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401: The Deity of Jesus Christ
... He will be called "God with us": Isa 7:14 He will be called, "Mighty God, Eternal Father": Isa 9:6 II. Jesus is Divine in name and is called "GOD" directly: John 1:1-3 A. Passages where Jesus is unquestionably called God Heb 1:8 Father addresses son as God Jn 1:1 The word was God Phil 2:6-8 Jesus existed in the form of God Jn 20:28 'My Lord and My God Isa 7:14 "A Child Will Be Born And His Name Is Called": "Emanuel: God with us" Isa 9:6 "A Child Will ... Old Testament New Testament The great "I Am" Ex 3:13-14 Jn 8:57-59 Lord of Lords Deut 10:17 Rev 17:14 Lord of Glory Ps 24:10; 29:3 1 Cor 2:8 First and the Last Isa 41:4; 44:6; 48:12 Rev 1:17; 2:8; 22:13 C. Jehovah is spoken of in the Old Testament as possessing distinct ... Philippians 2:6-7 "although He (Jesus) existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. And being found in appearance as a man, He humbled ... ...
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402: Weekly Sabbath Assemblies in Synagogues absent from the Tanakh
in the place which He chooses, at the Feast of Unleavened Bread and at the Feast of Weeks and at the Feast of Booths, and they shall not appear before the Lord empty-handed." (Deuteronomy 16:16) b. ... Jerusalem Temple replaced by the body of Christ: "The Jews then said to Him, "What sign do You show us as your authority for doing these things?" Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up." The Jews then said, "It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?" But He was speaking of the temple of His body." (John 2:18-21) ... He knew also that they were in the habit of contributing sacred sums of money from their first fruits and sending them to Jerusalem by the hands of those who were to conduct the sacrifices." (Philo, ... be called a Nazarene (branch)" Matthew 2:23 5. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: "Jesus would rise the third day" 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Synagogue Architectural Prototypes in the Church: 1. Standard ... ...
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403: Early and Latter Rain Theology Refuted
Anyone who claims God revealed things to them that no one else had previously believed is an agent of Satan. The signs of Matthew 24 prophecies the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD not the second coming and certainly not some "Rapture" theology that was invented in 1830 AD by John Darby. When Christians saw the ... It is simple literal season rains to bring physical blessings of food. a. "So rejoice, O sons of Zion, And be glad in the Lord your God; For He has given you the early rain for your vindication. And He has poured down for you ... We observe that had Franck eliminated the final evil (illumination of the Spirit) he would have been one of the first to restore the true sola Scriptura of the early church and the apostolic fathers. B. Early and Latter rain is ... D. Latter rain never equated with the second coming: 1. A parable like law is created where "the early rain comes with seed time and the latter rain comes with harvest". The concept is then applied like a parable, to the "early ... ...
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404: Will There Be A Rapture?
The conclusion of this suggested millennium will pose another great battle. This is supposed to involve a last-ditch effort of evil against good - to no avail, of course. Then they affirm that a second resurrection will-take place; and all who remain from the time of Adam will be raised and ... Thirdly, the "tribulation" often referred to is based upon an erroneous interpretation of Matthew 24. This "tribulation' was associated with the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 according to the first question the Lord answered in Matthew 24:1-3. That "tribulation" did in fact come before that generation passed, Matthew 24:34. Fourthly, according to the Bible there is but one resurrection and that will include both the good and evil., John 5:28-29, states, "all that are in the graves shall hear His voice, and shall come forth". Fifthly, based upon the Bible, Christ's Kingdom is not future. It has already been in existence for nearly 2000 years and it is a spiritual kingdom, not an earthly one. Jesus ... ...
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405: The 7 Promises Of God to Man
The contour of Jesus' life, while living on earth, was shaped by his trust in the power of the promises of God. When Jesus said: "I am that bread of life", John 6:48, "I am the light of the world", John 8:12, "I am the resurrection and the life." John 11:25, He did so fully realizing that ... He did deliver Daniel from the den of lions. God has promised us victory over death. He first resurrected Jesus by way of assuring our resurrection. Peter said: "This Jesus hath God raised up, whereof we are all witnesses" (Acts 2:32). Paul wrote to the Corinthians: "For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures, and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures" (I Corinthians 15:3,4). Later on he adds: "but thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ" (I Corinthians 15:57). God has promised that all things work together for good to those who love ... ...
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406: Miracle workers who couldn't heal themselves
A.A. Allen - an acknowledged divine healer and exorcist DIED from alcohol & drug abuse. Aimee Semple McPherson - an acknowledge divine healer - died of a barbituate overdose. Why was she taking pills in the first place? Wasn't the "peace" of God enough for her? Jack Coe - an acknowledged divine healer ... Many Brownsville Revival regulars and staff members believe the revival is on the brink of a breakthrough into wide-scale healings. Brownsville church business administrator Rose Compton said she believes the healings will start very close to home, with pastor John Kilpatrick being miraculously healed from the injuries he suffered in a fall from the second story at his new house in Seminole, ... last couple of years," she said. "I was in constant pain and couldn 't eat anything." Friday, her third day at the revival, evangelist Steve Hill prayed for her, Elrod said, and she was slain in the spirit. "I laid on the floor 45 minutes with my hand raised," she said. "When I got up I was healed. ... ...
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407: Johannes Greber: "The New Testament", and "Communication with ...
Under this impression Greber endeavors to make his New Testament translation read very spiritualistic...Greber's translation of these verses [1 John 4:1-3] reads: "My dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, to learn ... former Roman Catholic priest Johannes Greber (1937 ed.) renders the second appearance of the word "god" in the sentence as "a god."" (Aid to Bible Understanding 1971, p 1669) 1971: "Tombs were laid open, and many bodies of those buried were tossed upright. ... which is rendered to eliminate the reference to the resurrection of the dead which occurred at the time of the death of Jesus: ) 1976: References to Greber's translation appears several times in the Watchtower, as late as 1976. After 1976 they ... The spirit who spoke through the boy later identified itself, and the nature of his mission: "You are right to ask me who I am, for it is your first duty to test the spirits that speak to you and to assure yourself that they were sent by God ... I ... ...
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408: Can A Christian Sin And Be Lost?
The most clear treatment of this subject in the New Testament is found in the second chapter of II Peter. Study this entire chapter carefully. I quote now verses 20 and 21, which best summarize its teachings, "For if after they have escaped the pollution of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, they are again entangled therein, and overcome, the latter end is worse with them than the beginning. For it had been better for them not to have known the ... Study Hebrews 6:18, and I Corinthians 14:33. To illustrate this, we can study verses about baptism (for instance) in the New Testament books written by the apostles John, Paul, and James, and expect agreement. But, we cannot necessarily expect agreement ... This instruction is not for sinners who have never become Christians. Christians are citizens of God's kingdom, and must abide by its rules. People who are not citizens in the kingdom must first become so before its laws apply to them. We suggest that you ... ...
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409: Book of Psalms 151: Chapter 151: Bible textual variants analysed
Textual Variants in the Book of Psalms 151 "Scripture cannot be broken" (Jesus, John 10:35) "My word will accomplish what I desire and succeed in the purpose for which I sent it." (Isa 55:11) Steve Rudd November 2017 The Great Psalms Scroll from ... Ps 151 is written in the first hand from the mouth of King David. b. It may be apocryphal and/or pseudepigraphal, meaning that it was not written by David but was penned much later as poetry etc. c. There are no additional truths revealed in Ps 151 ... I was small among my brothers and the youngest one in the house of my father. I was shepherding the sheep of my father. My hands made an organ; my fingers prepared a harp. And who will report to my Lord? The Lord himself, it is he who will hearken. ... This scroll includes other Psalms that were similarly excluded from later Christian canons and the Hebrew Bible canon, but may have held liturgical significance in the Second Temple period and after. Psalm 151 is included in the Greek Septuagint as ... ...
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410: What makes an apostle The Gift of the Holy Spirit
Any one who is sent by another: Jn 13:16 b. Jesus was sent forth from God: Heb 3:1 c. The twelve & Paul were sent forth by Jesus: Jn 20:21 d. Christians sent by local churches: 2 Cor 8:13; Phil 2:25 3. Purpose & function of an apostle: One sent ... Names other details 1 Simon or Peter wrote 2 NT books 2 Andrew brother of Peter 3 James or Boanerges "son of Thunder" son of Zebedee, first martyr-Acts 12 4 John or Boanerges "son of Thunder" son of Zebedee, wrote 5 NT books 5 Philip from Bethsaida 6 Bartholomew son ... The only exception of which we know was within the movement led by Montanus, a second century heretic who believed that divine revelation continued through him beyond the New Testament. Apparently no other tongues-speaking was practiced in ... There are two ways of refuting modern-day Pentecostals and charismatics who claim to have miraculous power: a. Ask them to demonstrate their power and to show you a miracle: i. "But I will come to you soon, if the Lord wills, and I shall find ... ...
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411: Grant, Robert M.: Gods and the One God
Before Nicaea, Christian theology was almost universally subordinationist." (Gods and the One God, Robert M. Grant, as quoted by Anti-Trinitarians) In any event, the passage [Phil 2:6-8] makes it plain that before Christ Jesus emptied himself he was not human but divine." (Gods and the One God, Robert M. Grant, p105) But Justin describes this Logos as a second God, one who proceeded from the Father before creation in the manner of word or fire or spring water. "The Father of the Universe has a Son, who also, being the first-born ... "An anonymous author of the late second century discusses some of the apologists among those who held doctrines like his. Since he himself refers to "our compassionate God and Lord, Jesus Christ" as well as to "the compassionate ... In Philo a Logos doctrine had bridged the gap between his transcendent, abstract God and the world. It also explained how theophanies could be included in the Old Testament revelation. The point was picked up in John 1: 18: "No one ... ...
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412: Holy Spirit in the Old Testament The Gift of the Holy Spirit
... A good example in the New testament of a metaphoric indwelling that indicates fellowship and unity with God is the Church temple and Jesus statement in John 17:21-23 where Jesus, the Father and the Christian are mutually inter-dwelling inside each other. 3. ... to the afflicted; He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to captives And freedom to prisoners;" (Isaiah 61:1) b. ""Come near to Me, listen to this: From the first I have not spoken in secret, From the time it took place, I was there. ... Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you; and for that reason the holy Child shall be called the Son of God." (Luke 1:35) d. "And Jesus returned to Galilee in the power of the Spirit, and news about Him spread through all the surrounding district." (Luke 4:14) 14. ANOINTING a. "Then Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the midst of his brothers; and the Spirit of the LORD came mightily upon David from that day forward. ... ...
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413: Welcome to the Hamilton church of Christ, in Ontario Canada
Churches are not divided over what is in the Bible, but what is not in the Bible. Jesus likened the Bible to seed in the parable of the sower. We believe that if anyone plants the pure seed of the word of God, that it will produce exactly the same first century church every time. We are determined to be simply Christians. We have no ambition to be anything more and we cannot be content to be anything less. For this reason, we are not ... We are trying to speak where the Bible speaks and to be silent where the Bible is silent, and to call Bible things by Bible names, and to do Bible things in Bible ways. Tit 2:1; 1 Corinthians 4:6; 2 John 9 In essentials, we maintain unity. In opinions, liberty. And in all ... Emphasizes the spiritual over the social. Engages in fascinating midweek Bible studies instead of merely having a social hour. We praise our divine savior Jesus Christ our Lord. Our organization: We are an independent non-denominational, self-governing local church who ... ...
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414: About who we are! The Interactive Bible:
Churches are not divided over what is in the Bible, but what is not in the Bible. Jesus likened the Bible to the seed in the parable of the sower. We believe that if anyone plants the pure seed of the word of God, that the seed will produce exactly the same "first century church" every time. We are determined to be simply Christians. We have no ambition to be anything more and we cannot be content to be anything less. For this reason, we are not ... We are trying to speak where the Bible speaks and to be silent where the Bible is silent, and to call Bible things by Bible names, and to do Bible things in Bible ways. Tit 2:1; 1 Corinthians 4:6; 2 John 9 In essentials, we maintain unity. In opinions, liberty. And in all ... Emphasizes the spiritual over the social. Engages in fascinating midweek Bible studies instead of merely having a social hour. We praise our divine savior Jesus Christ our Lord. Our organization: We are an independent non-denominational, self-governing local church who ... ...
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415: Official creed of Church of God, International (Tyler, TX)
The Old and New Testaments comprise God's written Word, which forms the basis of Christianity as taught by the church and as practiced by the Christian. Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; Luke 4:4; John 17:I7; Romans 8:16; 1 Corinthians 2:7-11; II Timothy 3:16-17; II Peter 1:20 3. JESUS CHRIST Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, the Son of God, and the Son of man. He was the prophesied Messiah of the Old Testament, and is described in the New Testament as being fully human and fully divine. As the second member of the God ... Repentance is the act of acknowledging one's sins, and resolving to fully obey God. It begins when God opens one's mind to see himself in comparison with God and His law. True repentance is the first step toward reconciliation with God, ... The church does not "enforce" or "police" tithing, but simply teaches the responsibility to tithe. Each individual has the responsibility to "honor the Lord with his substance and with the firstfruits of all his increase.'' Tithing is a ... ...
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416: Sacred Meals, Passover, Lord's Supper, Communion: No Common Meals ...
... Early synagogues did have adjoining areas where sacred meals were eaten on Passover etc. d. Early synagogues may have been used for weddings as seen in the 6 empty stoneware pots at the Cana wedding of John 2. Stoneware was used specifically for Jewish ritual purity. The last supper of Jesus was probably served ... Maẓẓot is unleavened bread baked by the Jews in their synagogues. It was important to first century ritual purity. b. Kitchens in church buildings and synagogues are AUTHORIZED as long as you only use it to bake the ... COMMUNION UNLEAVENED BREAD: "For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which He was betrayed took bread; and when He had given thanks, He broke it and said, "This is My ... Its ok to dig a well and install a drinking water fountain in the church building for members but its not ok for a church to install clean drinking water wells for non-Christians in third world towns that are dying from thirst. ... ...
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417: Table of the Scrolls: Prototype of the Church Communion Table
Standardized Architectural Synagogue Signature Typology Synagogue Architecture adopted by the Christian Church Floorplans and Furnishings of Pre-70 AD Second Temple Period synagogues "Clean out the old leaven so that you may be a new lump, just as you ... Tabernacle and Temple: Table of Shewbread b. Synagogue: Table of the scrolls c. Church: Communion Table: "You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons; you cannot partake of the table of the Lord and the table of demons." (1 Corinthians ... Jesus the Messiah of the Tanakh: 1. First Century Jewish Messianic Expectation: As witnessed in the Dead Sea scrolls. 2. Looking for the wrong thing: Mistaken Jewish ideas of the Messiah in 30 AD. 3. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: Master list of fulfilled messianic prophecies 4. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: "He shall be called a Nazarene (branch)" Matthew 2:23 5. Jesus fulfilled Prophecy: "Jesus would rise the third day" 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 Synagogue Architectural Prototypes in the Church: 1. ... ...
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418: Sola Scriptura: Mistakes made by the Apostolic Fathers based ...
Prov 8:12 Clark Carlton, and Orthodox defender, highlights that many of the recorded "church fathers" had initially interpreted the wrong view of Prov 8:22. This illustrates how the wrong view of Proverbs 8:22f was adopted and later used against those who invented it to prove Jesus was a creature. Clark Carlton explains how Justin's wrong view was used against the church: "Arius was a presbyter of the Church of Alexandria in the early fourth century. The controversy began with his interpretation of Proverbs 8:22ff., where Solomon speaks of Wisdom: The Lord created Me at the beginning of His work, the first of His acts of old (RSV). ... And this is exactly what this reference says they did: "In the long-recognized scriptural testimony for the Logos-doctrine provided by Prov. viii, 22ff. the exegetes of the second and third centuries had found the creation of the pre-existent Logos-Christ set forth without dispute and equivocation. But now, when the Arians also interpreted the passage in ... ...
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419: Catholics wrong: Mary had many other children in addition to ...
... Matthew 1:23-25 As clear as if it said, "kept a virgin until wedding day." 24 And Joseph arose from his sleep, and did as the angel of the Lord commanded him, and took her as his wife, 25 and kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name Jesus. Mt 1:18 Can only refer to sex because ... How could the Holy Spirit say it to make the fact any clearer? John 2:12 After this He went down to Capernaum, He and His mother, and His brothers, and His disciples; and there they stayed a few days. John 7:1 And after these things Jesus was walking in Galilee; for He was unwilling to walk in Judea, because the Jews were seeking to kill Him. 2 Now the feast of the ... Lat., nepos, whence Eng., nephew), a cousin (so, R.V.), is translated "sister's son." See Cousin.¶ John 1:41 the term brother is never used in the New Testament to denote a cousin or relative or anything other than a literal BROTHER. John 1:41 He *found first his own brother Simon, and *said to him, "We have ... ...
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420: The Levitical Priesthood
The Levitical Priesthood traces through the three sons of Levi, through the Sadducees until it went extinct at the death of Christ, when it was replaced with the Priesthood of Christians which endures until the second coming. ... and comes whenever he desires to the place which the LORD chooses, then he shall serve in the name of the LORD his God, like all his fellow Levites who stand there before the LORD." (Deuteronomy 18:6-7) 4. High priests were appointed for life by Moses, but at the time of Jesus were appointed annually by the Romans. ... This myth came from a 4th century AD sermon by a Jewish Rabbi which was adopted as truth. B. The three sons of Levi: Gershon, Kohath, Merari 1. Gershonites: (descendants of Gershon/Gershon, first son of Levi) a. The ... The rest of the sons of Kohath received ten cities by lot from the families of the tribe of Ephraim and from the tribe of Dan and from the half-tribe of Manasseh." (Joshua 21:4-5) 3. Merarites: (descendants of Merari, third ... ...
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421: Sleep as a metaphor for Death proves life after death
First, it is always argued that the mere fact that the Bible refers to death by the word "sleep" is absolute proof that there is no conscious life after death. That this is an erroneous argument is seen from the following facts l. The word "sleep" is a metaphor describing the appearance and posture of ... Second, the Scriptures clearly teach that after death, man is conscious either in the bliss of heaven or the torments of Hades. Since the second death is patterned after the first death, both deaths refer to separation, not annihilation. (Death and The Afterlife, Robert Morey, Dualist, p. 205-206) Sleep, in describing death, is nothing ... "And many of those who sleep in the dust of the ground will awake, these to everlasting life, but the others to disgrace and everlasting contempt. Dan 12:2 "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; but I go, that I may awaken him out of sleep." The disciples therefore said to Him, "Lord, if he has fallen asleep, he will recover." Now Jesus had spoken of his ... ...
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422: Jeremiah 3:14-17 proves the 10 commandments were to be abolished ...
This verse is a messianic prophecy fulfilled at the cross. "The Throne of the Lord" was fulfilled in Acts 2:33-36 "all the nations will be gathered to it, to Jerusalem" echoes Isa 2:2-4 and is fulfilled in Acts Luke 24:46-47 "and Jesus said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day, and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem . " (Luke 24:46-47) and Acts 1:8 and Heb 12:22 that says all ... Was it not when God made a new covenant (Jer. 31:31-34) which was "not according" to the first covenant (i.e., 10 comm)? Was Jerusalem not the throne when the law came from there, "For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem. He shall Judge between the nations. . ." (Is. 2:3, 4). The first covenant came from Sinai the second came from Jerusalem. This is a "Pentecost pointer" as I believe Foy Wallace would once express. All of this ... ...
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423: Methuselah's begetting Age of Lamech was 187 not 167 years
Methuselah's begetting age of Lamech: 187 years Genesis 5:25 Single Textual Variants in the Bible "Scripture cannot be broken" (Jesus, John 10:35) "My word will accomplish what I desire and succeed in the purpose for which I sent it." (Isa 55:11) Steve Rudd November 2017 Methuselah's begetting ... Josephus (187, 969) and LAB (187, 782) also contain the correct numbers. All three of these external witnesses predate Theophilus of Antioch (d. AD 183), who is the first known source to record the 167 figure (Ad Autolycus 3:24; Grant, 1947, 191) The 187/167 divergence has virtually no ... There are only two viable choices: either (1) the third-century BC Alexandrian Jews inflated the numbers during their translation of the Pentateuch into Greek, or (2) the second-century AD rabbinic Jews deflated the numbers in the few remaining Hebrew manuscripts that survived the Roman devastations of ca. 70 and 135 AD. There is no textual or external historical evidence from antiquity to support the LXX ... ...
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424: How Can I Keep Myself Pure?
How Can I Keep Myself Pure? "And why do you call me, Lord, Lord and do not what I say? Everyone who-comes to me and hears my words, and acts upon them, I will show you whom he is like; he is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid a foundation upon the ... Regardless of the lives your parents have lived, now is the time when you will either stand fast as a Christian or reject Christ's teachings. Why would anyone choose to live in disobedience to Christ? The first reason might be that they do not know the goods news of Christ. Jesus said, "If you abide in my word, then you are truly disciples of mine; and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31,32) We speak highly of freedom. It is something ... If there is any question about what is right and what is wrong, study God's word, the Bible, and ask questions. Do not be lead blindly into an action that could jeopardize your eternal salvation. A second reason for disobedience to God's will is a lack of ... ...
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425: The weekly Sabbath is abolished, being nailed to the cross!
The Sabbath was abolished when nailed to the Cross: Col 2:14 Christians have always worshipped on the 1st Day when Jesus rose from the dead! Click to View The Sabbath was nailed to the cross Click to View 80 questions Sabbatarians don't like to be asked Irrefutable proof the Sabbath was abolished: Click to View Click to View Colossians 2:14-16: The Sabbath was nailed to the cross Click to View Proof early Christians worshipped on the first day AND NEVER keep the Sabbath! Click to View Stunning new documentary book exposes Sabbath keepers as frauds and hypocrites "I was a third generation Seventh-day Adventist of over 50 years of sabbath Keeping, but thanks to the good work of the staff, researchers, and ... (Acts 2:1), the days of unleavened bread, (Acts 12:3; 20:6) and the Sabbath. Sabbatarians don't keep all these Jewish feasts and Hanukkah (John 10:22) just because they are mentioned in the New Testament! Click to View Reading the "Frequently Asked Questions" will help you learn MUCH ... ...
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426: Bible Chronology of Kings of Judah, Israel Solved! divided kingdom ...
... "Jehoshaphat son of Asa had become king of Judah in the fourth year of King Ahab of Israel." (1 Kings 22:41) 2 Kings 1:17 "He died according to the word of the Lord that Elijah spoke." (4 Kingdoms 1:17) "And Ahaziah died, according to the word of the LORD that Elijah had spoken. Jehoram succeeded him as king, in the second year of King Jehoram son of Jehoshaphat of ... Contrary to the way we count today, if today is Friday, three days from now is Sunday. Inclusive counting starts today with the first day and tomorrow the second day. This is how we know Jesus was crucified on a Friday and rose "three days and three nights" later on Sunday morning. This inclusive counting system is widespread in the Bible including Jesus, Esther, Acts, and the gospels. Jesus thought in terms of inclusive counting: Jesus said: Luke 13:32 "Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today [Fri] and tomorrow [Sat], and the third day [Sun] I reach My goal." The story of Cornelius proves that the 1st century ... ...
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427: Tongues Ceased in AD 100: Introduction: Cessation of Spiritual ...
Gifts cease when the "Perfect comes" 1 Cor 13:8-13 Truth Gifts cease before the second coming, specifically around 100 AD False view Gifts cease at the second coming. Click to View Sometimes Truth makes Love hurt ... Men have started new local churches since the first century without the need or aid of Supernatural gifts. They ceased in the first century! 3. There are only 9 gifts: "Now there are varieties of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5 And there are varieties of ministries, and the same Lord. 6 And there are varieties of effects, but the same God who works all things in ... to teach/edify and sign to believers. 7) Distinguishing of spirits: purpose was to teach/edify. (see 1 John 4:1-3) 8) Tongues: purpose was to confirm the word of the performer and sign to unbelievers. 9) ... Jn 20:30,31 "Many other signs therefore Jesus also performed in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; 31 but these have been written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the ... ...
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428: Lesson 6: Christ Has Paid Our Penalty
Because of the death and suffering of Christ for us, God can now be just in saving us. The only way that man can be saved is through Christ. There is no other way. John 14:6 says, "Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: No man ... And the third day He will rise again". Christ went there willingly to die for us. Christ was both divine and human. The human part of Christ dreaded his death on the cross as much as we would if we were on death row. He knew that it was going to ... Also, we read in I Peter 2:24, "Who Himself bore our sins in His own body on the tree, that we, having died to sins, might live for righteousness: by whose stripes you were healed." Jesus has personally paid the price for our sins, so that we can be made ... The dread, the fear, the sorrow, the mocking, the spitting, the pain of scourging, and the crucifixion were all dreaded by our Lord. It hurt Him as much as it would us. He was the innocent dying for us, the guilty. Crucifixion on a cross is the ... ...
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429: Official creed of Awana Clubs International (A.W.A.N.A.)
choice and out of love for men, sent Christ into the world to save sinners. (John 3:16; 1 Timothy 1:15; 1 John 4:14) GOD THE SON We believe that Jesus Christ was fully God in the flesh and fully man, that He was born of a virgin and that He lived a sinless life, in which He taught and performed mighty works and wonders and signs exactly as revealed in the four gospels. We believe that He was crucified, shed His blood, died to pay the penalty for our sins and was raised bodily from the dead on the third day. ... We believe that the true Church is composed of all persons who are regenerated by the Holy Spirit through saving faith in Jesus Christ; that they are united together in the body of Christ of which He is Lord and Head; and are commissioned for ... THE SECOND COMING We believe in the personal, premillennial and imminent coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. We believe in the bodily resurrection of the dead, of the believer to everlasting glory and the unbeliever to judgment and everlasting ... ...
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430: Trinity proof texts: Isaiah 45:23-24 = Philippians 2:9-11
Further, Isaiah 45:23-24 is another example of the highest form of joint worship. Comments: Anti-Trinitarians know they are in trouble with this verse. First they deny Phil 2:9-11 is a quote of Isa 45:23-24. Next they will say that Phil 2:9-11 teaches that every knee will bow to ... Jesus was given his high name, therefore he did not always have this high status and therefore he cannot be God, for God's name is always high. Acts 2:36 says Jesus was made Lord and Christ. Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal refuted This silly statement fails to realize that Jesus gave up the "form of God" (outward appearance) and "equality with God" (in rank/subordination) and became a slave. Jehovah's Witnesses think it is impossible ... Joint co-worship of Father and Jesus Both are co-recipients of worship Heb 1:6; Rev 5:11-14; Matt 14:33; 28:9; John 9:38; Rev 19:10 Both are co-recipients of the kind of "service" that is only allowed to God: Matt 4:10; Rev 22:3f Greek--latreuo; cf. ). Notice the identical ... ...
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431: What Is Hell Like?
What Is Hell Like? Hell is eternal. According to Matthew 25:46, Jesus said, "and these shall go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into life eternal". Romans 16:26, speaks of the everlasting God. Hebrews ... Those who live five years, five months, or five days in defiance of the Lord, and die in that condition will be punished in hell forever. Second, there are those who believe the punishment of Matthew 25:46 means eternal annihilation. They maintain that the disobedient will be cast into the fires of hell and simply experience a cessation of all existence. When Revelations 21:8 speaks of a second death, they understand it to refer to a second physical death. In their view, when one dies the first time he goes back to where Adam was before he was created. ... In response to that position, consider the word translated as punishment in Matthew 25:46. It is, "colason", which means to chastise, or torment. In I John 4:18, it is translated as torment. Read Luke 16:19-31, and ... ...
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432: The Biblical pattern of counseling
The Biblical pattern of counseling Click to View God is our councilor! The Father: Psalm 73:21-24 Jesus Christ: Isaiah 9:6 The Holy Spirit: John 14:16 The Bible: Psalm 119:24 Christians: Rom 15:14 Introduction: We have pioneered "The free, three session, Biblical counseling ... If you reject the "counsel of God", the world will drug you into submission as a form of "chemical house arrest". Lack of hope is one of the causes of mental illness and the very process Upon your first visit to a typical paid ... With Your counsel God, You will guide me, And afterward receive me to glory." Psalm 73:21-24 "For who has known the mind of the Lord, that he will instruct Him? But we have the mind of Christ." 1 Corinthians 2:16 "For a child will be born ... Physicians, psychologists, ministers of the gospel, all have legitimate separate functions-but psychiatrists? Where is there room for a third person to stand midway between the physician and the pastor? Does some kind of mid-ground belong ... ...
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433: Metzger, Bruce M. and Coogan, Michael D., Editors; Daniel N. ...
... to Matthew 28:19. In fact, as you see in the full text below, Scholwalter openly states that trinity is found in Mt 28:19, offers Jude 20-21 as a second passage, but the warning "it is important to avoid reading the Trinity into places here it does not appear" Scholwalter applies to the passage: 1 Peter ... In support of the authenticity of the passage, however, it must be said that the phrasing is much closer to Paul's understandings of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit than to a more fully developed concept of the Trinity. Jesus, referred to not as Son but as Lord and Christ, is mentioned first and is connected with the central Pauline theme of grace. God is referred to as a ... The Fourth Gospel also elaborates on the role of the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete sent to be an advocate for the believers (John 14.1526). For the community of John's gospel, these passages provide assurance of the presence and power of God both in the ministry of Jesus and in the ongoing life of the ... ...
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434: The Fortress of Antonia was built on the Rock under the Dome ...
... thereupon thought it best to make his assault upon the monument of John the high priest, (260) for there it was that the first fortification was lower, and the second was not joined to it, the builders neglecting to build the wall strong where the new city was not much inhabited; here also was an easy passage to the third wall, through which he thought to take the upper city, and, through the tower of Antonia, the temple itself." (Josephus, Wars 5.257-260) Temple located 17 meters below the Al-Kas fountain: Josephus tells us that the Antonia fortress was built on a rock 25 meters above the temple mount floor platform. ... Pompey fills in this fosse and attacks the temple on the Sabbath. Strangely, the Jews for fear of breaking the 4th commandment, would not work at protecting against the attack. Perhaps we understand their thinking when they accused Jesus of breaking the Sabbath by healing a lame man. Then Josephus describes how Herod in 38 BC, attacked the temple from the north, in the ... ...
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435: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Babylonian Talmud 500 AD
For they do not wash their hands when they eat bread." And He answered and said to them, "Why do you yourselves transgress the commandment of God for the sake of your tradition?" (Matthew 15:2-3) "Then the disciples came and said to Jesus, "Do You know that the Pharisees were offended when they heard this statement?" But He answered and said, "Every plant which My heavenly Father did not plant shall be uprooted. "Let them alone; they are blind guides of ... The Babylonian Talmud was edited sometime after a.d. 500 and up to a.d. 600. As the name suggests, it was produced in Babylon, where a large Jewish population developed in the aftermath of the Babylonian capture of Jerusalem and destruction of the Jewish temple in 586 b.c. Most of the cited rabbinic authorities were from Babylon, though Palestinian authorities are also cited. Babli comments and expands upon the second, third, fourth and fifth divisions of the Mishnah, as well as part of the first division. Babli interprets and ... ...
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436: 796 BC Al Rimah Joash Conquest Stele of Adad-Nirari III, King ...
... First: 796 BC: Hazael, Ben-Hadad III's father, had taken the land of Samaria but when Hazael died, Joash took back the land from his son Ben-hadad III. This is in 796 BC when God sent a "deliverer" (Adad-nirari III, king of Assyria) "Then Jehoahaz entreated the favor of the Lord, and the Lord listened to him; for He saw the oppression of Israel, how the king of Aram oppressed them. The Lord gave Israel a deliverer, so that they escaped from under the hand of the Arameans; and the sons of Israel lived in their tents as formerly." (2 Kings 13:4-5) Second: Ben-hadad III attacks and recaptures Samaria for a time, but Joash goes to war and recaptures it a second time. Third: Ben-hadad III recaptures Samaria and Joash recovers it ... In this article, the biblical material will be dealt with in conjunction with the epigraphic data from the Near East. Hadad makes his first appearance as Adad in Old Akkadian texts, and in this guise he is important in the Mesopotamian world through the ... ...
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437: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Psalm 68 "He descended and ...
Sinai on Pentecost 1446 BC being applied to the incarnation, death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ is as awesome as it is surprising. The corresponding ascension and descending of Jesus in Ephesians leads us to look back to 1446 BC and realize that God himself ... First, Ps 142 focuses on David's feelings of near death when he first realized he was trapped inside the cave, "Maskil of David, when he was in the cave. A Prayer. I cry aloud with my voice to the LORD" (Psalm 142:title-1). Second, Ps 57 focuses on David's feelings of exhilaration and praise when he realizes that God has delivered him from what he thought was certain death: "For the choir director; set to Mikhtam of David, when he fled ... Even more spectacular is that it was three days from the time David almost got stoned to the time he learned he was the exalted king. This event therefore, is a messianic prophecy of the Death and Resurrection of Christ on the third day. a. "Now then, do not let my blood fall to ... ...
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438: Official creed of the Southern Baptist Church
... to 12:2; 1 Peter 1:2-5, 13; 2:4-10; 1 John 1:7-9; 2:19; 3:2 VI. The Church A New Testament church of the Lord Jesus Christ is a local body of baptized believers who are associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the gospel, observing the two ordinances of Christ, committed to His teachings, exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in them by His Word, and seeking to extend the gospel to the ends of the earth. ... The Lord's Supper is a symbolic act of obedience whereby members of the church, through partaking of the bread and the fruit of the vine, memorialize the death of the Redeemer and anticipate His second coming. Matt. 3:13-17; 26:26-30; 28:19-20; Mark 1:9-11; 14:22-26; Luke 3:21-22; 22:19-20; John 3:23; Acts 2:41-42; 8:35-39; 16:30-33; Acts 20:7; Rom. 6:3-5; 1 Cor. 10:16, 21; 11:23-29; Col. 2:12 VIII. The Lord's Day The first day of the week is the Lord's Day. It is a Christian institution for regular observance. It commemorates the resurrection of Christ ... ...
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439: Weekly Church Attendance is Essential!
... of this life to the word of God; but assemble yourselves together every day, morning and evening, singing psalms and praying in the Lord's house: in the morning saying the sixty-second Psalm, and in the evening the hundred and fortieth, but principally on the Sabbath-day. ... Yes, church attendance is necessary if a person is to grow in the "Grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ". There are many very valid reasons as to why we should attend the worship services of the church. We might begin by asking ourselves some questions: First: Has God left man to his choice about the matter? The Bible says in Hebrews 10:25, "Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting ... Such is not in keeping with the proper observance of the Lord's Day. We should use it to assemble together and to worship God in Spirit and in Truth, John 4:24. The early church gave the formula for church attendance in Acts 2:42. It reads simply: "They continued steadfastly ... ...
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440: What foundation is you home built upon?
What foundation is you home built upon? Our Lord frequently taught lessons of a moral and spiritual nature by the use of parables. One such lesson is found at the conclusion of the Sermon on the ... If it stands the test of time and is able to weather the storms, it must be built on a solid foundation. Jesus Christ is that foundation according to I Corinthians 3:11. In addition to a good foundation, quality materials, ingredients and workmanship must go into the building of a good life. Let's briefly consider some of these. The first ingredient is strong faith or trust in God. The Christian ... It never got into his heart." Unless the gospel message, by faith, permeates our hearts, it will be of no benefit to us. The second ingredient essential for good building is honesty. The Bible ... Eventually somebody will discover our dishonesty to our embarrassment. If not here, then in the hereafter. Honesty always pays because God always knows. A third ingredient for building a good life is ... ...
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441: The Ignatian Forgeries: They claim to be written by Ignatius ...
The fact that neither Eusebius (300 AD) nor Jerome (495 AD) make reference to the first 8 Ignatian letters (Tarsians, Antiochians, Hero, Philippians, Maria to Ignatius, Mary, 1st. St. John, 2nd St. John, Virgin Mary) ... The very first historical reference to the "Catholic Church" is nestled warmly between very strong commands to obey the bishop as you would Jesus Christ and the only valid baptism or communion service is one by the bishop's authority. We feel that is it no co-incidence that the first historical reference to the church as the "Catholic Church" is ... appear even here" (History of the Christian Church, Philip Shaff, Vol 2, ch 4) "Already, in the infancy of the episcopate, began the second stage of development, that of express emphasis upon its importance. ... Among the former was the late Chev. Bunsen; among the latter, an anonymous writer in the English Review, and Dr. Hefele, in his third edition of the Apostolic Fathers. In reply to those who had controverted his ... ...
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442: When the Bible was first viewed as having both an "Old and New ...
are coming, says the Lord, When I will effect a new covenant With the house of Israel and with the house of Judah; Hebrews 8:13 When He said, "A new covenant," He has made the first obsolete. But whatever is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to disappear. Hebrews 9:15 For this reason He is the mediator of a new covenant, so that, since a death has taken place for the redemption of the transgressions that were committed under the first covenant, those who have been called may receive the promise of the eternal inheritance. Hebrews 12:24 and to Jesus, the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks better than the blood of Abel. I. Comments by Scholars: "The term New Testament, as it is used in second-century Christian ... When Clement of Alexandria, Irenaeus, and-in the early third century-Tertullian and Origen1 refer to the second part of the Canonical Edition, they use the term New Testament." (The first edition of the New Testament, David Trobisch, p ... ...
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443: Archeology of Jewish Head Phylactery, Arm Tefillin, Door Mesusah ...
Head Phylactery, Arm Tefillin, Door Mezuzah, Blue garment tassels Rabbi Jesus Christ wore blue garment tassels Oldest Ancient manuscripts of the Old Testament (Tanakh) Archeological discoveries at ... a second important message for Jews today: "For the land, into which you are entering to possess it, is not like the land of Egypt from which you came, where you used to sow your seed and water it with your foot like a vegetable garden. "But the land into which you are about to cross to possess it, a land of hills and valleys, drinks water from the rain of heaven, a land for which the Lord your ... Everyone has a favorite Bible verse and in this outline you can see all treasured texts used by first century Jews. b. A phylactery is a small leather box containing scripture that is laced to the ... While Jesus criticized some of the Jews of his day for "putting on a show, just to be noticed", Jesus himself wore blue tassels on the fringe of his garment. b. The woman was healed by touching the ... ...
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444: East orientation of Jewish temples and altars
... And when He was received again into Heaven He was borne towards the East, and thus His apostles worship Him, and thus He will come again in the way in which they beheld Him going towards Heaven; as the Lord Himself said, As the lightning cometh out of the East and shineth even unto the West, so also shall the coming of the Son of Man be. So, then, in expectation of His coming we worship towards the East. But this tradition of the apostles is unwritten. For much that has been handed down to us by tradition is unwritten." (Hilary of Poitiers, John of Damascus. Chapter 12, ... Another misused verse is: "In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives, which is in front of Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in its middle from east to west by a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south." Zechariah 14:4. This had to do with Jesus first advent that ended in 30 AD, not the second coming. It is ... ...
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445: 7-seventh-day-adventist-false-tim-sly
... When Rea's research started getting out, the White Estate's first reaction was to try to cover it up and eventually it led to Rea's dismissal from the church. I will include this passage from his book. The Robert Olson mentioned here is from the Ellen White Estate: "Olson took to the stump in an all-out effort to blunt ... Ferederic W. Farrar 1877 o Walks and Homes of Jesus, Daniel March 1856 o Night Scenes in the Bible, Daniel March 1868-1870 o The Life of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, John Fleetwood 1844 o The Life and Works of Christ, Cunningham Geikie 1883 Here are some comparisons: The Desire of Ages Ellen G. White 1898 [466] No external force is employed. ... that are Christ's at his coming. 1 Cor. xv, 23. As this sheaf was like the grain in all the wide harvest-field, only that it was the first ripe grain, so Christ arose from the dead a sample of all the just to be raised at his second coming. Then all the saints will have glorious bodies, like that of their divine Lord. ... ...
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446: Messianic Bible Prophecy: God the Rock of Moses
... Jesus fulfills Ps 118 in three different ways. 1. First, during the triumphal entry Sunday, Ps 118:26 is the source of, "Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord", that the crowds applied to Jesus as Messiah (Mt 21:9). 2. Second, two days later on Tuesday, the temple priests challenged Jesus "by what authority do you do these things" and Jesus replied with the "rejected stone" typology. "The stone which the builders rejected Has become the chief corner stone. This is the Lord's doing; It is marvelous in our eyes." (Psalm 118:22-23) 3. Second, Jesus then applied Ps 118:26 ... For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." (1 Corinthians 3:10-11) 2. Out of Christians flows living water to save others through preaching the gospel: a. "Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink. "He who believes in Me, as the Scripture said, 'From his innermost being will flow rivers of living water." (John ... ...
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447: "Acts 29" Paul's 4th & 5th Missionary Journeys!
He must have taken a second pass through Miletus because he wrote 1 Timothy after his first pass through, but it was in 2 Timothy that Paul told Timothy about Trophemus. A single pass would require Paul to ... Phile. 1:10 2. The following men were with Paul in Rome: Timothy, Tychicus, Luke, Demas, Epaphras, Aristarchus, John-Mark 3. Paul was expecting to be released from prison, very different from the tone in 2 Timothy: Expected to visit Philippians: Phil 2:24 I trust in the Lord that I myself also shall be coming shortly. Expected to visit Colossians: Phile 22 And at the ... my departure for Macedonia, remain on at Ephesus" 3. Paul didn't leave Trophimus sick here but at the second pass through the following year: 2 Tim. 4:20 E. Paul didn't go to Ephesus 1. Acts 20:37 "And they ... informed us of your love in the Spirit. Col. 4:12 Epaphras, who is one of your number, a bondslave of Jesus Christ, sends you his greetings, always laboring earnestly for you in his prayers 4:10 Aristarchus, my ... ...
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448: What foundation is you home built upon?
What foundation is you home built upon? Our Lord frequently taught lessons of a moral and spiritual nature by the use of parables. One such lesson is found at the conclusion of the Sermon on the ... If it stands the test of time and is able to weather the storms, it must be built on a solid foundation. Jesus Christ is that foundation according to I Corinthians 3:11. In addition to a good foundation, quality materials, ingredients and workmanship must go into the building of a good life. Let's briefly consider some of these. The first ingredient is strong faith or trust in God. The Christian ... It never got into his heart." Unless the gospel message, by faith, permeates our hearts, it will be of no benefit to us. The second ingredient essential for good building is honesty. The Bible ... Eventually somebody will discover our dishonesty to our embarrassment. If not here, then in the hereafter. Honesty always pays because God always knows. A third ingredient for building a good life is ... ...
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449: Kadesh Barnea is located at Petra, Beidha and Basta
So they left Sinai on 1:1:1! (year:month:week) They navigated about 20 stops over a period of between 10.5 and 11 months between Sinai and Kadesh Barnea. c. They arrived at Kadesh Barnea in the first of the month of the third year or exactly 24 months after leaving Egypt. (Numbers 20:1) d. They celebrated their second Passover at Sinai, then leave almost immediately afterwards for Kadesh. They arrived at ... Perhaps Eusebius and the Madaba map were inspired by this verse to located the Desert of Kadesh: "The voice of the Lord shakes the wilderness; The Lord shakes the wilderness of Kadesh." Psalm 29:8 3. 400 AD: Jerome: En-mishpat, Kadesh, Spring of Judgement is at Petra: Gen 14:7 "Gen 14:7: And ... If we are going to find remnants of the 38 year Hebrew stay at Petra, the place to look is in the place the "Wadi of Moses" washes into the Arabah Valley. The many flash floods would wash evidence of Hebrew occupation downstream. In modern times, Petra was discovered by John Lewis Burckhardt ... ...
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450: When & Where Did The New Testament Church Begin?
... In verse 41, it states, "Then they that gladly received His word were baptized and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls". In verse 47, we read, "they were praising God and having favor with all the people, and the Lord added to the church daily such as should be ... He spoke of some future occasion, but, after the first feast of the Jewish Pentecost following His resurrection, the church was always spoken of as being in existence. Thus, the church had its beginning between the time that Jesus promised to build it and the close of that next Pentecost day. The second Chapter of Acts reveals for the first time all seven of the aforementioned cardinal facts. Speaking at ... When He comes again, it will not be to set up a kingdom, but to raise those that are in their graves, either to "the resurrection of life" or to "the resurrection of condemnation" (John 5:29). Any church not started in Jerusalem on the first Pentecost day following Christ's resurrection is not ... ...
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