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101: Shiloh Israel: Master Index of Free Bible Maps of Bible Times ...
You can volunteer with Associates for Bible Research to Excavate Shiloh! May 23 - June 11, 2017 Here is your Professional Dig Staff who will make your visit to Israel amazing and memorable. Join Steve Rudd in digging up Bible stories! "What we dig in the ground we find in the Book" Site location: 30 km North of Jerusalem GPS: 32° 3.459'N; 35° 17.377'E click to view Map of Shiloh, Israel (Click balloon for info, move with mouse) Four Archeological time periods you can help dig! 1. Late bronze: 1399-1094 BC. The time of Joshua during the conquest. 2. Iron 1: 1200 BC. The time of Judges when Deborah lived. 3. Time of Christ: 50 AD Roman house 4. Byzantine: 350 AD Church marking Ai of Abraham. Click to view High Resolution Panorama of Shiloh click to view click to view Click to View click to view See also: History of the Temple 1 Samuel 1-7 Introduction: 1. The book of 1 Samuel opens with barren Hanna praying to God at Shiloh for a son in 1102 BC. 2. The book of Judges is a cycle of ... ...
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102: Archeology of the Oppression, Exodus and Conquest of Israel: ...
Archeology of the Egyptian Oppression, Exodus and Conquest of Israel The Moses Sinai inscription dates to 1446 BC (the year of the Exodus) The Exodus documented in the Sinai Inscriptions The Hebrew Oppression and Exodus Story as witnessed in the Sinai Inscriptions Click to View Digging up Bible stories! The Exodus documented in ancient inscriptions A collection of 16 previously untranslated ancient inscriptions lay in museums for 100 years but have now been translated by Dr. Doug Petrovich. The result is one of the most important archeological discoveries of all time. There are ... TRANSLATION OF SINAI 375a: "The overseer of Minerals, Ahisamach" (Translation by Douglas Petrovich from "The world's Oldest Alphabet", 2016 AD) c. EXPLANATION OF SINAI 375a: This inscription names Ahisamach, a master craftsman at the turquoise mines. His son, Oholiab had learned the skill from his father and was chosen to be filled with the supernatural gift of the Holy Spirit of knowledge and wisdom. Notice ... ...
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103: 830 BC: Ostraca of Elisha found in the home town of Elisha (Abel ...
Tel Rehov Apiary: excavation site name for Biblical Abel-meholah "The Lord said to Elijah [at Mt. Sinai], "Go, return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus, and when you have arrived, you shall anoint Hazael king over Aram; and Jehu the son of Nimshi you shall anoint king over Israel; and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah you shall anoint as prophet in your place." (1 Kings 19:15-16) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! Tel Rehov provides 3 Bible keys: 1. Tel Rehov is identified as Biblical Abel-meholah, the home town of Elisha 2. The Ostraca of with Elisha's name: 1 Kings 19:15-17 3. Apiary (Honey bee factory) proving "a land of milk and honey" means bee honey not date honey as is currently taught throughout Israel. "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" See also: Chronology of Elisha and Elijah. Introduction to the Elisha ostraca: 1. See also: Chronology of Elisha and Elijah. 2. To find an ostraca with the name of Elisha on it, in the home town of Elisha in ... ...
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104: 797 BC: "Hindanu Stele" Royal Decree of Adad-Nirari III, King ...
Two sided tablet stele set up to announce the land of Hindanu is granted by Adad-nirari to Nergal-eris the governor. Temple Statue of Nebo of Adad-nardi III: 804 BC "[Adad-narari III], king of the universe, king of Assyria, [son of Samsh]i-Adad (V), [son of Shal]maneser (III) ... Decree: he (ie. Adad-Narair) has entrusted the land of Hindanu to Nergal-[eris], governor of the land Rasappa. Month of Sivan, twenty-fourth day, [eponymy of] Bel-tarsi-ilumma [797 BC], governor [of Calah/Nimrod]" (Hindanu Stele Adad-nirari III, 797 BC) This text is engraved on a stone tablet found in the temple of Istar at Nineveh. Click to View Digging up Bible stories! The Hindanu Stele allows us to firmly date the Saba'a conquest Stele to 796 BC which confirms the story of where God delivered Israel out of the hand of Ben-Hadad III (son of Hazael), king of Aram in 2 Kings 13:5. God sent Israel (Jehoahaz and Joash, Samaria) a deliverer (Adad-nirari III, Assyria) they escaped Aram (Ben Hadad III, Aram) ... ...
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105: Egyptian Conquest name list Maps: 1450 - 1279 BC. They're Digging ...
Four Egyptian name/city topographical lists that perfectly confirm the exodus route and the conquest! 1. Thutmoses III List: Amon Temple at Karnak (1450 BC) 2. Amenophis III list: Temple in Soleb Nubia at ʿAmarah West (1387-1350 BC) 3. Ramesses II List: Amon Temple at Karnak (1279-1212 BC) 4. Ramesses III topographical list at Medinet Habu (1182-1151 BC) The Hebron/Yahu road: Hebron-Athar-Rehob-Yahu Archaeologists are digging up bible stories!!! Archaeology is an important science that confirms the historical ... This creates a kind of map out of the name lists on the walls of various Egyptian name lists. 3. The Bible passages that mention cities also found in the 4 Egyptian sources: a. "In the hill country: ... Arab and Dumah and Eshan, and Janum and Beth-tappuah and Aphekah, and Humtah and Kiriath-arba (that is, Hebron), and Zior" (Joshua 15:53-54) b. "Then Joshua and all Israel with him went up from Eglon to Hebron, and they fought against it." (Joshua 10:36) c. "They journeyed from ... ...
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106: 796 BC: Omri Stele inscription of Adad-Nirari III (810-783) found ...
"Adad-nirari [III], ... great king of Assyria ... by Ashur, his lord; who has made submit to his feet the princes within the four rims of the earth; conquering ... the Hittites, Amurru, Tyre, Sidon, Palestine [Philistines] [Joash of] Israel [lit. Omri], Edom, ... submit to my feet, imposing tribute ... king Mari [Ben-Hadad-III] of Damascus I received 2,300 talents of silver, 20 talents of gold, 5,000 talents of iron, garments of linen with multicolored trimmings, a bed (inlaid) with ivory, a couch mounted and inlaid with ivory..." (Omri-land Stela from Calah/Nimrod of Adad-nirari III, 796 BC) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! The Omri-land conquest Stele confirms the story of where God delivered Israel out of the hand of Ben-Hadad III (son of Hazael), king of Aram in 2 Kings 13:5. God sent Israel (Jehoahaz and Joash, Samaria) a deliverer (Adad-nirari III, Assyria) they escaped Aram (Ben Hadad III, Aram) The Omri-stele also contains the earliest reference in Assyrian literature ... ...
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107: Adad-Nirari III(810-783) The "Unknown Deliverer" of 2 Kings 13 ...
"The unknown deliverer" 2 Kings 13:5 "YHWH gave Israel King Jehoahaz & Joash (Israel) a deliverer King Adad-nirari III (Assyria) they escaped Aram" King Ben Hadad III (Aram) Archeological Stele, Inscriptions, Tablets and Statues that confirm the Bible. Paul preached about the unknown God and this outline is about the UNKNOWN DELIVERER of 2 Kings 13:5 "For while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with this inscription, 'TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.' Therefore what you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you." (Acts 17:23) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" God ... deliverance in the last year of his life in 798 BC. c. Second stage: happened in 796 BC and is witnessed in the stele of Adad-nirairi III and the Bible: "Then Jehoash (798-782 BC) the son of Jehoahaz took again from the hand of Ben-hadad the son of Hazael the cities which he had taken in war from the hand of Jehoahaz his father. ... ...
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108: Shalmaneser III: Annals on Basalt statue, Hazael son of nobody ...
Akkadian inscription on Basalt Discovery German Expedition at entrance of Parthian building Assur (Kalat Sherkat),1903 AD Current location Archeological Museum, Istanbul #4650 Bible names Hazael, Ben Hadad II Historic events Hazael "son of nobody" murders Ben-Hadad II in 841 BC: 2 Kings 8:7-15 Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "I defeated Hadad-ezer (Adad-idri) [Ben-Hadad II], the Damascene, together with twelve princes who were his allies." (Statue Front, lines 14-24, Year 6, 853 BC) "Hadad-ezer (Adad-idri) [Ben-Hadad II] passed away ... He fixed his gaze steadily on him until he was ashamed, and the man of God wept. Hazael said, "Why does my lord weep?" Then he answered, "Because I know the evil that you will do to the sons of Israel: their strongholds you will set on fire, and their young men you will kill with the sword, and their little ones you will dash in pieces, and their women with child you will rip up." Then Hazael said, "But what is your servant, who is but a dog, that ... ...
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109: Eliade, Mircea: Encyclopedia of Religion
What else did they fail to quote from this source? theologians today are in agreement that the Hebrew Bible does not contain a doctrine of the Trinity ... theologians agree that the New Testament also does not contain an explicit doctrine of the Trinity. In the immediate post New Testament period of the Apostolic Fathers no attempt was made to work out the God-Christ (Father-Son) relationship in ontological terms.(The Encyclopedia of Religion, Mircea Eliade, Trinity, Vol 15, p53-57) It was prompted chiefly by belief in the divinity of Christ and later in the divinity of the Holy Spirit, but even earlier by the consistent worship of God in a ... Although the Hebrew Bible depicts God as the father of Israel and employs personifications of God such as Word (davar), Spirit (ruah), Wisdom (hokhmah), and Presence (shekhinah), it would go beyond the intention and spirit of the Old Testament to correlate these notions with later trinitarian doctrine. Further, exegetes and theologians agree ... ...
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110: 796 BC: "Saba'a Conquest Stele" Adad-Nirari III: King of Assyria ...
to the people of Assyria and widened his land; son of Samsi-Adad (V), strong king, [king of the universe], king of Assyria; son of Shalmaneser (III) ... In the fifth year [799 BC] <after> I had ascended nobly the royal throne, [ie. 804 BC - after 6 year coregency starting in 810 BC with mother ended] I commanded the troops of Assyria to march to the land Hatti [Israel, Syria]. I crossed the Euphrates in flood. ... I commanded [my troops to march to Damascus]. I [confined] Mari [Ben Hadad III] in Damascus [... He brought to me] 100 talents of gold (and) 1,000 talents of silver as tribute. The inscribed stone of Nergal-eris, governor of ... the lands Hindanu" (Saba'a Stele, Adad-nirari III, 796 BC) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! The Hindanu Stele allows us to firmly date the Saba'a conquest Stele to 796 BC and confirm the story of where God delivered Israel out of the hand of Ben Hadad III (son of Hazael), king of Aram in 2 Kings 13:5 God sent Israel (Jehoahaz and Joash, ... ...
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111: The Fortresses King Solomon Built to Protect His Southern Border ...
The Fortresses King Solomon Built to Protect His Southern Border By Rudolph Cohen, 1985 AD String of desert fortresses uncovered in Central Negev (The Fortresses King Solomon Built to Protect His Southern Border, Rudolph Cohen, 1985 AD) An enormous ... Nothing else happened until the 1950s and early 1960s, when some additional fortresses were identified in surveys of the area conducted by the American rabbi-archaeologist Nelson Glueck and, later, by one of Israel's leading archaeologists, Yohanan Aharoni.2 In 1961, Beno Rothenberg also surveyed the area of Nahal Horsha and Nahal Kadesh Barnea.3 In 1965, I began my own work in this area. In the second half of the 1960s, I led a survey on behalf of the Archaeological Survey of Israel, and in the ... The three different shapes may be reflected in different words for fortresses used in the Bible. Professor Benjamin Mazar has suggested a relationship between the oval fortresses and the Biblical expression atarot. This word refers to a fortified ... ...
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112: Everything you ever needed to know about the Bible!
Is the Bible of human or divine origin? A list of 60 Bible prophecies and their fulfillment What does grain seed found in the pyramids have to do with the Bible? Click to View The canon of the Bible: over 27 chapters! Are there pre-discovery scientific facts contained in the Bible How do TV talk shows prove the inspiration of the bible? Are archeologists are digging up Bible stories? Click to View Burial Box of James, the Lord's Brother found! The inscription on the top reads, "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus." Is The Bible God's Only Inspired Revelation? Has the Bible been lost, altered or corrupted over time? Would you die to promote a lies and deception? Click to View Encyclopedia of alleged Bible contradictions answered and refuted! Click here How to learn the Bible Blueprint: : Can you understand the Bible unaided by the Holy Spirit? Click to View Click here for link to bible chronology charts Synoptic parallel of the four gospels! Can I understand the Bible myself? Does ... ...
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113: Shalmaneser III, King of Assyria 858-824 BC inscriptions
King of Assyria 858-824 BC Kurkh Monolith Basalt Statue Black Obelisk Twin Bulls Marble Tablets Alabaster Statue Bronze Gates Basalt Throne Clay Brick Detailed outline on Shalmaneser III Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" Detailed outline on Shalmaneser III Introduction: 1. Shalmaneser III was King of Assyria for 34 years from 858-824 BC: 2. Shalmaneser III fought six key battles that included Israel: a. 853 BC, year 6. The battle of Qarqar with Ahab king of Israel b. 849 BC, Year 10: Battle of Carchemish with Jehoram king of Israel c. 848 BC, Year 11: Battle ... Defeated 838 BC, Year 21: Battle of Aram Tukulti-Ninurta II (Assyria) Assur-nâsir-pal II (Assyria) Puzur-Aššur (III) son of Aššur-nārāri (I) Adad-nārārī (I) son of Arik-dīn-ili Tukulti-Ninurta (I) son of Shalmaneser (I) Tiglath-pileser (I) son of Aššur-rēša-iši (I) NAME Kurkh Monolith Basalt Statue Black Obelisk Twin Bulls Marble Tablets Alabaster Statue Bronze ... ...
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114: bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-petra-rolalyn-maqsood-petra ...
They were probably connected with the cult of the dead, and in some cases may have been used as altars. From time to time the population of the deserts to the east and south became too great to be sustained by its own produce. p18 Biblical stories and legends The Petra basin was a nomadic tent "city" from the very ... The Bible is nonetheless a vital source of information about the region. The key to understanding its significance in biblical history lies in reading the Bible "inside out". The Bible concentrates on the descendants of Israel's son Jacob, regarding all the other peoples of the land as being irrelevant rift-raff whose sole aim in life was to discomfit the "chosen ... Jacob 'tricked his brother Esau out of his birthright (Gen. 25:28-34), and later tricked his blind father into giving him the tribal blessing which should have gone to the heir (Gen. 27). The rest of the Old Testament concentrates on the history of the Hebrew descendants of Jacob - whose name was changed to Israel ... ...
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115: Prism A Esarhaddon captures & deports Manasseh king of Judah ...
Discovery Kuyunjik, Nineveh, Iraq, House of Sennacherib's son, 1878 AD Current location British Museum # 121005 Bible names Manasseh king of Judah, Tyre, Edom, Moab, Ammon, Gaza, Ashkelon, Ekron, Byblos, Arvad, Ashdod Bible texts 2 Chron 33:10-13; 2 Kings 19:37; 21:10-15 Isaiah 37:37-38; Ezra 4:2 Historic events In 685 BC Esarhaddon captures & deports Manasseh to Nineveh then restores him to this throne in Jerusalem after Manasseh prayed to YHWH. See Victory Stele of Esarhaddon. Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "I summoned the kings of Hatti and Across the River (Syria-Palestine): (v 55) Ba'alu, king of Tyre, Manasseh, king of Judah, Qa'us-gabri, king of Edom, ... done wickedly more than all the Amorites did who were before him, and has also made Judah sin with his idols; therefore thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'Behold, I am bringing such calamity on Jerusalem and Judah, that whoever hears of it, both his ears will tingle. 'I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of ... ...
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116: Shalmaneser III: Annals on annals Balawat bronze Gates: 848BC
Imgur-Enlil (modern Balâwât) 1876 AD Current location Ancient Orient Museum Istanbul (replica in British Museum) Bible names Tribute of Tyre and Sidon Historic events One of the six battles between Israel (Ahab, Jehoram and Jehu) and Assyria: It highlights the ongoing battles between Shalmaneser III of Assyria and the coalition of 12 kings under the command of Ben-Hadad II: 1. Battle of Carchemish: 849 BC 2. Battle of Hamath: 848 BC Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "Tribute of ships from Tyre and Sidon" (Bronze Band #3, upper) "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" Detailed outline on Shalmaneser III ... Band 2 upper: "Attacked [ ] of the land of Armenia" d. Band 3 upper: "I received the tribute of ships from Tyre and Sidon." e. Band 3 lower: "Attacked the city of Hazazu" f. Band 4 upper: "Attacked Dabigu, the city of Ahûni, son of Adini" g. Band 5 upper: "Tribute from the Unkians" h. Band 6 upper: "Tribute from Sangara of Carchemish" i. Band 7 upper: "I captured ... ...
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117: 804 BC: List of Assyrian Kings in the Bible. door sill of Adad ...
Adad-Nirari III, King of Assyria (810-783) List of Assyrian Kings in the Bible Adad-Nirari III (810 - 783 BC) "The unknown deliverer" 2 Kings 13:5 "YHWH gave Israel King Jehoahaz & Joash (Israel) a deliverer King Adad-nirari III (Assyria) they escaped Aram" King Ben Hadad III (Aram) Genealogical exemplar threshold stones from Calah/Nimrod of Adad-nirari III Inscription on Stone Slab found at Calah (Nimrod) Assyrian Kings List of Adad-nardi III: 804 BC "Palace of Adad-nardri (III), king of Assyria ... Son of Samsi-Adad (V) ... (grand)son of Shalmaneser (III) ... (great) grandson of Ashurnasirpal (II) ... offspring of Tukulti-Ninurta (I) ... offspring of Shalmaneser (I) ... offspring of Ilu-kabkabi (Enlil-kapkapi) ... [offspring of] Sulili, whose name from old was called Assur..." Click to View Digging up Bible stories! The amazing Assyrian Kings list is a genealogical and dynastic record of the ancestors of Adad-Nirari III, King of Assyria (810-783). Although only Adad-nirari III is ... ...
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118: Shalmaneser III: Annals on Black Obelisk Jehu bowing, House of ...
Jehu, Omri, Ben-Hadad II, Hazael, Tyre, Sidon Historic events Six battles between Israel (Ahab, Jehoram and Jehu) and Assyria: It highlights the ongoing battles between Shalmaneser III of Assyria and the coalition of 12 kings under the command of Ben-Hadad II: 1. 853 BC, year 6. The battle of Qarqar 2. 849 BC, Year 10: Battle of Carchemish 3. 848 BC, Year 11: Battle of Hamath 4. 845 BC, Year 14: Battle of Hamath 5. 841 BC, Year 18: Siege of Damascus 6. 838 BC, Year 21: Battle of Aram Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "I received tribute from Jehu, [Iaúa] house of Omri. [Bīt-Ḫumrî]: silver, gold, a gold bowl, a gold tureen, gold vessels, gold pails, tin, ... Shalmaneser, king of all peoples, lord, priest of Assur, mighty king, king of all the four regions, Sun of all peoples, despot of all lands; son of Assur-nâsir-pal, the high priest, whose priesthood was acceptable to the gods and who brought in submission at his feet the totality of the countries; glorious offspring of ... ...
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119: 597 BC: Arad Ostraca #18: Man seeks asylum in Temple of Solomon ...
Man seeks asylum in Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem at the time of Zedekiah Ostraca, Tablets and Inscriptions of the Bible Click to View Digging up Bible stories! 5 ostraca document 3 important Bible events: 1. Pharaoh Nico II appoints Jehoiakim king of Judah in 609 BC. 2. Edomites move into the Judean Negev and Zedekiah orders troops for defense. 3. A man seeks asylum in the temple of Solomon. See also: Outline on Josiah King of Judah (640-609 BC) Outline on Jehoiakim king of Judah (609-598 BC) Outline on Zedekiah King of Judah (597-587 BC) Outline on Gedaliah 1st Governor of Judah (587 BC) "What we read in the book, we find in the ... And Joab fled to the tent of the Lord and took hold of the horns of the altar." (1 Kings 2:28) "When I entered the house of Shemaiah the son of Delaiah, son of Mehetabel, who was confined at home, he said, "Let us meet together in the house of God, within the temple, and let us close the doors of the temple, for they are coming to kill you, and they are ... ...
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120: Shalmaneser III: Annals on Alabaster statue, Jehu, Omri, Hazael ...
Discovery Workshop #NE 50, Fort Shalmaneser, Calah,1962 AD Current location Iraq Museum # IM 60497 Bible names Jehu, Omri, Hazael, Tyre, Sidon Historic events One of the six battles between Israel (Ahab, Jehoram and Jehu) and Assyria: It highlights the ongoing battles between Shalmaneser III of Assyria and the coalition of 12 kings under the command of Ben-Hadad II: 1. 841 BC, Year 18: Siege of Damascus Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "In my eighteenth regnal year I crossed the Euphrates for the sixteenth time. Hazael of Damascus, trusting in the might of his soldiers, carried out an extensive muster of his ... Shalmaneser, strong king, governor (appointed by) the great gods, son of Ashurnasirpal (II), king of Assyria, son of Tukultï-Ninurta (II), (who was) also king of Assyria; conqueror from the upper sea to the lower sea of the land Nairi, and the great sea of the west, from Mount Amanus, as far as Mount Lebanon, I gained dominion over all of the land Hatti. (Lines 9-14) 856 ... ...
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121: 804 BC: "Trust Nebo Alone" and praise statue of Adad-Nirari III ...
Daniel applies the identical praise found on this Nebo statue, to YHWH in Dan 2:20-23. This would not have gone unnoticed by Nebuchadnezzar who would later voice the same words himself of praise to YHWH! Adad-Nirari III (810 - 783 BC) "The unknown deliverer" 2 Kings 13:5 "YHWH gave Israel King Jehoahaz & Joash (Israel) a ... Trust in the god Nebo! Do not trust in another god." (Trust Nebo Alone Statue of Adad-nardi III, 804 BC) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! Babylon directly adopted Bel and Nebo as their gods. Nebuchadnezzar was named after Nebo, and would have been familiar with the praise men were giving Nebo 200 years earlier. Daniel applies the ... Nebuchadnezzar: "O Nebo, defend the landmark" Babylonian Kings Reign BC Relation Meaning and definition of Babylonian name Nabopolassar 626- 605 Father Nabopolassar: "May Nebo protect the son" Nebuchadnezzar 605-562 Son of Nabopolassar Nebuchadnezzar: "O Nebo, defend the landmark" Evil-Merodach 562-560 Son Nebuchadnezzar ... ...
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122: Solomon's network of military border fortresses in the Negev
... Second, at Kadesh-barnea in the 8th-7th centuries B.C. a solid-walled fortress was erected over its predecessor's remains." (The Iron Age Fortresses in the Central Negev, Rudolph Cohen, 1979 AD) One of the big discussions is the what the Fortresses were used for. Some Bible trashing archeologists believe the fortresses were not ... Once this fact is established, and it has been established, then we have no options but to conclude that these fortresses were built by the Solomon of the Bible! A. Bible verses that indicate fortresses: "Strong holds" There is evidence from the Bible that Israel built fortresses. Although the one's in Judges 6:2 are not likely the one's ... All of Solomon's works and efforts came to nothing because his son Rehoboam acted foolishly causing the people to rebel and the kingdom to disintegrate into two. Of course just as archeologists are divided on who built the fortresses and when, so too are they divided on how they were destroyed. Those who accept the Bible as ... ...
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123: Shalmaneser III: Annals on Twin Monumental bulls: 840BC
Jehu, Omri, Ben-Hadad II, Hazael, Tyre, Sidon Historic events Five of the six battles between Israel (Ahab, Jehoram and Jehu) and Assyria: It highlights the ongoing battles between Shalmaneser III of Assyria and the coalition of 12 kings under the command of Ben-Hadad II: 1. 853 BC, year 6. The battle of Qarqar 2. 849 BC, Year 10: Battle of Carchemish 3. 848 BC, Year 11: Battle of Hamath 4. 845 BC, Year 14: Battle of Hamath 5. 841 BC, Year 18: Siege of Damascus Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "Hazael of Damascus, trusting in the might of his soldiers, (line 5") carried out an extensive muster of his troops. He fortified Mount Saniru, the mountain ... has no rival among the princes of the four quarters, magnificent king of lands, who has kept progressing by difficult ways through mountains and seas; (Lines 1-19) Son of Ashurnasirpal (II), exalted prince, whose priesthood was pleasing to the gods and (who) subdued all lands at his feet, pure offspring of Tukulti-Ninurta (II), who ... ...
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124: (The Iron Age Fortresses in the Central Negev, Rudolph Cohen ...
The Iron Age Fortresses in the Central Negev Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, No. 236. (Autumn, 1979), pp. 61-79. Rudolph Cohen Department of Antiquities and Museums, Jerusalem, Israel (The Iron Age Fortresses in the Central Negev, Rudolph Cohen, 1979 AD) The Discovery of the Fortresses The remains of several fortresses (Qasr er-R ukieibeh, Bir ... Concerning their specific historical background, they alternatively suggested that these fortresses may have belonged to the Patriarchal age, or that they were connected with the Red Sea "adventures" of one of the "Jewish" kings (1914-15: 41). According to the Bible Solomon established a maritime base at ... And, in the absence of documentary finds, the only chronological measure presently at the disposal of scholars is the wheel-made pottery unearthed in the excavations. As it happens, however, the archaeologists concerned have disagreed among themselves in assigning the ceramic complexes to the 11th-10th centuries ... ...
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125: Sign Acts in the Bible: Theatrical, prophetic
Catalogue of 33 Sign Acts in the Bible A. Sign Acts in Exodus: 1. 1446 BC (Exodus 7:8-13) 2. When Aaron's staff swallowed up staffs of the pagan Egyptian priests, it was predictive and prophetic of defeat. 3. "Now the LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, "When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, 'Work a miracle,' then you ... He is Micaiah, son of Imla." But Jehoshaphat said, "Let not the king say so." Then the king of Israel called an officer and said, "Bring quickly Micaiah, Imla's son." Now the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah were sitting each on his throne, arrayed in their robes, and they were sitting at the threshing floor at the entrance of the ... This year you are going to die, because you have counseled rebellion against the Lord.' " So Hananiah the prophet died in the same year in the seventh month." (Jeremiah 28:10-17) 6. 588 BC (Jer 32:6-15) a. See also: Creation of legal documents sealed with string and bulla. Notice two copies were made, one that was sealed ... ...
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126: Master Index of Free Bible Maps of Bible Times and Lands
... Moses the servant of the LORD had made in the wilderness." (2 Chronicles 1:3) 26. "So Solomon went from the high place which was at Gibeon, from the tent of meeting, to Jerusalem, and he reigned over Israel." (2 Chronicles 1:13) 27. "Next to them Melatiah the Gibeonite and Jadon the Meronothite, the men of Gibeon and of Mizpah, also made repairs for the official seat of the governor of the province beyond ... that is in Gibeon." (Jeremiah 41:12) 32. "Then Johanan the son of Kareah and all the commanders of the forces that were with him took from Mizpah all the remnant of the people whom he had recovered from Ishmael the son of Nethaniah, after he had struck down Gedaliah the son of Ahikam, that is, the men who were soldiers, the women, the children, and the eunuchs, whom he had brought back from Gibeon." (Jeremiah 41:16) Master Index of Bible Study Maps: (600+ Bible places) click to view click to view By Steve Rudd. Contact author with comments or questions. Click to View Go To Start ...
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127: 732 BC: Ahaz King of Judah pays tribute to Tiglath-pileser III ...
Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "I received tribute from Ahaz of Judah, Edom, Ammon, Moab" Detailed outline on Edom. Introduction: This inscription was found on a wall written on a clay surface. From a building inscription on clay preserved in various copies, published by Rawlinson : Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, H.C. Rawlinson, Bd. II, plate 67, lines 56-63, 1861 AD This inscription documents the conquest of Tiglath-Pileser III, also known as Pul, in 723 BC. The Bible story told in the inscription: 2 Ki 16:5-18; 2 Chron 28:20 "For the Lord humbled Judah because of Ahaz king of Israel, for he had brought about a lack of restraint in Judah and was very unfaithful to the Lord. So Tilgath-pilneser king of ... Now in the time of his distress this same King Ahaz became yet more unfaithful to the Lord." (2 Chronicles 28:19-22) "Then King Rezin of Aram and King Pekah son of Remaliah of Israel came up to wage war on Jerusalem; they besieged Ahaz but could not conquer him. At ... ...
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128: Shalmaneser III: Annals on marble tablets tribute Jehu, house ...
Photo at: G. G. Cameron, "The Annals of Shalmaneser III, King of Assyria: A New Text", Sumer 6, pp. 6-26 and plates I and II (IM #54669, photo, edition) 1950 AD. Bible names Ben-Hadad II Historic events Four of the six battles between Israel (Ahab, Jehoram and Jehu) and Assyria: It highlights the ongoing battles between Shalmaneser III of Assyria and the coalition of 12 kings under the command of Ben-Hadad II: 1. 853 BC, year 6. The battle of Qarqar 2. 849 BC, Year 10: Battle of Carchemish 3. 848 BC, Year 11: Battle of Hamath 4. 845 BC, Year 14: Battle of Hamath Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "In my eighteenth regnal year I crossed the ... Shalmaneser, king of all people, prince, vice-regent of Aššur, strong king, king of all the four quarters, sun(god) of all people, ruler of all lands; son of Ashurnasirpal (II), exalted priest whose priesthood was pleasing to the gods and (who) subdued (Column I, line 15) all lands at his feet, pure offspring of Tukultï-Ninurta (II), who ... ...
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129: Absalom's insurrection, Rape of Tamar, Satan child: 990-979 BC ...
Absalom: the Satan Child (AKA: Pretty "Bad Boy" Absalom) Amnon Rapes Tamar; Absalom's Revenge and Munity 990-979 BC: David is 50-59 years old 2 Samuel 13-22 "Now in all Israel was no one as handsome as Absalom, so highly praised; from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head there was no defect in him. When ... The 22 year period is actually two periods of 11 years: 1001-990 BC: This 11 year period begins at the end of David successfully conquering all the nations and fulfilling the land promise and the sin of adultery with Bathsheba. During these 11 years, there are several other stories that likely happened: 1. David takes Jonathan's son Mephibosheth into his dining room. ... Ammon's license, as "king's son," II Sam 13:4), that centered about Prince Absalom and occupied the space of a full eleven years (II Sam 13:23, 38; 14:28; 15:7)" (Wycliffe Bible Commentary, 1 Chronicles 20:4) Summary: the chronology of Absalom's life: Absalom was 29 years "young" when he died in 979 BC, and David ... ...
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130: The Error of the Catholic Nicene Trinity
Economic Trinity: The observed activity of God in the World (that is, early Christians perceived and believed God to have directly intervened in history in the persons of the Father, Son and Spirit) Vs. Essential Trinity: A more formal understanding of the essential nature or being of God as Triune, as presented in Creedal statements. What Jehovah's Witnesses never understand: The Trinity that is found in the Bible vs. the Trinity that is not found in the Bible! For a full discussion click on the following links or see below. Fortman, Edmund: The Triune God Kelly, J.N.D.: Early Christian Doctrines Hastings, James, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics Eliade, Mircea, The Encyclopedia of Religion Warning: Before you continue: As you ... It tells us there is one God, a wonderful God of life and love and righteousness and power and glory and mystery, who is the creator and lord of the whole universe, who is intensely concerned with the tiny people of Israel. It tells us of His Word, Wisdom. ... ...
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131: Encyclopedia Americana
This quote from Encyclopedia Americana, 1956 Vol. XXVII, p. 294L., is deceptive because it projects the false impression that early Christian teaching" was not Trinitarian. "For the early Christian belief that Jesus was divine, the Son of God, and that as the risen, glorified Messiah or Lord, He was now at the right hand of God: required the use of theistic language." (Encyclopedia Americana, Trinity, p116) The correct way to quote this source would be to say that some of the details of Trinitarian theology that 4th century Christians taught, was not as refined as the Trinitarian theology taught in the Bible. However both taught trinity, the uncreated deity of Christ and the personality of the Holy Spirit. The current ... The scriptural data for the doctrine of God begins in the Old Testament, which lays the greatest emphasis upon pure monotheism: God is One (as in the sacred Sheina, "Hear, 0 Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord"; Deuteronomy 6:4). The prophetic religion of Israel ... ...
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132: Jewish Messianic Expectation in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Luke 3 ...
"He shall be called a Nazarene" Mt 2:23 Dead Sea Scroll: 4Q175-4QTestimonia Dead Sea Scroll: 4Q174-4QFlorilegium Click to View Digging up Bible stories! Written about 90 BC, two Dead Sea Scroll, 4Q174-4QFlorilegium and 4Q175-4QTestimonia, show us what Bible verses the Jews at the time of Jesus considered to be messianic. Although not a complete list, it clearly shows that the "Branch of David" ... Messianic expectation was at an all time high fever pitch when Jesus started his ministry: a. "But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons." ... But this passage actually excludes Joshua from the Deut 18:18 prophecy: "Now Joshua the son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on him; and the sons of Israel listened to him and did as the LORD had commanded Moses. Since that time no prophet has risen in ... ...
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133: Jordan River source, headwater, tel Dan Paneas, Caesarea philipi ...
Introduction: The Jordan River is the primary water supply for Israel. Since the River derives its name from the tribe of Dan, it proves that the book of Genesis, Numbers and Deuteronomy were not written before the tribe of Dan migrated north to capture Laish in 1340 BC (Judges 18-19). The river was never named Jordan, until after the tribe of Dan occupied "Tel Dan". This is called the editorial practice in the proleptic use of placenames in the Bible. Here is a short list of proleptic names in the book of Genesis where a later name is applied to a location before it was ever called that name: Original name when stories happened Later proleptic/anachronistic name inserted in earlier stories before the name existed in time Laish, ... And Philip said, "If you believe with all your heart, you may." And he answered and said, "I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God." (Acts 8:36-37) II. Yardenit Baptism site: Not the baptism site of Jesus. 1. Yardenit is a popular baptism site that ... ...
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134: Kadesh Barnea is located at Petra, Beidha and Basta
... First is due to the fact that Qudeirat is located 5 KM west of the modern border of Israel determined in 1947 AD. It has never dawned on them that the modern border is 27 KM east of the Biblical border of Israel. However when this is pointed out, a few might wonder about it, but since virtually every Bible map since 1916 AD has placed Kadesh at Qudeirat, who are they to question the authorities who created the map in the back of their Bible. b. Second: Archeologists who simply do not believe the Bible as inspired. The vast majority of archeologists in the world simply reject all the Bible stories as myth and untrue. This is even true for Israeli national ... number from twenty years old and upward, who have grumbled against Me. 'Surely you shall not come into the land in which I swore to settle you, except Caleb the son of Jephunneh and Joshua the son of Nun. 'Your children, however, whom you said would become a prey-I will bring them in, and they will know the land which you have ... ...
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135: Catholic Encyclopedia's and Dictionaries
... Moreover, since the names God and Holy Ghost are alike Divine names, it follows that Jesus Christ is also regarded as a Divine Person. (The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1912, Vol. 15, p 47-49) In the Apostolic writings theos may almost be said to be treated as a proper name of God the Father, and Kurios of the Son (of. e. g. I ... In the N[ew] T[estament] the oldest evidence is in the Pauline epistles, especially 2 Cor 13.13 [verse 14 in some Bibles], and 1 Cor 12.4-6. In the Gospels evidence of the Trinity is found explicitly only in the baptismal formula of Mt 28.19." (New Catholic Encyclopedia, 1965, "Trinity, in the Bible", p306, As quoted in "Should you believe in the ... The Divinity of the Three Persons is asserted or implied in passages too numerous to count. The unity of essence is not merely postulated by the strict monotheism of men nurtured in the religion of Israel ' to whom "subordinate deities" would have been unthinkable; but it is, as we have seen, involved in the baptismal ... ...
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136: Quattuordecim (XIV): Ezra Translated the Paleo-Hebrew manuscripts ...
... "The entire assembly of those who had returned from the captivity made booths and lived in them. The sons of Israel had indeed not done so from the days of Joshua the son of Nun to that day. And there was great rejoicing. Ezra read from the book of the law of God daily, from the first day to the last day. And they ... More important, is the understanding that the script found in the Dead Sea scrolls is two scripts removed from the original script Moses used at Mt. Sinai. b. With Archeology and the Bible, we can identify when Israel converted to each new scripts and who was the engine behind these changes. 2. There is a rich tradition that Ezra the scribe/priest ... Whether he also took the scrolls we do not know. What we do know, is that the great scribes document storage room was burned and as a result the clay bulla were fired and discovered through three dimensional archeological excavations in the city of David. b. "And I answered and said: I pray thee, my Lord, wherefore, O my ... ...
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137: Water from a Rock: Mt. Sinai (Lawz) and Kadesh (Petra) Wadi Musa ...
What a joy that must have been to the heavenly father. Baby grew up! "From there they continued to Beer, that is the well where the Lord said to Moses, "Assemble the people, that I may give them water." Then Israel sang this song: "Spring up, O well! Sing to it! "The well, which the leaders sank, Which the nobles of the people ... The Muslims believe Kadesh was at Petra and there are two texts in the Qur'an that tell the story. These texts are worthless, since Muhammad merely copied from known Christian and Jewish sources. The Koran has a well established pattern of copying Bible stories, but changing them to give them a Meccan twist. The Koran also contains ... Deuteronomy 32:31 7. "And He will say, 'Where are their gods, The rock in which they sought refuge?" Deuteronomy 32:37 Hanna, the mother of Samuel echoed the Exodus rock of water in her prayer for a son. This is before David's Rock of Escape at Engedi and proves it was common for the average Jew to refer to God as their Rock! ... ...
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138: Timeline, maps, chronology, sermons of Othneil, Ehud, Ruth: 1350 ...
... It these two stories that provide the central theme and purpose of the book of Judges. a. "The sons of Dan set up for themselves the graven image; and Jonathan, the son of Gershom, the son of Moses, he and his sons were priests to the tribe of the Danites until the day of the captivity of the land." (Judges 18:30) 2. It is clear that the purpose of the entire book of judges is to provide an answer to the question of how 10 tribes of Israel went extinct after the 722 BC deportation. a. "In the ninth year of Hoshea, the king of Assyria captured Samaria and carried Israel away into exile to Assyria, and settled them in Halah and Habor, on the river of Gozan, and in the cities of the Medes. ... While bible haters chortle that neither story is true and the Judges story copied from the Sodom story, in fact the opposite true. The Holy Spirit wanted to make sure that they understood that the wickedness of the tribe of Benjamin was equal to that in Sodom and Gomorrah. Here is a chart that shows ... ...
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139: Haruskah Anda Percaya Kepada Watchtower???
... "Diyakini, bahwa walau pun doktrin tsb di luar jangkauan akal manusia, doktrin tsb, seperti banyak rumus ilmu fisika, tidak bertentangan dengan akal, dan mungkin dapat diterima (walau pun mungkin tidak dimengerti) oleh akal manusia." Jadi, The Encyclopedia Americana mengatakan doktrin Tritunggal dapat diterima oleh akal ... The Bible represents God to us as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. It represents them as equally entitled to our highest reverence, affection, and allegiance." Terjemahan: Bagaimanapun juga, adalah pasti bahwa dari jaman para rasul mereka menyembah Bapa, Anak dan Roh Kudus, mengalamatkan doa kepada mereka serta memuji mereka dalam liturgi. ... Tepatnya, apa ... Neither the word Trinity, nor the explicit doctrine as such, appears in the New Testament, nor did Jesus and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Old Testament: "Hear, 0 Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord" (Deut. 6:4). ... Thus, the New Testament established the basis for the doctrine of the Trinity. ... ...
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140: Coins of the New Testament that Jesus and the apostles used
Originally it was produced in the Tyre mint but when Herod completed the temple in 18 BC (18 months to build) he needed direct control over the most important coin of his new temple: the official Temple Tax shekel. So Herod the Great transferred the production from Tyre to Jerusalem. This is by far the most important coin in the New Testament because it is part of four different Bible stories: QUADRANS: Mt 5:25; Mark 12:42 The quadrans was an Imperial Roman coin meant to circulate throughout the ... "For this you know with certainty, that no immoral or impure person or covetous man, who is an idolater, has an inheritance in the kingdom of Christ and God." (Ephesians 5:5) "For He rescued us from the domain of darkness, and transferred us to the kingdom of His beloved Son, in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins." (Colossians 1:13-14) Why not attend a local church that follows the pure Bible Blueprint in your own home town! Click here to find a local church in your home town ... ...
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141: History of Biblical coins, how they were made, money weight system
History of Bible coins and the Hebrew money weight system "Can I justify wicked scales and a bag of deceptive weights?" (Micah 6:11) Coins of the Bible Coins of Jesus and the Bible . History of Money and the weight system . Hebrew units of Money . How money was made . Where money was ... Eight Hebrew weight stones from 701 BC excavated in Lachish, stratum II: four stones were 8 shekels and the other four stones were 4 shekels along with 17 bullae including the famous Shebna bulla of Isa 22:15-19. Although coins were first used in Babylon and Athens at early at the 6th century BC, the first coins were used in Israel about 378 BC. Jesus identified the three metals used for coins as money: "Take no gold, or ... Known Persian Weight Stones: 2 karsa = 166.60 grams 120 karsa =99,96 kg 60 karsa = 59.98 kg (pictured below) "60 karšayâ. I am Darius, the great king, king of kings, king of all nations, king of this earth, the son of Hystaspes, the Achaemenid." (inscription on 60 Karsa "DWd" diorite ... ...
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142: The Epic of Gilgamesh 1150 BC: 500 Flood stories prove Noah's ...
... Muslims immediately started teaching in their Mosques that Jews were driving the planes as a plot by Israel, funded by the CIA to make Muslims look bad. Conspiracy nuts suggested that George Bush planted explosive in the tower and gave the order to demolish it himself in order to attack Muslims. Likewise everyone believed there were a small number of people with all the animals on a boat that saved them from a global flood, but the reasons why the "gods" destroyed the world varied. 5. So the idea that the Bible plagiarized the flood stories is simplistic, shortsighted and unscholarly. A universally believed fact like Noah's Ark would clearly ignite a lot of stories given ... Supreme god who proclaimed the flood. God of the sky and father of Enlil, Enki and Inana/Ishtar sometimes symbolized as a jackal. He works directly with his son Enlil to carry out his orders. 4. Anunnaki: A governing group of the highest ranking Gods who make decisions. 5. Anzu, the raven god of death that kills ... ...
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143: Historical overview of Psychiatry: 1550 BC - 2010 AD
Historical overview of Psychiatry: 1550 BC - 2013 AD This sequential overview of Psychiatry provides a brief, one paragraph summary of the views of over 100 historic figures. Encyclopedia of psychiatric history Click to View Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Click to View History of ... He stated that the mind was not connected with the body, but the soul. However, he took the view that the mind can cause the body to get sick if a student studies endlessly in the night. This is exactly what the Bible says: "But beyond this, my son, be warned: the writing of many books is endless, and excessive devotion to books is wearying to the ... There are many case stories of people driven to raving madness because of unchecked anger. Ephesians 4:26 says, "Be angry, but to not sin; do not let the sun go down on your anger." He states that the behaviour and effects of shorts bursts of anger are identical to madness, except for the length of time. His solution to ... ...
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144: The Edomites: From Esau to Edom to Idumea to Extinction 2006BC ...
The Horites were descended from Seir, but the origin of Seir is not recorded in the Bible. There is an extensive list of the descendants of "Seir the Horite" their rulers in Genesis 36:20-30.The etymology of Horite appears to be connected with living in caves. So Seir was a man who lived in caves: "Seir the Horite" or Seir the cave dweller. a. The Edomites had their origin in 2006 BC at the birth of Esau. The Edomites were descended from Esau who is the brother of Jacob and son of Isaac. "Now ... When Esau moved to Seir, he killed off the Horites and took over the land. "The Horites formerly lived in Seir, but the sons of Esau dispossessed them and destroyed them from before them and settled in their place, just as Israel did to the land of ... So startling and impressive are some of the finds that one archaeologist was compelled to say, "They are digging up Bible stories!" The shovel and spade have confirmed that the historical information of the Bible is both accurate and reliable. ... ...
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145: 'Edomite', `Negbite' And 'Midianite' Pottery From The Negev Desert ...
Archaeometry 33, 2 (1991), 239-253. Printed in Great Britain Department of Archaeometry, The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel TH. BEIER, U. DIEHL, D. LAMBRECHT and H. MOMMSEN Institut fur Strahlen- and Kernphysik, University of Bonn, Bonn, F.R.G. ... According to the Bible, the kings of Judah were involved during the eighth to sixth century BC [wrong: the bible says that Solomon expanded control in 950 BC] in keeping the Negev defensible by holding this vast area populated as a buffer zone ... Archaeologists have wondered whether Edomites settled as a minority in the Negev (or a part of it) among a Judahite majority hostile to them. Archaeologically, an occupying force leaves its traces. One of the traces ascribed to the Edomites consists ... 'Ein el-Qudeirat) is located in Wadi el 'Ein, a well ('Ein) which has fed the largest oasis of the southern Negev as well as northern Sinai from early times until the present (Dothan 1965, 134; Woolley and Lawrence 1914. 69-71; Cohen 1983, 93-4). ... ...
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146: Prism A (Rassam) and Prism C of Ashurbanipal/Osnappar: Alliance ...
Digging up Bible stories! "On my 1st campaign (667 BC), I marched to Egypt and Ethiopia against Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush. ... 22 kings, servants who belonged to me, carried their substantial gifts to me and kissed my feet. ... Ba'alu, king of Tyre, Manasseh, king of Judah, Qa'us-gabri, king of Edom, Musuri, king of Moab, Sil-Bel, king of Gaza, Mitinti, king of Ashkelon, Ikausu, king of Ekron ... Ammi-nadbi, king of Ammon, Ahi-Milki, king of Ashdod. ... Taharqa fled from Memphis to Thebes, then south. ... I had mercy on Neco I and I let him live. I made his treaty more stringent than the previous one. ... I appointed Naba-gezibanni, his son, in the ... Only once did Ashurbanipal name Manasseh on any of his steles, prisms, or cylinders on Prism C. For Bible students this proves what you read in the Book you find in the ground! e. Although scripture never names Ashurbanipal, he was very influential in shaping the Hebrew nation. He continued to settle the 10 tribes of Israel in ... ...
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147: David's New Spiritual Order: Timeline, maps, chronology, sermons ...
... The line of High priests began with Aaron, then Eleazar, then Phinehas. A promise had been made to Phinehas, that his sons would be the high priests forever. However, after Phinehas, the next high priest mentioned in the Bible is Eli, of a different bloodline (Ithamar). b. "Phinehas the son of Eleazar, the son of Aaron the priest, has turned away My wrath from the sons of Israel in that he was jealous with My jealousy among them, so that I did not destroy the sons of Israel in My jealousy. "Therefore say, 'Behold, I give him My covenant of peace; and it shall be for him ... Of Jeduthun, the sons of Jeduthun: Gedaliah, Zeri, Jeshaiah, Shimei, Hashabiah and Mattithiah, six, under the direction of their father Jeduthun with the harp, who prophesied in giving thanks and praising the LORD. Of Heman, the sons of Heman: Bukkiah, Mattaniah, Uzziel, Shebuel and Jerimoth, Hananiah, Hanani, Eliathah, Giddalti and Romamti-ezer, Joshbekashah, Mallothi, Hothir, Mahazioth. All these were the sons of ... ...
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148: Stele, inscriptions, manuscripts, scrolls, codex, New Testament ...
... Josiah, Omri, Ben-Hadad III Stela of Adad-Nirari III, King of Assyria (810-783 BC) 2 Kings 13:5 "YHWH gave Israel King Jehoahaz & Joash (Israel) a deliverer King Adad-nirari III (Assyria) they escaped Aram" King Ben Hadad III (Aram) Conquest Stela of ... Stele of Zakkur, king of Hamath A war between Hamath and Ben-Hadat III (Mari), son of Hazael, and a coalition of 17 kings. Zakkur monument 28 Elephantine Papyrus letters Persian letters Dating to 471-410 BC 3 featured Elephantine papyrus 1. Temple of YHWH burned (Sanballat, Bagohi Governor) 2. Document of wifehood (bride price, divorce causes) 3. Passover regulations (unleavened wine and bread) Read more details Manuscripts of the Bible New Testament and Old Testament manuscripts Bible ... The Story of Sinuhe: The Biography of Sinuhe And Edomite chief Jeush, son of Esau named in Gen 36:5,18 Detailed outline Sanballat bulla, papyri from the Cave of Wadi-Daliyeh: Wadi-Daliyeh and Sanballat II (408 BC) Sanballat II, son of the famous ... ...
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149: Solomon's Fortress at Elat, Aqaba: Tell el-Kheleifeh and Jezirat ...
Archeologically, it can be proven that Edom was almost entirely transjordan until the time of the Babylonian captivity of 586 BC. This places Ezion-geber on the east side of Elat, not the west. If archeologists had merely read the Bible, they would have used it as a guide to look ... and Aram (Syria) is a misreading of Edom, since Elath, never having belonged to Syria in the first place, could not have been recovered by Syria (Bartlett 1989:127)." (The Iron Age Fortresses at En Haseva, Rudolph Cohen, 1995 AD) A. Location of Elat and Ezion-Geber: Click to View We believe Tell el-kheleifeh is ancient Elat (Eloth) which is located on the border between Israel and Jordan today, 500 meters from the shore of the Red Sea. ... This island was called variously 'Ile de Graye', 'el Qureiye', 'el Deir', 'el Kasr hadid', `Emrag', and recently the 'Coral Island'. It was first described by E. Riippel in 1829 and has since been repeatedly visited by travellers, geographers and archaeologists who dated the ... ...
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150: Ein Haseva Fortress: One of Solomon's network of military border ...
... So too, Solomon, despite the debate that swirls round his historicity, can be credited with significant, archaeologically detectable achievements." (The Iron Age Fortresses at En Haseva, Rudolph Cohen, 1995 AD) The middle fortress (Stratum 5) from the ninth-eighth centuries BCE occupies roughly four times the area extent of contemporaneous Negev fortresses. Perhaps the site should be regarded as a small administrative city, like the Judean fortified city of Tel Beersheba, rather than a large fortress. Courtesy of the Israel Antiquities Authority. ..."Another possibility is that the [Stratum 5] fortress was built by Amaziah (798-769 BCE), the son of Joash, who was diligent in fortifying his kingdom ... construction of this fortress." (The Iron Age Fortresses at En Haseva, Rudolph Cohen, 1995 AD) Here are two drawings of the middle fortress, Stratum 5: Click to View Click to View By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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