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101: bible-archeology-destruction-muslim-archeologists
After burning down the largest library in the world at Alexandria in the 7th century, Muslims defaced the Madaba Map. Many of the sections missing above were defaced by Muslims because the idea of Jesus being God's son who died on the cross for our ... Muslim archeologists approve bulldozers to "excavate" temple mount: Click to View Every time Muslims dig, they find Bible stories and Jewish History that predates Islam by thousands of years: Click to View Muslim archeologist's destroy ancient Jewish ... Muslim archeologist's also willingly participate in the destruction of any artifact that supports the fact that Israel possessed their land from 1406 BC to 70 AD. The destruction of the Temple mount: "Good News magazine": "So the motivation in this ... In my estimation that was a wall built by King Hezekiah around 700 B.C. So major destruction has been done by these excavations. Archaeologists usually don't protest against excavations if you excavate and record what you have been finding. But to ... ...
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102: Encyclopædia Britannica
Britannica is a trusted source that refutes every claim Anti-Trinitarians make to debunk trinity. No wonder the Governing Body has such a dismal reputation. Full Texts: New Encyclopedia Britannica, 1979, Trinity, Vol. X, p.126 Encyclopædia ... "Neither the word Trinity, nor the explicit doctrine as such, appears in the New Testament, nor did Jesus and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Old Testament: `Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord' (Deut. 6:4) ... The doctrine developed gradually over ... These are: first, that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is completely God, that in reality "the whole fullness of deity dwells bodily" in him (Col. 2:9); second, that he is completely man; and third, that these two "natures" do not exist ... 1979, Constantine the Great, Vol. 5, p.71) In later years, he wrote to Eusebius to commission new copies of the Bible for the use of the growing congregations at Constantinople. (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1979, Constantine the Great, ... ...
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103: 597 BC: Arad Ostraca #40: Zedekiah and the Edomite invasion into ...
... BC and became an extinct nation by the time Judah returned from captivity in 536 BC. "To Edom: Like the overthrow of Sodom and Gomorrah with its neighbors," says the Lord, "no one will live there, nor will a son of man reside in it." (Jeremiah 49:16-18)" (Steve Rudd, 2015 AD) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! 5 ostraca document 3 important Bible events: 1. Pharaoh Nico II appoints Jehoiakim king of Judah in 609 BC. 2. Edomites move into the Judean Negev and Zedekiah orders troops for defense. 3. A man seeks asylum in the temple of Solomon. ... Condemnation for Edom for its role in the 587 BC destruction of Judah and Temple: Obadiah 10-14, Ps. 137:7; Lam. 4:21; Ezek. 25:12-14; 32:29; 35:1-15. 1 Esdras 4:45. Jer 27:1-3; 49:13, 16-18. "the day of Jerusalem's fall, how Edom said, "Tear it down! Tear it down! Down to its foundations!"" (Psalm 137:7) "Edom acted revengefully against the house of Judah" (Ezekiel 25:12-14) "Edom cherished an ancient enmity, and gave Israel to the power of the ... ...
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104: Thutmoses III was Pharaoh of the Exodus in 1446 BC
Exodus 1446 1 Kings 6:1 Thutmoses III after exodus 15 1446-1431 No campaigns after Exodus Amenhotep II (Aakheperure) (second born son) 25 1431-1406 Weak king who signs peace accords. Israel has been at Kadesh for 12 years when ... Horemheb (Djeserkheperure) 28 1328-1300 . Totals 257 1557-1300 . Introduction: The date of the exodus was 1446 BC when Israel left Egypt and 1406 BC when they crossed the Jordan into the promised land. The Bible is consistent and clear on this date: 1 Kings 6:1; Judges 11:26; Acts 13:19. The three verses are ... Therefore, when we lay the archaeology of Merneptah Stele over top of the accepted chronology of the Judges, it is a perfect fit! v. What you read in the book you find in the ground! Archaeologists Kathleen Kenyon and Israel ... They are convincing because they are stated clearly in non-figurative narratives cradled in true historical stories. They are consistent because the three texts all give the same date, not different dates. B. Egyptian ... ...
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105: 100 Free Printable Public Use Bible Maps
Most commercially available Bible chronologies are widely inaccurate. Part of the reason is that the creators of the chronologies are atheists and do not view the stories in the Bible as ever actually happening. Consequently, these atheists ... Steve Rudd the author of these maps and chronologies, is a Bible believing, weekly church attending, staff archeologist at Shiloh Israel. b. Most places on the map are marked with their Bible name AND the archeological site name. ie: Gath (Bible name) = Tell es-Safi (Archeological name) c. Archeology is a critical tool in creating Bible maps and chronologies. d. Before they begin to excavate a site, Archeologists make assumptions in advance which Bible city they are digging. e. Years and tens of thousands of ... Click to View The Exodus from Egypt: 1446 BC High Resolution Map See also: Exodus Route proven from the Bible Click to View Encyclopedia of Exodus Route Maps Old, Ancient, Antique, Vintage and Modern maps Synagogue Map Site Maps of Ancient ... ...
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106: Haruskah Anda Percaya Kepada Watchtower???
... "Diyakini, bahwa walau pun doktrin tsb di luar jangkauan akal manusia, doktrin tsb, seperti banyak rumus ilmu fisika, tidak bertentangan dengan akal, dan mungkin dapat diterima (walau pun mungkin tidak dimengerti) oleh akal manusia." Jadi, The Encyclopedia Americana mengatakan doktrin Tritunggal dapat ... doctrine is, or precisely how it is to be explained, Trinitarians are not agreed among themselves." ... "It is not possible for the human intellect to comprehend fully the divine nature. The Bible represents God to us as Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. It represents them as equally entitled to our highest reverence, affection, and allegiance." ... Aslinya, Neither the word Trinity, nor the explicit doctrine as such, appears in the New Testament, nor did Jesus and his followers intend to contradict the Shema in the Old Testament: "Hear, 0 Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord" (Deut. 6:4). ... Thus, the New Testament established the basis for the doctrine of the Trinity. The doctrine ... ...
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107: Quattuordecim (XIV): Ezra Translated the Paleo-Hebrew manuscripts ...
... When Ezra walked out in 458 BC with his new set of Bible manuscripts the general population could still not read them and had to trust by faith, that the work of Ezra was correct. Inauguration day: ... "And all the people gathered as one man at the square which was in front of the Water Gate, and they asked Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses which the Lord had given to Israel. ... Ezra the scribe stood at a wooden podium which they had made for the purpose. [The 14 translators:] And beside him stood Mattithiah, Shema, Anaiah, Uriah, Hilkiah, and Maaseiah on his right hand; and ... "The entire assembly of those who had returned from the captivity made booths and lived in them. The sons of Israel had indeed not done so from the days of Joshua the son of Nun to that day. And there ... What we do know, is that the great scribes document storage room was burned and as a result the clay bulla were fired and discovered through three dimensional archeological excavations in the city of ... ...
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108: The Edomites: From Esau to Edom to Idumea to Extinction 2006BC ...
Seir is not recorded in the Bible. There is an extensive list of the descendants of "Seir the Horite" their rulers in Genesis 36:20-30.The etymology of Horite appears to be connected with living in caves. So Seir was a man who lived in caves: "Seir the Horite" or Seir the cave dweller. a. The Edomites had their origin in 2006 BC at the birth of Esau. The Edomites were descended from Esau who is the brother of Jacob and son of Isaac. "Now these are the ... When Esau moved to Seir, he killed off the Horites and took over the land. "The Horites formerly lived in Seir, but the sons of Esau dispossessed them and destroyed them from before them and settled in their place, just as Israel did to the land of their ... Many lost cities have been located using the Bible as a road map. So startling and impressive are some of the finds that one archaeologist was compelled to say, "They are digging up Bible stories!" The shovel and spade have confirmed that the historical information of the Bible ... ...
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109: Encyclopedia of Pentecostal ministries and preachers
Encyclopedia of Pentecostal Ministries and Preachers Charismatic leaders, organizations and false doctrines EXPOSED! Click to View Pentecostalism looks and feels good, but is rotten to the core! ... Schambach, Robert William Schuller, Dr. Robert: Hour Of Power Scotland, John Seymour, William - - Sharon Bible school Sizelove, Rachel A. Smith, Miss Mable Strader, Karl: Carpenter's Home Church ... A Statement of our Doctrine: The Lord Jesus Christ We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God. We believe in His substitutionary death for all men, His resurrection, and ... Baptisms are conducted each Sunday in the evening service. Our Commitment to Israel We believe in the promise of Genesis 12:3 regarding the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. We believe that this ... Rodney Howard-Browne, for one, urges devotees: "Read the life stories of some of the great men of God, men like A.A. Allen." (Hank Hanegraaff, Counterfeit Revival, 1997 citing Rodney Howard-Browne, ... ...
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110: Elijah and Elisha Chronology timeline 870-810 BC
... While Israel is suffering famine, Judah enjoys prosperity e. There were 25 Bible related wars between Judah, Israel, Philistines, Assyria, Aram, Edom, Moab, Ammon, Ethiopia, Arabs f. While Israel is ... While Ahab is building the House of Baal for his pagan wife Jezebel, Elijah restored the altar of YHWH on Mt. Carmel for this great showdown with the prophets of Baal. l. While Israel is almost under constant attack from outside nations, Judah enjoys only two wars with the Ethiopians and Aram during a 56-year time of peace (900-844 BC) during the reigns of Righteous Asa and his son Jehoshaphat. In ... Ahaziah sent three sets of 50 solders to arrest Elijah, who killed the first two sets of 50: 2 Ki 1:9-13 5. The number 7 in the Elijah and Elisha stories: a. Elijah prayed 7 times for it to rain again ... Iron Age IIA begins with the rule of David in Hebron in 1010 BC and ends in the conquest of Jehu in 841 BC. 1. Archaeologists recognize a new assemblage of pottery and objects came into use at this ... ...
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111: 500 Flood stories prove Noah's Ark is real history: Epic of Gilgamesh ...
The Search for Noah's Ark with Steven Rudd Epic of Atra-Hasis: 1635 BC noahs-ark-flood-creation-stories-myths-epic-of-atra-hasis-old-babylonian-akkadian-cuneiform-flood-creation-tablet-1635bc.jpg The ... In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Ea betrayed Enlil and warned Gilgamesh to build the ark and load all the animals on board. 6. Enlil: son of the supreme god An/Anu, brother of Ishtar/Inana and Enki. Was the one who carried out the decree of his father to destroy mankind with a flood. Enlil was bothered by the noise of man and couldn't sleep. 7. Ennugi: canal digging foreman 8. Geshtu-E: the low ranking ... Whereas the Bible shows the reason to be moral sin, in the Epic of Atra-Hasis the reason was because the higher gods (Enlil) were being disturbed of their sleep by the noise man was making on the ... Over 1000 years later, Pharaoh may have had this well known story in mind when he doubled the workload of Israel when they made a similar request. As Enlil listened, he was moved to tears, agreed to ... ...
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112: Did Yahweh Have a Consort, Kuntillet Ajrud, Ze'ev Meshel, 1979 ...
Yahweh (spelled YHWH in Hebrew consonantal writing) is the holy name of the Hebrew God as it appears in the Bible. El, a generic term for God, is also used in the Bible to refer specifically to the Hebrew God. But the religious inscriptions from ... But since Palmer's day archaeologists have learned a great deal about pottery dating. After the 1967 Six-Day War we came to the site and by examining the sherds which lay strewn about we were able to detect Palmer's error easily and to date the site ... A few years later I led the archaeological expedition to Kuntillet Ajrud on behalf of Tel Aviv University (Institutes of Archaeology, and of Nature Conservation Research); the Israel Department of Antiquity; the Department for Holy-Land Studies in ... The inscription on the rim of the bowl reads as follows: l'bdyw bn 'dnh brk h'lyhw "(Belonging) to 'Obadyau son of 'Adnah, may he be blessed by Yahwe(h) ... The donor's name "Obadyau", like most of the other private names, has the ending "yau" ... ...
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113: Ein El-Qudeirat is not Kadesh Barnea: : Wrongly identified as ...
in 1916 AD. Scholars like Keil & Delitzsch in 1867 AD, William Smith's Bible Dictionary in 1884 AD and the New Advent Catholic encyclopedia, Cades, 1917 AD all focused upon the similarity of name. ... Virtually all Bible maps incorrectly place Kadesh at Qudeirat. Click to View "L. Woolley and T.E. Lawrence described the site and its eight-towered fortress and suggested that it be identified with ... In 1956, M. Dothan carried out excavations in the fortress of Kadesh-Barnea (1EJ 15 [19651, pp. 134-151)." (Kadesh-Barnea, 1976, Rudolph Cohen, Israel Exploration Journal, 1976 AD, p 201) Woolley and ... In fact Schmidt considered Weibeh, Kades and Qudeirat, rejected them all and concluded that Kadesh was at Petra: "It seems to me even more probable that Petra was the original scene of these stories." ... So that is the sum of the archeological evidence that Kadesh is located at Qudeirat: "Nothing yet, but lets keep digging" and the fact it is the only fortress Solomon built that was rebuilt twice ... ...
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114: Jesus Master Builder carpenter stonemason creator build temple ...
B. Jesus the Master builder: 1. Supernaturally, Jesus laid the foundation of the universe: Hebrews 1:8-11 2. Providentially in 1446 BC: Jesus provided the literal water for Israel to drink during the exodus: 3. ... As a contractor, Jesus was aware of many stories of others who laid foundations but were unable to complete: "For which one of you, when he wants to build a tower, does not first sit down and calculate the cost to ... I. Jesus the Master Builder: Architect (Stonemason and Carpenter) A. Jesus is explicitly called a "builder": Tekton = "one who constructs" 1. Two bible passages describe Jesus and his father Joseph as a builder (tekton): a. Joseph was a "Tekton": "Is not this the carpenter's [Greek: tekton] son? Is not His mother called Mary, and His brothers, James and ... experienced stonemason. 2. Dig foundation to bedrock: Notice in Lk 6:48 Jesus specifically speaks of DIGGING DEEP down to bedrock [petra: bedrock] a. "And Joseph took the body and wrapped it in a clean linen ... ...
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115: The Exodus Route: Debunked: Split Rock of Rephidim (Meribah)
... refuting Unicorn Internet Archaeologists (UIA) who popularize Ron Wyatt's ridiculous split rock which is on the wrong side of the mountain. These UIAs include Ron Wyatt, Larry Williams, Bob Cornuke, David Fasold, Howard Blum, Larry Williams, Lennart Möller, Jim Caldwell, Penny Caldwell, Ryan Mauro, Andrew Jones, Joel Richardson. It takes more than a camera and a wild imagination to do professional archeology. WARNING: FAKE NEWS ALERT!!! DEBUNKED a. The Bible says Israel complained about water at ... This place was perhaps also the desert setting where Moses was visited by Jethro his father-in-law." (Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible, Rephidim) d. "Moses leads the Israelites, by stages, to Sinai, (at Rephidim, Jethro brings his wife and children ... Jethro apparently had followed the affairs of his son-in-law with interest so that when the Israelites camped at Rephidim Jethro determined to see him." (Bible knowledge Commentary, Ex 18:1, Vol 1, p 136, 1985 AD) 5. Conclusion: Jethro visited ... ...
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116: Historical search for Kadesh Barnea from 1000 BC - Present
... As they excavated the site, they were unaware that they were actually digging up a fortress built by Solomon in 950 BC to protect Judah's southern border, they falsely assumed the building was present ... This of course is not really a discovery, but more of a restoration in harmony with the Bible and the most ancient history sources combined with modern archeology. 4. Factors that mislead the search ... Looking for large natural water supplies. Kadesh has a spring but with the water table so much lower today in Israel it is likely dried up. At Kadesh, Israel complained there was not enough water and ... rejected Qudeirat in favor of Petra in 1910 the same way that Stanley rejected Weibah in favor of Petra in 1856: "It seems to me even more probable that Petra was the original scene of these stories. ... absence of Exodus remains poses problem, Rudolph Cohen, 1981 AD) The New Advent Catholic encyclopedia was probably the last to say that Kadesh was located at Qedeis in 1917 AD: "A good deal of ... ...
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117: Mt. Sinai located in Arabia: Galatian 4:25
... Thus says the Lord, "Arise, go up to Kedar And devastate the men of the east. " Jeremiah 49:28 4. Arabia in the Bible is always - without exception - the land of Midian. (Modern Saudi Arabia). a. ... Petra was an excellent choice as the location of their capital city since it lies at the major crossroad of three caravan roads that feed southern Arabia, Babylon, Israel, and Egypt. Leuke Kome was ... Obodas was deified and-as evidenced by Nabatean and Greek inscriptions-his cult persisted at Oboda until the 3rd century ad. Without waiting for Augustus' confirmation Aretas IV (9 BC-AD 40), son of ... New tribes migrated from Arabia to the southern parts of the kingdom and penetrated the Negev, where they destroyed Oboda and the forts on the Petra-Gaza road." (The Archaeological Encyclopedia of the ... After these the soil is sandy and barren, producing a few palm-trees and a thorny tree [Mimosa Nilotica] and the tamarisk, and affording water by digging, as is the case in Gedrosia; and it is ... ...
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118: The border Between Judah and Egypt: River of Egypt, Wadi el-Arish ...
... Click here for a study of the Sinai Peninsula and the phrase, "out of Egypt" in the Bible. The Bible clearly says that Israel was still in Egypt when they rebelled on the shores of the Red Sea at the ... Click to View Pharaoh Neco began to occupy Israel and made Eliakim its puppet king. Then Nebuchadnezzar came into Israel and repelled Egypt to the border at the brook of Egypt. This shows that in the 6th century BC, Egypt's traditional border with Israel was the wadi el-Arish, with meant that Egypt controlled the entire modern Sinai Peninsula: "Pharaoh Neco made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in ... and military authorities." (Transition 18th - 19th Dynasty, Colleen Manassa Darnell, UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, p4, 2015 AD) "my majesty commands: that every officer who seizes the dues] and ... AD 400: Jerome: Raphia is near the border of Egypt (Jerome, commentary on Daniel 11:10-14) h. AD 542: Madaba Map: States in Greek that Egyptian border is between Raphia and Rhinocorura Archaeologists ... ...
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119: Rich man and Lazarus in Hades: Luke 16:19-31: Neo-Sadduceeian ...
... 2. Parable of the fine pearl 3. Parable of the prodigal son These three parable were told in Luke 15 to explain the three different ways people discover the gospel truth and become Christians. ... All parables, are "true-to-life" realistic stories that could easily substitute for a newspaper headline or a common every day human experience. Like the "parable of the sower", everyone understands, ... The entire scene in the "grave" is entirely outside the realm of human experience. And if this is a parable, then it is the ONLY one in the Bible where Jesus based his teaching on something outside ... View #2: Able, Wrested Scriptures The parable condemns Caiaphas the chief Shepherd of Israel for his selfish irresponsibility in neglecting the spiritual and material needs of Jews in Israel. Lazarus ... Paul condemned using Jewish myths and fables in 1 Tim. 1:4; 4:7; 2 Tim. 4:4; Tit. 1:14; 2 Pet. 1:16! International Standard Bible Encyclopedia: The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia discusses ... ...
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120: Jezirat Faraun: Is This Solomon's Seaport? Alexander Flinder ...
Alexander Flinder 1989 AD (Jezirat Faraun: Is This Solomon's Seaport?, Alexander Flinder, 1989 AD) In the Bible we are twice told that Solomon, with the help of the Phoenician king Hiram, built a ... And so I propose to build a house for the name of the Lord my God, as the Lord promised my father David, saying, "Your son, whom I will set on your throne in your place, shall build the house for My ... Now known as the Gulf of Eilat (ay-LAHT) (in Israel) and the Gulf of Aqabah (AH-ka-ba) (in Jordan), this waterway provides a gateway to the east coast of Africa and to the countries of the Indian ... The identification of Ezion-Geber with Tell el-Kheleifeh found its way into almost every book on Biblical archaeology. But in the minds of some, doubts lingered. The dean of Biblical archaeologists, ... The servants of King Solomon, however, have told me of an island that is called Ezion-Geber; they say that their fathers recall stories of ships of the pharaohs being anchored here many years ago. "I ... ...
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121: Trinity proof texts: John 8:58
... For the man who rejoiced to see His day, and made this an object of earnest desire, plainly did so because it was a day that should be for a benefit, and belonging to one greater than himself. Because they had said, "The carpenter's son" (Matthew ... He removes all doubt as to the essential nature of His oneness with the Father by explicitly asserting His eternity ('Before Abraham was born, I am,' Jn 8:58)..." (Warfield, International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, "Trinity") I am. That our Lord by this ... Along the same lines Jesus makes an astounding claim to his Jewish antagonists in 8:58: "Before Abraham came into existence, I am." The sacred name of the God of Israel seems to underlie this claim, and in any case the attribute of preexistence is ... A comparison, e.g., of the historical traditions gathering around figures like St. Patrick or even Thomas a Becket will show that it is the most natural thing in the world for such stories to spring up within a man's lifetime, and the mushroom of ... ...
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122: Nuweiba Beach Red Sea crossing: Rejected, debunked, refuted
... Goshen to Sinai took 47 days not 60 days: Ex 19:1. Moses spotlights God's divine providence behind the exodus journey by noting the precise timing of Israel leaving Goshen on a full moon and arriving ... Death of Pharaoh's firstborn son: Thutmoses III was the Pharaoh of the Exodus and his eldest son Amenemhat died in the 10th plague. Amenhotep II was not the firstborn son of Thutmose III who succeeded ... lasted for over 1000 years was triggered by the Muslim conquest in 642 BC. During this "dark" 1000 years of information loss, Bible cartographers were unaware of the existence of the Gulf of Aqaba. ... Both wheels and the connecting axle of a chariot were 100% made of wood and contained no metal parts at the time of the exodus. Unicorn Internet Archaeologists (UIA) who show pictures of coral ... On the shore I tried the experiment which both Ruppell and Laborde mention, of obtaining fresh water by digging holes in the sand when the tide is out. It was in part successful; though less so than I ... ...
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123: The Iron Age Fortresses at En Haseva, Rudolph Cohen, 1995 AD
... The book of Amos explicitly records the beginning of his service: " the days of Uzziah king of Judah, and in the days of Jeroboam the son of Joash [Jehoash] king of Israel, two years before the earthquake" ... the sources in Finkelstein's research (1992:72, 82-83, 86-88). 11 Are the biblical stories about his building activities, immense wealth and overall improvements in the realm (1 Kgs 1-10; 2 Chr 1-9) historical fact or royal hyperbole? Those who take the traditional view credit Solomon with the achievements noted in the Bible citing literary, archaeological and epigraphic evidence (Mazar 1986; 1992; Aharoni ... Har-vard Semitic Monographs 46. Atlanta: Scholars Press. Aharoni, M. 1993. S.v. Arad: The Israelite Citadels. New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, edited by E. Stern. New York: Simon and Schuster. Aharoni, Y 1963 Tamar and the Roads to Elath. Israel Exploration Journal 13:30-42. 1967 Forerunners of the Limes: Iron Age Fortresses in the ... ...
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124: Saul Hunts David. Timeline, maps, chronology, sermons of Judges ...
... serve as high priest. "The king appointed Benaiah the son of Jehoiada over the army in his place, and the king appointed Zadok the priest in the place of Abiathar." (1 Kings 2:35) 3. For 306 years the Tabernacle was in Shiloh during the period of the Judges. In a period of Apostasy within the Judges era, God used the Philistines to defeat Israel and they captured the Ark of the Covenant and ... Deception is always a sin but some religions use the sinful example of David's lying to prove it is OK to lie to your enemies. Just as the Bible didn't openly criticize Noah for getting drunk, so too ... "So ... a false statement knowingly made to one who has not a right to the truth will not be a lie." (Catholic Encyclopedia, IX, 471) "we are ... under an obligation to keep secrets faithfully, and ... This is one of the saddest stories in the Bible of righteous men dreaming about the future with plans that never came to pass. I hope that in heaven Jonathan serves beside David his king forever. i. ... ...
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125: The $200 Text: A Written Debate Concerning the Sabbath
... Yea, they honor Him just as Judas did when he said, "Hail, Master," and kissed Him. And He may as justly say to every one of them, "Betrayest thou the Son of Man with a kiss?" It is no other than betraying Him ... The Adventists assume: That Moses gave the law of Moses, not God. The Bible teaches: That God gave the law of Moses. "This Ezra went up from Babylon. And he was a ready scribe in the LAW OF MOSES which the LORD GOD OF ISRAEL HAD GIVEN." (Ezra 7:6). The Adventists assume: That God alone gave the law of God. The Bible teaches: That Moses gave the law of God. ... Could we by any twist of the imagination think that he means only part of it? Some would say, yes the Old Testament is all right for the stories it has, and for the inspiration of Psalms. We can learn things by ... Not only am I misinformed according to David Smith but also "Elder A. T. Jones, Battle Creek, Mich., U.S.A. (Seventh-day Adventist)" in the Popular and Critical Bible Encyclopedia, Vol. 1, p. 62. Mr. Jones affirms ... ...
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126: Personal Evangelism 101
The Florida College Bookstore, 119 Glen Arven, Temple Terrace, Fla 33617 where the author has served as a Bible, Communications, and Marriage and Family instructor since 1978. PHONE: 1-800-423-1648 / ... The greatest need today is for the church to get back to its mission and "seek and save the lost" (Luke 19:10)! God could have done anything he wanted with His Son but He made Him a soul-winner! The ... If we are to be more than priests in name only, we must study God's word, and bless people with the gospel so they can receive the forgiveness of their sins! Is our model physical Israel (which had a ... That's all I have." "Nothing more?" "Well, I have a few dollars in my pocket." "How much?" We start digging. "Well, let's see: thirty, forty, sixty, eighty, a hundred, a hundred-twenty dollars." ... Appeal to him with the idea of "learning more about Undenominational Christianity." Instead of studying "Bible stories" let's see how they all fit together and learn the Bible story. Make your mission ... ...
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127: Flavius Josephus Chronology of the Destruction of Jerusalem's ...
... Romans." (The Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land, Masada) ii. "According to Josephus the end came on the 15th of Xanthicus, or May 2, a.d. 73" (ISBE, Masada, Volume 3, Page 276, 1988 AD) d. ... Any book published before AD 1971 will in error when converting Bible dates and those used by Josephus of about three weeks. d. Almost all dates in most published scholastic works have this three week ... as necessity required, and such as might mollify him into complaisance. (8) So Vespasian sent his son Titus from Achaia, where he had been with Nero, to Alexandria, to bring back with him from thence ... It was Ezra who translated the Paleo-Hebrew script into the Aramaic script used in the first century, the Dead Sea Scrolls and modern Israel. "Bronze coins of the Jewish War differ from the silver ... AD 70, Tuesday [29 Iyyar/Artimesius 29]: The Jews vow to fight to the death and destroy a Roman ramp built of timber by digging under the foundation and coating them with tar and setting them on fire. ... ...
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128: Flavius Josephus Chronology of the Destruction of Jerusalem's ...
... Romans." (The Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land, Masada) ii. "According to Josephus the end came on the 15th of Xanthicus, or May 2, a.d. 73" (ISBE, Masada, Volume 3, Page 276, 1988 AD) d. ... Any book published before AD 1971 will in error when converting Bible dates and those used by Josephus of about three weeks. d. Almost all dates in most published scholastic works have this three week ... as necessity required, and such as might mollify him into complaisance. (8) So Vespasian sent his son Titus from Achaia, where he had been with Nero, to Alexandria, to bring back with him from thence ... It was Ezra who translated the Paleo-Hebrew script into the 23 Aramaic script used in the first century, the Dead Sea Scrolls and modern Israel. "Bronze coins of the Jewish War differ from the silver ... AD 70, Tuesday [29 Iyyar/Artimesius 29]: The Jews vow to fight to the death and destroy a Roman ramp built of timber by digging under the foundation and coating them with tar and setting them on fire. ... ...
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129: Kadesh Barnea Journal of Biblical Literature, Vol 29, No 1, 1910 ...
... It seems to me even more probable that Petra was the original scene of these stories. Here the great Deliverer (Cp. my article "The Jerahmeel Theory and the Historic Importance of the Negeb," Hibbert ... Jerome explained Barnea as " filius mutationis." 6 He naturally thought of the Aramaic `1=, "son." But it is not likely that at the end of the seventh century B.C. the Aramaic had penetrated so far ... 32 s. 10 Palcestina ez monumentis veteribus illustrata, 1714, pp. 113 ff. 11 Printed in Jewish Encyclopedia, vol. ix. 483. is Horce Hebraic et Talmudicce, 1658-1674 ; ed. Carpzov, 1684, pp. 18 ff. ... Another was of a large building with two rectangular rooms, one triangular, and an adjoining circle. Near it was a large ring of stones set on end. Digging in the corner of one of these ruins, I found ... the Historic Importance of the Negeb," Bibbert Journal, vi. 2, January, 1908, pp. 339 ff. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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130: Encyclopedia of Pentecostal History of Tongues: 150 AD - 1901 ...
... Click to View Encyclopedia of Pentecostal History 70 Didache Didache says, "For the Father desireth that the gifts be given to all" and also describes prophets who speak "in the Spirit." ("Charismata" ... Pentecostal historians have shown the same aversion to the primary records, with the result that the same stories are repeated again and again-usually without question- and mistakes once made are ... the law of faith, written on the heart, and its reward, the beatific vision which the house of the spiritual Israel, when delivered from the present world, shall perceive, belong to the new testament. ... For who is there that dare affirm or believe that any man knoweth all things that the only-begotten Son hath heard of the Father; when there is no one that can comprehend even how He heareth any word ... Franciscans, Europe. ("Tongues, Gift of," B, IV, 796; "Tongues, Gift of," Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, H. B. Hackett, ad. (1870; Rpt. Grand Rapids: Baker Book House, 1971), IV, 3310-11.) Catholic ... ...
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131: Timna: Valley of the Biblical Copper Mines, Beno Rothenberg, ...
... Stripping off the present surface layer, it immediately became obvious that the strange standing stones are not actually connected with the circular structure being uncovered, but served as 'markers' of some sort. Digging down further it became ... There seems to be little doubt that the actual existence of a large scale Pharaonic industrial enterprise in the Arabah during the fourteenth to twelfth centuries BC will require reconsideration of the factual foundations of current Bible ... It was first described by E. Riippel in 1829 and has since been repeatedly visited by travellers, geographers and archaeologists who dated the remains on the island as Byzantine, medieval Arabic or Crusader. Only C. L. Woolley and T. E. Lawrence ... on the mainland opposite, date to the Early Iron Age I prior to the United Monarchy of Israel, with a possible use also in the tenth to eighth centuries BC. All other remains relate to the Nabataean, Byzantine and Mameluke occupation of the island. ... ...
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132: George Salmon's Infallibiliy of the church
He met the Church on its own ground and used the premises of Rome to shatter the foundation of Rome-so skillfully, that the 1910 edition of The Catholic Encyclopedia labeled him "one of the subtlest ... If so, it ought to be only for curiosity that we need look into books written in the very infancy of the church; and to seek for our system of Christian doctrine in the Bible would be as absurd as to ... Here is the language of one of them on hearing the news of his death: "At last the reproach of Israel is taken away. He is gone to vex the inhabitants of the world below with his endless dogmatism. ... rock,' that is, 'on this faith,' or 'on this confession of faith in which thou hast called me the Son of the living God,' as Hilary, and Gregory Nyssen, and Chrysostom, and Cyril of Alexandria. St. ... Rome on this subject has been built upon revelations, or, as we should call it in plain English, on ghost stories. For hundreds of years the Church seems to have know little or nothing on the subject. ... ...
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133: In Darkest England and the Way Out, William Booth 1890 AD
... This, no doubt, is true, but the squatter who settles in the Canadian backwoods does not clear his land all at once. He lives on a small portion of it, and goes on digging and delving little by ... Yea, verily. We find but very little of such devotion; no, not in Israel. I look forward to making great use of these Army Reserve men. There are engineers amongst them; there are artillery men and ... To the dwellers in decent homes who occupy cushioned pews in fashionable churches there is something strange and quaint in the language they hear read from the Bible, language which habitually refers ... backs upon your sins; abandon your evil doings; give up the drink and the service of the devil. He has given His Son Jesus Christ to die for you. He wants to save you. Come to His feet. He is waiting. ... I could fill volumes with stories of the war against vermin, which is part of this campaign in the slums, but the subject is too revolting to those who are often indifferent to the agonies their ... ...
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134: Stele of Zakkur, King of Hamath (795 BC)
Stele of Zakkur, King of Hamath: 795 BC Hazael, Ben-Hadad III and the war of Hamath Stele of Zakkur, king of Hamath Date of inscription 795 BC Glyptic object Aramaic Inscription on Basalt Discovery Henri Pognon Afis, Syria 1903 AD Current location Louvre Museum, Paris #AO 8185 Bible names Hazael, Ben-Hadad III (Mari) Historic events Battle against Hamath vs. Ben-Hadad III and his coalition of 17 city kings. Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "Then Ben-Hadad [III], son of Hazael, king of Aram, united against me 17 kings: Ben-Hadad [III] and his army, of 17 kings laid siege to Hazrach. They raised a wall higher than the wall of Hazrach, they dug a ditch deeper than [its] ditch." (Front, lines 2-14) "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" Introduction: 1. Ben-Hadad III (Mari) is the son of Hazael and he attacks the country of Hamath with a coalition of 17 city states. a. Zakkur (or Zakir) is the king of Hamath and he survives the attack then records the events in the stele, ... ...
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135: Beatitudes of Jesus and the Beatitudes Dead Sea Scroll: 4Q525
Its all about the format of 8 short beatitudes followed by a 9th longer one! Click to View Digging up Bible stories! Historical insight: Jesus patterned his beatitudes after the well-known poetic style of his day with 8 short beatitudes followed by an 9th longer one. Like saying, "knock, knock" or "Roses are Red..." today, everyone sitting on the north shore of the Sea of Galilee was familiar with the format and listened curiously to the Nazarene's own variation on the poetic form. Jesus used known cultural paradigms so his message was: revolutionary, relevant and refreshing. Notice both Jesus' and Qumran Beatitudes use the same format of 8 short beatitudes followed by a 9th longer one. Beatitudes of Jesus 30 AD Qumran Beatitudes Scroll 4Q525 50 BC Matthew 5:3-12 [Words (or Proverbs) of David (or of Solomon son of David), which he spok]e (or [wrot]e) by the wisdom God gave to him [to ... ... to acquir]e wisdom and disci[pline,] to understand [ ... ... ] to increase knowledge or ... ...
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136: 597 BC: Arad Ostraca #18: Man seeks asylum in Temple of Solomon ...
Arad Ostraca #18 (597 BC) Man seeks asylum in Temple of Solomon in Jerusalem at the time of Zedekiah Ostraca, Tablets and Inscriptions of the Bible Click to View Digging up Bible stories! 5 ostraca document 3 important Bible events: 1. Pharaoh Nico II appoints Jehoiakim king of Judah in 609 BC. 2. Edomites move into the Judean Negev and Zedekiah orders troops for defense. 3. A man seeks asylum in the temple of Solomon. See also: Outline on Josiah King of Judah (640-609 BC) Outline on Jehoiakim king of ... And Joab fled to the tent of the Lord and took hold of the horns of the altar." (1 Kings 2:28) "When I entered the house of Shemaiah the son of Delaiah, son of Mehetabel, who was confined at home, he said, "Let us meet together in the house of God, within the temple, and let us close the doors of the temple, for they are coming to kill you, and they are coming to kill you at night."" (Nehemiah 6:10) "And all who take refuge at the temple in Jerusalem, or in any of its precincts, because ... ...
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137: Papyrus Anastasi 4 and 6 Shasu Pithom Goshen Lake, tribes of ...
Papyrus Anastasi VI mentions the "Lakes of Pithom" and "Bedouin tribes of Edom" Lakes of Pithom in Goshen: Translation of Papyrus Anastasi 6: "Another piece of information for my lord is that we have just let the Shasu [Bedouin] tribes of Edom pass the Fortress of Merneptah-hetephermaat, LPH, of Tjeku, to the lakes of Pithom of Merneptah-hetephermaat, of Tjeku, in order to revive themselves and revive their flocks from the great life force of Pharaoh" (Papyrus Anastasi VI, COS 3.5) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "Lakes of Pithom" in Goshen "We have finished letting the Bedouin tribes of Edom pass the Fortress." Detailed outline on Edom. Introduction: The Papyrus Anastasi VI dates to 1205 BC (the 8th year of Merneptah) and is one of several manuscripts purchased around 1839 AD from an Armenian antiquity dealer named Giovanni Anastasi (1765-1860). Lakes of Pithom not pools of Pools at Goshen: There are two ancient literary sources that describe the lakes of Goshen at Pithom in ... ...
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138: Shalmaneser III: brick of Ziggurat from Nimrud Calah: 839BC
Date of inscription 858-839 BC Glyptic object Akkadian inscription on clay Discovery Austen Henry Layard, Outer face of ziggurat, Nimrud (Calah), 1848 AD Current location British Museum #90224 Bible names Shalmaneser III is a key figure in the Bible. Click to View Digging up Bible stories! Shalmaneser III is a key figure in the Bible and here is a statue of his throne. "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" Detailed outline on Shalmaneser III Introduction: 1. Shalmaneser III is a key figure ... In the catalogue, abbreviations under "Calah provenance" are: GP = Governor's Palace; NWP = North West Palace." (The Royal inscriptions of Mesopotamia. Assyrian periods Vol. 3, A. Kirk Grayson, p166, 1996 AD) 4. Translation of the statue of Shalmaneser III on his throne: a. "Shalmaneser, great king, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Ashurnasirpal (II), great king, strong king, king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Tukultï-Ninurta (II), who was also king ... ...
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139: Shalmaneser III: Annals on annals Basalt throne: 850BC
Annal years 850 BC (Regnal year 9) Glyptic object Akkadian inscription on imported black basalt Discovery Sir Austen Henry Layard Ashur (Kalat-Sherkat),1847 AD Current location British Museum #118886 Bible names Shalmaneser III is a key figure in the Bible. Click to View Digging up Bible stories! Shalmaneser III is a key figure in the Bible and here is a statue of his throne. "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" Detailed outline on Shalmaneser III Introduction: 1. Shalmaneser III is a key ... Shalmaneser, great king, strong king, king of the universe, unrivalled king, dragon, the weapon which destroys all quarters, commander of princes everywhere, who has smashed all (line 5) his enemies like a pot, strong male, merciless (and) unsparing in battle; son of Ashurnasirpal (II), king of the universe, king of Assyria, son of Tukultï-Ninurta (II), (who was) also king of the universe and king of Assyria: (Lines 1-9a) Conqueror from the upper sea to the lower sea, the lands yatti, ... ...
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140: The Story of Sinuhe confirms Gen 36:15-18 in 1900 BC
The main character begins in Egypt, is exiled to from Egypt to Canaan, (Joseph was exiled from Canaan to Egypt, whereas Moses from Egypt) then returns home again. A man from leaves behind a life of wealth and privilege when he moves to a foreign land and lives with strangers only to become prosperous in that land, until he is reconciled to his homeland. Click to View Digging up Bible stories! In the story of Sinuhe, we have a reference to one of the "Jeush, one of the Chiefs of Edom" Gen 36:15-18 "Your ... For their property had become too great for them to live together, and the land where they sojourned could not sustain them because of their livestock. So Esau lived in the hill country of Seir; Esau is Edom. These then are the records of the generations of Esau the father of the Edomites in the hill country of Seir. These are the names of Esau's sons: Eliphaz the son of Esau's wife Adah, Reuel the son of Esau's wife Basemath. The sons of Eliphaz were Teman, Omar, Zepho and Gatam and ... ...
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141: Eliade, Mircea: Encyclopedia of Religion
What else did they fail to quote from this source? theologians today are in agreement that the Hebrew Bible does not contain a doctrine of the Trinity ... theologians agree that the New Testament also does not contain an explicit doctrine of the Trinity. In the immediate post New Testament period of the Apostolic Fathers no attempt was made to work out the God-Christ (Father-Son) relationship in ontological terms.(The Encyclopedia of Religion, Mircea Eliade, Trinity, Vol 15, p53-57) It was prompted chiefly by belief in the divinity of Christ and later in the divinity of the Holy Spirit, but even earlier by the consistent worship of God in a ... Although the Hebrew Bible depicts God as the father of Israel and employs personifications of God such as Word (davar), Spirit (ruah), Wisdom (hokhmah), and Presence (shekhinah), it would go beyond the intention and spirit of the Old Testament to correlate these notions with later trinitarian doctrine. Further, exegetes and theologians agree ... ...
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142: 593 BC Stele of Pharaoh Psammetichus II (Psamtik II) 595-589 ...
"Psamtik ever-living; valiant king, traversing two islands [Elephantine], your majesty sent troops to Nubia, it was misery for the rebels. Not one bound pair escaped of the 4,200 captives. A successful deed!" (Steve Rudd Adapted from Lichtheim) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! This stele dates to 593 BC documents the Nubian campaign of Psamtik II and directly supports where Ezekiel 17:15 says King Zedekiah sent troops, horses and envoys to help Pharaoh Psammetichus II in 593 BC. Zedekiah, King of ... I. Translation of 593 BC Stele of Pharaoh Psammetichus II (Psamtik II) 595-589 BC: "(1) Year 3, 2d month of summer, day 10 under the majesty of Horus: Menekhib; King of Upper and Lower Egypt, Two Ladies: Mighty-of-arm; Gold-Horus who graces the Two Lands: Neferibre; (2) Son of Re, of his body: Psamtik ever-living; beloved of Khnum, lord of the cataract region, of Satis, lady of Yebu, of Anukis, presiding over Nubia. Good god, effective of counsel;" (continued below) "(3) valiant king, ... ...
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143: Interactive Bible Home Page
Maps, Archaeology and Literary Sources: 1. Bible Maps 2. The 27 book New Testament canon was written and in use by 100 AD. 3. Bible Chronology 4. Panoramic photos of Israel 5. Antique Bible maps 6. History of Christianity: Ancient Literary sources 7. Early Christians Speak! Historical documentation of what early Christians believed 8. The Origin of Synagogues as a model for the Christian church 9. Septuagint and Bible manuscript variants in the Old Testament 10. Nimrod and the Archology of the Tower of Babel 11. Archeology: Digging up Bible stories! 12. The Exodus Route 13. Bible ostraca 14. Bible Pottery 15. Bible manuscripts and archeological inscriptions 16. Bible coins a. History of Bible coins and the Hebrew money weight system b. Persian Empire Bible Coins: 539-333BC c. Greek Empire, Hellenistic Coins. Macedonian era: 333-302 BC d. Coins of the Ptolemaic Empire (Egypt): 323-31BC e. Seleucid Empire Coins: 321-64BC f. Maccabean, Hasmonean Coins: 166-37 BC g. Roman Empire Caesar and ... ...
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144: Archeologists suffer from a disease called, "Hittitus" or "Edomitus ...
Abraham's purchase of Ephron's field records the following: "So Ephron's field, which was in Machpelah, which faced Mamre, the field and cave which was in it, and all the trees which were in the field, that were within all the confines of its border, were deeded over to Abraham for a possession in the presence of the sons of Heth." (Genesis 23:17), This reflects the standard Hittite real estate procedure of counting the trees involved in any purchase or sale of land. Note also that the witnesses to Abraham's purchase were the "son's of Heth" -i.e. the Hittites. Today, so many Bible cities, names and events have been unearthed through archaeology that the Bible is considered the single most important historical document in existence. Many lost cities have been located using the Bible as a road map. So startling and impressive are some of the finds that one archaeologist was compelled to say, "They are digging up Bible stories!" The shovel and spade have confirmed that the historical ... ...
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145: bible-archeology-exodus-kadesh-barnea-petra-rolalyn-maqsood-petra ...
They were probably connected with the cult of the dead, and in some cases may have been used as altars. From time to time the population of the deserts to the east and south became too great to be sustained by its own produce. p18 Biblical stories and legends The Petra basin was a nomadic tent "city" from the very ... The Bible is nonetheless a vital source of information about the region. The key to understanding its significance in biblical history lies in reading the Bible "inside out". The Bible concentrates on the descendants of Israel's son Jacob, regarding all the other peoples of the land as being irrelevant rift-raff whose sole aim in life was to discomfit the "chosen ... Jacob 'tricked his brother Esau out of his birthright (Gen. 25:28-34), and later tricked his blind father into giving him the tribal blessing which should have gone to the heir (Gen. 27). The rest of the Old Testament concentrates on the history of the Hebrew descendants of Jacob - whose name was changed to Israel ... ...
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146: Sign Acts in the Bible: Theatrical, prophetic
Catalogue of 33 Sign Acts in the Bible A. Sign Acts in Exodus: 1. 1446 BC (Exodus 7:8-13) 2. When Aaron's staff swallowed up staffs of the pagan Egyptian priests, it was predictive and prophetic of defeat. 3. "Now the LORD spoke to Moses and Aaron, saying, "When Pharaoh speaks to you, saying, 'Work a miracle,' then you ... He is Micaiah, son of Imla." But Jehoshaphat said, "Let not the king say so." Then the king of Israel called an officer and said, "Bring quickly Micaiah, Imla's son." Now the king of Israel and Jehoshaphat the king of Judah were sitting each on his throne, arrayed in their robes, and they were sitting at the threshing floor at the entrance of the ... This year you are going to die, because you have counseled rebellion against the Lord.' " So Hananiah the prophet died in the same year in the seventh month." (Jeremiah 28:10-17) 6. 588 BC (Jer 32:6-15) a. See also: Creation of legal documents sealed with string and bulla. Notice two copies were made, one that was sealed ... ...
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147: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Isaiah 9:1-7 "A child will ...
Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Isaiah 9:1-7 Messiah is Born Midrashic triple prophecy of Isaiah 9:1-7: Introduction: A. The Midrashic triple prophecy of Isaiah 9:1-7: 1. Hezekiah partially fulfilled Isa 9:1-7 2. John the Baptist partially fulfilled Isa 9:1-7 3. Jesus ... back two years earlier to the liberation promised in Isa 7:1-14 (734 BC) where the two kings Israel dreaded were prophesied to be killed (Rezin and Pekah died in in 732 BC). 2. 753 BC: Hezekiah is born 3. 734 BC: Isa writes Isa 7:1-14 4. 733 BC: Isaiah's wife conceives and gives birth to a son partially fulfilling the prophecy of Isa 7:14: Isa 8:1-8 5. 732 BC: Ahaz paid tribute to Tiglath-pileser III (aka Pul) for protection against Rezin, king of Damascus. ... Hezekiah protected the main water supply of Jerusalem (Gihon Spring) by digging the diversion tunnel and constructing the pool of Siloam: 2 Ki 20:20; 2 Chro 32:30. b. Jesus is the living water (Jn 4:14). 10. Fulfilling Isa 9:4, both Hezekiah and Jesus brought release ... ...
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148: The Bible and Radiocarbon Dating: Archaeology, Text and Science ...
The Bible and Radiocarbon Dating: Archaeology, Text and Science Thomas E. Levy and Thomas Higham 2005 (The Bible and Radiocarbon Dating, Thomas E. Levy, Thomas Higham, A.J. Shortland, 2005) 18 THE BIBLE AND RADIOCARBON DATING During the 1970s and 1980s, there was almost a consensus concerning the dating of two main pottery ... Today, most archaeologists in Israel still hold with the conventional chronology, while a few support the LC (Gilboa and Sharon 2001, 2003; Gilboa, Sharon, and Zorn 2004; Herzog 2002 but no more in Franklin [Chapter 18, this volume]; Herzog and Singer-Avitz 2004 [see footnote 2]; Knauf 2002). The period under debate is framed by upper and ... Dating the accession to the throne of Sheshonq I is therefore a matter of adding up the reigns of the intervening kings and then applying this to the fixed point of 664 BCE. The order of the kings is fairly well established, and proceeds mostly in a sensible father-to-son pattern. The gap between the two dynasties can be ... ...
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149: Absalom's insurrection, Rape of Tamar, Satan child: 990-979 BC ...
Absalom: the Satan Child (AKA: Pretty "Bad Boy" Absalom) Amnon Rapes Tamar; Absalom's Revenge and Munity 990-979 BC: David is 50-59 years old 2 Samuel 13-22 "Now in all Israel was no one as handsome as Absalom, so highly praised; from the sole of his foot to the crown of his head there was no defect in him. When ... The 22 year period is actually two periods of 11 years: 1001-990 BC: This 11 year period begins at the end of David successfully conquering all the nations and fulfilling the land promise and the sin of adultery with Bathsheba. During these 11 years, there are several other stories that likely happened: 1. David takes Jonathan's son Mephibosheth into his dining room. ... Ammon's license, as "king's son," II Sam 13:4), that centered about Prince Absalom and occupied the space of a full eleven years (II Sam 13:23, 38; 14:28; 15:7)" (Wycliffe Bible Commentary, 1 Chronicles 20:4) Summary: the chronology of Absalom's life: Absalom was 29 years "young" when he died in 979 BC, and David ... ...
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150: The Error of the Catholic Nicene Trinity
Economic Trinity: The observed activity of God in the World (that is, early Christians perceived and believed God to have directly intervened in history in the persons of the Father, Son and Spirit) Vs. Essential Trinity: A more formal understanding of the essential nature or being of God as Triune, as presented in Creedal statements. What Jehovah's Witnesses never understand: The Trinity that is found in the Bible vs. the Trinity that is not found in the Bible! For a full discussion click on the following links or see below. Fortman, Edmund: The Triune God Kelly, J.N.D.: Early Christian Doctrines Hastings, James, Encyclopædia of Religion and Ethics Eliade, Mircea, The Encyclopedia of Religion Warning: Before you continue: As you ... It tells us there is one God, a wonderful God of life and love and righteousness and power and glory and mystery, who is the creator and lord of the whole universe, who is intensely concerned with the tiny people of Israel. It tells us of His Word, Wisdom. ... ...
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