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301: FORGERY: Fake Bulla of Baruch son of Neriah, Jeremiah's Scribe ...
... In the two Baruch Bullae, the supposed "Papyrus impressions" on the bottom of the bullae are a coarse pattern of parallel grooves, similar to that of a corn leaf. (see photo above) 11. Genuine Calcitic patina vs sand and clue: In genuine bullae, calcitic patina is created in the Mediterranean subhumid climatic conditions that ... Given the high value Christians and archeologists placed on the first bullae which was universally held up as genuine... it seemed like a safe bet to forge a second one. Their greed made them rich, but now that we know the truth they are laughing at us all! 5. Christians say: a. "IF ONLY IT WAS NOT A FRAUD AND FORGERY" b. "I AM ... house, to all the people." (Jeremiah 36:10) Gemariah: Jeremiah's scribe IAA legal excavation at City of David 1982 AD Outline See also: Creation of ancient legal documents and the how bullae are made to seal papyrus paper. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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302: Comparison list of 64 Moses/Christ Shadows, Types, Antitypes ...
... And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being covered with the waves; but Jesus Himself was asleep. And they came to Him and woke Him, saying, "Save us, Lord; we are perishing!" He said to them, "Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?" Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it ... 3:10) d. "We have this hope, a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters the inner shrine behind the curtain, where Jesus, a forerunner on our behalf, has entered, having become a high priest forever according to the order of Melchizedek." (Hebrews 6:19-20) e. "In my Father's house there are many dwelling places. ... Find a Bible blueprint church in your own home town: Click here to search Just type in your address and we will find the closest local church for you to attend. See also: Click to View MAIN Messianic Prophecy Website Click to View List of 70 similarities of Joseph as a type of Christ Click to View List of 64 similarities of Moses as a ... ...
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303: Difficult Questions for Mormons to answer
The Mormon Church The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter-day Saints Click to View Difficult Questions for Mormons Click to View Click to View Close-up of the golden Nephi Plates that were allegedly written in "Reformed Egyptian" General questions: Why did the angel take Nephi Plates back to heaven? Do they not belong with man? Would not ... Why doesn't a linguistical relationship exist between any native American language and ancient Egyptian or Hebrew? How did the Book of Mormon language evolve so rapidly into non-related Indian languages? Indo-European is much older than the Book of Mormon time period, yet vestiges of Indo-European exist through all of Europe and ... About 12 miles from the upper northern parts of the Choktah country, there stand...two oblong mounds of an equal direction with each other... A broad deep ditch inclosed those two fortress, and there they raised an high breast-work, to secure their houses from the invading enemy." In Alma it states, "Yea, he had been ... ...
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304: Coins of the Seleucid Empire: 321-64 BC
... I seized all its vessels of silver and gold, and I sent to destroy the inhabitants of Judah without good reason. I know that it is because of this that these misfortunes have come upon me; here I am, perishing of bitter disappointment in a strange land." Then he called for Philip, ... And it has seemed good to us to accept the shield from them. Therefore if any scoundrels have fled to you from their country, hand them over to the high priest Simon, so that he may punish them according to their law." The consul wrote the same thing to King Demetrius and to Attalus ... have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." (Colossians 1:13-14) Why not attend a local church that follows the pure Bible Blueprint in your own home town! Click here to find one GREEK EMPIRE COIN PAGES (333-31 BC) Macedonian Coins 333-302 BC Ptolemaic Coins 323-31 BC Seleucid Coins 321-64 BC Maccabean Coins 166-37 BC By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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305: Jezirat Faraun: Is This Solomon's Seaport? Alexander Flinder ...
... The harbor and its entrance were surveyed in more detail, and on the seaward side our divers located two mounds of collapsed building stones. One mound is vaguely circular in plan, about 7 feet in diameter and 7 feet high. The other, a little farther ... to the stonework of the medieval buildings on the northern hill (see photo). Moreover, while the base of this tower is square, the upper part is semicircular. Now we must turn to the difficult problem of dating. In the absence of a systematic excavation, the dating of the perimeter wall, as well as the harbor and jetties, must be conjectural. Some scholars have expressed the view that these structures are all Byzantine, but it is not implausible that they belong to earlier periods of occupation. ... lies buried somewhere beneath the sands of modern Eilat or Aqabah; but the site of Ezion-Geber is surely the island of Jezirat Faraun. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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306: A Note on an Inscription from Kuntillet Ajrud, Debra Chase
... The vertical shaft of 'alep is alongside the left v of the .fin of the abecedary. The stroke is broad, in the style characteristic of the inscription.13 The cross-bars, which are close together and rather high upon the shaft," are partially obscured by the .fin and taw of the abecedary. The lower crossbar is apparent on the left and the right side of the shaft, where it is at the same level as the bottom of the fin. It is not clear where the upper crossbar joins the lower one (to the left of the shaft) because of the curvature of the pithos in the photo, but a trace of this crossbar is visible breaking through to the ... Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 235: 27-30. Pardee, D. 1978 Letters from Tel Arad. Ugarit-Forschungen 10: 289-336. Singer, S. 1976 Cache of Hebrew and Phoenician Inscriptions Found in the Desert. Biblical Archaeology Review 2: 33-34. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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307: 1001 BC: Papyrus Moscow 127: Wermai's Odyssey & Tragic Tale of ...
... Continuing with the letter, this is an erratic, long and complicated journey in which we have to assume Wermai abandoned the boat along the way. Wennai clearly does not consider this wandering around the perimeters of Lower Egypt to be important to his story, it is delivered rapidly with scant information. In Kenmet, Wermai's ... Wermai begs the recipient for help with these matters; he begs that justice is done against the one who is victimizing him: 'that he may attack my suppressors'. Wermai's letter ends here. He has outlined at length his troubles, from his fall from presumed high status, to his temporary exile from Egypt to specific incidents of ... countless judgements in the past and never was grace not available until "noah shut the door". What we read in the book, we find in the ground, or in this case in the Papyrus Pushkin 127 manuscript that dates to 1001 BC. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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308: A treatise on insanity: in which are contained the Principles ...
... He would object to labeling the insane as biological misfits for life because it unnecessarily robs the soul of all hope. (A Treatise on Insanity, Philippe Pinel, 1806 AD) Pinel's table demonstrates his non-biological etiology of insanity Click to ... Willis, has given us the following account of his own case: "I always expected with impatience the accession of the paroxysms; since I enjoyed during their presence a high degree of pleasure. They lasted ten or twelve hours. Every thing appeared easy ... At length, he refused nourishment altogether; and, on the fourth day after that unfortunate resolution was formed, a state of langour succeeded, which excited considerable apprehensions for his life. Kind remonstrances and pressing invitations proved ... The great secret of his practice consisted in giving full employment to the remaining faculties of the lunatic. With that view, he compelled all his patients to work on his farm. He varied their occupations, divided their labour, and assigned to ... ...
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309: The "Aharoni Fortress" Near Quseima and the "Israelite Fortresses ...
... This settlement boom, entirely the fruit of external (Israelite) initiative, was short-lived. With the cessation of royal backing it declined rapidly, and the settlements were abandoned. What caused the cessation? This is one of the weak points of ... At any rate, Hatira is the only one with so many other rooms abutting the casemates. 15See also Herzog 1992: 233, 239. The publication of these reconstructions in that book grants them a degree of legitimation at least, in the editors' view, which I ... For a differently reasoned critique of the interpretation of these sites see Cohen 1986: 420-21. Elsewhere Herzog suggests that the settlements were built "preferably on a slope, probably for protection against high winds .....(Herzog 1992: 233). We ... Palestine Exploration Quarterly 106: 103-18; 107: 3-21. Rothenberg, B. 1967 Negev, Archaeology in the Negev and the Arabah. Ramat-Gan: Massada (Hebrew). By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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310: Coins of Greek Empire, Alexander the Great: Macedonian Era: 333 ...
... Hyrcanus II (Salome Alexandra): 76-67 BC 11. Aristobulus II: 67-63 BC 12. General Pompey captures Jerusalem and reappoints Hyrcranus II as high priest: 63 BC 13. Hycranus II exiled to Parthia: 40-36 BC 14. Antigonus II: 40-37 BC 15. Hycranus II lives with Babylonian Jews: 35 BC 16. ... Weight in shape of duck; inscription relates setting of this weight as 5 minas by of Ur (2094-48 B.C.) for the god Nanna of Ur 2070 BC A mina weighed about 0.6 kilograms, or 18 ounces, so this Duck Weight standard weighed 3 KG or about 6.5 lbs In the photo is a Hebrew coin struck ... have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." (Colossians 1:13-14) Why not attend a local church that follows the pure Bible Blueprint in your own home town! Click here to find one GREEK EMPIRE COIN PAGES (333-31 BC) Macedonian Coins 333-302 BC Ptolemaic Coins 323-31 BC Seleucid Coins 321-64 BC Maccabean Coins 166-37 BC By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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311: How to commit your unwanted, naggy or rich wife to a mental hospital
... They had endeavoured to do that long before, upon another business. Did not the governors, from learning that fact, direct that no man should again be put as keeper of the women? I do not recollect that they came to any resolution upon that case; it was about three years ago." (Report From The Committee On Madhouses In England, ... with straw, so as to hinder its passing through the wall; that he afterwards was confined in the manner we saw him, namely, a stout iron ring was rivetted round his neck, from which a short chain passed to a ring made to slide upwards or downwards on an upright massive iron bar, more than six feet high, inserted into the wall. ... The whole of this statement relative to William Norris was confirmed by the keepers." (Report From The Committee On Madhouses In England, 1815 AD, Testimony of A. Mr. E. Wakefield) H. The case of false committal of Alexander Cruden Click to View In 1738 AD, Alexander Cruden, who published Cruden's Concordance in 1735, was committed to ... ...
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312: 282 BC: Birth of the Greek Septuagint LXX
... Biblical coin expert David Hendin comments: "Ptolemy II sent envoys bearing gifts to the high priest in Jerusalem. The envoys were to ask not only for copies of the five books of Moses, but also for a group of scholars to translate them into Greek. ... to take away anything, or to add anything, or to alter anything, but were bound to preserve the original form and character of the whole composition, they looked out for the most completely purified place of all the spots on the outside of the city. ... of theirs, they enjoined, that if anyone observed either anything superfluous, or anything omitted, that he would take a view of it again, and have it laid before them, and corrected; which was a wise action of theirs, that when the thing was ... Steve Rudd, November 2017 AD: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections By Steve Rudd: November 2017: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Bible Manuscripts Page Go to: Main Ancient Synagogue ... ...
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313: Samaritan Pentateuch Textual Variants: Joshua's Altar was on ...
... Even if it cannot be attributed to the great-grandson of Aaron, the scroll's great age and its special place within the Samaritan community make the scroll worthy of high regard. The Abisha Scroll is only one manuscript among many that have become ... The author, while excavating "Joshua's Altar", took this photograph as Adam Zertal standing on Mt. Ebal, said the mountain behind him to the east was the true location of Mt. Gerizim. He has also published this view. g. All these changes predated the ... The original reading of Deuteronomy, "on Mount Gerizim," is preserved in this fragment. Thus, it should not be labeled "a variant;" the MT and related texts preserve the "variant" and it looks redactional and later. Here are the reasons for this ... Steve Rudd, November 2017 AD: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections By Steve Rudd: November 2017: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Bible Manuscripts Page Go to: Main Ancient Synagogue ... ...
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314: Security of Bulla and Seals Judah Israel. Creation of ancient ...
... Wall painting tomb of Rekhamire at Thebes: 1475-1448 BC 2. Egyptian Scribe's palette 1000 B.C. Thebes 3. Egyptian scribe with papyrus roll 5th Dynasty, Saqqara Scribes, high priests and kings were familial and dynastic positions passed from father to son. For example, during the time of Jeremiah the Shaphan and Neriah families were ... The intense heat would destroy most of the city, but the clay bullae would be fired like pottery, making them virtually indestructible. This "foresight" and "thoughtfulness" of the Assyrians, Babylonians and other ancient conquerors helped preserve the bullae that archaeologists are only now discovering. " (Six Biblical Signatures: ... in the bible. a. Archeology has recovered the actual names of many people in the Bible through fired clay bulla and seal stones. 3. What you read in the book you find in the ground! Ring seal of Holy Spirit Outline By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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315: Reconstructing Petra Smithsonian: June 2007; Vol 38 Num 3 By ...
... of Nabatea, the Great Temple (above) was a pile of rubble until archaeologists (led by Martha Sharp Joukowsky, left) started restoring It. By 100 B.c., the tribe had a king, vast wealth and a rapidly expanding capital city. Camels lumbered into Petra with boxes of frank-incense and myrrh from Oman, sacks of spices from India and bolts of cloth from Syria. Such wealth would have attracted raiders, but Petra's mountains and high ails protected the traders once they arrived in the city. ... Today, Jewish Hasidim, Muslim villagers and Christian tourists make the arduous trek up the steep mountainside out of reverence to Aaron, who, like his brother, Is regarded as a prophet by all three religions. At the top, the view to the west is of the ... We gallop down the bare mountain, raising dust and whooping like movie cowboys. (Reconstructing Petra, Smithsonian: June 2007; Vol 38, Num 3, Andrew Lawler ) By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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316: Absalom's insurrection, Rape of Tamar, Satan child: 990-979 BC ...
... The explanation of the name šĕlōmōh is given in 1 Chr 22:9 that Yahweh "will give šālôm (peace) and quiet to Israel in his days."" (ABD, Solomon) II. Dating Absalom's birth, life and death: (click on chronology chart below) David reigned as ... For the Lord had ordained to thwart the good counsel of Ahithophel, so that the Lord might bring calamity on Absalom." (2 Samuel 17:14) 5. David is warned and flees to Mahanaim: a. Hushai sends the two top spiritual leaders, Abiathar the high priest ... thing Absalom prided himself most in, became the object that God used to kill him: his hair. 5. "Now Absalom in his lifetime had taken and set up for himself a pillar which is in the King's Valley, for he said, "I have no son to preserve my name." ... Absalom's desire to make a name for himself echoes the tower of Babel and Saul's self-praise monument at Carmel. b. In the Kidron Valley in full view of the City of David and the Temple, stands the monument below which is viewed by some as being the ... ...
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317: Hypochondriasis: A Practical Treatise, John Hill, 1766 AD
Hypochondriasis: A Practical Treatise John Hill (Doctor) 1766 AD Click to View Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1766 AD, John Hill, a doctor, was contemporary with William Batty and John Monro of Bedlam. As such, he took the view that Hypochondriasis (depression) was induced by ... Still more idiosyncratic, perhaps, is Hill's contention (p. 25) that the air of dry, high grounds worsens the condition of the patient. Virtually every writer I have read on the subject believed that onset of the hyp was caused by one of the six non-naturals - air, diet, lack of sufficient sleep, too little or too much exercise, ... The finer spirits are wafted by the labour of the brain : the philosopher rises from his study more exhausted than the Peasant leaves his drudgery ; without the benefit that he has from exercise. Greatness of mind, and steady virtue; determined resolution, and manly firmness, when put in action, and intent upon their object, all ... ...
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318: mormon church: Critical Essay written in 1832 AD
This essay is important because it was written only 2 years after Joseph Smith first published the book of Mormon. The insights here are preserved in time for us at the very time the Mormon Church was born! Click to View An analysis of the book of ... to the great confusion of the Jews.' We have been thus particular in giving a view, of the incidents of the life of this impostor, as a specimen of the others; and because of some remarkable analogies between him and the present New York imposter. ... the plates of brass, and all the things which we had kept, to Alma the son of Alma, who was appointed 'chief judge and high priest,' the people willing to have no king, and Mosiah died five hundred sixty-nine years from the time Lehi left Jerusalem. ... But to represent God as inspiring a devout Jew and a prophet, such as Levi and Nephi are represented by Smith, with a resolution to forsake Jerusalem and God's own house, and to depart from the land which God swore to their fathers so long as they ... ...
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319: Official creed of the Evangelical church
... The CRE affirms the need for spiritually-disciplined, well-educated pastors, qualified in their households, grounded in rigorous and wise handling of the Scriptures, and exhibiting a thorough understanding of the biblical world and life view (1 Tim. ... While a formal seminary education may prepare a candidate for ordination, our confederation strongly prefers ministerial training, under the oversight of local church elders, which maintains high academic and theological standards (including training ... take the form of seeking to influence legislation and/or the electoral process; And in as much as churches wishing to preserve the tax deductible status of tithes, offerings, and other contributions must agree to limit such activities; Evangelical ... Article VIII. - Amendments This constitution may be amended at any time through unanimous consent of the Elders, after due consultation with the Electors of the church by mail and/or at the monthly men's meeting. Click Your Choice Go To Start: ... ...
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320: RaPseudo-Ephraem does not teach the Rapture!
Pre-tribulation rapture promoters twist Pseudo-Ephraem as badly as they twist the scriptures! The origin of Rapture doctrine click to view Introduction: 1. See also: The origin of Rapture doctrine 2. The false teachers who believe pre-tribulation ... They eat the flesh of children And also drink the blood of women. Clothed in tanned skins, They mount the winds and tempests; And rapidly, in the blink of an eye, They lay waste to cities, Topple their walls to the ground, And destroy the strong ... were clouds. 'Fish will shudder before them, (As will) the birds of the sky And wild beasts and vermin of the earth And every species in creation; High mountains will be thrust down And fortified towers will collapse, Even the walls of the cities.' ... abyss of everlasting fire alive with his father Satan; and all people, who do his wishes, shall perish with him forever; but the righteous ones shall inherit everlasting life with the Lord forever and ever. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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321: Holy Spirit in the New Testament The Gift of the Holy Spirit
... Isa. 28:11: "For with stammering lips and another tongue will I speak to this people." To Start Seeking, say the words of Praise in a paragraph below over and over very rapidly for 2 or 3 minutes, then go to the next paragraph, repeating the words of ... Rom 8:14 For all who are being led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God. c. Gal 5:18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. 20. overshadow a. Luke 1:35 the power of the Most High will overshadow you 21. DESCENDING a. Matt ... in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise, who is given as a pledge of our inheritance, with a view to the redemption of God's own possession, to the praise of His glory." (Ephesians 1:13-14) d. "how will we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? ... Gift of the Holy Spirit Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Tongues have Ceased By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click ... ...
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322: Synagogue prototype master summary chart and introduction: The ...
Weekly attendance No (3 times a year) Yes: every Sabbath Yes: every first day, Sunday. Acts 20:7; 1 Cor 16:2 Government Levitical High priest Sole top authority (like Catholic Pope) Democracy: Body of equal rulers (Mark 5:22, 35-36, 38; Luke 8:41, ... Though it is widely believed that the Khazar leaders converted to Judaism to preserve Khazaria's independence against its Muslim and Christian neighbors, the preexisting Jewish communities doubtless played a role in influencing their decision. The ... Everyday life: Archeology of Everyday Life and Homes at the time of Jesus Master List: Master list of First Temple Period, Pre-70 AD Synagogues Attend a church you can read about in the Bible: Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd 2017: ... (the branch) as their messiah. It's time to come home! Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Ancient Synagogue Start Page Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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323: Origin of Synagogues: 10 Reasons why Synagogues began in Alexandria ...
... At the time of Jesus, the Greek Septuagint (LXX) was accepted by the Jews in their Synagogues as "equivalent to" the Hebrew Tanakh. (Old Testament). Christians today view the English KJV or NASB as "equal to" the Greek and Hebrew originals. Since it ... W (worship): a. "Then he brought all the priests from the cities of Judah, and defiled the high places where the priests had burned incense, from Geba to Beersheba; and he broke down the high places of the gates which were at the entrance of the gate ... Six chamber gates have been excavated at Lachish, Ashdod and Dor. d. David built 2 four chamber gates at Qeiyafa, (see photo above) one facing south and one facing west as reflected in the Biblical name "Sha'arayim" which literally means "two gates". ... Everyday life: Archeology of Everyday Life and Homes at the time of Jesus Master List: Master list of First Temple Period, Pre-70 AD Synagogues Attend a church you can read about in the Bible: Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd 2017: ... ...
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324: Memories Dreams Reflections, Carl Gastav Jung, 1961 AD
Memories Dreams Reflections Carl Gastav Jung 1961 AD Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1920 AD, Carl Gastav Jung, Swiss psychiatrist, (1875-1961 AD) had crystallized his "analytical psychology" (or "Jungian psychology") which rejected the biopsychiatric model of the etiology of ... His mother was the owner of a large company, and the unusually talented son occupied a leading post in the firm. He really should long since have escaped from his oppressive sub-ordination to his mother, but he could not summon up the resolution to throw up his excellent position. Thus he remained chained to his mother, who had ... The moon, it seemed, was inhabited, but at first she had seen only men. They had at once taken her with them and deposited her in a sublunar dwelling where their children and wives were kept. For on the high mountains of the moon there lived a vampire who kidnaped and killed the women and children, so that the moon people were ... ...
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325: Archaeology and the Religions of Canaan and Israel, Beth Alpert ...
... The copious amounts of material from Ugarit may, then, suggest what LB Canaanite religion was like" (Hackett 1997b: 413; see also Schaeffer 1939: 57- 60; Coogan 1978: 9-10; Day 1992: 831-32).5 Several issues thus require resolution. One is ... Frazer used ethnographic studies of extant religions in his examination of ancient religious texts and employed an evolutionary model in which societies progressed from savagery to a high plane of moral and religious development. Over time, societies ... While scholars differed over the degree to which Israelite religion was indebted to that of the Canaanites, they generally accepted an evolutionary perspective. In this view, Canaanites had been engaged in primitive and pagan rites but, by the time ... The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago) 6Burton MacDonald "East of the Jordan": Territories and Sites of the Hebrew Scriptures By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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326: Timna: Valley of the Biblical Copper Mines, Beno Rothenberg, ...
... Iron was obviously still a rare material used only for jewellery. The list of metal offerings ends with two unique figurines with human features. One is a 4 cm. high, primitively cast, copper figurine, 4 56 Balance beam with attached chain-link 57 ... The overall thickness of the wall with its inner casemate rooms is over six and a half metres. A truly mighty structure built to withstand the fury of the violent storms that can develop so rapidly in this short strip of the Great Rift Valley. The ... In my view it is this slim stretch of sea that holds the key to the whole history of the development of Jezirat Fara'un ; for here we have an anchorage, the best natural haven for ships in the northern half of the Gulf. 'I had occasion to return to ... Fara'un, testified by pottery and other finds, could pre-date the earliest structures on the island. There was no need for such 206 207 By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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327: Ancient Synagogue Apamea, Laodicea, Pergamus, Adramyttium Marcus ...
... And who is there, O judges, who cannot honestly praise this measure? The senate had often decided, and when I was consul it came to a most solemn resolution that gold ought not to be exported. But to resist this barbarous superstition were an act of ... Sopater, the ambassador of Hyrcanus the high priest, hath delivered us an epistle from thee, whereby he lets us know that certain ambassadors were come from Hyrcanus, the high priest of the Jews, and brought an epistle written concerning their ... Everyday life: Archeology of Everyday Life and Homes at the time of Jesus Master List: Master list of First Temple Period, Pre-70 AD Synagogues Attend a church you can read about in the Bible: Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd 2017: ... (the branch) as their messiah. It's time to come home! Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Ancient Synagogue Start Page Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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328: Marriage in the Bible
... He contrived, therefore, to overturn his father's settlements, as thinking it a terrible thing that they should be so related to him and be so powerful withal. (18) So Herod yielded to him, and changed his resolution at his entreaty; and the determination now was, that Antipater himself should marry Aristobulus's daughter, and ... The city of Corinth had such a bad reputation of NOT being a virgin, that when a young girl started to sleep around with men and live a wild life of immoral drunkenness, they would say, "She has Corinthisized". There was likely a very high percentage of the Christian women at who attended weekly with the church at Corinth, were not ... of the Husband over his wife 8. Submission of the wife to her husband 9. Husband's complaints about his wife 10. Wife's complaints about her husband 11. The pattern of sex on demand in marriage 12. Marriage and Relationship counseling 13. Parenting skills and the discipline of children Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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329: Transjordan Early Edom And Moab 1900 BC
... Both of these pieces are now attributed to the 13th/12th centuries BC (Zayadine 1991:37 and pls.33-34), and represent monumental-type art on a modest scale (Baltea stela 1.7 m. [c. 5+ feet], Shihan stela 1.03 m. [c. 3+ feet] high) as prestige symbols ... However, the form of the Ammonite crown suggests that it was adopted and adapted not from Egypt directly, but via Phoenicia and the Levant. As in both areas, this is principally a crown of deities, and one may here endorse the view that the relevant ... List, KRI 11:178, No.19. 35. The actual state of the wall and of the texts is clearly represented in Kitchen 1964:49, fig.7, AI, A and B (the photo in p1.3 is not adequate); the text in KRI 11:180:2 resulted from repeated careful collation of the ... the problem of assessing the quality of site recovery rather than continually attempting to maximize the quantity of sites recorded. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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330: Egyptian Conquest name list Maps: 1450 - 1279 BC. They're Digging ...
... Hebron: Joshua 15:54 - - Hebron Hebron Janim: Josh 15:53 - - Janim - - - - Drbn - Aphekah: Josh 13:53 - - Apheqah Kh. Marajim King Jabin Judg 4-5 - - King Jabin - II. Photo gallery of geographic name lists: 1. Thutmoses III topographical List (1450 BC) and Ramesses II List (1279-1212 BC): Amon Temple at Karnak: a. The earliest ... Significantly, noneof the data in the front Pylon lists has any connection with the king's own wars, so far as we can determine currently. For that, one must go to the heraldic scenes of vanquished chiefs on the façades of the Eastern High Gate, with chiefs of Sea Peoples, etc. Thus, the big lists of Ramesses III have become a ... then, be allowed to rebuild and get on with becoming Pharaoh's profitable vassal. Thus, all of us, including archaeologists, need to be careful in interpreting Egyptian written data and site destruction levels alike. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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331: King Jeroboam tel dan high place altar 1340-723 BC. They're Digging ...
... In all this Jeroboam never repented and became the "poster child" king for Satan. Jeroboam died in 910 BC but Ben-Hadad I invaded and conquered Tel Dan just 15 years later in 895 BC. V. Chronological archeological photo gallery of Tel Dan: 1340 - 50 BC This is how Tel Dan looks today. In the forefront is the Hellenistic stone wall. ... A bilingual inscription in Greek and Aramaic referring to "the god who is in Dan" confirms the identification of the site as well as the existence of the shrine throughout the Hellenistic period (the third to the beginning of the first century B.C.E.)." (Sacred Spaces: Of standing stones, high places and cult objects at Tel Dan, ... of Jordan River water system began at Tel Dan 3. Book of Ruth: Ruth and Boaz lived in the time of Ehud: 1300 BC 4. Harmony of Othneil, Ehud, Judges 17-18, Judges 19-21 and Ruth 5. Chronology of the book of Judges solved By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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332: Official creed of the Orthodox church
... Liturgies, and Memorials. 2. Record their names that they may be remembered by the ministers of the Most High God at the Divine Liturgy and especially on the Soul-Sabbaths, which the Church appointed for memorial services for our beloved departed. ... of Christ, thank God that He has counted us worthy to be cleansed again by the bath of repentance, and we beseech Him that He may preserve us from sudden death which does not afford us an opportunity for a last confession and the Holy Communion. ... to the assurance and the practice of physicians. 2. From a Divine view, it is impossible that the Divine Power should leave exposed to dangers men who are doing that which the God-man commanded them as necessary for the salvation of the soul. ... him with oil, and the prayer of faith shall save the sick and the Lord will raise him up, and if he has committed sins, they shall be forgiven him." ...(James, Chapter 5, Verses 14-15) Orthodox Creed Orthodox Catechism Click Your Choice Go To Start ...
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333: Prophecy Blunders! 100 Years of Failed Watchtower prophecies
... What changes have since occurred, and what velocity is gained daily? 'The old is quickly passing and the new is coming in.' Now, in view of recent labor troubles and threatened anarchy, our readers are writing to know if there may not be a mistake in ... Rutherford pictured the arrival of the biblical delegation perhaps in frock coats, high hats, canes and spats. At Beth Sarim (House of Princes) as Rutherford has named his mansion, David will find the most modern appliances that science has devised. ... What, then, does it mean that the Theocratic Government is now suppressed in many nations? It means that the hour is rapidly approaching when the "sign" of Armageddon will be clearly revealed and all who are on the side of Jehovah will see and ... in the Creator's promise of a peaceful and secure world that is about to replace the present wicked, lawless system of things." We speak the truth in Love... Go back to Main Jehovah's Witness Index Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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334: Jesus Master Builder carpenter stonemason creator build temple ...
... The burnt lime was then slaked with water until a thick white mixture was obtained. A combination of the lime with aggregates such as sand or crushed quartz produced the lime-based cement. This high-quality bonding material made possible the construction of stone walls to full height. Its main function was to bond the stones in the ... Wattle and daub roof construction at Marisa (photo Brian Peterson) b. Definitions: i. dokos: "a piece of heavy timber such as a beam used in roof construction or to bar a door, beam of wood" (BADG, dokos) ii. karphos: "any small dry body, esp. dry stalk, as of the dry sticks of cinnamon; of rice-straw, generally, in plural, dry ... forefathers living in Jerusalem 2000 years ago when they believed in Jesus the Nazarene (the branch) as their messiah. It's time to come home! Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Ancient Synagogue Start Page Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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335: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Titus Flavius Josephus (Joseph ...
... that it would be a right thing for him, who designed to grant them peace, without their expectation of such a favor, to preserve the laws of those they saved inviolable. (103) Thus did this man put a trick upon Titus, no so much out of regard to the ... Now Jonathan died when he had been high priest four years, and had been also the governor of his nation. And these were the circumstances that concerned his death." (Josephus Antiquities 13.210-212, 125 BC) 18. Rome: a. "Julius Caius, praetor ... Everyday life: Archeology of Everyday Life and Homes at the time of Jesus Master List: Master list of First Temple Period, Pre-70 AD Synagogues Attend a church you can read about in the Bible: Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd 2017: ... (the branch) as their messiah. It's time to come home! Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Ancient Synagogue Start Page Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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336: Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs 100 BC: 70 Weeks of Daniel
... And so perisheth every young man, darkening his mind from the truth, and not understanding the law of God, nor obeying the admonitions of his fathers, as befell me also in my youth. And now, children, love the truth, and it shall preserve you. I counsel you, hear ye Reuben your father. Pay no heed to the sight of a woman, nor yet ... Nevertheless the temple of God shall be built in your portion, and shall be glorious among you. For He shall take it, and the twelve tribes shall be gathered together there, and all the Gentiles, until the Most High shall send forth His salvation in the visitation of His only-begotten one. And He shall enter into the front of the ... Canon of the Bible Chronology Charts Seder Olam Rabbah Steve Rudd, November 2017 AD: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections By Steve Rudd: November 2017: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Bible Manuscripts Page Go to: Main Ancient Synagogue Start Page Go To Start: ... ...
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337: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Tosefta 250 AD
Tosephta, Tosepta 250 AD "Out of Egypt did I call my Son" Moses, Jesus, the church via Synagogues that began in Egypt in 280 BC The photo above of the ancient parchment is from Cambridge Taylor-Schechter Tosefta Geniza Fragment T-S E1.137 - Temurah ... The THREE OLDEST synagogue inscriptions ever found are all dedicated to and thank Ptolemy III. The earliest synagogue inscriptions give high praise to Ptolelmy III for granting the Jews "sanctuary" rights and allowed them to build synagogues. Cairo ... F And he who hits him hits with one hand, with all his might." (Mishnah Makot 3:12-13) 4. Public readings: a. "[I:1 A] [73d], Said R. Yohanan, "[The rule of M. 3:1A] represents the view of R. Menahem b. R. Yosé. For R. Menahem b. R. Yosé said, 'The ... Everyday life: Archeology of Everyday Life and Homes at the time of Jesus Master List: Master list of First Temple Period, Pre-70 AD Synagogues Attend a church you can read about in the Bible: Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd 2017: ... ...
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338: Cosmic Consciousness, Richard Maurice Bucke, 1901 AD
... Thus, in the Aryan race, the faculties that have evolved most in the last few thousand years are the mental ones: the intellectual, arising from the central nervous system, and the moral, arising from the sympathetic nervous system. Because these have evolved so rapidly it is logical, according to Bucke, that defects and ... We cannot imagine a jump from the total non-appearance of a given function in certain members of a species to the absolute perfection and solidity of the same function in the rest of the members. We know that species do not grow that way. We know that in a race in which we have some men seven feet high and others only four that we ... would be our spiritual death. This new race is in act of being born from us, and in the near future it will occupy and possess the earth. p 383 THE END By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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339: Origin of the Philistines, Sea Peoples, Pentapolis Cities, Goliath
... Image of Plate 28: 4. Plate 37: Philistines attack Israel: 1177 BC: a. Discussion of Plate 37: This is a huge wall relief of 75 vertical lines of hieroglyphic text measuring 15 meters wide x 5.6 meters high. This scene shows a naval battle, with four Egyptian ships engaged with five Philistine ships, one of which is capsized. The ... In seeking a resolution to the problem presented by the mention of the Chaldeans in the patriarchal narratives, we must realize that "commitment to inerrancy, even in its broader terms, doubtless requires faith in the future resolution of a number of problems in Scripture, through a deeper penetration of the text itself and of the ... the Philistine VI. Philistine and Libyan Prisoners of War: VII. Philistine war gear: Feathered and horned helmets, spears and shields: 1177 BC VIII. Philistines trigger collapse of Bronze Age and mark beginning of Iron age: 1177 BC Conclusion By Steve Rudd. Contact author with comments or questions. Click to View Go To Start ...
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340: Debate with Catholic on Sola Scriptura (Riggs Vs Lopez)
... Even if a Christian had adequate time to study the Bible sufficiently, it will do him no good if he lacks a diet sufficiently nutritious to let his brain function properly and his mind work clearly; g) Sola Scriptura also presupposes a high level of ... He said the Catholic Church was not responsible for providing the bible, (1R, Par. 19) I showed even through Martin Luther to be false (2R, Par. 12). Theoretically if the Catholic Church did not provide and preserve the bible, he still has not proved ... The Holy Spirit is to guide us into all truth (Jn 16:13) through the one Church Jesus established (Mt. 16:18, 18:15-18). 8] My opponent is quite selective in what those who follow the apostles can and can not do. When it confirms the Catholic view, ... Version, and Catholic Edition-Revised Standard Version, The New American Bible, the New American Standard Version, and the New King James Version. Agreed to by Michael Lopez Agreed to by David J. Riggs Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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341: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Philo of Alexandria: 38 AD
... Introduction: A. About the Philo Fragment in photo above: 1. Fragments of early papyrus codex in Greek: Old Testament scripture interpreted by Philo of Alexandria. reco-Roman Egypt, 3rd century CE, found at Oxyrhynchus, 8 x 12 in. (20.3 x 30.5 cm), ... Ephesians, sendeth greeting. (226) Alexander, the son of Theodorus, the ambassador of Hyrcanus, the son of Alexander the high priest and ethnarch of the Jews, appeared before me, to show that his countrymen could not go into their armies, because ... Everyday life: Archeology of Everyday Life and Homes at the time of Jesus Master List: Master list of First Temple Period, Pre-70 AD Synagogues Attend a church you can read about in the Bible: Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd 2017: ... (the branch) as their messiah. It's time to come home! Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Ancient Synagogue Start Page Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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342: Dictionary of the secret language of Scientology
... The pirates used the same tech, but they called it walking the plank. O/W, Overts and Withholds, undisclosed naughty (anti-Scientology) acts and the attempt to hide them from public view. Also called O/W "tech". P: Return to the Index PAB, ... They are not dependent upon an organism for their continued existence. Any *facsimile* which has been recorded is there to be recalled - when the individual has risen high enough on the tone scale, when he has regained enough of his self-determinism. ... Paranoid, a person with delusions, as of grandeur or, especially, persecution. (HCOB 11 May, AD 15) Present Time, the time which is now and which becomes the past almost as rapidly as it is observed. It is a term loosely applied to the environment ... Posting-Frequency: monthly Last-modified: 1997/07/19 Copyright: (c) 1994-1997 Martin Hunt Go to church of Scientology EXPOSED website (The interactive Bible is not affiliated with the church of Scientology) Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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343: 495-399 BC: The Judean Elephantine Egyptian Papyrus letters to ...
... In a draft letter to a high Persian official, Jedaniah and his colleagues clearly state that they will not make burnt-offerings at the temple if they are allowed to rebuild it: Your servants-Jedaniah son of Gema[riah] by name, 1 Mauzi son of Nathan ... D. Elephantine Temple Papyri #2: "Water well stopped up and Temple Destruction" (no photo) 1. Discussion about the Elephantine Temple Papyri #2: "Water wells stopped up and Temple Destruction" a. Water wells stopped up and Temple Destruction: "This ... Permission was granted (Elephantine Temple Papyri) but the temple never got built. "The reasons for this destruction are not given, and the explanation may be complex. The simple view is that the priests of the Khnum temple were outraged to see the ... basic details. 4. Sanballat is directly named in the Bible: Nehemiah 2:10, 5:14-15, 8:9 What we read in the book, we find in the ground. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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344: The Amarna Letters and tablets 1406 - 1340 BC. Conquest of Joshua ...
... This cannot be confirmed or denied, however, since the Hazor tablet is not precisely dated and, in addition, the last part of the name is missing. The letter was written by an appointee of the king and concerns a disagreement over the transfer of a young woman, possibly a slave. Exhibiting a high-quality style of writing, the ... While these religions of monotheism had their origin in pagan idol worship in the day they were invented. Islam is pagan monotheism of "sanitized" moon worship of Allah. 3. In the photo below, we have Akhenaten with his wife Nefertiti, his child under the sun god "Aten" whose rays of blessing are showering down upon them. V. Master ... (Joshua 11:19-23) The Amarna Tablets are an incredible second witness to the conquest of the Promised Land under the command of Joshua. Be assured that the Amarna letters are indeed a true record of the Hebrew conquest. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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