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101: Creeds: The ancient "rule of faith" (regula fidei) was not a ...
... the Prescription Against Heretics, Chapter XIII) Click to View The Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches love to quote (Tertullian, the Prescription Against Heretics, Chapter XIII) as proof that Tertullian had an oral apostolic tradition that was distinct from scripture. We who teach sola Scriptura, actually have no problem agreeing! Tertullian calls this oral tradition, "the rule of faith". We agree that it was a creed, but notice it contains absolutely nothing, except what the scriptures specifically reveal. This would have been a powerful witness for the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches if such a "rule of faith" actually contained doctrinal details not found in scripture like: the perpetual virginity and assumption of Mary; purgatory; infant baptism; triple baptism; the sign of the cross etc. In fact, Tertullian's "rule of faith" is proof of our major premise, namely, that all such "apostolic traditions" that were considered essential were based entirely (100%) upon scripture. ... ...
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102: SUMMARY: PROOF that TRINITY is NOT of PAGAN origin!
Many of their examples of pagan Trinitarian gods, are nothing more than picking 3 of that cultures 100 and claiming they were worshipped as a trinity. Such is deceptive and unscholarly! Reason # Click to View Quoting Pagans, Atheists ... Sabbatarians are guilty of the same thing when they quote the Catholics Authorities as proof that the Pope changed the sabbath to Sunday but reject the same Catholic authorities when they ALSO claim that Peter was the first Pope! The authorities anti-Trinitarians use to support their view ... No wonder anti-Trinitarians have to go to pagan and atheistic sources to prove their doctrine! We openly admit that the Roman Catholics borrowed Christmas, Easter, Halloween from Paganism. But their non-Christian origins are quite easy ... All temple priestesses were considered to be "virgins" despite their many sex partners because the laity were not having sex with the woman, but rather with the Goddess. The worship of Mary and the god-incarnate Jesus originated with ... ...
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103: Sola Scriptura: Mistakes made by the Apostolic Fathers based ...
Sola Scriptura: Mistakes made by the Apostolic Fathers based upon tradition Click to View Sola Scriptura home page Proverbs 8:22 "The created wisdom woman" The first historical reference to wrongly interpreting Prov 8:22 as referring to Christ is ... Here we have two groups that recognized the same Scriptures and agreed that the verse in question refers to Christ, yet they arrived at diametrically opposed interpretations. Now, there is no question that both parties considered their positions ... He actually uses Prov 8:22 as an example of why sola Scriptura doesn't work. What it proves, is that tradition doesn't work, because most Trinitarians today, including the Roman Catholic church, do not apply Prov 8:22 to Christ any more. Although Carlton ... For what man of right understanding does not perceive, that what are created and made are external to the maker; but the Son, as the foregoing argument has shewn, exists not externally, but from the Father who begat Him?" (Athanasius, Bishop of ... ...
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104: Newman, John Henry: Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Deceptive Quote: Trinitarian It is deceptive to deliberately misrepresent Newman to say that trinity is pagan origin, when in the same breath Newman also says ... "Let us allow that the whole circle of doctrines, of which our Lord is the subject, was consistently and uniformly confessed by the Primitive Church . . . But it surely is otherwise with the Catholic ... from them." (Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, John Henry Newman, a cardinal by Pope Leo III in 1879, 1878, p40, as quoted by anti-Trinitarians) What they fail to tell the same ... I do not see in what sense it can be said that there is a consensus of primitive divines in its favour, which will not avail also for certain doctrines of the Roman Church which will presently come into mention. And this is a point which the writer of the above passages ought to have more distinctly brought before his mind and more carefully weighed; but be seems to have fancied that Bishop Bull ... ...
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105: Development from the trinity as taught in the Bible and the trinity ...
Development of Trinity Doctrine: 100-325 AD Post-Biblical development of Trinity Doctrine: 100 AD - 325 AD Nicene era Click to View Also see outline on: Progressive revelation between the Old and New Testaments. Watchtower Hypocrisy: Doctrinal ... Therefore, we do not defend the Nicene creed or the Athanasius creed, but are content to simply prove the deity of the uncreated Christ and the personality of the Holy Spirit. But for Jw's the rejection of Catholic doctrinal development, while teaching the ... Of course we believe that they imply it, or rather intend it. (Essay on the Development of Christian Doctrine, John Henry Newman, a cardinal by Pope Leo III in 1879, 1878, p40-42) "The ideas implicit in these early catechedical and liturgical ... Actually the quote is right and the same encyclopedia openly states that Jesus was considered God in the Bible! Trinitarians agree! Surprise! We also argue that Baptism, the Lord's supper and the second coming of Christ was not revealed to the ... ...
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106: Official creed of Reformed Baptist church
Reformed Baptist Church The Baptist Confession of Faith Billy Graham Click to View [4 minutes] (On Larry King Live, January 22, 1997) See video of Billy Graham saying he has "wonderful fellowship" ... Billy Graham: "I am very comfortable with the Vatican." Larry King: "You were preaching in his church (Pope) the day he was made pope." Billy Graham: "That is correct." Larry King: You like the ... Chapter 1: Of the Holy Scriptures The Holy Scripture is the only sufficient, certain, and infallible rule of all saving knowledge, faith, and obedience, although the light of nature, and the works of ... Chapter 26: Of the Church The catholic or universal church, which (with respect to the internal work of the Spirit and truth of grace) may be called invisible, consists of the whole number of the ... Christ for the calling of any person, fitted and gifted by the Holy Spirit, unto the office of bishop or elder in a church, is, that he be chosen thereunto by the common suffrage of the church ... ...
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107: Origin of Jewish/Christian holy days: Old Testament, Christmas ...
... the "Trinity7 Click to View III. Origin of Christmas: A. The word "Christmas" comes from "Christ + Mass" 1. from the Catholic "mass" 2. term first used in 1038 AD B. Date of Christ's birthday is unknown: best guess is spring of 6BC 1. year: between 4-7BC a. Dionysius, a Roman monk, invented a calendar in 526AD b. A year later it was discovered he made a mistake of several years 2. Month: during wars month (late spring-early fall), certainly not December a. The shepherds were out in their fields at night b. December too cold. Shepherds didn't leave flocks in field but corralled them 3. Day: We have absolutely no idea a. Dec 25 was birthday of Mithra, Iranian "GOD OF LIGHT" b. Liberius, Bishop of Rome, ordered adoption of Dec 25 in 354 AD c. ... C. Origin of various "Christmas" customs: 1. Mistletoe: The Druids considered it sacred, stand under ... right to kiss 2. Christmas tree: Jer 10:1-6; Scandinavians worshipped trees. When they became Christians, they introduced the practice to ... ...
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108: Rylands, John: Bulletin of The John Rylands Library
Rylands, John: Bulletin of The John Rylands Library Click to View Bulletin of The John Rylands Library quoted in, Should you believe the Trinity?, Watchtower publication Watchtower Deception exposed: How the Watchtower quoted the source What they ... But let me give another view. Karl Rahner, the eminent Roman Catholic theologian, considers that there are reliable applications of " theos " to Christ in six texts (Romans ix. 5 f. ; John i. 1, 18, xx. 28 ; I John v. 20 ; and Titus ii. 13). Rahner, ... Then, however, Grillmeier goes on to mention a comment by Karl Rahner that Chalcedon was not an end but a beginning, refers approvingly to Pope John's call to the church at the Second Ecumenical Vatican Council to speak the language of the modern ... definitely so, if we opt for some form of the Ground-of-our-being theology associated particularly with the names of Paul Tillich and the Bishop of Woolwich. This theology contends that, though personal, God in relation to us is not another Person. ... ...
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109: Introduction to the history of psychiatry
Introduction to the History of Psychiatry: For a brief summary of all the historical documents in this section on psychiatric history. Click to View Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction to the History of Psychiatry: The word psychiatrist literally means, ... Unlike "idiots", "lunatics" were considered curable since their was hope they might recover from an injury or disease or poisoning. Of course those who had nothing physically wrong with them were always considered curable since it was usually clear their "dependency" was a choice they had made in ... F. Destruction of Roman Catholic church in England: 1534 AD In 1536 AD, King Henry VIII banishes the Roman Catholic church in England and replaces it with the Church of England and makes himself the "pope". This unbelievably evil action by a monarch to rationalize his adultery had far reaching social consequences. The Church was the historic foundation of the support of the poor. Henry destroyed ... ...
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110: Acapella Responsive Singing, No Instruments in first century ...
They are simply on the wrong side of truth. "He who has ears, let him hear". 4. The first time instruments were brought into church worship was in 670 AD in Rome and it was the direct cause of the great split of 1054 AD between the Roman Catholic church and the Orthodox. a. Instrumental music was one of the four main causes of the great schism: Instruments, Pope, Filioque, sprinkling for baptism. b. The Orthodox ... Thus the writers of the NT and the founders of the new Christian movement very likely adopted what they knew of synagogue music to their own worship. That would explain why Paul, who is familiar with musical instruments, considered them "lifeless" (1 Cor 14:7-8) and promoted worship in the ... Everyday life: Archeology of Everyday Life and Homes at the time of Jesus Master List: Master list of First Temple Period, Pre-70 AD Synagogues Attend a church you can read about in the Bible: Click here to find a church near you. By Steve Rudd 2017: Contact the author for comments, input ... ...
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111: Boer, Harry R.: A Short History of the Early Church
... The best known of them was Justin Martyr, a man from Samaria whose parents were Roman. He was a student and a teacher of philosophy before his conversion. He remained a philosopher, regarding Christianity as the highest philosophy. He died a martyr ... But this was only a manner of speaking. The Logos was a creature. And God himself could not create the material world; indeed, Arius considered God so far removed from men that it was impossible to know him or to have fellowship with him. Arius was ... Moreover, the Logos was subject to change: he could become a sinner. Such was the teaching which Arius began to set forth in about 311. Alexander, the Catholic bishop of Alexandria, convened synods which condemned his views, and he was forced to leave ... This was a complete victory [for the Arians]." (A Short History of the Early Church, Harry R. Boer, p117) Go To Alphabetical Index Of Deceptive Quotes Written By Steve Rudd, Used by permission at: Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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112: Mt. Sinai located in Arabia: Galatian 4:25
At no point in history did Arabia Felix ever include the Sinai Peninsula. c. Arabia Deserta was the sand deserts of the eastern Arabian Peninsula. Trajan created three Roman provinces in AD 106: "It ... Arabia in the Bible was never considered as being in the Sinai Peninsula. The Sinai Peninsula was never considered to be Arabia Saudi Arabia (Midian) Sinai Peninsula Arabia had many kings: 2 Chron ... I. Find Ishmael, find Mt. Sinai: Click to View 1. Gal 4:25 says that Mt. Sinai is in Arabia, where Ishmael lived. a. "Now Abraham gave all that he had to Isaac; but to the sons of his concubines ... Chronicle of Theophanes in AD 629: "Muhammad [Mouamed], leader of the Arabs (9 years), [9th year Sergius, bishop of Constantinople (29 years), 22nd year Zacharias, bishop of Jerusalem (22 years), 22nd ... Sinai to fulfill the antitype of Moses as the primary lawgiver of the New Testament who would go on to write 14 of the 27 books that contain the majority of theological and doctrinal instruction. Just ... ...
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113: b-canon-NT-collections-macdonald
... The list concludes by acknowledging that some have questions about 2 Pet, 2-3 John, Heb, Jude and Rev. Rufinus 13Rufinus, Comm. in Symb. Apost. 36 (ca. 394, Rome, Italy). Innocent Pope Innocent, Ad ... Phlm 1-2 Tim Two Ways & Leonidas) Phlm Heb Titus Pre. Pet. Gos. Thom. Phlm 1-2 Pet Heb (?) 1-3 John Jude Catholic Epistles (7?): Jas Jas Acts Pet Rev John Jude (?) Rev (?) Table D-2, continued: New ... of the fourth century (ca. 350-375) and that it originated somewhere in the eastern part of the Roman Empire, possibly in Syria. Laodicea Synod Synod of Laodicea, Canon 60 (ca. 363, Asia Minor). ... Cassiodorus Cassiodorus, Institutiones divinarum et saecularium litterarum (ca. 551-562, Rome). Isidore Isidore, bishop of Seville, In libros Veteris ac Novi Testamenti prooemia (ca. 600) Matt ... Omitted: (Titus) Rev Rev (Phil) (Rev) Barn. 1 Clem. (1-2 Thess) Herm. 2 Clem. (Heb) ... Pss. Sol. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click Your Choice Go To Start: ... ...
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114: The Canon of Marcion the heretic
The Canon of Marcion the heretic I. Who was Marcion and when did he live? Marcion was born about 110 AD, being the son of the wealthy Bishop of Sinope in Pontus. By 144 AD, at age 34, Marcion had caused such a stir, that his teachings were the ... 2002) Tertullian too contrasted Marcion's reductionism with what he considered Valentinus's expansion of the gospel material: 'Of the scriptures we have our being before there was any other way, before they were interpolated by [heretics]. . . . ... V. Roman Catholic and Orthodox get Marcion wrong: 1. Father James Bernstein, an Orthodox church leader wrote: a. "The first person on record who tried to establish a New Testament canon was the second-century heretic, Marcion. ... Many scholars believe ... canon, including all of Peter, James and John, proves they were already in use between 125-144 AD and widely accepted as scripture. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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115: Lohse, Bernard: A Short History of Christian Doctrine
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Satanic Quote: Trinitarian First the Watchtower leaves the reader with the false impression that Lohse believes that trinity originated with the pagans and ... At the same time, however, there are in the New Testament the rudiments of a concept of God that was susceptible of further development and clarification, along doctrinal lines. ... Speaking first of ... To the present day no one has cleared up the problem of where the emperor got the term. It seems likely that it was suggested to him by his episcopal counselor, Bishop Hosius (Ossius) of Cordova, and ... in the year 324 Constantine the Great, after his victory over Licinius, had become ruler also of the eastern part of the Roman Empire, lie found the Eastern church embroiled in bitter controversy. ... different hypostasis or substance, or is created, or is subject to alteration or change these the Catholic Church anathematizes." Most of the bishops who were present at the council signed this creed. ... ...
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116: Early Christians always met on the First day (Sunday) and never ...
The earliest Christians never considered Sunday to be a rest day or the Sabbath. You will observe that the first mention of Sunday being a day of rest was in 220AD by Origen. This is the beginning of ... Glait and Fischer, who had been taught the false doctrine of the Catholic and Lutheran churches, that Sunday is the Sabbath, were astonished to read in the Bible that the Sabbath was indeed the 7th ... truth that the day Christians worship was Saturday. See the extensive historical quotes below. Click to View While Sabbatarians will quote 20th century authors who guess about what happened 1900 ... of good food-but food of an ordinary and innocent kind. (About three years after the death of Ignatius in 250, an important official communication was sent from one Pliny to Trajan the Roman emperor. ... Now this custom took its rise from apostolic times, as the blessed Irenaeus, the martyr and bishop of Lyons, declares in his treatise On Easter, in which he makes mention of Pentecost also; upon which ... ...
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117: Part 2: Bible Section: Trinity Watchtower BOOKLET: Should You ...
And he accepted as his own belief the great text of Jewish monotheism: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one God.'" Trinity doctrine is considered by scholars to be monotheistic. Paine was a Bible trasher who said of the Bible: "Its ... Plural of Majesty did not exist until after the entire Old Testament was completed meaning it is impossible for a poetic device to be used, when it did not exist! The first use of "plural of majesty" by the Jews was about 200 AD. Click for more on ... They do this because without the word [other] the passage clearly refutes their false doctrine about Jesus. He was "the beginning of God's creation." (Revelation 3:14, RS, Catholic edition). "Beginning" [Greek, ar·khe'] cannot rightly be ... The circus of Watchtower grammatical flip flops in translating John 8:58 is fully exposed by clicking here. At Exodus 3:14 (KJ) the phrase "I AM" is used as a title for God to indicate that he really existed and would do what he promised. The Pentateuch ... ...
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118: Trinity Attackers refuted! (Watchtower's: Should You Believe ...
And he accepted as his own belief the great text of Jewish monotheism: 'Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God is one God.'" Trinity doctrine is considered by scholars to be monotheistic. Paine was a Bible trasher who said of the Bible: "Its ... Plural of Majesty did not exist until after the entire Old Testament was completed meaning it is impossible for a poetic device to be used, when it did not exist! The first use of "plural of majesty" by the Jews was about 200 AD. Click for more on ... They do this because without the word [other] the passage clearly refutes their false doctrine about Jesus. He was "the beginning of God's creation." (Revelation 3:14, RS, Catholic edition). "Beginning" [Greek, ar·khe'] cannot rightly be ... The circus of Watchtower grammatical flip flops in translating John 8:58 is fully exposed by clicking here. At Exodus 3:14 (KJ) the phrase "I AM" is used as a title for God to indicate that he really existed and would do what he promised. The Pentateuch ... ...
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119: Anglo/British-Israelism: A DETAILED REFUTATION
Click to View Anglo-Israelism British-Israelism Pre-millennialism As popularized by many including Herbert W. Armstrong of the World Wide Church of God WCG Utterly Refuted! Pictured above is the old coronation chair in Westminster Abby, London England. Under it lies a stone which British/... These two expressions occur repeatedly in their writings and addresses-"scriptural intimations" and "strong historical proof." How much must the Bible "intimate" a thing to teach it? And how "strong" must the "proof" of a thing be to prove it? The Roman Catholic church claims that the "Bible and history" teach that Peter was the first pope-the Bible "intimates" it, they think, and history ... The author of that concordance, Alexander Cruden, says: "The Jews are always spoken of in the New Testament as the twelve tribes, never as two, and Ezra 6:17 certainly indicates that they were thus considered at the time of the Return." This verdict of scholarship is found in Cruden's Concordance under ... ...
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120: TEXTBOOK FRAUD: Pepper Moth (biston betularia): "Piltdown Moth ...
... A number of authors have stressed the correlation between the frequency of typica and foliose or vegetative lichens. Stalker thus considered foliose and crustose lichens separately. All parts of the foliose lichens analysed, including Hypogymnia and Evernia spp., ... For example, if melanic moths in polluted woodlands enjoyed as much of a selective advantage as Kettlewell's experiments seemed to indicate, then they should have completely replaced typicals in heavily polluted areas such as Manchester (Bishop and Cook 1980, Mani 1990). Click to View Map and ... Majerus' "search image" theory (epicycle) flip flop. Majerus' invokes the "search image" theory to explain why melanics (when their numbers are small) are not eaten by birds in unpolluted forests. Then he flip flops with was we call the "oddball target" theory that he uses to explain why melanics (when their numbers are small) are eaten by birds. Shouldn't the net effect be zero? Here we have two epicycles working against each ... ...
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121: Encyclopædia Britannica
Extensive quoting that misleads the reader to a conclusion opposite to what Britannica actually says. Encyclopædia Britannica Click to View Encyclopædia Britannica, quoted in, Should you believe the ... He even gave powers of jurisdiction to bishops, allowing either party to transfer a suit to the cognizance of a bishop, whose verdict should be final and executed by the civil authority. He also made ... (Encyclopedia Britannica, 1979, Constantine the Great, Vol. 5, p.71) it was his [Constantine's] personal choice made in 312 that determined the emergence of the Roman Empire as a Christian state. ... It was therefore with dismay that he discovered that the eastern churches were divided by a much more widespread dispute, the doctrinal controversy between Alexander, bishop of Alexandria, and one of ... So may be judged the further development, taking place in his reign, of the administrative court hierarchy and an increasing reliance upon a mobile field army, to what was considered the detriment of ... ...
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122: Is Scientology A Religion? YES! Alan Black
... For convenience in exposition, the order in which the dimensions will be considered is not exactly the same as that adopted above. III.I. THE DOCTRINAL AND PHILOSOPHICAL DIMENSION The Scientology Handbook (page i) states that: "The essential tenets ... Just as auditing is considered by Scientologists to be essential to the achievement of the states of Clear and above, training is considered essential if one is to maintain and advance beyond the state of Clear. Although the content of such ... The bureaucratic structure of the Church of Scientology International (CSI) bears some resemblances to that of the Roman Catholic Church, though the tasks of the various officials within the CSI are specific to Scientology, reflecting the organizational ... out as a different religion rather than a non-religion. Alan W. Black 24 January 1996 Go to church of Scientology EXPOSED website (The interactive Bible is not affiliated with the church of Scientology) Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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123: Official creed of the Evangelical church
Our basis for fellowship is a biblical confession of the lordship of Jesus Christ, and the absence of a scandalous lifestyle. This statement of faith does represent the doctrinal understanding of the ... come to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Ghost, the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting. ... E. An Evangelical Statement (Adapted from the National Association of Evangelicals) We believe the Bible to be the only inerrant Word of God. It is our only ultimate and infallible authority for faith ... Article II. - Selection of Elders and Deacons A. Elders Elections will be held from time to time as circumstances warrant. A man may be considered as a potential Elder in several ways. He may aspire ... This constitution may be amended at any time through unanimous consent of the Elders, after due consultation with the Electors of the church by mail and/or at the monthly men's meeting. Click Your ... ...
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124: "Scientology: From Science Fiction to Space-age Religion"
Scientology is a powerful new religion whose teachings are inconsistent with the beliefs of orthodox Christian faith. Ours is an age of religious cacophony, as was the Roman Empire of Christ's time. From agnosticism to ... When the people left, the doll, out of control, staggered out and was run over by a large car and a steamroller. It was then taken back to the Bishop, who ordered it to be taken (in a lorry with others) to dig trenches or ... This poll, which involved over 3,000 members, determined that the background of Scientologists is predominantly Christian (roughly 40 percent Protestant and 26 percent Catholic). A full 70 percent of those with Christian backgrounds affirmed that they still considered themselves practicing members of their Christian ... Wallis, 104. Copyright 1994 by the Christian Research Institute. Go to church of Scientology EXPOSED website (The interactive Bible is not affiliated with the church of Scientology) Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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125: Official creed of the Presbyterian Church
... is not a bare conjectural and probably persuasion, grounded upon a fallible hope; but an infallible assurance of faith, founded upon the divine truth of the promises of salvation, the inward ... their obedience to him: from which ecclesiastical persons are not exempted; much less hath the Pope any power or jurisdiction over them in their dominions, or over any of their people; and least of ... dies at the heart and the union become intolerable; yet only in cases of extreme, unrepented-of, and irremedial unfaithfulness (physical or spiritual) should separation or divorce be considered. ... Chapter XXVII Of the Church [6.140] 1. The catholic or universal church, which is invisible, consists of the whole number of the elect, that have been, are, or shall be gathered into one, under Christ ... Unless otherwise indicated the [PCUS] constitution was followed Reference numbers, e.g. [6.001] are those found in the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Click Your Choice Go To Start: ... ...
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126: Origin of Ancient synagogues: Architectural prototype of the ...
... The Great Basilica Synagogue of Alexandria, Egypt: 280 BC - 117 AD As early as Philo 38 AD and as late as Mishnah (200 AD) the "Great Basilica Synagogue of Alexandria" was considered the oldest and the largest synagogue in the world as a witness to ... Jewish Expectation of the Messiah in the first century: With thousands of independent and autonomous synagogues in every corner of the Roman world combined with the Roman road system and lawful oversight of the Jews, all that remained was for God ... Yes: every Sabbath Yes: every first day, Sunday. Acts 20:7; 1 Cor 16:2 Government Levitical High priest Sole top authority (like Catholic Pope) Democracy: Body of equal rulers (Mark 5:22, 35-36, 38; Luke 8:41, 13:14) Democracy: plurality of equal elders/ ... As a Jew, you will find the transition as easy today as it was for the tens of thousands of your forefathers living in Jerusalem 2000 years ago when they believed in Jesus the Nazarene (the branch) as their messiah. It's time to come home! Click ... ...
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127: The Destruction of Jerusalem - George Peter Holford, 1805AD
Proof that Matthew 24 was fully fulfilled in 70 AD! Also see: Rapture refuted Click to View The Destruction Of JERUSALEM An Absolute and Irresistible PROOF OF THE DIVINE ORIGIN OF CHRISTIANITY: ... And after this, at the siege of Jopata, not less than forty thousand Jews perished. While these destructive contests prevailed in the East, the western parts of the Roman empire were rent by the ... of husbandry, may terminate, as we have just seen, in nothing but rumour Farther, let it be considered, that the wars to which this part of our LORD's prophecy referred, were to be of two kinds, ... "It appears," says Bishop Newton, "from the writers of the history of the church, that before the destruction of Jerusalem the Gospel was not only preached in the Lesser Asia, and Greece, and Italy, ... Let us exult in the inviolable certainty of the Holy Word, viz. CHRIST, (John i.) and assure ourselves that his promises are as infallible as his predictions : To "the witness" within us (I John v. ... ...
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128: Prophecy Blunders! 100 Years of Failed Watchtower prophecies
... Some of them were stumbled; their hopes were dashed...Instead of it's being considered a 'probability,' they read into it that it was a 'certainty.' and some prepared for their loved ones with expectations of their ... Those writings by certain members of the "slave" class that came to form the Christian part of God's Word were inspired and infallible, but that is not true of other writings since. Things published were not perfect ... world war of human history." (The Watchtower; Sept. 1, 1989; p. 12-13) 1989 "Some Roman Catholics have claimed that Jesus Christ's thousand Year Reign ended in 1799 when French armies captured Rome and deposed the pope as its ruler, so that he was deported as a prisoner to France, where he died." (Watchtower; Sept. 1, 1989; p. 12 [Jw's did too! ... of a peaceful and secure world that is about to replace the present wicked, lawless system of things." We speak the truth in Love... Go back to Main Jehovah's Witness Index Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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129: Inspiration claims of the Watchtower Bible Tract Society
publish?" "If the Watchtower is a "Spirit led prophet" of God doesn't that make it equally authoritative and infallible as the Bible?" Can you think of any examples of a prophet who was not inspired? ... Who is at the head? A man? A group of men? A clergy class? A pope? A hierarchy? A council? No, none of these. How is that possible? In any organization is it not necessary that there be a directing ... We should appeal to the facts. Let facts speak for themselves. Consult the factual record of Christendom's religious systems, Catholic and Protestant, not to speak of Jewry. More than that, examine ... The fact that decides the answer to the question is, not, Do all the clergy of Roman Catholicism and of Protestantism agree that Jehovah's witnesses have been and are God's prophet to the nations? ... then final judgement upon this group of sincere followers of men will be rendered! We speak the truth in Love... Go back to Main Jehovah's Witness Index Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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130: The Exodus Route: A scriptural proof, with the witness of history ...
... Josephus and Eusebius led me to target the general Petra area for the location of Kadesh Barnea. When conflicts arose between the Scriptures, history and Archaeology, I always chose the infallible, all-sufficient, ... Museums certainly don't have any! "In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth." (Gen 1:1) Have you ever considered that when God created the universe in six short 24 hour days, He may have been taking His ... Commentary on Ezekiel 47:18). Eusebius does not indicate its size but it may be inferred that it was a polis. A bishop was present at Nicea. Eusebius uses some army source and the text is useful for noting the deployment of the Roman legion. The Tenth is located here. The Notitia Dignitatum (73:18f.) verifies this entry. The Tabula ... As he sails down the Red Sea towards the Indian Ocean, he describes all the various tribes of Arabians. No Arabians lived in the modern Sinai Peninsula. Click to View Strabo: 15 AD is one of the few ancient cartographers ... ...
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131: "Cast Out For The Cross Of Christ" by Albion F. Ballenger, 1909
... The forgiveness was relative, not absolute; that is, as relating to the sinner it was forgiven, but the sin itself was considered still in existence to be disposed of in some other way. Christ has ... advocated by the Roman church and voiced in the following quotation: "Like two sacred rivers flowing from Paradise, the Bible and divine Tradition contain the Word of God. Though these two divine streams are in themselves, on account of their divine origin, of equal sacredness, and are both full of revealed truths, still of the two, TRADITION is to us more clear and safe." Catholic Belief p.54. It ... "private interpretation;" while the Reformation handed the Bible back to the individual while denouncing the papal dogma that demands an infallible interpreter between the child of God and his Bible. ... and is acquainted with my grief. Your younger brother in Christ, A.F. BALLENGER. Tropico, Cal. Click to View Go Back to E.G.White Plagiarist website INDEX Go Back to Sabbatarian Main Menu Click to ... ...
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132: Dictionary of the secret language of Scientology
... A major service is considered paying for and completing a level or training, technical or administrative, or an auditing intensive. To sign up for a major service, a member must either have 6 months ... For example, a dichotomy like "I spent $360,000 dollars for all this" and "It is all a bunch of garbage." The flip side of cognitive dissonance is that if you get someone to do something, it is easier ... Command Intention, what upper management wants done; meant to imply that Scientology's management is able to "make it go right", infallible, and quite capable of achieving anything. The peons only ... Our normal security check is addressed to the individual versus society or his family. It's what people would consider reprehensible that makes a Withhold. In a Catholic society, not having kept Mass ... Last-modified: 1997/07/19 Copyright: (c) 1994-1997 Martin Hunt Go to church of Scientology EXPOSED website (The interactive Bible is not affiliated with the church of Scientology) Click Your Choice Go ... ...
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133: Fortman, Edmund: The Triune God
... But he was not an Arian subordinationist for he did not make the Son a creature and an adopted son of God. (The Triune God, Edmund Fortman, p59-61) Full Text: "As a Catholic and a firm believer in the ... Son. and Holy Spirit. and a triadic ground plan is there. and triadic formulas are there. The three are not considered in and for themselves but rather in terms of their roles and functions in the ... Bishop Dionysius of Alexandria made a notable, if unintended, contribution to the developing crisis by bringing into prominence the three basic trinitarian deviations that are known to history as Sabellianism, Subordinationism, and Tritheism. and the urgent need of precise trinitarian concepts, terms, and distinctions. His encounter with the Pope of Rome also turned a strong light on the term ... God, Edmund Fortman, p68-70) Go To Alphabetical Index Of Deceptive Quotes Written By Steve Rudd, Used by permission at: Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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134: On hallucinations: a History and Explanation, Alexandre J. F ...
On hallucinations: a History and Explanation Alexandre J. F. Brierre De Boismont (Doctor) 1859 AD Click to View Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In ... Three years ago we were consulted by a clergyman, whose mania consisted in believing he was a bishop. While under the douche he seemed to recognize his error, and was permitted to leave the Bicetre. ... causes of hallucinations so closely resemble those of illusions that we have not considered it necessary to separate them. ** The primary cause of this and all other phenomena will always escape us. ... The next day a second letter from my son-inlaw informed me of my dear child's death." The Viscountess was a person endowed with an excellent understanding, a devout Catholic, but without bigotry or ... The barbarians not only brought with them death and spoliation, they also inculcated their religious opinions in the minds of the inhabitants. For the first time the Roman people heard of Ilimenberg, ... ...
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135: Doctrinal Flip Flops of Jehovah's Witnesses
Doctrinal Flip Flops of Click to View Jehovah's Witnesses Click to View Click to View Click to View This picture said is all, but is now rejected! Click to View The incredible flip-flop on the landmark "1914 generation" doctrine Here is what an ex- Jehovah's Witness wrote to us: I left the JW's because I started doing some research for a presentation that I was scheduled to give and instead of looking up the info only in their publications I thought I would be real studious and I did some research on the internet on the topic. Much to my surprise I realized an error in their teaching that the fall of Babylon occurred in 607BCE. In my personal research I found the date to be 587BCE. That may not seem like a big deal but you see their whole premise of Jesus returning invisibly in 1914 is based on this date. This discovery led me to question other things and do some bible reading and as I read the bible alone I realized that their teaching on 144,000 and the other sheep was totally wrong ... ...
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136: THE PIRATES OF PRIVILEGE: Walter Rea Rocks the Seventh-day Adventist ...
Walter Rea Rocks the Seventh-day Adventist church Again! With his classic THE PIRATES OF PRIVILEGE Click to View Click to View "Sometimes Truth makes Love hurt" Click to View "You are seeking to kill ... It is an incredible story, even for a people who had just been caught with its prophet lying about her gifts and her material.3 It ranks in size with the Catholic Church financial scandal and perhaps ... Phoenix, AZ 85022 Orlando, FLA 32803 John F. and Mildred E. Duge Roy Eckerman 1325 Ink Grade Road Box 381 Pope Valley, CA 94567 Bryn Mawr, CA 92318 George Elkins Co. William A and Virginia M Fagal 499 ... Martin and Donald Barnhouse had determined and stated years before that they considered the Adventist judgment just another example of the face-saving double-talk employed by the church, considering ... The bottom line, of course, is the role of Ellen White in doctrinal matters. 16 It was clear from the meeting that there was to be no honest inquiry into Adventist belief or practice. It was clear ... ...
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137: Shem as Melchizedek: A test case for validating or falsifying ...
... this validates the theory that the Jews corrupted the Masoretic text in 160 AD by reducing the age of the earth in the Gen 5 and 11 chronologies. 2. THE GREAT JEWISH FLIP-FLOP IN THEOLOGY: a. ... This translator was a gentile by birth and came from Sinope, a Roman colony in Pontus. Epiphanius provides more details about his life. He lived during the reign of the emperor Hadrian (117-138) to ... Tg. texts with fourth-century Palestine or earlier The rabbinic citations already considered, when taken with the arguments for fidelity of transmission, present fairly strong grounds for seeing ... Epiphanius of Salamis was the Bishop of Salamis in Cyprus. b. Epiphanius of Salamis was the author of a refutation of eighty heresies (the Panarion). c. Epiphanius of Salamis was instrumental in the ... Steve Rudd, November 2017 AD: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections By Steve Rudd: November 2017: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go to: Main Bible ... ...
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138: Trinity proof texts: Philippians 2:5-8
Trinity Proof Texts: Phil 2:6 Jesus is not a creature Click to View Philippians 2:5-11 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did ... Exactly what value is there in Paul telling us that Jesus never "grasped at" equality with God if he is a mere creature? Even worse, how it is considered humble to not consider doing something that is ... AcGoding to Paul, it consisted in his relinquishment of heavenly glory and majesty. · Fathers, Augustine, Catholic and most reformed taught that Jesus exchanged the form of God for the form of the ... Other incentives include love, the fellowship of the Spirit, the deep-seated desires we have in Christ, and the joy we can bring to others. Paul saw strife and selfish ambition among the Roman ... Vid. Bishop Bull's Def. cap. 2 sect. 4 et alibi, and Whitby in loc. (2.) His human nature: He was made in the likeness of men, and found in fashion as a man. He was really and truly man, took part of ... ...
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139: Kadesh-Barnea by Henry Clay Trumbull, 1884 AD
... on the eastern side concerning which Rabbi Nissim speaks in Gittiu I., when he says, Rekam [Petra] itself is considered as the east of the world as Gentile territory, not as Israelitish territory." ... It was not a station on any of the great Roman roads across the desert, or into and through Palestine, to find a place on all the prominent route-maps, such as the Antonine Itinerary and the Peutinger Tables. It was not in the ordinary routes of pilgrimage to or from Jerusalem or Mount Sinai, to have mention in the devout itineraries, from Bishop Arculf s to that of Sir John Mauudeville. 1 Nor was ... With historical introductions, a re vised translation, and notes critiea.l and explanatory. New York: 1880. SCIIAFF-LANGE : A Commentary on the Holy Scrip tures, Critical, Doctrinal, and Ilomiletical. ... Zor, Khetam and Khetainoo of. See Khctain of Zor. (Kadesh-Barnea Henry Clay Trumbull, 1884 AD) By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click to View Go To Start: ... ...
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140: In Darkest England and the Way Out, William Booth 1890 AD
In Darkest England and the Way Out William Booth 1890 AD Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1890 AD, William Booth, church minister and founder of ... The progress of The Salvation Army in its work amongst the poor and lost of many lands has compelled me to face the problems which an more or less hopefully considered in the following pages. The grim ... For thousands upon thousands of these poor wretches are, as Bishop South truly said, "not so much born into this world as damned into it." The bastard of a harlot, born in a brothel, suckled on gin, ... A TICKET-OF-LEAVE WOMAN. A. B. was the child of respectable working people--Roman Catholics-- but was early left an orphan. She fell in with bad companions, and became addicted to drink, going from ... who set down our successes to this discipline, as though it were something of the prison order, although enforced without any of the power lying either behind the prison warder or the Catholic priest. ... ...
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141: Pope Offers Catholics Time Out Of Purgatory By Y2K Indulgences
Roman Catholic Faith Examined! Click to View We Speak truth in LOVE Click to View "Pope Offers Catholics Time Out Of Purgatory By Y2K Indulgences" The above was the headline of a recent article in the HOUSTON CHRONICLE (Nov 28, 1998, p. 26A). The article said: "Pope John Paul II announced Friday that throughout the millennium celebration, penitents who do a charitable deed or give up cigarettes or alcohol for a day can earn an 'indulgence" that will eliminate time in purgatory... "The medieval church sold indulgences, a practice that drove Martin Luther to rebel, leading to the Reformation... "The pope said individual sinners would be granted 'plenary indulgences," a full pardon for sins as opposed to a shortening of the time spent in purgatory...He included personal acts of penitence or local charity as a way of earning an indulgence. "Throughout the period, believers will be offered a wider selection of ways to receive a plenary indulgence. They may follow tradition and attend a Mass ... ...
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142: The Roman Catholic view of Marriage is flawed, incomplete and ...
Click to View The Roman Catholic view of Marriage is flawed, incomplete and destructive. Introduction: A. The Pope only defines two purposes of marriage, leaving out the third in the list below: Offspring: "be fruitful and multiply" (Gen 1:28) Companionship: "It is not good for the man to be alone" (Gen 2: 18) B. The Bible has three purposes of Marriage: Offspring: "be fruitful and multiply" (Gen 1:28) Companionship: "It is not good for the man to be alone" (Gen 2: 18) Sexual satisfaction independent of the desire for children: "because of immoralities, each man is to have his own wife", "it is better to marry than to burn with passion" 1 Corinthians 7:1-5,9 I. "Sex on demand": The Bible teaches sex on demand by either spouse: "Now concerning the things about which you wrote, it is good for a man not to touch (have sex with) a woman. But because of immoralities, each man is to have his own wife, and each woman is to have her own husband. The husband must fulfill his duty to his wife, ... ...
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143: Introduction and Overview: The development of the Papal and Patriarcha ...
30-606 AD: The gradual historical Development of the Papal and Patriarchal Systems of Centralized Church Government away from the organization found in the Bible. Introduction and Overview: 30-606 AD Click to View John Paul II Catholic, Bishop of Rome, Pope Click to View Graphical Mouse Rollover of gradual change of organization over time Click to View 4 Competing views of organization Click to View Outline: 30-150 AD Click to View Outline: 150-250 AD Click to View Outline: 250-451 AD Click to View Outline: 451-588 AD Click to View Outline: 588-606 AD Click to View Outline: 606 AD-Today Click to View Catholic organization today Click to View Orthodox organization today Click to View True Bible organization today Click to View Find a local congregation of the New Testament church in your own home town. Click to View Bartholomew Orthodox, Archbishop of Constantinople, New Rome and Ecumenical Patriarch A. Based upon our research, we have divided the development of Papal power into 6 ... ...
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144: Jehovah's Witness Exposed Home Page
Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA Links on this page: Start here Questions Jehovah's Witnesses don't like to be asked History of Jehovah's Witnesses Inspiration of the Watchtower Jehovah's Witnesses abuse the divine name Jehovah or YHWH Jehovah's Witnesses closet of skeletons Failed Prophecy blunders of Jehovah's Witnesses Doctrinal Flip Flops of Jehovah's Witnesses The apostate doctrines of Jehovah's Witnesses who do not have the truth The deceptive quoting practices of Jehovah's Witnesses The Jehovah's Witnesses' sectarian paraphrase called "The New World Translation" Home Page of Jehovah's Witnesses refuted ...
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145: Norton, Andrews: A Statement of reasons for not believing the ...
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Accurate quoting but, Self-quoting: Self-Quoting: Unitarian No need to misrepresent this guy! He is one of them... A fellow-Arian. To quote a Unitarian theologian, as an authority to prove the pagan origin of Trinity, is about as trustworthy and believable as quoting the a Catholic Bishop to prove that Peter was the first Pope! Norton, Andrews: A Statement of reasons for not believing the doctrines of the Trinitarians concerning the nature of God and the person of Christ Click to View "In the book A Statement of Reasons, Andrews Norton says of the Trinity: 'We can trace the history of this doctrine, and discover its source, not in the Christian revelation, but in the Platonic philosophy . . . The Trinity is not a doctrine of Christ and his Apostles, but a fiction of the school of the later Platonists.'" (A Statement of Reasons, Andrews Norton, 1872, Fifth edition, American Unitarian Association, Boston, MA, p 94, 104., as quoted in, Should you ... ...
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146: History proves Christians always met on 1st Day and not the Sabbath ...
... Although all three guesses are wrong, but each time they come closer to the truth: 33 AD by the Apostles! Three wrong guesses, you're out: The so called "inspired prophet" Ellen White originally claimed the Pope started "Sunday worship" White later changed her mind and said the Emperor Constantine introduced "Sunday worship" in 325 AD. Today, Adventists blame the interaction of Sunday worship on Christians in 135 AD and not the Pope or Constantine! Click to View Guess #1: the Pope introduced Sunday worship. Click to View The Roman Catholic Pope DID NOT change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday as Sabbath keepers falsely teach. Yes Catholics do claim they changed the Sabbath, but they also claim that Peter was the first pope! Sabbath Keepers reject the Catholic claim that Peter was the first pope, so they are in grave error for accepting the Catholic claim that the pope changed the Sabbath to Sunday! Guess #2: It was Constantine in 325 AD. Click to View Constantine (325 AD) DID NOT ... ...
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147: Neither the Pope or Constantine changed the Sabbath from Saturday ...
... But it is a sin to not partake of the communion and give every first day of the week! Acts 20:7; 1 Cor 16:1-2; Heb 10:24-25 Three wrong guesses, you're out! The so called "inspired prophet" Ellen White originally claimed the Pope started "Sunday worship" White later changed her mind and said the Emperor Constantine introduced "Sunday worship" in 325 AD. Today, Adventists blame the interaction of Sunday worship on Christians in 135 AD and not the Pope or Constantine! Click to View Guess #1: the Pope introduced Sunday worship. Click to View The Roman Catholic Pope DID NOT change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday as Sabbath keepers falsely teach. Yes Catholics do claim they changed the Sabbath, but they also claim that Peter was the first pope! Sabbath Keepers reject the Catholic claim that Peter was the first pope, so they are in grave error for accepting the Catholic claim that the pope changed the Sabbath to Sunday! Guess #2: It was Constantine in 325 AD. Click to View Constantine ... ...
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148: Lamson, Alvan: The Church of the First Three Centuries
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Deceptive Quote: Self-Quoting: Unitarian No need to misrepresent the opinions of one of their own! But it is deceptive to mention that a misquote is from a Trinitarian but not tell you when they are quoting from a fellow Arian. To quote a Unitarian theologian, as an authority to prove the pagan origin of Trinity, is about as trustworthy and believable as quoting the a Catholic Bishop to prove that Peter was the first Pope! Lamson, Alvan: The Church of the First Three Centuries Click to View How the quote appears in "Should you believe in the Trinity", Watchtower, JW's booklet. "Summing up the historical evidence, Alvan Lamson says in The Church of the First Three Centuries: "The modern popular doctrine of the Trinity . . . derives no support from the language of Justin [Martyr]: and this observation may be extended to all the ante-Nicene Fathers; that is, to all Christian writers for three centuries after the birth of Christ. It is true, they ... ...
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149: Sola Scriptura: Luther and Calvin indeed contradicted themselves ...
Click to View Refutation of the false Roman Catholic and Orthodox argument: "Luther and Calvin contradicted themselves because they claimed to use the Bible only, then went on to write creeds in addition to the Bible." Sola Scriptura: Luther and Calvin indeed contradicted themselves when they used creeds in addition to the Bible! We completely agree with this criticism. Luther merely replaced Catholic creedalism with a system of his own. Luther and Calvin practiced "pseudo-Sola Scriptura" because they did use creeds in addition to the Bible. Anti-sola Scriptura proponents, merely point out the error in Luther's consistency, without changing the fact that Luther was indeed right in advocating the Bible alone. Just for the record, all our churches have absolutely no creeds, not even the Nicene or Apostles Creed! So not only do we use the Bible alone, unlike Luther, we are above criticism because we are totally anti-creed. We also have a much higher level of doctrinal unity, than is seen ... ...
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150: The Interactive Bible: False Doctrine Home page
Click to View Search for this: Submit Advanced Click Your Choice For Text only links only click here (Freenets, Lynx, text base browsers, non-graphic navigators) Systems of False Doctrine: Click one of these choices: Do you know what your church teaches: Official teachings of almost every church. Sabbath Keepers Refuted An defense of why Christians worship on Sunday and not Saturday. For Jehovah's Witness New Converts Information every new Jehovah's Witness should know about his new religion. Evolution vs 6 day creation When God created the earth in 6 days He was taking His time! The Roman Catholic church examined Is the Roman Catholic church the original one true church? Mormonism Exposed Are the Book of Mormon and the golden Nephi plates from God or man? Calvinism refuted The famous 5 point T-U-L-I-P doctrinal system refuted by scripture! 20th Century Tongues exposed Are modern day tongue speakers guided by divinity or self-delusion? Neo-Sadduceeism A doctrine that takes all the ... ...
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