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51: They are digging up Bible stories! Start Page
They are digging up Bible stories! Our approach at this archeology website: We take the Bible as the inerrant, inspired word of our creator. It is the only 100 % accurate record of history and the key to unlocking all archeological mysteries. We ... Cain was a farmer of grain and Able was a shepherd of sheep. "Abel was a keeper of flocks, but Cain was a tiller of the ground." (Gen 4:2) Enoch, the son of Cain, built a city! (Gen 4:17) This notion that there was a time when man was so primitive ... C. The problem of sloppy/indifferent Bible students: The Bible student knows that in 1445 BC, Kadesh Barnea was occupied by Israel in the wilderness for about 38 years and is almost universally located at Ein El Qudeirat by all Bible maps and ... Qedeis until Ein el-Qudeirat dethroned Ein Qeudeis in 1916 AD. Scholars like Keil & Delitzsch in 1867 AD, William Smith's Bible Dictionary in 1884 AD and the New Advent Catholic encyclopedia, Cades, 1917 AD all focused upon the similarity of name. ... ...
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52: The Amarna Letters and tablets 1406 - 1340 BC. Conquest of Joshua ...
The 382 Amarna Tablets of the Hebrew Conquest "They are digging up Bible stories" (again) 1404 - 1340 BC The Chronology of Hebrew Conquest as seen in the Amarna Tablets Introduction: The 382 Amarna Letters represent one of the greatest archeological ... The Hebrew conquest of Canaan under the command of Joshua took exactly eight years to complete (1407-1399 BC) but it wasn't until 1404 BC that Joshua began the conquest of southern Israel, followed by the conquest of northern Israel. Aaron died on ... that Akhenaten's father had converted to sun worship before he died and it was Akhenaten who enforced it upon the empire! If this is the case, it clearly parallels David conceiving the idea of a temple in Jerusalem and Solomon his son, building it. ... Islam is pagan monotheism of "sanitized" moon worship of Allah. 3. In the photo below, we have Akhenaten with his wife Nefertiti, his child under the sun god "Aten" whose rays of blessing are showering down upon them. V. Master Encyclopedia index & ... ...
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53: Oldest Old Testament Bible manuscripts: Qumran | Wadi Murabba ...
... LXX." (The Septuagint in Context: Introduction to the Greek Version of the Bible, Marcos, N. Fernández, p73, 2000 AD) 3. LXX, 4QTestimonia and 4QApocryphon: Jericho not in in Joshua 6:26b a. ... Septuagint Lucianic LXXL does have the verse and lists Saul's age as 30 when he became king. After all, Jonathan his son defeated the Philistines at Geba in the first year of Saul's reign. e. ... Job 1:6; 2:1; and 38:7. The Masoretic Text reads, "according to the number of the children of Israel." (cf. Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, p 188, 1999 AD) III. Dead Sea Scrolls that validate the ... Quick links: Qumran | Wadi Murabba'at | Wadi Sdeir | Nahal Hever | Nahal Se'elim | Masada | Wadi Daliyeh Qum'ran 1. Early in 1949 archaeologists identified cave 1, triggering the beginning of an ... No Bible manuscripts or scrolls were found at Wadi Daliyeh but important Persian papyri were excavated. b. References to Sanballat, the enemy of Nehemiah were found on bulla and in the ... ...
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54: Oldest Old Testament Bible manuscripts: Qumran | Wadi Murabba ...
... LXX." (The Septuagint in Context: Introduction to the Greek Version of the Bible, Marcos, N. Fernández, p73, 2000 AD) 3. LXX, 4QTestimonia and 4QApocryphon: Jericho not in in Joshua 6:26b a. ... Septuagint Lucianic LXXL does have the verse and lists Saul's age as 30 when he became king. After all, Jonathan his son defeated the Philistines at Geba in the first year of Saul's reign. e. ... Job 1:6; 2:1; and 38:7. The Masoretic Text reads, "according to the number of the children of Israel." (cf. Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics, p 188, 1999 AD) III. Dead Sea Scrolls that validate the ... Quick links: Qumran | Wadi Murabba'at | Wadi Sdeir | Nahal Hever | Nahal Se'elim | Masada | Wadi Daliyeh Qum'ran 1. Early in 1949 archaeologists identified cave 1, triggering the beginning of an ... No Bible manuscripts or scrolls were found at Wadi Daliyeh but important Persian papyri were excavated. b. References to Sanballat, the enemy of Nehemiah were found on bulla and in the ... ...
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55: 593 BC Nubian Expedition of Psammetichus II, Demotic papyri in ...
Demotic papyri in the John Rylands library: 414 BC Papyrus IX, Column 14, line 16 - Column 16, line 1 Click to View Digging up Bible stories! Edom was founded by Esau, twin brother of Jacob (born 2006 BC) in 1926 BC (Age 30), when Esau moves to Seir and ... And a message was sent to Teuzoi, (line 19) saying, ' Let a priest come with the bouquet of Amon to go to the land of Khor with Pharaoh.' And the priests assembled and agreed in (line 20) saying to Peteesi son of Essemteu, Thou art he that art ... From Joshua to the prophets to the Babylonian exiles, it was understood that cultic activities should not be performed outside the land of Israel. When the cured Aramean leper Naaman wanted to worship YHWH in his homeland, he took with him two ... The Elephantine papyri are well preserved, written in Aramaic, and are the 5th-century b.c. literary remains of this Jewish colony of the Persian period." (Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible, p 1537, 1988 AD) "Most scholars who have analyzed the ... ...
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56: First Century Synagogue Top Plans: Gush Halav, Gischala 78 BC
On one of the column drums was a Hebrew inscription reading: 'Jose son of Tanhum made this shrine. Let him be blessed.' Both buildings are among the early group of synagogues (i.e. they date from the 2nd-3rd centuries AD). The site is identified with el-Jish in Upper Galilee." (The Archaeological Encyclopedia of the Holy Land, ... If the synagogue is oriented towards Jerusalem it is not pre-70 AD but built after 200 AD. 4. See Orientation: Early Synagogues did not Point to Jerusalem C. Bible ... See also: The bema: Prototype of the Church Pulpit b. "Other synagogues, at Khirbet Shema and Gush Halav, had a bima against the southern wall" (The Ancient ... 104 b.c.e. (Archaeology and the Villages of Upper Galilee: A Dialogue with Archaeologists, Richard Horsley, BASOR 297, p7, 1995 AD) 2. Josephus, although a fellow ... It did not come wholly to an end until the fall of Masada (April 73)." (Prolegomena to the History of Israel, J. Wellhausen, p538, 1885 AD) Conclusion: 1. For an ... ...
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57: 597 BC: Arad Ostraca introduction: Jehoiakim, Zedekiah, Nico ...
Jehoiakim | Zedekiah | Nico II | Solomon's Temple | Edomite invasion into Judah Ostraca, Tablets and Inscriptions of the Bible Click to View Digging up Bible stories! 5 ostraca document 3 important Bible events: 1. Pharaoh Nico II appoints Jehoiakim king of Judah in 609 BC. 2. ... Hebrew Letters, J. M. Lindenberger, Vol. 14, p114, 2003 AD) FIVE OSTRACA: From a Biblical point of view, the most important of the 180 ostraca (and a few bulla) excavated at Arad 1962-1967 Ad are the four we have chosen to in this study. ... Aharoni knew this-and we didn't-because she had been "dipping" the potsherds from the previous day's excavation of this area. The "dipping method," now common on excavations in Israel, was originated by her husband Yohanan Aharoni at Arad. ... Without knowing it, we had been digging in the office of the Israelite commander of the Arad fort. His name was Eliashib son of Eshiyahu. Three of his seals were found on the floor of a room on the south side of the fort in stratum VII (c. ... ...
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58: Origin of the Philistines, Sea Peoples, Pentapolis Cities, Goliath
The Philistines were the naval power in these stories. b. The Iliad even identifies the Philistine trademark feathered/horsehair-plumed helmets: "On the bright ridges ... Samuel 21:19) c. "And there was war with the Philistines again, and Elhanan the son of Jair killed Lahmi the brother of Goliath the Gittite, the shaft of whose spear ... Indeed in the Bible the Philistines are sometimes mentioned in conjunction with the Cheretim. Caphtor is also mentioned in the documents of Mari and Ugarit and many ... Others prefer to identify it with the Keptiu of the Egyptian sources, a people who dwelt in Cilicia (Asia Minor)." (Archaeological encyclopedia of the Holy Land, ... Lived on Island of Cyprus and in Dor, Israel 7. Danuna/Danaoi/Denyen: Danaoi named in Egyptian Medinet Habu record a. Same as the Homeric Danaans in the Iliad 8. ... The Philistines ended up in one of the choicest areas of Palestine, the southwest coastal region. Archaeologists have been able to track their presence there because ... ...
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59: 1001 BC: Papyrus Moscow 127: Wermai's Odyssey & Tragic Tale of ...
Ethiopians" (Aristeas 12,13) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! Written about 150 BC, and redording history in 278 BC, the letter of Letter of Aristeas to Philocrates directly supports where Ezekiel 17:15 says King Zedekiah sent troups, horses and envoys ... But these were nothing like so numerous as the captives whom Ptolemy the son of Lagus transported.)" (Letter of Aristeas 12-13, Pseudepigrapha of Greek Court-official 278-270 BC. Actual: Written by Jew in 150 BC) b. See Zedekiah, King of Judah: ... From Joshua to the prophets to the Babylonian exiles, it was understood that cultic activities should not be performed outside the land of Israel. When the cured Aramean leper Naaman wanted to worship YHWH in his homeland, he took with him two ... The Elephantine papyri are well preserved, written in Aramaic, and are the 5th-century b.c. literary remains of this Jewish colony of the Persian period." (Baker Encyclopedia of the Bible, p 1537, 1988 AD) III. Translation of Letter of ... ...
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60: Transjordan Early Edom And Moab 1900 BC
... to the 10th-9th centuries BC (one of Shoshenq I/Takeloth II, another to Shoshenq son of Osorkon II), may have begun in the 1 1 th century BC, and almost certainly ... 71-90, following on idem. 1986. One should note that the cartouche on the bulla (Worschech 1990:87f., fig.26a, p1.10:1) has been misread: it is not Menkare, but ... Abu Assaf, A. 1980-81Untersuchungen zur Ammonitischen Rundbildkunst. UFo 12:7-78, pls.l-17. Aharoni, Y. 1979 Land of the Bible.' London. Ahituv, S. 1972 Did Ramesses ... Bienkowski, P., ed. 1991 Treasures from an Ancient Land: The Art of Jordan. Stroud, Gloucestershire: Alan Sutton. Blackman, A.M. 1932 Middle-Egyptian Stories. ... First, to summarize the evidence for the date of the earliest Iron Age settlement at each of these sites. Second, to assess critically the claims by Israel ... that there were 'Nabataean ruins' which had been seen by a helicopter reconnaissance team of H.R.H. Prince Hassan and a small detail of Jordanian archaeologists. ... ...
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61: Archaeologists are digging up bible stories!!!
Archaeologists are digging up bible stories!!! Archaeology is an important science that confirms the historical accuracy of the Bible. Since the Bible makes reference to hundreds of cities, kings, and places, we would expect to find evidence from on-site excavations. If we did not find any such evidence, we would highly question the Bible's claim of inspiration and tend to view it as myth and folklore. We would regard the Bible as the product of human imagination rather than a divinely inspired record about real historical events, about real people living in real cities. At the turn of the century, skeptics viewed the Bible as myth rather than real world history . For example, the Bible makes over 40 references to the great Hittite Empire. You see, 100 years ago, no archaeological evidence had ever been found to prove it really did exist. "Just another Bible myth!" skeptics charged in an attempt to destroy our faith in the Bible. This, however, cannot be said today, for in 1906, Hugo ... ...
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62: They're Digging up Bible Stories!
Archaeologists are digging up bible stories: King Jabin found in three different inscriptions: 1700-1200 BC Five different references to Jabin of Hazor Archeology now has uncovered a total of three different references to Jabin, in addition to the two Bible references to Jabin of Joshua (1406 BC) and Deborah (1200 BC). This proves the Bible was right all along and that "Jabin" is a dynastic name for a series of kings rather than the one time use of a single king. Two 18-17th century inscriptions ... Under a peaceful and efficient administration, the region prospered with the construction of irrigation works, the founding of new cities, and the erection of at least a dozen new temples, many of great size. The finest of the temples was built by Amenhotep III (1417-1379 b.c.) at Soleb; although reminiscent of his lovely temple at modern Luxor with its closed papyrus columns, it is sadly ruined today." (Ethiopia, The International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Vol 2, p194, 1988 AD) By Steve ... ...
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63: Discussion: Eternal torment or annihilation?
... "And Moses took the bones of Joseph with him: for he had straitly sworn the children of Israel, saying, God will surely visit you; and ye shall carry up my bones away ... "And all his sons and all his daughters rose up to comfort him; but he refused to be comforted; and he said, For I will go down to Sheol to my son mourning. And his ... Edersheim then elaborates on Jewish teaching of the time and similarities between Jesus's background and the Jewish views and similar stories of their own. Edersheim, ... Smith's Dictionary of the Bible (Vol 1, p 807) discusses the difference between a fable and a parable, noting: "What are the characteristic marks by which one differs ... Digging into the historical usage of the term "Paradise" clears up the question here. In 1st-century Judaism the intermediate Paradise was sometimes thought of as in ... Most >frequently it indicates the end of an individual's existence" (International >Standard Bible Encyclopedia, Volume 1, p. 898)." However, the Annihilationist ... ...
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64: Sabbathgate 1888 by Kerry Wynne
... Washburn, having heard about what happened at the 1919 Bible Conference from stories leaked out from some of the participants, work behind the scene to purge as ... The army of Israel was even commanded by God to fight and kill on the Sabbath as in the following example: 1 Kings 20:29 - 30 (NIV) 29For seven days they camped ... And Ben-Hadad fled to the city and hid in an inner room. The Bible teaches that the LAW is not designed for the righteous: 1 Tim. 1:9-11 (NIV) 9We also know that law ... 3For what the law was powerless to do in that it was weakened by the sinful nature, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful man to be a sin offering. ... These facts should be readily available to any scholar who wishes to write a book about Sabbatarianism. The Jewish Encyclopedia is an excellent source of ... Dirk Anderson comments on some information he discovered while digging through some really old material he obtained recently. In a letter from a Brother Hicks, dated ... ...
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65: Soleb Temple Cartouche: "The Shashu of Yahweh's Land" 1396-1358 ...
Archaeologists are digging up bible stories: Soleb Temple Cartouche: "The Shashu of Yahweh's Land" The Soleb Temple Cartouche: 1396-1358 BC The Egyptian inscription on the cartouche reads: The Shashu of Yahweh's Land. The cartouche is on the wall of the Soleb Temple of Amenhotep III in Nubia. Here is a reference to the promised land of Canaan possessed by the "people of Yahweh" when Joshua was still alive after completing the conquest! Amarah West inscription: 1304-1237 BC "The Shashu of Yahweh's Land" "This fragmentary hieroglyphic inscription contains one of the first mentions of Israel. "According to a recently published article by Manfred Görg, Peter van der Veen and Christoffer Theis, the name-ring on the right may indeed read "Israel," and they date it almost 200 years earlier than the reference to Israel on the Merneptah Stele." (Clyde Billington, Associates for Bible Research) Archaeologists are digging up bible stories!!! Archaeology is an important science that confirms the ... ...
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66: Abijah King of Judah 914-911 BC. They're Digging up Bible Stories ...
Abijah, King of Judah 914-911 BC 1 Kings 15:1-7; 2 Chron 13:1-22 Divided Kingdom Period: Israel: 931-723 BC; Judah: 931-587 BC The good king who turned to the dark side See also: Jeroboam, King of Israel. 931-910 BC Introduction: 1. Abijah second king of Judah (son of Rehoboam) goes down in history as a bad king, but it never had to end that way. 2. Abijah's chief wife was Absolam's daughter. 3. With a short reign of only three years, it causes one to wonder if there is a connection with the first three years of his father ... Good king/Bad king: He was a double-minded king who worshipped idols at the same time he called upon the name of YHWH for protection. b. Good king turned bad: He was a good king like his father for the first three years and then, like his father, he turned bad. I. The Bible texts: 1 Kings 15:1-7; 2 Chron 13:1-22 1. "Now in the eighteenth year of King Jeroboam, the son of Nebat, Abijam became king over Judah. He reigned three years in Jerusalem; and his mother's ... ...
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67: Egyptian Conquest name list Maps: 1450 - 1279 BC. They're Digging ...
Four Egyptian name/city topographical lists that perfectly confirm the exodus route and the conquest! 1. Thutmoses III List: Amon Temple at Karnak (1450 BC) 2. Amenophis III list: Temple in Soleb Nubia at ʿAmarah West (1387-1350 BC) 3. Ramesses II List: Amon Temple at Karnak (1279-1212 BC) 4. Ramesses III topographical list at Medinet Habu (1182-1151 BC) The Hebron/Yahu road: Hebron-Athar-Rehob-Yahu Archaeologists are digging up bible stories!!! Archaeology is an important science that confirms the historical ... This creates a kind of map out of the name lists on the walls of various Egyptian name lists. 3. The Bible passages that mention cities also found in the 4 Egyptian sources: a. "In the hill country: ... Arab and Dumah and Eshan, and Janum and Beth-tappuah and Aphekah, and Humtah and Kiriath-arba (that is, Hebron), and Zior" (Joshua 15:53-54) b. "Then Joshua and all Israel with him went up from Eglon to Hebron, and they fought against it." (Joshua 10:36) c. "They journeyed from ... ...
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68: Moabite Stele of Mesha, king of Moab: 841 BC
Paleo-Hebrew inscription on black basalt Discovery Frederick A. Klein at Diban, Moab 1868 AD Current location Louve Museum # AP 5066 Bible names and places Bible Names: Mesha the sheep breeder, Omri, Ahab, Israel, YHWH Bible Places: Moab, Dibon, Medaba, Nebo, Jahaz, Ataroth, Aroer, Bezer See: 2 Kings 3:4-27; 10:32-33 Historic events Submission of Moab to Omri in 885 BC and rebellion of Moab after the death of Ahab in 841 BC Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "I am Mesha the king of Moab... Omri was the king of Israel, and he oppressed Moab for many days, And his son Ahab) succeeded him, and he said "I will oppress Moab!" In my days (941 BC) I looked down on him and on his house, and Israel has gone to ruin. ... And Chemosh said to me: "Go, take Nebo from Israel!" ... I took it, and I killed [its] whole population, seven thousand male citizens ... And from there, I took the vessels of yhwh" (Mesha Stone, 841 BC) "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" Introduction: 1. ... ...
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69: Shalmaneser III, King of Assyria 858-824 BC inscriptions
King of Assyria 858-824 BC Kurkh Monolith Basalt Statue Black Obelisk Twin Bulls Marble Tablets Alabaster Statue Bronze Gates Basalt Throne Clay Brick Detailed outline on Shalmaneser III Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" Detailed outline on Shalmaneser III Introduction: 1. Shalmaneser III was King of Assyria for 34 years from 858-824 BC: 2. Shalmaneser III fought six key battles that included Israel: a. 853 BC, year 6. The battle of Qarqar with Ahab king of Israel b. 849 BC, Year 10: Battle of Carchemish with Jehoram king of Israel c. 848 BC, ... Defeated 838 BC, Year 21: Battle of Aram Tukulti-Ninurta II (Assyria) Assur-nâsir-pal II (Assyria) Puzur-Aššur (III) son of Aššur-nārāri (I) Adad-nārārī (I) son of Arik-dīn-ili Tukulti-Ninurta (I) son of Shalmaneser (I) Tiglath-pileser (I) son of Aššur-rēša-iši (I) NAME Kurkh Monolith Basalt Statue Black Obelisk Twin Bulls Marble Tablets Alabaster Statue Bronze Gates ... ...
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70: Melqart Stele of Ben-Hadad-Ezer II: 845 BC
Contemporary with Ahab, Naaman, Elisha, Hazael 1 Kings 20,22; 2 Ki 5-8 Melqart-Stele of Ben-Hadad II: 845 BC "The stele which Bir-Hadad, son of 'Ezer, the Damascene, son of the king of Aram, erected to his Lord Melqart, to whom he made a vow and who heard his voice." (Translation by Frank Cross in 2003 AD and Gotthard G. G. Reinhold in 1986 AD) Ben-Hadad II erected the stele in 845 BC at Aleppo as an appeasement to his pagan god for divine assistance to defeat of Shalmaneser III in the Battle of Hamath II (845 BC) with Ben-Hadad II and 12 kings. Shalmaneser III, year 14. Click to View Digging up Bible stories! Ben-Hadad II is mentioned many times in scripture and ... and Amalek, and from the spoil of Hadadezer, son of Rehob, king of Zobah." (2 Samuel 8:11-12) 4. "When the Arameans saw that they had been defeated by Israel, they sent messengers and brought out the Arameans who were beyond the River, with Shophach the commander of the army of Hadadezer leading them." (1 Chronicles 19:16) b. ... ...
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71: 796 BC Al Rimah Joash Conquest Stele of Adad-Nirari III, King ...
"To the god Adad, son of the god Anu, Adad-narari [III], king of Assyria, son of Samsi-Adad (V), son of Shalmaneser (III), I mustered my chariotry, troops, army. In one year I subdued the entire Amurru [Turkey] & Hatti [Syria, Israel]. I imposed tax & tribute of Mari [Ben-Hadad III], the Damascene. I received the tribute of Joash (Iu'asu), the Samaritan, (and) of the people of Tyre (and) Sidon. ... At that time I decreed for Nergal-eris, governor, the land of Hindanu." (Adad-Nirari III, Tel Al-Rimah Stele, 796 BC) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! The Rimah Joash conquest stele confirms the story of where God delivered Israel out of the hand of Ben-Hadad III (son of Hazael), king of Aram in 2 Kings 13:5. God sent Israel (Jehoahaz and Joash, Samaria) a deliverer (Adad-nirari III, Assyria) they escaped Aram (Ben Hadad III, Aram) Detailed outline on Adad-Nirari III "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" Introduction: The Rimah Joash Stele tells the exact story found in ... ...
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72: 797 BC: "Hindanu Stele" Royal Decree of Adad-Nirari III, King ...
Temple Statue of Nebo of Adad-nardi III: 804 BC "[Adad-narari III], king of the universe, king of Assyria, [son of Samsh]i-Adad (V), [son of Shal]maneser (III) ... Decree: he (ie. Adad-Narair) has entrusted the land of Hindanu to Nergal-[eris], governor of the land Rasappa. Month of Sivan, twenty-fourth day, [eponymy of] Bel-tarsi-ilumma [797 BC], governor [of Calah/Nimrod]" (Hindanu Stele Adad-nirari III, 797 BC) This text is engraved on a stone tablet found in the temple of Istar at Nineveh. Click to View Digging up Bible stories! The Hindanu Stele allows us to firmly date the Saba'a conquest Stele to 796 BC which confirms the story of where God delivered Israel out of the hand of Ben-Hadad III (son of Hazael), king of Aram in 2 Kings 13:5. God sent Israel (Jehoahaz and Joash, Samaria) a deliverer (Adad-nirari III, Assyria) they escaped Aram (Ben Hadad III, Aram) Detailed outline on Adad-Nirari III "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" Introduction: The Hindanu Stele from ... ...
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73: Shiloh Israel: Master Index of Free Bible Maps of Bible Times ...
You can volunteer with Associates for Bible Research to Excavate Shiloh! May 23 - June 11, 2017 Here is your Professional Dig Staff who will make your visit to Israel amazing and memorable. Join Steve Rudd in digging up Bible stories! "What we dig in the ground we find in the Book" Site location: 30 km North of Jerusalem GPS: 32° 3.459'N; 35° 17.377'E click to view Map of Shiloh, Israel (Click balloon for info, move with mouse) Four Archeological time periods you can help dig! 1. Late bronze: 1399-1094 BC. The time of Joshua during the conquest. 2. Iron 1: 1200 BC. The time of Judges when Deborah lived. 3. Time of Christ: 50 AD Roman house 4. Byzantine: 350 AD Church marking Ai of Abraham. Click to view High Resolution Panorama of Shiloh click to view click to view Click to View click to view See also: History of the Temple 1 Samuel 1-7 Introduction: 1. The book of 1 Samuel opens with barren Hanna praying to God at Shiloh for a son in 1102 BC. 2. The book of Judges is a cycle of ... ...
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74: 609 BC: Arad Ostraca #88: Jehoiakim is appointed king of Judah ...
Pharaoh Neco II appoints Jehoiakim king of Judah: 2 Kings 23:34-37 Jehoiakim was appointed by Egypt as king in Tishri 609 BC until 598 BC Ostraca, Tablets and Inscriptions of the Bible Click to View Digging up Bible stories! 5 ostraca document 3 important Bible events: 1. Pharaoh Nico II appoints Jehoiakim king of Judah in 609 BC. 2. Edomites ... Jehoiakim was appointed by Egypt as king in Tishri 609 BC until 598 BC. This is like a broadcast email announcement. "Pharaoh Neco made Eliakim the son of Josiah king in the place of Josiah his father, and changed his name to Jehoiakim. But he took Jehoahaz away and brought him to Egypt, and he died there. So Jehoiakim gave ... I. The discovery of Arad ostracon 88: Provenanced yes! Provenienced no! Arad ostracon 88 is a provenanced surface find but it is unprovenienced. The ostracon was discovered by Israel Sommer in 1974 when we walked the entire site and randomly picked up surface pottery and putting all the pieces into a single bag without ... ...
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75: 732 BC: Ahaz King of Judah pays tribute to Tiglath-pileser III ...
Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "I received tribute from Ahaz of Judah, Edom, Ammon, Moab" Detailed outline on Edom. Introduction: This inscription was found on a wall written on a clay surface. From a building inscription on clay preserved in various copies, published by Rawlinson : Cuneiform Inscriptions of Western Asia, H.C. Rawlinson, Bd. II, plate 67, lines 56-63, 1861 AD This inscription documents the conquest of Tiglath-Pileser III, also known as Pul, in 723 BC. The Bible story told in the inscription: 2 Ki 16:5-18; 2 Chron 28:20 "For the Lord humbled Judah because of Ahaz king of Israel, for he had brought about a lack of restraint in Judah and ... and gave it to the king of Assyria, it did not help him. Now in the time of his distress this same King Ahaz became yet more unfaithful to the Lord." (2 Chronicles 28:19-22) "Then King Rezin of Aram and King Pekah son of Remaliah of Israel came up to wage war on Jerusalem; they besieged Ahaz but could not conquer him. ... ...
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76: Archeology of the Oppression, Exodus and Conquest of Israel: ...
Archeology of the Egyptian Oppression, Exodus and Conquest of Israel The Moses Sinai inscription dates to 1446 BC (the year of the Exodus) The Exodus documented in the Sinai Inscriptions The Hebrew Oppression and Exodus Story as witnessed in the Sinai Inscriptions Click to View Digging up Bible stories! The Exodus documented in ancient inscriptions A collection of 16 previously untranslated ancient inscriptions lay in museums for 100 years but have now been translated by Dr. Doug Petrovich. The result is one of the most important archeological discoveries of all time. There are references to ... TRANSLATION OF SINAI 375a: "The overseer of Minerals, Ahisamach" (Translation by Douglas Petrovich from "The world's Oldest Alphabet", 2016 AD) c. EXPLANATION OF SINAI 375a: This inscription names Ahisamach, a master craftsman at the turquoise mines. His son, Oholiab had learned the skill from his father and was chosen to be filled with the supernatural gift of the Holy Spirit of knowledge and ... ...
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77: 830 BC: Ostraca of Elisha found in the home town of Elisha (Abel ...
Ostraca of Elisha found in the home town of Elisha (Abel-meholah): 830 BC Elisha of Abel-meholah: 1 Kings 19:15-17 Tel Rehov Apiary: excavation site name for Biblical Abel-meholah "The Lord said to Elijah [at Mt. Sinai], "Go, return on your way to the wilderness of Damascus, and when you have arrived, you shall anoint Hazael king over Aram; and Jehu the son of Nimshi you shall anoint king over Israel; and Elisha the son of Shaphat of Abel-meholah you shall anoint as prophet in your place." (1 Kings 19:15-16) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! Tel Rehov provides 3 Bible keys: 1. Tel Rehov is identified as Biblical Abel-meholah, the home town of Elisha 2. The Ostraca of with Elisha's name: 1 Kings 19:15-17 3. Apiary (Honey bee factory) proving "a land of milk and honey" means bee honey not date honey as is currently taught throughout Israel. "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" See also: Chronology of Elisha and Elijah. Introduction to the Elisha ostraca: 1. See also: ... ...
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78: 796 BC: Omri Stele inscription of Adad-Nirari III (810-783) found ...
"Adad-nirari [III], ... great king of Assyria ... by Ashur, his lord; who has made submit to his feet the princes within the four rims of the earth; conquering ... the Hittites, Amurru, Tyre, Sidon, Palestine [Philistines] [Joash of] Israel [lit. Omri], Edom, ... submit to my feet, imposing tribute ... king Mari [Ben-Hadad-III] of Damascus I received 2,300 talents of silver, 20 talents of gold, 5,000 talents of iron, garments of linen with multicolored trimmings, a bed (inlaid) with ivory, a couch mounted and inlaid with ivory..." (Omri-land Stela from Calah/Nimrod of Adad-nirari III, 796 BC) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! The Omri-land conquest Stele confirms the story of where God delivered Israel out of the hand of Ben-Hadad III (son of Hazael), king of Aram in 2 Kings 13:5. God sent Israel (Jehoahaz and Joash, Samaria) a deliverer (Adad-nirari III, Assyria) they escaped Aram (Ben Hadad III, Aram) The Omri-stele also contains the earliest reference in Assyrian literature ... ...
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79: Adad-Nirari III(810-783) The "Unknown Deliverer" of 2 Kings 13 ...
"For while I was passing through and examining the objects of your worship, I also found an altar with this inscription, 'TO AN UNKNOWN GOD.' Therefore what you worship in ignorance, this I proclaim to you." (Acts 17:23) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" God sent Israel (Jehoahaz and Joash, Samaria) a deliverer (Adad-nirari III, Assyria) they escaped Aram (Ben Hadad III, Aram) 2 Kings 13:5 Detailed outline on Adad-Nirari III 2 Kings 13:5 "YHWH gave Israel King Jehoahaz & Joash ... First stage: the prayer and humbling of Jehoahaz king of Israel (814-798 BC) was after Hazael died in 800 BC, so the prayer occurred in 799 and the deliverance in the last year of his life in 798 BC. c. Second stage: happened in 796 BC and is witnessed in the stele of Adad-nirairi III and the Bible: "Then Jehoash (798-782 BC) the son of Jehoahaz took again from the hand of Ben-hadad the son of Hazael the cities which he had taken in war from the hand of ... ...
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80: Everything you ever needed to know about the Bible!
Is the Bible of human or divine origin? A list of 60 Bible prophecies and their fulfillment What does grain seed found in the pyramids have to do with the Bible? Click to View The canon of the Bible: over 27 chapters! Are there pre-discovery scientific facts contained in the Bible How do TV talk shows prove the inspiration of the bible? Are archeologists are digging up Bible stories? Click to View Burial Box of James, the Lord's Brother found! The inscription on the top reads, "James, son of Joseph, brother of Jesus." Is The Bible God's Only Inspired Revelation? Has the Bible been lost, altered or corrupted over time? Would you die to promote a lies and deception? Click to View Encyclopedia of alleged Bible contradictions answered and refuted! Click here How to learn the Bible Blueprint: : Can you understand the Bible unaided by the Holy Spirit? Click to View Click here for link to bible chronology charts Synoptic parallel of the four gospels! Can I understand the Bible myself? Does ... ...
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81: Jewish Messianic Expectation in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Luke 3 ...
Prophecy: "Jesus would rise the third day" "He shall be called a Nazarene" Mt 2:23 Dead Sea Scroll: 4Q175-4QTestimonia Dead Sea Scroll: 4Q174-4QFlorilegium Click to View Digging up Bible stories! Written about 90 BC, two Dead Sea Scroll, 4Q174-4QFlorilegium and 4Q175-4QTestimonia, show us what Bible verses the Jews at the time of Jesus ... Introduction: Messianic expectation was at an all time high fever pitch when Jesus started his ministry: a. "But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons." (Galatians 4:4-5) ... But this passage actually excludes Joshua from the Deut 18:18 prophecy: "Now Joshua the son of Nun was filled with the spirit of wisdom, for Moses had laid his hands on him; and the sons of Israel listened to him and did as the LORD had commanded Moses. Since that time no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the LORD ... ...
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82: Shalmaneser III: Annals on Basalt statue, Hazael son of nobody ...
Akkadian inscription on Basalt Discovery German Expedition at entrance of Parthian building Assur (Kalat Sherkat),1903 AD Current location Archeological Museum, Istanbul #4650 Bible names Hazael, Ben Hadad II Historic events Hazael "son of nobody" murders Ben-Hadad II in 841 BC: 2 Kings 8:7-15 Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "I defeated Hadad-ezer (Adad-idri) [Ben-Hadad II], the Damascene, together with twelve princes who were his allies." (Statue Front, lines 14-24, Year 6, 853 BC) "Hadad-ezer (Adad-idri) [Ben-Hadad II] passed away ... He fixed his gaze steadily on him until he was ashamed, and the man of God wept. Hazael said, "Why does my lord weep?" Then he answered, "Because I know the evil that you will do to the sons of Israel: their strongholds you will set on fire, and their young men you will kill with the sword, and their little ones you will dash in pieces, and their women with child you will rip up." Then Hazael said, "But what is your servant, who is but a dog, that ... ...
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83: 804 BC: List of Assyrian Kings in the Bible. door sill of Adad ...
List of Assyrian Kings in the Bible Adad-Nirari III (810 - 783 BC) "The unknown deliverer" 2 Kings 13:5 "YHWH gave Israel King Jehoahaz & Joash (Israel) a deliverer King Adad-nirari III (Assyria) they escaped Aram" King Ben Hadad III (Aram) Genealogical exemplar threshold stones from Calah/Nimrod of Adad-nirari III Inscription on Stone Slab found at Calah (Nimrod) Assyrian Kings List of Adad-nardi III: 804 BC "Palace of Adad-nardri (III), king of Assyria ... Son of Samsi-Adad (V) ... (grand)son of Shalmaneser (III) ... (great) grandson of Ashurnasirpal (II) ... offspring of Tukulti-Ninurta (I) ... offspring of Shalmaneser (I) ... offspring of Ilu-kabkabi (Enlil-kapkapi) ... [offspring of] Sulili, whose name from old was called Assur..." Click to View Digging up Bible stories! The amazing Assyrian Kings list is a genealogical and dynastic record of the ancestors of Adad-Nirari III, King of Assyria (810-783). Although only Adad-nirari III is indirectly referenced in one bible passage (2 ... ...
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84: 796 BC: "Saba'a Conquest Stele" Adad-Nirari III: King of Assyria ...
In the fifth year [799 BC] <after> I had ascended nobly the royal throne, [ie. 804 BC - after 6 year coregency starting in 810 BC with mother ended] I commanded the troops of Assyria to march to the land Hatti [Israel, Syria]. I crossed the Euphrates in flood. ... I commanded [my troops to march to Damascus]. I [confined] Mari [Ben Hadad III] in Damascus [... He brought to me] 100 talents of gold (and) 1,000 talents of silver as tribute. The inscribed stone of Nergal-eris, governor of ... the lands Hindanu" (Saba'a Stele, Adad-nirari III, 796 BC) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! The Hindanu Stele allows us to firmly date the Saba'a conquest Stele to 796 BC and confirm the story of where God delivered Israel out of the hand of Ben Hadad III (son of Hazael), king of Aram in 2 Kings 13:5 God sent Israel (Jehoahaz and Joash, Samaria) a deliverer (Adad-nirari III, Assyria) they escaped Aram (Ben Hadad III, Aram) Detailed outline on Adad-Nirari III "What we read in the book, we find ... ...
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85: 690-570 BC: Egyptian Pharaohs of Babylonian Captivity: Tirhakah ...
Psamtik I (Psammetichus I) Neco II Psamtik II (Psammetichus II) Hophra (Apries) Amasis II (Amoses) 664-610 BC 610-595 BC 595-589 BC 589-570 BC 570-526 BC Click to View Digging up Bible stories! The five Egyptian Pharaohs of the Babylonian Captivity 690-570 BC See also: 1. Josiah the chosen one: 640-609 BC 2. Jehoiakim the bible burner: ... It is likely that Manasseh established the outpost at Elephantine in 667 BC in rebellion to Egypt's king Taharqa (Tirhakah) (690 - 664 BC). After the death of Pharaoh Taharqa (Tirhakah) in 664 BC, his son Psamtik I (664-610 BC). Catalogue of Pharaohs: 25th Dynasty: i. 690-664 BC: Taharqa (Tirhakah) 26th Dynasty: The Five ... nations heard about him; He was captured in their pit, And they brought him with hooks To the land of Egypt." (Ezekiel 19:4) "'They put him in a cage with hooks And brought him to the king of Babylon; They brought him in hunting nets So that his voice would be heard no more On the mountains of Israel." (Ezekiel 19:9) f. ... ...
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86: El-Lahun Berlin Museum Papyrus 10012 Heliacal rising of Sirius ...
El-Lahun Berlin Museum Papyrus 10012a,b 12th Dynasty, Year 7 of Pharaoh Sesostris III Heliacal rising of Sirius (Sobek) Egyptian Chronology: 1830 BC Click to View Digging up Bible stories! One of the most important documents for Egyptian chronology ever discovered because it connects the Year 7 of Pharaoh Sesostris III with the heliacal ... BM 1002a: Lines 1-8 1. "Year 7 the third month of the Peret season 25th day 2. the officer Rehuanch, son of Zattepihu 3. copies the communication [lacuna] in the temple "powerful is Sesostris the righteous": 4. The chief prince of the temple, Nebukaure, to 5. the old chief priest Pepihotep says: You know that at dawn 6. will ... the outside range really begins about 1570 B.C. and ends about 1520 B.C. Thus, for example, the New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land (Stern ed. 1993: 1530) begins the New Kingdom at 1570 B.C., while Baines and Malek (2000: 36) start it at 1520 B.C. In effect, then, there exists a 50-year window. ... ...
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87: Archeology of Daniel: Akkadian tablet from 605 BC Furnace of ...
Archeology of Daniel: Akkadian tablet from 605 BC Daniel's Furnace of Fire: Shadrach, Meshach and Abed-nego: 594 BC Scripture: Daniel 3 Click to View Digging up Bible stories! A Babylonian tablet dating from the time of Nebuchadnezzar decreed that if you offend the gods, you will be cast into a commercial oven like a brick kiln. This directly ... as heroes. What you read in the book you find in the ground! I. Translations: 1. Translation: a. "To Enlil-nadin-sumi, the governor of the land, [ ... ] ... , son of "the loins of princeship" [ ... ,] superintendent of[the cult-centres ( of the land)] of Akkad, as many as there are, say: thus [Samsu-iluna,] king of the ... The Hornung/Krauss chronology set the reign of Pharaoh Bocchoris Wahkare (Tefnakht's successor) at 728-723 BC. ii. The reign of Bocchoris coincided with the Assyrian captivity of Israel in 723 BC. e. "Egyptian eschatological texts and scenes thus relate an understanding that the godless are "cooked" in the hereafter. ... ...
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88: Prism A Esarhaddon captures & deports Manasseh king of Judah ...
Glyptic object Akkadian Inscription on hexagonal clay prism Discovery Kuyunjik, Nineveh, Iraq, House of Sennacherib's son, 1878 AD Current location British Museum # 121005 Bible names Manasseh king of Judah, Tyre, Edom, Moab, Ammon, Gaza, Ashkelon, Ekron, Byblos, Arvad, Ashdod Bible texts 2 Chron 33:10-13; 2 Kings 19:37; 21:10-15 Isaiah 37:37-38; Ezra 4:2 Historic events In 685 BC Esarhaddon captures & deports Manasseh to Nineveh then restores him to this throne in Jerusalem after Manasseh prayed to YHWH. See Victory Stele of Esarhaddon. Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "I summoned the kings of Hatti and Across the River (Syria-Palestine): (v 55) Ba'alu, ... having done wickedly more than all the Amorites did who were before him, and has also made Judah sin with his idols; therefore thus says the LORD, the God of Israel, 'Behold, I am bringing such calamity on Jerusalem and Judah, that whoever hears of it, both his ears will tingle. 'I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of ... ...
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89: Prism A (Rassam) and Prism C of Ashurbanipal/Osnappar: Alliance ...
View Digging up Bible stories! "On my 1st campaign (667 BC), I marched to Egypt and Ethiopia against Taharqa, the king of Egypt and Kush. ... 22 kings, servants who belonged to me, carried their substantial gifts to me and kissed my feet. ... Ba'alu, king of Tyre, Manasseh, king of Judah, Qa'us-gabri, king of Edom, Musuri, king of Moab, Sil-Bel, king of Gaza, Mitinti, king of Ashkelon, Ikausu, king of Ekron ... Ammi-nadbi, king of Ammon, Ahi-Milki, king of Ashdod. ... Taharqa fled from Memphis to Thebes, then south. ... I had mercy on Neco I and I let him live. I made his treaty more stringent than the previous one. ... I appointed Naba-gezibanni, his son, in the ... Only once did Ashurbanipal name Manasseh on any of his steles, prisms, or cylinders on Prism C. For Bible students this proves what you read in the Book you find in the ground! e. Although scripture never names Ashurbanipal, he was very influential in shaping the Hebrew nation. He continued to settle the 10 tribes of Israel ... ...
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90: Shalmaneser III: Annals on annals Balawat bronze Gates: 848BC
Current location Ancient Orient Museum Istanbul (replica in British Museum) Bible names Tribute of Tyre and Sidon Historic events One of the six battles between Israel (Ahab, Jehoram and Jehu) and Assyria: It highlights the ongoing battles between Shalmaneser III of Assyria and the coalition of 12 kings under the command of Ben-Hadad II: 1. Battle of Carchemish: 849 BC 2. Battle of Hamath: 848 BC Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "Tribute of ships from Tyre and Sidon" (Bronze Band #3, upper) "What we read in the book, we find in the ground" Detailed outline on Shalmaneser III Introduction: 1. Importance of ... Band 2 upper: "Attacked [ ] of the land of Armenia" d. Band 3 upper: "I received the tribute of ships from Tyre and Sidon." e. Band 3 lower: "Attacked the city of Hazazu" f. Band 4 upper: "Attacked Dabigu, the city of Ahûni, son of Adini" g. Band 5 upper: "Tribute from the Unkians" h. Band 6 upper: "Tribute from Sangara of Carchemish" i. Band 7 upper: "I captured the city of ... ...
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91: Shalmaneser III: Annals on Black Obelisk Jehu bowing, House of ...
British Museum # 118885 (replica at Chicago Oriental museum) Bible names Jehu, Omri, Ben-Hadad II, Hazael, Tyre, Sidon Historic events Six battles between Israel (Ahab, Jehoram and Jehu) and Assyria: It highlights the ongoing battles between Shalmaneser III of Assyria and the coalition of 12 kings under the command of Ben-Hadad II: 1. 853 BC, year 6. The battle of Qarqar 2. 849 BC, Year 10: Battle of Carchemish 3. 848 BC, Year 11: Battle of Hamath 4. 845 BC, Year 14: Battle of Hamath 5. 841 BC, Year 18: Siege of Damascus 6. 838 BC, Year 21: Battle of Aram Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "I received tribute from Jehu, [Iaúa] house of Omri. ... Shalmaneser, king of all peoples, lord, priest of Assur, mighty king, king of all the four regions, Sun of all peoples, despot of all lands; son of Assur-nâsir-pal, the high priest, whose priesthood was acceptable to the gods and who brought in submission at his feet the totality of the countries; glorious offspring of ... ...
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92: Shalmaneser III: Annals on Alabaster statue, Jehu, Omri, Hazael ...
Workshop #NE 50, Fort Shalmaneser, Calah,1962 AD Current location Iraq Museum # IM 60497 Bible names Jehu, Omri, Hazael, Tyre, Sidon Historic events One of the six battles between Israel (Ahab, Jehoram and Jehu) and Assyria: It highlights the ongoing battles between Shalmaneser III of Assyria and the coalition of 12 kings under the command of Ben-Hadad II: 1. 841 BC, Year 18: Siege of Damascus Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "In my eighteenth regnal year I crossed the Euphrates for the sixteenth time. Hazael of Damascus, trusting in the might of his soldiers, carried out an extensive muster of his ... Shalmaneser, strong king, governor (appointed by) the great gods, son of Ashurnasirpal (II), king of Assyria, son of Tukultï-Ninurta (II), (who was) also king of Assyria; conqueror from the upper sea to the lower sea of the land Nairi, and the great sea of the west, from Mount Amanus, as far as Mount Lebanon, I gained dominion over all of the land Hatti. (Lines 9-14) 856 BC Year ... ...
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93: Shalmaneser III: Annals on Kurkh Monolith, Ahab the Israelite ...
Bible names Ahab the Israelite, Ben-Hadad II Historic events 853 BC, Year 6: (Eponymy of Daiiān-Aššur) Battle of Qarqar with Ben-Hadad II and 12 kings. Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "Moving on from the city Arganâ I approached the city Qarqar. I razed, destroyed, (and) burned the city Qarqar, his royal city. An alliance had been ... The monument was apparently carved in great haste resulting in numerous scribal errors (Tadmor 1961a:143-144). This is quite unfortunate since the stela contains the most detailed extant account of the battle of Qarqar in which Ahab, king of Israel, participated in an alliance with other kings of the west in opposition to ... of lands, the heroic, who advances over difficult roads, traverses mountains and seas; son of Assur-nâsir-pal, prefect of Enlil, priest of Assur, whose priesthood pleased the gods, at whose feet all lands bowed in submission; glorious offspring of Tukulti-Urta, who killed all his enemies, and overwhelmed them like a flood. ... ...
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94: Shalmaneser III: Annals on Twin Monumental bulls: 840BC
Jehu, Omri, Ben-Hadad II, Hazael, Tyre, Sidon Historic events Five of the six battles between Israel (Ahab, Jehoram and Jehu) and Assyria: It highlights the ongoing battles between Shalmaneser III of Assyria and the coalition of 12 kings under the command of Ben-Hadad II: 1. 853 BC, year 6. The battle of Qarqar 2. 849 BC, Year 10: Battle of Carchemish 3. 848 BC, Year 11: Battle of Hamath 4. 845 BC, Year 14: Battle of Hamath 5. 841 BC, Year 18: Siege of Damascus Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "Hazael of Damascus, trusting in the might of his soldiers, (line 5") carried out an extensive muster of his troops. He fortified Mount Saniru, the ... and has no rival among the princes of the four quarters, magnificent king of lands, who has kept progressing by difficult ways through mountains and seas; (Lines 1-19) Son of Ashurnasirpal (II), exalted prince, whose priesthood was pleasing to the gods and (who) subdued all lands at his feet, pure offspring of Tukulti-Ninurta (II), who slew ... ...
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95: Hebrew: The World's Oldest Alphabet: English came from Hebrew
Click to view the free, printable Hebrew, English translation chart. ANOTHER JEWISH NOBEL PRIZE: "For Literature" Nobel Prize to the Jews for inventing the first alphabet! Click to View Digging up Bible stories! A collection of 16 previously untranslated ancient inscriptions lay in museums for 100 years but have now proven that Hebrew is the ... It is the year of astonishment because of the Lady" Translation © Douglas Petrovich 2015 3. The contextual narrative and backdrop story of Sinai inscription 361: a. This describes the oppression of Israel under the 18th dynasty pharaohs and the then plagues of Egypt which caused astonishment in 1446 BC. b. Israel was pagan ... The centre column are actual tracings made from the Sinai inscriptions translated by Douglas Petrovich. The third column in this section to the right is the Paleo-Hebrew forms of each letter seen in the clay bulla from the period of the Babylonian Captivity of 605 BC. This form obviously transitioned from the original ... ...
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96: 804 BC: "Trust Nebo Alone" and praise statue of Adad-Nirari III ...
Daniel applies the identical praise found on this Nebo statue, to YHWH in Dan 2:20-23. This would not have gone unnoticed by Nebuchadnezzar who would later voice the same words himself of praise to YHWH! Adad-Nirari III (810 - 783 BC) "The unknown deliverer" 2 Kings 13:5 "YHWH gave Israel King Jehoahaz & Joash (Israel) a ... Trust in the god Nebo! Do not trust in another god." (Trust Nebo Alone Statue of Adad-nardi III, 804 BC) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! Babylon directly adopted Bel and Nebo as their gods. Nebuchadnezzar was named after Nebo, and would have been familiar with the praise men were giving Nebo 200 years earlier. Daniel applies the ... Nebuchadnezzar: "O Nebo, defend the landmark" Babylonian Kings Reign BC Relation Meaning and definition of Babylonian name Nabopolassar 626- 605 Father Nabopolassar: "May Nebo protect the son" Nebuchadnezzar 605-562 Son of Nabopolassar Nebuchadnezzar: "O Nebo, defend the landmark" Evil-Merodach 562-560 Son Nebuchadnezzar ... ...
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97: Lachish Letters Ostraca collection, Tablets and Inscriptions ...
... Bring back to your servant a word by the hand of Shelemiah concerning what we must do tomorrow" 1935 AD Lachish: British Museum Date of ostracon: 587 BC Bulla of Jucal son of Shelamiah For a full discussion of the bulla of Shelamiah click here In one of the most spectacular archeological finds, Eilat Mazar found two clay seals naming two different men named in A SINGLE BIBLE VERSE!!! What is more spectacular, is that Eilat Mazar found the two clay bullae in the same archeological excavation two years apart (2008, 2010) only a few meters from each other! Both names on the two seals are found in one Bible verse: "Now Shephatiah the son of Mattan, and Gedaliah the son of Pashhur, and Jucal the son of Shelemiah, and Pashhur the son of Malchijah heard the words that Jeremiah was speaking to all the people, saying," (Jeremiah 38:1) These clay seals are both featured in the Israeli Museum in Israel. For a full discussion of the bulla of Shelamiah click here Lachish Ostracon #16: "the prophet" ... ...
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98: 1001 BC: Papyrus Moscow 127: Wermai's Odyssey & Tragic Tale of ...
Edomites] and he would have returned to us again. Would that he had reached my (people) Sbtyw [ie. Edomites]." (Steve Rudd Adapted from Kitchen) Click to View Digging up Bible stories! Edom was founded by Esau, twin brother of Jacob (born 2006 BC) in 1926 BC (Age 30), when Esau moves to Seir and conquers the Horites (Deut 2:12,22). Esau goes ... "A copy of [the] message which the god's fatherz Wr-m?, son of Ijwy, of the Temple in Heliopolis has sent inquiring (after) the conditions of his brother Pi-Rr- ms (in) Heracleopolis, the royal scribe in (the) Residence (of King) Wsr-Mirt-R. He said: Life, prosperity (and) health to thee during thy lifetime. Mayest thou ... The Papyrus Moscow (Pushkin Museum) 127 echoes the story of Hadad the Edomite in 1 Kings 11:14-22 and confirms through archeology, the Bible record that Edom, Egypt and Judah were in direct contact with each other from the Iron age (David, Solomon). Contact between Egypt and Israel is visible today in the Palace Solomon built ... ...
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99: Taylor Prism: Sennacherib attacks Hezekiah 701 BC
Bible texts 2 Kings 18:13-19:37; Isaiah 36-37 Historic events Sennacherib attacks Hezekiah in Jerusalem in 701 BC. Hezekiah's alliance with Tirhakah, king of Egypt. Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "On my third campaign (701 BC), I marched to the land of Hatti. Fear of my lordly brilliance overwhelmed ... As for Hezekiah, I confined ... This was recorded in Hebrews: "They were stoned, they were sawn in two, they were tempted, they were put to death with the sword; they went about in sheepskins, in goatskins, being destitute, afflicted, ill-treated" (Hebrews 11:37) b. "And they seized Isaiah the son of Amoz and sawed him in half with a wood saw. 12 And ... A few months later, Esarhaddon went to war against Shubria, a small kingdom at the foot of the Taurus Mountains, east of the upper Tigris and west of Lake Van." (Esarhaddon, Egypt, and Shubria: Politics and Propaganda, Israel Eph'al, Journal of Cuneiform Studies, vol 57, p99, 2005 AD) 7. 672 BC: Tirhakah's defeat of ... ...
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100: Shalmaneser III: Annals on marble tablets tribute Jehu, house ...
Photo at: G. G. Cameron, "The Annals of Shalmaneser III, King of Assyria: A New Text", Sumer 6, pp. 6-26 and plates I and II (IM #54669, photo, edition) 1950 AD. Bible names Ben-Hadad II Historic events Four of the six battles between Israel (Ahab, Jehoram and Jehu) and Assyria: It highlights the ongoing battles between Shalmaneser III of Assyria and the coalition of 12 kings under the command of Ben-Hadad II: 1. 853 BC, year 6. The battle of Qarqar 2. 849 BC, Year 10: Battle of Carchemish 3. 848 BC, Year 11: Battle of Hamath 4. 845 BC, Year 14: Battle of Hamath Click to View Digging up Bible stories! "In my eighteenth regnal year I ... Shalmaneser, king of all people, prince, vice-regent of Aššur, strong king, king of all the four quarters, sun(god) of all people, ruler of all lands; son of Ashurnasirpal (II), exalted priest whose priesthood was pleasing to the gods and (who) subdued (Column I, line 15) all lands at his feet, pure offspring of Tukultï-Ninurta (II), who slew all ... ...
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