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351: Petra, Jordan: Biblical Kadesh Barnea, Sela, Joktheel, En-mishpat ...
... in 1993 -reveal a vibrant community well into the seventh century A.D., after which the church and, apparently; most of the city was finally abandoned. (Reconstructing Petra, Smithsonian: ... The Madaba does not have Ein el-Qudeirat, (the modern choice of Kadesh) located in a section of the map that remains. All Bible maps have wrongly located Kadesh Barnea at Ein el-Qudeirat since 1916 ... We would expect it to be directly above Praesidium, Thamara, Moa and above and to the left of "The desert where the Serpent of brass saved the Israelites". Click to View E. Modern sources who affirm ... Geography 16:4:21, 15 AD) Of course Strabo is almost 1406 years removed from the initial time Kadesh first was called "Rock", and this may in fact be his own guess as to why the place was called Rock. ... It is, indeed, a place worthy of the scene, and one could long to believe it. Follow me, then, down this magnificent gorge-the most magnificent, beyond all doubt, which I have ever beheld. ... The Sik ... ...
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352: Scientology: Hubbard and the Occult
... Parsons wrote to Crowley that Hubbard had "described his angel as a beautiful winged woman with red hair, whom he calls the Empress, and who has guided him through his life and saved him many times." In the Crowleyite system, adherents seek contact ... Parsons was a young chemist who had helped to set up Jet Propulsion Laboratories and was one of the innovators of solid fuel for rockets. Parsons was besotted with Crowley's Sex Magick, and had recently become head of the Agape Lodge of the Church of ... Unfortunately, such beliefs and practices can have a severe effect upon practitioners, who take Hubbard's warnings to heart and come to believe themselves multiple personalities. I have been called in to help several times in such instances. Indeed, ... A similar design was used on the dust sleeve of Hubbard's Scientology 8-8008 in the 1990 Bridge, L.A., edition. by Jon Atack Go to church of Scientology EXPOSED website (The interactive Bible is not affiliated with the church of Scientology) Click ... ...
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353: Description Of The Retreat An Institution Near York For Insane ...
... This model of functional delusion, is like saying: Let the delusional wives believe what they want as long as they do the dishes... and the delusional men can believe their delusions, as long as they ... He noted that the insane die much younger than the general population: "melancholic patients seldom live long ... many die before thirty or forty". All of Tuke's treatments (attending church, ... attend the religious meetings of the Society, held in the city; and most of them are assembled, on a first day afternoon, at which time the superintendent reads to them several chapters in the Bible. ... Dr. Willis appears aware of the importance of warm bathing, in cases of insanity, by the answer which he gave to a. question upon that subject, from a select Committee of the House of Commons, on the ... No. 67. Constitutional. No. 68. Constitutional. No. 70. Tlie supposed loss of her husband, who was shipwrecked, but saved. No. 72. Supervened parturition, APPARENT CAUSE, 81c. No. 73. The warm bath ... ...
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354: Mt. Sinai located in Arabia: Galatian 4:25
... The Chronicle of Theophanes confirms the Bible in that Saudi Arabia was the homeland of Ishmael. The Chronicle of Theophanes confirms the Bible that the "Wilderness of Shur" and the land of "Shur" were in North West Saudi Arabia ... Such rewriting and erasing of history may comfort Muslims but it is delusion: "with all the deception of wickedness for those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth so as to be saved. For this reason God will send upon them a deluding influence so that they will believe what is false, in ... Accessibility of water and pastures for camels is the simplest answer to the first question. Both were easily available in the valley of Aynuna and the caravan station would have been located halfway between the port and the ... The consensus of scholars is that the picture of church life which emerges from the narrative best describes the ecclesiastical and liturgical milieu of the early fifth century." (Egeria: Diary of a Pilgrimage, George E. ... ...
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355: Holy Spirit in the Old Testament The Gift of the Holy Spirit
... Acts 8:17 they laying their hands on them, and they were receiving the Holy Spirit. Acts 10:47 no one can refuse the water to be baptized who have received the Holy Spirit Acts ... C. Old Testament Temple indwelling was a metaphor for fellowship: 1. God's eyes, ears, name & heart would dwell in the temple to answer prayer a. 2 Chr 7:15-16 Now My eyes ... Ezekiel promised that God would "put a new spirit with the Jews" when they returned from Captivity b. Ezekiel then applied this same language to the church under "David/Christ" ... Jn 17:21,23 that they may all be one; even as Thou, Father, {art} in Me, and I in Thee, that they also may be in Us; that the world may believe that Thou didst send Me. I in ... It is illogical to demand a "literal personal indwelling" of the Holy Spirit in a metaphoric temple. Holy Spirit outlines: Holy Spirit in the Old ... ...
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356: Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs 100 BC: 70 Weeks of Daniel
... "Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." (John 3:5) ""He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned." (Mark 16:16) ... He shall stand up against the kingdom of the enemy; therefore is the enemy eager to destroy all that call upon the Lord. For he knoweth that in the day on which Israel shall believe,11 the kingdom of the enemy shall be brought to an end; and the ... And when I gave no other answer though I was beaten, he commanded that we should be kept in guard, until, said he, the owners of the boy shall come. And his wife said unto him, Wherefore dost thou detain in captivity this noble child, who ought ... And they returned from the land of Canaan, and dwelt in Egypt until the day of their departing from the land of Egypt. The Septuagint LXX "Scripture Cannot Be Broken" Start Here: Master Introduction and Index Six Bible Manuscripts 1446 BC Sinai ... ...
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357: The Interactive Bible:
Warning! Did you realize that your answer directly contradicts the Bible? Acts 2:38 says: "be baptized for the forgiveness of your sins" You answered: "Baptism doesn't forgive sins" Please read the Bible Text again then reconfirm your answer: Acts 2:38 "And Peter said to them, "Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins" Baptism doesn't forgive sins Baptism is for the forgiveness of sins ...
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358: The Interactive Bible:
Warning! Did you realize that your answer directly contradicts the Bible? Acts 22:16 says: "Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins" You answered: "baptism doesn't wash away sins" Please read the Bible Text again then reconfirm your answer: Acts 22:16 "And now why do you delay? Arise, and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name." Baptism doesn't wash away sins Baptism washes away your sins ...
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359: Weigall, Arthur: The Paganism in Our Christianity
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Satanic Quote: Christianity Trasher This is one of the Watchtower's Star Witnesses! Trashes whole of Core Christianity. Weigall, is a modernist and doesn't believe the Bible is God's word. He trashes 99% of what both JW's and Trinitarians believe as from Pagan origin. JW's leave the impression that Weigall would exempt JW's from his comments! In fact, Weigall specifically addresses the Watchtower/Arian/Jw view of God known as Angel-Christology, stating that ... "The origin of the [Trinity] is entirely pagan." (The Paganism in Our Christianity, Arthur Weigall, as quoted in, Should you believe the Trinity?, Watchtower publication) "Historian Arthur Weigall notes: "Jesus Christ never mentioned such a phenomenon, and nowhere in the New Testament does the word 'Trinity' appear. The idea was only adopted by the Church three hundred years after the death of our Lord."-The Paganism in Our Christianity." (The Paganism in Our Christianity, Arthur Weigall, ... ...
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360: Official creed of First Evangelical Free Church
First Evangelical Free Church We believe that the Holy Bible is the inspired Word of God, which reveals to us God's plan of salvation for mankind and is the basis of our faith and the only infallible guide for Christian living (2 Timothy 3:16,17). We believe the entire Bible to be God's written Word, and while we by no intent undervalue or set aside any portion of the Holy Scripture, we believe there are certain fundamental truths, the knowledge of and belief in, we deem necessary for sound ... the Lord Jesus Christ are born again by the Holy Spirit and thereby become the children of God. (John 1:12,13; John 5:24) Statement 9: Eternity We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and unjust, the everlasting blessedness of the saved, and the everlasting punishment of the lost. (Matthew 25:46; John 5:28,29) Statement 10: Ordinances We believe that the Lord's Supper and water baptism are ordinances to be observed by the Church during this present age. They are, however, not to ... ...
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361: Official creed of Latter-day Saiimts (LDS) Mormons
Mormons Pick one: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (LDS) Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (RLDS) Restoration Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA . . The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints Articles of Faith We believe in God, the Eternal Father, and in His Son, Jesus Christ, and in the Holy Ghost. We believe that men will be punished for their own sins, and not for Adam's transgression. We believe that through the atonement of Christ, all mankind may be saved, by obedience to the laws and ordinancesof the Gospel. We believe that the first principles and ordinances of the Gospel are: first, Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; second, Repentance; third, Baptism by immersion for the remission of sins; fourth, Laying on of hands for the gift of the Holy Ghost. We believe that a man must be called of God, by prophecy, and by the laying on of hands by those who are in authority, to preach the Gospel ... ...
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362: Official creed of the Foursquare Gospel church (4-sqauare)
International 4 Square (The Foursquare Gospel Church) The Holy Scriptures We believe the Bible is God-inspired (2 Timothy 3:16,17). The Eternal Godhead We believe God is Triune: Father, Son and Holy Ghost (2 Corinthians 13:14). The Fall Of Man We believe that man was created in the image of God, but that by voluntary disobedience he fell from perfection (Romans 5:12). The Plan Of Salvation We believe that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us, signing the pardon of all who believe on Him ... We believe that the Holy Spirit has gifts to bestow upon the Christian; and that we should show spiritual fruit as evidence of a Spirit-filled life (I Corinthians 12:1-11; Galatians 5:22). Moderation We believe that the experience and daily walk of the believer should never lead him into extremes of fanaticisms (Philippians 4:5). Divine Healing We believe that divine healing is the power of Christ to heal the physically sick in answer to the prayer of faith (James 5:14-16). The Second Coming Of ... ...
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363: The Interactive Bible:
Please explain why you chose an answer that directly contradicts the Bible: Acts 2:38 "Repent, and let each of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins" Why did you chose: Baptism doesn't forgive sins? Click here to send your answer If you are having computer trouble sending your reason: CLICK HERE Please take me to the next question of this study now. ...
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364: The Catholic Church did not Give the world The Bible!
Click to View Roman Catholic Faith Examined! Did The Catholic Church Give Us The Bible? Catholics say Yes! Truth says No! Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE tell us if we have misrepresented Catholic Faith Click to View Did The Catholic Church Give Us The Bible? Catholics contend that the whole world is indebted to the Roman Catholic church for the existence of the Bible. This is another of their attempts to exalt the church as an authority in addition to the Bible. Please notice the ... However, it is an attempt to weaken the Bible as the sole authority and to replace it with their man-made church. If it is true that we can accept the Bible only on the basis of the Catholic Church, doesn't that make the Catholic Church superior to the Bible? This is exactly what Catholic officials want men to believe. Their only problem is that their doctrine comes from their own human reasoning rather than from God. Their logic is a classic example of their "circle reasoning." They try to ... ...
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365: Is it OK that My church doesn't have Communion every Sunday?
Is it OK that My church doesn't have Communion every Sunday? Click to View Should the Lord's Supper be observed every Sunday? To answer this question, we cannot depend on the practice of churches today, for some churches observe the Lord's Supper monthly and others only once or twice a year. For God's answer to the question, we must go to the Bible itself. When Jesus instituted the Supper, he was eating the Passover with his disciples. But at the dinner, according to Luke's account in Chapter 22:19-20, "He took bread, and when he had given thanks, he brake it, and gave to them, saying, This is my body which is given for you; this do in remembrance of me. And the cup in like manner after supper saying, This cup is the new covenant in my blood, even that which is poured out for you". Jesus was instituting a completely new memorial, not one like the Passover looking back to Egypt, but one in remembrance of him, of his death and of the new covenant he was bringing to men. "As often as you ... ...
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366: Bible Texts Calvinists misuse to prove "Limited Atonement"
Bible Texts Calvinists misuse to prove "Limited Atonement" 2 Pet 3:16 "as also in all Paul's letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction." We Speak truth in LOVE 1. John 10:15-16 Argument: Jesus died only for His sheep (which they take to mean the elect). Answer: In verse 16, Christ taught that there are "other sheep not of this fold" who would come into the fold. Calvinists deny that one can change from "sheep not of the fold" to "sheep of the fold." There are numerous Bible examples of those who made that chance. Many Corinthians had changed- lCorinthians 6:9-11 Paul changed - 1 Timothy 1:13-14 2. Acts 20:28; Ephesians 5:25 Argument: Christ died only for those who are saved - again, the elect. Answer: He died to purchase the church; there is no doubt about that. And the church is composed of the saved. But the Bible truth that ... ...
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367: Review of the Official Creed of the Dominion Christian Centre
If the information is not accurate in any way please contact us at the Interactive Bible REGARDING SALVATION They believe that Salvation comes ONLY by Grace They believe that Salvation can NEVER be earned (NOBODY DESERVES IT). They believe that Salvation is possible with Biblical instruction, Faith in and obedience to God, and true Christian fellowship -- based upon the word of God -- because of Grace. (Rom:10:14) They believe that Salvation IS not CONDITIONAL, but that works do reflect a Saved individual: Finally, they believe that Salvation comes through faith and the shed blood of Jesus Christ REGARDING JESUS They believe that Jesus JESUS, THE SON OF GOD, DID INDEED COME ... They believe that Jesus Christ is the mediator between man and God, and that He the ONLY Mediator. They believe that their ministers study the Bible (along with the church) constantly to prepare them and keep them in this labor of love. Everything stated by their ministers is clearly supported by numerous Scriptures. ... ...
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368: Extra-Biblical oral apostolic tradition does not exist today
Tradition In The Roman Catholic Church is equal to the Bible! Tradition plays an important role in the belief and practices of the Roman Catholic Church. For the Roman Catholic is there great comfort to be found in the idea that a particular belief or practice "has always been" believed or practiced by their Church. This is a major reason why non Catholics have such difficulty understanding how Catholics can believe and practice things that are obviously not found in the Bible. Under the Roman Catholic system, Bible authority is not absolutely necessary. The Church teaches, believes it, and practices it, therefore it is true. While a ... You can judge such reasoning for yourselves. The process What is the process whereby a tradition becomes defined and part of Roman Catholic teaching and dogma? The Roman Catholic answer demonstrates how far we must go to attempt to prove something that is not contained in God's Word. In truth, there is no set process or formula accepted and recognized ... ...
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369: Sola Scriptura proven from the Bible! Irrefutable proof texts ...
A. Sola Scriptura is taught in scripture: We invite all those who rely on the organization to interpret the Bible for them including Orthodox, Catholics, and their twin organization, the Jehovah's Witnesses, to think for themselves. If you have the intelligence to read the newspaper, why not the Bible? We are in a difficult position with Catholics, Orthodox and Watchtower believers alike, because when we point out the verses that prove sola Scriptura is taught in scripture, they don't believe they can understand the Bible without their church interpreting it for them... and they say sola Scriptura is not taught in the Bible. What an amazing system of circular deception the Catholic, Orthodox and Brooklyn New York, churches have invented. Sola Scriptura means that you use the Bible alone for doctrine. This means Catholics and Orthodox need not appeal to their contradictory oral church traditions and Jehovah's Witnesses need not rely upon the Watchtower magazine to interpret the Bible ... ...
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370: Lamson, Alvan: The Church of the First Three Centuries
To quote a Unitarian theologian, as an authority to prove the pagan origin of Trinity, is about as trustworthy and believable as quoting the a Catholic Bishop to prove that Peter was the first Pope! Lamson, Alvan: The Church of the First Three Centuries Click to View How the quote appears in "Should you believe in the Trinity", Watchtower, JW's booklet. "Summing up the historical evidence, Alvan Lamson says in The Church of the First Three Centuries: "The modern popular doctrine of the Trinity . . . derives no support from the language of Justin [Martyr]: and this observation may be extended to all the ante-Nicene Fathers; that is, to all Christian writers for three centuries after the birth of Christ. It is true, they speak of the Father, Son, and . . . holy Spirit, but not as co-equal, not as one numerical essence, not as Three in One, in any sense now admitted by Trinitarians. The very reverse is the fact." Thus, the testimony of the Bible and of history makes clear that the ... ...
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371: beliefs Living Hope Christian Assembly on 1045 Garth St. Hamilton ...
... Today churches throw all the Bible rules out the window to be culturally and politically correct. 7. Salvation by faith only without and before repentance, confession and water baptism: The church in the Bible taught that you cannot be saved by faith only (Jas 2:24) but that you needed to believe in Jesus (Mk 16:16), repent of your sins (Luke 13:3; Acts 2:38), confess the name of Jesus (Rom 10:9-10) and be immersed in water for remission of sins (Acts 2:38; 22:16, 1 Pe 3:21). All of this is ignored for their direct from the Holy Spirit "feeling oriented" salvation practiced by many denominations of contradictory theology. I. History of Living Hope Christian Assembly on Garth St. Hamilton, Ontario: A. Historically, head Pastor Bob Leach, was once affiliated with Ministers Fellowship International Application for membership in "Ministers Fellowship International" (MFI). As you can see, you must agree with a human, man-made creed even when it contradicts the Bible at several places: 1. ... ...
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372: Official creed of the Unity/Unitarian Church
Unity Church Unity Beliefs Deity: Unity has abandoned the popular image that God is an elderly, superhuman male with a white flowing beard who lives in a remote place "up there". We do not believe that God is fickle, answering some prayers and ignoring others. We do not look upon God as a deity to be feared. One fundamental attribute of God is that God is good. We are created to be "healthy, happy, prosperous, loved and loving, courageous and strong". If we fall short of these goals, it is because we have ... We have accepted this thinking of ourselves as incurable sinners, so much accepted it that it is a difficult exercise to entertain an alternative to this idea. We have accepted, even concluded, that we are indelibly tainted with the original sin of Adam and Eve. But if we take the time to explore the Bible in depth, we will realize that the story of Adam and Eve is allegorical. It was composed after much of the rest of the Old Testament was recorded, designed to give a beginning to ... ...
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373: Lesson 10: Believe in God and in Christ
Many people believe that redemptive faith is merely a willing disposition to trust in Christ as their personal savior, independent of any further acts of obedience. This notion is completely alien from the truth found in the Bible. A belief that will not accept and do all that God tells us to do is not enough. If this is the case, then we are no better than the demons in James 2:19, "You believe that there is one God. You do well. ... Our faith in Him must lead us to observe all things the Lord has commanded us to do in order to be pleasing to Him. We cannot select just certain commands of God to obey. We cannot ignore or rationalize away any of His commands that we don't like and expect to be saved. To believe in Him is to obey Him fully. Questions Lesson 10 Believing In God And Christ (click on the button of the answer of your choice) 1) (John 8:24) If we do not believe in Christ A We will still be saved. B We will die in our sins and be lost. C Our sins will still be forgiven. 2) T ... ...
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374: Lesson 24: The Lord's Church
... God tells us in Jeremiah 10:23, "It is not in man who walks to direct his own steps." Man has tried but has always made a miserable failure of it. In Colossians 3:17 we read, "And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus." We are to do all in the name of or by the authority of the Lord Jesus. Can it be said that Jesus has authorized any of these different names? Questions Lesson 24 The Lord's Church (Part C) (click on the button of the answer of your choice) 1) (Acts 14:23 & Acts 20:28) Each congregation of the Lord's church is overseen by A The preacher. B A board of deacons. C A plurality of elders. 2) T F The Bible specifies that the Lord's church is to be overseen by a pope. 3) (2 Thessalonians 1:12) What name should be glorified? A The town of Nazareth. B John the Baptist. C Our Lord Jesus Christ. 4) T F We should glorify every religious name. 5) (1 Peter 4:16) We should not be ashamed to suffer as a A Pentecostal. B Christian. C Lutheran. 6) T F We ... ...
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375: "Hostile witness approach" misused by the Watchtower
Don Patton Ph.D. is both a master and a pioneer in using the "hostile witness" approach to debunk evolution theology that we all came from a blob in the sea over millions of years. Jehovah's Witnesses, have recognized the power of the "hostile witness" approach to debunking Trinitarian theology. They published a booklet called, "Should you believe in the Trinity" which is a collection of almost 100 different quotes from Trinitarians who seem to come right out and admit that Trinity doctrine was borrowed from the pagans and is false doctrine contrary to the Bible. While Dr. Don Patton Ph.D. has a ... Jehovah's Witnesses quote about 10 different authors who come right out and say something like: "The origin of Trinity doctrine is entirely pagan." Sounds real powerful, especially since the one who made the quote is a Bible believing, born again, weekly church attending TRINITYARIAN. Or at least that is how they like to make it appear. Here is the Satanic deception: EVERY SINGLE ONE of ... ...
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376: Hick, John: The Myth of God Incarnate
That the historical Jesus did not present Himself as God incarnate is accepted by all [theologians] ... Christian laymen today are not fully aware of it. ... (Jesus) did not teach the doctrine of the trinity." (The Myth of God Incarnate, John Hick) Our Comment Hick is a flaming modernist who doesn't believe the Bible! The title of the book "Myth of God incarnate" not only denies that Jesus was God incarnate, (trinity) but denies any incarnation period! In other words, Hick and his collection of ... John Hick is H. G. Wood Professor of Theology at Birmingham University. Leslie Houlden is Principal of Ripon College, Cuddesdon. Dennis Nineham is Warden of Keble College, Oxford. Maurice Wiles is Regius Professor of Divinity and Canon of Christ Church, Oxford, and Chairman of the Church of England's Doctrine Commission. Frances Young is Lecturer in New Testament Studies at Birmingham University." (The Myth of God Incarnate, John Hick, back cover, inside cover) Many people, including both ... ...
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377: Official creed of the First Church of Christ Scientist
First Church of Christ Scientist The Manual By Mary Baker Eddy The Church of Christ, Scientist: Section #1: Qualifications For Membership To become a member of the First Church of Christ, Scientist, the applicant must be a believer in the doctrines of Christian Science, according to the teaching contained in our Christian Science textbook, Science & Health by Rev Mary Baker Eddy. The Bible, together with Science & Health shall be his only textbooks for self-instruction in Christian Science. The Bible + Science and Health "Your dual and impersonal pastor, the Bible, and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, is with you; and the Life these give, the Truth they illustrate, the Love they demonstrate, is the great Shepherd that feedeth my flock, and leadeth them 'beside the still waters.'" Mary Baker Eddy Through prayer, Mrs. Eddy found an answer to this need. In 1894 she appointed a new and unique pastor for The Mother Church, one that didn't depend on personality at all. ... ...
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378: Bible Texts Calvinists misuse to prove "Limited Atonement"
Are your feelings of salvation based upon the facts of the Bible? Bible Texts Calvinists misuse to prove "Irresistible Grace" 2 Pet 3:16: "as also in all Paul's letters, speaking in them of these things, in which are some things hard to understand, which the untaught and unstable distort, as they do also the rest of the Scriptures, to their own destruction." Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE Click to View 1. Acts 16:14 Argument: God opened her heart to receive the word, then she heard and then she was saved. Answer: Our Calvinistic friends have things out of order. Lydia began as a worshiper of God (vs. 13-14). And after she heard Paul and Silas and Timothy preaching, ... Unless the Calvinist is willing to say that all men learn the gospel directly from God, like Paul in Gal 1:12, the verse is of no value to support the false doctrine of irrisistable grace. If they did believe this, then all men are inspired, just like Paul. Further, Rom 10:14, is a parallel text and specifically refutes ... ...
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379: Start here: Introduction and Overview to Sola Scriptura
Defining Sola Scriptura correctly. It means just what it says, the bible alone! Is your church a "Pseudo-Sola Scriptura" church? Beware of both anti-sola Scriptura churches and Pseudo-Sola Scriptura churches Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Click to View Top ten list of why the Roman Catholic and Orthodox take the wrong view of tradition A. Defining Sola Scriptura: "Bible Only" Latin: "Sola" = Alone Latin: "Scriptura" = Scriptures Latin: "Sola Scriptura" = Bible/scriptures Only/alone = ... without individual illumination of the Holy Spirit. (Evangelicals, Baptists, Charismatics and Calvinists believe they are personally guided by the Holy Spirit to correctly interpret the Bible.) The Bible alone without modern day prophecy and inspiration. (Pentecostal, Charismatic and most of the 19th century cults, (Mormons, Seventh-day Adventists) all claimed to have living prophets.) C. Pseudo-Sola Scriptura churches Catholics, Orthodox, Jehovah's Witnesses claim an infallible organization. ... ...
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380: The Interactive Bible:
Please check again as you did at the beginning what you believe: All churches teach one of two positions Identify which position you believe then click your choice. Position #1 It is impossible for a Christian (a true believer who has his sins forgiven by Christ's blood) to do anything that would sent him to hell. "eternal security" or "once saved always saved" or "perseverance of the saints" Click here if you believe positon #1 Position #2 A Christian (a true believer who has his sins forgiven by Christ's blood), can sin so as to be lost and cast into hell, thus loosing his previously attained salvation. Click here if you believe positon #2 . . The following churches teach: it is impossible for a Christian to do anything that would sent him to hell. "eternal security" "once saved always saved" "perseverance of the saints" Calvinism position one of this study When you have finished looking: Click here to continue Baptist church: Sam Morris, Baptist preacher in Stamford, TX wrote an ... ...
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381: Official Declaration of beliefs of the church of God, International ...
Click to View "The Church of God, with international headquarters in Cleveland, Tennessee, traces its roots to 1886 in a meeting house located at Barney Creek in the mountains of eastern Tennessee. The Christian Union was organized with eight members. Since that inauspicious start, the Church of God has become an international church with a membership approaching 4 million. The Church of God is a grassroots organization with an appeal to and a concern for the common man and his needs." WE BELIEVE: In the verbal inspiration of the Bible. In one God eternally existing in three persons: namely, the ... In the baptism with the Holy Ghost subsequent to a clean heart. In speaking with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance and that it is the initial evidence of the baptism in the Holy Ghost In water baptism by immersion. and all who repent should be baptized in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Divine healing is provided for all in the Atonement, In the Lord's ... ...
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382: Official Creed of the United Church of God, an international ...
The following are statements regarding the fundamental beliefs of the United Church of God, an International Association. This is not intended to be a comprehensive statement of the beliefs of the Church. Questions about doctrine and belief will be addressed by a process adopted by the Council of Elders (Council) and approved ... Human beings live by the breath of life, are mortal, subject to corruption and decay, without eternal life, except as the gift of God under God's terms and conditions as expressed in the Bible. We believe that God placed before Adam and Eve the choice of eternal life through obedience to God, or death through sin. Adam and Eve yielded to ... Such individuals are justified, pardoned from the penalty of sin, and receive the gift of the Holy Spirit, which literally abides within them and supplies the divine love that alone can fulfill the law and produce righteousness. They are baptized by the Spirit into the body of Christ, which is the true Church of God. We believe ... ...
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383: Jehovah's Witnesses Flip Flop on Blood transfusions!
If your answer is no, think again! See the latest in the June 2000 Watchtower!!! Click to View We speak the truth in Love... Click to View As most of us know, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society is continually changing their doctrines regarding acceptable/unacceptable conduct of their ... "Questions from Readers" * "In view of the seriousness of taking blood into the human system by a transfusion, would violation of the Holy Scriptures in this regard subject the dedicated, baptized receiver of blood transfusion to being disfellowshiped from the Christian congregation?" "The inspired Holy Scriptures answer yes." (The Watchtower, January 15, 1961, p. 63) "Firmly Resolved About Life And Blood " ... destiny is tied up in their faithfulness to Jehovah. This includes their being obedient to what he says about blood." (The Watchtower, June 15, 1978, p.24) "Witnesses believe that blood removed from the body should be disposed of, so they do not accept autotransfusion of predeposited blood. ... ...
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384: Welcome to the Hamilton church of Christ, in Ontario Canada
Contained in the pages of the New Testament is a complete record of the first century church. This is the church that Jesus Christ shed his blood for, the Apostles preached about and the early Christians were members of. Wouldn't you like to learn more about this church that was established in 33 A.D.? We feel that the solution to the vast religious division is for the Bible to be the only source of religious authority for worship, doctrine & morality. We believe that human creeds, catechisms & statements of faith cause religious division because they compete with the authority of the Bible ... We strictly follow the pattern of church government as found in the Bible and offer personal freedom to each brother and sister in Christ. There is no man or group of men, who legislate for the church. We have no one to answer to but Christ. He is the head of the church which leaves no room for any human head. As was true in the first century, so also there is no inter-congregational organization, ... ...
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385: About who we are! The Interactive Bible:
Contained in the pages of the New Testament is a complete record of the first century church. This is the church for which Jesus Christ shed his blood, about which the Apostles preached and the church in which the early Christians were members. Wouldn't you like to learn more about this church that was established in 33 A.D.? We feel that the solution to the vast religious division, is for the Bible to be the only source of religious authority for worship, doctrine and morality. We believe that human creeds, catechisms and statements of faith cause religious divisions because they compete with ... Although we have no organization larger than the local church with no world headquarters, we have thousands of sister congregations all over the world. Click here to locate an assembly of Christians near you! There is no man or group of men, who legislate doctrine for the church. We have no one to answer to but Christ. He is the head of the church which leaves ... ...
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386: Douglas, J. D. & Bruce F. F.: New Bible Dictionary
Fails to supply critical information which misleads the reader & Give false impression that if intimate details of trinity are not in the Bible that Jesus is a creature. Douglas, J. D. & Bruce F. F.: New Bible Dictionary Click to View How it is quoted in "Should you believe in the trinity?": "The word Trinity is not found in the Bible . . . It did not find a place formally in the theology of the church till the 4th century. (New Bible Dictionary)" (Identical quote also found in The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, by Hodder and Stoughton) What they skipped over: "The word ... Thus the Father and the Spirit were disclosed as operating in the incarnation of the Son. At the baptism in the Jordan the three Persons can be distinguished: the Son being baptized, the Father speaking from heaven, and the Spirit descending in the objective symbol of a dove. Jesus, having thus received the witness of the Father and the Spirit, received authority to baptize with the Holy Spirit. John the Baptist ... ...
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387: Lies of the devil... "Doctrine Doesn't Matter!"
Click to View Seven Myths of Denominationalism (150 page book) Click to View Self test: Are You Worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth, OR IN VAIN? Click to View Are All Religious People Headed For The Same Place? Click to View Does It Matter What We Believe As Long As We Are Honest? Click to View Will any religion get me to heaven as long as I am Sincere? Click to View Is Church Membership Essential to my salvation? Click to View Christ Yes! ... The church, No??? Click to View Church Creeds: The fuel of religious division Click to View Why Are There So Many Different Churches? Click to View Does your church claim infallibility? Click to View Only The Truth Shall Make You Free!!! Click to View Did you choose your church this way??? Click to View What is the original Bible name of the church??? Click to View How to Be A Christian Without Joining Any Denominations Click to View The Parable fo the ten preachers Click to View Does my pastor meet the Bible's qualifications? Click to View ... ...
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388: Using Surveys to generate leads for Bible study!
... State that since you came to them you would like to use your method of study for the four lessons before using their method of study. Ask them why Jesus would use pagan false doctrine in the story of the rich man and Lazarus Lk 16. They cannot answer it. Click to View HEAVEN QUESTIONNAIRE Hello, I'm And this is We attend We're trying to better understand the religious beliefs of other people in our community. Would you be willing to help us by sharing your thoughts on four brief questions? __ Yes __ No __ Not Now 1. Do you believe that there is a heaven? 0 Yes O No 2. At this point in your life, do you believe that you will go to heaven when you die? 0 Yes 0 I hope so O I'm not sure 0 No 3. Why do you believe this? I've tried to keep the ten commandments 0 I go to Church O I believe in God 0 I'm basically a good person 0 I've done the best I could 0 I've never hurt anyone O Others: This may surprise you, but the Bible describes how someone can get to heaven in an amazingly different ... ...
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389: Psychiatrists falsely imprison innocent people with "repressed ...
... Colin Clay ran the "Committee Against Ritual Abuse of Children", that taught that a satanic cult was sexually abusing and sacrificing children in Saskatoon and surrounding area. While Clay must take responsibility in causing false imprisonment's of innocent people in the Saskatchewan Satanic Ritual sex abuse scandals, it is the mental health community and psychiatric experts who were primarily responsible. Colin Clay was and is an ultra liberal ecumenical left wing leader in the Anglican church. He really doesn't believe the Bible is God's inspired word. In addition to the damage he did in the Saskatchewan Satanic Ritual sex abuse scandals, he testified before a Human Rights Commission "as a Christian who really knows his bible", that the Bible really doesn't condemn deviant sex practitioner sex and that the Bible is all about love, no judgement. It related to the case of Hugh Owens of Regina, SK, who published a bumper sticker in 1997 highlighting the Bible's condemnation against gay ... ...
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390: Sola Scriptura: The Holy Spirit does not guide us to understand ...
I. Roman Catholic and Orthodox defenders make this correct observation about the Protestant "inward witness of the Holy Spirit to understand the Bible": Protestants all claim to interpret the Scripture by the light of the Holy Spirit, and yet they manage to come up with a multitude of different interpretations of the same passage. Now either the Spirit is playing games with these people or there is something wrong with their theological method. After all, Calvinists and Arminians cannot both be right; all the dialectic in the world cannot reconcile two completely irreconcilable doctrines. (THE WAY: What Every Protestant Should Know About the Orthodox Church, Clark Carlton, 1997, p 81) II. Protestant/Reformed: Inward Witness Creedalists: A. Falsely believe the Holy Spirit guides or "illuminates" them to understand the Bible: "Nevertheless, we acknowledge the inward illumination of the Spirit of God to be necessary for the saving understanding of such things as are revealed in the Word" ... ...
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391: The Top 10 List: "Worst of the worst" of Watchtower satanic quoting
This Satanic little booklet is used by Jehovah's Witnesses to deceive the public into thinking that Trinity is a pagan doctrine. The booklet quotes close to 100 sources in total. We have included here a small sampling of their quotes. First, we have included Watchtower quotes from 8 unbelieving Christianity Trashers to prove trinity is pagan, who don't even believe the Bible! Had the Watchtower told you that these eight men also said that the entirety of Christianity was of pagan origin, we would ... Lyman Abbott: Dictionary of Religious Knowledge Abbot is a Christianity Trasher! Trinity "is a corruption borrowed from the heathen religions, and ingrafted on the Christian faith." Quoted by Watchtower Click to View It is dishonest for the Watchtower to not tell you the author also trashes all church organization, baptism, the Lord's supper and the doctrine of blood atonement, and trinity in the same breath! Click here for more details. Top 10 List: #7 Edward Gibbon: History of ... ...
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392: The Book of Mormon contradicts ITSELF and the Bible!
Three Kingdoms in Heaven - Most Saved B. of M. - 2 Nephi 28:22; 1 Nephi 15:35; Most SavedMosiah 16:11, 27:31; Alma 41:4-8, 42:16 D. & C. - Section 76:43, 70-112 Murder Can Be Forgiven No Forgiveness For Murder B. of M.- 3 Nephi 30:2 D. & C. - Section 42:18 Polygamy Condemned Polygamy Commanded B. of M. - Jacob 1:15, 2:24, 3:5; Mosiah 11:2 D. & C. - Section 132:1, 37-39, 61 2 Nephi 26:31; Mosiah 27:5 D. & C. - Section 42:71-73; 43:12-13; 51:13-14 B. of M. - Mormon 8:32 D. & C. - Section 64:23 Adam in America Adam in Old World D. & C. - Section 107:53; 116; 117:8 P.G.P. - Book of Moses 3:8, 10-15 The Book of Mormon contradicts the Bible! Bible Book of Mormon Church ... Bible - Only Christ pre-existed - not man. (John 8:58; Col 1:17) We didn't have a spiritual existence prior to earth. (I Cor 15:46) Fall [Of Man] LDS - teach it brought mortality and physical death - not fallen nature - believe Adam was given two conflicting commandments and was supposed to fall. Bible - God tempts no one. ... ...
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393: Christians can eat test tube meat and genetically modified foods
... The persecution resulted in internal chaos in the church[iii] and an unprecedented mass apostasy, with multitudes denying their faith throughout the Roman Empire. People who were later re-admitted into the church after compromising their Christian principles further weakened the institution and represented the worst of Christians. The most faithful Christians died in the persecution; by definition, they were the sort who would most remember and continue the Bible interpretations, practices, and commitments inherited from apostolic times. The numbers of Christians, including the most dedicated, were further thinned by the ... Christianity, Origen wrote, recognizes no food as common or unclean,[vi] although simplicity of mind and faultiness in one's powers of reflection mislead some hyper-scrupulous Christians to believe that some foods are.[vii] He forbade making judgments concerning the uncleanness of animals.[viii] However, he made allowance for Christians with sensitive consciences ... ...
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394: Official Creed of The New Apostolic Church
The Seventh Article of Faith: I believe that the Holy Communion was instituted by the Lord Himself, in memory of the once brought eternally valid sacrifice and the bitter suffering and death of Christ. The worthy partaking of the Holy Communion establishes our fellowship with Jesus Christ, our Lord. It is celebrated with unleavened bread and wine, such to be blessed and dispensed by a Priestly ministry of the Church. The Eighth Article of Faith: I believe that those baptized with water must through a living Apostle be ... to establish His Kingdom of Peace and rule with them as Kings and Priests. After the conclusion of the Millennium, He will conduct the Last Judgment when all the living and the dead shall be judged according to that which they have done during their lifetime, be it good or evil. The Tenth Article of Faith: "I believe that I am obliged to obey the worldly authorities provided no godly laws are thereby transgressed." Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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395: cr-UBF-university-bible-fellowship
We believe that God created the heavens and the earth and all other things in the universe: that He is the Sovereign Ruler of all things; that the Sovereign God reveals Himself; we believe in his redemptive work and in his final judgment. We believe that the Bible is inspired by God; that it is the truth; that it ... We believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father. We believe that regeneration is by the work of the Holy Spirit, and that it is necessary if one is to enter the kingdom of God. We believe that God sent his Holy Spirit to empower his church to witness to Jesus to the ends of the earth. We believe that ... They teach the sinners prayer. Most unusual is that this church also baptizes infants and take the spineless position that how your are baptized (sprinkling pouring or immersion) is a matter of personal choice rather than being dogmatic by insisting on the Bible pattern of full immersion... just like Jesus and all ... ...
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396: Non-Catholic churchgoers before 1965 AD will be cast into hell ...
"Indeed, there is but one universal Church of the faithful outside of which no one at all is saved." (Pope Innocent III, Fourth Lateran Council, 1215; Denz. 151) "With our hearts we believe and with our lips we confess but one Church, not that of the heretics, but the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church, outside which we believe that no one is saved." (Denzinger 423) Pope Boniface VIII in his Bull Unam Sanctam issued in 1302: "We declare, say, define, and pronounce that it is absolutely necessary for the salvation ... in Our Day," January 11, 1968, 1969 Catholic Almanac.) Fr. Thomas R. Ryan, C.S.S.P. said of this Collective Pastoral letter later: "The American bishops in their Collective Pastoral Letter of 1969 said: 'Outside of Christ there is no salvation...Outside the Church no salvation.'" (Fr. Thomas R. Ryan, C.S.S.P., Orestes A. Brownson: A Definitive Biography, Our Sunday Visitor, Huntington, IN, 1978, p. 798, n. 31.) By David J. Riggs Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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397: Subordination within the Godhead: Roles and Ranks
This is called "Biblical subordination". Bible evidence seems to support the view that the Holy Spirit submits to both the Father and the Son, but it is not a strong case. Click to View Biblical subordination proven from the Bible Click to View Biblical Subordination expressed by scholars Click to View Biblical Subordination expressed by early fathers Unitarian subordination refuted "Arian subordination" is taught by Jehovah's Witnesses and Christadelphians. These false teachers use the fact that of Christ's subordination, to prove Jesus is not God, but a ... While the vast majority of the "Athanasian Creed" is much closer to the Bible truth than the Arian view of Christ. Arian's, however, focus on this one small error in an effort to trash the whole of trinity Doctrine. Interestingly, both Roman Catholics and Jehovah's Witnesses are guilty of the same error: Namely, they both believe that if Christ is subordinate to the Father, that he is less than God. So JW's emphasize the ... ...
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398: Rapture Refuted! Israel's 1948 nationhood does not fulfill Bible ...
The only hope of Israel is to accept Jesus Blood for their sins and be saved though faith, repentance, confession of Christ and water baptism. 2. Pre-tribulation Rapture and dispensationalists teach the false doctrine that God failed to fulfill the three promises he made to Abraham in fleshly Israel and the church (spiritual Israel). 3. All Premillennialists reject the plain Bible teaching that Israel possessed all the land God promises to Israel through Abraham. 4. Any church or preacher that claims that 1948 AD fulfilled Bible prophecy when modern Israel gained statehood, is a false teacher and ignorant of the bible. These false teachers are called "premillennialists, dispensationalists" and believe in the Rapture. A. Plain Bible passages say that Israel got all the land promised Abraham: 1. "So the Lord gave Israel all the land which He had sworn to give to their fathers, and they possessed it and lived in it. And the Lord gave them rest on every side, according to all that He had ... ...
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399: The Key to church growth!
How can we activate the entire church to be evangelistic? Answer this question and you hold the key to church growth in your hand! A. The process of church growth as a whole can be divided into four steps. THE FOUR "E'S" OF GROWTH: Evangelize the lost Edify the new convert Equip the willing Entrust to the faithful Every specific method of evangelism can be placed into one of three pigeon holes. Every Christian's conversion can be categorized into one of these holes: children of members mass media approach personal approach. The mass media approach employs newspaper advertising, radio and TV programs, mail drops, correspondence courses, Bible Call recorded messages, gospel meetings, etc. The personal approach employs a personal invitation to those with whom we have developed a relationship, such as neighbors and friends. It also includes the invitation of persons contacted during door-to-door canvassing, random telephoning, and in the parks and shopping malls. I believe we must place ... ...
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400: 5 Point Calvinism Refuted MAIN HOMEPAGE
God sends the Holy Spirit only those on the saved list which removes their depraved nature inherited from Adam and creates within them a saving faith in Christ. The Holy Spirit thereafter guides them directly to understand and correctly interpret the Bible. P Perseverance of the saints A child of God once saved, cannot be lost. Click to View T Click to View Total Hereditary Depravity (Inherited Sin) Official positions of ... Click to View Limited atonement (Christ didn't die for all mankind) Official positions of selected denominations Scriptural refutation of "Limited Atonement" Misused proof texts Calvinists use to teach "Limited Atonement" I Click to View Irresistible grace (feelings you are saved) Self test to determine if you believe Irresistible Grace Official Positions of selected denominations Are feelings enough or must I be baptized to be saved? Scriptural refutation of "Irresistible Grace" Misused proof texts Calvinists use to teach "Irresistible Grace" P Click to View ... ...
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