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401: Drugs and the Bible: E, Shrooms, Cocaine, Crack, Marijuana
... At the Texas Research Institute for Mental Sciences at Houston, experiments have shown that large doses of THC in laboratory animals have an effect very similar to LSD. So the apparent difference in danger between these two drugs would therefore seem to be only the difference in the amount commonly taken. Other experiments have shown that THC, when given to a pregnant monkey, can be found in the blood of the unborn baby. That is to say that the placentas, normally a barrier between the mother and the baby, will not stop the passage of THC in the blood stream of the offspring. In addition to the effects of a physical nature, there are increasing reports of ... It is also important to consider that possessing and using marijuana is a crime, in most states a felony. One is, therefore, in violation of the law to use the drug. It is a known fact that people who are supplying marijuana are usually suppliers of other drugs: amphetamines, LSD, heroin. So when a person puts himself into ... ...
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402: Incomparable Oleum Cephalicum: The best method for the cure of ...
... And Dr Daniel Hack Tuke, lecturer in mental diseases Charing Cross Hospital and author of the classic Chapters in the history of the insane in the British Isles (1882) 'thought it would be a great pity if Dr Savage, from the idea of there being a general feeling against shaving patients' heads, should be deterred from applying so excellent a remedy as a blister or some form of counter irritation. The cases which improved after a long period of insanity, often owed their recovery to counter irritation induced either by man or nature' (Journal of Mental Science, 1884. Vol. 29, p. 600)." ... The Conveniences may be easily observ'd upon view; the Situation is in an Air neither too subtle and thin, nor too gross; the Gardens to the House are Commodious, Large and Pleasant, into which the Patients are admitted, in their Intervals, and with a Person to attend them. There is as much Privacy as can be desired, and very good Rooms, and 'tis within such a Distance from the City as any Patient may ... ...
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403: Biblical Age of the Earth is under 10,000 years old
... This finding was the snowball that started the whole avalanche.", THE NATURE OF THE DARWINIAN REVOLUTION, p.3 3. Lawrence Badash, Professor of History of Science, U. of CA, S.B., "...4.5 billion years ago, the primal earth emerged from a spinning, ... Cataclysm; Restitution; etc.) 1. Popularized by Harry Rimmer, THE SCOFFIELD BIBLE, Robert Milligan (THE SCHEME OF REDEMPTION), Arthur Custance (WITHOUT FORM AND VOID). 2. Proof texts: Ez.28:12-17; Isa.14:12-14; 45:18; Jer.4:23-26 3. Claim "was" should be translated "became" in Gen.1:1. a) No known translation says "became." b) Poll of 20 Hebrew scholars regarding "gap;" "NO." (Modern Science And Christian Faith p.49) c) Hebrew scholar W. C. Watts: "In Genesis 1:2a the verb is perfect. ... Irrelevant unless chronology intended. 6. Christianity, uniquely, is founded on historical accuracy. Chronology is backbone of history. Accuracy is demanded. B. Septuagint (quoted by Christ) from manuscript 350 years older than oldest Massoretic Text, ... ...
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404: Official creed of Christadelphian's Ecclesia
... line of Abraham and David, and who, through wearing their condemned nature, was to obtain a title to resurrection by perfect obedience, and, dying, abrogate the law of condemnation for himself, and all who should believe and obey him. 1 Co 15:45; Heb 2:14-16; Rom 1:3; Heb 5:8-9; Heb 1:9; Rom 5:19-21; Gal 4:4-5; Rom 8:3-4; Heb ... -- yet was, during his natural life, of like nature with mortal man, being made of a woman, of the house and lineage of David, and the#refore a sufferer, in the days of his flesh, from all the effects that came by Adam's transgression, including the death that passed upon all man, which he shared by partaking of their physical nature. ... being raised for judgement by #refusing baptism. 25. That the unfaithful will be consigned to shame and "the second death", and the faithful, invested with immortality, and exalted to reign with Jesus as joint heirs of the Kingdom, co- possessors of the earth, and joint administrators of God's authority among men in everything. ... ...
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405: Early and Latter Rain Theology Refuted
... So ignoring the actual context of physical blessings enjoyed by physical Israel will be followed by spiritual blessings by spiritual Israel, the church, on the day of Pentecost. 3. Notice that in Acts 2, there is no hint that this was an outpouring of rain. 4. Nowhere in the New Testament is the supernatural gifts of the ... D. Latter rain never equated with the second coming: 1. A parable like law is created where "the early rain comes with seed time and the latter rain comes with harvest". The concept is then applied like a parable, to the "early rain" that fell on Pentecost when the church began to plant seed in 33 A.D. and "harvest" at the second coming. Further, they ... He is a heretic and a false teacher. Conclusion: 1. Rapture date setters all claim special revelation in one form or another. Some claim to be apostles and prophets, others claim to be illuminated by "latter rain", others claim God whispers in their ear, but none of them can find any support for their ideas in the Bible. ... ...
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406: Dr. David Kaiser, Against Biologic Psychiatry, Psychiatric Times ...
psyche at large. It has occurred to me with forcible irony that psychiatry has quite literally lost its mind, and along with it the minds of the patients they are presumably supposed to care for. Even a cursory glance at any major psychiatric journal is enough to convince me that the field has gone far down the road into a kind of delusion, whose main tenets consist of a particularly pernicious biologic determinism and a pseudo-scientific understanding of human nature and mental illness. ... In my opinion, this modern version of the ideology of biologic/genetic determinism is a powerful force that demands a response. And when I use the word ideology here, I mean it in it's most pernicious form, i.e., as a discourse and practice of power ... This is essentially a pseudo-scientific enterprise that grew out of modern psychiatry's desire to emulate modern medical science, despite the very real possibility that psychic pain, because of its existential nature, may always elude the capture of ... ...
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407: Recensional history of the Six Bible Manuscripts of the Old Testament
Introduction: 1. There have been six different Manuscripts of the Old Testament: Six Manuscripts of the Old Testament Name Date Authors Place Content Language Mosaic (ST) 1446 BC Moses Sinai Book of the Law, Torah Hieroglyphic Hebrew Naiothic (SN) 1050 BC Samuel Naioth, Ramah Torah, Joshua Paleo-Hebrew Samaritan ... The Egyptian text is a branch of the Palestinian which was taken to Egypt in the fifth to fourth centuries b.c. and became the basis for the Septuagint. The Babylonian text developed in the Jewish community that remained in Babylon after the return of Ezra. This form of text was probably introduced into Palestine in the second century b.c. and became the basis for the ... Whatever his purpose, the result of Origen's labors has been to bring confusion to the textual history of the Septuagint. The Hexapla was too large (about 6,500 pages) to be copied, so most of the time only Origen's reconstructed fifth column was copied, but usually without the asterisks and obeli. Thus a very ... ...
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408: Non-Catholic churchgoers before 1965 AD will be cast into hell ...
... Oecumenicorum Decreta, Edidit Centro di Documentazione, Instituto per Science Religiose, Herder, Bologna, 1962, no. 40, pp. 619, 620.) Pope Leo XII (A.D. 1823 - 1829) "We profess that there is no salvation outside the Church. ...For the Church is the pillar and ground of the truth. ... of obeying His Church as Himself, and religiously taking her as a guide of their whole lives. "He that heareth you, heareth Me; he that despiseth you, despiseth me." (Luke 10:16) Therefore, it is from the Church alone that the law of Christ must be asked: and, consequently, if for man Christ is the way, the Church, too, is the way, the former of Himself and by His nature, the latter by delegation and communication of power. ... When the poor Pope, when the bishops, the priests, propose the doctrine, they are merely helping Christ. It is not our doctrine; it is Christ's: we must merely guard it and present it." (General Audience, September 13, 1978; Quoted in The Message of John Paul I, Daughters of St. Paul, ... ...
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409: Psychiatry is Anti-Christian, Atheistic and Humanistic
... Sin will be judged. The Biblical doctrine of the dichotomous nature of man, being composed of an immaterial spirit and a physical body is called the "Moral/spiritual model" in Biblical Psychiatry. Scientifically, the human body is composed of the 118 elements of the periodic table. The spirit is composed of the same stuff God is made of. Just as God existed long before He created the 118 elements in the beginning (about 6000 years ago) so too the spirit of man is not made of physical stuff. The human spirit consciously survives death and enters the "spirit world" and awaits judgement at the second coming of Christ. Psychiatry is founded upon the "biological/chemical model" which is opposed to the "Moral/spiritual ... Psychiatry wants to replace the church with itself: Psychology is the "new religion" imposing their own personal atheistic and humanistic value system upon unsuspecting individuals. Psychiatry has positioned itself to replace the church and Christianity for guidance and ... ...
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410: Remarks on Dr Battie's Treatise on Madness, John Monro, 1758 ...
caused mental illness: "Madness is a distemper of such a nature, that very little of real use can be said concerning it; the immediate causes will ever disappoint our search, and the cure of that disorder depends on management as much as medicine." Entering the Bedlam asylum under Monro was like entering a torture chamber from a horror movie since he was more concerned with controlling the mentally ill by chains, jail cells, and degrading the physical strength of the insane down to idiotism. ... So very sensible was he of their good effects, that he did not scruple to take sixty-one from the third of October to the second of April following; and for eighteen nights successively one each night; by which means he got rid of a prodigious ... Under John Monro preachers were forbidden to even enter Bedlam, since he believed ministers of churches drove the patients to further madness. In 1772, under the indirect advice of John Monro, the British Government passed a law that allowed a person ... ...
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411: Rocks
Record Of The Rocks Sedimentary Layers "Catastrophic Floods Rapidly Carved the Surface of Mars," Discover, Nov.19, 2018 "...Mars' Noachian stratigraphic record" Nature, May 5. 2020 Complete, Detailed Geologic Column Is Non-Existent, Except In Text ... This process of tying one rock sequence in one place to another in some other place is known as correlation, from the Latin for 'together' plus 'relate.'" Physical Geology, p.181. Complete Column Is Pieced Together By Circular Logic Encyclopedia ... Evolutionary Fossil Progressions? "Fantasy" David Raup, Chicago Field Museum, Prof. of Geology, U. of Chicago, "A large number of well-trained scientists outside of evolutionary biology and paleontology have unfortunately gotten the idea that the ... Stratigraphy cannot avoid this kind of reasoning, if it insists on using only temporal concepts, because circularity is inherent in the derivation of time scales." American Journal of Science, Vol. 276, p.51. D. B. Kitts, U. of OK., "But the danger ... ...
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412: The Final Resurrection of all the dead
form of the philosophy of naturalism or humanism. It has no evidence of life beyond the grave and knows no mechanism by which a resurrection may be accomplished. The heathen religions of the world are likewise destitute. Unwilling to accept total oblivion, most of them opt for some form or reincarnation in which fleshly existence is repeated but devoid of any hope of something better. Only among Jews, Moslems and Christians is there belief in a super-natural God who exercises power over nature ... W.C. Witcher, in his book Legal Proof does a masterful job, presenting from the standpoint of the brilliant criminal lawyer, proof of the resurrection of Jesus that would stand up in any court of law. Both reason and revelation testify to the ... Click to View Conclusion: 1. There will be a resurrection of all the dead at the second coming. 2. Rapture theology is a false doctrine invented by John Darby in 1830 AD. From this false doctrine grew another false doctrine that there will be ... ...
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413: Official creed of the Unity/Unitarian Church
... Both are states of mind and conditions, which people experience as a direct outworking of their thoughts, beliefs, words, and acts. If one's mental processes are out of harmony with the law of man's [sic] being, they result in trouble and sorrow; mental as well as bodily ... Thus Satan is not a physical entity; but is one's lower nature: selfishness, greed, the desire to turn away from God. Satan can be resisted by systematically striving towards one's higher nature. Sin: Traditionally, sin has been defined as falling short of perfection. Unity uses an alternate definition: "living under a false sense of separation from God". We view this as a delusion because God is in reality continuously present within us. ... Unity defines heaven and hell as conditions in the here and now. They are not places where people go to spend eternity. Rather, many in Unity believe in a form of reincarnation. After death the soul is believed to leave the body, and to live again in another human body. This ... ...
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414: F90-F98 Behavioral and emotional disorders with onset usually ...
They offer a money back guarantee, but of course, that's only if you keep with the program for 5 years. So forget about getting the $1500 back they promised would stop your child from bedwetting after enduring this evil system of torture. It is just as much torture for the ... Sure they wake up after they start wetting, but you still have to change the bed sheets every morning just the same. The program is about as effective as throwing a large bucket of ice water on anyone sleeping. Forget these types of programs. These companies are vultures offering false hope to desperate parents based upon junk psychiatric science. When this program fails, you have made their bedwetting the central focus of their life and they ... F94 Disorders of social functioning with onset specific to childhood and adolescence F94.0 Elective mutism (mute only in public places) F94.1 Reactive attachment disorder of childhood (unable to form natural bonds with parents) F94.2 Disinhibited attachment disorder of ... ...
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415: What New Converts Don't know about their own Organization
... would come in 1920 Armageddon and Christ's second coming were foretold to happen in 1874, 1914, 1925 and 1975 by this "non-prophet" organization. When Christ failed to show up physically in 1914 as predicted, the Society claimed in later years that He had come invisibly--of course, and all Jehovah's Witnesses believe this today. The date 1874 was taught for Christ's invisible presence by the Society right up till 1929. (See their book, "Prophecy", page 65). The 144,000 originally included all the new converts of Watchtower. However when they exceeded 144,000 new coverts, they invented the two class system only at that point. Top executives of the Society have admitted under oath that they forced their members to accept false prophecies or face disfellowshipping and be found worthy of death. Blood transfusions, vaccinations and organ transplants were originally condemned because Jw's view man as wholly physical and based upon the medical science of the 1800's, they feared that ... ...
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416: Harner, Philip B.: Journal Of Biblical Literature: Qualitative ...
the Word was with God. (Philip B. Harner, "Qualitative Anarthrous Predicate Nouns: Mark 15:39 and John 1:1." in The Journal of Biblical Literature, as quoted in, Should you believe the Trinity?, Watchtower publication) What they left out to deliberately misrepresent the source and deceive you: Harner states ... Clauses B and C are identical in meaning but differ slightly in emphasis. C would mean that the logos (rather than something else) had the nature of theos. B means that the logos has the nature of theos (rather than something else). In this clause, the form that John actually uses, the word theos is placed at the beginning for emphasis. Commentators on the Fourth Gospel, as ... Ic the johannine hymn is bordering on the usage of 'God' for the Son, but by omitting the article it avoids any suggestion of personal identification of the Word with the Father. And for Gentile readers the line also avoids any suggestion that the Word was a second God in any Hellenistic sense. [Brown, John, ... ...
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417: How does Torture and Coercion cure inanity? Introduction to the ...
... This was the science of the day. But at the same time, another mad doctor named William Battie used most of these same methods. Battie tells us that for him to reject vomits as a cure, would be considered heresy. Indeed, of all the treatments of the 1750's, vomits was viewed as the cure of choice! Battie believes that mental illness is caused by a clogging of brain and nerve matter and he tells us that the reason vomits cures, is entirely in the physical convulsions associated with vomiting. The violent convulsive action of throwing up, with the increase of blood pressure to the brain and the stress to the eyes and nervous system, is like using carburetor cleaner in your engine to clean out the gunk and loosen everything up! This bizarre ... From a criminal law point of view, monetary fines, jail and whippings clearly "cure" criminals of their illegal behaviours. From a psychiatric point of view, coercion and torture clearly "cure" the mentally ill of behaviours that others in society ... ...
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418: Humoral imbalances caused insanity: Insanity treatments: Blood ...
Two hundred years ago psychiatrists claimed that mental diseases were due to humoral imbalances in the body, including the brain, which could be rebalanced with appropriate physical treatments. No one has ever demonstrated the existence of diseases affecting the "mind," much less of humoral and chemical imbalances that were causing them. Unlike the history of ... Therapeutics at Bethlem was characterized by relatively uniform purges, vomits, and bleeding, administered seasonally to patients, with the occasional addition of tonics (such as alcohol), cold bathing (or other cooling applications), and warm or hot baths, all of these "heroic" interventions being supplemented by (a mostly "lowering" form of) diet and regimen. This model, whereby repletion in the system was countered by depletion, and vice versa, was founded on an essentially humoral approach to mental diseases. Overlaid since the late seventeenth century by a new, mechanistic brand of Newtonian science, older principles and ... ...
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419: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Law of Habitual Smokescreen Decoy (HSD) EDS-7.7.10.HSD Law of Locus Pentaphasic Transmutation (LPT) EDS-7.7.11.LPT Law of Pediatric Multifarious Obfuscation (PMO) EDS-7.7.12.PMO Law of Anticipatory Warthog Psychosis (AWP) EDS-7.7.13.AWP Determine the Problem Secret sin of adultery soon to be discovered ... In the writings of the ancients, and especially of Celsus, a sort of intermediate and conditional mode of treatment is recommended, founded, in the first instance, upon a system of lenity and forbearance; and when that method failed, upon corporal and physical punishments, such as confinement, chains, flogging, spare diet, &c. (p) Public and private mad-houses, in more modern times ... Smokescreen for secret sin that is soon to be discovered: EDS-7.4.10.Completely absent from Pinel's account from 1805 AD, is the obvious fact that the man was fabricating his insanity to hide a secret sin, likely sexual in nature. Avoid deserved rebuke, criticism, shame: EDS-7.4.11. Going mad because your ... ...
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420: The Anatomy Of Melancholy, Robert Burton, 1621 AD
... Burton further states that mental illness happens in family groups and is hereditary. He notes that it is not the physical body that transmits the disease, but the manner, personality, temperament of the mind. It is clear that through all ages mental illness runs in families. But so does religion. Just as religion can be learned ... They doe compati, and have a fellow feeling by the Law of Nature : but forasmuch as this malady is caused by precedent Imagination, and the Appetite, to whom Spirits obey, are subject to those principall parts, the Braine must needs be primarily misaffected, as the seate of Reason, and then the Heart, as the seate of Affection .. . As many doubts almost arise about the Affection, whether it be Imagination or Reason alone, or both. Hercules de Saxonia proves out of Galen, 1V,tius, and Altomarus, that the sole fault is in Imagination. Bruel is of the same mind: Montaltus in his second Chapter of Melancholy, confutes this Tenet of theirs, and illustrates the ... ...
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421: The Archaeoraptor Fraud: National Geographic: all-time low for ...
... Sloan's article takes the prejudice to an entirely new level and consists in large part of unverifiable or undocumented information that "makes" the news rather than reporting it. His bald statement that "we can now say that birds are theropods just as confidently as we ... A model of the undisputed dinosaur Deinonychus and illustrations of baby tyrannosaurs are shown clad in feathers, all of which is simply imaginary and has no place outside of science fiction. The idea of feathered dinosaurs and the theropod origin of birds is being actively promulgated by a cadre of zealous scientists acting in concert with certain editors at Nature and National Geographic who themselves have become outspoken and highly biased ... Archaeologists in China had unearthed a fossil of a half-bird/half- dinosaur. This fossil was proclaimed to be irrefutable evidence of a transitional form between one species and another -- evidence that evolutionists have long sought but never found. Then the truth came ... ...
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422: The Book of Jubilees: A fictional Jewish chronology of real world ...
... This follows from the nature of the book with its heavy emphasis on priestly concerns, from the special attention devoted to the line of righteous men through whom the sacerdotal legislation was transmitted from earliest times, and from the ... The scope is further elaborated in 1:29f. "And the angel of the presence who was going along in front of the Israelite camp, took the tablets (which told) of the divisions of the years from the time the law and the testimony were created - for the ... The Book of Jubilees was written with the sole purpose of imposing a new, yearly calendar of 364 days on the Jewish people toward the end of the second century B.C. The year was made up of 364 days and was divisible by seven, so that every feast fell on the same day of the week. The year always began on a Wednesday (according to Qumran). The first two months of each quarter year had 30 days and the third month had 31 days, make 91 days per quarter. This system worked in the short term, but was ... ...
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423: Introduction: Standardized Architectural Synagogue Signature ...
Freestanding columns at Herodium and Magdala Antitype of Individual Christians and the Church as a Pillar of Truth Bema (raised area) Ezra's platform on top of which he read the Law (Torah) Nehemiah 8:4 Raised are in center where the reader or speaker would stand Prototype of the Pulpit: Raised area at front where ... Variations in size and shape of meeting hall. From almost square (Magdala) to rectangular (Capernaum). From small (Migdal and Magdala) to large (Sardi, Alexandria, Capernaum). The Great second temple period basilica synagogue at Alexandria was so large that it was reported to be able to contain TWICE the exodus route population: 3.5 million x 2 = 7 million. This ... C. Orientation, Location, size and entrances into ancient synagogues: 1. Not a single pre-70 AD synagogue was facing east or oriented towards Jerusalem. a. Only after about 100-200 AD did synagogues begin to take special care to be facing Jerusalem. b. See detailed section below. 2. Variations in physical location ... ...
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424: 500 Flood stories prove Noah's Ark is real history: Epic of Gilgamesh ...
Such a find would turn the world upside down with the collapse Darwinian evolution. Suddenly the Genesis becomes the introductory reading assignment in all university science and history courses. Bible scoffers and unbelievers will always reject the Bible at God's word until the day they stand before Him in Judgment after the second coming of Jesus Christ our Creator. A. The global flood from the oldest archeology on earth: Exhibit ... Mutinous god who warned of flood Enki - - Enki Enki Enki Where tablets found Nippur, Iraq Larsa, Iraq Abu Salabikh Iraq Sippar, Iraq Nabu, Iraq Nineveh, Turkey Quoted by Josephus etc. Museum Pennsylvania Museum: Object B10673 Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England Iraq Museum, ... Click to View no Click to View "Ancient weeds" Ship was built Gen. 6:14 Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View "8 person boat" Large Ship dimensions Gen 6:15 300x50x30 cubits Click to View Tablet damaged but it was a large shaped like a blimp or football Click to ... ...
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425: List of 300 Old Testament quotes in New Testament
... You can search for any Bible reference by hitting the CONTROL + F key in your internet browser. 4. Multiple New Testament quotations of one Old Testament verse: a. For example "You are my Son, today I have begotten you" is quoted form Psalms 2:7 in 4 different places in the New ... Produced for ministry, Our ministry,, was created to be a source of trustworthy Bible study resources for the world, so that everyone is guaranteed free access to these high quality materials. In the second year of's ministry (1995) it became clear that a free online Bible would be needed on the website since copyrighted Bibles can't be quoted in a huge collection of online studies. The NET Bible project ... "For I desire goodness, not sacrifice; Obedience to God, rather than burnt offerings." (Hosea 6:6) Matthew 10:35-36 Micah 7:6 "For I have come to set a man against his father, a daughter against her mother, and a daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and a man's enemies will ... ...
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426: Official Creed of Baptist Bible Fellowship International (BBFI ...
... Since God created mankind into genders distinctly male and female, we believe that the only legitimate marriage is that between a man and a woman. He has commanded that no intimate sexual activity be engaged in outside of marriage. We believe that any form of deviant sex, lesbianism, bisexuality, bestiality, incest, ... We believe that the salvation of sinners is wholly of grace; through the mediatorial offices of the Son of God, Who by appointment of the Father, freely took upon Him our nature, yet without sin, honored the divine law by His personal obedience, and by His death made a full and vicarious atonement for our sins; that His atonement consisted not in setting us an ... Accordingly, only men are eligible of licensure and ordination for pastor by the church. We believe the true mission of the church is found in the Great Commission: first, to make individual disciples; second, to build up the church; third, to teach and instruct as He has commanded. We do not believe in the reversal ... ...
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427: SUMMARY: PROOF that TRINITY is NOT of PAGAN origin!
... SHING MOO, the holy mother in China was portrayed with a child in her arms and a glory around her. Semiramis was worshiped in Ephesus as the pagan fertility goddess DIANA who represented the generative powers of nature. She was referred to as a fertility ... The "Decepto-meter" has gauged all these quotes as: "Satanic Quoting practices" Source: "Should you believe the Trinity?" Click to View Examples of Satanic quoting of Trinitarians by Watchtower: Who was quoted Our comment Lohse, Bernard in "A Short History of Christian Doctrine" First the Watchtower leaves the reader with the false impression that Lohse believes that trinity originated with the pagans and has no scriptural basis. Second, the Watchtower, through a series of deceptive ... The increasing elaboration of Hindu cults as different groups were absorbed into a systematized social fabric has led to the estimate of as many as 33,000,000 Hindu gods. It has been common practice for devotees to select the form under which the divine is ... ...
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428: Have Crucified Jesus today by your actions?
... Alternatively, it was probably usual to have the stake implanted in the ground before the execution. The victim was tied to the crosspiece, and was hoisted up with the horizontal beam and made fast to the vertical stake. As this was the simpler form of erection, and the carrying of the crossbeam (patibulum) was probably ... E.L. Sukenik of the Museum of Jewish Antiquities of the Hebrew University. Prof. Sukenik is the world's leading authority on Jewish ossuaries. Note his findings: Two of the ossuaries bear the name "Jesus" in Greek. . . . The second of these also has four large crosses drawn. . . . (Prof. Sukenik) concluded that the full inscriptions and the crosses ... But the facts of history are undeniable and Stephen charged the same leaders in Acts 7:52-53 "Which one of the prophets did your fathers not persecute? And they killed those who had previously announced the coming of the Righteous One, whose betrayers and murderers you have now become; you who received the law as ordained ... ...
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429: Josh McDowell's Powerful Evidience for Resurrection
... About 100 pounds of aromatic spices, mixed together to form a gummy substance, were applied to the wrappings of cloth about the body. After the body was placed in a solid rock tomb, an extremely large stone was rolled against the entrance of the tomb. Large stones weighing approximately two tons were normally rolled (by means of levers) against a tomb entrance. A Roman guard of strictly disciplined fighting men was stationed to guard the tomb. This guard affixed on the tomb the Roman seal, which was meant to "prevent any attempt at vandalizing the sepulcher. Anyone trying to move the stone from the tomb's entrance would have broken the seal and thus incurred the wrath of Roman law. But ... Again, where was the actual body, and why wasn't it produced? DID JESUS SWOON? Another theory, popularized by Venturini several centuries ago, is often quoted today. This is the swoon theory, which says that Jesus didn't die; he merely fainted from exhaustion and loss of blood. Everyone thought Him ... ...
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430: Four positions on the day of Christian worship
... First Adventists merely point out the false doctrine of other churches, like the false doctrine that the Pope changed the day (False Catholic view) or that the sanctity of the Sabbath was transferred to Sunday (The False Protestant view). Second, they quote a number of churches, like the church of Christ, Congregationalists and who actually teach the truth! ... That is Saturday. Nowhere in the Bible is it laid down that worship should be done on Sunday," (Philip Carrington, Anglican Archbishop of Quebec, quoted in Toronto Daily Star, October 26, 1949.) Baptist False Protestant view Click here to learn that The Sabbath did not exist in Eden. Click here to learn that The Ten commandments are the abolished first covenant. Click here to learn that Sunday is not a Christian Sabbath. As it is the law of nature, that in general a proportion of time, by God's appointment, be set apart for the worship of God, so by his Word, in a positive moral, and perpetual commandment, binding all men, in all ... ...
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431: Sanity and Insanity, Charles Arthur Mercier, 1890 AD
Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1890 AD, Charles Arthur Mercier, psychiatrist, insisted that the insane, who are not a physical danger to others, should be kept locked up against their will on the basis of ... But the 300 year history of psychiatry as a parallel penal/legal system and method of behaviour control is clear! "It is not merely that the public must be protected from such conduct as this. They have a right, also, to be prevented from witnessing ... "Thirdly, a knowledge of the principles on which insanity should be regarded can scarcely fail to be of service to that large, and now much increased, section of the community who have to do officially, but as amateurs, with the insane. I refer to the magistrates under the new Lunacy Act, to barristers, and others. The want of knowledge of the rudiments of insanity among the general public is remarkable. I have heard a Queen's Counsel gravely tell a jury that it was against the law for a ... ...
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432: The Burdick Track: Evidence that Dinosaurs and Humans co-existed
... If the Burdick were different it would be wrong. It is a running track which exhibits the characteristics a running track should exhibit. Please note who is "doing science," creationists or evolutionists? (Click on photo for high resolution) Click to ... Such indications would eliminate the possibility that they were the result of random erosion or carving which would cut across these structures. However, he does not mention that removing tracks from the river bed is forbidden by Texas law nor does ... Since the Burdick had already been removed from the river, we arranged for Cordell Van Huse, lapidary expert from Midlothian, Texas, to cut across the heel of the track with a diamond saw. Click to View (Click on photo for high resolution) A large ... Lambe and Quitman describe the action of load bearing plastic material in their textbook, Soil Mechanics. When the load is concentrated, pressure is exerted downward, outward and upward to form a mustache shaped structure. That is not necessarily ... ...
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433: Pathology of the Brain and Nervous Stock, Soul of Brutes, Thomas ...
... Its all pure junk science! "Having weighed these, and other Reasons, we doubt not to assert, the Passions commonly called Hysterical, to arise most often, from that the animal spirits, possessing the beginning of the Nerves within the head, are infected with some taint." (Pathology of the Brain and Nervous Stock, Soul of Brutes, Thomas Willis, 1667 AD) "The idea that insanity is due to "nervous exhaustion," a fatigue of the brain or nervous system, best treated by rest, has a long history." ... He also turned his attention to Tsycheology', the study of the `Nature and essence . . . parts, powers, and affections' of the 'Corporeal Soul' or mind (as Tsychologia' this term had been used since the end of the sixteenth century in theological ... Intermediaries between mind and body, he assumed their action could be disordered by either. Hence his treatment of mental illness was partly through the mind and partly physical. Low spirited, depressed or melancholic patients needed stimulating and ... ...
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434: What Early Christians believed about Occult, spiritism & astrology
Uninspired records of how early Christians worshipped and what doctrine they believed! Click to View Occult, spiritism & astrology Click to View 170 AD Tatian the Syrian "[Under the influence of demons] men form the material of their apostasy. For, ... 10:12). 228 AD Hippolytus "How impotent [the astrologers'] system is for comparing the forms and dispositions of men with names of stars! For we know that those originally conversant with such investigations have called the stars by names given reference to propriety of signification and facility for future recognition. But what similarity is there of these [constellations] with the likeness of animals, or what community of nature are regards conduct and energy, that one should allege that a ... And therein of a truth they have inflicted on themselves a double reproach, those who have written such books, because they have perfected themselves in a lying and contemptible science [astrology], and as to the ignorant and simple, they have led ... ...
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435: Inherited Sin: definitions and official creeds
... The only possible escape is for Calvinists to argue that only elect babies die in infancy. Of course, this would expose the entire system to utter collapse to any thinking logical mind. The Bible teaches that not a single baby goes to hell because it has not sinned. Hell is a ... And this infection of nature doth remain, yea in them that are regenerated; whereby the lust of the flesh, called in the Greek... which some do expound the wisdom, some sensuality, some the affection, some the desire, of the flesh, is not subject to the Law of God. And although there is no condemnation for them that believe and are baptized, yet the Apostle doth confess, that concupiscence and lust hath of itself the nature of sin." "The ... Manual, Statement of faith Article III # 5: "Man was Originally created in the image and likeness of God; he fell through disobedience, incurring thereby both physical and spiritual death. All men are born with a sinful nature, are separated from the life of God, and can be ... ...
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436: Official creed of Mennonite Brethren
This document, in a concise form, presents our message and mission. guide and standard for scriptural discipline of disobedient members and dissenting churches. Departure form the Confession of Faith constitutes a serious violation of the covenantal relationship of the brotherhood, and hence may ... We believe that man (man=mankind) was created in the image of God, sinless, and in fellowship with God, with a free will to make moral choices. But man sinned, and willfully disobeyed God, breaking fellowship with Him and bringing physical, spiritual and eternal death on the whole human race. Consequently all are sinful by nature, guilty before God and in need of forgiveness through Christ. ... Mt. 5:33-37; 23:1-12; Jn. 18:19-23; 2 Cor. 6:14-18; Eph. 5:6-13; Jas. 5:12 The State We believe that God instituted the state to maintain law and order in civil life and to promote public welfare. The functions and responsibilities of the state are distinct from those of the church. The chief concern ... ...
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437: Pre-tribulation Rapture Refuted: 1948 Israeli nationhood did ...
Nothing could be further from the truth. 7. The truth is that Israeli statehood in 1948 was and is irrelevant to Bible prophecy. 8. Paul said the hope of Israel was not physical restoration, but only in Christ: a. "And now I am standing trial for the ... And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law. You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace. " (Galatians 5:1-4) b. "But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry, by as much as He is also the mediator of a better covenant, which has been enacted on better promises. For if that first covenant had been faultless, there would have been no occasion sought for a second. ... In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in its middle from east to west by a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north ... ...
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438: The Error of the Catholic Nicene Trinity
... This the Church teaches is the revelation regarding 'God's nature which Jesus Christ, the Son of God came upon earth to deliver to the world: and which she proposes to man as the foundation of her whole dogmatic system. In Scripture there is as yet no single term by which the Three Divine Persons are denoted together. The word [tri'as] (of which the Latin trinitas is a translation) is first found in Theophilus of Antioch about A. D. 180. He speaks of "the Trinity of God [the Father], His Word and His Wisdom" ("Ad. Autol.", 11, 15, P. G., VI, 1078). The term may, of course, have been in use before his time. Shortly afterwards it appears in its Latin form of trinitas in Tertullian. ... It is ... The writers of this school contend that the doctrine of the Trinity, as professed by the Church, is not contained in the New Testament, but that it was first formulated in the second century and received final approbation in the fourth, as the result of the Arian and Macedonian controversies ... ... ...
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439: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: Real Mental Illnesses ...
Attention seeking, Pride, Praise, Honour, Fame: EDS-7.4.3 Control over others: EDS-7.4.6 Monetary EDS-7.5 - Annoyance Scale EDS-7.6 High Diagnostic Laws EDS-7.7 Law of Narcissistic Behaviour Choice (NBC) EDS-7.7.1.NBC Law of Derivative Personal Benefit (DPB) ... That would have been worse than useless. She had a compulsion neurosis because she could not impose moral restraint upon herself. Such people must then have some other form of restraint and along come the compulsive symptoms to serve the purpose." (Memories Dreams Reflections, Carl Gastav Jung, 1961 AD, p 142) Discussion: The larger picture here is the fact that her violent physical assaults were tolerated BECAUSE she was a "mental patient". A classic narcissist and a ... However today, when it is even illegal to spank little Johnny when he sets fire to the cat for the third time, there is little hope of either "rehabilitation" of the criminal or justice to the victim. In today's anti-Christian legal system that has forgotten the ... ...
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440: The Exodus Route: Elim (Nabatean Leuke Kome, Onne, Aynuna)
a major seaport and the beginning of a caravan route through El Bad to Petra to Rhinocolura (Arish). b. Two large rectangular storage buildings have been excavated validating the function of a sea to land shipping hub at the time of Apostle Paul. c. ... The next stop after Elim is the second Red Sea camp. 7. Early Christians created metaphoric meanings for Elim: from ACC, Vol 3, p 83-84 a. "The wood that restores the sweetness to water is Christ" (Tertullian). b. "The waters of baptism are of no avail unless the cross of Christ is preached" (Ambrose). c. "The seventy palm trees remind us of Christ's seventy disciples" (Jerome). d. "The bitter water was the law of the Old Testament, which needed to be tempered by the cross of Christ" (Maximus of ... It is made of ceramic in semi cylindrical shape and is fixed with mortar on stone foundation. It represents a developed irrigation system. The qanat appear at levels proportional to the earth surface. In certain areas, it is half a meter in height. ... ...
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441: Jezirat Faraun: Is This Solomon's Seaport? Alexander Flinder ...
... And that is exactly where we found it, in the form of a small, sanded-over mound of Tell el-Kheleifeh on the north shore of the Gulf of Aqabah, which is the eastern arm of the Red Sea."3 Glueck reasoned that Eloth and Ezion-Geber were different names used at different times for the same site. The identity of Tell el-Kheleifeh as the elusive port was for him "beyond all question of doubt ... Tell el-Kheleifeh had to be Ezion-Geber:Eloth!"4 Glueck's identification was based on what he thought was a large copper smelting refinery incorporating a substantial furnace room with a complicated system of flues. Glueck dated this refinery at Tell el-Kheleifeh to the time of King Solomon. Glueck also pointed to what he ... The coastline at Tell el-Kheleifeh is a sandy beach with shallow water—totally unsuitable for small craft, let alone for a substantial merchant fleet. It is inconceivable that Hiram's naval commanders would have given this site a second glance. It could not have been used as ... ...
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442: The Triune Brain of Psychiatry, Evolution and humanism.
The Triune Brain of Psychiatry, Evolution and humanism is a form of Phrenology. Mental illnesses like schizophrenia are caused by an over active "Reptilian-complex" part of the brain. Ernst Haeckel's embryonic recapitulation theory that was proven a fraud over 60 years ago, but still survives in university textbooks. The Triune Brain, is founded upon Haeckel's fraud that we call, "Piltdown Embryo". Click to View Click to View Junk Science gone to seed: "mental illness caused by and over active ... In human beings, the neo-cortex represents about 85 percent of the brain, which is surely some index of its importance compared to the brainstem, R-complex and limbic system. Neuro-anatomy, political history, and introspection all offer evidence that ... But if the triune brain is an accurate model of how human beings function, it does no good whatever to ignore the reptilian component of human nature, particularly our ritualistic and hierarthical behavior; On the contrary, the model may help us to ... ...
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443: Psychiatry: Chemical imbalances are mythical. Anti-psychotic ...
... In human beings, the neo-cortex represents about 85 percent of the brain, which is surely some index of its importance compared to the brainstem, R-complex and limbic system. Neuro-anatomy, political history, and introspection all offer evidence that human beings are quite capable of resisting the urge ... Opposite: Two photographs taken with an electron micro-scope within the third ventricle of the brain by Richard Steger of Wayne State University. Tiny waving hairs or cilia can be seen transporting small spherical brain proteins-like a crowd passing large beach balls overhead. 66 THE DRAGONS OF EDEN but not from the laws of their own nature. . . . Do not go about . . . encouraging ... Major evolution beyond the reptiles has been accompanied by and perhaps re-quires dreams. The electrically distinctive sleep of birds is episodic and brief. If they dream, they dream for only about a second at a time. But birds are, in an evolutionary sense, much closer to reptiles than mam-mals are. If ... ...
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444: Official creed of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC ...
These three are one God, having the same nature and attributes, and are worthy of the same homage, confidence, and obedience. Math. 3:16,17; 28:19, 2 Cor. 13:14 THE FATHER The Father exists eternally as the Creator of heaven and earth, the Giver of the Law, to whom all things will be subjected, so that ... MAN Man was originally created in the image and likeness of God. Gen. 1:26; 2:7 He fell through sin and, as a consequence, incurred both spiritual and physical death. Rom. 5:12; James 1:14,15 Spiritual death and the depravity of human nature have been transmitted to the entire human race Jer. 17:9; Rom. 3:10-19,23 with the exception of the Man Christ Jesus. Heb. 7:26 Man can be saved ... Matt. 24:15,21-22; 1 Thess. 5:1-3 During this period the Antichrist will emerge to offer false hope to the nations. 2 Thess. 2:3-12; Rev. 13:11-18 THE SECOND COMING OF CHRIST The return of Christ to earth in power and great glory will conclude the great tribulation with the victory at Armageddon, Matt. ... ...
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445: Conscious life after death proven from the Bible
Extinction Refuted!!! Non-existence after death (Extinction) is a member of "Domino Theology" family of doctrines (Refute one element & refute the whole system!) Click to View Exinctionists wrongly say man has no conscious existence apart from the body after he dies. Click to View False teachers of ... If sheol is the merely the grave, then men should have the power to bring up the dead from sheol! The Inner man: Extinctionists wrongly believe man is wholly physical! The New Testament authors clearly believed that man had a dual nature. They refer to the body as "the outer man" and the soul/spirit as the "inner man" in such places as Rom. 7:22 and Eph. 3:16. The contrast is so ... No one before judgement is in Hell (gehenna) Departed spirits are in Hades (Unseen place) Hades is a temporary waiting place Hell is the final eternal place "And death and Hades were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. And if anyone's name was not found written in the ... ...
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446: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Babylonian Talmud 500 AD
... Talmud (lit. "learning," or what is to be "learned," from lāmad, "to learn") is a compendium of rabbinic law and lore that combines Mishnah and gemara ("completion"), as well as portions of the Tosefta (see Rabbinic Literature: Mishnah and Tosefta). ... It spans 2,783 folio pages in the standard editions. Although the collection takes the form of commentary on the Mishnah, the ancient rabbis included discussions and rulings on nearly every subject possible. Due to its incredible scope, the ... The Babylonian Talmud was edited sometime after a.d. 500 and up to a.d. 600. As the name suggests, it was produced in Babylon, where a large Jewish population developed in the aftermath of the Babylonian capture of Jerusalem and destruction of the Jewish temple in 586 b.c. Most of the cited rabbinic authorities were from Babylon, though Palestinian authorities are also cited. Babli comments and expands upon the second, third, fourth and fifth divisions of the Mishnah, as well as part of the ... ...
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447: Ancient Synagogue Inscription from Ostia, Seaport of Rome, Italy ...
situ in secondary use in Ostia synagogue. 4. Current location: unable to determine current location. 5. Synagogue Occupation Date (SOD) = Excavation date + Inscriptional date + Literary date = 50 AD a. SOD computation system details b. Excavation date: 50 AD c. Inscriptional date: 200 AD d. Literary date: None 6. References: a. ... beginning of the third century C.E., that is, about 200 C.E. The first line is in Latin, the remaining six are in Greek, but cut by the same hand, though there is a suggestion that the last two lines containing the name of Mindius Faustus are in a second hand. FOR THE WELL-BEING OF THE EMPEROR. MIND<I>US FAUSTUS ME[...] [...]DIO[...] CONSTRUCTED [THE SYNAGOGUE] AND MADE [IT] FROM HIS OWN FUNDS, AND HE DEDICATED THE ARK FOR THE SACRED LAW. The additional "I" in the name Mindius was suggested from the find of the name "Mindius" in other inscriptions in the environs of Ostia. This is a large plaque, about 29 × 54.5 cm., presumably originally installed in a wall. ... ...
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448: Report From The Committee On Madhouses In England, 1815 AD
... Others were provincial, with Wakefield again giving high praise to Edward Long Fox's house at Bristol (extract B below). The committee's findings (a second report was published in 1816) marked a turning-point in attitudes towards treatment of madness, even though no ... Unaware of the necessities of nature, some of them, though they contained life, appeared totally inanimate and unconscious of existence. The few minutes which we passed with this lady did not permit us to form a judgment of the degree of restraint to which she ought to be subject; but I unhesitatingly affirm, that her confinement with patients in whom she was compelled to witness the most disgusting idiotcy, and the most terrifying distraction ... The whole of this statement relative to William Norris was confirmed by the keepers. B Mr. E. Wakefield September 21st [1814]. I called at Dr. Fox's, at a house near Bristol. Dr. Fox has laid out a very large sum of money upon building an establishment, being a series of ... ...
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449: Three 3 Promises to Abraham fulfilled
... Rom 4:13-14 For the promise to Abraham or to his descendants that he would be heir of the world was not through the Law, but through the righteousness of faith. For if those who are of the Law are heirs, faith is made void and the promise is nullified Gal 3:18 For if the inheritance is based on law, it is no longer based on ... Jn 18:36 My kingdom is not of this world/ realm o. 1 Pe 1:17; Heb 13:14: We are earthbound guests with a heavenly destination 3. Our resurrected body will not be physical, but of the same nature as God's 1 Cor 15:35-54 dead raised imperishable, living changed to imperishable 1 Jn 3:2 we don't know what we will be like except look like Jesus Phil ... Abraham is to be raised in bodily human form? Abraham is coming back again to possess Canaan? Out hope is to live forever on planet earth? VII. Seed promise fulfilled spiritually (no physical fulfillment) Acts 3:25-26 It is you who are the sons of the prophets, and of the covenant which God made with your fathers, saying to ... ...
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450: A marriage is sent to an early grave by a series of little digs ...
Romans 12:2, says, "And be not conformed to this world, but be you transformed by the renewing of your mind". Sometimes we use the excuse: "I've been this way all my life, it's just my nature." But, the fact is, we can change if it means enough to us. Another factor that ... Who gave you the idea these things are only for lovers before marriage? They work afterwards, too. You gals, work on making this easy for the husband. Take pride in your physical appearance. You did have a figure with honorable dimensions when you married him. Do, within ... The Bible reads: "Marriage is honorable in all, and the bed undefiled: but fornicators and adulterers God will judge". (Hebrews 13:4) This final thought: Capitalize on the Law of Human Returns. Jesus said: "Give and it shall be given unto you." He ended by saying: "for the measure you give will be the measure you get." This is Luke 6:38, quoted from the Revised Standard Version. My attitude should be: "What can I give to this marriage to make ... ...
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