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151: Masoretic Text (MT) born in 160 AD at Zippori
The Mikraot Gedolot was printed in Venice by Daniel Bomberg (1524 AD). The Mikraot Gedolot of ben Hayyim was used by the 1611 AD King James ... of the Old Testament retains all the historical and theological information God intended his creatures to know in order to become Christians. ... that Terah was 70 years old when Abraham was born instead of the correct begetting age of 130 you must add 60 years to the MT flood date of ... This was always problematic until the Christian Bible explicitly stated that Abraham did not leave Haran until after the death of Terah at age ... 70 when Abraham was begotten. Had the Samaritans just left the text alone, they never would have been caught red handed with irrefutable proof ... They were sadly mistaken in rejecting Jesus Christ as their true Messiah whom they crucified and even more mistaken in their false faith in ... Any defender of the MT's numbers must address this question first. What could have motivated the second-century Jews to deflate their sacred ... ...
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152: The Edomites: From Esau to Edom to Idumea to Extinction 2006BC ...
... Then they just start randomly choosing no less than three locations for Mt. Hor, none of which are correct. They also randomly pick a location for Mt. Seir at Jebel esh-Shera (or Shairah) located ... The Arabs were Nabateans who rebuilt tomb city of Kadesh Barnea occupied by Moses during the exodus (1444-1407 BC) into the Petra we see today are a mystery. God said that Edom would become an ... You see, in the 1800's, no archaeological evidence had ever been found to prove it really did exist. "Just another Bible myth!" skeptics charged in an attempt to destroy our faith in the Bible. c. This, ... They set fire to the tents in which they live and burnt (them) down. Uate' had misgivings4 and he fled, alone, to the country Nabate." (Ashurbanipal Campaign against the Arabs, From the Rassam ... appearance is destroyed; so too the rich man in the midst of his pursuits will fade away." (James 1:10-11) Exodus period Nations in Canaan Click to View Click to View Click to View The Amorites ... ...
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153: pre-earthquakes-history-data
... This statement has no more basis in fact that do those of the Watch Tower Society and the Worldwide Church of God. More recent statistics ... In a religious paper, however, read by millions of unsuspecting people who feel that it might be a sin to question their leaders, such ... use of such standards does not appeal to us, as it should be natural for Christians first of all to turn to the Bible for clarification. ... verse two, and Acts chapter sixteen, verse twenty-six, are not shown to have caused any appreciable damage, let alone any loss of life. ... lower figure is now generally believed by seismologists to be the correct one.35 Inasmuch as the latest estimate of annual deaths in ... has increased since 1914 is an Italian writer, who -undoubtedly in good faith - borrowed his "information" right out of the Awake! magazine. ... A. Sleberg in Handbuch der Geophysik (ed. Prof. B. Gutenberg), Vol. IV, Leipzig 1932; and James Comell, The Great International Disaster Book, ... ...
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154: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Jews persecuting Christians ...
... present case, I say to you, stay away from these men and let them alone, for if this plan or action is of men, it will be overthrown; but if ... has come in; and so all Israel [Jews] will be saved [through faith Jesus Christ is the Messiah]; just as it is written, "The Deliverer ... Egypt is a correct one, and attempt to make their own translation. You should also know that they have deleted entire passages from the version composed by those elders at the court of Ptolemy, in which it is clearly indicated that the Crucified One was foretold as God and man, and ... (Justin, Dialogue with Trypho the Rabbinical Jew 71, 150 AD) 3. Discussion about the Jews changing the Greek Bible in their synagogues: a. ... equivalent corresponds to the semantics of the Hebrew word in question, as is the case for the divine epithet κύριος; or in the ... Be immersed in a Mikveh (baptism) one last time to achieve eternal ritual purity that never needs to be redone, except through repentance to ... ...
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155: Jerusalem Temple Mount: The Charles Wilson and Charles Warren ...
... I have to suggest that this may have been the House of Baptism, communicating with the room of Beth Mokad and the gate Tadi. It is to be ... Men have invented divers accounts of the matter; God only knows the truth. " This Dome of the Roll would have stood over cistern 5, very near ... Chaplin, who was ever ready to give assistance, and others alone; the only trouble was in ascending, as the ladder, which often hung free in ... Charles W. Wilson, R.E., and the following party of Royal Engineers from the Ordnance Survey, to execute the work, viz., Serj. James McDonald, ... the city, the western and highest of which is the Mount Zion of the Bible, and the "Upper "city" of Josephus; whilst the eastern is Mount ... ENCLOSURE OF THE TEMPLE BY HEROD As regards the question as to whether the present area of the Haram-es-Sherif corresponds with the area of ... Mejr-ed-din, as quoted by Williams, gives Mesjid-el-Aksa as the correct name of the enclosure, but this is now exclusively applied to the ... ...
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156: The Interactive Bible:
Question 4: Mark 16:16 "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned." Saved by faith before & without baptism Faith & baptism equally essential Correct! Next Question please! ...
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157: The Interactive Bible:
Question 7: Matthew 3:7 "But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming for baptism, he said to them, "You brood of vipers, who warned you to flee from the wrath to come?" Baptism is merely a symbol We are baptized to flee God's wrath on judgement day Correct! Next Question please! ...
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158: The Interactive Bible:
Question 8a: Acts 16:25 "But about midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns of praise to God, and the prisoners were listening to them" What time of the was it? 12PM High noon 12AM Midnight Take a closer look at the verse again please. Click here Correct! Question 8b: Acts 16:33 "And he took them that very hour of the night and washed their wounds, and immediately he was baptized, he and all his household." This passage supports the concept of: Pre-arranged Baptismal services every few months Baptism is urgent, don't delay...even at midnight Correct! Please click here to continue! ...
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159: Lesson 14: Must We Be Baptized For The Forgiveness Of Our Sins ...
Must We Be Baptized For The Forgiveness Of Our Sins? In the second chapter of Acts, Peter had convicted the people there of having killed the Son of God. In verse 37 their question was, "Men and brethren what shall we do?" In verse 38 (KJV), "Then Peter said unto them, repent and be baptized everyone of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sins." Here people were told to repent and be baptized for the remission of their sins. Only when we submit to baptism as the Lord has commanded, that is for the remission of sins to be saved, do we show our faith in the Lord. Only then will He save us. Man today has a sin problem. It is our sins that separate us from ... Paul was not told "to pray the sinners prayer and ask Jesus to come into his heart in order to be saved." This is foreign to the scripture. You cannot find anywhere in the Bible where anyone was ever told to do this. Since God in the Bible has never told anyone "To pray and ask Jesus to come into your heart in ... ...
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160: The Interactive Bible:
Simple Instructions: 1. Read the Bible verse 2. Read the two statements 3. Click on the statement most accurately represents what the Bible verse says. Now lets begin with Question 1 1 Peter 3:21 the Bible says: "And corresponding to that, baptism now saves you (not the removal of dirt from the flesh, but an appeal to God for a good conscience) through the resurrection of Jesus Christ" Which of the following two statements most accurately represents what the Bible says. Click your choice: Baptism doesn't save you Baptism saves you Correct! Next Question please! ...
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161: Lesson 7: The Grace of God
the glory of God, being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus." We have all sinned. We all deserve to be punished throughout all eternity for our sins, but Christ Jesus has already taken our punishment. God, by his grace, that is His unmerited favor toward us, can now be just in saving us, through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus. Our redemption is in Christ Jesus, and not in ourselves. In Ephesians 2:8-9 we read, "For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast." We are saved by the unmerited favor of God through our obedient faith. ... has got to save us on our own merits. 7) (Isaiah 64:6) All of our righteousnesses A Will force God to have to save us. B Are to be admired. C Are still like filthy rags. 8) T F It is only by the grace of God that anyone will be saved. Click Your Choice Home page for: "Determine your salvation" Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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162: TEXTBOOK FRAUD: Pepper Moth (biston betularia): "Piltdown Moth ...
... Creation, on the other hand, unlocks the key to understanding the pepper moth because God simply created moths, deer, dogs, cats, bears etc in ... Because a great variety of factors may promote melanism, it may be misleading to extrapolate from one population to another, let alone from ... Prediction based upon faith. It may be that birds rarely find wild pepper moths if they rest underneath lateral branches. Such a find would ... Majerus' correct criticism of Steward reduces the importance of birds, not increase them. If Steward had placed the moths under lateral ... This illustrates a serious problem that calls into question the reliability of moth stats. If two traps 60 feet apart can vary so differently ... Biology, James M. Barrett, 1986, Prentice-Hall, p 754 Click to View Click to View "FIG. 27-12 Biston betularia, the peppered moth. The normal, ... Miller and Levine have made an effort to correct their textbook of the kinds of errors we are exposing on this website ( ... ...
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163: The Interactive Bible:
be saved"? Answer: Bible Believers! Isn't this what the Bible actually says? To see the summary chart of Mark 16:16: Click here The Bible says: "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned." Mk 16:16 Why do religions reject the words of Jesus and change them to say: 1. "He who believes and is baptized shall not be saved?" Answer: Jews, Muslims 2. "He who doesn't believe and isn't baptized shall be saved" Answer: Unitarians 3. "He who doesn't believe and is baptized shall be saved" Answer: Infant Baptism 4. "He who believes but isn't baptized shall be saved"? Answer: Faith Only 5. "He who believes and is baptized shall be saved"? Answer: Bible Believers! click here to continue So what do you think Mark 16:16 says? "He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned." Saved by faith only before & without baptism Faith & baptism equally essential Correct! Next Question please! ...
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164: Interactive Study: Determine for yourself if you worship in Spirit ...
Determine for yourself if you worship in Spirit & Truth! Interactive Bible Studies By Ron Boatwright Used by permission at: Click to View Click to View Interactive Study: Click to View Are You Worshipping God In Spirit And In Truth? Are You Worshipping God In Spirit And In Truth? Determine it for yourself! This course "Are You Worshipping God In Spirit And In Truth" is written with the hope of helping us to worship God in the ... For us to worship God in spirit and in truth we must make sure we are following all His directions as given in the Bible. All scripture quotations are from the New King James Version of the Bible, unless otherwise noted. I have bolded certain words and phrases for emphasis. All scripture quotations are in red. This course is divided into twenty-three (23) lessons. After each lesson you are asked to answer several interactive multiple choice and true-false questions concerning what you have just studied. The correct answer is found in the scripture ... ...
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165: Lesson 12: Confessing Christ
If we deny Christ we are going to be lost. We must not be ashamed to confess to other people that we believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. Jesus says in Mark 8:38, "For whoever is ashamed of Me and My words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him the Son of Man also will be ashamed when he comes in the glory of His Father with the holy angels." If He is ashamed of us, that means that we are going to be lost. There are several examples of people confessing their faith in Christ in the Bible. One is found in Matthew 16:16-17, "Simon Peter answered and said, You are the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus answered and said to him, Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven." Christ was well pleased with Peter's confession and He will be with ours also. In Acts 8:36-37 a man asked the question, "See here is water. What hinders me from being baptized?" Then in verse 37, "Then Philip said, "If you ... ...
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166: Lesson 20: Infants Are Not Lost
An infant has not broken any law of God and thus has not committed any sin. An infant is completely innocent. Just as God says in Ezekiel 28:15, "You were perfect in your ways from the day you were created, till iniquity was found in you." So we see that an infant is born perfect and without sin until he becomes of an accountable age and then begins to sin. James 4:17 says, "Therefore to him who ... This is also false. Infants are not suitable candidates for baptism, since they cannot believe. Our Lord says in Mark 16:16, "He who believes and is baptized will be saved." Here one of the prerequisites of being saved is to believe, which is impossible for an infant to do. Also in Acts 8:36-37 the question was asked, "See here is water; what hinders me from being baptized?" And the answer is ... for them. B Do not have to repent. C Must also repent. 14) T F Babies are capable of repenting of their sins. Click Your Choice Home page for: "Determine your salvation" Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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167: Lesson 22: The Lord's Church
at in the Bible. In response to Peter's confession to Jesus in Matthew 16:16 that, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God". Jesus then says in Matthew 16:18, "On this rock I will build My church." To whom was this church to belong? "My" is possessive, which shows the church belongs to Jesus. How many churches did Jesus say He was going to build? He said He was going to build "My church", which is singular not plural. The Lord only promised to build His one church. In Ephesians 4:4-6 there are seven ones listed: "There is one body, and one Spirit, even as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of ... We have also seen that Christ has only promised to save His one body, His one church. What then is going to happen to the hundreds of different kinds of other churches we see in existence today? Again let us let God answer this question. In Matthew 15:13 Jesus said, "Every plant, which my heavenly Father has not planted ... ...
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168: Is Church Membership Essential to my salvation?
When asked, "Is church membership essential to salvation?", men usually reply that saved persons may join the church of their choice, or they say that there is no need to join a church unless one so wishes. Since you have visited this website, you want to know the Bible answer to this question; you want to know which of the forgoing alternatives is correct, or if God presents another alternative ... The addition of the one being saved to the church is done by the Lord, not by the believer, nor by any other person, nor by any other group of persons. As a result of his repentant, obedient faith in Jesus, the believer becomes a member of the Lord's body, which is the Lord's church (see Eph. ... church commit the believer to meet with an earthly body, to carry out responsibilities to others, and to perform Christian duties which cannot be done alone?". To answer this question, we observe that Acts 2:42 records that the very first Christians continued steadfastly in the apostle's doctrine. ... ...
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169: The Interactive Bible:
Question 7 Watch yourself!!! 2 John 8-9 "Watch yourselves, that you might not lose what we have accomplished, but that you may receive a full reward. Anyone who goes too far and does not abide in the teaching of Christ, does not have God; the one who abides in the teaching, he has both the Father and the Son." What happens to any sincere believer that starts teaching things not found in the Bible? (ie. false doctrine) Although once saved, they no longer have God and are lost We are saved by faith. Doctrine has nothing to do with salvation! . . Wrong! Look closely at this next verse Click here to see why it is wrong! . . Does doctrine matter? 1 Timothy 4:16 "Pay close attention to yourself ... the error of unprincipled men, you fall from your own steadfastness" What effect can false teachers have upon your personal salvation? They can cause you to lose your assured salvation and fall None! Doctrine is not important. How you live is most important . . Correct Next Bible verse please . . ...
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170: Are we saved by Faith without Works?
evidence about the unseen realms of heaven and hell. Hebrews, Chapter 11, is God's inspired record of how men and women felt, acted, and obeyed, and lived in view of their faith in God. Some people teach that there is no place for works in salvation; that it is all a matter of faith, and faith alone. The Bible clearly teaches that man is not saved by the works of the law of Moses (Romans 3: 28; Galatians 2: 16). ... The Bible is very consistent; if a person has faith, he will manifest it by his attitudes and actions even as God prescribes. In James, Chapter 2, verse 22, the response of Abraham's faith is described this way: "Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made ... As you now read Hebrews Chapter 11, note how unfailingly these great people of God were moved by their faith to God's will. The realization of this principle motivated James to say, "Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only" (James 2: 24). It is obedient ... ...
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171: The Interactive Bible:
Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son. Whoever denies the Son does not have the Father; the one who confesses the Son has the Father also." 1 John 2:22-23 Question: Who does the Bible identify as the antichrist? The antichrist is the Devil or his demons The antichrist is anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ . . Why the antichrist cannot be the Devil: James 2:19 says: "You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder" The Devil already knows that Jesus is the Christ The Devil believes in Christ more than many Christians The Devil shudders because he knows his destruction is near. Click to continue . . Question: Who is the antichrist according to 1 John 2:22-23 "Who is the liar but the one who denies that Jesus is the Christ? This is the antichrist, the one who denies the Father and the Son." The Devil with horns and red glowing eyes Anyone who does not believe in Jesus Christ . . Correct! Next Bible verse Please! ...
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172: Modalism refuted: UPCI's Sixty Questions On The Godhead refuted ...
The author of the questions seems unaware that the words Lord, LORD, God, GOD are translated from various Hebrew and Greek words. When LORD and GOD appear in the King James Version they ... nature 3. A god (Col. 2:9). No one is obligated to defend a position he does not hold. Notice that these "60 Questions" are in fact in the form of a Catechism. (UPC raises a question then provides an immediate answer) The 60 questions of the United Pentecostal church (UPC) in red. The UPC then provides their own answer to their own question. Bible Answer/refutation to the UPC position are below each question/answer in black text. ... UPC Question #24. Did Jesus tell Satan that God alone should be worshiped? Yes. Matthew 4:10." If a person only reads Matthew 4:10, it very well may seem that the author of the ... See comments regarding #46 and #55. Each member of the eloheem was present. UPC Question #58. "What did the voice say at Jesus' baptism? 'Thou are my beloved Son, in whom I am well ... ...
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173: Official creed of the Foursquare Gospel church (4-sqauare)
International 4 Square (The Foursquare Gospel Church) The Holy Scriptures We believe the Bible is God-inspired (2 Timothy 3:16,17). The Eternal Godhead We believe God is Triune: Father, Son and Holy Ghost (2 Corinthians 13:14). The Fall ... We believe that upon sincere repentance, and a whole-hearted acceptance of Christ, we are justified before God (I John 1:9). The New Birth We believe that the change which takes place in the heart and life at conversion is a very real one (2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 2:20). Daily Christian Living We believe that it is the will of God that we be sanctified daily, growing constantly in the faith (Hebrews 6:1). Baptism And The Lord's Supper We believe that baptism by immersion is an outward sign of an inward work ... We believe that divine healing is the power of Christ to heal the physically sick in answer to the prayer of faith (James 5:14-16). The Second Coming Of Christ We believe that the second coming of Christ is personal and imminent (I ... ...
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174: Geographic variation caused New Testament canon variation from ...
God, not men decided the canon. This providence does not mean that church leaders were inspired in their selecting the canon, only that God had his eye on the scriptures the whole time and brought about His will to form the ... Introduction: 1. It need not disturb the Bible-believing Christian to learn that the canon of the New Testament was not universally set until about 300AD. The canon underwent a progression of development, which by faith, we ... I. Stumper Questions for Roman Catholics and Orthodox: If the Roman Catholic church gave the world the Bible, being infallible, then why did Rome reject or question the inspiration of James and Hebrews , then later accept it? Conversely, Rome accepted as scripture books that were later rejected. If the ... If he can make you think the Bible did not exist until the fourth century, then he can deceive you into thinking that perhaps the Orthodox position on "church tradition" is correct. 2. Notice both imply that many of the 27 New ... ...
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175: The Interactive Bible:
they lost their salvation Why they lost their salvation Galatians 5:4 "You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace." severed and fallen indicate once saved severed from Christ fallen from grace seeking to be justified by law Will God prune Christians? ... Romans 11:19-23 "You will say then, "Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in." Quite right, they were broken off for their unbelief, but you stand by your faith. Do not be conceited, but fear; for if God did not spare the natural branches, neither will He spare you. Behold then the kindness and severity of God; to those who fell, severity, but ... James 5:19-20 "My brethren, if any among you strays from the truth, and one turns him back, let him know that he who turns a sinner from the error of his way will save his soul from death, and will cover a multitude of sins." "brethren, if any among you" is addressed to Christians soul is destined for death turns him ... ...
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176: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 425 AD: Augustine
Sola Scriptura: The Bible alone is enough! Apostolic Fathers used scripture as the primary defense against false doctrine. Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Click to View Apostolic Fathers: Dates they lived and other information. Click to View Apostolic Fathers: Five kinds of Tradition. Click to View Mandatory: Apostolic Fathers Catechism Class for ... For holy Scripture setteth a rule to our teaching, that we dare not "be wise more than it behoveth to be wise;" but be wise, as himself saith, "unto soberness, according as unto each God hath allotted the measure of faith." (Augustine, On the Good of Widowhood, 2) Click to View We don't question that Augustine, like Chrysostom and Jerome, believed in "unwritten customs and laws" passed down orally by the apostles. But as we have seen, these customs involve trivial matters like "drinking milk and honey after baptism". Having said this up front, we observe Augustine's attitude towards scripture. He clearly believes that we must ... ...
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177: Catholic doctrine contradicts the Bible!!!
Overview of how Catholic faith contradicts the Bible 1. Calling the Priests "Father" is forbidden FACT: Catholics are taught to call their priest, "Father", as a religious title of respect. Christians in the first century never ... Answer: Matthew 13:55-56 o YES NO o "Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers, James and Joseph and Simon and Judas? "And His sisters, are they not all with us? Where then did this man get all ... Matthew 1:24-25 Click to View Click here for proof Mary had other children. Question #3: The Bible says there is only one mediator between God and man. Is mary that one mediator? Answer: 1 Timothy 2:5 o YES NO o "For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ ... "You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them." Exodus 20:4-5 12. Baptism is full immersion in ... ...
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178: Official creed of Associated Gospel Churches (AGC)
We believe that the Bible is God speaking in man's language, and in the original writings is exactly as He gave it, word for word without any error whatsoever. It has been preserved by God to be the authoritative standard ... and women can have a just standing before God. That is, they can become true Christians. The single basis for this standing is the death of Jesus Christ and an individual's personal faith in Him. VII. Salvation by Grace through Faith We believe that sinners are saved by Grace through Faith alone and that not of themselves, it is the gift of God, not of works. We further believe that every saved person is justified from all things from which he could not be justified by the law of Moses. Acts 13:39 Rom.5:1; Eph.2:8+9; Titus 2:11-14 We believe that salvation with its forgiveness of sins, includes the receiving of a new nature and the assurance of eternal life. It is entirely apart from good works such as baptism or church membership, but is purely by God's grace. ... ...
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179: Inherited Sin: definitions and official creeds
Webster Dictionary: "the utter depravity of man which Calvinists regard as due to original sin and as persisting until regeneration through the Spirit of God." John Calvin, inventor of ... Many churches will reject limited atonement because it so obviously contradicts the Bible. Likewise, Baptists and many other protestant churches, reject that newborn babies go to hell. Although entirely inconsistent with Calvinism as an interdependent system of domino theology, the idea that newborns go to hell is not politically correct and offends the common sense of many people. This kind of theological inconsistency is common among Baptists, for example, when they maintain we are saved by faith only (see Jas 2:24), to the exclusion of water baptism (see Mk 16:16; Acts 2:38; 22:16; 1 Pe 3:21) ... of human nature, has been transmitted to the entire race of man, the man Christ Jesus alone excepted, and hence that every child of Adam is born into the world with a sinful nature." ... ...
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180: beliefs Living Hope Christian Assembly on 1045 Garth St. Hamilton ...
... Mandatory 10% Tithing: Tithing is an Old Testament Jewish practice that is abolished by Christ at the cross. (Col 2:14) Tithing is forbidden in the New Testament: 2 Cor 9:7. The early church practiced freewill offerings where each person decided for themselves, between them and God... Today churches throw all the Bible rules out the window to be culturally and politically correct. 7. Salvation by faith only without and before repentance, confession and water baptism: The church in the Bible taught that you cannot be saved by faith only (Jas 2:24) but that you needed to believe in Jesus (Mk 16:16), repent of your sins (Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38), confess the name of Jesus (Rom 10:9-10) and be immersed in water for ... Acts 4:30; Rom. 8:11; I Cor. 12:9; James 5:14 13. We believe in the Table of the lord, commonly called Communion of the Lord's Supper, for believers. I Cor. 11:28-32 14. We believe in eternal life for believers, John 5:24; 3:16; and eternal punishment for unbelievers. Mark 9:43-58; ... ...
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181: Official creed of the Lutheran church; 95 Theses or 95 Articles ...
fear of God, without trust in God, and with concupiscence; and that this disease, or vice of origin, is truly sin, even now condemning and bringing eternal death upon those not born again through Baptism and the Holy Ghost. ... The same Christ shall openly come again to judge the quick and the dead, etc., according to the Apostles' Creed. ARTICLE IV: OF JUSTIFICATION. Also they teach that men cannot be justified before God by their own strength, merits, or works, but are freely justified for Christ's sake, through faith, when they believe that ... For Ambrose says: It is ordained of God that he who believes in Christ is saved, freely receiving remission of sins, without works, by faith alone. ARTICLE VII: OF THE CHURCH. Also they teach that one holy Church is to ... a very important period in Europe, the Protestant Reformation. Luther continued in his fight for religious reform for years to come. He translated the Bible into German so the common people could read and interpret it. ... ...
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182: Religious attributions pertaining to the causes and cures of ...
Bible. Click to View Psychiatry is Anti-Christian Psychiatry is unBiblical Psychiatry is Atheistic Psychiatry is Humanistic Introduction: We are reviewing an article called: Religious attributions pertaining to the causes and cures of mental illness, 2005 AD, Kristine Hartog and Kathryn M. Gow. The tension between psychiatry and Christianity is historic, real and justified. Psychiatrists are quite anti-Christian in their beliefs since they reject the existence of God, the human spirit. Their religion is called humanism and their prophet is Darwin. They believe, as a matter of faith, that man is ... This is not demon possession! Conclusion: The study is basically validated as correct. There are examples of mis-information on both sides of the debate between psychiatry and Christianity: ... This was measured by responses to question 5 of the RMHI, and responses to question 26 on both the ''Causes of Major Depression'' and the ''Causes of Schizophrenia'' questionnaires. 266 Kristine ... ...
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183: Official Declaration of beliefs of the church of God, International ...
The Church of God is a grassroots organization with an appeal to and a concern for the common man and his needs." WE BELIEVE: In the verbal inspiration of the Bible. In ... That all have sinned and come short of the glory of God and that repentance is commanded of God for all and necessary for forgiveness of sins. That justification regeneration and the new birth are wrought by faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. In sanctification subsequent to the new birth, through faith in the blood of Christ; through the Word, and by the Holy Ghost. Holiness to be God's standard of living for His people. In the baptism with the Holy Ghost subsequent to a clean heart. ... Romans 6:22; Galatians 5:22, 23; Ephesians 5:9; Philippians 1: 11. Divine healing provided for all in the atonement. Psalm 103:3; Isaiah 53:4, 5; Matthew 8:17; James ... As we know Christ after the Spirit, we are also to know others in the same manner so we will not judge them after their outward behavior alone (2 Corinthians 5:16). A ... ...
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184: Was Peter the first Pope?
"It has now become quite clear that the conception of continuity, authority, infallibility of the Church and the Church's teaching, on which there has not been sufficient reflection, has led the Catholic Church into a dangerous tight corner." (This, alone with other doubts ... Some religionists today advocate that man is saved by faith only. However, there is only one passage in the entire Bible that has the words "faith" and "only" together and it says, "not by faith only" (James 2:24). The Catholics today speak of the Pope as vicar, taking the place of God (Christ Himself is God, Matt. 1:23; John 1:1), yet there is only one passage in the entire Bible which speaks of a man doing such and it calls him "the man ... The members of the church are represented as the various parts of the body. Christ is always said to be the head. (See 1 Cor. 12:12-27; Eph. 1:22-23; 4:15-16). Our question is: "What part of the body is the Pope?" Also, "How does one get the idea of a sub-head into the body?" ... ...
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185: Early and Latter Rain Theology Refuted
And praise the name of the Lord your God, Who has dealt wondrously with you; Then My people will never be put to shame. " (Joel 2:23-26) b. "Therefore be patient, brethren, until the coming of the Lord. The farmer waits for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains. " (James 5:7) 2. Charismatics, Pentecostals and anyone ... and moral conduct." 2. Using the Bible only is essential to a truthful foundation in correct Bible doctrine. 3. We recommend you visit our Sola-Scriptura website for much more detail. 4. Your church does not believe in using the Bible only if: a. your church has a creed, catechism or statement of faith b. your church practices tongues and "slain in the spirit" c. your preacher claims God ... Then to confirm and prove that our understanding was correct as of just a few years ago, God began to reveal proofs." 7. Notice that the ideas camping has are very recent and revealed to him alone through God. 8. ... ...
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186: Chadwick, Henry: The Early Church
In other words, Jehovah's Witnesses are deceived by their own "god directed organization" into thinking Chadwick is saying Constantine died as a pagan who worshipped the Sun! This Chadwick never says, ... In Acts 16:25,33, the Jailer was baptized around midnight! You see, the Watchtower highlighting Constantine's delay of water baptism is as hypocritical as it is a case of the pot calling the kettle ... Every Jehovah's Witnesses would do well to take this on-line interactive test on what the Bible teaches about the urgency and purpose of water baptism: Click here to learn why delaying water baptism, as practiced by both Constantine and all JW's is unscriptural false doctrine! Chadwick comes right out and says that letters written by Constantine are powerful evidence of the genuine faith ... Chadwick is saying that both views are wrong and the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Thus it is beyond question that the Watchtower clearly misrepresents what Chadwick is really saying he ... ...
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187: Rapture Refuted! Pre-tribulation Rapture and Premillennialism ...
See: The Origin of Rapture Doctrine in 1830 AD (Inventor: John Darby) See: 50 ways Pre-millennialism contradicts the Bible Interactive On-line Bible Studies Click to View Did the last days begin ... are prophets, apostles, "the Elijah", have special illumination from the Holy Spirit and that God has revealed new doctrines not previously known by anyone, including the apostle Paul himself. ... but never specific, in order to keep the hundreds of millions of dollars flowing. 5. Christians reject the rapture and rely upon the pages of the Bible alone as a sole source of conduct and doctrine. . ... We have been in the last days for 2000 years. Last Days/End Times: Hebrews 1:2; 1 Peter 1:20 Acts 2:15-17; Joel 2:28; James 5:1-3 click to view Matthew 24 fulfilled in 70 AD when the Temple was ... Harold Camping's official Numerology Rapture chart he used in his failed prediction of May 21, 2011 has been found! Harold Camping is an agent of the Satan to destroy faith in the Bible when his ... ...
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188: Official creed of the Southern Baptist Church
Southern Baptist Church The Baptist Faith and Message [Adopted by the Southern Baptist Convention May 9, 1963] Billy Graham Click to View [4 minutes] (On Larry King ... Larry King: "You were preaching in his church (Pope) the day he was made pope." Billy Graham: "That is correct." Larry King: You like the Clintons. Billy Graham: I like the Clintons very much. Larry King: "You are a democrat" Billy Graham: "Yes." I. The Scriptures The Holy Bible was written by men divinely inspired and is the record of God's revelation of Himself to man. It is a perfect treasure of divine instruction. It has God for its author, salvation for its end, and truth, without ... 2 Tim. 1:12; Titus 2:11-14; Heb. 2:1-3; 5:8-9; 9:24-28; 11:1 to 12:8, 14; James 2:14-26; 1 Peter 1:2-23; 1 John 1:6 to 2:11; Rev. 3:20; 21:1 to 22:5. V. God's ... Rev. 2-3; 21:2-3 VII. Baptism and the Lord's Supper Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. ... ...
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189: Official creed of United Pentecostal Church International
The Bible is the only God-given authority which man possesses; therefore, all doctrine, faith, hope, and all instruction for the church must be based upon, and harmonize with, the Bible. It is ... the sin of disobedience, Adam and Eve, the first of the human race, fell from their holy state, and God banished them from Eden. Hence by one man's disobedience, sin entered into the world. (Gen. 1:27; Rom. 3:23, 5:12). REPENTANCE AND CONVERSION Pardon and forgiveness of sins is obtained by genuine repentance, a confessing and forsaking of sins. We are justified by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 5:1). ... Luke 24:47 says, "And that repentance and remission of sins should be preached in His name among all nations, beginning at Jerusalem." WATER BAPTISM The scriptural mode of baptism is immersion, ... Jesus said of believers, ". . they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover." Later, James wrote in his Epistle to all the churches: "Is any sick among you? Let him call for the ... ...
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190: Official Creed of the United Church of God, an international ...
Human beings live by the breath of life, are mortal, subject to corruption and decay, without eternal life, except as the gift of God under God's terms and conditions as expressed in the Bible. We believe that God placed before Adam ... We believe that all who truly repent of their sins in full surrender and willing obedience to God, and who by faith accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, have their sins forgiven by an act of divine grace. Such individuals are justified, pardoned from the penalty of sin, and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, which literally abides within them and supplies the divine love that alone can fulfill the law and produce righteousness. They are baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ, which is the true Church of God. We believe in a true change in life and attitude. Only those who have the indwelling presence of and are being led by the Holy Spirit are Christ's. We believe in the ordinance of water baptism by immersion following repentance. ... ...
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191: The Interactive Bible:
Question 3: Will Jesus Prune Christians? John 15:5-6 "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing. If anyone does ... Perhaps they were never saved to begin with and that is why they are cast into the fire! . . . . Correct! Click here to see what Paul said about pruning! . . Now look closely at what Paul said: Romans 11:19-23 "You will say then, "Branches were broken off so that I might be grafted in." Quite right, they were broken off for their unbelief, but you stand by your faith. Why were "branches broken off" They were broken off for lack of faith Broken off does not mean they were lost! . . Paul continues Romans 11:19-23 Do not be conceited, but fear; for if God did not spare the natural branches, ... These phrases indicate that Christians can fall away and be cast into Hell This verse does not apply to Christians . . Wrong! Paul was writing to the Christians in the church at Rome! Next Bible text ... ...
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192: True Sola Scriptura leads to perfect unity! Oral traditions and ...
Anti-Sola Scriptura Arguments Refuted: Click to View "David A. Barrett's book, World Christian Encyclopedia, says that there are 30,000 denominations that use sola Scriptura. Obviously using the Bible only doesn't work, we need ... Look at all of these Protestant denominations, 30,000 of them the last time I checked. How do you know you're in the correct church?" (Staples/Latar debate on sola Scriptura, Apolonio Latar, Catholic defender, 2002) "First, it results in hermeneutical anarchy. The fact that hundreds of denominations, each professing to derive its teaching by means of the Holy Spirit's guidance from "Scripture alone," cannot agree even on the fundamentals of the faith, such as the meaning of baptism or the Lord's Supper or even the means of ... as standards of doctrine. Further, these Protestants are protesting the Catholic and Orthodox system. Obviously God did not see fit to give Rome or Constantinople any supremacy, otherwise they would not be protested so much. ... ...
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193: The Exodus Route: Red Sea Crossing
... Likewise calling the Red Sea "Sea of Seaweed" biases towards a saltwater body. Although the Gulf of Aqaba is the Red sea, we feel it best to just stick with what the Bible called it. The correct name therefore is "Red Sea". Let us forever cease from calling it "The Sea of Reeds". C. Deep enough to create a wall of water: Type of Baptism. The Bible says that God blew the water back with a strong wind and there was a wall of water on both ... Why have you dealt with us in this way, bringing us out of Egypt? "Is this not the word that we spoke to you in Egypt, saying, 'Leave us alone that we may serve the Egyptians'? For it would have been better for us to serve the Egyptians than to die in the wilderness."" ... But if you are 240 miles away from your bed, in a desolate area far from civilization, then the complaints about dying in the wilderness at the hands of Pharaoh's army are quite justified. Also, the Bitter Lakes are fresh drinkable water. With their herds, they had no ... ...
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194: Official creed of Worldwide Church of God (Plain Truth Magazine ...
... The disobedient angels are called demons. (Revelation 1:1; 22:6; Hebrews 1:14; Matthew 25:31) Satan Satan is a fallen cherub who heads the evil forces in the spirit realm. He is referred to in the Bible in various ways including the ... Grace is the free, unmerited favor God bestows on a sinner who repents. In its broadest sense, grace is expressed in every act of God's self-disclosure. By grace, a person comes to know God and Jesus Christ, is justified, and is saved. Through faith in Christ, the Christian remains always ... Faith is enabled by God's grace. (Romans 10:17; Hebrews 11:6; Ephesians 2:8-9; James 2:17-18; Romans 6:23) Sanctification Sanctification is the state of holiness imparted to the believer through the work of the indwelling Holy Spirit. ... Repentance toward God leads to faith in Jesus Christ and a converted life sanctified by the Holy Spirit. (Acts 2:38; Romans 2:4; 10:17; 2 Timothy 2:25; 2 Corinthians 7:9-11; Matthew 3:8; Romans 12:2) Water Baptism Water baptism ... ...
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195: Stunning quotations from: The New Catholic Catechism
this Catechism is the result of the collaboration of the whole Episcopate of the Catholic Church ... the harmony of so many voices truly expresses what could be called the "symphony" of the faith. ... about all revealed truths from the holy Scriptures alone. Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honoured with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence. bible interpretation the sole right of pope and bishops 100 The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted solely to the Magisterium of the Church, that is, to the Pope and to the bishops in communion with him. ... teaches that the Church, a pilgrim now on earth, is necessary for salvation ... thereby affirmed at the same time the necessity of the Church which men enter through Baptism as through a door. ... Veneration of images 2131 Basing itself on the mystery of the incarnate Word the seventh ecumenical council at Nicaea (787) justified against the iconoclasts the veneration of icons--of Christ, ... ...
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196: Sola Scriptura: Mistakes made by the Apostolic Fathers based ...
Arius' answer was that the Logos is a creature, albeit the highest, noblest, and best of creatures. Those who sought to uphold the Orthodox doctrine that Christ is the uncreated Son of God had to deal with Arius' interpretation of Proverbs. St. Hilary of ... Now, there is no question that both parties considered their positions self-evident. Everyone's interpretation of the Bible seems self-evident to himself. That does not make it self-evident to others, however. The question remains, therefore, how did they decide which interpretation is correct?" (THE WAY: What Every Protestant Should Know About the Orthodox Church, Clark Carlton, 1997, p 102) Carlton, is always looking for ... there were some who did just that: "An explanation of Acts ii. 36 and Proverbs viii. 22, which are shown to refer properly to Christ's manhood alone." (Ambrose, Exposition of the Christian Faith, Book 1, 94) What sense would that make, since his humanity was there in the beginning before creation! ... ...
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197: Scriptural refutation of "eternal Security"
Things Children of God Can Do: 1. Fall from grace - Gal. 5:1-4,13 2. Be led away with error - 2 Pet. 3:17 3. Err from the truth - James 5:19-20 4. Weak brother may perish - 1 Cor. 8:11 5. Fall into condemnation - James 5:12 6. Be ... Hymenaeus and Philetus: gone astray indicates once correct False doctrine: resurrection past gone astray, upset other's faith as well Heb 3:12 brethren evil, unbelieving fall away from God Heb 4:1-2,11 brethren, addressed to Christians unbelief, disobey short of God's rest, fall Heb 6:4-8 once enlightened, tasted heavenly gift, partakers of HS, Bible & powers to come, renew indicates restore to former cleanness sin fallen away, can't renew, crucified Christ again and put in open shame Heb 10:26-31 received knowledge of ... Galatians 5:4 "You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace." 3 Pruning passages: John 15:5-6 "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he ... ...
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198: Stumper questions Jehovah's Witnesses do not like to be asked ...
Someone has told you the road to take. You trust him, sincerely believing that the way he has directed you is correct. But suppose it is not? What if someone points out the error? What if he, by ... If the organization did not actually prophesy the end in 1925 and 1975, then how come so many Witnesses left the faith immediately afterwards? ("They lost roughly three-quarters of the movement ... Can individuals read & understand the Bible alone, or do they need an organization and it's publications to do so? Click here find the answer! How do you prove from the Bible that 1935 was the year for ... then what was the "new name" prophesied in Isa 62:2? Can't be "Jehovah's Witnesses", for God already used it 20 chapters earlier. Could the new name be "Christian" after our savior "Christ"? ... Jn 1:3 says that Jesus created "all things", but in Isa 44:24, God says that he "by myself" created the heavens and the earth and asks the question "Who was with me?" when the heavens and the earth ... ...
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199: "The Sensational speech of Bishop Joseph Georg Strossmayer in ...
Scene 2: Study Of Old And New Testaments "Penetrated with the feeling of responsibility, of which God will demand of me an account, I have set myself to study with the most serious ... Peter, vicar of Jesus Christ, and the infallible doctor of the church. To resolve this grave question I have been obliged to ignore the present state of things, and to transport myself in mind, with the evangelical torch in my hand, to the days when there was neither Ultramontanism nor Gallicanism, and in which the church had for doctors St. Paul, St. Peter, St. James, and St. John - doctors to whom no one can deny the divine authority without putting in doubt that which the holy Bible, which is here before me, teaches us, and which the Council of Trent has proclaimed as the rule of faith and of morals. I have then ... Save the church from the shipwreck which threatens her, asking from the holy Scriptures alone for the rule of faith which we ought to believe and to profess. I have spoken: may God help ... ...
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200: Noah was saved by water baptism: 1 Peter 3:21
... angels and authorities and powers had been subjected to Him. " (1 Peter 3:18-22) 1. 1 Peter 3:29-22 is an amazing Bible story of salvation that sets up an ancient parallel to how the apostles taught we are to be saved. 2. Apostle Peter ... teach that water baptism has no part in attaining salvation which directly contradicts 1 Peter 3:21. These churches teach that you are saved by "Faith Only" which directly violates James 2:24. Yes we are saved by faith, but not faith alone. We are saved by grace, but not grace only. ... To do so, directly violates what the passage plainly says. 6. Noah's flood water washed the sins of the world and water baptism will wash away your own sins. E. Today is your day of Salvation: "Therefore, since it remains for some to ... time just as has been said before, "Today if you hear His voice, Do not harden your hearts." " (Hebrews 4:6-7) 1. As sinners, we all deserve to spend eternity in hell, but God shows us grace and mercy by offing us a chance to be saved. ... ...
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