phenomena last December, and told his superior, the priest who heads the parish. The priest, Father Daniel Hamilton, reportedly saw the wounds on Bruse's wrists and a statue in Bruse's room producing ... ...
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425: Stunning quotations from: The New Catholic Catechism
Introduction by John Paul II Stunning quotations from... The New Catholic Catechism 1992 French version (English translation completed in 1994) Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE tell us if we have misrepresented anything Click to View The Catechism of the Catholic Church is the result of very extensive collaboration; it was prepared over six years of intense work ... The ... The Catechism of the Catholic Church, lastly, is offered to every individual ... who wants to know what the Catholic Church believes. Tradition equal with scripture 80 Sacred Tradition and Sacred Scripture, then, are bound closely together and communicate one with the other. 82 As a result the Church, to ... Prayers of the dead 956 "Being more closely united to Christ, those who dwell in heaven fix the whole Church more firmly in holiness. ... They do not cease to intercede with the Father for us, as they proffer the merits which they acquired on earth through the one mediator between God and men, Christ Jesus. ... ...
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426: Thayer, Joseph Henry: A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament
... inherent and total depravity of fallen human nature, the eternal punishment of the wicked, and Biblical inerrancy." (Joseph Henry Thayer: A Greek-English Lexicon of the New Testament, Publishers Introduction, page VII, Baker Book House) "The Greek word for equal is ison,' which according to Thayer's Greek Lexicon (p. 307), an acknowledged authority, means equal in quality as in quantity, to claim for oneself, the nature, rank, authority, which belong to God' (John 5:18). Dr. ... Who is divine, but uncreated God? The Father, Son and Holy Spirit, are all uncreated God and are all equally divine, yet they differ from one another, or as Thayer put it: "The Logos [Jesus] was divine, not the divine Being himself [the Father mentioned in Jn 1:1b]. Click to View Top 10 List: Click here When a Jehovah's Witness reads this top ten list, they either conclude the Watchtower organization engages is satanic quoting practices, or become dishonest themselves! Go To Alphabetical Index Of Deceptive Quotes ... ...
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427: Creeds: The ancient "rule of faith" (regula fidei) was not a ...
... He sat at the right hand of the Father; sent instead of Himself the Power of the Holy Ghost to lead such as believe; will come with glory to take the saints to the enjoyment of everlasting life and of the heavenly promises, and to condemn the wicked to everlasting fire, after the resurrection of both these classes shall have happened, together with the restoration of their flesh. This rule, as it will be proved, was taught by Christ, and raises amongst ourselves no other questions than those which heresies introduce, and which make men heretics." (Tertullian, the Prescription Against Heretics, Chapter XIII) Click to View The Roman Catholic and Orthodox ... But the pre-eminence of the Church, as the principle of union, is, in its oneness, in this surpassing all things else, and having nothing like or equal to itself. But of this afterwards." (Clement of Alexandria, book 7, Ch 17, The Tradition of the Church Prior to that of the Heresies) by Steve Rudd Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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428: TEXTBOOK FRAUD: Pepper Moth (biston betularia): "Piltdown Moth ...
... that it was my father and not Santa who brought the presents on Christmas Eve. (Not black and white, Jerry Coyne, Nature 396, 35 - 36, 1998) I unearthed additional problems when, embarrassed at having taught the standard Biston story for years, I read Kettlewell's papers for the first time. ... Finally, teachers such as myself often neglect original papers in favour of shorter textbook summaries, which bleach the blemishes from complicated experiments. (Not black and white, Jerry Coyne, Nature 396, 35 - 36, 1998) Click to View The Pepper Moth Fraud Exposed Important Summary The Pepper Moth theory is falsified because: Click to View Click to View Click to ... Kettlewell (1955b) first conducted experiments to determine whether the different forms of the peppered moth actively choose resting positions which maximize their crypsis. He placed peppered moths in barrels lined with equal surfaces of black and white card. His results showed that typica rested preferentially on the white ... ...
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429: The real reasons why Watchtower organization FEARS the INTERNET
... the earthly Paradise we must identify that organization and serve God as part of it. (Watchtower; Feb. 15, 1983; p. 12) 1983 "Jesus Christ identified a first requirement when he said in prayer to his Father: 'This means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you... Many have found the second requirement more difficult. ... God requires that prospective subjects of his kingdom support his government by loyally advocating his kingdom rule to others..." (four requirements for salvation as taught by the Watchtower magazine of Feb. 15, 1983, p. 12. One of them deals with the Watchtower organization.) Click to View INFORMATION CONTROL #6: Witnesses forbidden to ... In shocked disbelief, elders have written that some actually left their husbands or wives to pursue a relationship that began on the Internet. (2 Tim 3: 6) Other individual have disowned the truth because of believing information provided by apostates. (1 Tim 4: 1,2;) Given these very serious dangers, does it not seem reasonable ... ...
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430: Johannes Greber: "The New Testament", and "Communication with ...
... At times he was given the correct answers in large illuminated letters and words passing before his eyes. Other times he was given the correct answers during prayer meetings. His wife, a medium of God's Spirit World was often instrumental in conveying the correct answers from God's Messengers to Pastor Greber." As we examine ... We want to draw your attention to the fact that what happened to Greber is common among "Christian/Pentecostal" and occult religions around the world. Click to View Click here to see similarities between Greber's experience and the occult! The boy Greber describes was a medium, and the meeting was a seance. The spirit, speaking through ... Save for the first created Son of God, the entire spirit-world was brought into existence not by direct Divine creation ... but was called into being through the Son upon whom God had conferred creative power.(p.267-8) The Son's share in the creative works did not make him a co-Creator with his Father. The power for creation came ... ...
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431: Jesus Echoes the "I AM" statements of Jehovah in the Gospel of ...
... Genesis 46:3 And He said, "I am [ego eimi LXX] God, the God of your father; do not be afraid [phobeo LXX] to go down to Egypt, for I will make you a great nation there. Phil 2:6 echoes John 13:19 which echoes Isaiah 43:10-12 (The incarnation of I AM, Jehovah, God) Isaiah 43:10-12 "You are My witnesses," declares the Lord, "And My servant whom I have chosen, In order that you may know and believe Me, And understand that I am. [Heb: 'ani hu' - 'ego eimi' in LXX] Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me. "I, even I, am ['ego eimi'] the Lord; And there is no savior besides Me." I AM: You will know I am Saviour, God incarnate Click to View ... But even more spectacular is the fact that the foot washing of John 13, is a metaphor for the incarnation itself and directly parallel to Phil 2:6. Phil 2:6 states Jesus existed in the form of God, equal to the Father. Phil 2:6-8 is the fulfillment of "when it does occur you will believe that I AM". Other times Jesus echoed the ... ...
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432: Official creed and Baptismal vows of Seventh-day Adventist church
Seventh-Day Adventists Click to View Sabbath Keepers refuted website Click to View Ellen G. White Website 27 Fundamental beliefs of Seventh-day Adventists Click to View Go to Seventh-day Adventist Official Baptismal Vows Seventh-day Adventists accept the Bible as their only creed and hold certain fundamental beliefs to be the ... Support is found in these Bible passages: 2Peter 1:20,21: 2Timothy 3:16,17: Psalms 119:105: Proverbs 30:5,6: Isaiah 8:20: John 17:17: 1Thessalonians 2:13: Hebrews 4:12 #2 The Trinity There is one God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, a unity of three co-eternal Persons. God is immortal, all-powerful, all-knowing, above all, and ever ... In Christ we are a new creation; distinctions of race, culture, learning, and nationality, and differences between high and low, rich and poor, male and female, must not be divisive among us. We are all equal in Christ, who by one Spirit has bonded us into one fellowship with Him and with one another; we are to serve and be served ... ...
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433: 597 BC: Arad Ostraca #40: Zedekiah and the Edomite invasion into ...
We do not have this letter but know is exists based upon Ostracon #40 4. Letter 3: Arad Ostracon #40: Ostracon #40 is a reply to letter #2. Gemariah, the commander of the Kinah fortress, replies on Ostracon #40 to his father, Malchijah, the commander of the Arad fortress that he will not send reinforcement troops to Ramah-Negev ... Click to View Digging up Bible stories! 5 ostraca document 3 important Bible events: 1. Pharaoh Nico II appoints Jehoiakim king of Judah in 609 BC. 2. Edomites move into the Judean Negev and Zedekiah orders troops for defense. 3. A man seeks asylum in the temple of Solomon. See also: Outline on Josiah King of Judah (640-609 BC) Outline ... B. Line by line commentary: Arad Inscriptions, Yohanan Aharoni, Arad inscription 40, p 70, 1981 AD Line 1. Your son - There is no doubt as to the reading of this word. This opening shows that the men who wrote the letter were of inferior rank to the addressee, and for a similar opening vid. Inscription 21. As we shall see below, ... ...
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434: The polytheistic "henotheism" of Jehovah's Witnesses and Christadelphi ...
The polytheistic "Henotheism" of Jehovah's Witnesses is apostate doctrine: Henotheists "Does not Jesus' own use of the Bible show there are other 'gods' or degrees of being 'god'?" (Jehovah's Witness false statement) Click to View New Bible Dictionary: "Henotheism: devotion to one God (or god) in a polytheistic setting." Webster's: ... The only reason why Jehovah's Witnesses place so much emphasis on angels, men and Satan being gods, is so they can say: "See! When Jesus is called God, it doesn't prove he is uncreated God like the Father, but a created lower ranking god like men and angels. Jesus is not "the God", but "a god". This is rank heresy and is false! ... According to the logic of Jehovah's Witnesses, since human judges that were commissioned by God, can be called "gods", so also can Jesus be called a "god". But it has escaped their notice that since God has commissioned Jehovah's Witnesses to knock on doors, that they too can, with equal authority as the judges and Jesus, call ... ...
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435: Commentary on what the early Christians believed about the Trinity
... Justin Martyr Boer, therefore is saying that the faith of Justin Martyr that Jesus is a "created divine being" originated with Greek mythology and not the New Testament! In other words, Boer is saying that Justin's view of Jesus being a created agent to do God's work was of pagan origin! We believe that Subordinationism is taught in the New Testament. Interesting that Boer also claims that Constantine's son, Constantius, used his ... gods.' (The Triune God, Edmund Fortman, introduction: p.xv) To some extent Origen was a subordinationist, for his attempt to synthesize strict monotheism with a Platonic hierarchical order in the Trinity could have and did have only a subordinationist result. He openly declared that the Son was inferior to the Father and the Holy Spirit to the Son. But he was not an Arian subordinationist for he did not make the Son a creature and an adopted son of God. (The Triune God, Edmund Fortman, p59-61) By Steve Rudd Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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436: The original 1830 Edition, Book of Mormon had 1000's of errors ...
Title page now if there be fault, it be the mistake of men... now if there are faults, they are the mistakes of men... 1 Ne 13:40 the lamb of God is the Eternal Father the lamb of God is the son of the Eternal Father 1Nephi 11:21 the Eternal Father son of the Eternal Father 1 Nephi 11:32 the Everlasting God son of the ... land of Camorah, by the hill which was called Camorah, and there we would give them battle. As proof of the above assertion, we offer this section of an 1808 map of Africa. Click to View This is part of the Mozambique channel. Madagascar is the island at the bottom right, and Mozambique is at the left. Roughly in the middle is Camora. ... In the 1964 reprint (Jacob 5:46) this was changed to read: ". . . I had hoped to preserve, to have laid up fruit thereof . . ." On page 138 of the first edition this statement appears: ". . . and the fruit were equal . . ." In the 1964 reprint (Jacob 5:74) this has been changed to read: ". . . and the fruits were equal . . ." On ... ...
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437: The Bible & 8 Basic Causes of Divorce
Second is alcohol: There is a popular sign that reads: Alcohol Destroys Internally, Externally, and Eternally. Joan became a Christian believing she could lead her husband Joe, who was an alcoholic, and her daughter Julia to Christ. Joe did become a Christian within a few months and their daughter followed in their ... The kind of loose thinking which is the basis for such stories, is a prime ingredient in many needless cases of divorce. Seventh is in-law's: "Therefore, shall a man leave his father and his mother and shall cleave unto his wife. And they shall be one flesh." These are God's words in Genesis Chapter 2, verse 24. Every couple should establish their own home away ... it. (Read Matthew 19:9) This passage teaches ONLY one lawful reason for divorce and remarry. The other causes of divorce discussed are not valid and justifiable according to God. If anyone divorces for any other reason and marries another they would be living in adultery. Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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438: Water from a Rock: Mt. Sinai (Lawz) and Kadesh (Petra) Wadi Musa ...
Water from a Rock: "Christ, the Rock of our Salvation" Mt. Sinai (Lawz) and Kadesh (Petra) Click to View Mt. Sinai and Kadesh Barnea "Waters of Massah/Meribah" "The rock was Christ." (1 Cor 10:4) Introduction: The imagery of God being "the Rock of our salvation" is an anti-type found throughout the Bible and had its origin with the ... Finally after spending 38 years at Kadesh, they learned to rely on God for water. Now, when they are thirsty, they sing a song to God instead of complaining. What a joy that must have been to the heavenly father. Baby grew up! "From there they continued to Beer, that is the well where the Lord said to Moses, "Assemble the people, ... There were 2.5 million Hebrews at Kadesh. If each needed 40 litres per day for basic survival, that means that the river of Moses would need to supply 100 million litres of water every day. That is equal to 100,000 cubic meters of water ever day. Niagara falls, with a flow rate of 5,830m3/sec, could supply the daily needs of 2.5 ... ...
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439: Julius R. Mantey: Manual Grammar of the Greek New Testament: ...
... 1:2) and as "equal with God" (Phil. 2:6) before he humble himself and lived in a human body here on earth. Your quotation of "The father is greater than I am" (John 14:28) to prove that Jesus was not equal to God overlooks the fact stated in Phil. 2:6-8. When Jesus said that, he was still in his voluntary state of humiliation. ... If you have such permission, please send me a photo-copy of it. If you do not heed these requests you will suffer the consequences. Respectfully yours, Julius R. Mantey Click to View Mantey Speaks for himself Dr. Julius R. Mantey was a first rate scholar who studied Greek for more than 65 years. He was well known for "A Manual Grammar ... DR. MANTEY: The Jehovah's Witnesses (JWs) have forgotten entirely what the order of the sentence indicates - that the "Logos" has the same substance, nature, or essence as the Father. To indicate that Jesus was just "a god," the JWs would have to use a completely different construction in the Greek. DR. MARTIN: You once had a ... ...
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440: Boer, Harry R.: A Short History of the Early Church
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Deceptive quote: Trinitarian Leaves out the comment that JW's theology is of pagan origin. Boer, Harry R.: A Short History of the Early Church Click to View Harry R. Boer, A Short History of the Early Church quoted in, Should you believe the Trinity?, Watchtower publication Watchtower ... Justin and the other Apologists therefore taught that the Son is a creature. He is a high creature, a creature powerful enough to create the world but, nevertheless, a creature. In theology this relationship of the Son to the Father is called subordinationism. The Son is subordinate, that is, secondary to, dependent upon, and ... And God himself could not create the material world; indeed, Arius considered God so far removed from men that it was impossible to know him or to have fellowship with him. Arius was thoroughly Greek in his conception of God. Arius' view of Christ was much inferior to that of either Theodotus in the West or of Paul of Samosata in ... ...
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441: Harris, R. Laird: Theological Workbook of the Old Testament
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Deceptive Quote : Trinitarian Quote only the first of several meaning of Spirit (wind/power) in order to prove the Holy Spirit is nothing but hot air! Harris, R. Laird: Theological Workbook of the Old Testament How Anti-Trinitarians quoted the source What they left out to deliberately ... But even worse, Arians deliberately fail to tell us that in the same paragraph before their misleading quote, Harris states that RUAH refers to intelligent personal beings including: Man, Devil, demons, angels and God the Father Himself! Finally they deliberately dropped the phrase "or mood" without ellipses (...) in order to ... Dan 5:20), and "in his spirit there is no guile" (Ps 32:2). While the OT generally treats man as a whole (see nepesh -soul," often rendered simply as "self"), it also recognizes his essential dualism (A. B. Davidson, The Theology of the OT, P. 202). Flesh and spirit combine to form the "self," so that while man may be said to have ... ...
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442: Psychologists view mental patients as victims, deny personal ...
Psychiatry is a vicious enemy of Christianity and the Bible. You are a sinner and fully responsible for your actions. (2 Corinthians 5:10) Click to View Psychiatry is Anti-Christian Psychiatry is Atheistic Psychiatry is Humanistic "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad." (2 Corinthians 5:10) Introduction: 1. See also: "Not guilty for reasons of insanity" plea. ... "I went to my psychiatrist to be psychoanalyzed To find out why I killed the cat and blacked my husband's eyes. He laid me on a downy couch to see what he could find, And here is what he dredged up from my subconscious mind: When I was one, my mommie hid my dolly in a trunk, And so it follows naturally that I am always drunk. When I was two, I saw my father kiss the maid one day, And that is why I suffer now from kleptomania. At three, I had the feeling of ambivalence toward my brothers, And so ... ...
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443: BEWARE: Arian Biased Translations
Arian Biased Translations Click to View Schonfield Johannes Greber New World Translation Moffatt, James Goodspeed, Edgar Smith, J. M. Powis Emphatic Diaglott Kingdom Interlinear Lamsa Cotton Patch New English Bible Revised English Bible New Testament in an Improved Version Newcome's New Translation ... Schonfield: is a Greek translation by one individual into English! However, Schonfield, author of "The Passover Plot", makes Jesus into a charlatan, and doesn't even believe in the deity of God the Father! Schonfield, an advocate of the "swoon theory" is quoted by the Muslims in support of their view that Jesus didn't actually die on the cross. Jehovah's Witnesses habitually quote faithless men ... They not only work against the deity of Christ, but the virgin birth. In Luke 1:34 they mistranslate the Greek, "knew no man-virgin" for "I have no husband." They also mistranslate the Greek "first day of the week" for "Saturday night" in Acts 20:7. (Saturday is the 7th day of the week). They use ... ...
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444: The Bible & How to Solve Family problems!
United Press International recently reported that in Bloemfontein, South Africa, a man built a wall through the middle of the house and told his wife to stay on the other side. This is the kind of wall which one cannot break through physically. But ... When James wrote "confess your faults one to another" (James 5:16), there is little doubt that he included all Christian relationships. Fathers and sons, mothers and daughters, husbands and wives, should be able to express their weaknesses to each ... In Ephesians 4, we are exhorted to "be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ's sake hath forgiven you Part of forgiveness, and part of genuine dialogue involves acceptance. The Father of the prodigal son ... inside your house. Share your real feelings. Share your burdens. Share your needs. And share the emotions and burdens of everyone in your family. In doing so, you will build a family circle which cannot be broken. Click Your Choice Back to START ...
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445: What Early Christians believed about Hades: where conscious dead ...
What did early Christians believe about...? (Before 400 AD) Uninspired records of how early Christians worshipped and what doctrine they believed! Click to View Hades, the temporary two part receptacle of the conscious dead who are awaiting judgment (Luke 16:19-31) Click to View Irenaeus Book II Chapter XXXIV.-Souls Can Be Recognised in ... But all things which proceed from Him, whatsoever have been made, and are made, do indeed receive their own beginning of generation, and on this account are inferior to Him who formed them, inasmuch as they are not unbegotten. Nevertheless they endure, and extend their existence into a long series of ages in accordance with the ... And again, He thus speaks respecting the salvation of man: "He asked life of Thee, and Thou gavest him length of days for ever and ever; " indicating that it is the Father of all who imparts continuance for ever and ever on those who are saved. For life does not arise from us, nor from our own nature; but it is bestowed ... ...
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446: Is the RC church infallible and unable to make errors?
Click to View The Pope and the Catholic Church are quite fallible. Catholics say Yes! Truth says No! Is The Catholic Church Infallible? None will deny the importance and need of infallibility in religion. To assure man of his salvation, he wants and needs an unerring guide or an infallible authority. Such a guide cannot be produced ... "Akin to these divine laws is the purely ecclesiastical law or the law of the Church. Christ sent forth his Church clothed with his own and his Father's authority, 'As the Father sent me, so I send you'. She was to endure, perfect herself, and fulfill her mission on earth. To enable her to carry out this divine plan she makes laws, ... Thus, there was a time when the church was guided either by having inspired men in their presence or by epistles written by inspired men. Both of these had equal authority because both were the product of the Holy Spirit. When the apostles passed from the earth, their inspired writings became the only source of authority in ... ...
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447: How the Koran and Muslims view of Jesus Christ
The fact that Muslims reject the resurrection of Jesus says it all! Koran, (The Islamic Bible of Muslims, written about 600AD) Click to View Also visit our Islam debunked website: Islam: Truth or Myth: start page Click to View "Muslims simply cannot follow, as the Jews thus far have likewise failed to grasp, the idea of the ... For Arians (JW's, Christadelphians) to appeal to Muslims to support their false doctrine is nothing short of incredible! Doing such is as dishonest as it is deceptive! JW's have not comprehended that if they had the Governing Body themselves sit down and explain their view of God (Father-true God, Son-a god and Holy Spirit-the force or ... Perhaps the clearest indication we have that Jesus and God are not equal, and therefore not one and the same, come again from the mouth of Jesus himself who said in John 14:28, " My Father is greater than I." When someone referred to him as good master in Luke 18:19, Jesus responded, " Why callest thou me good? There is none ... ...
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448: False dilemmas and the Trinity (Logical fallacies and horns of ...
When Jehovah's Witnesses deceptively try to prove Jesus cannot be God with the following false dilemma, "God is not a man, Jesus was a Man, Jesus cannot be God." Simply answer them, "Angels are not men, Jesus was a man, Jesus cannot be an angel." Click to View Click to View Definition: False dilemmas are errors in logic where you ... But false dilemmas are often offered to pressure one into accepting an obviously false position, or the one advocated by the argument maker. "You must either use our product or the inferior "Brand X." No, there are brands Y., Z., etc., to consider. And even when the choice is apparently all-inclusive, the fallacy may lie in the ... Jesus was both God and was tempted exactly as a man. Both conclusions are equally false. Here is a collection of false dilemmas: Jesus Isn't God Father isn't God God is a man Man is God Jesus wasn't man 1. God Cannot be tempted, sin or lie: Jas 1:13; Heb 6:17-18 2. Jesus was tempted: Heb 2 3. Jesus isn't divine (Arianism) 1) God ... ...
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449: 609 BC: Arad Ostraca #88: Jehoiakim is appointed king of Judah ...
Pharaoh Neco II appoints Jehoiakim king of Judah: 2 Kings 23:34-37 Jehoiakim was appointed by Egypt as king in Tishri 609 BC until 598 BC Ostraca, Tablets and Inscriptions of the Bible Click to View Digging up Bible stories! 5 ostraca document 3 important Bible events: 1. Pharaoh Nico II appoints Jehoiakim king of Judah in 609 BC. 2. ... Jehoiakim was appointed by Egypt as king in Tishri 609 BC until 598 BC. This is like a broadcast email announcement. "Pharaoh Neco made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the place of Josiah his father, and changed his name to Jehoiakim. But he took Jehoahaz away and brought him to Egypt, and he died there. So Jehoiakim gave the ... Such a royal proclamation of a new king to include a message about not fearing the king of Egypt would be greeted with a sneer, given Egypt was clearly in control and a few months later deposed Jeconiah and appointed Jehoiakim. Jeconiah was only 8 years old when he became king and his mother (Jehoiakim's wife) was really in ... ...
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450: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners-as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons-will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work. The case of "Dominatrix" (Incurable alcoholic neurasthenia) Alcoholism, Substance Abuse Click to View The case of ... Separated from his mother, his own personality was able to unfold. He made a brilliant career in spite of, or rather just because of the strong horse pill I had given him. His wife was grateful to me, for her husband had not only overcome his alcoholism, but had also struck out on his own individual path with the greatest success. Nevertheless, for years ... Note: Although these are based upon real case stories, the names and details have been changed to hide the identities of the people. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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