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101: The Interactive Bible:
Please explain why you disagree! The Bible says: "For if we go on sinning willfully after receiving the knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains a sacrifice for sins, but a certain terrifying expectation of judgment, and the fury of a fire which will consume the adversaries." (Hebrews 10:26-27) Why do you think a Christian cannot be lost? Click here to send your answer Now that I look closer at the Bible verse, I've changed my mind: Next question please If you are having computer trouble sending your reason: CLICK HERE Please take me to the next question of this study now. ...
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102: The Interactive Bible:
The Bible says: 2 Peter 2:20-22 "For if after they have escaped the defilements of the world by the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and are overcome, the last state has become worse for them than the first. For it would be better for them not to have known the way of righteousness, than having known it, to turn away from the holy commandment delivered to them. It has happened to them according to the true proverb, 'A dog returns to its own vomit,' and, 'A sow, after washing, returns to wallowing in the mire.'" James 5:19-20 "My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth, and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death, and will cover a multitude of sins." Explain why you feel these men were never Christians without using circular reasoning! Click here to send your answer Now that I look closer at the Bible verse, I've changed my mind: Next question please If ... ...
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103: Have you been Baptized with The Wrong Baptism?
See also: Click to View Catholic Baptism is not Bible baptism! No even John Paul II can make the wrong baptism right! Infant baptism by sprinkling, that is wrong according to the Bible! Click to View You are to be commended for your interest in doing the will of God. ... In it he said, "Therefore we are buried with him by baptism into death; that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life". (See the sixth Chapter of Romans, verse 4). Please observe that Bible baptism involves a burial ... 26 through 40. Now, look at question three: Why should one be baptized? It is good to acknowledge the simple answer given by Peter, a messenger of Jesus, when heart stricken sinners cried, "What shall we do?". He answered, "Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost". (These impressive words are found in the book of Acts, ... ...
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104: Bible Quiz: 100's of questions for Outdoor Fairs & Home Shows
100's of questions for Outdoor Fairs & Home Shows Click to View See also, how to build a Bible quiz Board! Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View click on photo at right to see ... True or False: Why did Jesus die on the cross? × Jesus died to provide a way that God could forgive us of our sins. (Romans 5:8) × Jesus died so would live sin-free lives on earth. (1 John 1:8) × Jesus died to destroy the devil's power. (Hebrews 2:14) ... Which of the following ways to salvation are in the Bible? (Acts 2:38) × Infant Baptism and church attendance as an adult. × Invite Jesus into your heart with the "Sinner's Prayer". × Believe in Jesus and be immersed in water to forgive ... Click to View 12 fair questions at professional home show We have a canopy tent all our own that is 9X12 feet. Inside we are setting up three question/answer tables, each of which are 6 feet long with four questions on each board. There are ... ...
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105: Happy Family Life! Home page!
Click to View Is Birth Control Sinful? Click to View Divorce, Remarriage and the Bible Click to View Is Divorce Really the Answer to my marriage problems? Click to View Bible Help For Troubled Marriages Click to View In-Law Trouble & the Bible Click to View Man and Woman: Equal but different in 19 ways! Click to View What kind of LOVE do you love others with? Click to View Should I really expect my spouse to forgive my sin? Click to View Click to View For Husbands Click to View Click to View Click to View Dr. Bible: Personal ... Touching story of a boy and his dad! Click to View Daddy, Please attend church with us! Touching Poem and a chart that maps the effect Fathers have on their children. Click to View A Guide to surviving church services with small kids! Click to View Poem: When your child quits attending church. Click to View The results of NOT Disciplining Children the Bible way! Click to View How to Teach your Child The Bible!!! Click to View Reasons why you SHOULD NOT send ... ...
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106: Lesson 6: Christ Has Paid Our Penalty
Christ came to this earth for the purpose of dying for our sins. There are many Old Testament prophesies that foretell the inevitable death of Christ. For example, please read for yourself, Psalms chapter 22 and Isaiah chapter 53. Christ's death was no ... What wonderful love beyond description that God and Christ have for us. Questions Lesson 6 Christ Has Paid Our Penalty (click on the button of the answer of your choice) 1) (Romans 5:6-10) If we are justified it will be by A Our own goodness. B Our church. C The blood of Christ. 2) T F Christ died for sinners like you and me. 3) (1 Peter 3:18) Christ suffered once for our sins, He is the just, A We are the unjust. B We are also the just. C But we did not need Him to suffer for ... Christ bare when he died? A His own sins. B Our sins. C Only the sins of criminals. 12) T F Since Christ paid the price for everyone's sins then all people will be saved. Click Your Choice Home page for: "Determine your salvation" Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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107: Lesson 5: The Nature of God
God is truly a loving God to give His only begotten Son to die for us. That is the ultimate of love. Nothing could be greater. Not only is God a loving God, but the Bible speaks of other aspects of God's nature. God is a vengeful God. In Hebrews 10:30-31 we read, ... So the judge calls me up to his bench and whispers to me that he doesn't want to send me to prison for twenty years. He tells me, that if I will quietly walk out the back door, that he will tear up all the paperwork, nothing will be said, and I can go free. Would he be a just judge? No way. But God is a just God, and can be no less. Questions Lesson 5 The Nature of God (click on the button of the answer of your choice) 1) (John 3:16) God so loved the world that A He will not punish anyone. B He gave His Son to die for us. C He will allow everyone to go to Heaven. 2) T F God does not love mankind. 3) (Hebrews 10:30) Vengeance belongs to A God. B Man. C Those who are wronged. 4) T F God will punish those who die in their sins. 5) ... ...
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108: Lesson 11: Repentance
Acts 17:30, "Truly these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent." All people everywhere, and that includes you and me, are commanded of God to repent. Repent of what? Repent of our sins. Repent of not ... Romans 2:4 says, "The goodness of God leads you to repentance." God has been so good to us, and this should cause us to want to please Him in every way. God, because of His love for us, has done so much for us, and because of this we read in I ... In John 14:15 Jesus says, "If you love Me keep My commandments." Are you willing to show your love to God by repenting? Questions Lesson 11 Repentance (click on the button of the answer of your choice) 1) (Luke 13:3) If we don't repent A We will perish. B God will ... A Will keep His commandments. B Do not keep his commandments. C Want to be pleasing to Him. 14) T F We show our love for Christ by keeping His commandments. Click Your Choice Home page for: "Determine your salvation" Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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109: Interactive Study: Determine for yourself if you are saved or ...
Welcome to studying the Bible on the Internet. You are to be commended for your interest in studying God's word, the Bible. This course pertains to a very important subject concerning our Eternal ... Click to View Lesson #13: Must We Be Baptized To Be Saved? Click to View Lesson #14: Must We Be Baptized For Remission Of Our Sins? Click to View Lesson #15: The Cleansing Blood Of Christ Click to View Lesson #16: Becoming A Child Of God Click to View Lesson #17: Baptized Into Christ Click to View Lesson #18: Obedience To The Gospel Click to View Lesson #19: Baptism Is Immersion Click to View Lesson #20: ... I have tried not to be offensive, but I also do not want to be "wishy-washy" about what God has said and to "sugar coat" it. Please do not take anything in the wrong way, because I mean no harm. ... This course "Are You Really Sure Of Your Eternal Salvation" is divided into twenty-five (25) lessons. After each lesson you are asked to answer several interactive multiple choice and true-false ... ...
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110: Eternal Salvation: lesson #1
In fact, we are not going to be judged by what we personally believe. On the Day of Judgment we are going to be judged only by what the Lord says in the Bible. That is going to be the only standard for judgment, for our Lord says in John 12:48, "The word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day". So, if I or any other person cannot point to it in the Word of God, then please do not believe it, because there is too much at stake - your soul! Our soul is worth more than the whole world and everything in it. Jesus says in Matthew 16:26, "For what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world, and loses his own soul? Or what will a man give in exchange for his soul?" Our soul is the part of us that is going to continue to live on forever throughout all eternity. We cannot afford to lose it into eternal punishment. Questions Lesson 1 Our Eternal Salvation (click on the button of the answer of your choice) 1) (Romans 14:10) Who will appear before the judgment seat of Christ? A ... ...
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111: Lesson 21: Man Is Not To Change What God Says
As we have already seen in Galatians 1:6-9, if we pervert the gospel by changing it, we will be accursed. Another such warning comes in the closing verses of the Bible. Revelation 22:18-19 says, "For I testify unto everyone who hears the ... When these twelve men found out that there was something wrong with their baptism, they made it right. They were then baptized for the right purpose. Please refer back to how you answered the questions in Lesson 8 concerning your prior conversion. If you thought you were saved and your sins forgiven when you accepted Christ as your personal savior and you were later baptized, then the purpose of your baptism was not for the forgiveness of your sins so that you could be saved. But now ... It is not difficult, at all, to make sure that it is done right. Questions Lesson 21 Man Is Not To Change What God Says (click on the button of the answer of your choice) 1) (Revelation 22:18-19) If we add to God's word A God will add to us the plagues written in ... ...
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112: Rapture Refuted: Harold Campinng's numerology date setting end ...
... the cliff into cult oblivion, please humbly admit you, yourself were a deceiver and an agent of Satan to destroy the Bible in the eyes of the world now the date has failed. 8. If you are ready to repent of your grave sin and humble yourself in the eyes of God, please find one of our churches to begin learning the most basic concepts of the gospel, like baptism for the remission of sins, weekly observance of the Lord's supper in the midst of other like minded Christians every Lord's Day (Sunday). 9. Find me a church... I am ready to become a real Christian. click to view Camping is teaching that the record breaking natural disasters like tornadoes and flooding hitting the USA are signs his date is correct. ... Of course not! [ comment: Of course not!!!... when you pick random numbers out of a hat! Both Camping's date of creation and date of the flood have absolutely no bible support. They are random numbers he chose to make his prediction for the end and con his lemmings out ... ...
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113: Lesson 10: Believe in God and in Christ
Many people believe that redemptive faith is merely a willing disposition to trust in Christ as their personal savior, independent of any further acts of obedience. This notion is completely alien from the truth found in the Bible. A belief that will not accept and do all that God tells us to do is not enough. If this is the case, then we are ... We cannot ignore or rationalize away any of His commands that we don't like and expect to be saved. To believe in Him is to obey Him fully. Questions Lesson 10 Believing In God And Christ (click on the button of the answer of your choice) 1) (John 8:24) If we do not believe in Christ A We will still be saved. B We will die in our sins and be lost. C Our sins will still be forgiven. 2) T F If we die in our sins we will still be saved. 3) (Hebrews 11:6) Without faith in God A It is impossible to please Him. B We can still please Him. C We can still go to Heaven. 4) T F If we don't believe in God and Christ we will still do what they tell us to do. ... ...
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114: How to Pray Acceptably
Prayer and thanksgiving go together (I Thessalonians 5:18). Prayer and patience should ascend together. God's answer can be yes, no, or wait, but the Lord wants our prayers to be continual (I Thessalonians ... Vain repetitions or mechanical praying is strongly denounced (Mark 12: 40). What is commonly called the Lord's prayer in Matthew 6 is never so called in the Bible. This was a model prayer given by Jesus for his disciples to pray. Christ never prayed this prayer for himself, as is shown by the words, "forgive us our sins" - Jesus was sinless. Also, the words "thy ... Our petitions are to the Father (Matthew 6: 9), through the name of Christ, who is our mediator (I Timothy 2: 5; Acts 4: 12), and with the help of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8: 26). Just as baptism is in the name ... as they pray for civil leaders (Romans 13: 1ff). God's prayer warriors are to be at their posts constantly as a great deterrent to evil in this present world. Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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115: Lesson 25: Salvation Summary
... I have tried to be open and honest with you. If you have any questions concerning the things discussed in this course or any other Bible questions please let me know by E-mail using the response form ... Are you willing to repent of your sins and confess that you believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God? Will you be baptized (immersed) for the remission of your sins so you can be saved? Then the Lord will add you to His church, the church of Christ, where we can worship Him faithfully until death when we will receive the crown of life in heaven. Please answer the following ... BEFORE AFTER 10) Did your baptism put you into Christ where all spiritual blessings are such as: salvation, forgiveness of sins, and eternal life? YES NO 11) Do you wear only the name Christian? YES NO 12 Are you really sure of your eternal salvation? YES NO 13) If you were to die today do you know for sure without a doubt that you would go to Heaven? YES NO Click Your Choice Home page for: "Determine ... ...
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116: What Must I Do To Be Saved ?
... Finally, a person must be baptized in the likeness of Christ's death and burial (Rom. 6: 4) in order for God to forgive him of past sins. The Bible says, "Arise and be baptized and wash away thy sins calling on the name of the Lord" (Acts 22: 16). And we also remember in a scripture we read only a moment ago that in Peter's sermon on the day of Pentecost, he said that both repentance and baptism are necessary in order to receive the remission of sins. (Acts 2: 38) Later Peter echoed this same thought again when he said that "baptism doth also now save us" (I Peter 3: 21). When a person believes in ... the Lord adds him to the body, the Church, the Kingdom of God (Acts 2: 47). If you have not obeyed these commands of the gospel, you are encouraged to do so today, and if you would like to discuss the subject more fully, please feel free to E-mail us and request more information. We will be glad to assist you in studying this vital subject more fully. Click Your Choice Back to START ...
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117: Prayer: sermon
Prayer: Luke 11:1 I. INTRODUCTION 1. There are about 650 different prayers in the Bible 2. Prayer defined in the Bible is: a. A lifting up our soul to God: Ps 25:1; 143:8 b. A pouring out our heart ... II. A.C.T.S. OF PRAYER (types of prayer) Click to View A. ADORATION & PRAISE: 2 Cor 9:15 1. "Putting into words the gratitude that ought to swell up in our hearts whenever we review all that God has ... while in "extreme weariness", while praying Gabriel was sent b) Nehemiah: 1:5-11 3. God won't answer our prayers when there is sin in our lives: a) Ps 139:23-24; 66:18; Pr 28:9,13; Isa 59:1 4. God won't forgive us unless we forgive others too: Mt 6:14-15 5. Consequences of not confessing our sins to God: a) We make God a liar: 1 Jn 1:9-10 b) We are in the "bond of iniquity" Acts 8:22-23 c) It ... I. Pray out loud- it will become conversational & coherent J. Chose a posture that will keep you alert: (laying down/soft chair can make you drowsy) K. Pray using the "prayer chain method" with one ... ...
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118: Correspondence course follow-up
... We sit back and wait for enrollees to come into our showroom the church building. This must change. It's evangelism or die! Now notice these facts. Of the 27 Bible ... May the Lord forgive us for the tens of thousands of enrollees who never returned lesson one and we therefore judged them uninterested in spiritual things. Are they interested? Of course they are! They enrolled didn't they? What must they do for us to judge them interested ask to be baptized for the remission of sins? Are they deemed interested only when they visit our showroom? Obviously, other factors (see below) prevented them from returning lesson one. Click to View Phone Or Personally ... Rarely will a student ask you for a study, and the ones who do will try to convert you! Actually, I prefer that they never even send lesson one in; then I can ... If they will not commit to a Bible study, bluntly ask them, Are you interested in continuing with the Bible course? How they answer will tell you much. Listen to, but ... ...
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119: Correspondence Course Follow-Up
... We sit back and wait for enrollees to come into our showroom the church building. This must change. It's evangelism or die! Now notice these facts. Of the 27 Bible ... May the Lord forgive us for the tens of thousands of enrollees who never returned lesson one and we therefore judged them uninterested in spiritual things. Are they interested? Of course they are! They enrolled didn't they? What must they do for us to judge them interested ask to be baptized for the remission of sins? Are they deemed interested only when they visit our showroom? Obviously, other factors (see below) prevented them from returning lesson one. Click to View Phone Or Personally ... Rarely will a student ask you for a study, and the ones who do will try to convert you! Actually, I prefer that they never even send lesson one in; then I can ... If they will not commit to a Bible study, bluntly ask them, Are you interested in continuing with the Bible course? How they answer will tell you much. Listen to, but ... ...
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120: Catholicism's SHOCKING attitude toward the Bible!
A complete bibliography is furnished at the end of this document. Click to View 1. Not Intended To Be Written. Please notice the following quotations from Catholic ... In providing an eternal standard of judgment, Jesus could have easily given His own personal writings if that had been His will. Instead, He chose to give us His ... The written words of the New Testament were not the product of mere chance, but were divinely purposed and planned. Click to View 2. Not Intended To Be Circulated. We mention again that present day Catholic officials would like people to believe that the Catholic Church loves and respects the Bible as ordained of God. However, in ... They argue, "The early Christians did not have access to the Scriptures" (The Faith of Millions, p. 152). We answer, "By the plan and purpose of God, for a short time ... For example, the Catholic Church practices pouring water as a mode for baptism, but the Bible teaches immersion or a burial in water (Rom. 6:3-4; Col. 2:12; Acts ... ...
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121: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Barefoot ...
The case of "Barefoot" (depression, schizophrenia) Click to View The case of "Barefoot" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Schizophrenia, delusion, paranoia Checklist Behaviours DSM-7 Adultery ... The psychiatrists in that mental hospital tried to make her feel better by placing the blame on the "straight-laced Bible thumping preacher husband". She used this as an excuse to eventually ... If she had enough freewill and knowledge to confess her sins and accept Christ in water baptism, two years earlier, then she knew enough to refuse the sexual encounter. All the atheistically driven psychobabble from ... Christians operate differently and always take responsibility, regardless how small the percentage of the total fault. However, she was unwilling to forgive, forget and move on in her life ... This practice follows the standards of medical case history publication. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with ... ...
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122: Silence of Scripture and Bible authority
... The Bible calls doing that which God was silent about, was called "treating God unholy and with dishonour". Although Nadab and Abihu could have argued, "God never forbade us from taking the fire from ... But God did reply, and His answer was NO! God would not permit the unclean to eat the Passover on Nisan 14 EVER! But God did create a special second Passover feast exactly one month later on Iyyar 14 ... Later David did move the Ark to Jerusalem the God said with the poles on the shoulders of the Levite priests! 1 Chron 15:2,15. Click to View Baptism is essential to salvation, circumcision prohibited. Judaizers: "God never said Circumcision was no longer required." God had specifically said that water baptism by immersion for the remission of sins, was essential to salvation in Mk ... Instead, freewill offerings are to be made! Click to View Churches send money directly to a preacher, all else, including missionary societies and sponsoring churches are prohibited. Institutionalists: ... ...
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123: Lesson 3: Eternity
We will bear the responsibility and the consequences. In Luke 16:24 Jesus is describing a man who went to hell and is pleading, "Then he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame". How much relief, ... The fire will burn forever and those who are lost will be there in it for eternity whether they want to believe it or not. In eternity their scoffing will quickly change to weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth. We must take what our Lord says in the Bible seriously. Hell is real! There is no way for the horrors of ... Our Lord says in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness." Going to Heaven has got to be our number one goal in this life. We must want to go to Heaven more than anything else. Questions Lesson 3 Eternity (click on the button of the answer of your choice) 1) (Matthew 25:46) Those who are lost will go into A Purgatory. ... ...
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124: Lesson 23: The Lord's Church
... Jesus says in John 12:48, "The word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day." We are not going to be judged by what our preacher says. And also Peter tells us in 1 Peter 3:21, "The like figure baptism does now save us." Only when we have obeyed the Lord's command to be baptized will we be saved. The Bible will be the only standard of judgment on Judgment Day, and not what we think or what men ... Jesus says in Matthew 28:20, "Teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you." We must observe all things and only the things the Lord has commanded us. Is your worship vain? If it is then it will do you no good and you will be lost eternally. Please follow God and not men. Questions Lesson 23 The Lord's Church (Part B) (click on the button of the answer of your choice) 1) (Romans 16:16) Which church do you read about in the Bible? A Baptist Church. B Lutheran Church. C church of Christ. 2) T F The Methodist Church is mentioned in the Bible. 3) (Acts 2:47) How do you get ... ...
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125: Introduction to the history of psychiatry
For a brief summary of all the historical documents in this section on psychiatric history. Click to View Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction to the ... Church ministers were the first experts in helping to change the behaviours of the insane. They correctly understood insanity as a behaviour that needed correcting like any other sins like habitual ... Today, as in medieval times, no blood is tested, no fMRI's are done, it is all a matter of subjective opinion based upon how the person has chosen to both present themselves and how they chose to answer. ... 1987), 8-9.) " (The Medicalization Of Everyday Life, Thomas Szasz, 2007 AD, p 62) The divorce of King Henry the 8th got himself labeled a heretic for divorcing and remarrying contrary to the Bible. ... the existing policy of enclosures (which allowed large landowners to streamline farming and send a flood of "freed" and landless peasants into the towns)." Scotland resisted almost completely. ... ...
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126: The Septuagint: God approved Translation in every synagogue like ...
... Only the Jerusalem temple elites (High priest and Sadducees) spoke true Hebrew in the first century. b. God chose that the New Testament was written in Greek in 282 BC when through ... Being completely optional like Wednesday evening bible study in churches, only the most spiritual remnant of Jews would attend weekly Sabbath worship services. It was this remnant who converted to Christianity immediately! The Septuagint: A text of the Bible in the language of the common people (Greek) A Mikveh: Also known as "The Christian Maker", full immersion water baptism washed away sins in the name of Jesus and be born again! See full ... For His life is removed from the earth." The eunuch answered Philip and said, "Please tell me, of whom does the prophet say this? Of himself or of someone else?" Then Philip opened ... See full outline) This original leaf of Matthew 13 from the 1611 KJV is in possession of the author. Click on photo for high resolution page of first printing 1611 KJV d. Having had ... ...
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127: Theoretical Overview of correspondence course work
... I consider this to be expecting too much to be accomplished from the course. In my experience, it is extremely rare for a person to be ready for baptism after completing a correspondence course ... This will be explained more fully in future articles. Click to View Choosing Your Advertising Usually, the number of enrollments is directly proportional to the amount of advertising. There is, ... Interested people phone for the message, and after a few days, enroll in the course which you have offered after every message. I believe the only value of Bible Call is to use it in conjunction with a correspondence course. I do not recommend the use of the question/answer format or the labor-intensive message library format where the caller requests, Tape #63, please. For us, the inspirational ... We start working at 11 a.m. and allow about an hour for distribution at a mall. We meet someplace for lunch and then send the teams back to the same malls at 1:30 p.m. By this time, an almost new ... ...
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128: Overview Of Correspondence Course Work
... I consider this to be expecting too much to be accomplished from the course. In my experience, it is extremely rare for a person to be ready for baptism after completing a correspondence course ... This will be explained more fully in future articles. Click to View Choosing Your Advertising Usually, the number of enrollments is directly proportional to the amount of advertising. There is, ... Interested people phone for the message, and after a few days, enroll in the course which you have offered after every message. I believe the only value of Bible Call is to use it in conjunction with a correspondence course. I do not recommend the use of the question/answer format or the labor-intensive message library format where the caller requests, Tape #63, please. For us, the inspirational ... We start working at 11 a.m. and allow about an hour for distribution at a mall. We meet someplace for lunch and then send the teams back to the same malls at 1:30 p.m. By this time, an almost new ... ...
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129: 500 Flood stories prove Noah's Ark is real history: Epic of Gilgamesh ...
Click to View Unearthed in Sippar, Iraq Click to View Colophonal scribal markings date the tablet to Ammi-saduqa (1647-1626 BC) Click to View "Enlil grew restless at their racket, he had to listen to ... He then called for the other high ranking gods of the "Anunnaki" supreme council to come immediately to his aid. In the assembly they discuss what to do and it is decided to send Nusku the top ranking ... First we see parallels to the historic place that water baptism that "washes away sins" (Acts 2:38; 22:16) and the recently excavated pool of Siloam and the hundreds of Jewish Mikvah's (water immersion baths) at the south ... The Epic of Atra-Hasis, therefore correctly represents the creation story in all its essential elements, less the polytheism. The Bible clearly teaches that a man is dichotomous in nature, having a body that returns to the dust and a spirit that return to God who gave it. (Eccl 12:7) The supreme assembly of gods chose "Geshtu-E" to be the one who would be killed ... ...
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130: Stunning quotations from: The New Catholic Catechism
Roman Catholic Faith Examined! Click to View Introduction by John Paul II Stunning quotations from... The New Catholic Catechism 1992 French version (English translation completed in 1994) Click to ... Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honoured with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence. bible interpretation the sole right of pope and bishops 100 The task of interpreting the ... that Mary is truly "Mother of God" (Theotokos). 508 From among the descendants of Eve, God chose the Virgin Mary to be the mother of his Son. "Full of grace," Mary is "the most excellent fruit ... teaches that the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation ... thereby affirmed at the same time the necessity of the Church which men enter through Baptism as through a door. ... St. Gregory of Nazianzus, Oratio 39, 17: PG 36,356). The church can forgive sins 982 There is no offense, however serious, that the Church cannot forgive. ... Christ who died for all men desires that in ... ...
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131: Synagogue prototype master summary chart and introduction: The ...
All Christians have equal access to Bible in church. Instrumental Music in worship Yes No No. Until 1054 AD Who conducted public Bible readings in 30 AD Priest in Hebrew which no one understood ... Church [ekklesia], Temple, House Water of purification (Mode) Brass Laver (Sprinkling) Mikveh (immersion) Baptism (immersion) Water of purification (purpose) Brass Laver (remove sin) Mikveh (remove ... into the beliefs and origins of these competing faiths, deliberately and decisively chose Judaism." (Khazars and Judaism, The Encyclopaedia of Judaism, Jacob Neusner, Vol 4, p1823, 2000 AD f. ... But if it was impossible for animal sacrifices to forgive sins (Hebrews 10:4,11) AND if Christ died once for all for sins (Heb 10:12), WHY RESTORE ANIMAL SACRIFICES? b. Premillennialism is pure rank ... Master List: Master list of First Temple Period, Pre-70 AD Synagogues Attend a church you can read about in the Bible: Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd 2017: Contact the author ... ...
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132: Modalism refuted: UPCI's Sixty Questions On The Godhead refuted ...
Modalism Refuted! Anti-Trinitarian! United Pentecostal Church's: "Sixty Questions On The Godhead" Refuted! Click to View See modalism as taught by the UPCI Refuted at: Modalism Before noticing the ... It is indeed good to esteem the name Jehovah (Yahweh) In Acts 10:35 Peter said, "...In every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him. UPC Question #41. "Does the Bible ... Yahweh is the singular name of the plural eloheem. Jesus was a member of the eloheem. UPC Question #44. "Why then, could Jesus forgive sins in Mark 2:5 - 11? Because He is God the savior." The Savior is ... There is the Father, the Son and the separate Spirit and they are revealed as being members of the eloheem. UPC Question #47. "When Paul asked the Lord who He was, what was the answer? 'I am Jesus.' ... See comments regarding #46 and #55. Each member of the eloheem was present. UPC Question #58. "What did the voice say at Jesus' baptism? 'Thou are my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.' Mark ... ...
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133: Repressed memory syndrome (Dissociative amnesia) is junk science ...
Tana Dineen, 2001, p 266) Click to View Psychiatrists falsely imprison innocent people with "repressed memory syndrome" and "satanic ritual child abuse". Click to View Forgive and forget! Psychologists and therapists wrongly believe it is important for you to remember past trauma and get angry! This is opposite to what the Bible says! Introduction: The idea that people forget or suppress traumatic experiences is a myth. If you cannot remember something, then either it ... When sinners confess to a minister they never confess sins that never happened. Psychologists get nefarious (false) memories which lead to the destruction of innocent men. ... Highly suggestible (psychologically-prone) people will of course respond in a way that can please the doctors, especially if there is a good rapport between them. ... You always remember things that bother you." By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern ... ...
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134: Conclusion to the 500 year historical overview:
... In both medieval times and today, there were those who selfishly refused to work, but instead chose to live off of the hard work of others through begging and state ... associated with insanity that are identified in the Bible as sin. Once these behaviours have been identified in a single individual, the only question that needs to be asked is: "What personal benefit does this person derive from engaging in this behaviour". The answer then becomes simple: money, escape responsibility, ... Just as most individuals reject the call of Christ to be baptized for the remission of their sins, so too the insane reject the call to change their behaviour. When church ministers preach the gospel to sinners, most do not will to change their behaviours. But faith comes by reading the word of God which is capable of bringing about changes in will that are remarkable, dramatic and stunning. Click to View Click to View By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send ... ...
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135: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
The case of "Brimstone" (Super Spiritualism, schizophrenia) See the case of "Candy" Click to View The case of "Brimstone" Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5 Religious mania, Schizophrenia, delusion, paranoia Checklist Behaviours ... Wheatley's, fell into great uneasiness. She thought he was ill, and would have sent for a physician; but he said, 'No, no. Send for Mr. Wheatley'. He was sent for, and came; and, after asking her a few questions, told her, ... His key behaviours were Self-punishment for personal failures or to ease a guilty conscience: EDS-7.4.12. We can chose to have Jesus to pay the penalty of our sins before we die in faith, confession and baptism, or we will pay the penalty for our sins eternally in hell after we die. This man understood this but was ... Anticipatory Warthog Psychosis (AWP) EDS-7.7.13.AWP By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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136: The Lord's Supper
... So this is a unique case where we must either chose one of several contradicting "church traditions" between 400 -1200 AD, or simply use the scripture as a final guide to settle the ... Thus, the Lord's Supper is the only memorial service for the Lord in which Christians can engage with the full authority of the Word of God, the Bible. Since the beginning of the New ... as sacrifice for the sins of the world. "low, the Christian Remembers how, by faith, he was moved to obey the will of Jesus, as revealed in the New Testament, to be buried in baptism to contact the blood of Christ, therein finding remission of his sins. ... And if any man hunger, let him eat at home; that you come not together unto condemnation. How often should Christians partake of the Lord's Supper? The answer to this question is ... Thus, in following this, and similar examples, the Lord's people (today) partake of the Lord's Supper each first day of the week. John Hurt Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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137: The Apostolic Fathers believed man-made creeds were tradition ...
Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Click to View Introduction: The "Rule of faith" (creeds) of the early church was the scripture itself. By 180 AD, oral and ... "For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, and that He was buried, and that He ... teach a sinner the gospel in a city park when we have no Bible in hand. We rely on "oral tradition" in the absence of written documents. Had Irenaeus' creed (in blue) included any extra biblical doctrines like, the perpetual virginity and assumption of Mary, infant baptism, triple baptism; the sign of the cross etc., then Roman ... and tenor of life, they are, because of faith, very wise indeed; and they do please God, ordering their conversation in all righteousness, chastity, and wisdom. ... when ye have receiv ed it, write it in your heart, and be daily saying it to yourselves; ... For this is the Creed which ye are to rehearse and to repeat in answer. ... ...
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138: What Early Christians believed about DEACONS
Uninspired records of how early Christians worshipped and what doctrine they believed! Click to View Early Christians and deacons Click to View Didache 15. Appoint ... Cyprian, Ep. 64.2 But deacons ought to remember that the Lord chose apostles, that is bishops and overseers; while apostles appointed for themselves deacons after the ... as Christ does to his Father; and let him serve him unblameably in all things, as Christ does nothing of himself, but does always those things that please his Father. ... of love, or a feast, as our Saviour calls it, let them most frequently send to such a one whom the deacons know to be in distress. 2.28. Let [the laity] not ... For we stand in need of a woman, a deaconess, for many necessities; and first in the baptism of women, the deacon shall anoint only their forehead with the holy oil, ... "Deacon" and "Deaconess," both by Everett Ferguson, in Encyclopedia of Early Christianity, ed. E. Ferguson et al.] Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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139: Biblical Evangelism: Biblical Guidelines to Effective Evangelism ...
Biblical Evangelism Biblical Guidelines to Effective Evangelism Harold V. Comer September 1997 Click here for PDF file of this document Introduction This is a brief ... I am not an expert but I am an interested student of Biblical evangelism. These are some things that have worked in Bible times and in growing New Testament churches today. There have been some great changes that have taken place in America and in our lives that have deeply affected the answer to the question, "Which evangelistic ... the least of them to the greatest of them," declares the LORD, "for I will forgive their iniquity, and their sin I will remember no more." (NAS) God intended for ... What is your expense per baptism? A Case Study Example Consider, a church with a $2,000.00 per week contribution sending $2,000.00 per month to distant evangelists. ... They would then send at 4 times their old rate until they had to cut back to 2 or 3 times their old rate when they hired a second man. After 15 years they would have ... ...
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140: False Doctrine of Modalism: As taught by the United Pentecostal ...
... Mt 24:36 "the Father is greater than I" Jn 14:28 Statements like this would only originate from the divine spirit of Jesus! They would be coloured in RED! "Your sins have been forgiven." Luke 7:48 "Hush, be still." Mk 4:39 when Jesus calmed the sea "Come out of ... For example, the prayers of Christ portray His human nature seeking help from the eternal Spirit of God." UPC This is utterly false! How about Heb 1:5 "For to which of the angels did He ever say, "Thou art My Son," Answer: None, but he said it to the Son! Heb 1:8 ... Again, Modalists think it is clear and obvious that what Jesus meant by this was that, "If Jesus does not leave earth and go to heaven, He cannot send himself back from heaven to earth." What is clear and obvious is that Modalism is false doctrine that cannot explain away the clear meaning of Bible verses! Click to View Refuting Modalism: Trinity baptism What Modalists say Refutation of this false teaching: Click to View "Mt 28:19 "Therefore go and make disciples ... ...
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141: The New World Translation: A corrupt sectarian paraphrase. 1666 ...
... A. The first thing you say to a JW's before you study with them is that you not accept anything from the NWT as authoritative. But they won't accept any other Bible ... It has undergone many revisions. It is not a translation, but a corrupt sectarian paraphrase Click to View B. Unlike every major translation, the NWT paraphrase was ... too much disposition to credit truth to the preacher, forgetful that all truth is of God, who uses one or another servant in its proclamation as it may please him." ... "Least in the kingdom of heaven" changed to "least in relation to the kingdom of the heaven." The passage indicates that a disobedient believer who sins can still ... Mark 1:4 "Baptism of repentance" changed to "baptism [in symbol] of repentance. " Nothing in the original Greek text justifies the insertion of "in symbol." The ... (only God gets worshipped) that they did the typically dishonorable thing and chose the obscure unknown word "obeisance" to complete the deception of new converts. ... ...
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142: Sola Scriptura debate charts by Pat Donahue
Sola Scriptura: Sola Scriptura debates between Christians vs. Orthodox/Catholics Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Formal Public Debates Click to View The word of God is the sword of the ... Will my opponent deny that the context is a prophecy about the FIRST coming of Christ? (remember 13:1, 11:12-13, 12:10, 13:6, & 13:7) The Answer To This Supposed Difficulty: v.2 is talking ... Since my opponent must go outside the scriptures to find Catholic practices (infant baptism for example), they must not be "good works," since the Bible furnishes us "unto ALL good works." I Cor 13:8-13 and Zech 13:1-4 show that prophecy has ceased, so ... that request through the Bible forgiveness of sins occurs in the mind of God, not through the Bible The Bible did not give us itself or its TOC; the N.T. was given by God primarily through miraculous means (and secondarily providence). God inspired its writing, and confirmed who the writers were by: Jesus chose the apostles during his personal ministry the ... ...
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143: Catholic Encyclopedia's and Dictionaries
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Deceptive quote & False Dilemma: Trinitarian Too many to number here. See below. Catholic Encyclopedia's and Dictionaries Click to View Since the ... believe in the trinity?) "Nowhere in the Old Testament do we find any clear indication of baptism, the Lord's supper." "Nowhere in the Bible do we find any indication of the Watchtower organization" or that Christians called ... First He taught them to recognize in himself the Eternal Son of God. When His ministry was drawing to a close, He promised that the Father would send another Divine Person, the Holy Spirit, ... If "the Trinity" here means Trinitarian theology, the best answer would be that one does not preach it at all ... If "the Trinity" means, however, as more often it will, Trinitarian ... It was generally thought that the holy spirit belonged to the past, having been withdrawn from Israel at the close of the ministry of Aggai, Zacharia, and Malachia (see 1 Mc 9.27). The sins ... ...
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144: The Samaritans: 720 BC The pagan half-Jews of the Old Testament ...
Gerizim venerated the Altar of Joshua which was built on Mt. Gerizim. The Samaritans had chose Mt. Gerizim as their holy place because that is the original location ... The born again stage in their conversion to Christ by being baptized for the remission of their sins upon their confession of faith. (33 AD) 5. In 622 AD the devil ... Genesis 34:6 Click to View 3. In 1930 BC, Jacob after he had fled from Laban back to Canaan, he built an altar at the place he camped "before the city of Shechem", ... Come, and I will send you to them." And he said to him, "I will go."" Genesis 37:13 4. 1406 BC: Joseph buried, Joshua's altar on Mt. Gerizim a. See full outline on ... text of the Pentateuch by the Qumran material." (The Cambridge History of the Bible, Shemaryahu Talmon, The Old Testament Text, p 123, 1970 AD) e. "The manuscript ... most faithful in the observation of oaths and covenants; and this formed the answer they made to Alexander, when he sent an embassage to them, after he had beaten ... ...
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145: The Amarna Letters and tablets 1406 - 1340 BC. Conquest of Joshua ...
... The tablets are arranged on a geographical basis that is opposite to the Bible story. In the conquest, Joshua took the south then moved north. Our story arranges the tablet starting in the north and moving south. The reason for this, is that the man who chose the original sequence of numbers starting at EA1 chose to start at the north and move south with higher numbers. ... Paraphrase of Tablet: "Rib-Hadda mayor of Byblos, (Gebal) to king of all countries, Great King: Abdi-Asirta has said to the Habiru 'Who is this Rib-Hadda?' Pharaoh, please send archers!" Full text translation of ... He will [certain]ly answer him [i]n this matter." (The Amarna letters, W. L. Moran, introduction, 1992 AD, EA 333) Amarna Letter EA288 Storyline: Abdi-Heba, mayor of Jerusalem warns Pharaoh that all cities ... of Joshua. Be assured that the Amarna letters are indeed a true record of the Hebrew conquest. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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146: Modern Rabbinical Judaism
... Judaism began with a new hermeneutic. We know that "baptism" did not begin with John because Jews had already been writing on the subject for at least a century and a half before him. In Geza ... In the inter-testamental period, there was a growing disenchantment with things connected with the temple. Many ascetics, such as those at Qumran, chose not to participate at all in the temple ... To a Jew, Jesus is hypocritical in his claims to keeping the law because he intended all along to change the law, "nailing it to the cross". JEWISH MESSIAHS DO NOT DIE FOR SINS "In the Bible, there is one ... Even in this context, however, the Messiah is the general of the army and conducts his affairs accordingly. 59 Tertullian An Answer to the Jews ch. 10 so Minucius Felix Octavius 9.4 had happened ... Press, New Haven and London, Vermes, Geza, The Dead Sea Scrolls in English, 3rd Ed. c. 1987, Sheffield Acedemic Press, Ltd. London. by Lance E. Bailles Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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147: How does Torture and Coercion cure inanity? Introduction to the ...
Church ministers were the first experts in helping to change the behaviours of the insane. They correctly understood insanity as a behaviour that needed correcting like any other sins like ... This may appear as bizarre as bloodletting to people today, but this simple answer is correct! Conclusion: The practice of psychiatry today with its theoretical chemical imbalances of the brain ... If a person engages in sinful behaviour, the Christian warns of God's judgement and asks the insane to change his behaviour. If they chose not to stop acting like a mad man, but do not commit ... Otherwise the insane should be free to live and move about us with their delusions and paranoia's. However the Bible says, "if a man will not work, neither let him eat". The state should also not ... find offensive, bothersome or annoying. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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148: Origin of Ancient synagogues: Architectural prototype of the ...
... Master List: Master list of First Temple Period, Pre-70 AD Synagogues Attend a church you can read about in the Bible: Click here to find a church near you. By Steve ... Archeology without a Bible foundation is just a pile of worthless sand. Without faith it is impossible to please God and without faith in the historical accuracy of ... Bible. Let me guide you with the spirit of Christ into the truth about the origin and purpose of Synagogues. As Jesus the messiah frequently said to his listeners, "He who has ears, let him hear". Welcome to my Museum of 56 Second Temple synagogues that existed before 70 AD. From the Garden of Eden, God purposed to send his ... of Moses because, It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins." (Hebrews 10:4) In Apostle Paul's personal case, as a young 20 year-old man ... Church [ekklesia], Temple, House Water of purification (Mode) Brass Laver (Sprinkling) Mikveh (immersion) Baptism (immersion) Water of purification (purpose) Brass ... ...
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149: Replacement Theology, supersessionism: Christians are God's Jews ...
... When Christians saw the signs, they fled the city and were saved. Go to Rapture Refuted home page Click to View The church is true Israel and Christians are God's ... teach that the Gentiles are saved by faith only without water baptism but the Jews had to believe and be baptized to be saved. There is only one plan of salvation for all mankind: Believe, repent, confess Christ and be immersed in water for the remission of your sins. (Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38; Acts 22:16; 1 Peter 3:21 C. "Salvation ... Jesus was a full blooded Jew. 3. There is nothing in this passage or any other place in the Bible that says the Jews will lead the way of salvation at the end of ... However Jer 31:31 said that unlike the Old Testament, under the New Covenant a person was first taught to know the Lord, then if he chose to be a Christian, he would ... given it attention: for, to tell the truth, it is worthy of attention; and that answer which pleases most-namely, that so it seemed good to Him-does not satisfy me. ... ...
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150: Refuted: The Christadelphian view of Resurrection, Judgement ...
... Muslims who never heard about baptism - - - Click to View Teenagers who listen to rap music who never heard about baptism - - - Click to View Click to View Every ... be drunk, vomit, fall, and rise no more because of the sword which I will send among you."' 28 "And it will be, if they refuse to take the cup from your hand ... Click to View Christadelphian Proof Text #2 Refuted: Ps 49:10-20 "He shall go to the generation of his fathers; They shall never see the light. Man in his pomp, yet ... Psalm 49 is addressed to the whole world (v2) Jew and Gentile alike in a contrast between "Both low and high, Rich and poor together." The Bible often portrays the ... First, graphically in the Garden of Eden when Adam died spiritually (cast away from God's presence outside Eden). Then thereafter our sins separate us from God (Isa ... Isaiah 26:19-21 with chapter 27., constitute Jehovah's answer to the plaint of Israel, Isaiah 26:11-18. Verse 19 should read: "Thy dead shall live: my dead bodies ... ...
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