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201: Early Christian faith on Trinity, deity of Christ, personality ...
... Many but not all Trinitarians would have no problem affirming, along side of Justin, that Jesus as uncreated God, was referred to as the Angel of Jehovah.] "HOW GOD APPEARED TO MOSES. And all the Jews even now teach that the nameless God spake to Moses; whence the Spirit of prophecy, accusing them by Isaiah the prophet mentioned above, said "The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his ... Now, the scriptures would not have testified these things of Him, if, like others, He had been a mere man. (Irenaeus Against Heresies, chapter xix.2) 180 AD Irenaeus "For the Church, although dispersed throughout the whole world even to the ends of the Earth, has received from the apostles and from their ... Being incorporeal, He was in the body; being impassible, He was in a passible body; being immortal, He was in a mortal body; being life, He became subject to corruption, that He might free our souls from death and corruption, and heal them, and might restore them to health, when they were diseased with ... ...
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202: Why is Christianity the only true world Religion?
He led armies that in time captured the territory of Arabia. The teachings of Muhammad were soon recorded in what is known as the Koran. Of course, like Confucius, Buddha and others, Muhammad went to his grave and remains there. When one turns ... Only in Christianity do we find a prophetic message heralding one who is to be sent out from God as man's deliverer and Savior; the only begotten Son, designated God with us and known as prophet, priest, king, wonderful, counsel-or, mighty God, everlasting Father, ... Ma ry, his mother, was reminded by an angel that her conception was divinely authorized. Read Luke 1:26-35. Joseph, who was engaged to Mary, was informed by the angel that her conception was of the Holy Spirit - Matthew 1:20. The angels ... Acts 1:9 reads, "And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight." Verses ten and eleven inform us that two men in white clothing stood beside them and said: "Ye men of ... ...
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203: Premillennial Theology Refuted: Christ is on Throne of David ...
David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. "And so, because he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him with an oath to seat one of his descendants on his throne, he looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of the Christ, that He was neither abandoned to Hades, nor did His flesh suffer decay. "This Jesus God raised up again, to which we are all witnesses. "Therefore having been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured forth this which you both see and hear. "For it was not David who ascended into heaven, but he himself says: 'The Lord said to my Lord, "Sit ... sit on the throne of David, which was God's throne in heaven, where it always was, forever. 9. The entire notion of an earthly throne in Jerusalem for 1000 year not only has no support, it is an insult to God because the throne rightfully has always belonged in heaven. 10. A restored earthly throne as proposed by ... ...
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204: The Mormon church examined and refuted!
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Examined, Refuted, Rejected! Click to View Definition of a Mormon: "Someone who accepts Joseph Smith as a prophet and the book of Mormon (translated from the Nephi Plates) as an inspired message from God." (Left: Joseph Smith receiving the Nephi Plates from Angel Moroni) Why we must reject the book of Mormon: 1. The Book of Mormon does not ... Mormons claims these errors were introduced in one or all of the following ways: i. the Holy Spirit chose to write the Book of Mormon in bad grammar. (if so, then the modern updates violate the wishes of the Holy Spirit who wanted it written that way) ii. the person whom Joseph Smith dictated the words to from ... Click to View Overview of the Mormon church Click to View Mormonism Is A Different Gospel and therefore condemned Click to View God had sex with Mary to conceive Jesus Click to View A 170 year old critical review of Mormonism at its birth time (1832 AD) Click to View God was once just a man! Man ... ...
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205: The Catholic Church did not Give the world The Bible!
Please notice the following from Catholic sources: "If she had not scrutinized carefully the writings of her children, rejecting some and approving others as worthy of inclusion in the canon of the New Testament, there would be no ... In reality, the Bible is inspired and has authority, not because a church declared it so, but because God made it so. God delivered it by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and declared that it would abide forever. "All scripture is inspired of God..." (2 Tim. 3:16). "...Holy men of God spoke as ... The Old Testament books were gathered into one volume and were translated from Hebrew into Greek long before Christ came to earth. The Septuagint Version was translated by seventy scholars at Alexandria, Egypt around the year 227 ... The Catholic Church does not allow a bishop to marry, while the Bible says "he must be married." Furthermore, if the Bible is a Catholic book, why did they write the Bible as it is, and feel the necessity of putting footnotes at the ... ...
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206: Jewish Messianic Expectation at the time of Christ
... the patriarch David that he both died and was buried, and his tomb is with us to this day. "And so, because he was a prophet and knew that God had sworn to him with an oath to seat one of his descendants on his throne, he looked ahead and spoke ... fitted together, is growing into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit." (Ephesians 2:19-22) II. Non-Biblical, 1st century Jewish Messianic beliefs: 6000 years + 1000 years "Days of the ... D. It has been taught on Tannaite authority in accord with the view of R. Qattina: E. Just as at the advent of the Sabbatical Year the world will lie fallow for one out of seven years. F. so it is with the world. A thousand years will the world ... Priest-King Zech 6:12-13 4QTestimonia While others minted a coins with either King or Priest on them, Antigonus II was the only other Hasmonean to mint a single coin with both priest and king on it. With Herod's rebuilt of the temple in 18 BC, ... ...
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207: Official creed of Anglican/Episcopal Church
... The Third Book of Esdras [I Esdras] The Fourth Book of Esdras [II Esdras] The Book of Tobias The Book of Judith The rest of the Book of Esther The Book of Wisdom Jesus the Son of Sirach [or Ecclesiasticus] Baruch the Prophet The Song of th e ... XIII. Of Works before Justification. Works done before the grace of Christ, and the Inspiration of his Spirit, are not pleasant to God, forasmuch as they spring not of faith in Jesus Christ, neither do they make men meet to receive grace, or (as the School-authors say) ... XXVII. Of Baptism. Baptism is not only a sign of profession, and mark of difference, whereby Christian men are discerned from others that be not christened, but it is also a sign of Regeneration or new Birth, whereby, as by an instrument, they ... And therefore whosoever are consecrated or ordered according to the Rites of that Book, since the second year of the forenamed King Edward unto this time, or hereafter shall be consecrated or ordered according to the same Rites; we decree all ... ...
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208: First Century Synagogue Top Plans: Delos, Greece 250 BC
... Jesus said to her, "You are right in saying, 'I have no husband'; for you have had five husbands, and the one you have now is not your husband. What you have said is true!" The woman said to him, "Sir, I see that you are a prophet. Our ancestors ... But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father seeks such as these to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth." The woman said to ... The reaper is already receiving wages and is gathering fruit for eternal life, so that sower and reaper may rejoice together. For here the saying holds true, 'One sows and another reaps.' I sent you to reap that for which you did not labor. Others ... Beforehand, it is opined that the building was used for other purposes, either as a private home (White) or a pagan cultic hall (Runesson). On the other hand, some believe that the building functioned as a synagogue even earlier, and thus dates ... ...
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209: The Septuagint: God approved Translation in every synagogue like ...
Indeed, Greek-speaking Christians use it so generally that many of them do not even know that the others exist. From the Septuagint a Latin translation has been made, and this is the one which the Latin churches use." (Augustine, City of God 18.43, 400 AD) God foresaw at the tower of Babel the His word MUST be translated and the Holy Spirit wrote it in such a way so that the original meaning would transcend the translation process. In 446 BC, Nehemiah translated Hebrew into Aramaic for ... of Jesus Christ in 2 BC and the church in 33 AD. After the first attack of Nebuchadnezzar in 605 BC until the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD, the Jewish state NEVER again achieved independence except for this tiny 47 year window under the Hasmoneans. ... the Ethiopians, who was in charge of all her treasure; and he had come to Jerusalem to worship, and he was returning and sitting in his chariot, and was reading the prophet Isaiah [in Greek]. Then the Spirit said to Philip, "Go up and join this chariot." ... ...
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210: Is the Catholic church an infallible interpreter of scripture ...
... The inspired writers taught that we most certainly can understand the Scriptures. "For we write nothing to you that you do not read and understand." (2 Cor. 1:13). "...How that, according to revelation the mystery has been made known to me, as I ... Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by the impulse of man, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." (Catholic Edition, Revised Standard Version). Catholic writers usually only quote the first verse (vs. 20). ... Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary says, "prophecy" means "1: the vocation of a prophet; specif: the inspired declaration of divine will and purpose 2: an inspired utterance of a prophet." Thus, Peter is saying that no prophecy of ... then shall be done in the end thereof?" (Jer. 5:31). "Therefore will I give their women to strangers, their fields to others for an inheritance: because from the least even to the greatest all follow covetousness: from the prophet even to the ... ...
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211: Archeology of Jewish Head Phylactery, Arm Tefillin, Door Mesusah ...
In the most calculated way, Stephen said to the Sanhedrin in the presence of Apostle Paul: "You men who are stiff-necked and uncircumcised in heart and ears are always resisting the Holy Spirit; you are doing just as your fathers ... valleys, drinks water from the rain of heaven, a land for which the Lord your God cares; the eyes of the Lord your God are always on it, from the beginning even to the end of the year. "It shall come about, if you listen obediently to my commandments which I am commanding you today, to love the ... from a hemorrhage for twelve years, came up behind Him and touched the fringe [tassels] of His cloak;" (Matthew 9:20) c. "They do all their deeds to be seen by others; for they make their phylacteries broad and their fringes long. ... rise up. "You shall bind them as a sign on your hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. "You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." (Deuteronomy 6:6-9) 2. ""You shall therefore impress these ... ...
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212: Trinity: Oneness in unity not in number: Yachid vs. Echad
... It is significant that Jesus did not use "mono" in Mk 12:29. The word "hen" directly corresponds to "echad" which was used in Deut 6:4. Both texts used "unified oneness" words rather than absolute numeric oneness to the exclusion of all others. This ... and incorrectly, the law speaks of a slave and his masters (ʾadonim, referring to just one master), in Isaiah 19:4, the prophet tells Israel that God will hand them over to a cruel lord (Hebrew, ʾadonim qasheh, a plural noun with a singular ... p9, 2000 AD) This correct observation does not change the fact that the Holy Spirit chose to use a plural word to refer to God in a polytheistic world of pagan gods instead of the singular "el". It must be most troubling for Jews that their word of choice (yachid) to describe God's oneness is never actually used in the Bible. They should give up their 2000 year old rebellion against Christianity, be more truthful and not engage in a deliberate action of misrepresenting what the Bible says. ... ...
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213: Book of Balaam Son of Beor Inscription at Tell Deir Alla, Succoth ...
... room of a building that is commonly believed to have been a sanctuary. Written in black and red ink on white plaster, fragments of the texts were found on the floor of that room when the building was destroyed by a violent earthquake-one of the many that plagued the region. ... Unfortunately, only the first letter of her name has been preserved (line 6), so her identity can only be a matter of conjecture. Like the deceiving spirit sent forth from the divine council witnessed by the prophet Micaiah the son on Imlah (1 Kgs 22:5-18) and like the adversary in the divine council who was permitted by God to set forth to harm Job (Job 1:6-12; 2:1-8), she plays a destructive role. The impending doom that she is to bring about ... For if God did not spare angels when they sinned, but cast them into hell and committed them to pits of darkness, reserved for judgment; and did not spare the ancient world, but preserved Noah, a preacher of righteousness, with seven others, when He brought a flood upon the ... ...
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214: 593 BC Nubian Expedition of Psammetichus II, Demotic papyri in ...
- Column 16, line 1, 1909 AD I. Translation of Papyrus Moscow 127: "If (I) o 1. (Column 14, line 16) And in the 4th year of (line 17) Per'o [Per'o = Pharaoh hereafter] Psammetk Nefrebre messages were sent to the great temples of Upper and ... And Hamuoz son of Harkhebi said unto them, ' Where is he, his son ? ' (line 5) and the priests said to him, We have caused him to go to the land of Khor with Pharaoh. Let Ptahnufi son of Haruoz come to Teuzoi, that we may write him a title to the share of the prophet of Amun.' ... and courage he had brought his attack on the whole district of Coele-Syria and Phoenicia to a successful issue, in the process of terrorising the country into subjection, he transported some of his foes and others he reduced to captivity. ... His familiarity with Jewish worship and way of life is apparent, but his interests were not limited within that area. In one passage (v 16) he seems to associate himself with those who also call God the Creator "Zeus," i.e., Greeks or ... ...
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215: Should Christians "Fast" Today?
... Again in Jeremiah 14:12, the Lord said: "though they fast, I will not hear their cry". Here the Lord's people had turned to wickedness and the prophet was asked to refrain even from praying for them. In Zechariah 7:5, their fasting was lost because ... This very condition actually enhances the value of fasting for a person with this attitude if he could be persuaded to try it. 5. The physical aspect of fasting is beyond the scope of this lesson. Health and body condition is such a highly ... A. Fasting: Increase spiritual awareness 1. Our ability to perceive God's direction in life is directly related to our ability to sense the inner promptings of His Spirit. God provides a specific activity to assist us in doing this. 2. Learn why fasting ... Warnings Against Improper Use of Fasting 4. Don't fast to achieve selfish purposes - Is 58:3-5 5. Don't fast to impress others with your spirituality: Zech 7:5; Matt 6:16-18; Luke 18:12 E. Purposes of fasting: 1. Fasting to Gain Spiritual ... ...
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216: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Barefoot ...
This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion ... Benefits EDS-7.4 Escape duty or life situation: EDS-7.4.4 Control over others: EDS-7.4.6 Alibi for impending failure as an adult or failure at school, work or home: EDS-7.4.7 Revenge: EDS-7.4.8 ... This is the goal of where she wanted to be and used psychotic behaviours to get herself there. The case of "Barefoot" Karin was a 14 year old Christian girl when she was seduced by an adult male ... In fact the therapists were correct in their assessment, except her unhappiness had nothing to do with any fault of her husband; it was her own restless, impulsive and disobedient spirit. Far from ... Karin also knew her Bible well enough that there was no rational way she could leave her husband and have the blessing of the church and God. However, she had determined, in spite of what the Bible ... ...
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217: The Bible, the Conscience and mental illness
Acts 28:27 A. The conscience must be taught A conscience is a mechanism created by God. We are born with one the same way an artist starts every painting with a blank canvas. Click to View A ... This is the foundation of the golden rule: "Treat others, the way you want them to treat you." As the parents reward good behaviour and discipline for bad behavior they are painting on the conscience of the child. No longer is the conscience of the child a blank white canvas. The final result is a complete painting that is the result of years of hard work by the parents. Now if a parent teaches a ... C. The seared conscience "But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the ... Never violate your conscience! It might make you mentally ill! The "good conscience" is the foundation of your "good mental health". A bad conscience is a bad feeling you get when you do that which ... ...
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218: Comparison list of 64 Moses/Christ Shadows, Types, Antitypes ...
"Shadow of what was to come, but the substance belongs to Christ" Col 2:17 MOSES CHRIST 1. Raise up a Hebrew prophet like Moses Deut 18:15-18 Jn 5:45-47; Acts 3:22; 7:37 2. Song of Moses after ... Ex 17:4 Jn 8:59, 10:31 48. Both willing to go to hell so others can be saved Ex 32:32-33 Isa 53:12; Mk 15:34; Lk 19:14; 23:43; 2 Cor 5:15-21; Jn 10:17-18 49. Both were special examples of humility Num 12:3 Mt 11:29 50. Both sent out 12 men for a special purpose Num 13:1-17 Lk 9:1-2 51. Both anointed "the 70" with the miraculous power of the Holy Spirit Num. 11:24-25 Lk 10:1-19 52. Both were ... Both erected a tabernacle/temple/church Ex 40:2; Amos 9:11; Heb 8:5 Heb 8:1-2; 9:11; Jn 2:18-22 56. Both "finished" the work God gave them to do Ex 40:33 Jn 4:34; 17:4; 19:30 57. Both made sacrifices ... (Exodus 34:29-35) b. "And He was transfigured before them; and His face shone like the sun, and His garments became as white as light. And behold, Moses and Elijah appeared to them, talking with Him. ... ...
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219: Pre-tribulation Rapture Refuted: 1948 Israeli nationhood did ...
nation in 1948. 3. All these failed predictions that were based on the pyramids an numerology appeared convincing at the time to those who sold everything they had, put on white clothes and waited at midnight on rooftops. ... you; and I will remove the heart of stone from your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. "I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will be careful to observe My ordinances. "You ... This was the new heart he put in Israel. 3. Daniel 9:2 "in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, observed in the books the number of the years which was revealed as the word of the Lord to Jeremiah the prophet for the completion of the desolations of Jerusalem, namely, seventy years. " (Daniel 9:2) a. Daniel was one who was actually deported and lived in Babylon. b. Daniel prophesied the four successive kingdoms of Babylon, Mede-Persia, Greece and Rome. c. Daniel said that the Kingdom of God would be start during the days of the Roman Empire. d. This ... ...
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220: Origin of Jewish/Christian holy days: Old Testament, Christmas ...
... There is no historical evidence that our Lord's birthday was celebrated during the apostolic or postapostolic times. The uncertainty that existed at the beginning of the third century in the mind of Hippolytus and others . . proves that no ... an excuse to continue its celebration with little change in spirit or in manner (Schaff-Herzog. 3:47-48). C. Origin of various "Christmas" customs: 1. Mistletoe: The Druids considered it sacred, stand under ... right to kiss 2. Christmas tree: Jer 10:1-6; Scandinavians worshipped trees. When they became Christians, they introduced the practice to Christmas 3. Tree decorations: The Germans originated; candles represent stare 4. Yule log: The Norse burned huge log once year to Thor, god of thunder. a. ... 2. Jack-o-lantern might be derived from -night watchman- (for spirits) 3. It was considered the best day to: a. make deviations for marriage, health, luck, death etc. b. pacify supernatural powers which controlled the processes of nature. c. ... ...
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221: Is Scientology A Religion? YES! Alan Black
... The main Scientology publications I have studied are the following, arranged in order of their dates of first publication: Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (1950) Dianetics: The ... Various Hebrew prophets and the prophet Muhammad spoke of the revelatory experiences that were the basis of their religious teachings. Some religious experiences which have been reported are quite dramatic, such as the conversion of Paul on the road to Damascus, the experience of ecstasy associated with shamanism in central and northern regions of Asia, and the phenomenon of spirit possession in ... II.III. THE NARRATIVE OR MYTHIC DIMENSION In very many religions, there are narratives. These narratives may be about the activities of God, gods or other spiritual entities, about the career of a ... For example, the Buddha's injunction to refrain from intoxicants is consistent with his perception that such substances would obstruct self-awareness. The Christian teaching on love toward others is ... ...
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222: The Exodus Route: Travel times, distances, rates of travel, days ...
... all day long on day 44. Day 45 is the second sabbath and Jethro gives Moses his advice about delegating the judging duties to others. Day 46 Jethro returns home to Midian while Moses departs for Mt. ... Moses descends and tells the people to take an oath to obey the laws of YHWH (Ex 19:3-8). On day 50 (Thursday, Sivan 4), God tells Israel to prepare for three days (Friday - Sunday) at the end of ... Israel spends 38 years camped at Kadesh Barnea located at modern Petra. Aaron died on the 1st day of the 5th month of the 40th year of the wilderness wandering (summer 1407 BC). Shortly after mourning ... help crossing the depths of the Red Sea: a. "Like the horse in the wilderness, they did not stumble; As the cattle which go down into the valley (red sea), The Spirit of the Lord gave them rest." ... A lamb is slain, the pasch is celebrated, and after fifty days the law, written with the finger of God, is given in fear: Christ is slain, who was led 'as a sheep to the slaughter,' as the Prophet ... ...
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223: Psychiatry wants to replace Christianity and the church for guidance ...
Psychiatry is not content to share the "turf" with Christianity, it seeks to compete with, replace and obsolete the idea of looking to God for guidance and solutions for life's problems. Psychology is actually a religion where Psychiatrists, ... Name of their religion and philosophy is humanism, atheism and evolutionary Darwinian. Psychiatry's founding prophet is Freud. Psychiatry's Bible is the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) Psychiatry's high priests are psychiatrists. Psychiatry's priests are psychologists. Psychiatry's altar boys are psychiatric nurses and mental health workers. Psychiatry's "Holy Spirit" communicator is the media Psychiatry's temples are mental institutions. Psychiatry's "Church Treasury" is ... The form of treatment, then, is determined by the therapist's habitual approach and not by the nature of the problem that the patient brings in." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 73) "Others [studies] have demonstrated the ability ... ...
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224: The Clinical Textbook of Biblical Psychiatry: home page
... Attention seeking, pride, praise, honour, fame: EDS-7.4.3 iv. Escape duty or life situation: EDS-7.4.4 v. Sympathy: EDS-7.4.5 vi. Control over others: EDS-7.4.6 vii. Alibi for impending failure as an adult or failure at school, work or home: ... While Psychiatric and Psychology university professors refuse to define "normal behaviour" but deflect this discussion to the realm of philosophy class, Christian's learn in Sunday school that Jesus is the only black and white standard of normal ... But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation, for no prophecy was ever made by an act of human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke from God." (2 Peter 1:19-21) "The people who were sitting in darkness ... The Devil loves Evolution because is takes away all personal responsibility and accountability for behaviour choice being genetic robots. The Devil loves Biopsychiatry because every year new diagnoses are invented to excuse criminal activity as ... ...
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225: The ark of the covenant is captured and Shiloh goes extinct. ...
He is the last judge and the first prophet. 6. The ark of the covenant is captured and goes on a seven month ride through the Philistine pentapolis: a. The ark is taken by the Hebrews from Shiloh to ... From Ebenezer it moves through three of the five Philistine capital cities: Ashdod, Gath and Ekron. d. At each of these three cities God strikes the Philistines with plague, boils, insanity and death. ... 4. "When preparing for my talk at the Near East Archaeological Society meeting, I reviewed a lot of the publications of Manfred Bietak and others regarding the excavations at Tell el-Daba/Avaris. ... And that same day he shall consecrate his head, and shall dedicate to the LORD his days as a Nazirite, and shall bring a male lamb a year old for a guilt offering; but the former days will be void ... of Heshbon was not willing for us to pass through his land; for the Lord your God hardened his spirit and made his heart obstinate, in order to deliver him into your hand, as he is today." ... ...
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226: The Jewish Synagogue Mikveh was the "Christian Maker" Baptistry
In this way the mikveh was a forerunner of Christian water baptism were you have your sins "WASHED AWAY" . (Acts 22:16) c. When the 20 year Paul was told ""'Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name.'" (Acts 22:16) this was something he had done over 250 ... Accordingly the multitude of those that therein perished exceeded all the destructions that either men or God ever brought upon the world; for, to speak only of what was publicly known, the Romans slew some of them, some they carried captives, and others they made search for underground, and when they ... Such were some of you; but you were washed, but you were sanctified, but you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God." (1 Corinthians 6:9-11) e. 'He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels." (Revelation 3:4-5) f. ... ...
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227: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Egg" ...
This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion ... vs. eternal life) 9. Fear, (no one to protect them) 10. Unaccountable, (answer only to self) 11. Lovelessness (unaware that God loves them) Self-disablement EDS-7.2 - Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3 Yes. ... He is sad that he is sick. EDS-7.7.12.PMO 5 years later EDS-7.7.LPT Suicide The case of "Egg" An 18 year old man permanently damages his brain though recreational drugs, becomes depressed and commits ... Biopsychiatry with its Darwinian evolutionary outlook sees things in overly simplistic ways because it refuses to see man as a composite of matter and spirit. This reductionist view that man is ... His suicide, however, was clearly an escape from this reality. Suicide is the ultimate escape when someone has given up. Sympathy: EDS-7.4.5. When others saw Ken depressed, they would offer sympathy, ... ...
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228: What Early Christians believed about BAPTISM
... Referring to Jesus, John said, "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but He who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His ... draw near that what was wanting in the Mosaic institutions should be supplied, as we have said, and that the Prophet should appear, of whom he had foretold that He should warn them by the mercy of God to cease from sacrificing; lest haply they might suppose that on the cessation of sacrifice there was no ... But they... should be baptized with the baptism of the Church, that they may obtain remission of sins, lest by the presumption of others they remain in their old error, and die without the completion of grace." (Cyprian, "The ... We provide that those who year by year come up for holy baptism should carefully learn the faith set forth at Nicaea by the holy and blessed Fathers; and initiating them as we have been bidden, we baptize them in the name of the ... ...
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229: The Universal Direct Mail or Windshield Flyer
Everything works! Some better than others! Follow up is the key to success! This article will give you details of something we have done at least 10 times, that is highly at malls, as a handout at summer ... It is also best to avoid exotic coloured backgrounds on the flyer. Simple black text with red highlights on white paper stands out better than a rainbow smear of cluttering colour. Black on yellow paper is nice or full colour with black and red text with a single full colour photo of a Bible is nice. Keep it simple. Finally, make sure the key words BIBLE and GOD are very large and bold. As people go ... Always date the enrollments and phone them up one month later when they fail to return lesson one. Over time, put them on a mailing list or have each member write a personal handwritten letter inviting them to your next gospel meeting! Then phone them up the day before and invite them by phone! Results: From three separate mail drops last year totaling 228,000 flyers, we got 173 ... ...
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230: Jehovah's Witness leaders sympathized with Hitler
... He told Gestapo where they had meetings, where JWs lived, and who the leaders were. Naturally the Watchtower leaders knew this, but instead they let Frost white wash his past on this convention! 4. ... The party as such represents the viewpoint of positive Christianity without being attached to any particular denomination. It fights against the Jewish-materialistic spirit inside and outside of us ... "This company of German people, who are peaceable and law-abiding citizens representing many others from every part of Germany, all of whom are earnestly laboring for the highest welfare of the people of this land, being now duly assembled at Berlin this 25th day of June, AD.. 1933, do joyfully declare our complete devotion to Jehovah, the Almighty God, and to his kingdom under Christ Jesus, whose ... Click to View The Declaration of Facts - Yearbook of JW 1934 Click to View Year Book 1934 Pages 127-140... GERMANY. For more than a quarter of a century the Society has carried forward its work in the ... ...
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231: Sign Acts in the Bible: Theatrical, prophetic
... And they said, "Go up, for God will give it into the hand of the king." But Jehoshaphat said, "Is there not yet a prophet of the LORD here that we may inquire of him?" The king of Israel said to Jehoshaphat, "There is yet one man by whom we may inquire of the LORD, but I hate him, for he never prophesies good ... And one said this while another said that. "Then a spirit came forward and stood before the LORD and said, 'I will entice him.' And the LORD said to him, 'How?' "He said, 'I will go and be a deceiving spirit in the mouth of all ... Isaiah goes naked for three years to represent the people of Cush and Egypt being led away naked as captives by the Assyrians. b. "In the year that the commander came to Ashdod, when Sargon the king of Assyria sent him and he ... Ezekiel joins two pieces of wood to signify the reunification of Israel and Judah in the church. b. "The word of the Lord came again to me saying, "And you, son of man, take for yourself one stick and write on it, 'For Judah ... ...
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232: Humoral imbalances caused insanity: Insanity treatments: Blood ...
Humoral era: The "humoralism" ran from Hippocrates in 450 BC down to 1858 AD when Rudolf Virchow discovered the cell. Humoral doctors believed health was based upon the balance of the four humors. At its core, humoral medicine is pure quackery. Nothing in this 2400 year old understanding of medicine was correct as to the cause of disease. ... Anything connected with demons is not going to be good. "The writings of historians, physicians, journalists, and others addressing the history of psychiatry rest on three erroneous premises: that so-called mental ... proceeding from a Sinful Love of some bodily Interest, and from want of sufficient Submission to the will of God, and Trust in him, and taking Heaven for a satisfying Portion. This is one of the most common Causes". ... Chemical psychiatry will soon be extinct and forgotten beside bloodletting in the museum of medical horrors. Insanity is a moral choice of behaviour, not a disease. Insanity happens in the spirit and has no biological ... ...
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233: Anxiety and Depression are not caused from chemical imbalances ...
... Sell your possessions and give to charity Social Focus Focus on thinking highly about yourself, material success, social acceptance Focus on others, deny self. Self esteem High self esteem Low self esteem B. Elijah and Jonah: Bible examples of ... Sinai, God gave Elijah 4 chances (wind, earthquake, fire, breeze) to change his behaviour choice AND GET BACK TO WORK AS A PROPHET. b. Each time God waited for Elijah to see that with God's power on his side he had nothing to fear. c. After the three power ... Intensive study has produced major advances in treating mental disorders, including depression." (Understanding Depression, Ministry of Health, Government of Ontario, 2007) 5. "Depression is an illness that can begin gradually or suddenly. Its ... It is well known that mentally ill people have perfectly normal levels of neurotransmitters like Serotonin in their bodies. 9. "What causes depression? Depression is a serious biologic disease that affects millions of people each year. The ... ...
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234: The Septuagint, LXX, origin, textual transmission 282 BC
In other words, the Holy Spirit engineered scripture in such a way that innocent human copying errors or deliberate, nefarious corruptions of the sacred text would not "break scripture". In the end, 99% of the ... God has protected his inspired word from corruption because it is the legal standard that will judge us on the last day: "Then I saw a great white throne and Him who sat upon it, from whose presence earth and heaven fled away, and no place was found for them. And I saw the dead, the great and the small, standing before the throne, and books were opened; ... were in the possession of Jews then hidden in the same cave where the great Isaiah scroll was found, provided strong evidence that the prophet Jeremiah authored two different copies at different times and places. ... In fact, Abraham left Haran the same year his father died at age 205, when Abraham was 75 proving Terah was 130 years old when Abraham was born. The variant reading in Gen 11:32 is suggested as a way to get Terah ... ...
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235: Mosaic Legal system, no jails or prisons vs. slavery comparison
God never instructed Jews in the Law of Moses to ever put anyone in prison. There were no jails in the original judicial system of the Hebrews. In place of prisons, God provided a better system: ... Slavery could only last a max of 7 years then they were released on the Sabbatical 7th year. Prisoners can be put in jail for life. When Slaves "have done their hard time as slaves" they are rehabilitated and productive members of society the day they walk free with a real world skill set and practical apprentice-like trade experience and are valuable to others to hire. Prisoners leave jail unable ... False prophet: Deut 13:1-5; 18:20 i. "If a prophet or a dreamer of dreams arises among you and gives you a sign or a wonder, and the sign or the wonder comes true, concerning which he spoke to you, ... Modern slavery always involved native Africans kidnapping their own people and selling them for profit into slavery to the white man, who in turn resold them for profit. There was also no release ... ...
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236: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: The Tabernacle/Temple Messianic ...
... and bulls and the ashes of a heifer sprinkling those who have been defiled sanctify for the cleansing of the flesh, how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered Himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?" (Hebrews 9:13-14) c. "But in those sacrifices there is a reminder of sins year by year. For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. ... word is a lamp to my feet And a light to my path." (Psalm 119:105) c. "This was to fulfill what was spoken through Isaiah the prophet: "The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, By the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan, Galilee of the Gentiles- "The people who ... The Midrashic Hermeneutic finds fulfillment in the later echo events even through the details are often quite different. b. While there are at least 18 clear Tabernacle messianic parallels but others can be found that the Holy Spirit does not identify as such in the New ... ...
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237: Trinity proof texts: Philippians 2:5-8
... (1 Jn 3:2) However just as Jesus continued to be uncreated-God when his spirit was placed inside a human body, so too we will continue to be created-man in heaven when our created spirit is placed in our glorified bodies (1 Cor 15:50-54). ... If Jesus is a creature: "Look how humble I am, I never tried to be equal to God! Imitate me." A man who even considers trying to be equal with God is not a model of humility for others to imitate, he is mentally ill. Exactly what value is there in Paul telling us that Jesus ... He imposed upon himself all the limitations necessary or commensurate with this role." (Frost gave Welch this statement one year earlier at the Oneil/Welch debate as a foundation for mutual agreement) · It doesn't mean He emptied Himself of ... We could translate "And the mode of His outward expression was changed before them, and His face did shine as the sun, and His raiment was white as the light" (Matt. 17:2). Our Lord's usual mode of expression while on earth previous to His ... ...
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238: Official creed of United Pentecostal Church International
... It should be administered by a duly authorized minister of the Gospel, in obedience to the Word of God, and in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, according to the Acts of the Apostles 2:38, 8:16, 10:48, 19:5; thus obeying and fulfilling ... The speaking with other tongues, as recorded in Acts 2:4, 10:46, and 19:6, and the gift of tongues, as explained in 1 Corinthians, chapters 12 and 14, are the same in essence, but different in use and purpose. The Lord, through the Prophet Joel, said, I will pour out my Spirit ... When the thousand years are finished, there shall be a resurrection of all the dead, who will be summoned before the great white throne for their final judgment, and all whose names are not found written in the Book of Life shall be cast ... We disapprove of school students being forced to take any classes in which, under the guise of health classes, sex education is taught coeducationally or films or lectures are given that promote amoral or unnatural behavior. We disapprove ... ...
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239: Demons and Demon Possession
Mk 5:2+13+15 6. Unclean spirit = demon: Mk 7:25+30; Lk 9:42; Mt 12:43-45 7. Not every spirit is from God: 1 Jn 4:1-4 D. Existence of demons appeared to be generally accepted by the Jews: Lk 4:36 E. Demons will be cast into ... malady they did in some cases attribute to an evil spirit, and in others not, thus show-ing that the malady and possession were not identical in their eyes, and that the assumption of the latter was not a mere popular explanation for the presence of the former. ... This true story in the 1950's claims to meticulously follow actual psychiatric counseling sessions of Eve White, who also thinks she is Even Black and a third person called "Jane". The movie is supposed to be a modern living example of the Bible ... Finally he broke into a laugh. Then he asked, "How did you know?" How come I couldn't fool you like I have everyone else? I told him, "I write to half of the guys on this cell block because they take my Bible correspondence course. They know a ... ...
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240: Rylands, John: Bulletin of The John Rylands Library
... The actual author for the one article in this periodical magazine, that is bound at the end of the year, is G. H. Boobyer, B.D., D. Theol., a Visiting Professor Of Theology in The University College ... So Boobyer calls Jesus "Christ" in the same way he would call Muhammad a "prophet", but he really denies both are true! What Boobyer is saying should make even JW's shudder and cringe! He is saying ... But again, Boobyer, with his faithless views, is the only type of "authority" JW's can find that will say Jesus isn't God! Boobyer believes the Bible writers were affected by pagan thought and denies ... Christological studies produced by New Testament scholars and others in recent years -an output to which the one whom we commemorate this evening with honour and gratitude made notable contributions. ... did consider him fully God, and if for the sake of the argument the New Testament references to the Holy Spirit are left on one side, would not the resultant conception of God be a form of ditheism ? ... ...
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241: Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry Version 7: The case of "Demon ...
This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion ... Fun, entertainment, relief from boredom and monotony: EDS-7.4.2 Attention seeking, Pride, Praise, Honour, Fame: EDS-7.4.3 Control over others: EDS-7.4.6 Monetary EDS-7.5 - Annoyance Scale EDS-7.6 ... Of course, I was skeptical, since I believe that demon possession was a temporary state permitted by God as a foil for Jesus to demonstrate the power of God against. I told the chaplain that I would ... Then he asked, "How did you know?" How come I couldn't fool you like I have everyone else? I told him, "I write to half of the guys on this cell block because they take my Bible correspondence course. ... The reason we know this, is because biopsychiatry reject the spirit world including the idea that man has a spirit distinct from his body. So the psychiatrists looked for the etiology of the behaviour ... ...
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242: Official creed of Reformed Baptist church
... angels are predestinated, or foreordained to eternal life through Jesus Christ, to the praise of his glorious grace; others being left to act in their sin to their just condemnation, to the praise of his glorious justice. (I Tim. 5:21; Matt. ... Chapter 4: Of Creation In the beginning it pleased God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, for the manifestation of the glory of his eternal power, wisdom, and goodness, to create or make the world, and all things therein, whether visible or invisible, in the space of six ... It pleased God, in His eternal purpose, to choose and ordain the Lord Jesus, his only begotten Son, according to the covenant made between them both, to be the mediator between God and man; the prophet, priest, and king; head and saviour of ... Price, Minister, Abergayenny, Monmouth Daniel Finch, Minister, Kingsworth, Herts John Ball, Tiverton, Devon Edmond White, Pastor, Evershall, Bedford William Prichard, Pastor, Blaenau, Monmouth Paul Fruin, Minister, Warwick, Warwick Richard ... ...
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243: Rehoboam, Shishak I (945-924 BC ) Canaan battle relief topographical ...
Note the hairstyle and beard which represents that the Jews looked like in 926 BC. Central to the relief is the Egyptian pagan god Amon-Ra with the tall double crown. Pharaoh Shishak is seen in all ... For the first three years, Rehoboam was a good king, but then he went bad. God sent Shishak, king of Egypt in 926 BC (year 5 of Rehoboam's rule) to conquer Judah because of the rampant idolatry. ... When Solomon learned that the prophet Ahijah had anointed Jeroboam as king of ten tribes, he tried to kill him, which triggered him to flee to Shishak for sanctuary. We now know from the Relief that ... Only about 125 are visible today. Some have been destroyed, vandalized or looted since the time they were documented. Others were lost long earlier. b. There are 11 rows of name-rings that make up the ... The bottom of the "stick" appears to have tassels, so maybe it was a scroll. Below her stick/scroll is a white crown, which was likely Sheshonk I kneeling to this goddess of Thebes." (The Bible's ... ...
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244: Book of Mormon Witnesses all later DENIED its truthfulness!
... David was then called forward, and Joseph and his counselors laid hands upon him, and ordained him to his station, to succeed him...He will be prophet, seer, Revelator and Translator before God." Signed Martin Harris, Leonard Rich, Calvin Beebe. Of course this never came to pass as Brigham young became Joseph Smith's successor. The Mormons stated of Martin Harris and a few other men within the pages of the church's official newspaper at the time, "a lying deceptive spirit attend them...they ... claims he rejoined them in the fall of 1848, (Historical Record, 1886, vol. 5, p. 201) they also accused him later that year, with trying to "raise up the Kingdom again" with the Apostate, William E. McLellin.(The Mormon frontier, Diary of Hosea ... All the Mormon witnesses are as worthless as they are unreliable who recanted their testimony. Modern Mormon "spin doctors" write all kinds of articles claiming that the witnesses may have denied the Mormon church but they never the book of Mormon. ... ...
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245: Matthew was NOT originally written in Hebrew: JW's are false ...
... here to say is that there is no ground to believe that Greek was so little understood in Palestine as to make it improbable that Matthew would write his Gospel exclusively in that language-so improbable as to outweigh the evidence that he did so. ... The following among others hold to this view of the sole originality of the Greek Matthew: Erasmus, Calvin, Beza, Lightfoot, Wetstein, Lardner, Hug, Fritzsche, Credner, De Wette, Stuart, Da Costa, Fairbairn, Roberts. New Bible commentary, Matthew, ... Matthew's logia did not survive, but his Gospel did. This was because the latter, part of the biblical canon and thus God's Word, was inspired and preserved by the Spirit of God. Matthew, J. W. McGarvey, p8 2. The Language There has been much difference of ... The translation into Greek may be dated as early as the year 65. Another prominent form of this hypothesis is that the logia of Papias really formed an entire Hebrew Gospel, originating from Matthew's pen in the years 64-67 and being translated ... ...
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246: The Exodus Route: Wilderness of Shur
... bishop of Alexandria (14 years), 12th year.] In this year died Mouamed [i.e. Muhammed, founder of Islam], the leader and false prophet of the Saracens, after appointing his kinsman Abu Bakr [Aboubacharos] to his chieftain-ship. At the same time, his repute spread abroad and everyone was frightened. At the beginning of his advent the misguided Jews thought he was the Messiah who is awaited by them, so that some of their leaders joined him and accepted his religion while forsaking that of Moses, who saw God. ... He begot two sons, Moudaros and Rabias. Moudaros begot Kourasos, Kaisos, Themimes, Asados, and others unknown. All of them dwelt in the Midianite desert and kept cattle, themselves living in tents. There are also those farther away who are ... She probably returned to the Beer-lahai-rio and raised Ishmael near by in the Wilderness of Paran, south of Kadesh Barnea, north of Shur. 8. The Muslims, of course, re-write history and say that the story of Hagar and Ishmael at the well of ... ...
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247: On the Pathology and Treatment of Hysteria, Robert Brudenell ...
While psychiatrists in the 1940's actively treated hysterics as insane because of physical problems with their bodies, Carter saw the symptoms as having their origin in the freewill of the human spirit: "in some cases, to a short attack of laughter or sobbing; and in others, producing very energetic ... This is shockingly opposite to what mental health officials do today when they lie to the public that mental illness is just like a heart attack, which demands no personal accountability or fault and heaps of sympathy. But Carter ... or self denial, or cleverness, will often produce a change of action in persons with whom the fear of God is an empty sound, and to whom the necessity of doing right, might have been ineffectually preached till doomsday." ... The parents will never learn that their darling daughter has already admitted she is faking to the doctor. He notes that hysterics will often write letters and make phone calls to rally up support in one last vain attempt to admit ... ...
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248: The Septuagint, LXX: 10 Archeological proofs the Septuagint Tanakh ...
because here, the Jews inserted Paleo-Hebrew into the Greek text out of respect for the name of God: YHWH. Christians simply would never do this, proving the Greek minor prophets scroll was a Jewish ... dating to 50 BC, Hebrew manuscript of the shorter LXX version of Jeremiah the prophet found at Qumran, Philo quotes extensively from most books of the Greek Tanakh in 30 BC including Isaiah 5 times. ... I. Archeological evidence the Tanakh was fully translated into Greek before 150 BC: 1. 176 BC: "The footnote to the Greek Esther, which states that that book was brought to Egypt in the 4th year of ... brought before them the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James, and some others, [or, some of his companions]; and when he had formed an accusation against them as breakers of ... Christians recognized the name Jesus replaced YHWH as the name of God because Jesus, being creator, is both YHWH and Jesus the Nazarene (ie branch of David) c. The Holy Spirit chose in the New ... ...
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249: Apostate church organization: 588 - 606 AD: The final dog fight ...
... throne of God Himself (Isaiah 14). Would the modern claims of the papacy qualify for Gregory's ridicule? This author believes that they would." (James R. White, Answers to Catholic Claims, p 122, 1990) "The Reformers also discovered that tradition contradicted tradition. For example, the tradition of the Roman church teaches that the pope is the head of the church, a bishop over all bishops. But Gregory the Great, pope and saint at the end of the ancient church period, said that such a teaching came from the spirit of Antichrist ('I confidently affirm that whosoever calls himself -sacerdos universalis- [universal priest or bishop], or desires to be so called by others is in his pride a forerunner of Antichrist')." (Robert Godfrey, What Still Divides Us?, p14, ... own see, afterwards addressed Gregory as "universal pope," he strongly repudiated the title, saying: "I have said that neither to me nor to any one else (nec mihi, nec cuiquam alteri) ought you to write anything of the kind. ... ...
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250: Introduction to the history of psychiatry
first psychiatrists who specialized in working with the insane. This makes sense since today's chemical psychiatrists don't even believe in God and reject the very existence of the human soul or spirit. This would make today's psychiatrists doctor's of something they do not believe exists! ... Insanity and mental illness were not differentiated from either the begging poor or the rich "propertied class" who became dependant on others for their day to day care. In medieval England between 1300 - 1500 AD, they convened were ... Even at the close of the eighteenth century, the tally of the confined mad poor in Bristol, a town of some 30,000, was only twenty. . . . [Whereas] about 400 people a year were being admitted to private asylums."Roy Porter, Mind-Forg'd ... The practice today of discharging mental patients, who have no social nor financial means, into the community, where they must reside in dismal slum hotels, can hardly be viewed as an enlightened policy. The history of mental health ... ...
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